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Alrighty this is what happened during my time away.



Some of the major things. Well i asked a girl i liked out and she said no so yea. My brother and dad were bieng jerks to each other and they got into a big fight. My car broke down and i got stuck in the rain for about an hour. Yesterday my brother tattooed himself. I found a couple of hundred bucks on the ground walking to school. There was a huge fight in the boys bathroom at my school total damage. 1 bloody mirror, 1 stall, 1 toilet, 1 blow drier and a couple of bones. There was another fight that included a knife and a student getting expelled for threatinging me :S. The cops had to come give a restraining order and a suspension off school grounds for 3 days for continusly beating me and my friends. i broke my leg.


Some minor things. I made a couple of new best friends. I finnaly got my own computer but my parents wont let me have it in my room for obvious reasons. I got lost in a mall for about a day. i got a 75% average on my report card. Got a couple of new games. Made some signatures on photoshop. Played some MMORPGS such as WoW and if anyone has played it tell me. I got cut on my leg from falling down the steps.


Some fun things. Me and my friends went bicycling and we went down a huge hill and my bike was going to fast and the person infront of me was like almost touching my wheel and i couldnt stop so i almost hit a tree but i stopped then got chased by some nut with a knife. I beat the grade 8s in soccer 5-0 4 scored by yours truly and finaly made it popular among the cool kids in my class.


Well tha..tha...thats a...a..a..all fo..fo..folks XD

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Alrighty this is what happened during my time away.



Some of the major things. Well i asked a girl i liked out and she said no so yea. My brother and dad were bieng jerks to each other and they got into a big fight. My car broke down and i got stuck in the rain for about an hour. Yesterday my brother tattooed himself. I found a couple of hundred bucks on the ground walking to school. There was a huge fight in the boys bathroom at my school total damage. 1 bloody mirror, 1 stall, 1 toilet, 1 blow drier and a couple of bones. There was another fight that included a knife and a student getting expelled for threatinging me :S. The cops had to come give a restraining order and a suspension off school grounds for 3 days for continusly beating me and my friends. i broke my leg.


Some minor things. I made a couple of new best friends. I finnaly got my own computer but my parents wont let me have it in my room for obvious reasons. I got lost in a mall for about a day. i got a 75% average on my report card. Got a couple of new games. Made some signatures on photoshop. Played some MMORPGS such as WoW and if anyone has played it tell me. I got cut on my leg from falling down the steps.


Some fun things. Me and my friends went bicycling and we went down a huge hill and my bike was going to fast and the person infront of me was like almost touching my wheel and i couldnt stop so i almost hit a tree but i stopped then got chased by some nut with a knife. I beat the grade 8s in soccer 5-0 4 scored by yours truly and finaly made it popular among the cool kids in my class.


Well tha..tha...thats a...a..a..all fo..fo..folks XD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~8The Final Cut8~*


This makes that one day where we had Hampsterdance, a Nudist Baby, Hallway puke, a fight in Science, a bouncy ball landing on the school's roof, a snowball'd Trent, and a girl in the boy's bathroom look almost random! :P


*~8The Psychedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Alrighty this is what happened during my time away.



Some of the major things. Well i asked a girl i liked out and she said no so yea. My brother and dad were bieng jerks to each other and they got into a big fight. My car broke down and i got stuck in the rain for about an hour. Yesterday my brother tattooed himself. I found a couple of hundred bucks on the ground walking to school. There was a huge fight in the boys bathroom at my school total damage. 1 bloody mirror, 1 stall, 1 toilet, 1 blow drier and a couple of bones. There was another fight that included a knife and a student getting expelled for threatinging me :S. The cops had to come give a restraining order and a suspension off school grounds for 3 days for continusly beating me and my friends. i broke my leg.


Some minor things. I made a couple of new best friends. I finnaly got my own computer but my parents wont let me have it in my room for obvious reasons. I got lost in a mall for about a day. i got a 75% average on my report card. Got a couple of new games. Made some signatures on photoshop. Played some MMORPGS such as WoW and if anyone has played it tell me. I got cut on my leg from falling down the steps.


Some fun things. Me and my friends went bicycling and we went down a huge hill and my bike was going to fast and the person infront of me was like almost touching my wheel and i couldnt stop so i almost hit a tree but i stopped then got chased by some nut with a knife. I beat the grade 8s in soccer 5-0 4 scored by yours truly and finaly made it popular among the cool kids in my class.


Well tha..tha...thats a...a..a..all fo..fo..folks XD

Oh my!!! Your car broke down. Hope it wasn't too serious or expensive. Your school has a little too much excitement for me. Pretty bad when you cannot even go to school without being threatened. How long was your leg in a cast? Glad you weren't stabbed. As for the girl, she doesn't know when she passed up a great guy.


A couple hundred bucks????????? Oh my!!!! I only find pennies. LOL


Glad to hear you got a computer of your own. Once your parents feel comfortable with your computer usage, they might let you take it into your room. As for getting lost in the mall... is the mall THAT big?????? Or were you just having a great time? A 75% on your report card... I am sure your parents were not pleased.


4 of the 5 goals... Alllllll Rightttttttt!!!


Glad you didn't seriously hurt the tree or your bike. LOL Another nut with a knife... do your parents have insurance on you???


We are quite thrilled you have returned. I will pin this topic for you. :D

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Thanks for the pin and btw how do you get colours in the siggy it wont let me :(. No it wasent iexpensive about 6 months, Me to, :P i sometimes find nickels too, Well not mall persay more science center but yea... yea 75% at my school is pretty darn school my highest mark was 90 in math, and no they dont have insurance.....yet. :P

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Thanks for the pin and btw how do you get colours in the siggy it wont let me :(. No it wasent iexpensive about 6 months, Me to, :P i sometimes find nickels too, Well not mall persay more science center but yea... yea 75% at my school is pretty darn school my highest mark was 90 in math, and no they dont have insurance.....yet. :P

Glowurm has access to the gradient codes. I will find the gradients topic for you and you can place your order. You will give him an idea of what color to start, such as purple or green, then he will do the rest. As for the colors, you can write the code in such as and then after you write what you want, close it with the [ / c o l o r ] but remove all the spaces. If I do that now, you will not be able to read it.


I love science centers. Great place to really get lost!!!


As for your parents, if you hear them talking about how much you are worth... :o :o :o :o :o

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Kay' thx oh ant Arkcher it couldnt be you unless you live in Canada.....-looks ot window-

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Kay ill keep that in mind. Splee my colours are back :D oh and wheres mega wolf? i havent seen her :(.

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Kay ill keep that in mind. Splee my colours are back :D oh and wheres mega wolf? i havent seen her :(.

She has been quite busy with Marching Band, but now that is over, she should be a more frequent visitor.

Mr. Moosey and Jesse have also been involved with their Marching Bands.

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Yea i guess that counts Oh and does anyobdy want something eddited in photoshop? im pretty good at it so if you need anything just post and ill try my best

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I am running off to strike a blow for cleanliness (shower), so I didn't want to keep you waiting for posts to appear.

So, I will call it a night so you aren't sitting here waiting for me. Sleep tight. Please do keep returning as we love

when you are here. :D

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Nope im the good kind of docter i do stuff for free! so when you get the chance just do these things


List the patients

Their status

What needs to be done

And when


and ill get them done asap :lol:

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Nope im the good kind of docter i do stuff for free! so when you get the chance just do these things


List the patients

Their status

What needs to be done

And when


and ill get them done asap :lol:

Thanks. Let me gather them up. Some were on Max and need to be transferred over to Adam.

Please give me a bit of time. :D

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