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loneliness :[

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my body feels wrapped up

misguided sleep schedule

oh the warmth in winter break


everything seems so far lost

and like old memories are dreams

old problems laughed at

floating in the past


and im almost out of words

my vocabulary is pretty dry

and i beg for nicer feelings

to fill me up


what do i even know?

im just alone

and it's making me regret my final words to rob

how i wish i could just use him

wrap his arms around me

place his lips on my neck

just to feel alive

id get the warmest blanket

find the longest movie

and be held untill time stops


i miss it

but not him


only to have matt feel the same

thats all i want

sweet loneliness is killing me

and im expecting a longer doom

but maybe in the eyes of the stars

i can find his heart

and not just his arms

and he can find mine as well

i hope

i wish

i prey.


i want my matty.

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my body feels wrapped up

misguided sleep schedule

oh the warmth in winter break


everything seems so far lost

and like old memories are dreams

old problems laughed at

floating in the past


and im almost out of words

my vocabulary is pretty dry

and i beg for nicer feelings

to fill me up


what do i even know?

im just alone

and it's making me regret my final words to rob

how i wish i could just use him

wrap his arms around me

place his lips on my neck

just to feel alive

id get the warmest blanket

find the longest movie

and be held untill time stops


i miss it

but not him


only to have matt feel the same

thats all i want

sweet loneliness is killing me

and im expecting a longer doom

but maybe in the eyes of the stars

i can find his heart

and not just his arms

and he can find mine as well

i hope

i wish

i prey.


i want my matty.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*can't think of anything to say...*


I like this poem.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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thank you.


i think ill write another.



she has everything

i like to stay for days, weeks at her house

get messed up

stay this way

she brags everythings shes got

she skinner and prettier and knows it and says it

inside she a wreck

and i see it

but she dosent


therea alot to deal with

we smoke it all away

i know its all ive got to say

im sure yours sick and wanna sleep

but ehre i am again

and im gonna tell them all the words that are sitting on my life


he said i only say it at airports

shut down

and dragged to the ground

and everyone has a gift to share

just the presence and the love

of a single person

can lift a life

make things perfect

and im hungry

but its all good.


im falling

in the bloodshot eyes nation


stuck forever.

in an abyss

of ups and downs


and this.

almost its own

but its stronger and i need it

i need it

i need to feel this

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