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long time no talk


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wow....things have changed. idk what to say. ummm i guess hey!! what's up ya'll!! yahh things have really changed for me. and i'm sorry i'm not on here anymore....there is just so much going on it's crazy. so i'm just stopping by to say hi real quick and i'm not promising i'll be back cause that would be a broken promise.....idk why i just never get on here anymore. i love my school now....i think the last time i was here i had just moved to a new school and hated it......well i don't know what i would have done without this school i'm in now it's so awesome i love it...but oh so sad....cause there isn't usally deaths in a little school but there has already been 3 deaths at my new school well not really new any more. it's really sad...they were so young. but life has been pretty good, cept today was amazingly sad cause my horsey harley was sold today....i thought i wouldn't cry cause i had prepared myself buut the saddest thing was seeing her be pulled away and hearin her neigh....i couldn't help it. so i miss her right now. um i don't know what else to say cause i'm probably boring ya'll to death...so i'm sorry about that!! lov ya'll guys! :wacko:

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wow....things have changed. idk what to say. ummm i guess hey!! what's up ya'll!! yahh things have really changed for me. and i'm sorry i'm not on here anymore....there is just so much going on it's crazy. so i'm just stopping by to say hi real quick and i'm not promising i'll be back cause that would be a broken promise.....idk why i just never get on here anymore. i love my school now....i think the last time i was here i had just moved to a new school and hated it......well i don't know what i would have done without this school i'm in now it's so awesome i love it...but oh so sad....cause there isn't usally deaths in a little school but there has already been 3 deaths at my new school well not really new any more. it's really sad...they were so young. but life has been pretty good, cept today was amazingly sad cause my horsey harley was sold today....i thought i wouldn't cry cause i had prepared myself buut the saddest thing was seeing her be pulled away and hearin her neigh....i couldn't help it. so i miss her right now. um i don't know what else to say cause i'm probably boring ya'll to death...so i'm sorry about that!! lov ya'll guys! :wacko:

Yeah Honey!!! Happy New Year!!!

Glad school is going well and your are happy. So sorry to hear about the deaths of your schoolmates. That must be so hard for their friends and their parents.

Hopefully Harley will be going to a place where she is happy. I know it must have been hard for you, as she was a great friend, but perhaps you can think of her in a green pasture soaking up the sun. I think I would have cried when she neighed. That would have torn my heart out. You definitely are not boring us. I just wish you could find ten minutes a week to stop in and visit and let us know life is treating you great.


Say hello to Spot if you are in touch with her.

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Honey! *glomps* Welcome back. *hands over some honey-covered micicles*


Sorry to hear about your horse...an animal can really become part of the family, and is dearly missed when taken away. :( Just remember the good times...that's what I do when I feel deprived of my cat who passed away last month. Pets are such wonderful gifts of life...they will always have a place in your heart. :)

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wow....things have changed. idk what to say. ummm i guess hey!! what's up ya'll!! yahh things have really changed for me. and i'm sorry i'm not on here anymore....there is just so much going on it's crazy. so i'm just stopping by to say hi real quick and i'm not promising i'll be back cause that would be a broken promise.....idk why i just never get on here anymore. i love my school now....i think the last time i was here i had just moved to a new school and hated it......well i don't know what i would have done without this school i'm in now it's so awesome i love it...but oh so sad....cause there isn't usally deaths in a little school but there has already been 3 deaths at my new school well not really new any more. it's really sad...they were so young. but life has been pretty good, cept today was amazingly sad cause my horsey harley was sold today....i thought i wouldn't cry cause i had prepared myself buut the saddest thing was seeing her be pulled away and hearin her neigh....i couldn't help it. so i miss her right now. um i don't know what else to say cause i'm probably boring ya'll to death...so i'm sorry about that!! lov ya'll guys! :wacko:

Sorry about all of your misfortunes. :( I'm glad school is going well for you though. ^.^ I'm also glad that you are back. You need to stop by more often.

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wow....things have changed. idk what to say. ummm i guess hey!! what's up ya'll!! yahh things have really changed for me. and i'm sorry i'm not on here anymore....there is just so much going on it's crazy. so i'm just stopping by to say hi real quick and i'm not promising i'll be back cause that would be a broken promise.....idk why i just never get on here anymore. i love my school now....i think the last time i was here i had just moved to a new school and hated it......well i don't know what i would have done without this school i'm in now it's so awesome i love it...but oh so sad....cause there isn't usally deaths in a little school but there has already been 3 deaths at my new school well not really new any more. it's really sad...they were so young. but life has been pretty good, cept today was amazingly sad cause my horsey harley was sold today....i thought i wouldn't cry cause i had prepared myself buut the saddest thing was seeing her be pulled away and hearin her neigh....i couldn't help it. so i miss her right now. um i don't know what else to say cause i'm probably boring ya'll to death...so i'm sorry about that!! lov ya'll guys! :wacko:

Sorry about all of your misfortunes. :( I'm glad school is going well for you though. ^.^ I'm also glad that you are back. You need to stop by more often.

Exactly what I was thinking.

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yahh i should stop by WAY more!! sry bout that.



my and Spot still talk alot so i'll tell her!!






yahh i really do miss harley but thanks for all the kind words!!






*eats honey-covered micicles* yummy *hugs jesse*











yahh sooo it's been awhile!! lol





umm question, did i like pin this or something somehow cause idk if id did. :rolleyes:

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yahh i should stop by WAY more!! sry bout that.



my and Spot still talk alot so i'll tell her!!






yahh i really do miss harley but thanks for all the kind words!!






*eats honey-covered micicles* yummy *hugs jesse*











yahh sooo it's been awhile!! lol





umm question, did i like pin this or something somehow cause idk if id did. :rolleyes:

So happy to see you again. You need to go to My Controls on the upper right, click on it, then look on the left and click on Avatar settings, then look for the Avatar with your name. :D

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yahh i should stop by WAY more!! sry bout that.



my and Spot still talk alot so i'll tell her!!






yahh i really do miss harley but thanks for all the kind words!!






*eats honey-covered micicles* yummy *hugs jesse*











yahh sooo it's been awhile!! lol





umm question, did i like pin this or something somehow cause idk if id did. :rolleyes:

So happy to see you again. You need to go to My Controls on the upper right, click on it, then look on the left and click on Avatar settings, then look for the Avatar with your name. :D

yay!!! ok!!

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yahh i should stop by WAY more!! sry bout that.



my and Spot still talk alot so i'll tell her!!






yahh i really do miss harley but thanks for all the kind words!!






*eats honey-covered micicles* yummy *hugs jesse*











yahh sooo it's been awhile!! lol





umm question, did i like pin this or something somehow cause idk if id did. :rolleyes:

So happy to see you again. You need to go to My Controls on the upper right, click on it, then look on the left and click on Avatar settings, then look for the Avatar with your name. :D

oooh it's soooooooo prettyy!!! i love it!! : ]

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yahh i should stop by WAY more!! sry bout that.



my and Spot still talk alot so i'll tell her!!






yahh i really do miss harley but thanks for all the kind words!!






*eats honey-covered micicles* yummy *hugs jesse*











yahh sooo it's been awhile!! lol





umm question, did i like pin this or something somehow cause idk if id did. :rolleyes:

So happy to see you again. You need to go to My Controls on the upper right, click on it, then look on the left and click on Avatar settings, then look for the Avatar with your name. :D

oooh it's soooooooo prettyy!!! i love it!! : ]

I thought you might!!! :D

As soon as I saw you use it as your avatar, you made me a happy hamster.

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I didn't check this topic before. That's why I can't bring myself to raise an animal project for agriculture class. Well, it's ag biology, but the ag part is separate. Our school is kinda weird. So yeah, I can't raise a pig project cuz I'll get attached and not want to eat meat for a few days.

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I didn't check this topic before. That's why I can't bring myself to raise an animal project for agriculture class. Well, it's ag biology, but the ag part is separate. Our school is kinda weird. So yeah, I can't raise a pig project cuz I'll get attached and not want to eat meat for a few days.

i'm sorry about that...yahh i wanted to raise a calf but i wouldn't be able to sell it

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Yaaaay Honey! *glomp* ^.^ Sorry about your horse and your freinds. :(


*~*THe Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Hm. I'm raising a pig anyways, seeing if I can just be unattached. It's going to be hard, I'm going to spend a couple hours a day walking it and making it muscular so that it can be heavier and therefore sell for more.

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Hm. I'm raising a pig anyways, seeing if I can just be unattached. It's going to be hard, I'm going to spend a couple hours a day walking it and making it muscular so that it can be heavier and therefore sell for more.

And it's name is? I think you will like your pig. They are cool animals.

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If you name the pig, that'll just make it harder to give away...


It will be something like Dumbpork. Cuz that way I don't feel bad.


Why the suprise?

You think because you give the poor little piggy a dumb name that you won't feel bad?

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If you name the pig, that'll just make it harder to give away...


It will be something like Dumbpork. Cuz that way I don't feel bad.


Why the suprise?

You think because you give the poor little piggy a dumb name that you won't feel bad?

Well, I think it makes sense.

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If you name the pig, that'll just make it harder to give away...


It will be something like Dumbpork. Cuz that way I don't feel bad.


Why the suprise?

You think because you give the poor little piggy a dumb name that you won't feel bad?

Well, I think it makes sense.

Well, easier than calling it "Pig pig" anyways. XD

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If you name the pig, that'll just make it harder to give away...


It will be something like Dumbpork. Cuz that way I don't feel bad.


Why the suprise?

You think because you give the poor little piggy a dumb name that you won't feel bad?

Well, I think it makes sense.

Well, easier than calling it "Pig pig" anyways. XD

I'd call it stupid pig. xD

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If you name the pig, that'll just make it harder to give away...


It will be something like Dumbpork. Cuz that way I don't feel bad.


Why the suprise?

You think because you give the poor little piggy a dumb name that you won't feel bad?

Well, I think it makes sense.

Well, easier than calling it "Pig pig" anyways. XD

I'd call it stupid pig. xD


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