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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Horatio! I am wanting a poll!


Poll by Glowurm  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. What would be a good stickey for Hado?

    • Glowurm topic!
    • The HD tech support peepz!
    • Ask the dumb philosopher!
    • I have no idea because I am a brainless pie.
    • I have no idea, but I'm not a brainless pie.

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Heh, edit the first post much? Because it seems this time you didn't =P

Perhaps I should have. The new boards have me able to add a poll to your post, where before I had to make a post for you.

If you want me to write something in the first post, let me know. If you want something changed, I can do that too.

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Glowurm topic!!! :lol:

I'm asking whether or not people think I should make the winning topic now, not the losing topic =P


So. Peoples who want to be in the tech support group, say aye. And then say arr. And do other piratey things.


Or ninja-ey things if you really want.


Aye am gonna be in it =D YARR! >=D *swordfights with a random octopus*

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Glowurm topic!!! :lol:

I'm asking whether or not people think I should make the winning topic now, not the losing topic =P


So. Peoples who want to be in the tech support group, say aye. And then say arr. And do other piratey things.


Or ninja-ey things if you really want.


Aye am gonna be in it =D YARR! >=D *swordfights with a random octopus*

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I know exactly what you were saying... DUH.

Whose vote to you think is the losing one???????? :blink:

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Aye. *turns out random octupus was me in disguise* *undisguises* *totally pwns t3h pirate de lose*

*is pwnt*

*chucks in the shredder*


I'm in the mood... For some macaroni and cheese...


Two people! Yay!


Arkcher better get here and start yarring soon. Or else I'll pwn him and put him in there anyways.

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