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This is the first time i have posted from school. xD Quite fun, i must say. The rest of the class is watching star wars. I have seen it so many times that i decided to computerize instead. xD

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This is the first time i have posted from school. xD Quite fun, i must say. The rest of the class is watching star wars. I have seen it so many times that i decided to computerize instead. xD

Very cool!!! :D

Yeah, my fot teacher gave us the option of either:

  • Star Wars, a New Hope
  • Star Trek, Wrath of Kahn

half of the people were like, "ew, star trek," and a quarter were all "what's star wars?"

I wanted to watch star trek. >.>

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This is the first time i have posted from school. xD Quite fun, i must say. The rest of the class is watching star wars. I have seen it so many times that i decided to computerize instead. xD

Very cool!!! :D

Yeah, my fot teacher gave us the option of either:

  • Star Wars, a New Hope
  • Star Trek, Wrath of Kahn

half of the people were like, "ew, star trek," and a quarter were all "what's star wars?"

I wanted to watch star trek. >.>

I say pick the longer movie, turn out the lights and when all is settled, hop on the computer.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I remember once in English, we had to pick between The Goonies, Star Wars, and some other movie, can't remember what it was, and I really wanted to watch The Goonies. <.<


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Yeah, my fot teacher gave us the option of either:

How did I miss this??????? LOL

*hands The Gold Star Award to Arkcher*

and I still dont know what he was trying to say.


I just woke up, so nothing makes sense right now. XD

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You guys are silly. I meant to say fot. Well, I guess it should be FOT, but whatever.

FOT= Foundations Of Technology.



I like Foot Teachers more. D=


yeah. If its an abbreviation thing, then it should be all caps. XD


take Horatios post there for example.


Although Croutons Rhyme On New York, Me Sleepy.

... yeah. Im still tired and nothing makes sense. XD

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You guys are silly. I meant to say fot. Well, I guess it should be FOT, but whatever.

FOT= Foundations Of Technology.



I like Foot Teachers more. D=


yeah. If its an abbreviation thing, then it should be all caps. XD


take Horatios post there for example.


Although Croutons Rhyme On New York, Me Sleepy.

... yeah. Im still tired and nothing makes sense. XD

A Cruddy Response Offers Nothing You Moron. *Slap. :P

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You guys are silly. I meant to say fot. Well, I guess it should be FOT, but whatever.

FOT= Foundations Of Technology.



I like Foot Teachers more. D=


yeah. If its an abbreviation thing, then it should be all caps. XD


take Horatios post there for example.


Although Croutons Rhyme On New York, Me Sleepy.

... yeah. Im still tired and nothing makes sense. XD

A Cruddy Response Offers Nothing You Moron. *Slap. :P


You definitely win The Gold Star Award for that interpretation!

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You guys are silly. I meant to say fot. Well, I guess it should be FOT, but whatever.

FOT= Foundations Of Technology.



I like Foot Teachers more. D=


yeah. If its an abbreviation thing, then it should be all caps. XD


take Horatios post there for example.


Although Croutons Rhyme On New York, Me Sleepy.

... yeah. Im still tired and nothing makes sense. XD

A Cruddy Response Offers Nothing You Moron. *Slap. :P


You definitely win The Gold Star Award for that interpretation!

xD Thanks. *goes to edit siggy*

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  • 3 weeks later...
This is the first time i have posted from school. xD Quite fun, i must say. The rest of the class is watching star wars. I have seen it so many times that i decided to computerize instead. xD

nice word *thumbs uppp*

Which, computerize? Thanks. xD

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