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Ah, the good ole winter days are gone. I suppose that's all that can be expected. After all, it is the stupid EARTH's fault.


Yesterday, a kid in my science class did a report on Global Warming. And get this, he was FOR global warming! He said, "I like warm weather and merchendice. We can just leave the glaciers to our children." *sigh*

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Ah, the good ole winter days are gone. I suppose that's all that can be expected. After all, it is the stupid EARTH's fault.


Yesterday, a kid in my science class did a report on Global Warming. And get this, he was FOR global warming! He said, "I like warm weather and merchendice. We can just leave the glaciers to our children." *sigh*


This guy must be crazy. How could anyone be FOR global warming???????????

He will grow up to be a developer who clear cuts a piece of property just to pave it over. :wacko:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Yes, they are saying Global Warming is real, yet I'm sitting here freezing.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Oh, I have An Inconveinient Truth on netflicks, so it should be coming soon. I should watch it with my dad. Sorrs to be off topic, but does anyone like scary movies? I just watched The Grudge and The Grudge 2 last night at midnight (starting at midnight) and it scared the lasoney out of my brother and my dad, but I thought they were kinda lame. I mean, sure, the plot was interesting, and I like the cute little dead boy named Toshiyo and the noise that the mom makes when she breathes, but other than that it was dumb. I mean, talk about dissapointment. I am a horror movie freak. Not like Texas chain saw massacre or Saw freak, because those are just gory. I absolutly LOVE horror movies, but my dad absolutely refuses to let me see The Ring. I don't know why. I've seen other movies, like Skeleton Key, What lies Beneith, The Messangers, When a Stranger Calls, Poltergeist, The Boogeyman (newer version) The Grudge, ect. But my parents won't let me see The Ring. Most of the scary movies I get to see aren't scary. At all.


Speaking of movies again, I was soo wanting to see 23 but it's rated R.v

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Oh, I have An Inconveinient Truth on netflicks, so it should be coming soon. I should watch it with my dad. Sorrs to be off topic, but does anyone like scary movies? I just watched The Grudge and The Grudge 2 last night at midnight (starting at midnight) and it scared the lasoney out of my brother and my dad, but I thought they were kinda lame. I mean, sure, the plot was interesting, and I like the cute little dead boy named Toshiyo and the noise that the mom makes when she breathes, but other than that it was dumb. I mean, talk about dissapointment. I am a horror movie freak. Not like Texas chain saw massacre or Saw freak, because those are just gory. I absolutly LOVE horror movies, but my dad absolutely refuses to let me see The Ring. I don't know why. I've seen other movies, like Skeleton Key, What lies Beneith, The Messangers, When a Stranger Calls, Poltergeist, The Boogeyman (newer version) The Grudge, ect. But my parents won't let me see The Ring. Most of the scary movies I get to see aren't scary. At all.


Speaking of movies again, I was soo wanting to see 23 but it's rated R.v

I am not a scary movie person. :unsure:

No horror, no blood and guts, nothing scary. I am a total wimp. LOL

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Yes, they are saying Global Warming is real, yet I'm sitting here freezing.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*



One of the effects of global warming is more severe winters. >.> I think.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Yes, they are saying Global Warming is real, yet I'm sitting here freezing.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*



One of the effects of global warming is more severe winters. >.> I think.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Yes, they are saying Global Warming is real, yet I'm sitting here freezing.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*



One of the effects of global warming is more severe winters. >.> I think.


YES Over where I live, this winter it has been SOOOO cold all winter! I mean it normally rains a lot, but it snowed 5 times (I think an all time High) and the temperatures were horrid. Back right before winter break there was a humo-ginormous storm that wiped out tons of peoples power everywhere. Trees downed, it was terrible. But we got three days off school, an extended break.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Yes, they are saying Global Warming is real, yet I'm sitting here freezing.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*



One of the effects of global warming is more severe winters. >.> I think.


YES Over where I live, this winter it has been SOOOO cold all winter! I mean it normally rains a lot, but it snowed 5 times (I think an all time High) and the temperatures were horrid. Back right before winter break there was a humo-ginormous storm that wiped out tons of peoples power everywhere. Trees downed, it was terrible. But we got three days off school, an extended break.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I looked up an article about global warming in my science book, but sever winters arn't a part of it.

We had an entire week off. <.< Which is BAD.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I wish it was colder here...


Then again all the girls in tank tops and flip flops all year would whine more...



Haha. xD Whiney people are funny. xD

I always tell them to man up and rub some dirt in it.


No one ever takes my advice...


Telling the whiney (wanna use a variety of different words here) girls to man up is funny. xD

If it below 40 degrees out, they should realise that it is not okay to wear a skirt that would make a better coffee filter than article of clothing. >.>

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I wish it was colder here...


Then again all the girls in tank tops and flip flops all year would whine more...



Haha. xD Whiney people are funny. xD

I always tell them to man up and rub some dirt in it.


No one ever takes my advice...


Telling the whiney (wanna use a variety of different words here) girls to man up is funny. xD

If it below 40 degrees out, they should realise that it is not okay to wear a skirt that would make a better coffee filter than article of clothing. >.>

Truer words were never spoken! LOL

*hands Cheesemaster The Gold Star Award*

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I wish it was colder here...


Then again all the girls in tank tops and flip flops all year would whine more...



Haha. xD Whiney people are funny. xD

I always tell them to man up and rub some dirt in it.


No one ever takes my advice...


Telling the whiney (wanna use a variety of different words here) girls to man up is funny. xD

If it below 40 degrees out, they should realise that it is not okay to wear a skirt that would make a better coffee filter than article of clothing. >.>

Truer words were never spoken! LOL

*hands Cheesemaster The Gold Star Award*



I liked my skirt comparison. xD

*goes to edit siggy*

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I wish it was colder here...


Then again all the girls in tank tops and flip flops all year would whine more...



Haha. xD Whiney people are funny. xD

I always tell them to man up and rub some dirt in it.


No one ever takes my advice...


Telling the whiney (wanna use a variety of different words here) girls to man up is funny. xD

If it below 40 degrees out, they should realise that it is not okay to wear a skirt that would make a better coffee filter than article of clothing. >.>

Truer words were never spoken! LOL

*hands Cheesemaster The Gold Star Award*



I liked my skirt comparison. xD

*goes to edit siggy*

I thought your skirt comparison, was supreme!!!

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I wish it was colder here...


Then again all the girls in tank tops and flip flops all year would whine more...



Haha. xD Whiney people are funny. xD

I always tell them to man up and rub some dirt in it.


No one ever takes my advice...


Telling the whiney (wanna use a variety of different words here) girls to man up is funny. xD

If it below 40 degrees out, they should realise that it is not okay to wear a skirt that would make a better coffee filter than article of clothing. >.>

Truer words were never spoken! LOL

*hands Cheesemaster The Gold Star Award*



I liked my skirt comparison. xD

*goes to edit siggy*

I thought your skirt comparison, was supreme!!!



It rocks. xD

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I wish it was colder here...


Then again all the girls in tank tops and flip flops all year would whine more...



Haha. xD Whiney people are funny. xD

I always tell them to man up and rub some dirt in it.


No one ever takes my advice...


Telling the whiney (wanna use a variety of different words here) girls to man up is funny. xD

If it below 40 degrees out, they should realise that it is not okay to wear a skirt that would make a better coffee filter than article of clothing. >.>

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Sometimes I look at what some girls wear and seriously, I have underwear that covers more.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~&The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I wish it was colder here...


Then again all the girls in tank tops and flip flops all year would whine more...



Haha. xD Whiney people are funny. xD

I always tell them to man up and rub some dirt in it.


No one ever takes my advice...


Telling the whiney (wanna use a variety of different words here) girls to man up is funny. xD

If it below 40 degrees out, they should realise that it is not okay to wear a skirt that would make a better coffee filter than article of clothing. >.>

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Sometimes I look at what some girls wear and seriously, I have underwear that covers more.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~&The Astronomy Domine*~*


I have a peice of duct tape that covers more. xD

And no, my daily dress is not a peice of duct tape. :P

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I wish it was colder here...


Then again all the girls in tank tops and flip flops all year would whine more...



Haha. xD Whiney people are funny. xD

I always tell them to man up and rub some dirt in it.


No one ever takes my advice...


Telling the whiney (wanna use a variety of different words here) girls to man up is funny. xD

If it below 40 degrees out, they should realise that it is not okay to wear a skirt that would make a better coffee filter than article of clothing. >.>

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Sometimes I look at what some girls wear and seriously, I have underwear that covers more.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~&The Astronomy Domine*~*


I have a peice of duct tape that covers more. xD

And no, my daily dress is not a peice of duct tape. :P

I didn't think duct tape stuck to cheese. LOL

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Hold on, hold on... am I reading this right?! Only one other topic in the dixie forums aside from my usual haunt? o.O Cor. What happened to the others?

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Hold on, hold on... am I reading this right?! Only one other topic in the dixie forums aside from my usual haunt? o.O Cor. What happened to the others?

You need to visit more often. LOL

Go down to the bottom right and you can select 30, 60, 90 days, etc. and see lots of forums that have not been posted in for a while.

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Hold on, hold on... am I reading this right?! Only one other topic in the dixie forums aside from my usual haunt? o.O Cor. What happened to the others?

You need to visit more often. LOL

Go down to the bottom right and you can select 30, 60, 90 days, etc. and see lots of forums that have not been posted in for a while.


Ahahaha! XD Okay, makes sense!

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