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Some of me piano playing

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This is some of me piano playing. I am NOT good. However, I am a lot better than a lot of people. I can play moonlight sonata, fur elise, minuet, etc with a few major errors lol. I do mess up of the keys a lot too. Oh well.....Oh! And these are only short bits so you can get an idea of how I play. I don't feel like seeming like a complete idiot by playing the whole bunch and messing up all the way! lol




Okay so the link isn't working...Or atleast not for me. It keeps saying you are not authorized to use blah blah blah. Any hints Horatio? lol

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This is some of me piano playing. I am NOT good. However, I am a lot better than a lot of people. I can play moonlight sonata, fur elise, minuet, etc with a few major errors lol. I do mess up of the keys a lot too. Oh well.....Oh! And these are only short bits so you can get an idea of how I play. I don't feel like seeming like a complete idiot by playing the whole bunch and messing up all the way! lol




Okay so the link isn't working...Or atleast not for me. It keeps saying you are not authorized to use blah blah blah. Any hints Horatio? lol



The link works great for me!!! I love it!!!

V E R Y.....C O O L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You get The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!

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Wow. You're so much better than I ever was on the piano. I'm getting better at my flute, and not so much on the guitar.

How about the violin????? :blink:


Trying. :] But I've been so busy recently, I have play practice everyday after school until eight. And by then I'm so pooped, I just go to bed. Showtime is only in about three weeks, and after that my wisdom teeth are being removed, so I'll have plently of time to practice.

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Wow. You're so much better than I ever was on the piano. I'm getting better at my flute, and not so much on the guitar.

How about the violin????? :blink:


Trying. :] But I've been so busy recently, I have play practice everyday after school until eight. And by then I'm so pooped, I just go to bed. Showtime is only in about three weeks, and after that my wisdom teeth are being removed, so I'll have plently of time to practice.


ALL your wisdom teeth have to come out?

*runs in wheel in a panic mode*

How horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why?????

I hope you are taking them all out at once.

LOL If it was me, the dentist would only get one chance. LOL


As for play practice, remind me, what is the name of the play? You are doing what with the school play?

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