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The Legend Of Giza

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[behold! This is the second installment on The Legend Of Giza, my story which has won...NO AWARDS!


In this installment, Giza travels to Radical Sign, a bustling city of very smart people. Giza, however, finds a very strange shop, and upon hearing a legend of the town, she learns that one of Kensi's Treasures is hidden in Radical Sign.


But when a wrecking crew threatens to tear down the building where Kensi's treasure lays, Giza must race against time to find the treasure before it gets destroyed, or worse, stolen by Rorre.]


[i'll start...not now. Some other time.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Giza and her friends were walking along a small, well-paved brick road.

Giza stopped ad looked at JC. "What town is nearby?" she asked, as there had been no sign of civilization since they left Candela.

"radical Sign," said JC, reading a map they had picked up back in Kirbytown. "A city of scholars. I guess smart people live there."


The group, sure enough, came upon the city after walking a lottle more. There were no gates, and they could hear the bustling of the city right from the entrance. They walked in.

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  • 3 months later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[sorry for not updating soon enough.]


It was early in the morning, but already many citizens were walking or driving on the streets, too busy to notice to ten-year-old girl and her comrades who had come into their town.

Miranda adjusted her purple coat. Every one was quiet as the town steadily got louder.

"Why are we standing here like pathetic hobos? Let's go." said Cattail.

Japan cat led the group. They all sensed that if they didn't find somewhere to stay, they would get crushed under the crowd.

"Help!" screamed Kaitie as she was suddenly pushed under. People were threatening to kill her as they walked-she was small and no one saw her.

Giza and the other Kirbs tried to save her, but they, too, got squashed and eventually a huddle of Kirbies were being flattened against the sidewalk.

"Help!" screamed Titania. No one could see her, let alone hear her.

A Green Toadette who looked oddly familer suddenly came running, a woman Kirby with a denim jacket covered in Peace signs. She had matted blond hair and small John Lennon glasses. A hippie, obviously.

The Hippie scooped Giza, Kaitie, Cattail, and Dogttail as well as she could. Dogttail and Cattail were able to recover, being grown-ups, but Kaitie and Giza did not. "Follow me," she said, although Miranda and J.C. didn't hear her, they saw her mouth move and started running.


The Hippie flew into a house. Potted plants were everywhere and old 60's records were hung on the wall.

"Thank you," said Miranda, out of breath.

"It's no big deal," said the hippie. "Everyone here is so ignorant. They think there the smartest people in Dreamtopia, yet they don't notice that they're crushing a ten-year-old girl?"

"Tell me about it," said J.C., a former flower child herself. She understood her thoughts.

Giza woke up. "What happened?" she said. She rubbed her forehead, but stopped. "Ow," she whispered.

"My name is Knesis," she said, "And you need rest."

Giza drowsily dragged up the stairs, to a bedroom, while Knesis carried Kaitie.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*Te Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Chapter Two:

Incense And Peppermint


Knesis woke the group up the next day.

She rubbed Kaitie's head with some type or aromatic oil, and some type of incense was burning for her, but Giza was already well.

"There's breakfast food in the kitchen. I have to take care of your friend," she said.

Something about her voice was strangely familier, but Giza didn;t have time to recollect now.

Giza went to the guest room she was staying in. She pulled out the brown string necklace she had gotten from The Prophecy. She slid Oberon's plastic, handmade record on the string, and it made a tiny clink as it hit Miranda's Candelite necklace.

But she noticed that a small heart with Diamonds on one side and a spiky arrangement of black onyx on the other was there too. She examined it. 'Neksi" was written on the back.

That's the toadette who worked at the hotel, she thought. Neksi looked oddly like Knesis. No, she couldn't be...

No matter. The charm was pretty anyway. she put the string back in her bag and pulled out some other treasures: Kensi's bell, The rainbow shard Japancat had given to her when she fought Rorre's followers, and the books Oberon had given them.


Giza sprinted down the stairs with all the hyperactivity from the ten-year-old. Knesis was still caring for her best friend, but J.C. had token the food and made some breakfast with it.

"What should we do today?" Titania asked no one in particular.

Cattail responded, "Book shops?"

The others had no better suggestions. They left a note for Knesis and Katie that they were out.


The early-morning rush was gone now and very few walked the streets. Perfect time.


Radical sign had a lot of schools, but not very many antique book shops. Oberon's store had mostly just been curious finds, like the Myths book that had come in handy when they were in Candela. They searched until Cattail began to complain, and thought of turning back when they finally found one.


The sign was very old and very faded, so they couldn;t tell the name of the store. The inside was dusty and smelled of rotting wood.


Many large pieces of wood, ancient mattresses, faded bottles, and window glass layed on the floor. The ceiling was high, and the room was only lit by many small, dim lightbulbs. An elevator stood near a corner. a Large, cracked window stood at the end of the room. But this was nothing compared to the piles and piles of books. They were towering stacks of dusty books with fading leather covers.

"Hello?" called Titania. Her voice echoed.



"Yes?" A small beige Kirby came out of nowhere.

"Have any good myth books?"

The kirby scratched his head. "Why?"

Giza shrugged.

He gestured to a small kitchenette at the far corner of the room where chairs and tabls were set up. "I'll tell you a myth out of a book. You tell me if you would like it."


Everyone sat down. The Kirby looked through the enormous piles of book before pulling on out.

"Myths of Dreamtopian towns, Villages, and Cities," he said. "No. 6: Radical Sign."


He set the book down and got Peppermint tea and sandwiches for the Giza gang. Then he sat down and started flipping though the thin book.

"The story," he announced, "Or Kensi's Knife."


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomu Domimne*~^

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Chapter Three:

The Golden Knife


"Among the legendary Star Hero Kensi's tools was a Golden Knife. This knife, along with her magick, was her main source of fighting."

The group exchanged glances. Giza sat there, enthralled.

"Like her other 3 tools-The Bell, The Brush, and The Wand-she blessed her knife with all her memories, which were her main source of magick.


"However, when she fought Rorre, he made her recall her best friend's death, which had been placed in the kinife along with her other memories. Grief took Kensi's breath away, but she was [Allegedly] destroyed by the pain of remembering.


"Kensi's knife, like her other four tools, flew to a place where she studied: an ancient Pagoda-Style in the areas surrounding the city of Radical Sign."


Giza gasped.


"Rorre's shadow army constantly attacked the city for the knife, but they never got it. The knife's magick made the building invisible, and the people in Radical Sign built universities and schools to cover the dark, dark secret.


"Nobody knows how to get inside the invisible building just outside Radical Sign-Many say that finding it requires 'The Sight', which only Star Heroes, Heart Heroes, and certain blessed people have."


The entire group gasped.

"What? What's wrong?"

Giza stood there frozen with fear.

The Prophecy had warned her that if she told the wrong people that she was a Star Hero, it could only spell doom. Could she trust the Bookseller? He had been very nice to them, but still...

He cocked his head to one side.

Suddenly, he seemed as though he was far away. His head was back in position, but his eyes seemed like stars.

I can't seem to take it... thought Giza.

"Take what?"

Giza shreiked. "You heard me," she said.

"I can read minds. Can't take what?"

"Nice," muttered J.C. She made a mental note to not think around strangers anymore.

Giza didn't speak or think.

Everyone was silent, until Dogttail spoke.

"Man, the author must be suffering one heck of a Writer's block."


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Giza was frantic. What could she do? One mistake, and it would all be gone. The world would be token over by Rorre if no Star hero were there to stop him. She wished she could know, just somehow know, whether or not to trust him.

"We're wondering how to get to Kensi's treasure?" offered Cattail.

Giza slapped her forehead.

"Who are you? Why do you want it? Are you bad guys?"

"No!" yelled Giza. "No. We're good guys,"

"Then why do you want it?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out," she said.


Okay, so being a kid was good after all.


"You need the sight," he sighed.

"We have 'The Sight," said Giza. She motioned with her fingers.

"Well," said the Kirby, "It was built to look like the other buildings in Radical Sign. Having 'The Sight' helps, but it's very difficult.

"we'll Try," sighed Giza.

"Okay," said the Bookseller.

The group got up and started to leave.


They turned around.

"Won't you buy something?"

Giza smiled. She searched the stack of books that he had pulled The Radical Sign book out of.

She finally found one that seemed worthwile.

"A spell book," she said. It was old and dusty. A silver ribbon peeked out of it.

"Very well," he said. "I advise you about that one, though. Be careful with it. I wouldn't want you hurting yourself," he said.


The Giza Gang walked out of the shop.

But Japancat seemed deep in thought.

"Something wrong?"

"He was...staring at me. The whole time we were in there."


"No, like he was staring at me like he thought I was hot or something."

Titania exchanged Glances with Giza.


The Giza Gang got home just in time to avoid the rush of the scholars getting home, and when they did, Katie was felling a lot better.


Somewhere, outside Radical sign...


Rorre wheezed. How could his army, even a small portion of it, be able to have been destroyed by the pathetic girl and her friends?

And The Bell.

She had Kensi's Bell.

"But She won't get Kensi's Knife," he said. "I'll destroy the building and then get her."

He laughed at the thought of Giza somehow defeating whatever nightmare army he decided to throw at her.


Knesis was examining the book Giza had purchased, not only her new one, but the ones from Oberon.

"Katie told me you were a Star Hero."

Giza sprayed Soft drink all over the place. "What?" se screeched.

"It's okay, man." said Knesis. "I trust you. Sp, are you gonna find that knife in the temple?"

"We'll try to," said Titania. "But we need to learn some magick before we leave. Rorre made a surprise attack on us-"

"What happened?"

"-He sent some of his awful fighters at us," she said calmly. She sighed, and Giza knew she was thinking about Miranda, the Candela who was killed by Rorre's Shadow Army.


Giza pulled out the silver ribbon. She decided it would look nice on her nacklace. and she read about the various attack, Defence, and Healing spells in the book.

She copied them to her memory, as best as she could. She practiced them in the Radical Sign Park, a beautiful area that few of the busy city went to.

She read her myths book and learned how to use Kensi's bell and the Magick inside it.

"Listen," she said to her friends, who were also studying. "When Kensi died, she put magick on her tools so that whoever finds them can store his or her memories in it for Magickal purposes."

"You better do that," said Titania. She smiled. "What a nice thing."

That night, before heading ti bed, Giza out the silver star on her Necklace.

she then stored her memories into Kensi's bell.

She looked at the bell and thought of Kensi. Then she fell asleep.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*Tghe Astronmomy Domine*~*

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  • 3 months later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[..Oh snap. I don't even know what's going on in the story.]


Giza sat at the table the next morning in Knesis's house pondering how to find The Knife ad The Building.

Knesis seemed to look though Giza's soul and picked the huge myth book out of her bag and looked for a solution.

"Well, to see the Building, you need 'The Sight', which you already have." said Knesis. "But it looks just like every pther building in town."

Giza thought for a minute. "This still doesn't make sense. wouldn't people notice if a building was missing?"

"It's a public building, but only people with The Sight can find out how to get there from there."

Giza moaned. "There's no hints on what the building is?"

Knesis sighed, but JC took the book from her. JC scanned the words. "The hint is in the planning of the town. Thats what it says."

"Really?" asked Katie.

Knesis pulled out a map of the huge city.

Oh MY Gosh!" said Cattail. "The City's shaped like a knife."

"Kensi's knife?" asked Giza.


JC Intensly stared at the town map, to spot anything that would help.

"Gimme a pen," said JC.

Titania handed JC a pen.

JC circled three things on the map:


"Whats so special about those?" asked Katie.

"Kensi's knife has a small circle on the end, and that's where the old bookstore we visited yesterday is."

"And here, at the tip of the knife, is a library."


The Group set out that day to go find these houses and see if they had The Knife. the first stop was the bookstore.

"Back so soon?" said the bookseller.

Giza pretended to look at books, while looking for anything suspicious.

The elevator!


The bookseller was chatting with JC. Giza jumped in. The doors closed.


Giza looked at the buttons. 3 and 2. That's all?

She pressed 2.

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  • 1 month later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Giza jumped when the elevator suddenly began to sllllooooowwwwllllly move downwards. she must have been in there for hours? Days? Nope. Just a few minutes. The elevator stopped and a faint ding was heard. a red light flashed with all it's might above the doorway before giving out with a small shock. The doors slowly opened, revealing a large, dark room.


Giza cautiously stepped out of the elevator. She looked aroudn for any light switches; there were none. She sighed and tiptoed quietly out of the elevator.

Giza walked blindly for hours before a large kirby-like-mass jumped out of the shadows and clutched her. She let out a muffled scream, but she felt soft hands around her volcal chords; she was being choked.


Giza wildly flew her arms around before hitting floor tile.

Strange, she thought. The floor was cheap, rotting wood. The black mass hit her, but the lights suddenly flew on.

The black mass was actually a black kirby with mostly grey clothes.

Giza shook her head quickly.

"Who are you?"

"BATMAN!" he shouted.

Giza started to run; "Batman" followed, but his ridiculous costume made him trip. He got up, but he simply kept falling.

Giza heard the strange voice, again...

"Giza, you have powers, use them! That guy will kill you!"

Despite Batman's weirdness, she heeded the warning.

"PSI Wind Alpha!" she shouted.

Where did that come from? she thought.

But it worked. a strong flow of wind swirled around her body before going in the direction of her arm towards Batman.

Giza wondered what other abilties she had?

Batman was caught in the vortex, however.




Giza felt proud of herself.

Batman was still in the vortex.


He screamed.

Truly: If he wasn't stopped, the books would topple over.

Giza searched her mind.

"PSI Freeze Alpha!!!"

The wind let him go, but a barrage of blue crystals surrounded him and froze him.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

"Mental," muttered Giza. She decided to check and see what kinds of books were down here.


Meanwhile, upstairs, everyone ha

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  • 1 month later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Giza went back in the elevator after putting some books in her bag.

"We've been looking all over for you..." mustered JC, in a worried tone.

Giza smiled and hugged her.

JC had been Giza's parent ever since she left home and didn't want JC to worry.

"Well, I think you should look for that knife..." said the shopkeeper.

"Of course," sighed Titania.

The next day,l The Gang, along with Knesis, went on to the town library to see if teh Knife was there.

after a long, grueling walk (It was on the other side of town you know), they got to the library. Giza, as the leader, looked throguh her book to find a way to give her friends The Sight, which she, Knesis, and Titania already had.

"I have to kiss both of your eyes," she said.

She went up to her friends and kissed their eyes, which wasn't hard because all of them were girls, except dogtail and Catail gave him The Sight.

"Let's go," said Giza.

The library was empty. Literally. No employees, even.


"perfect," said Giza, grinning.

"That's funny," said Catail. "The building is really tiny, but there's stairs."

"That's it!!!!"


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

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  • 5 months later...

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