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!Photo Contest! Hosted by Taynio of T.O. Co.


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Hello one and all! I am sure glad you clicked on this link! Have a camera? Great! I have for you a contest of photography! So, think you're interested? Think you have what it takes to become the BEST PHOTOGRAPHER?! I'll be the judge of that! Along with my good friend Horatio, of course. I could do nothing without Horatio. So...are you ready for the rules and more?! Oh! Did I mention a prize?! Yes! A Grand prize and three runner ups! What is the grand prize you say? Aha! It's all a secret! But now here are the rules:

1)You must obviously have a camera. If you do not have a camera I am sorry about that.

2)Must have parents permission if you are under the age of 17 to upload pictures onto the internet.

3)You may only submit one picture, so take many pictures of many things and submit the best one!

4)The picture can be as serious or as silly as you want. All I ask is you try to make it look as professional as possible. The goal is to be considered the best photographer.

5)Pictures may only be taken of inanimate objects. Any pictures of people will be deleted. Reason being the age of people, consent of said person being uploaded onto the internet, etc. However, if the living being is an animal, I will allow that. My focus is to not get humans involved.

6)The picture must be in good taste. Nothing violent or anything that would result in a deletion of photo and account on hampsterboard.

7) Oh and have fun with it! lol

8) And the last, but biggest rule of all...

When you sumbit your photo, you must include your first name. Along with that you must explain why you chose that photo and how it makes you feel or think of. These ARE things that will be viewed and help the judges determine the winner.


The contest will begins the minute this is posted up and ends on Febuary 14th. That's 12 days to get your photo entry in to us.



P.S. if you wish to ask for more information please go to the information topic on photocontest. Also, please no chatting in here. It is only for photo entries. Trying to keep down on pages and scrolling, looking for photos. So if you want to talk, go to topic stated above. Thank you-


Taynio of T.O. Co.

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I, Horatio, would like to submit an entry please.

Remind you, I do not like these spiders and this is why I could not get into the swimming pool.

And, if anyone tells you spiders cannot hang out underwater... they are totally mistaken. This

guy surrounded his entire body in an air bubble and stayed underwater for a really, really long

time! I tried to get a picture of the spider in his underwater bubble, but I am not good enough

for that level of picture taking.


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I am entering a picture of an evil dog who lives at my house. Her name is B.B., and her favorite pastimes include: tearing up Sarah's shoes, eating anything and everything she can find, and glaring at Sarah when she puts her in a penguin towel cape. B.B. is a French Britney, and is looking for someone to spend her days with, and who also enjoys the same things she enjoys.





Oh. Yeah. If you haven't guessed it yet, my name is Sarah. And I like to talk in third-person.

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I am entering a picture of an evil dog who lives at my house. Her name is B.B., and her favorite pastimes include: tearing up Sarah's shoes, eating anything and everything she can find, and glaring at Sarah when she puts her in a penguin towel cape. B.B. is a French Britney, and is looking for someone to spend her days with, and who also enjoys the same things she enjoys.





Oh. Yeah. If you haven't guessed it yet, my name is Sarah. And I like to talk in third-person.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The 15th the awards were supposed to be given out. Unfortunately my power has been out off and on and so has my internet. So here now on the 17th I will post the winners.


The Second Runner up is Cheesemaster for the lovely display on what remains to be undetected. The essential beauty of a somewhat looking electricity in itself is splendid. For this picture Cheesemaster has won Second Runner up, The Silver Etcher.


The First Runner up is Campsoup1988 for his Cat? Person? picture. When I say picture I am referring to his many pictures. Of course this technically goes against the rules and therefore should be disqualified. However, I am allowing it as all his pictures rolled into one. Say like you use a photo editor and put them all together, making one picture. Ergo, the many pictures picture showing the many stylings and expression of the fellow HBer has won him First Runner up, the Gold Etcher.


Animals! Animals everywhere! Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Such cute animals! Stylishly dressed ones at that! The winner of the February Etcher Award is Toto for the cute and funny picture of B.B. the French Britney.


Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for your lovely pictures! It was truly an honour to view things you consider special! And a special thank you to Camps for the laughs that your picture brought. Hehe


The Next Contest will appear in a new topic, clearly labeled with March. The new Contest begins ironically whenever I decided to put up the next one lol. I am not sure currently. Please keep checking.

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Yay! B.B. will be very excited to hear the news.


Congrats to everyone! :]



I got an award! Huzzah! And congrats to all. ^.^

So I was checking our your siggy for the first time and I see you are a recipient of the Veneration award. Did you know I am the creator of it? Mhm indeed. I turned the handling and etc over to TBFOF a while ago. Not sure how long ago. Just a little tidbit of info lol

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Yay! B.B. will be very excited to hear the news.


Congrats to everyone! :]



I got an award! Huzzah! And congrats to all. ^.^

So I was checking our your siggy for the first time and I see you are a recipient of the Veneration award. Did you know I am the creator of it? Mhm indeed. I turned the handling and etc over to TBFOF a while ago. Not sure how long ago. Just a little tidbit of info lol

I also thought you only gave out one Veneration Award. Am I correct?

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Yay! B.B. will be very excited to hear the news.


Congrats to everyone! :]



I got an award! Huzzah! And congrats to all. ^.^

So I was checking our your siggy for the first time and I see you are a recipient of the Veneration award. Did you know I am the creator of it? Mhm indeed. I turned the handling and etc over to TBFOF a while ago. Not sure how long ago. Just a little tidbit of info lol

xD Well, I am glad you did. That is my most prized award. =D

And for all of you who I am sure are just DYING to know, my picture was that of a zappy-light disk things. Y'know, where you touch it and some electricity goes to your finger and such?

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The 15th the awards were supposed to be given out. Unfortunately my power has been out off and on and so has my internet. So here now on the 17th I will post the winners.


The Second Runner up is Cheesemaster for the lovely display on what remains to be undetected. The essential beauty of a somewhat looking electricity in itself is splendid. For this picture Cheesemaster has won Second Runner up, The Silver Etcher.


The First Runner up is Campsoup1988 for his Cat? Person? picture. When I say picture I am referring to his many pictures. Of course this technically goes against the rules and therefore should be disqualified. However, I am allowing it as all his pictures rolled into one. Say like you use a photo editor and put them all together, making one picture. Ergo, the many pictures picture showing the many stylings and expression of the fellow HBer has won him First Runner up, the Gold Etcher.


Animals! Animals everywhere! Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Such cute animals! Stylishly dressed ones at that! The winner of the February Etcher Award is Toto for the cute and funny picture of B.B. the French Britney.


Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for your lovely pictures! It was truly an honour to view things you consider special! And a special thank you to Camps for the laughs that your picture brought. Hehe


The Next Contest will appear in a new topic, clearly labeled with March. The new Contest begins ironically whenever I decided to put up the next one lol. I am not sure currently. Please keep checking.



Thank You!!!


I did not plan on entering with that picture, partly because I couldn't have taken the pic, since im the subject "-"

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The 15th the awards were supposed to be given out. Unfortunately my power has been out off and on and so has my internet. So here now on the 17th I will post the winners.


The Second Runner up is Cheesemaster for the lovely display on what remains to be undetected. The essential beauty of a somewhat looking electricity in itself is splendid. For this picture Cheesemaster has won Second Runner up, The Silver Etcher.


The First Runner up is Campsoup1988 for his Cat? Person? picture. When I say picture I am referring to his many pictures. Of course this technically goes against the rules and therefore should be disqualified. However, I am allowing it as all his pictures rolled into one. Say like you use a photo editor and put them all together, making one picture. Ergo, the many pictures picture showing the many stylings and expression of the fellow HBer has won him First Runner up, the Gold Etcher.


Animals! Animals everywhere! Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Such cute animals! Stylishly dressed ones at that! The winner of the February Etcher Award is Toto for the cute and funny picture of B.B. the French Britney.


Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for your lovely pictures! It was truly an honour to view things you consider special! And a special thank you to Camps for the laughs that your picture brought. Hehe


The Next Contest will appear in a new topic, clearly labeled with March. The new Contest begins ironically whenever I decided to put up the next one lol. I am not sure currently. Please keep checking.


I just realize, its my first award for '07 THANKS!


Oh, and Im glad you got a laugh!

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The 15th the awards were supposed to be given out. Unfortunately my power has been out off and on and so has my internet. So here now on the 17th I will post the winners.


The Second Runner up is Cheesemaster for the lovely display on what remains to be undetected. The essential beauty of a somewhat looking electricity in itself is splendid. For this picture Cheesemaster has won Second Runner up, The Silver Etcher.


The First Runner up is Campsoup1988 for his Cat? Person? picture. When I say picture I am referring to his many pictures. Of course this technically goes against the rules and therefore should be disqualified. However, I am allowing it as all his pictures rolled into one. Say like you use a photo editor and put them all together, making one picture. Ergo, the many pictures picture showing the many stylings and expression of the fellow HBer has won him First Runner up, the Gold Etcher.


Animals! Animals everywhere! Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Such cute animals! Stylishly dressed ones at that! The winner of the February Etcher Award is Toto for the cute and funny picture of B.B. the French Britney.


Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for your lovely pictures! It was truly an honour to view things you consider special! And a special thank you to Camps for the laughs that your picture brought. Hehe


The Next Contest will appear in a new topic, clearly labeled with March. The new Contest begins ironically whenever I decided to put up the next one lol. I am not sure currently. Please keep checking.


I just realize, its my first award for '07 THANKS!


Oh, and Im glad you got a laugh!

I thought you were great in those pics. LOL

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  • 4 weeks later...
Yay! B.B. will be very excited to hear the news.


Congrats to everyone! :]



I got an award! Huzzah! And congrats to all. ^.^

So I was checking our your siggy for the first time and I see you are a recipient of the Veneration award. Did you know I am the creator of it? Mhm indeed. I turned the handling and etc over to TBFOF a while ago. Not sure how long ago. Just a little tidbit of info lol

Over a year, I believe.


I am still looking for the next recipient.

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The 15th the awards were supposed to be given out. Unfortunately my power has been out off and on and so has my internet. So here now on the 17th I will post the winners.


The Second Runner up is Cheesemaster for the lovely display on what remains to be undetected. The essential beauty of a somewhat looking electricity in itself is splendid. For this picture Cheesemaster has won Second Runner up, The Silver Etcher.


The First Runner up is Campsoup1988 for his Cat? Person? picture. When I say picture I am referring to his many pictures. Of course this technically goes against the rules and therefore should be disqualified. However, I am allowing it as all his pictures rolled into one. Say like you use a photo editor and put them all together, making one picture. Ergo, the many pictures picture showing the many stylings and expression of the fellow HBer has won him First Runner up, the Gold Etcher.


Animals! Animals everywhere! Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Such cute animals! Stylishly dressed ones at that! The winner of the February Etcher Award is Toto for the cute and funny picture of B.B. the French Britney.


Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for your lovely pictures! It was truly an honour to view things you consider special! And a special thank you to Camps for the laughs that your picture brought. Hehe


The Next Contest will appear in a new topic, clearly labeled with March. The new Contest begins ironically whenever I decided to put up the next one lol. I am not sure currently. Please keep checking.



Thank You!!!


I did not plan on entering with that picture, partly because I couldn't have taken the pic, since im the subject "-"


Rules were made to be broken...so I bent them out of shape and allowed humans lol. I felt I may have been too harsh in the rules and may have kept the best pics from coming in lol. But I am GLAD you took the pics. lol

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