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Vixen's avatars.


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I thought I'd be generous and offer my arty services to my good friends here at HD and make avatars for those who want them!

Of course there'll be a few conditions... :P


-One per person for the moment

-It will have my name on it (just a little Li in the corner, like a signature)

-Will be 100px x 100px (a bit bigger than the old avatars)


Before you ask for one I'll need you to tell me:

-what you want on the avatar (if it's you, describe yourself in as much detail as you can/want)

-what you want in the background

-the colours you want

-If you want your name on it (I'll automatically put one on unless you say you don't)


So, who would like an avatar of their own drawn by me?


I drew an exaple in 5 seconds. Don't worry, yours will be better drawn with colour and such!


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I thought I'd be generous and offer my arty services to my good friends here at HD and make avatars for those who want them!

Of course there'll be a few conditions... :P


-One per person for the moment

-It will have my name on it (just a little Li in the corner, like a signature)

-Will be 100px x 100px (a bit bigger than the old avatars)


Before you ask for one I'll need you to tell me:

-what you want on the avatar (if it's you, describe yourself in as much detail as you can/want)

-what you want in the background

-the colours you want

-If you want your name on it (I'll automatically put one on unless you say you don't)


So, who would like an avatar of their own drawn by me?


I drew an exaple in 5 seconds. Don't worry, yours will be better drawn with colour and such!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


-Me giveing the peace sign





*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I thought I'd be generous and offer my arty services to my good friends here at HD and make avatars for those who want them!

Of course there'll be a few conditions... :P


-One per person for the moment

-It will have my name on it (just a little Li in the corner, like a signature)

-Will be 100px x 100px (a bit bigger than the old avatars)


Before you ask for one I'll need you to tell me:

-what you want on the avatar (if it's you, describe yourself in as much detail as you can/want)

-what you want in the background

-the colours you want

-If you want your name on it (I'll automatically put one on unless you say you don't)


So, who would like an avatar of their own drawn by me?


I drew an exaple in 5 seconds. Don't worry, yours will be better drawn with colour and such!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


-Me giveing the peace sign





*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


Please tell me what you want to look like... like hair colour, species etc.



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If you could do some sort of cheese-wolf thing, go for it please. xD

Hehe. It's a wolf made of cheeseeeeee!

I put a devilishly cheeky look on your face, I hope you don't mind!


Hope you like it cheesy!


MK's is getting done once I find out what she wants to look like.


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Here's yours Horatio! Hope you like it :)

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!! I absolutely love it!!!!

Cheesie's is great too! You outdid yourself. I can't wait until I see what you do for Mushroom_king!

I am so excited. I want to give these to HamspterKing to add. What do you think?

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Here's yours Horatio! Hope you like it :)

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!! I absolutely love it!!!!

Cheesie's is great too! You outdid yourself. I can't wait until I see what you do for Mushroom_king!

I am so excited. I want to give these to HamspterKing to add. What do you think?

Be my guest! I'd be honored, really.


I'm glad you liked it. I had fun making it!



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I am going to wait until Mushroom_king's avatar is finished before I submit them to HampsterKing.

Is that okay?

Thats perfectly fine. It's probablly easier for you to send a bunch of them all at once than sending individual ones.


Today I'm not at home, I'm going to be at TAFE, it's like college. So I'll get Kat's and MK's, if shes writes a description sometime during the time I'm away, done tonight sometime.



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I am going to wait until Mushroom_king's avatar is finished before I submit them to HampsterKing.

Is that okay?

Thats perfectly fine. It's probablly easier for you to send a bunch of them all at once than sending individual ones.


Today I'm not at home, I'm going to be at TAFE, it's like college. So I'll get Kat's and MK's, if shes writes a description sometime during the time I'm away, done tonight sometime.



Is TAFE fun or hard work?

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I thought I'd be generous and offer my arty services to my good friends here at HD and make avatars for those who want them!

Of course there'll be a few conditions... :P


-One per person for the moment

-It will have my name on it (just a little Li in the corner, like a signature)

-Will be 100px x 100px (a bit bigger than the old avatars)


Before you ask for one I'll need you to tell me:

-what you want on the avatar (if it's you, describe yourself in as much detail as you can/want)

-what you want in the background

-the colours you want

-If you want your name on it (I'll automatically put one on unless you say you don't)


So, who would like an avatar of their own drawn by me?


I drew an exaple in 5 seconds. Don't worry, yours will be better drawn with colour and such!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


-Me giveing the peace sign





*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


Please tell me what you want to look like... like hair colour, species etc.



*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~(


Spcies-Brownie, which is pretty much a cat that walks on two legs.


Clothes-Shredded Pink Floyd Jacket, a Ramone t=shirt (Black), Nintendo armbands (Ten), grey wool tie with buttons on it, ripped-up jeans, Chuck Taylors.

Hair-Blonde, bangs swept off to the right, the bangs are dyed blue. Hot Pink and Dark Purple streaks in it and Black underneath. One side is shulder-length and the other side is chin-length


&~&The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*!*

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I've had no time to finish anything today, I'm going to bed pretty soon. Also, my friend decided to take his graphics tablet back today >_<

Sooooo, the next few avvies might take me a bit of time to make since I will be using a mouse.


Thanks for the description MK! I'll get started on yours, ASAP!


Horatio, TAFE is both fun and hard word. I am studying Animal Technology. I aim to become a Vet Nurse.


Kat, I'll be sure to add the claymore :P



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I've had no time to finish anything today, I'm going to bed pretty soon. Also, my friend decided to take his graphics tablet back today >_

Sooooo, the next few avvies might take me a bit of time to make since I will be using a mouse.


Thanks for the description MK! I'll get started on yours, ASAP!


Horatio, TAFE is both fun and hard word. I am studying Animal Technology. I aim to become a Vet Nurse.


Kat, I'll be sure to add the claymore :P



*sends Li her own new Wacom, complete with a pen and mouse*


TAFE is courses? What do you do there?


Animal Technology is wonderful, please clarify a bit more on the Vet Nurse.

Would this be the same as a Vet Tech?

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I've had no time to finish anything today, I'm going to bed pretty soon. Also, my friend decided to take his graphics tablet back today >_<

Sooooo, the next few avvies might take me a bit of time to make since I will be using a mouse.


Thanks for the description MK! I'll get started on yours, ASAP!


Horatio, TAFE is both fun and hard word. I am studying Animal Technology. I aim to become a Vet Nurse.


Kat, I'll be sure to add the claymore :P



Hurrah Claymore! :D

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I've had no time to finish anything today, I'm going to bed pretty soon. Also, my friend decided to take his graphics tablet back today >_<

Sooooo, the next few avvies might take me a bit of time to make since I will be using a mouse.


Thanks for the description MK! I'll get started on yours, ASAP!


Horatio, TAFE is both fun and hard word. I am studying Animal Technology. I aim to become a Vet Nurse.


Kat, I'll be sure to add the claymore :P



*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*polishes a shiny Cloudy Aisha for Vixen*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~ B*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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The avvies might take a while for me to complete seeing as I am a bit busy this weekend, by a while I mean maybe a day or two. I'll do my best to get Kat's and MK's up ASAP. Maybe i can ask my boyfriend if I can borrow his graphics tablet... that'd make things MUCH easier.



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The avvies might take a while for me to complete seeing as I am a bit busy this weekend, by a while I mean maybe a day or two. I'll do my best to get Kat's and MK's up ASAP. Maybe i can ask my boyfriend if I can borrow his graphics tablet... that'd make things MUCH easier.




Things will take much longer than usual for Li... she is in love and having a very hard time keeping her feet on the ground. :D

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The avvies might take a while for me to complete seeing as I am a bit busy this weekend, by a while I mean maybe a day or two. I'll do my best to get Kat's and MK's up ASAP. Maybe i can ask my boyfriend if I can borrow his graphics tablet... that'd make things MUCH easier.



Whenever you've got the time. <3

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Okay, so MK's avvie is *almost* done. Just one question, MK. You said you want the fur to be spectral, so you just want it all colourful? Coloured stripes? Please elaborate... I don't want to do it wrong! If you could do an extremely quick example in paint that'd be fantastic.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay, so MK's avvie is *almost* done. Just one question, MK. You said you want the fur to be spectral, so you just want it all colourful? Coloured stripes? Please elaborate... I don't want to do it wrong! If you could do an extremely quick example in paint that'd be fantastic.



*gently prods MK to alert her to my post*



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Okay, so MK's avvie is *almost* done. Just one question, MK. You said you want the fur to be spectral, so you just want it all colourful? Coloured stripes? Please elaborate... I don't want to do it wrong! If you could do an extremely quick example in paint that'd be fantastic.



*gently prods MK to alert her to my post*



*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Spectral means it is Rainbow

on one side and Black on the other side.


Like This


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*(~*The Astronomy Diomine*~&

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FINALLY. I got MK's avvie done.

Sorry it took so long, I have been so busy with school and friends lately. Hope you like it!!!


Now, on to do Kat's avvie! :D

Oh my!!! That is the ultimate!!!

Mushroom_king should absolutely love it!!!!!!!

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:D! *excited*

I will start yours on Thursday night (which will probably be your Thursday morning) because my boy is letting me borrow his graphics tablet again... yay!

I tried drawing yours with the mouse like I did MK's but it was taking forever and I couldn't get it to look right >_<



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FINALLY. I got MK's avvie done.

Sorry it took so long, I have been so busy with school and friends lately. Hope you like it!!!


Now, on to do Kat's avvie! :D

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




j00 gets a Psychedelic Luau Trophy! And a Cloidy Aisha!



Now, how do I put this in my siggy? ._.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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FINALLY. I got MK's avvie done.

Sorry it took so long, I have been so busy with school and friends lately. Hope you like it!!!


Now, on to do Kat's avvie! :D

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




j00 gets a Psychedelic Luau Trophy! And a Cloidy Aisha!



Now, how do I put this in my siggy? ._.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

You could make a link to this topic and the pic you want.

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:D! *excited*

I will start yours on Thursday night (which will probably be your Thursday morning) because my boy is letting me borrow his graphics tablet again... yay!

I tried drawing yours with the mouse like I did MK's but it was taking forever and I couldn't get it to look right >_<



Yaaaaaay! *happy jig*

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm so sorry, I said I'd start your avvie last Thusday but I seriously did not have time this week ;_;

Also, my boy still has his graphics tablet as he needs it for school stuff... he's in multimedia and animation.

I will try and do it ASAP... although I don't know when that will be :(



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I'm so sorry, I said I'd start your avvie last Thusday but I seriously did not have time this week ;_;

Also, my boy still has his graphics tablet as he needs it for school stuff... he's in multimedia and animation.

I will try and do it ASAP... although I don't know when that will be :(



Take your time. There are more important things than my avvie. <3

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  • 4 weeks later...




I'm so sorry, Kat. Been so busy lately, I've hardly had time to get on HD at all...


BUT. I have the graphics tablet that I need to make your avvie now and I will start it soon :D



*hint, hint, cough, cough*

There is a topic really close to yours that you might want to look at.

It is called Art Contest. And easy one.

Hope to see you there, when you have some time.

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I'm so sorry, Kat. Been so busy lately, I've hardly had time to get on HD at all...


BUT. I have the graphics tablet that I need to make your avvie now and I will start it soon :D



Hurrah! *happy jig*

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I'm so sorry, Kat. Been so busy lately, I've hardly had time to get on HD at all...


BUT. I have the graphics tablet that I need to make your avvie now and I will start it soon :D



Hurrah! *happy jig*

*decides to keep close watch to see if Li posts in the Art Contest topic*

:ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

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I see it, Horatio!


Glowurm, if you're still around I suggest that you request an avvie now since I have the graphics tablet.



Checkout Glowurm's greenery topic in Dixie. If he doesn't respond you might here, you might post there. He has been going through a difficult time. I am certain that your avatar would make him really happy.

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I see it, Horatio!


Glowurm, if you're still around I suggest that you request an avvie now since I have the graphics tablet.



Checkout Glowurm's greenery topic in Dixie. If he doesn't respond you might here, you might post there. He has been going through a difficult time. I am certain that your avatar would make him really happy.

Awww. Well I will make him an avvie as a present for now. And he can request one later also if he wants.


ALSO. :o

My apologies for the wait, Kat!!! You have been so lovely and patient.

But I've done it! Hope you like it!

I made you have a cheeky expression cause I know how much mischeif a cat with a claymore can get up to!


Right click > Save. Wooo!




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I see it, Horatio!


Glowurm, if you're still around I suggest that you request an avvie now since I have the graphics tablet.



Checkout Glowurm's greenery topic in Dixie. If he doesn't respond you might here, you might post there. He has been going through a difficult time. I am certain that your avatar would make him really happy.

Awww. Well I will make him an avvie as a present for now. And he can request one later also if he wants.


ALSO. :o

My apologies for the wait, Kat!!! You have been so lovely and patient.

But I've done it! Hope you like it!

I made you have a cheeky expression cause I know how much mischeif a cat with a claymore can get up to!


Right click > Save. Wooo!



:lol: I love that expression! A perfect look for the boss of a mafia! :lol:

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I see it, Horatio!


Glowurm, if you're still around I suggest that you request an avvie now since I have the graphics tablet.



Checkout Glowurm's greenery topic in Dixie. If he doesn't respond you might here, you might post there. He has been going through a difficult time. I am certain that your avatar would make him really happy.

Awww. Well I will make him an avvie as a present for now. And he can request one later also if he wants.


ALSO. :o

My apologies for the wait, Kat!!! You have been so lovely and patient.

But I've done it! Hope you like it!

I made you have a cheeky expression cause I know how much mischeif a cat with a claymore can get up to!


Right click > Save. Wooo!



:lol: I love that expression! A perfect look for the boss of a mafia! :lol:

What happened to my actual post? *uploads pic again anyways*




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I see it, Horatio!


Glowurm, if you're still around I suggest that you request an avvie now since I have the graphics tablet.



Checkout Glowurm's greenery topic in Dixie. If he doesn't respond you might here, you might post there. He has been going through a difficult time. I am certain that your avatar would make him really happy.

Awww. Well I will make him an avvie as a present for now. And he can request one later also if he wants.


ALSO. :o

My apologies for the wait, Kat!!! You have been so lovely and patient.

But I've done it! Hope you like it!

I made you have a cheeky expression cause I know how much mischeif a cat with a claymore can get up to!


Right click > Save. Wooo!



:lol: I love that expression! A perfect look for the boss of a mafia! :lol:

What happened to my actual post? *uploads pic again anyways*



Your actual post just took a minute to appear. For moderating, if I want to reply, it saves me steps to reply when I am approving the post, but the problem is that my post appears before I actually click on the approve button. And when I am replying to two... well then, both my replies appear before either post appears. You are much too fast for me today. :lol:

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My present for Glowurm. Cause I know what it's like when life gets you down.



Holy glaffernaff!!!


I love it! Lubblubblubb! *smothers in lubb*




Wow. You're so good at drawing!


I will get HampsterKing to approve it. It might take a day or two.

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My present for Glowurm. Cause I know what it's like when life gets you down.



Holy glaffernaff!!!


I love it! Lubblubblubb! *smothers in lubb*




Wow. You're so good at drawing!


<3 again. Thank you! *totally wants it as my avatar now* xD

I will get HampsterKing to approve it. It might take a day or two.

Hurrah! Thankyou!

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My present for Glowurm. Cause I know what it's like when life gets you down.



Holy glaffernaff!!!


I love it! Lubblubblubb! *smothers in lubb*




Wow. You're so good at drawing!


I will get HampsterKing to approve it. It might take a day or two.

Hurrah! Thankyou!

You are most welcome. I have already sent it off. I will let you know when it is approved.

Li did a really fabulous job. You really glow in that avvie! :)

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I see it, Horatio!


Glowurm, if you're still around I suggest that you request an avvie now since I have the graphics tablet.



Checkout Glowurm's greenery topic in Dixie. If he doesn't respond you might here, you might post there. He has been going through a difficult time. I am certain that your avatar would make him really happy.

Awww. Well I will make him an avvie as a present for now. And he can request one later also if he wants.


ALSO. :o

My apologies for the wait, Kat!!! You have been so lovely and patient.

But I've done it! Hope you like it!

I made you have a cheeky expression cause I know how much mischeif a cat with a claymore can get up to!


Right click > Save. Wooo!



:lol: I love that expression! A perfect look for the boss of a mafia! :lol:

What happened to my actual post? *uploads pic again anyways*



Your actual post just took a minute to appear. For moderating, if I want to reply, it saves me steps to reply when I am approving the post, but the problem is that my post appears before I actually click on the approve button. And when I am replying to two... well then, both my replies appear before either post appears. You are much too fast for me today. :lol:

I see :lol:

I didn't know and thought my drawing was lost in cyberspace!

I'm such a silly foxie.



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I see it, Horatio!


Glowurm, if you're still around I suggest that you request an avvie now since I have the graphics tablet.



Checkout Glowurm's greenery topic in Dixie. If he doesn't respond you might here, you might post there. He has been going through a difficult time. I am certain that your avatar would make him really happy.

Awww. Well I will make him an avvie as a present for now. And he can request one later also if he wants.


ALSO. :o

My apologies for the wait, Kat!!! You have been so lovely and patient.

But I've done it! Hope you like it!

I made you have a cheeky expression cause I know how much mischeif a cat with a claymore can get up to!


Right click > Save. Wooo!



:lol: I love that expression! A perfect look for the boss of a mafia! :lol:

What happened to my actual post? *uploads pic again anyways*



Your actual post just took a minute to appear. For moderating, if I want to reply, it saves me steps to reply when I am approving the post, but the problem is that my post appears before I actually click on the approve button. And when I am replying to two... well then, both my replies appear before either post appears. You are much too fast for me today. :lol:

I see :lol:

I didn't know and thought my drawing was lost in cyberspace!

I'm such a silly foxie.



Not silly at all. Because I go for less steps, it is sometimes confusing. Lots of people have asked. It gets worse when I forget to approve the post altogether, until sometime later. :blush:

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Oh, Horatio, can you submit all of the avatars to HampsterKing please? So that their owners may use them for real avvies ^_^

I would love to see my artwork floating all about HD!



I would love to do that!!!

Let me know when he approves them!



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Oh, Horatio, can you submit all of the avatars to HampsterKing please? So that their owners may use them for real avvies ^_^

I would love to see my artwork floating all about HD!



I would love to do that!!!

Let me know when he approves them!




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Oh, Horatio, can you submit all of the avatars to HampsterKing please? So that their owners may use them for real avvies ^_^

I would love to see my artwork floating all about HD!



I would love to do that!!!

Let me know when he approves them!



*is so excited passing along this message*

Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!!

Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you.

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Oh, Horatio, can you submit all of the avatars to HampsterKing please? So that their owners may use them for real avvies ^_^

I would love to see my artwork floating all about HD!



I would love to do that!!!

Let me know when he approves them!



*is so excited passing along this message*

Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!!

Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


I made an avatar for him once. Dd he ever see it? I don't have it on my computer anymore.


*~*The Psychgedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Oh, Horatio, can you submit all of the avatars to HampsterKing please? So that their owners may use them for real avvies ^_^

I would love to see my artwork floating all about HD!



I would love to do that!!!

Let me know when he approves them!



*is so excited passing along this message*

Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!!

Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*

Let me see if I can find it. I have no idea if he saw it or not. Thinking back, I think that was when he wasn't approving avvies and was working on problems with the boards.

I made an avatar for him once. Dd he ever see it? I don't have it on my computer anymore.


*~*The Psychgedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Oh, Horatio, can you submit all of the avatars to HampsterKing please? So that their owners may use them for real avvies ^_^

I would love to see my artwork floating all about HD!



I would love to do that!!!

Let me know when he approves them!



*is so excited passing along this message*

Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!!

Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*

Let me see if I can find it. I have no idea if he saw it or not. Thinking back, I think that was when he wasn't approving avvies and was working on problems with the boards.

I made an avatar for him once. Dd he ever see it? I don't have it on my computer anymore.


*~*The Psychgedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

OK, then. I can make it again if you want, it wasn't very hard.

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Oh, Horatio, can you submit all of the avatars to HampsterKing please? So that their owners may use them for real avvies ^_^

I would love to see my artwork floating all about HD!



I would love to do that!!!

Let me know when he approves them!



*is so excited passing along this message*

Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!!

Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*

Let me see if I can find it. I have no idea if he saw it or not. Thinking back, I think that was when he wasn't approving avvies and was working on problems with the boards.

I made an avatar for him once. Dd he ever see it? I don't have it on my computer anymore.


*~*The Psychgedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

OK, then. I can make it again if you want, it wasn't very hard.

Please do. By the way, your avatar by Li was approved. It is really spectacular. You ought try using it for a bit.

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Oh, Horatio, can you submit all of the avatars to HampsterKing please? So that their owners may use them for real avvies ^_^

I would love to see my artwork floating all about HD!



I would love to do that!!!

Let me know when he approves them!



*is so excited passing along this message*

Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!!

Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*

Let me see if I can find it. I have no idea if he saw it or not. Thinking back, I think that was when he wasn't approving avvies and was working on problems with the boards.

I made an avatar for him once. Dd he ever see it? I don't have it on my computer anymore.


*~*The Psychgedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

OK, then. I can make it again if you want, it wasn't very hard.

Please do. By the way, your avatar by Li was approved. It is really spectacular. You ought try using it for a bit.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm like the only person using one of the older avatars though.


And here:




*~*The Psychedelic Lua*~*Tje Asrnomy Domine*~&

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Oh, Horatio, can you submit all of the avatars to HampsterKing please? So that their owners may use them for real avvies ^_^

I would love to see my artwork floating all about HD!



I would love to do that!!!

Let me know when he approves them!



*is so excited passing along this message*

Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!!

Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*

Let me see if I can find it. I have no idea if he saw it or not. Thinking back, I think that was when he wasn't approving avvies and was working on problems with the boards.

I made an avatar for him once. Dd he ever see it? I don't have it on my computer anymore.


*~*The Psychgedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

OK, then. I can make it again if you want, it wasn't very hard.

Please do. By the way, your avatar by Li was approved. It is really spectacular. You ought try using it for a bit.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm like the only person using one of the older avatars though.


And here:




*~*The Psychedelic Lua*~*Tje Asrnomy Domine*~&

I will pass that one along to HampsterKing. I am certain he will like it!

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Oh, Horatio, can you submit all of the avatars to HampsterKing please? So that their owners may use them for real avvies ^_^

I would love to see my artwork floating all about HD!



I would love to do that!!!

Let me know when he approves them!



*is so excited passing along this message*

Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!!

Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you.


*is so excited to hear this*

I would be honored to make him an avvie!!!

I just need to know what he wants me to put on the avvie (as stated at the very start of the topic).

I might not be able to do it today, though, I have college. Perhaps tomorrow evening if I get back from my boy's house early.



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Oh, Horatio, can you submit all of the avatars to HampsterKing please? So that their owners may use them for real avvies ^_^

I would love to see my artwork floating all about HD!



I would love to do that!!!

Let me know when he approves them!



*is so excited passing along this message*

Not only did HampsterKing approve your first group of avvies, he put in a request for an avvie!!!!!

Would you please make an avatar for HampsterKing? Thanks! Let me know if you need any information from him to help you.


*is so excited to hear this*

I would be honored to make him an avvie!!!

I just need to know what he wants me to put on the avvie (as stated at the very start of the topic).

I might not be able to do it today, though, I have college. Perhaps tomorrow evening if I get back from my boy's house early.



I am going to guess here, but I do believe he will allow you artistic license.

Anyway, I will ask him for you.

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Horatio, I went to see the avvies in the gallery but didn't see mine or yours :lol:

Please get HK to put mine up :P



I can only send three at a time and I figured yours and mine could go with HampsterKing's.

Is this okay? I will send ours tomorrow morning. And then HampsterKing's when it is complete.

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Horatio, I went to see the avvies in the gallery but didn't see mine or yours :lol:

Please get HK to put mine up :P



I can only send three at a time and I figured yours and mine could go with HampsterKing's.

Is this okay? I will send ours tomorrow morning. And then HampsterKing's when it is complete.

That sounds fair. Thank you ^_^



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Horatio, I went to see the avvies in the gallery but didn't see mine or yours :lol:

Please get HK to put mine up :P



I can only send three at a time and I figured yours and mine could go with HampsterKing's.

Is this okay? I will send ours tomorrow morning. And then HampsterKing's when it is complete.

That sounds fair. Thank you ^_^



Remember HampsterKing is a really, really old guy, so I don't want to overwhelm him. :lol:

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Lee (or Li. :P Sorry, I still call you Lee), would you be able to create an avvie for me whenever you have a chance? No hurry. I think a black Cairn Terrier of some sort would be appropriate, maybe even with a rocker look? :o Hehe. It would be cute if he were fiddiling with an electric guitar of some sort, preferably my Les Paul Heritage Cherry Sunburst, but whatever you think would be good!


Thank you soo much! Your avatars are just too cute. :]

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Lee (or Li. :P Sorry, I still call you Lee), would you be able to create an avvie for me whenever you have a chance? No hurry. I think a black Cairn Terrier of some sort would be appropriate, maybe even with a rocker look? :o Hehe. It would be cute if he were fiddiling with an electric guitar of some sort, preferably my Les Paul Heritage Cherry Sunburst, but whatever you think would be good!


Thank you soo much! Your avatars are just too cute. :]

But of course!


That sounds like it'd be fun to draw! I'll get started on it in the next few hours!

Yay for avatars!



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Lee (or Li. :P Sorry, I still call you Lee), would you be able to create an avvie for me whenever you have a chance? No hurry. I think a black Cairn Terrier of some sort would be appropriate, maybe even with a rocker look? :o Hehe. It would be cute if he were fiddiling with an electric guitar of some sort, preferably my Les Paul Heritage Cherry Sunburst, but whatever you think would be good!


Thank you soo much! Your avatars are just too cute. :]

But of course!


That sounds like it'd be fun to draw! I'll get started on it in the next few hours!

Yay for avatars!




Yay for avvies indeed. I am loving mine. xD

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*notices that even though theres now a HampsterKing avvie in the gallery, there is still no Horatio or Vixen avvie*


Toto & wildcat, your avvies will be coming soon! Stay tuned!



My fault. Please accept my apology for not getting it to HampsterKing.

I will get those in immediately.

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So, like. They're done.

And I had fun making them.


Hope you like them, Toto and wildcat!!!



Oh my!!!!!!!! Those are magnificent!!!!!!!!

You are so very talented. :D


I will get them to HampsterKing immediately!!!!!! He may not get them up until tomorrow.

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So, like. They're done.

And I had fun making them.


Hope you like them, Toto and wildcat!!!



Oh my!!!!!!!! Those are magnificent!!!!!!!!

You are so very talented. :D


I will get them to HampsterKing immediately!!!!!! He may not get them up until tomorrow.

I hope I'll get to see my avatar in the gallery soon, too :P

Hehe. I wanna use it :D



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yeah b/c they are super awesome

Li definitely made some phenomenal avatars! I love yours!!!

Toto's is really fantastic. Mushroom_king's avatar is terrific, but she won't use it.

I love the colours in hers. Mine is just beautiful and I used it, but have to rotate

around with all of them.

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I would like to submit a requests, but I don't know what you could draw. Perhaps a lazy human sitting a computer? Hm. :wacko:

Don't forget the John Lennon hair!

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I would like to submit a requests, but I don't know what you could draw. Perhaps a lazy human sitting a computer? Hm. :wacko:

Don't forget the John Lennon hair!

I cut my hair.



So...whoch musician do you resemble now?

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I would like to submit a requests, but I don't know what you could draw. Perhaps a lazy human sitting a computer? Hm. :wacko:

Don't forget the John Lennon hair!

I cut my hair.



So...whoch musician do you resemble now?

Do I count as a musician?

I can play the kazoo.


I can't, so that MUST make you a musician! :D

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I would like to submit a requests, but I don't know what you could draw. Perhaps a lazy human sitting a computer? Hm. :wacko:

Don't forget the John Lennon hair!

I cut my hair.



So...whoch musician do you resemble now?

Do I count as a musician?

I can play the kazoo.


I can't, so that MUST make you a musician! :D

Yay kazoo! =D

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I would like to submit a requests, but I don't know what you could draw. Perhaps a lazy human sitting a computer? Hm. :wacko:

Don't forget the John Lennon hair!

I cut my hair.



So...whoch musician do you resemble now?

Do I count as a musician?

I can play the kazoo.


yes. XD

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I would like to submit a requests, but I don't know what you could draw. Perhaps a lazy human sitting a computer? Hm. :wacko:

I can do =D

Just tell me what this so called '"human" looks like! Like hair colour, eyes, skin, clothes, etc. It really helps when peoples are specific!


me want.

I am blonde hamster with purple dress with pentacle on it

Sure thing! This will be fun to draw.

I'll get it done as soon as I can :)



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I would like to submit a requests, but I don't know what you could draw. Perhaps a lazy human sitting a computer? Hm. :wacko:

I can do =D

Just tell me what this so called '"human" looks like! Like hair colour, eyes, skin, clothes, etc. It really helps when peoples are specific!


me want.

I am blonde hamster with purple dress with pentacle on it

Sure thing! This will be fun to draw.

I'll get it done as soon as I can :)



Li... your avatars are wonderful!!! Thanks for creating them. :)

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I would like to submit a requests, but I don't know what you could draw. Perhaps a lazy human sitting a computer? Hm. :wacko:

I can do =D

Just tell me what this so called '"human" looks like! Like hair colour, eyes, skin, clothes, etc. It really helps when peoples are specific!


me want.

I am blonde hamster with purple dress with pentacle on it

Sure thing! This will be fun to draw.

I'll get it done as soon as I can :)



Li... your avatars are wonderful!!! Thanks for creating them. :)

You're so very welcome!

I just love making peoples happy and sharing my artwork!



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Hey Lee, sorry... I mean: Hey Li, what ever happened to your original HD name, vixen umm its now vixen. but its another name............. lol i dont know im delerious right now cuz im reaeeaaallalaly tired

You're right actually, the reason for the name change is because some time ago HD was not letting me log in with my username and password and everytime I requested a new one and got an email with a new password that wouldn't work either. So I decided to make another account and since 'vixen' was already taken by my account that didn't work I had to choose 'vixen.'

Back on the old boards I was hampsta_fan (in 2001) and my name also changed over to Lee when the boards were updated so you had to be registered. I believe I have been visiting HD since October 2001, and Kep and Sheena were here quite often!

You're the first person to notice that, wildcat. Or at least say something about it.



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I wish I could come up with something other than a human sitting at a computer. Any suggestions.

*let me think... I might have some ideas pop into my head*

You could always let Li have full artistic license to come up with something on her own.


Give me your favorite colours and any other things you might like Li to think about.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello! i'm new, but i was wondering if you could make me one... like a cinnamon banded syrian hamster... but could you please write hamsters rule on it? and for the background could it be inside a hamster wheel in it's cage? I've seen you draw and i give you 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 points. but if you don't know how the hamster looks it is the picture below this sentence. But could it be running in the hamster wheel in the cage, and it has hamsters Rule on it? that hamster running on a wheel in it's cage, is that too hard?

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hello! i'm new, but i was wondering if you could make me one... like a cinnamon banded syrian hamster... but could you please write hamsters rule on it? and for the background could it be inside a hamster wheel in it's cage? I've seen you draw and i give you 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 points. but if you don't know how the hamster looks it is the picture below this sentence. But could it be running in the hamster wheel in the cage, and it has hamsters Rule on it? that hamster running on a wheel in it's cage, is that too hard?

I love your pictures. I look like the Syrian hammy with the carrot. I am a blonde, 3 1/2 year old male hammy.

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i made a squirrel

That is soooooo cool. Can you make it about one inch by one inch?

If so, please do and I will give it to HampsterKing to make an avatar for the boards.


i dont know

why7 is it too big?

No, it is a little small. If you could make it about the size of a postage stamp in height and a little wider than a postage stamp.








About that size, give or take a little.

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i made a squirrel

That is soooooo cool. Can you make it about one inch by one inch?

If so, please do and I will give it to HampsterKing to make an avatar for the boards.


i dont know

why7 is it too big?

No, it is a little small. If you could make it about the size of a postage stamp in height and a little wider than a postage stamp.










About that size, give or take a little.


sure i will try

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Hey Lee, sorry... I mean: Hey Li, what ever happened to your original HD name, vixen umm its now vixen. but its another name............. lol i dont know im delerious right now cuz im reaeeaaallalaly tired

You're right actually, the reason for the name change is because some time ago HD was not letting me log in with my username and password and everytime I requested a new one and got an email with a new password that wouldn't work either. So I decided to make another account and since 'vixen' was already taken by my account that didn't work I had to choose 'vixen.'

Back on the old boards I was hampsta_fan (in 2001) and my name also changed over to Lee when the boards were updated so you had to be registered. I believe I have been visiting HD since October 2001, and Kep and Sheena were here quite often!

You're the first person to notice that, wildcat. Or at least say something about it.




I feel specials :)

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Hey Lee, sorry... I mean: Hey Li, what ever happened to your original HD name, vixen umm its now vixen. but its another name............. lol i dont know im delerious right now cuz im reaeeaaallalaly tired

You're right actually, the reason for the name change is because some time ago HD was not letting me log in with my username and password and everytime I requested a new one and got an email with a new password that wouldn't work either. So I decided to make another account and since 'vixen' was already taken by my account that didn't work I had to choose 'vixen.'

Back on the old boards I was hampsta_fan (in 2001) and my name also changed over to Lee when the boards were updated so you had to be registered. I believe I have been visiting HD since October 2001, and Kep and Sheena were here quite often!

You're the first person to notice that, wildcat. Or at least say something about it.




I feel specials :)

You are special!!!!! :D

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hello! i'm new, but i was wondering if you could make me one... like a cinnamon banded syrian hamster... but could you please write hamsters rule on it? and for the background could it be inside a hamster wheel in it's cage? I've seen you draw and i give you 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 points. but if you don't know how the hamster looks it is the picture below this sentence. But could it be running in the hamster wheel in the cage, and it has hamsters Rule on it? that hamster running on a wheel in it's cage, is that too hard?

I love your pictures. I look like the Syrian hammy with the carrot. I am a blonde, 3 1/2 year old male hammy.


Thanks, I love showing pictures of friends pets, and other pictures I can get my little paws on. see I'll escape out of my cage to get pictures of hamsters. :lol:

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hello! i'm new, but i was wondering if you could make me one... like a cinnamon banded syrian hamster... but could you please write hamsters rule on it? and for the background could it be inside a hamster wheel in it's cage? I've seen you draw and i give you 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 points. but if you don't know how the hamster looks it is the picture below this sentence. But could it be running in the hamster wheel in the cage, and it has hamsters Rule on it? that hamster running on a wheel in it's cage, is that too hard?

I love your pictures. I look like the Syrian hammy with the carrot. I am a blonde, 3 1/2 year old male hammy.


Thanks, I love showing pictures of friends pets, and other pictures I can get my little paws on. see I'll escape out of my cage to get pictures of hamsters. :lol:

Great pic!!! My favorite is the picture in your siggy. I just love that face. :)

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hello! i'm new, but i was wondering if you could make me one... like a cinnamon banded syrian hamster... but could you please write hamsters rule on it? and for the background could it be inside a hamster wheel in it's cage? I've seen you draw and i give you 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 points. but if you don't know how the hamster looks it is the picture below this sentence. But could it be running in the hamster wheel in the cage, and it has hamsters Rule on it? that hamster running on a wheel in it's cage, is that too hard?

I love your pictures. I look like the Syrian hammy with the carrot. I am a blonde, 3 1/2 year old male hammy.


Thanks, I love showing pictures of friends pets, and other pictures I can get my little paws on. see I'll escape out of my cage to get pictures of hamsters. :lol:

Great pic!!! My favorite is the picture in your siggy. I just love that face. :)

That's my friend's hamster. I was standing beside her when she took the picture. :D

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hello! i'm new, but i was wondering if you could make me one... like a cinnamon banded syrian hamster... but could you please write hamsters rule on it? and for the background could it be inside a hamster wheel in it's cage? I've seen you draw and i give you 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 points. but if you don't know how the hamster looks it is the picture below this sentence. But could it be running in the hamster wheel in the cage, and it has hamsters Rule on it? that hamster running on a wheel in it's cage, is that too hard?

I love your pictures. I look like the Syrian hammy with the carrot. I am a blonde, 3 1/2 year old male hammy.


Thanks, I love showing pictures of friends pets, and other pictures I can get my little paws on. see I'll escape out of my cage to get pictures of hamsters. :lol:

Great pic!!! My favorite is the picture in your siggy. I just love that face. :)

Thanks! I wish that one wa mine, but it isn't. :unsure: I can't wait till July 2nd! To many people have hamsters, and I want one! So I am getting one July 2nd.

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hello! i'm new, but i was wondering if you could make me one... like a cinnamon banded syrian hamster... but could you please write hamsters rule on it? and for the background could it be inside a hamster wheel in it's cage? I've seen you draw and i give you 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 points. but if you don't know how the hamster looks it is the picture below this sentence. But could it be running in the hamster wheel in the cage, and it has hamsters Rule on it? that hamster running on a wheel in it's cage, is that too hard?

I love your pictures. I look like the Syrian hammy with the carrot. I am a blonde, 3 1/2 year old male hammy.


Thanks, I love showing pictures of friends pets, and other pictures I can get my little paws on. see I'll escape out of my cage to get pictures of hamsters. LOL

Great pic!!! My favorite is the picture in your siggy. I just love that face. :)

That's my friend's hamster. I was standing beside her when she took the picture. :D

I keep looking at the beautiful little face...

*is in love*

:wub: :wub: :wub:

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hello! i'm new, but i was wondering if you could make me one... like a cinnamon banded syrian hamster... but could you please write hamsters rule on it? and for the background could it be inside a hamster wheel in it's cage? I've seen you draw and i give you 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 points. but if you don't know how the hamster looks it is the picture below this sentence. But could it be running in the hamster wheel in the cage, and it has hamsters Rule on it? that hamster running on a wheel in it's cage, is that too hard?

I love your pictures. I look like the Syrian hammy with the carrot. I am a blonde, 3 1/2 year old male hammy.


Thanks, I love showing pictures of friends pets, and other pictures I can get my little paws on. see I'll escape out of my cage to get pictures of hamsters. :lol:

Great pic!!! My favorite is the picture in your siggy. I just love that face. :)

Thanks! I wish that one wa mine, but it isn't. :unsure: I can't wait till July 2nd! To many people have hamsters, and I want one! So I am getting one July 2nd.

July 2nd is just around the corner. Remember, never give your hamster any kleenex, toilet paper or paper towels. These items have bleach in them and can also get stuck in your hammie's pouches causing infection and most times death. Cleanliness is the best way to having a healthy hamster, so it is really important to always keep your hamster's cage clean. All the hamsters in our cage group are potty trained and this is really a great way to keep a clean cage. I can tell you how to potty train them if you need some information. Also remember, to keep your hamsters cage off the floor and not near a window. Your cat might scare the hammie, so you will have to keep this in mind when you bring home your new friend and make his cage in a safe and secure place. When you are in the pet store, ask them to put some of his hamster bedding into the take home box, and when you set up his cage, put this bedding into his new cage. This will help him feel more secure and give him the feeling that he belongs there. Don't let the store get away with not doing this. It is very important to helping him adjust to his new home.


I know you have lots of information, but if you need any more help, I am here. I wish you lived in Central Florida, I would introduce you to one of my friends who needs a home.

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hello! i'm new, but i was wondering if you could make me one... like a cinnamon banded syrian hamster... but could you please write hamsters rule on it? and for the background could it be inside a hamster wheel in it's cage? I've seen you draw and i give you 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 points. but if you don't know how the hamster looks it is the picture below this sentence. But could it be running in the hamster wheel in the cage, and it has hamsters Rule on it? that hamster running on a wheel in it's cage, is that too hard?

I love your pictures. I look like the Syrian hammy with the carrot. I am a blonde, 3 1/2 year old male hammy.


Thanks, I love showing pictures of friends pets, and other pictures I can get my little paws on. see I'll escape out of my cage to get pictures of hamsters. :lol:

Great pic!!! My favorite is the picture in your siggy. I just love that face. :)

Thanks! I wish that one wa mine, but it isn't. :unsure: I can't wait till July 2nd! To many people have hamsters, and I want one! So I am getting one July 2nd.

July 2nd is just around the corner. Remember, never give your hamster any kleenex, toilet paper or paper towels. These items have bleach in them and can also get stuck in your hammie's pouches causing infection and most times death. Cleanliness is the best way to having a healthy hamster, so it is really important to always keep your hamster's cage clean. All the hamsters in our cage group are potty trained and this is really a great way to keep a clean cage. I can tell you how to potty train them if you need some information. Also remember, to keep your hamsters cage off the floor and not near a window. Your cat might scare the hammie, so you will have to keep this in mind when you bring home your new friend and make his cage in a safe and secure place. When you are in the pet store, ask them to put some of his hamster bedding into the take home box, and when you set up his cage, put this bedding into his new cage. This will help him feel more secure and give him the feeling that he belongs there. Don't let the store get away with not doing this. It is very important to helping him adjust to his new home.


I know you have lots of information, but if you need any more help, I am here. I wish you lived in Central Florida, I would introduce you to one of my friends who needs a home.

That would be fun. but i'm not sure if i'm in central or not..

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Hamsters are the greatest animals in the universe







dubba' true.



Glad to see you agree with me. :lol:



Hehe! You are so so so right about hamsters rule!


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hello! i'm new, but i was wondering if you could make me one... like a cinnamon banded syrian hamster... but could you please write hamsters rule on it? and for the background could it be inside a hamster wheel in it's cage? I've seen you draw and i give you 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 points. but if you don't know how the hamster looks it is the picture below this sentence. But could it be running in the hamster wheel in the cage, and it has hamsters Rule on it? that hamster running on a wheel in it's cage, is that too hard?

I love your pictures. I look like the Syrian hammy with the carrot. I am a blonde, 3 1/2 year old male hammy.


STILL 3 1/2? Youve been 3 1/2 for what is it, 3 years now :P, so that makes you 6 1/2,

which is really old for a hamster :), so im sure you are a little gray :rolleyes:

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