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How can I love?

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How can I love anyone as great as you?

You are morning sun and the evening moon.

How can anything be as lovely as you?

Your beauty is brighter than all the stars.

Oh, how I wish that I would one day know you.

How one day that I would be yours.

Alas, availing to nothing have I.

I may have let you slip by.

Words spoken by you have me pondering.

Could you have been hinting?

Could I have been foolish?

Was it I who truly believed there was no chance?

Afraid to admit the truth, I escaped into the lie.

Why have I been cursed into this world?

Only in order to go through it sad.

Sad for not being with you.


How I wish I could turn back time.

And no longer watch from afar.

How I long to see things you do.

Tell me why I failed.

Why it is him and not me.


I long to be with you even if I cannot.

Because I loved you before I met you.

I am a man of dreams.

And in dreams I have the future.

And in the future, we are not.

In my dreams, we are.

Who is greater?

My dreams or the future?




Okay. THe last bit, the loving before I met you part is actually true. I dreamt of this person a yearish before meeting them. I also have written records of this peron in my dreams before knowing them. I even had the house she lives in in my dreams! How totally weird! But..yeah...this poem is not projected from anything false. Everything in here is true and from my heart and tears lol. Later.

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The thing I hate is that this, once upon reading it again, feels to be my best poem in my own mind. But yet I hate the poem so much. Or maybe I just hate myself. I don't know.

Perhaps it is because you see the written word and know this is what you feel in your heart and this makes you vulnerable.

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Great poem, Taynio.

I wish you could be with this dream girl, though.

You deserve a great relationship.

Thanks for the encouragement. Now only if I could send it to her. lol I have sent it to all my RL life and asked what they thought. Good thing none of them know who the person is. I mean, they know the person. Just not...um...They know the person but they don't know how I feel about the person.

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Great poem, Taynio.

I wish you could be with this dream girl, though.

You deserve a great relationship.

Thanks for the encouragement. Now only if I could send it to her. lol I have sent it to all my RL life and asked what they thought. Good thing none of them know who the person is. I mean, they know the person. Just not...um...They know the person but they don't know how I feel about the person.

So, is she going out with another guy at this time?

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Great poem, Taynio.

I wish you could be with this dream girl, though.

You deserve a great relationship.

Thanks for the encouragement. Now only if I could send it to her. lol I have sent it to all my RL life and asked what they thought. Good thing none of them know who the person is. I mean, they know the person. Just not...um...They know the person but they don't know how I feel about the person.

So, is she going out with another guy at this time?

Lol did you read the poem?

Of course her myspace has some rather awkward things in it that don't mention him. Hm. I would have to say they are still together, to the best of my knowledge. But even if they weren't there is no way...NO WAY... I am letting her know. I would rather still feel this way than to express myself. I never express myself unless its in a poem format. And even at that, I would never give it to a person. They say guys are silent type of people. Well I am not the "You just dont talk about the stuff I like" kind of macho football crazy guy. I am the true example of the silent type, for any person.

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Great poem, Taynio.

I wish you could be with this dream girl, though.

You deserve a great relationship.

Thanks for the encouragement. Now only if I could send it to her. lol I have sent it to all my RL life and asked what they thought. Good thing none of them know who the person is. I mean, they know the person. Just not...um...They know the person but they don't know how I feel about the person.

So, is she going out with another guy at this time?

Lol did you read the poem?

Of course her myspace has some rather awkward things in it that don't mention him. Hm. I would have to say they are still together, to the best of my knowledge. But even if they weren't there is no way...NO WAY... I am letting her know. I would rather still feel this way than to express myself. I never express myself unless its in a poem format. And even at that, I would never give it to a person. They say guys are silent type of people. Well I am not the "You just dont talk about the stuff I like" kind of macho football crazy guy. I am the true example of the silent type, for any person.

Taynio... you can never get closer to anyone unless you express your feelings.

I know this for a fact.

When I told my previous crush how I felt, I was nervous as anything. But if I hadn't, I would probably just still be there wishing I were with her. But doing so lifted a huge weight off of my chest, and that opened up room for my new crush. [still working on that though :P] If they do eventually break up, and you let your feelings stay inside of you, you will just stay there, wishing you were with this girl. This could actually get to the point where you don't think, can't think of anyone else. Basically, it just isn't good. In the meantime, you need to get over this girl if she has a boyfriend already. I'm sorry, that is just how it is. Unless, of course, they seem ready to split apart, then you can wait a bit. As horrible as that sounds. But, I dunno. Just don't always keep your feelings inside is what I am trying to say.

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