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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Art contest!


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This forum is so, so very empty nowadays. Nobody seems to be drawing anymore. Or if they are, they aren't uploading it xD Whatever the case, I decided to begin an art contest thing, like the one MK used to do, but dropped when too few people entered!


So yes. You know the drill. I give theme. You draw. Top three win different awards. Everyone else wins a general award.


Let's go!


The first theme is: Why is Rudolph's nose red?


First prize wins an Artistic Animal Trophy!


Second prize wins an Atristic Animal Award.


Third prize wins an Artistic Animal Ribbon.


Anyone else who enters gets a Glowing Greatness Award.


Now the rules:

1. Do not submit images that break the HD rules. (Guh.)

2. Do not eat me. I'm not tasty.

3. Do not submit more then one entry.

4. Do make me laugh.

5. Five is the best number ever.


Now hop to eet!

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Funny image indeed, but the REALLY funny thing is that the fifth rule was that five is the best number ever.


You successfully uploaded that image in the fifth post in this topic.


Coincidence..? xD


*sigh* Man, that Rudolph, always jealous. xD

Maybe I planned it that way, cause I am just that good, ya dig?

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Funny image indeed, but the REALLY funny thing is that the fifth rule was that five is the best number ever.


You successfully uploaded that image in the fifth post in this topic.


Coincidence..? xD


*sigh* Man, that Rudolph, always jealous. xD

Maybe I planned it that way, cause I am just that good, ya dig?



I dig. Because 5 rocks.

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