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An untitled HD story

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[Here I go! Tell me if there's anything I need to change.]


So there I was, crammed in a small spaceship with my HD companions. Horatio sat solemnly on an elevated seat, fiddling with beeping and blinking devices. A green light switched on, making the faces of my co-passengers appear somehow odd. Well, odd enough to make me start giggling uncontrollably. My interesting reaction was cut short by the crackle of the ship's intercom.

"Welcome to Floyd One, the experimental environment set up for the use of our new game show," said a voice I knew but couldn't quite place. I looked to my right at Mushroom King, as a wave of recognition passed over her face.

"It's Chuck Norris!" she whispered in awe.

"Hey, Raishey? I thought you said you were taking us on vacation to Disney for spring break!" called a confused Cheesemaster. Horatio blushed, but didn't reply.

"Didn't you notice when we started racing through space?" asked MK. Cheeseguy mumbled a reply and gazed down at the green orb we approached at frightening speed

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MK was listening to her CD player loud enough for Arkcher, her best guy friend (and husband).

"What are you listening to, anyway?"

"Roy Orbison."

"...Didn't he have laser vision or something?"

"MK looked at him strangly before suddenly hearing Chuck Norris' voice.

"ZOMFG CHUCK NORRIS!!!!" she shouted.

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