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The HD Tech Support Peepz!!!


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Okay people, the winner of the poll I made not that long ago was The HD tech support peepz!!! So here it is!!!


If you need anything computer-wise fixed, just ask and one of our members will try to help you.


Current Techies:

  • Arkcher (I don't care that you never said you wanted to. You have to)
  • Cheesie
  • Glowurm
  • Campsoup1988

If you want to be a tech support person, just say and Horatio can add you to the list!


Oh, and horatio? Pin please. ^-^

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Okay people, the winner of the poll I made not that long ago was The HD tech support peepz!!! So here it is!!!


If you need anything computer-wise fixed, just ask and one of our members will try to help you.


Current Techies:

  • Arkcher (I don't care that you never said you wanted to. You have to)
  • Cheesie
  • Glowurm

If you want to be a tech support person, just say and Horatio can add you to the list!


Oh, and horatio? Pin please. ^-^

LOL... I don't think you want me as a tech person.

*hands out foam hammers*

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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay people, the winner of the poll I made not that long ago was The HD tech support peepz!!! So here it is!!!


If you need anything computer-wise fixed, just ask and one of our members will try to help you.


Current Techies:

  • Arkcher (I don't care that you never said you wanted to. You have to)
  • Cheesie
  • Glowurm

If you want to be a tech support person, just say and Horatio can add you to the list!


Oh, and horatio? Pin please. ^-^

LOL... I don't think you want me as a tech person.

*hands out foam hammers*

I just realized this topic exists. :rolleyes: Foam hammers? :huh: I can be a tech person, kinda. I know a limited amount of specific things. :P

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Sure, Ill join!


Im currently in procrasinating on reformating the family's main comp! <,>-<,>

Go for it.


Just keep in mind that anything that isnt backed up on a different hard drive or online will be gone. like, forever and cant be recovered.


I think the easiest (in regards to instructing) way to reformat is to get a Windows XP CD and put it in your CD drive whilst starting up. It should tell you to press any key to boot from CD, so do it. It'll start XP Setup, and give you pretty vague descriptions of whats happening (Gotta love Microsoft.)


Set up a new copy of XP (i think it wants you to press Enter for that) and hit F8 for that user agreement thing that pretty much just tells you to not be stupid. Eventually you'll come across the partitions in your hard drive, and thats where you reformat from. Delete all the partitions there, and create a new one in their stead. (Two or three partitions, if you wanted to. It'll pretty much cut your hard drive in half and see it as two seperate drives. Not very useful.) It'll reformat, and install XP and there you go.


Depending on how big your hard drive is, it should take... maybe two to three hours. It reformats about a gigabyte a minute. (Bad news for those of you with like 250GB Drives. Those take for EVER to reformat.)

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Sure, Ill join!


Im currently in procrasinating on reformating the family's main comp! -

Oh!!! Arkcher would love to have that job. Just give him a couple of rolls of duct tape, preferably the camouflage color, for when he puts it back together.




Once Arkcher touches anyone's computer, such as reformatting yours, he has to put his signature on it. Hence, the duct tape! :lol:

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Saucerful Of Secrets will be blue

A Momentary Lapse Of Reason will be red

The Final Cut will be grey

The Dark Side Of The Moon will be navy

More will be green

Atom Heart Mother will be purple

The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn will be pink

Ummagamma will be lime

The Wall will be brown

Wish You Were Here will be orange

Animals will be maroon

The Division Bell will be yellow

Relics will be teal

Obscured By Clouds will be black


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Saucerful Of Secrets will be blue

A Momentary Lapse Of Reason will be red

The Final Cut will be grey

The Dark Side Of The Moon will be navy

More will be green

Atom Heart Mother will be purple

The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn will be pink

Ummagamma will be lime

The Wall will be brown

Wish You Were Here will be orange

Animals will be maroon

The Division Bell will be yellow

Relics will be teal

Obscured By Clouds will be black


Well, DUH! Of course I'm adding THAT quote when I do it!

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Sure, Ill join!


Im currently in procrasinating on reformating the family's main comp! <,>-<,>

Go for it.


Just keep in mind that anything that isnt backed up on a different hard drive or online will be gone. like, forever and cant be recovered.


I think the easiest (in regards to instructing) way to reformat is to get a Windows XP CD and put it in your CD drive whilst starting up. It should tell you to press any key to boot from CD, so do it. It'll start XP Setup, and give you pretty vague descriptions of whats happening (Gotta love Microsoft.)


Set up a new copy of XP (i think it wants you to press Enter for that) and hit F8 for that user agreement thing that pretty much just tells you to not be stupid. Eventually you'll come across the partitions in your hard drive, and thats where you reformat from. Delete all the partitions there, and create a new one in their stead. (Two or three partitions, if you wanted to. It'll pretty much cut your hard drive in half and see it as two seperate drives. Not very useful.) It'll reformat, and install XP and there you go.


Depending on how big your hard drive is, it should take... maybe two to three hours. It reformats about a gigabyte a minute. (Bad news for those of you with like 250GB Drives. Those take for EVER to reformat.)


When I boot I get the following error message:


Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <Windows root>\system32\hal.dll


I tried talking to Microsoft, but they refused to service me because the comp was a hp


I talked to HP, the guy I spoke to gave me the following instructions:


(Ill post them because Horatio would probly delete the link)


This document applies to HP and Compaq Desktop PCs that come with Windows XP.


When Windows starts, the following error message appears:


" Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <Windows root>\system32\hal.dll. Please re-install a copy of the above file."


Use the following steps to resolve this error:


Step 1: Opening a command prompt


This error prevents Windows XP from opening. This problem has to be addressed from a command prompt environment.


Use the following steps to open a command prompt environment:


1. Turn on the PC and press the F8 key repeatedly when the first screen appears.


The Windows advanced options menu appears.


2. Use the Up and Down Arrow and Enter keys to select Return to OS choices.


3. Select Microsoft Windows Recovery Console.


NOTE: If "Microsoft Windows XP Recovery Console" is not listed, restart the PC with a Windows XP CD, Recovery Console CD, or Recovery Tools CD in the top CD or DVD drive and open Microsoft Windows Recovery Console. If a Windows XP Setup screen appears when using Recovery Console CDs, press the R key to open the Recovery Console.


NOTE: If "Microsoft Windows XP Recovery Console" does not list and you do not have a CD with recovery console, try the following:


a. Turn on the PC, and press the F10 key repeatedly at the first screen.


b. At the Recovery screen, click Advanced Options.


c. Press the Alt + D keys at the same time to open a command prompt window and skip to step 5.


4. When the login prompt appears, press the number next to the windows version (minint or Windows) and type the logon password. Try pressing Enter if you do not know the password.


5. At the command prompt, type the following: diskpart


6. Press Enter, do one the following:


¤ If a table of volume names appears, remember the drive letter next to the main drive volume name (usually D or H next to HP_PAVILION or PRESARIO) and press the Esc key.


¤ If a diskpart prompt appears, type list volume, press Enter, remember the drive letter next to the main drive volume name (usually D or H next to HP_PAVILION or PRESARIO), type exit when done, and then press Enter.


NOTE: If the main drive volume name does not appear in the list, the PC needs to be recovered. For more information, refer to Performing a Full System Recovery in XP .


Step 2: Restoring boot.ini


Use the following steps to replace the boot.ini file with the backup boot.ini file:


1. Type the following at the command prompt: X: (where X is the drive letter).


2. At the prompt, type the following: ren boot.ini boot.in2


3. Press Enter


4. At the prompt, type the following: ren boot.bak boot.ini


5. Press Enter


6. At the prompt, type the following: exit


7. Press Enter


The system automatically restarts. If Windows XP does not open, continue to the next Step.


Step 3: Editing boot.ini


If the steps above fail to resolve the error, use the following steps:


NOTE: The following steps use the recovery partition on the hard drive. If the recovery partition has been removed, these steps will not work and you should recover the PC using recovery discs.


1. Turn on the PC. When the initial logo screen appears, press the F10 key repeatedly until a message about starting recovery appears.


2. At the Recovery screen, click Advanced Options and then press the Alt and D keys at the same time to go to a command prompt.


3. At the command Prompt, type the following: diskpart


4. Press Enter and type the following at the diskpart prompt: list volume


A table of drive volumes and names appears.


5. Note the drive letter next to the main drive volume name (usually D or H next to HP_PAVILION or PRESARIO).


6. Type the following at the diskpart prompt: Exit


7. Press Enter and type the drive letter followed by a colon ( :) at the command prompt. For example, D:.


8. Press Enter and type the following at the command prompt: attrib -h -s -r boot.ini


9. Press Enter and type the following at the command prompt: boot.ini


10. The file opens for editing in Notepad. Edit the boot.ini file to read exactly as follows:


[boot loader] 
[operating systems] 
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /fastdetect 
C:\CMDCONS\BOOTSECT.DAT="Microsoft Windows Recovery Console" /cmdcons


NOTE: If your PC came with Windows XP Professional, edit the line referring to Home Edition under [operating systems] to read as follows: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect


11. Save and Exit from the menu.


12. Type the following at the command prompt: attrib +h +s +r boot.ini


13. Press Enter and type the following at the command prompt: Exit


14. Click Quit on the recovery screen to restart the computer.


The PC should now restart without the error message. If the error still persists, perform a full system recovery. For more information, see HP and Compaq Desktop PCs - Performing a System Recovery in Microsoft Windows XP "



Unfortiontly those steps did not work. I went back to HP, got a different RUDE guy that had no grammer sense and could not spell at ALL! there was not one sentice he wrote without atleast 2 spelling mistakes, and I had to ask him to rewrite a statement a few times. he claims I need to reformat the computer but I could recover my files from My Documents and the Desktop, but that is it (which I think if you could recover files from those locations, you could recover files elsewhere on the hardrive) I also asked how to recover Microsoft Office, and he claims you just reinstall it, it will not ask you buy a new licensse, which I am not sure about. While I was trying to verify what he said about Office, he asked if I was still there since I did not reply for a few minutes. I replied I was still there, one sec. A minute latter, he ends the discussion


I do have the reformating instructions, I dont have a Win XP CD, they nolonger give Win XP CDs if your computer is preloaded with Windows. Instead, their is a recovery partition on the hard drive that you use (how it is safer I have no clue, since a virus could destroy it)


My school has a comp networking magent program, if you dont know what that is, its basicly advance classes, focused in the instances, computer networking, which they do computer repairs for students at my school, so the networking students get experince. I am thinking of haveing them reformat the comp for me. (I am in the comp programing magnet program)

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Unfortiontly those steps did not work. I went back to HP, got a different RUDE guy that had no grammer sense and could not spell at ALL! there was not one sentice he wrote without atleast 2 spelling mistakes, and I had to ask him to rewrite a statement a few times. he claims I need to reformat the computer but I could recover my files from My Documents and the Desktop, but that is it (which I think if you could recover files from those locations, you could recover files elsewhere on the hardrive) I also asked how to recover Microsoft Office, and he claims you just reinstall it, it will not ask you buy a new licensse, which I am not sure about. While I was trying to verify what he said about Office, he asked if I was still there since I did not reply for a few minutes. I replied I was still there, one sec. A minute latter, he ends the discussion


I do have the reformating instructions, I dont have a Win XP CD, they nolonger give Win XP CDs if your computer is preloaded with Windows. Instead, their is a recovery partition on the hard drive that you use (how it is safer I have no clue, since a virus could destroy it)


My school has a comp networking magent program, if you dont know what that is, its basicly advance classes, focused in the instances, computer networking, which they do computer repairs for students at my school, so the networking students get experince. I am thinking of haveing them reformat the comp for me. (I am in the comp programing magnet program)

Having an XP CP is kind of vital, I think. If you cant get hold of one, its just easier to have someone else do it.

If you cant do that for free, ask around some of your friends or the computer nerds at school and see if you can use their XP CDs, or where you could get a copy of one.

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Saucerful Of Secrets will be blue

A Momentary Lapse Of Reason will be red

The Final Cut will be grey

The Dark Side Of The Moon will be navy

More will be green

Atom Heart Mother will be purple

The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn will be pink

Ummagamma will be lime

The Wall will be brown

Wish You Were Here will be orange

Animals will be maroon

The Division Bell will be yellow

Relics will be teal

Obscured By Clouds will be black


Well, DUH! Of course I'm adding THAT quote when I do it!

No. The colours.


Everybody knows More is Orange and Momentary Lapse Of Reason is Grey and DSOTM is Black.

Another thing. Relics isn't a seperate album from other CDS, it is a collection of songs from other Albums.

As is Ummagumma, which if I remember right is a live CD.

The Final Cut should be red or green.

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Saucerful Of Secrets will be blue

A Momentary Lapse Of Reason will be red

The Final Cut will be grey

The Dark Side Of The Moon will be navy

More will be green

Atom Heart Mother will be purple

The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn will be pink

Ummagamma will be lime

The Wall will be brown

Wish You Were Here will be orange

Animals will be maroon

The Division Bell will be yellow

Relics will be teal

Obscured By Clouds will be black


Well, DUH! Of course I'm adding THAT quote when I do it!

No. The colours.


Everybody knows More is Orange and Momentary Lapse Of Reason is Grey and DSOTM is Black.

Another thing. Relics isn't a seperate album from other CDS, it is a collection of songs from other Albums.

As is Ummagumma, which if I remember right is a live CD.

The Final Cut should be red or green.


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Saucerful Of Secrets will be blue

A Momentary Lapse Of Reason will be red

The Final Cut will be grey

The Dark Side Of The Moon will be navy

More will be green

Atom Heart Mother will be purple

The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn will be pink

Ummagamma will be lime

The Wall will be brown

Wish You Were Here will be orange

Animals will be maroon

The Division Bell will be yellow

Relics will be teal

Obscured By Clouds will be black


Well, DUH! Of course I'm adding THAT quote when I do it!

No. The colours.


Everybody knows More is Orange and Momentary Lapse Of Reason is Grey and DSOTM is Black.

Another thing. Relics isn't a seperate album from other CDS, it is a collection of songs from other Albums.

As is Ummagumma, which if I remember right is a live CD.

The Final Cut should be red or green.

Bah, you're basing it on the album artwork, I bet. I base it on sound. Haven't you listened to Green Is The Color? Nyah :P


Relics still has some really old singles, like Paintbox. Stuff like that. So yeah, I'm still including it.


Ummagamma certainly doesn't sound live. Especially with the lack of the clapping and the wh00ting and the oh, my, claustrophobia. I guess people just didn't like it :P


Either way I couldn't be bothered.

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when will I become a member of tech support?

LOL You are tech support!!!!! LOL


but Im not in the directory!


*takes black sharpee and scribles "Campsoup1988" under Glowurm's name*

I can fix that. LOL

Indeed. That's your job as mod (Hey, I just realized, that rhymes with god).

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Saucerful Of Secrets will be blue

A Momentary Lapse Of Reason will be red

The Final Cut will be grey

The Dark Side Of The Moon will be navy

More will be green

Atom Heart Mother will be purple

The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn will be pink

Ummagamma will be lime

The Wall will be brown

Wish You Were Here will be orange

Animals will be maroon

The Division Bell will be yellow

Relics will be teal

Obscured By Clouds will be black


Well, DUH! Of course I'm adding THAT quote when I do it!

No. The colours.


Everybody knows More is Orange and Momentary Lapse Of Reason is Grey and DSOTM is Black.

Another thing. Relics isn't a seperate album from other CDS, it is a collection of songs from other Albums.

As is Ummagumma, which if I remember right is a live CD.

The Final Cut should be red or green.

Bah, you're basing it on the album artwork, I bet. I base it on sound. Haven't you listened to Green Is The Color? Nyah :P


Relics still has some really old singles, like Paintbox. Stuff like that. So yeah, I'm still including it.


Ummagamma certainly doesn't sound live. Especially with the lack of the clapping and the wh00ting and the oh, my, claustrophobia. I guess people just didn't like it :P


Either way I couldn't be bothered.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


So? What does one song make a difference?


I don't know anyone else who would base the 'colour' of an album on sound. Or even have colours for the albums, anyway.


And as for the old singles, it would be better to give them their own colour.

Not give a colour on an album that is mostly non-single songs.


Eithe rit was live, or it was a collection of songs. I don't remember. I don't care to buy it until I buy the other non-live non-collection albums first.


*~*The Psychedelc Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Saucerful Of Secrets will be blue

A Momentary Lapse Of Reason will be red

The Final Cut will be grey

The Dark Side Of The Moon will be navy

More will be green

Atom Heart Mother will be purple

The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn will be pink

Ummagamma will be lime

The Wall will be brown

Wish You Were Here will be orange

Animals will be maroon

The Division Bell will be yellow

Relics will be teal

Obscured By Clouds will be black


Well, DUH! Of course I'm adding THAT quote when I do it!

No. The colours.


Everybody knows More is Orange and Momentary Lapse Of Reason is Grey and DSOTM is Black.

Another thing. Relics isn't a seperate album from other CDS, it is a collection of songs from other Albums.

As is Ummagumma, which if I remember right is a live CD.

The Final Cut should be red or green.

Bah, you're basing it on the album artwork, I bet. I base it on sound. Haven't you listened to Green Is The Color? Nyah :P


Relics still has some really old singles, like Paintbox. Stuff like that. So yeah, I'm still including it.


Ummagamma certainly doesn't sound live. Especially with the lack of the clapping and the wh00ting and the oh, my, claustrophobia. I guess people just didn't like it :P


Either way I couldn't be bothered.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


So? What does one song make a difference?


I don't know anyone else who would base the 'colour' of an album on sound. Or even have colours for the albums, anyway.


And as for the old singles, it would be better to give them their own colour.

Not give a colour on an album that is mostly non-single songs.


Eithe rit was live, or it was a collection of songs. I don't remember. I don't care to buy it until I buy the other non-live non-collection albums first.


*~*The Psychedelc Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

One song makes a lot of difference. I wouldn't have liked Animals, on the whole, if it wasn't for Pigs (Three Different Ones) :P


I em not normal and do a few things most people wouldn't ^_^


Considering the amount of different singles from the same album I was planning to quote, it would be mush easier to use one color for the album. And I'm lazy.


And whatever the case, it doesn't matter anymore.

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Saucerful Of Secrets will be blue

A Momentary Lapse Of Reason will be red

The Final Cut will be grey

The Dark Side Of The Moon will be navy

More will be green

Atom Heart Mother will be purple

The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn will be pink

Ummagamma will be lime

The Wall will be brown

Wish You Were Here will be orange

Animals will be maroon

The Division Bell will be yellow

Relics will be teal

Obscured By Clouds will be black


Well, DUH! Of course I'm adding THAT quote when I do it!

No. The colours.


Everybody knows More is Orange and Momentary Lapse Of Reason is Grey and DSOTM is Black.

Another thing. Relics isn't a seperate album from other CDS, it is a collection of songs from other Albums.

As is Ummagumma, which if I remember right is a live CD.

The Final Cut should be red or green.

Bah, you're basing it on the album artwork, I bet. I base it on sound. Haven't you listened to Green Is The Color? Nyah :P


Relics still has some really old singles, like Paintbox. Stuff like that. So yeah, I'm still including it.


Ummagamma certainly doesn't sound live. Especially with the lack of the clapping and the wh00ting and the oh, my, claustrophobia. I guess people just didn't like it :P


Either way I couldn't be bothered.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


So? What does one song make a difference?


I don't know anyone else who would base the 'colour' of an album on sound. Or even have colours for the albums, anyway.


And as for the old singles, it would be better to give them their own colour.

Not give a colour on an album that is mostly non-single songs.


Eithe rit was live, or it was a collection of songs. I don't remember. I don't care to buy it until I buy the other non-live non-collection albums first.


*~*The Psychedelc Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

One song makes a lot of difference. I wouldn't have liked Animals, on the whole, if it wasn't for Pigs (Three Different Ones) :P


I em not normal and do a few things most people wouldn't ^_^


Considering the amount of different singles from the same album I was planning to quote, it would be mush easier to use one color for the album. And I'm lazy.


And whatever the case, it doesn't matter anymore.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm not normal, either.


Plus, a rainbow of colours wouldn't match Pink Floyd's personage of singing about death and drugs.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Saucerful Of Secrets will be blue

A Momentary Lapse Of Reason will be red

The Final Cut will be grey

The Dark Side Of The Moon will be navy

More will be green

Atom Heart Mother will be purple

The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn will be pink

Ummagamma will be lime

The Wall will be brown

Wish You Were Here will be orange

Animals will be maroon

The Division Bell will be yellow

Relics will be teal

Obscured By Clouds will be black


Well, DUH! Of course I'm adding THAT quote when I do it!

No. The colours.


Everybody knows More is Orange and Momentary Lapse Of Reason is Grey and DSOTM is Black.

Another thing. Relics isn't a seperate album from other CDS, it is a collection of songs from other Albums.

As is Ummagumma, which if I remember right is a live CD.

The Final Cut should be red or green.

Bah, you're basing it on the album artwork, I bet. I base it on sound. Haven't you listened to Green Is The Color? Nyah :P


Relics still has some really old singles, like Paintbox. Stuff like that. So yeah, I'm still including it.


Ummagamma certainly doesn't sound live. Especially with the lack of the clapping and the wh00ting and the oh, my, claustrophobia. I guess people just didn't like it :P


Either way I couldn't be bothered.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


So? What does one song make a difference?


I don't know anyone else who would base the 'colour' of an album on sound. Or even have colours for the albums, anyway.


And as for the old singles, it would be better to give them their own colour.

Not give a colour on an album that is mostly non-single songs.


Eithe rit was live, or it was a collection of songs. I don't remember. I don't care to buy it until I buy the other non-live non-collection albums first.


*~*The Psychedelc Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

One song makes a lot of difference. I wouldn't have liked Animals, on the whole, if it wasn't for Pigs (Three Different Ones) :P


I em not normal and do a few things most people wouldn't ^_^


Considering the amount of different singles from the same album I was planning to quote, it would be mush easier to use one color for the album. And I'm lazy.


And whatever the case, it doesn't matter anymore.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm not normal, either.


Plus, a rainbow of colours wouldn't match Pink Floyd's personage of singing about death and drugs.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Nobody is normal.


True, but I like colours ^_^


But then again it would match their earlier songs, the more happy-psychedelic ones.

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Saucerful Of Secrets will be blue

A Momentary Lapse Of Reason will be red

The Final Cut will be grey

The Dark Side Of The Moon will be navy

More will be green

Atom Heart Mother will be purple

The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn will be pink

Ummagamma will be lime

The Wall will be brown

Wish You Were Here will be orange

Animals will be maroon

The Division Bell will be yellow

Relics will be teal

Obscured By Clouds will be black


Well, DUH! Of course I'm adding THAT quote when I do it!

No. The colours.


Everybody knows More is Orange and Momentary Lapse Of Reason is Grey and DSOTM is Black.

Another thing. Relics isn't a seperate album from other CDS, it is a collection of songs from other Albums.

As is Ummagumma, which if I remember right is a live CD.

The Final Cut should be red or green.

Bah, you're basing it on the album artwork, I bet. I base it on sound. Haven't you listened to Green Is The Color? Nyah :P


Relics still has some really old singles, like Paintbox. Stuff like that. So yeah, I'm still including it.


Ummagamma certainly doesn't sound live. Especially with the lack of the clapping and the wh00ting and the oh, my, claustrophobia. I guess people just didn't like it :P


Either way I couldn't be bothered.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


So? What does one song make a difference?


I don't know anyone else who would base the 'colour' of an album on sound. Or even have colours for the albums, anyway.


And as for the old singles, it would be better to give them their own colour.

Not give a colour on an album that is mostly non-single songs.


Eithe rit was live, or it was a collection of songs. I don't remember. I don't care to buy it until I buy the other non-live non-collection albums first.


*~*The Psychedelc Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

One song makes a lot of difference. I wouldn't have liked Animals, on the whole, if it wasn't for Pigs (Three Different Ones) :P


I em not normal and do a few things most people wouldn't ^_^


Considering the amount of different singles from the same album I was planning to quote, it would be mush easier to use one color for the album. And I'm lazy.


And whatever the case, it doesn't matter anymore.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I'm not normal, either.


Plus, a rainbow of colours wouldn't match Pink Floyd's personage of singing about death and drugs.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Nobody is normal.


True, but I like colours ^_^


But then again it would match their earlier songs, the more happy-psychedelic ones.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Some of those earlier songs were written while they were stoned.

Lucifer, as in Lucifer Sam, means The Devil.

Scarecrow references to drinking beer. (Beer is made from barely)

I think a hole would be torn in the universe if Bike wasn't written under the influence of drugs.


(I know, this isn't the most Horatio-freindly post :lol:)


And the songs n Obscured By Clouds are disturbing, too.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Do any of you know how to get rid of intercepted downloads?


supposing thats the term for the issue I'm thinking of, but I downloaded a program a few weeks ago from one of my friends (who wouldnt give me a virus) which was compressed in a Zip folder. I installed the program after unzipping the contents, and the program didnt work. 'didnt have all the DLL files or something.


And now, whenever I start PSP7, MSN, or a small handful of other programs, That zip folder pops up and starts reinstalling the said program, but stops half-way saying some required files are missing.


I've searched my hard drive numerous times for any trace of this file, and cant find what keeps making it reinstall.

its very annoying.


'Anyone else have this problem or know how to get rid of it?

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Do any of you know how to get rid of intercepted downloads?


supposing thats the term for the issue I'm thinking of, but I downloaded a program a few weeks ago from one of my friends (who wouldnt give me a virus) which was compressed in a Zip folder. I installed the program after unzipping the contents, and the program didnt work. 'didnt have all the DLL files or something.


And now, whenever I start PSP7, MSN, or a small handful of other programs, That zip folder pops up and starts reinstalling the said program, but stops half-way saying some required files are missing.


I've searched my hard drive numerous times for any trace of this file, and cant find what keeps making it reinstall.

its very annoying.


'Anyone else have this problem or know how to get rid of it?

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

I have been in your shoes and have no earthly idea.

*sends a sympathy card to Arkcher*

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Do any of you know how to get rid of intercepted downloads?


supposing thats the term for the issue I'm thinking of, but I downloaded a program a few weeks ago from one of my friends (who wouldnt give me a virus) which was compressed in a Zip folder. I installed the program after unzipping the contents, and the program didnt work. 'didnt have all the DLL files or something.


And now, whenever I start PSP7, MSN, or a small handful of other programs, That zip folder pops up and starts reinstalling the said program, but stops half-way saying some required files are missing.


I've searched my hard drive numerous times for any trace of this file, and cant find what keeps making it reinstall.

its very annoying.


'Anyone else have this problem or know how to get rid of it?

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

I have been in your shoes and have no earthly idea.

*sends a sympathy card to Arkcher*

Yeah, its pretty smelly in there, huh?

My poor toes. XD

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Do any of you know how to get rid of intercepted downloads?


supposing thats the term for the issue I'm thinking of, but I downloaded a program a few weeks ago from one of my friends (who wouldnt give me a virus) which was compressed in a Zip folder. I installed the program after unzipping the contents, and the program didnt work. 'didnt have all the DLL files or something.


And now, whenever I start PSP7, MSN, or a small handful of other programs, That zip folder pops up and starts reinstalling the said program, but stops half-way saying some required files are missing.


I've searched my hard drive numerous times for any trace of this file, and cant find what keeps making it reinstall.

its very annoying.


'Anyone else have this problem or know how to get rid of it?

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

I have been in your shoes and have no earthly idea.

*sends a sympathy card to Arkcher*

Yeah, its pretty smelly in there, huh?

My poor toes. XD

Quite. I poured in a bunch of Odor Eaters before entering. LOL

*cuts a big hole in the toes of Arkcher's shoes to give his toes some fresh air*

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Do any of you know how to get rid of intercepted downloads?


supposing thats the term for the issue I'm thinking of, but I downloaded a program a few weeks ago from one of my friends (who wouldnt give me a virus) which was compressed in a Zip folder. I installed the program after unzipping the contents, and the program didnt work. 'didnt have all the DLL files or something.


And now, whenever I start PSP7, MSN, or a small handful of other programs, That zip folder pops up and starts reinstalling the said program, but stops half-way saying some required files are missing.


I've searched my hard drive numerous times for any trace of this file, and cant find what keeps making it reinstall.

its very annoying.


'Anyone else have this problem or know how to get rid of it?

Hm, well I dunno about the missing files, but it sounds sorta like this thingo where I had something a friend recommended, and I decided I didn't like it so I uninstalled it, and then to make sure it was gone, I went into add or remove programs and looked for any trace of it, then being none, I went to bed. Next morning when I turned on me compy, it had reinstalled itself somehow. Yeah. And I had to get my dad to get rid of it. I dunno what he did unfortunately, but any posting is good posting, eh?


My dad is like... My very own techie. He also explains some stuff to me :o

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Do any of you know how to get rid of intercepted downloads?


supposing thats the term for the issue I'm thinking of, but I downloaded a program a few weeks ago from one of my friends (who wouldnt give me a virus) which was compressed in a Zip folder. I installed the program after unzipping the contents, and the program didnt work. 'didnt have all the DLL files or something.


And now, whenever I start PSP7, MSN, or a small handful of other programs, That zip folder pops up and starts reinstalling the said program, but stops half-way saying some required files are missing.


I've searched my hard drive numerous times for any trace of this file, and cant find what keeps making it reinstall.

its very annoying.


'Anyone else have this problem or know how to get rid of it?

Oh, and another thing I thought of, perhaps the person had a virus which infected one of the files put in the zip without the person knowing? Like with that virus thingo you said you had a while ago and it could have infected some of your uploads, and you didn't know until just then :o

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Do any of you know how to get rid of intercepted downloads?


supposing thats the term for the issue I'm thinking of, but I downloaded a program a few weeks ago from one of my friends (who wouldnt give me a virus) which was compressed in a Zip folder. I installed the program after unzipping the contents, and the program didnt work. 'didnt have all the DLL files or something.


And now, whenever I start PSP7, MSN, or a small handful of other programs, That zip folder pops up and starts reinstalling the said program, but stops half-way saying some required files are missing.


I've searched my hard drive numerous times for any trace of this file, and cant find what keeps making it reinstall.

its very annoying.


'Anyone else have this problem or know how to get rid of it?

Hm, well I dunno about the missing files, but it sounds sorta like this thingo where I had something a friend recommended, and I decided I didn't like it so I uninstalled it, and then to make sure it was gone, I went into add or remove programs and looked for any trace of it, then being none, I went to bed. Next morning when I turned on me compy, it had reinstalled itself somehow. Yeah. And I had to get my dad to get rid of it. I dunno what he did unfortunately, but any posting is good posting, eh?


My dad is like... My very own techie. He also explains some stuff to me :o

Maybe your father could be our own techie!!! LOL

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Do any of you know how to get rid of intercepted downloads?


supposing thats the term for the issue I'm thinking of, but I downloaded a program a few weeks ago from one of my friends (who wouldnt give me a virus) which was compressed in a Zip folder. I installed the program after unzipping the contents, and the program didnt work. 'didnt have all the DLL files or something.


And now, whenever I start PSP7, MSN, or a small handful of other programs, That zip folder pops up and starts reinstalling the said program, but stops half-way saying some required files are missing.


I've searched my hard drive numerous times for any trace of this file, and cant find what keeps making it reinstall.

its very annoying.


'Anyone else have this problem or know how to get rid of it?

Oh, and another thing I thought of, perhaps the person had a virus which infected one of the files put in the zip without the person knowing? Like with that virus thingo you said you had a while ago and it could have infected some of your uploads, and you didn't know until just then :o

Naw, He's got like... those $350 monthly antivirus protection things. Aint nothing bad gonna happen on his computer.

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Do any of you know how to get rid of intercepted downloads?


supposing thats the term for the issue I'm thinking of, but I downloaded a program a few weeks ago from one of my friends (who wouldnt give me a virus) which was compressed in a Zip folder. I installed the program after unzipping the contents, and the program didnt work. 'didnt have all the DLL files or something.


And now, whenever I start PSP7, MSN, or a small handful of other programs, That zip folder pops up and starts reinstalling the said program, but stops half-way saying some required files are missing.


I've searched my hard drive numerous times for any trace of this file, and cant find what keeps making it reinstall.

its very annoying.


'Anyone else have this problem or know how to get rid of it?

Oh, and another thing I thought of, perhaps the person had a virus which infected one of the files put in the zip without the person knowing? Like with that virus thingo you said you had a while ago and it could have infected some of your uploads, and you didn't know until just then :o

Naw, He's got like... those $350 monthly antivirus protection things. Aint nothing bad gonna happen on his computer.

$350 a month! That is a mite bit 'Spensive!

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Do any of you know how to get rid of intercepted downloads?


supposing thats the term for the issue I'm thinking of, but I downloaded a program a few weeks ago from one of my friends (who wouldnt give me a virus) which was compressed in a Zip folder. I installed the program after unzipping the contents, and the program didnt work. 'didnt have all the DLL files or something.


And now, whenever I start PSP7, MSN, or a small handful of other programs, That zip folder pops up and starts reinstalling the said program, but stops half-way saying some required files are missing.


I've searched my hard drive numerous times for any trace of this file, and cant find what keeps making it reinstall.

its very annoying.


'Anyone else have this problem or know how to get rid of it?

Oh, and another thing I thought of, perhaps the person had a virus which infected one of the files put in the zip without the person knowing? Like with that virus thingo you said you had a while ago and it could have infected some of your uploads, and you didn't know until just then :o

Naw, He's got like... those $350 monthly antivirus protection things. Aint nothing bad gonna happen on his computer.

$350 a month! That is a mite bit 'Spensive!

$350 per month?!?!?!?!?

Whoa... that is a lot of antivirus protection! LOL

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Do any of you know how to get rid of intercepted downloads?


supposing thats the term for the issue I'm thinking of, but I downloaded a program a few weeks ago from one of my friends (who wouldnt give me a virus) which was compressed in a Zip folder. I installed the program after unzipping the contents, and the program didnt work. 'didnt have all the DLL files or something.


And now, whenever I start PSP7, MSN, or a small handful of other programs, That zip folder pops up and starts reinstalling the said program, but stops half-way saying some required files are missing.


I've searched my hard drive numerous times for any trace of this file, and cant find what keeps making it reinstall.

its very annoying.


'Anyone else have this problem or know how to get rid of it?

Hm, well I dunno about the missing files, but it sounds sorta like this thingo where I had something a friend recommended, and I decided I didn't like it so I uninstalled it, and then to make sure it was gone, I went into add or remove programs and looked for any trace of it, then being none, I went to bed. Next morning when I turned on me compy, it had reinstalled itself somehow. Yeah. And I had to get my dad to get rid of it. I dunno what he did unfortunately, but any posting is good posting, eh?


My dad is like... My very own techie. He also explains some stuff to me :o



What is the name of the program your freind tried to give you maybe, you could redownload it, and reinstall it to fix the problem

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I went to Add/Remove Programs, and that program was in the list. and when I try to uninstall it, it says some of the files are missing that it needs to uninstall. (similar to how it cant install normally.)

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I went to Add/Remove Programs, and that program was in the list. and when I try to uninstall it, it says some of the files are missing that it needs to uninstall. (similar to how it cant install normally.)

If you really want to mess things up, do what I do, drag it to the trash and empty the trash.


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I went to Add/Remove Programs, and that program was in the list. and when I try to uninstall it, it says some of the files are missing that it needs to uninstall. (similar to how it cant install normally.)

If you really want to mess things up, do what I do, drag it to the trash and empty the trash.


'Dun did already. And its still reinstalling after I've manually removed every trace of that program.

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I went to Add/Remove Programs, and that program was in the list. and when I try to uninstall it, it says some of the files are missing that it needs to uninstall. (similar to how it cant install normally.)

If you really want to mess things up, do what I do, drag it to the trash and empty the trash.


'Dun did already. And its still reinstalling after I've manually removed every trace of that program.


what program was it? I could possibly do some research on a solution if i knew the name of the program!

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i am pretty big in this specific topic, even though i have a terrible computer, i am pretty geeky. *just as i said that i had to push me glasses up*

Y'gotta love pushin' up yur glasses. xD

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i am pretty big in this specific topic, even though i have a terrible computer, i am pretty geeky. *just as i said that i had to push me glasses up*

Y'gotta love pushin' up yur glasses. xD

LOL... and I had to look twice at the post, because I didn't remember writing that.

*pushes glasses up*

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i am pretty big in this specific topic, even though i have a terrible computer, i am pretty geeky. *just as i said that i had to push me glasses up*

Y'gotta love pushin' up yur glasses. xD

LOL... and I had to look twice at the post, because I didn't remember writing that.

*pushes glasses up*

Wait, which one? Mine or schimmy's?

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i am pretty big in this specific topic, even though i have a terrible computer, i am pretty geeky. *just as i said that i had to push me glasses up*

Y'gotta love pushin' up yur glasses. xD

LOL... and I had to look twice at the post, because I didn't remember writing that.

*pushes glasses up*

Wait, which one? Mine or schimmy's?

Schimmy's, then yours reminding me I needed to push my glasses up. LOL

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i am pretty big in this specific topic, even though i have a terrible computer, i am pretty geeky. *just as i said that i had to push me glasses up*

Y'gotta love pushin' up yur glasses. xD

LOL... and I had to look twice at the post, because I didn't remember writing that.

*pushes glasses up*

Wait, which one? Mine or schimmy's?

Schimmy's, then yours reminding me I needed to push my glasses up. LOL

Oh. xD

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i am pretty big in this specific topic, even though i have a terrible computer, i am pretty geeky. *just as i said that i had to push me glasses up*

Y'gotta love pushin' up yur glasses. xD

LOL... and I had to look twice at the post, because I didn't remember writing that.

*pushes glasses up*

Wait, which one? Mine or schimmy's?

Schimmy's, then yours reminding me I needed to push my glasses up. LOL

Oh. xD

The boards are strange... it said he was posting in a topic and then he disappeared, but his post never appeared. :(

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i am pretty big in this specific topic, even though i have a terrible computer, i am pretty geeky. *just as i said that i had to push me glasses up*

Y'gotta love pushin' up yur glasses. xD

LOL... and I had to look twice at the post, because I didn't remember writing that.

*pushes glasses up*

Wait, which one? Mine or schimmy's?

Schimmy's, then yours reminding me I needed to push my glasses up. LOL

Oh. xD

The boards are strange... it said he was posting in a topic and then he disappeared, but his post never appeared. :(

Perhaps he decided that he didn't want to post what he was going to? Or... maybe the power went off, or his intarweb died, or something.

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i am pretty big in this specific topic, even though i have a terrible computer, i am pretty geeky. *just as i said that i had to push me glasses up*

Y'gotta love pushin' up yur glasses. xD

LOL... and I had to look twice at the post, because I didn't remember writing that.

*pushes glasses up*

Wait, which one? Mine or schimmy's?

Schimmy's, then yours reminding me I needed to push my glasses up. LOL

Oh. xD

The boards are strange... it said he was posting in a topic and then he disappeared, but his post never appeared. :(

Perhaps he decided that he didn't want to post what he was going to? Or... maybe the power went off, or his intarweb died, or something.

I wish we could get more people to look at the View New Posts topic. This way he might stay as he would see his post going up.

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i am pretty big in this specific topic, even though i have a terrible computer, i am pretty geeky. *just as i said that i had to push me glasses up*

Y'gotta love pushin' up yur glasses. xD

LOL... and I had to look twice at the post, because I didn't remember writing that.

*pushes glasses up*

Wait, which one? Mine or schimmy's?

Schimmy's, then yours reminding me I needed to push my glasses up. LOL

Oh. xD

The boards are strange... it said he was posting in a topic and then he disappeared, but his post never appeared. :(

Perhaps he decided that he didn't want to post what he was going to? Or... maybe the power went off, or his intarweb died, or something.

I wish we could get more people to look at the View New Posts topic. This way he might stay as he would see his post going up.

Whatever we can do for more posts. xD

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i am pretty big in this specific topic, even though i have a terrible computer, i am pretty geeky. *just as i said that i had to push me glasses up*

Y'gotta love pushin' up yur glasses. xD

LOL... and I had to look twice at the post, because I didn't remember writing that.

*pushes glasses up*

Wait, which one? Mine or schimmy's?

Schimmy's, then yours reminding me I needed to push my glasses up. LOL

Oh. xD

The boards are strange... it said he was posting in a topic and then he disappeared, but his post never appeared. :(

Perhaps he decided that he didn't want to post what he was going to? Or... maybe the power went off, or his intarweb died, or something.

I wish we could get more people to look at the View New Posts topic. This way he might stay as he would see his post going up.

Whatever we can do for more posts. xD

The same thing happened with Glowurm this morning. It said he was posting and he disappeared and his post never showed up.

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that be double weird, horatio. Have you talked to HK about it?

No, I thought I would keep it a secret.



LOL... yes, I have. LOL

He has no idea.

Weeelll, ask the HD techies about it. xD

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I got really annoyed by this program half-reinstalling itself, so I did another search for files involved and got nothing, and went to Add/Remove Programs, and it was still there. so instead of Remove Program, there was the option 'Change'. so I tried that, and now I dont see any trace of that program or whatever was installing it.



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I got really annoyed by this program half-reinstalling itself, so I did another search for files involved and got nothing, and went to Add/Remove Programs, and it was still there. so instead of Remove Program, there was the option 'Change'. so I tried that, and now I dont see any trace of that program or whatever was installing it.



So it changed from visible to invisible. LOL

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I got really annoyed by this program half-reinstalling itself, so I did another search for files involved and got nothing, and went to Add/Remove Programs, and it was still there. so instead of Remove Program, there was the option 'Change'. so I tried that, and now I dont see any trace of that program or whatever was installing it.



So it changed from visible to invisible. LOL

Now it is even more of a ninja-program! =O

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I got really annoyed by this program half-reinstalling itself, so I did another search for files involved and got nothing, and went to Add/Remove Programs, and it was still there. so instead of Remove Program, there was the option 'Change'. so I tried that, and now I dont see any trace of that program or whatever was installing it.



So it changed from visible to invisible. LOL

Now it is even more of a ninja-program! =O

Just wait until it multiplies into a million little ninjas.

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I got really annoyed by this program half-reinstalling itself, so I did another search for files involved and got nothing, and went to Add/Remove Programs, and it was still there. so instead of Remove Program, there was the option 'Change'. so I tried that, and now I dont see any trace of that program or whatever was installing it.



So it changed from visible to invisible. LOL

Now it is even more of a ninja-program! =O

Just wait until it multiplies into a million little ninjas.

kinda like my cheese shreds...

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I got really annoyed by this program half-reinstalling itself, so I did another search for files involved and got nothing, and went to Add/Remove Programs, and it was still there. so instead of Remove Program, there was the option 'Change'. so I tried that, and now I dont see any trace of that program or whatever was installing it.



So it changed from visible to invisible. LOL

Now it is even more of a ninja-program! =O

Just wait until it multiplies into a million little ninjas.

Oh noes!!!1!111one

Ninjuh's r teh e4ting my megahurts???1!!?/



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i am pretty big in this specific topic, even though i have a terrible computer, i am pretty geeky. *just as i said that i had to push me glasses up*

Y'gotta love pushin' up yur glasses. xD

LOL... and I had to look twice at the post, because I didn't remember writing that.

*pushes glasses up*

Wait, which one? Mine or schimmy's?

Schimmy's, then yours reminding me I needed to push my glasses up. LOL

Oh. xD

The boards are strange... it said he was posting in a topic and then he disappeared, but his post never appeared. :(

Perhaps he decided that he didn't want to post what he was going to? Or... maybe the power went off, or his intarweb died, or something.

I wish we could get more people to look at the View New Posts topic. This way he might stay as he would see his post going up.

Whatever we can do for more posts. xD

The same thing happened with Glowurm this morning. It said he was posting and he disappeared and his post never showed up.

Actually, yeah, quite a bit I start typing, then I decide it's not good enough (say, it's mean unintentionally, or it makes no sense and the like) and just don't post it and go back to looking around (if, that is, I can't come up with a better reply =P). I don't think it's the board.

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I got really annoyed by this program half-reinstalling itself, so I did another search for files involved and got nothing, and went to Add/Remove Programs, and it was still there. so instead of Remove Program, there was the option 'Change'. so I tried that, and now I dont see any trace of that program or whatever was installing it.



So it changed from visible to invisible. LOL

Now it is even more of a ninja-program! =O

Just wait until it multiplies into a million little ninjas.

Oh noes!!!1!111one

Ninjuh's r teh e4ting my megahurts???1!!?/



Ninja hackers..?






Okay. We're doomed.


Here's a thought you probably have had but I'm having it anyways.


Maybe the program you got... I dunno... Downloaded another program, thingo, whatchamacallit, that tries to reinstall it. For some reason. I dunno. After everything you have done it's probably the most feasible explanation.

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i am pretty big in this specific topic, even though i have a terrible computer, i am pretty geeky. *just as i said that i had to push me glasses up*

Y'gotta love pushin' up yur glasses. xD

LOL... and I had to look twice at the post, because I didn't remember writing that.

*pushes glasses up*

Wait, which one? Mine or schimmy's?

Schimmy's, then yours reminding me I needed to push my glasses up. LOL

Oh. xD

The boards are strange... it said he was posting in a topic and then he disappeared, but his post never appeared. :(

Perhaps he decided that he didn't want to post what he was going to? Or... maybe the power went off, or his intarweb died, or something.

I wish we could get more people to look at the View New Posts topic. This way he might stay as he would see his post going up.

Whatever we can do for more posts. xD

The same thing happened with Glowurm this morning. It said he was posting and he disappeared and his post never showed up.

Actually, yeah, quite a bit I start typing, then I decide it's not good enough (say, it's mean unintentionally, or it makes no sense and the like) and just don't post it and go back to looking around (if, that is, I can't come up with a better reply =P). I don't think it's the board.

Oh, that's good to hear.

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  • 2 months later...
i can be somewhat techie-minded...i think i'll join this...ill be glad to help if anyone needs me

You were automatically added when you answered Mushroom_king's question. Thanks again!!!!!

ur welcome!

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This isnt really an issue, just...more of me telling you stff 'cause im excited.


Im getting a Linux! =D


My dad has talked to some of the IT guys at wherever he works, and they say that in about 10, 15 years, Linux' are gonna be the big thing, and anyone with experience with those will get a lot of money. and a good job and mess like that.

so he jacked a copy of Linux software off of one of them, and burned another copy, and gave it to me.


so now I have the... necessary tools, allegedly, to turn a PC into a Linux. I havent used the CD yet.

but Linux', depending on how you program them, can be as invulnerable as a Mac, but flexible and effective and cheap as a PC.

The only reason they'd be so cheap is that you do a LOT of things manually.

like editting the BIOS to work with custom parts, as opposed to downloading drivers online.


and so you know, BIOS' are not very easy to work with. They're the prompts and commands that tell a computer how to start up and work before Windows is loaded. (like, pre-MS DOS. like, setting different voltages to different cords and what lights will light up when, and how much your processor/ram CAN do.)



We're going to get one of the abysmal Win98 PCs around here, fix it up, and practise some Linux programming on it.


At the same time, my brother has moved out of the house. (about time.) This means a number of things..

one, I get my own room now! w00t.

Two, we get more space to put our stuff instead of all his bull honkey.

Three, we dont have to spend as much money on foodstuff, utilities and various other such for him as he's out and moved in with one of his friends until he gets a degree.



We have more space. I'm gonna take the spot where his computer was, which is a much bigger space than what I have now. Especially legroom. i dont have a lot of that and its not very fun.

Its big enough for about two computers, or his compy and all of his stuff.

I'm planning on putting this computer over there, And my linux so I can work with them both from the same place. (and look up how to program them here, and do it 2 feet away.)


Since we arent spending all our money on him since he takes like 6 showers a day, we can... afford other necessities like air conditioning (which I look forward to) and greater than Win95-quality computers.

Every month or so, we're going to get a really good computer part. After 6 months or so, we're going to throw it all together in a very above-average PC. (like, 6.5GHz, 4GB, 800GB, 3 monitors) And once I have the said awesome computer, we're going to get this one here and make it a linux, 'cause by that time I'll probably have enough experience with them to make a good one.



By the end of the year I could probably live up to my title of being a hacker. =D


Oh yes.

I'm also getting in to Virus-writing.

i dont know if I've mentioned that before, but yeah.

One, I can pwn the stupid people.

Two, I'll know how viruses work, and can disassemble/neutralize them. I can be our houses antivirus without paying like $60 a month for it.

and also protect against them.


but assuredly, none of them would show up here. You guys are too awesome to get pwned by viruses, I'd probably be helping you guys take them off instead of putting them on.


but yeah.

I'm gonna go up two grades in the Nerdular scale I just made up.


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This isnt really an issue, just...more of me telling you stff 'cause im excited.


Im getting a Linux! =D


My dad has talked to some of the IT guys at wherever he works, and they say that in about 10, 15 years, Linux' are gonna be the big thing, and anyone with experience with those will get a lot of money. and a good job and mess like that.

so he jacked a copy of Linux software off of one of them, and burned another copy, and gave it to me.


so now I have the... necessary tools, allegedly, to turn a PC into a Linux. I havent used the CD yet.

but Linux', depending on how you program them, can be as invulnerable as a Mac, but flexible and effective and cheap as a PC.

The only reason they'd be so cheap is that you do a LOT of things manually.

like editting the BIOS to work with custom parts, as opposed to downloading drivers online.


and so you know, BIOS' are not very easy to work with. They're the prompts and commands that tell a computer how to start up and work before Windows is loaded. (like, pre-MS DOS. like, setting different voltages to different cords and what lights will light up when, and how much your processor/ram CAN do.)



We're going to get one of the abysmal Win98 PCs around here, fix it up, and practise some Linux programming on it.


At the same time, my brother has moved out of the house. (about time.) This means a number of things..

one, I get my own room now! w00t.

Two, we get more space to put our stuff instead of all his bull honkey.

Three, we dont have to spend as much money on foodstuff, utilities and various other such for him as he's out and moved in with one of his friends until he gets a degree.



We have more space. I'm gonna take the spot where his computer was, which is a much bigger space than what I have now. Especially legroom. i dont have a lot of that and its not very fun.

Its big enough for about two computers, or his compy and all of his stuff.

I'm planning on putting this computer over there, And my linux so I can work with them both from the same place. (and look up how to program them here, and do it 2 feet away.)


Since we arent spending all our money on him since he takes like 6 showers a day, we can... afford other necessities like air conditioning (which I look forward to) and greater than Win95-quality computers.

Every month or so, we're going to get a really good computer part. After 6 months or so, we're going to throw it all together in a very above-average PC. (like, 6.5GHz, 4GB, 800GB, 3 monitors) And once I have the said awesome computer, we're going to get this one here and make it a linux, 'cause by that time I'll probably have enough experience with them to make a good one.



By the end of the year I could probably live up to my title of being a hacker. =D


Oh yes.

I'm also getting in to Virus-writing.

i dont know if I've mentioned that before, but yeah.

One, I can pwn the stupid people.

Two, I'll know how viruses work, and can disassemble/neutralize them. I can be our houses antivirus without paying like $60 a month for it.

and also protect against them.


but assuredly, none of them would show up here. You guys are too awesome to get pwned by viruses, I'd probably be helping you guys take them off instead of putting them on.


but yeah.

I'm gonna go up two grades in the Nerdular scale I just made up.


This is excellent news! Linux... how great. You are really smart and when you learn this you will be light-years ahead of everyone else.


As for your brother... yeah for him and his independence! :lol:

But when he has to work to support himself, he will try and come back. Life is expensive.

Six showers a day... at least he is really clean. :lol:

Now you can decorate your room the way you want and rearrange it to suit you.

All right Arkcher!!!


NOW... enter the Art Contest.

Thank you.

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This is excellent news! Linux... how great. You are really smart and when you learn this you will be light-years ahead of everyone else.


As for your brother... yeah for him and his independence! :lol:

But when he has to work to support himself, he will try and come back. Life is expensive.

Six showers a day... at least he is really clean. :lol:

Now you can decorate your room the way you want and rearrange it to suit you.

All right Arkcher!!!


NOW... enter the Art Contest.

Thank you.

yeah. It had been anxiously anticipated for quite some time. especially by me.

Thats why I've rearranged my room so that if ever he moves back, theres only room for one person. I pretty much put all my stuff there in the middle of the room so that no more than one person could comfortably go inside.

so he has to stay out now.



Art contest?

I'll go have a look.

and hope that Spriting will work for it. n_n

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This is excellent news! Linux... how great. You are really smart and when you learn this you will be light-years ahead of everyone else.


As for your brother... yeah for him and his independence! :lol:

But when he has to work to support himself, he will try and come back. Life is expensive.

Six showers a day... at least he is really clean. :lol:

Now you can decorate your room the way you want and rearrange it to suit you.

All right Arkcher!!!


NOW... enter the Art Contest.

Thank you.

yeah. It had been anxiously anticipated for quite some time. especially by me.

Thats why I've rearranged my room so that if ever he moves back, theres only room for one person. I pretty much put all my stuff there in the middle of the room so that no more than one person could comfortably go inside.

so he has to stay out now.



Art contest?

I'll go have a look.

and hope that Spriting will work for it. n_n

Very slick move. Good for you! :lol:


It is my contest. And any entry is a great entry.


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  • 1 year later...

theres a directory in most Windows-based operating systems, around C:/windows/system32 . since Microsoft is the polar opposite of Mac, the creators of iTunes, everything in Sys.32 is keeping Mac software from working properly.

just keep in mind thats a vital directory and will crash your computer beyond repair if you delete it. Minor detail.

so, just go delete the System32 folder, and make your computer just as functional as a Mac. Click three times between these two sentences for a super-awesome message.

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theres a directory in most Windows-based operating systems, around C:/windows/system32 . since Microsoft is the polar opposite of Mac, the creators of iTunes, everything in Sys.32 is keeping Mac software from working properly.

just keep in mind thats a vital directory and will crash your computer beyond repair if you delete it. Minor detail.

so, just go delete the System32 folder, and make your computer just as functional as a Mac. Click three times between these two sentences for a super-awesome message.


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theres a directory in most Windows-based operating systems, around C:/windows/system32 . since Microsoft is the polar opposite of Mac, the creators of iTunes, everything in Sys.32 is keeping Mac software from working properly.

just keep in mind thats a vital directory and will crash your computer beyond repair if you delete it. Minor detail.

so, just go delete the System32 folder, and make your computer just as functional as a Mac. Click three times between these two sentences for a super-awesome message.

Wow, that would stink if someone read that and didn't click three times. o_o

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theres a directory in most Windows-based operating systems, around C:/windows/system32 . since Microsoft is the polar opposite of Mac, the creators of iTunes, everything in Sys.32 is keeping Mac software from working properly.

just keep in mind thats a vital directory and will crash your computer beyond repair if you delete it. Minor detail.

so, just go delete the System32 folder, and make your computer just as functional as a Mac. Click three times between these two sentences for a super-awesome message.

Wow, that would suck if someone read that and didn't click three times. o_o

yeah. But its a common solution, and a classic trolling tactic if you're talking to someone who doesnt know ANYthing about computers, cause they believe you.


And then they sign on with their phone/laptop and start cussing you out.

All the while you lol to yourself and then feel bad afterward.




Srsly tho, i did exaggerate somewhat. That can be repaired with a reformatting or reinstallation of Windows, which is beyond the ability of anyone who doesnt know what System32 is.

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it might have to do with the fact that the advice given had nothing to do with my situation

y so srs?


'itunes problems' doesnt tell us much.

Assuredly thats not my specialty, but provide as much detail as you can and I'll see if I can help you out.

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it might have to do with the fact that the advice given had nothing to do with my situation

y so srs?


'itunes problems' doesnt tell us much.

Assuredly thats not my specialty, but provide as much detail as you can and I'll see if I can help you out.

well, it had to do with me downloading songs that wouldn't go to my iPod. But after searching through the paradoxically unhelpful help files, I found that my songs I had downloaded were being streamed from the internet, so for some odd unexplained reason that means they won't go to my iPod.

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  • 6 months later...
This isnt really an issue, just...more of me telling you stff 'cause im excited.


Im getting a Linux! =D


My dad has talked to some of the IT guys at wherever he works, and they say that in about 10, 15 years, Linux' are gonna be the big thing, and anyone with experience with those will get a lot of money. and a good job and mess like that.

so he jacked a copy of Linux software off of one of them, and burned another copy, and gave it to me.


so now I have the... necessary tools, allegedly, to turn a PC into a Linux. I havent used the CD yet.

but Linux', depending on how you program them, can be as invulnerable as a Mac, but flexible and effective and cheap as a PC.

The only reason they'd be so cheap is that you do a LOT of things manually.

like editting the BIOS to work with custom parts, as opposed to downloading drivers online.


and so you know, BIOS' are not very easy to work with. They're the prompts and commands that tell a computer how to start up and work before Windows is loaded. (like, pre-MS DOS. like, setting different voltages to different cords and what lights will light up when, and how much your processor/ram CAN do.)



We're going to get one of the abysmal Win98 PCs around here, fix it up, and practise some Linux programming on it.


At the same time, my brother has moved out of the house. (about time.) This means a number of things..

one, I get my own room now! w00t.

Two, we get more space to put our stuff instead of all his bull honkey.

Three, we dont have to spend as much money on foodstuff, utilities and various other such for him as he's out and moved in with one of his friends until he gets a degree.



We have more space. I'm gonna take the spot where his computer was, which is a much bigger space than what I have now. Especially legroom. i dont have a lot of that and its not very fun.

Its big enough for about two computers, or his compy and all of his stuff.

I'm planning on putting this computer over there, And my linux so I can work with them both from the same place. (and look up how to program them here, and do it 2 feet away.)


Since we arent spending all our money on him since he takes like 6 showers a day, we can... afford other necessities like air conditioning (which I look forward to) and greater than Win95-quality computers.

Every month or so, we're going to get a really good computer part. After 6 months or so, we're going to throw it all together in a very above-average PC. (like, 6.5GHz, 4GB, 800GB, 3 monitors) And once I have the said awesome computer, we're going to get this one here and make it a linux, 'cause by that time I'll probably have enough experience with them to make a good one.



By the end of the year I could probably live up to my title of being a hacker. =D


Oh yes.

I'm also getting in to Virus-writing.

i dont know if I've mentioned that before, but yeah.

One, I can pwn the stupid people.

Two, I'll know how viruses work, and can disassemble/neutralize them. I can be our houses antivirus without paying like $60 a month for it.

and also protect against them.


but assuredly, none of them would show up here. You guys are too awesome to get pwned by viruses, I'd probably be helping you guys take them off instead of putting them on.


but yeah.

I'm gonna go up two grades in the Nerdular scale I just made up.


I'm on a Linux right now at MIT. Learning how to do basic stuff, like making/moving directories and stuff.

It's fun. B)


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This isnt really an issue, just...more of me telling you stff 'cause im excited.


Im getting a Linux! =D


My dad has talked to some of the IT guys at wherever he works, and they say that in about 10, 15 years, Linux' are gonna be the big thing, and anyone with experience with those will get a lot of money. and a good job and mess like that.

so he jacked a copy of Linux software off of one of them, and burned another copy, and gave it to me.


so now I have the... necessary tools, allegedly, to turn a PC into a Linux. I havent used the CD yet.

but Linux', depending on how you program them, can be as invulnerable as a Mac, but flexible and effective and cheap as a PC.

The only reason they'd be so cheap is that you do a LOT of things manually.

like editting the BIOS to work with custom parts, as opposed to downloading drivers online.


and so you know, BIOS' are not very easy to work with. They're the prompts and commands that tell a computer how to start up and work before Windows is loaded. (like, pre-MS DOS. like, setting different voltages to different cords and what lights will light up when, and how much your processor/ram CAN do.)



We're going to get one of the abysmal Win98 PCs around here, fix it up, and practise some Linux programming on it.


At the same time, my brother has moved out of the house. (about time.) This means a number of things..

one, I get my own room now! w00t.

Two, we get more space to put our stuff instead of all his bull honkey.

Three, we dont have to spend as much money on foodstuff, utilities and various other such for him as he's out and moved in with one of his friends until he gets a degree.



We have more space. I'm gonna take the spot where his computer was, which is a much bigger space than what I have now. Especially legroom. i dont have a lot of that and its not very fun.

Its big enough for about two computers, or his compy and all of his stuff.

I'm planning on putting this computer over there, And my linux so I can work with them both from the same place. (and look up how to program them here, and do it 2 feet away.)


Since we arent spending all our money on him since he takes like 6 showers a day, we can... afford other necessities like air conditioning (which I look forward to) and greater than Win95-quality computers.

Every month or so, we're going to get a really good computer part. After 6 months or so, we're going to throw it all together in a very above-average PC. (like, 6.5GHz, 4GB, 800GB, 3 monitors) And once I have the said awesome computer, we're going to get this one here and make it a linux, 'cause by that time I'll probably have enough experience with them to make a good one.



By the end of the year I could probably live up to my title of being a hacker. =D


Oh yes.

I'm also getting in to Virus-writing.

i dont know if I've mentioned that before, but yeah.

One, I can pwn the stupid people.

Two, I'll know how viruses work, and can disassemble/neutralize them. I can be our houses antivirus without paying like $60 a month for it.

and also protect against them.


but assuredly, none of them would show up here. You guys are too awesome to get pwned by viruses, I'd probably be helping you guys take them off instead of putting them on.


but yeah.

I'm gonna go up two grades in the Nerdular scale I just made up.


I'm on a Linux right now at MIT. Learning how to do basic stuff, like making/moving directories and stuff.

It's fun. B)



So... are you having a great time? :D

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