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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

March Photo Contest Hosted by T.O. Co.


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Okay... first I would to extend a thank you to all the people who participated in the February photo contest. One of the things I would like to do, and would have wanted to do, is give out real prizes to people. But of course it isnt allowed to give out personal info lol. Some may be wondering who and what T.O. Co. is also. T.O. Co. is a private business created by friends and me. T.O. is short for Taynio but of course Taynio has no relation to the business. The name is T.O. Co. Pretty cool name, huh? Anyways, what we do is sell stuff around neighborhoods and etc. It's not entirely professional but its a fun thing for us.

Also.. I put "Hosted by T.O. Co" because I want it to sound professional and who knows, you may buy one of our products lol. Of course I am not sure if Horatio is told to block it because it is advertisement...kind of. Of course all I am trying to do is tell you about myself and etc. Anyways...back to the contest.


The contest generally runs exactly like the February version.

There are new rules/modified rules. Hopefully more people will enter this time. The entry date starts the 25th of February and ends the 15 of March. This is how it will run every month. This way, everyone can take many many many pictures, edit them using photoshop and etc. Btw if you cannot buy photoshop they have a trial version you can use. I used a search engine to find it. I cannot remember if it was the official site or not.


Now for the rules....

1) Cameras are a must! I am sorry if you do not have one.

2) You must have consent of your guardian to take pictures and upload them.

3) Unlike the former, this contest allows you TWO pictures! Two!!!!

4)The picture must look professional. Now I am not saying it cannot stink. What I am saying is that it cannot be some piece of trash....don't take that literally lol. Make sure it is in good taste.

5)Pictures may be taken of people, animals, nature,...trash, and etc. Just make sure you have consent.

6)The picture must be in good taste. Nothing violent or anything that would result in a deletion of photo and account on hampsterboard.

7) Most of all, have fun with the picture. Be serious, be funny, take a picture that describes you

8) This is a must or your picture will not be submitted into the judges' folder. AKA it is disqualified.

Your picture must include a paragraph of your name, where it was taken, why it was taken, how it was taken. Also, include what the picture means to you, what it makes you feel or think.


**That's 19 days to get your photo entry in to us. Any entries on the 24th of Feb or earlier will be not judged. No exceptions.** So this means take many pictures before entering.**


P.S. To talk about the contest, chat with others, or comment on pictures, please go to the Photo Contest Talk Section. Pretty much the only thing I want on here is pictures. I know.... I am crazy but I don't like searching for things lol. Sorry.




Kris (Taynio) of T.O. Co.

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whoop! i got one of the first pics, if this works you will get to see my collection of jones soda bottles, (my favorite soda/pop/cola) the only kind of bottle i dont have is cream soda(cause i dont like it) and some kinda other one, and the seasonal ones like potatoes, turkey, gravy stuff like that. my favorite is tangerine soda, lime and strawberry lime.




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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I would enter if I had a way to put a cell phone pic on here.

I would take all my CDs and make a picture or something.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I would enter if I had a way to put a cell phone pic on here.

I would take all my CDs and make a picture or something.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

They sell cables that will connect your camera with your computer and your can download your pics .

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I would enter if I had a way to put a cell phone pic on here.

I would take all my CDs and make a picture or something.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

They sell cables that will connect your camera with your computer and your can download your pics .

I think my brother has a cab;e for connecting my phone to the computer. He has a lot of pics from his Sidekick on here.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I would enter if I had a way to put a cell phone pic on here.

I would take all my CDs and make a picture or something.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

They sell cables that will connect your camera with your computer and your can download your pics .


Yes, they work, I use them. If you have one of the newer phones, exseply a phone with mp3, it probley came with a cabe.


Another option, if you have bluetooth and your computer has a bluetooth receiver, then you could connect your phone to your computer without needing a cable. just a program you could get from the brand's site.


Sorry, I had to delete those. Horatio

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do we post our entries in this forum??

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i read the rules and i guess that other one doesn't count because i posted it too early


but watev


here is another one(yes it is in my sig.)




no it is not me


i went boarding and i took a bunch of pics of some people on a box


alrighty then

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i read the rules and i guess that other one doesn't count because i posted it too early


but watev


here is another one(yes it is in my sig.)




no it is not me


i went boarding and i took a bunch of pics of some people on a box


alrighty then

Very cool!!! Can you do that? :blink:

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oh whoops i need to write about this...


weeeeeeeeeelllllllll i was at a local ski place with my camera and i took about 50 pictures of snowboarders, and when i got home i edited a few, deleted a few and made this one.


It was taken at a ski/snowboard place(i don't really want to give out the name and even if i did wouldn't horatio delete it?)


It was taken because i love to snowboard, i love to take pictures, and because some of the people there were really good


I took it with my camera at 2048 x 1536 pixels (my camera has a max of like 10 Mega pixels but then i can only take 5 pictures)



later that day i tried to jump off a jump, i landed it, then caught an edge and did a 900 down the hill :rolleyes:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*Thew Final Cut*~*


I was looking at the TAWPEEKS in the art forum and saw this one and thought it said March Potato.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I am Jeanette. It was taken yesterday, in my back yard. I thought I'd mess with the camera, play with the negative option. This was the favorite of the pictures I took, I thought it was quite beautiful and made me think about beaty and what it means to me. It sounds strange, but, I am after all a strange person of strange thought, which helps this picture represent me in many ways.


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Okay the contest is over. So who won? Unfortunately I am going to have to say no one. Why? Low amount of entries. I do ask that you forgive me for this. Instead, I have con....con...conco..Forget that. I have developed a new contest that emplores the same things as this one. Go back to original artwork! and you will see it.

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Okay the contest is over. So who won? Unfortunately I am going to have to say no one. Why? Low amount of entries. I do ask that you forgive me for this. Instead, I have con....con...conco..Forget that. I have developed a new contest that emplores the same things as this one. Go back to original artwork! and you will see it.

How sad!!! I thought you had two stellar entries!!!

I thought Schimmislick and Mega Wolf should have tied for first place and Hubert came in third.

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I am Jeanette. It was taken yesterday, in my back yard. I thought I'd mess with the camera, play with the negative option. This was the favorite of the pictures I took, I thought it was quite beautiful and made me think about beaty and what it means to me. It sounds strange, but, I am after all a strange person of strange thought, which helps this picture represent me in many ways.



that's sweet

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