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My poetry

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So, I got bored and made an attempt at poetry. Being the science geek that I am, poetry isn't exactly a talent of mine. But I wrote one anyways, and actually kinda liked it, so I'm sharing it with you guys. Anyone who's been reading my posts lately can guess the inspiration...


I'm sitting here, another lonely night.

I miss you, do you miss me too?

As much as I do, you?

Will my dreams e'er come true?

Thoughts so distracting,

From my work they're detracting.

Do you suffer this distraction?

Do you share my passion?

You should know that I'm waiting

And the picture I'm painting,

Of you and I,

In my mind's eye,

Gives me hope for tomorrow.

May it not end in sorrow.

May our hearts not be broken.

The words were unspoken.

It might not show,

But do you know?

I admit it's true,

That I love you

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How beautiful! Ian would love this.

Aw, thank you! :blush: Knowing him he probably would, but he's the one person that's not allowed to see it. :rolleyes:

Of course. I do know how that works. :lol:

Yeah, there are only two ways he's seeing that poem. One would be if he was saved and two would be if the poem no longer applies to him. I'm hoping for the first one.

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How beautiful! Ian would love this.

Aw, thank you! :blush: Knowing him he probably would, but he's the one person that's not allowed to see it. :rolleyes:

Of course. I do know how that works. :lol:

Yeah, there are only two ways he's seeing that poem. One would be if he was saved and two would be if the poem no longer applies to him. I'm hoping for the first one.

*is mum*

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*gasp* I wrote another one I deemed decent.


I'll not be a liar,

You're the object of my desire

Placed in a box

Secured with locks

I asked a Friend for the key

He said, “We shall see”

*big smile*

Soooooooooooo superb!!!

Thanks! ^_^

You will have to make hard copies of these and put them away.

Just in case... :D .

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*gasp* I wrote another one I deemed decent.


I'll not be a liar,

You're the object of my desire

Placed in a box

Secured with locks

I asked a Friend for the key

He said, “We shall see”

*big smile*

Soooooooooooo superb!!!

Thanks! ^_^

You will have to make hard copies of these and put them away.

Just in case... :D .

I have. I type them up in open office (my version of word) and save them to my computer before I put them here.

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*gasp* I wrote another one I deemed decent.


I'll not be a liar,

You're the object of my desire

Placed in a box

Secured with locks

I asked a Friend for the key

He said, “We shall see”

*big smile*

Soooooooooooo superb!!!

Thanks! ^_^

You will have to make hard copies of these and put them away.

Just in case... :D .

I have. I type them up in open office (my version of word) and save them to my computer before I put them here.

I believe he will read them one day.

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*gasp* I wrote another one I deemed decent.


I'll not be a liar,

You're the object of my desire

Placed in a box

Secured with locks

I asked a Friend for the key

He said, “We shall see”

*big smile*

Soooooooooooo superb!!!

Thanks! ^_^

You will have to make hard copies of these and put them away.

Just in case... :D .

I have. I type them up in open office (my version of word) and save them to my computer before I put them here.

I believe he will read them one day.

Maybe. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wrote another one, this one is different from the previous one's I've written.


It has been dark quite some time now.

A darkness of innocence, ignorance.

I wonder when the light will come,

If it comes

What it will look like...

I stumble about, bumping into things

But what are they?

I can feel them, but I cannot see.

I can only guess as to what they are,

Let alone why they are there

Or what purpose they serve, if any.

When will I find out? When will I know?


I'm watching, wondering, waiting...


I can see faint outlines now.

Shadows, hints, ideas forming in my mind.

The darkness plays tricks,

Causing me to doubt.

What if I'm wrong?


I'm watching, wondering, waiting...


The faint light is growing,

Things are shifting, changing.

I can see a few details now, but they are blurred, faded.

These objects serve a purpose,

That I can tell.

But what is it? When will I know?

Will I know at all?


I'm watching, wondering, waiting...


I can distinguish some faded colors now.

These objects seem to fit together,

But how? Why?

Are these objects meant to be mine?


I'm watching, wondering, waiting...

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I like this!!! :D

Thanks. ^_^ I just added some new lines near the beginning that I forgot about before Here's the new version:


It has been dark quite some time now,

But before I was sleeping,

So I didn't notice the darkness.

A darkness of innocence, ignorance.

I wonder when the light will come,

If it comes

What it will look like...

I stumble about, bumping into things

But what are they?

I can feel them, but I cannot see.

I can only guess as to what they are,

Let alone why they are there

Or what purpose they serve, if any.

When will I find out? When will I know?


I'm watching, wondering, waiting...


I can see faint outlines now.

Shadows, hints, ideas forming in my mind.

The darkness plays tricks,

Causing me to doubt.

What if I'm wrong?


I'm watching, wondering, waiting...


The faint light is growing,

Things are shifting, changing.

I can see a few details now, but they are blurred, faded.

These objects serve a purpose,

That I can tell.

But what is it? When will I know?

Will I know at all?


I'm watching, wondering, waiting...


I can distinguish some faded colors now.

These objects seem to fit together,

But how? Why?

Are these objects meant to be mine?


I'm watching, wondering, waiting...

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New poem. It's kind of a rant because our world is so messed up. I think we're all guilty of at least part of this poem...


We live in an imperfect world,

the world at our fingertips

priorities misaligned.

Work was assigned,

but the playstation is calling.

Gucci handbags, baby phat jeans,

but your baby is starving,

because you don't understand

the difference between wants and needs.

You have to buy makeup,

to have the perfect face.

But the between your ears,

does anything occupy that space?

We're told to be smarter

We're told to be stronger,

but curricula are dumbed down

as we pack on the pounds.

Another beautiful day

spent in front of televisions gray.

Who's the biggest flirt?

Who has the sexiest skirt?

What happened to modesty?

And what about honesty?

“I slammed the door in his face.”

Did you ever try holding it open?

“Because she's hot”

I hear this a lot.

Beauty changes,

but health does not.

Smoking is sexy...

Until you're in a hospital with lung cancer.

You're out to get plastered tonight

I'm passing my classes, that's right.

You heard me, and your parents, and your teachers,

And you care, but you won't admit it,

lest the guy next to you call you a “pansy.”

Why is it so much easier to say “I hate you,”

than it is to say “I love you.”

“How did the Red Sox do last night?”

Instead of “are you busy tonight?”

Afraid to share, lest we dare

to show we actually care.

Because sweetness is so often

mistaken for weakness.

But we're all guilty, everyone.

What's the point of improving?

Nobody's perfect...

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This is a very accurate portrayal of the world today.

Sad, oh so sad. When all the animals are gone, the humans will also be gone.

And they will have brought it all about themselves.








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This one is called "Silence"


I wanted to talk,

but don't know what to say




I got nervous,

and looked away.




I read what you wrote,

but can't put my reaction into words




My inability to speak,

sometimes it hurts




I didn't want you

to misunderstand what I said




So I kept quiet,

lest our faces turn red



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New poem. I know the rhymes are hardly original, but I don't really care. This one's about where I am with God right now. It's called "Waiting." :rolleyes:


Trusting, hoping,

fearing nothing.

Watching, waiting,


Trusting His reason

in every season.

Thankful for His grace,

the smile on my face,

the strength to carry on,

and promises to stand upon.

Wondering what's in store,

anxious evermore,

for circumstances to align,

I'm waiting for a sign.

I'm ready when You are.

Or am I?

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Oh, and you all can post in here you know. So far only two people have commented in this topic. It's okay, I don't bite...much. :rolleyes: (kidding)

*sees a pair of chattering teeth coming around the corner*

lol :P Now, having just posted this poem, you have to go take a look at what I just posted in My Place. Wieeeeeeerd. :lol:

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Oh, and you all can post in here you know. So far only two people have commented in this topic. It's okay, I don't bite...much. :rolleyes: (kidding)

*sees a pair of chattering teeth coming around the corner*

lol :P Now, having just posted this poem, you have to go take a look at what I just posted in My Place. Wieeeeeeerd. :lol:

LOL... I just did. In fact I am going to quote your post and make a comment in the Religion section.

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Oh, and you all can post in here you know. So far only two people have commented in this topic. It's okay, I don't bite...much. :rolleyes: (kidding)

*sees a pair of chattering teeth coming around the corner*

lol :P Now, having just posted this poem, you have to go take a look at what I just posted in My Place. Wieeeeeeerd. :lol:

LOL... I just did. In fact I am going to quote your post and make a comment in the Religion section.

Hahaha. We have a religion section? (link please? :rolleyes: ) Or is this the "what religion are you?" topic that I've been ignoring because TGHL was being stupid?

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Oh, and you all can post in here you know. So far only two people have commented in this topic. It's okay, I don't bite...much. :rolleyes: (kidding)

*sees a pair of chattering teeth coming around the corner*

lol :P Now, having just posted this poem, you have to go take a look at what I just posted in My Place. Wieeeeeeerd. :lol:

LOL... I just did. In fact I am going to quote your post and make a comment in the Religion section.

Hahaha. We have a religion section? (link please? :rolleyes: ) Or is this the "what religion are you?" topic that I've been ignoring because TGHL was being stupid?

well TGHL has been neglecting that forum lately so I think it's safe to go back.

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Oh, and you all can post in here you know. So far only two people have commented in this topic. It's okay, I don't bite...much. :rolleyes: (kidding)

*sees a pair of chattering teeth coming around the corner*

lol :P Now, having just posted this poem, you have to go take a look at what I just posted in My Place. Wieeeeeeerd. :lol:

LOL... I just did. In fact I am going to quote your post and make a comment in the Religion section.

Hahaha. We have a religion section? (link please? :rolleyes: ) Or is this the "what religion are you?" topic that I've been ignoring because TGHL was being stupid?

well TGHL has been neglecting that forum lately so I think it's safe to go back.

Hahaha okay. I might go take a look and see what's become of it... :rolleyes:

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New, happier poem. ^_^


Some days not the best of days,

Sometimes I'm feeling down,

And upon my face sometimes,

You could see a frown.


But then you walked into my room,

Wearing a silly hat.

Or you told me something funny,

“Stupid plant ate my cat.”


You told me that I'm beautiful,

Or that you think I'm smart.

And you asked if I would join you,

On a trip to Wal-Mart.


The day before our finals,

You saw that I was stressed

I'm pretty sure that's when you tried

To alchemize my test.


“Well it seemed like a good idea...

until the basement filled with smoke”

The time you decided to add mentos

To a bottle of diet coke.


You drew a picture on my board,

Said “Let's see Happy Feet!”

We went to go and get some dinner.

“Are you sure that's meat?”


“We're going out to Best Buy,

Do you want to come along?”

Out of nowhere, you came and said,

“You have to hear this song!”


You might not have even noticed,

That you went that extra mile,

So now I would like to thank you,

Because you made me smile.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Scientific romantic

Yes, that's me.

There's a method to the madness

that not everybody sees.

Some of what I think and feel

is kept quiet out of fear,

which is not necessarily bad

Because fear keeps us from doing stupid things.

Fear that someone will take something the wrong way,

or the right way, and make things awkward.

Fear that people will say “Why not?” and “What if?”

Trying to convince me out of what I feel is right.

I've reached the “if,”

and at “if” I am stuck,

with another “if...then” statement:

If things change, then I will take action,

but until then, I shall be

More scientific than romantic

And finish my degree in biology.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What if we didn't live life by the clock?

In frames of time our lives are locked.

Days melt into night and dawn again,

But what if it didn't matter?

Stay up until 2am, chatting with friends.

Having a conversation that never ends.

Never be early, never be late,

No need to anticipate deadlines and expiration dates.

To have all the time in the world,

And just enjoy life, freed from time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You gave me a rose, with so many meanings.

Which one do you mean?

You had me listen to a song, so pretty.

Were the lyrics meant for me?

You said you like my dress, how it's so graceful.

Was it more than a passing observation?

You told me you miss me, can't wait to see me.

Do you really feel the lack of my presence?

You tell me I'm a great photographer, that you love my pictures.

Is it because that's what you're supposed to say?

You said to me, “You're amazing.”

Do I inspire awe?

You also said, “I love you.”

How so?

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Wind whips at my face, stings like mace,

but I don't mind, I'm almost there.

Feet touch the ground with a familiar sound,

gliding gracefully to the start.

Everyone's strapped in, ready to begin,

a race to the bottom.

Begin the descent, no need to lament,

just stay in control.

Try not to fall, don't want to have to call,

the ski patrol.

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You only left a minute ago, and I already miss you

I wish you were here, with me.

I wish you could see this, and the others.

But you can't. Not yet. Maybe not ever.

It saddens me. It's your choice.

Open your mind, your heart, to what I've been saying.

You're so close, and then you stop in front of an invisible wall.

Oh, what I would give to see the wall,

What it's made of, how to break it down,

climb over it, or walk around.

It's paper thin, but strong as steel.

So frustrating, incomprehensible.

We're on opposite sides, but still so close together,

Able to speak, to hear, to see, to even touch.

But there's that invisible barrier that won't go away.

We're together, but it keeps us apart.

It breaks my heart.

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Motivations are so difficult to discern;

Yours above all, I'd love to learn.

What you said, was it directed at me,

him, her, or anybody?

You knocked on my door,

What for?

Because it's what friends do,

Or does it mean more to you?

I was the first you came to find,

Should I pay it any mind?

Why sitting so close?

You could sit anywhere, but it was with me you chose.

The way you treat me, is it different from another?

Because I often wonder...

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Why must you tease me,

showing me all these (im)possibilities?

Making life hard,

thinking about things that will never be.

It's hard you know,

always wanting what you can't have.


Watching the snowfall

thinking, “Someday...”


Daydreams are sweet,

but then reality comes back in all its glory.

Wondering why,

shouldn't life be like the stories?

Princess locked in a tower,

will she be stuck there forever?


Gazing at sunsets,

thinking, “Someday...”


He smiles at me,

I wish it could be what I've been waiting for.

But it never is,

so I'll keep dreaming more and more.

Lost in thought,

will I ever be found?


Seeing the stars shine,

thinking, “Someday...”

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greatness in every line.


You just earned a total of 30 points. Those were truly magnificent. =O I swear, the people who make high school english text books should come here for there poems. <.<

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greatness in every line.


You just earned a total of 30 points. Those were truly magnificent. =O I swear, the people who make high school english text books should come here for there poems. <.<

Aw, thank you! :blush: Wow...English textbooks...I haven't had one of those since middle school...I don't really follow the "rules" of poetry though (or maybe I do. I can't really say because I don't know what those rules are. :rolleyes: )

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greatness in every line.


You just earned a total of 30 points. Those were truly magnificent. =O I swear, the people who make high school english text books should come here for there poems. <.<

Aw, thank you! :blush: Wow...English textbooks...I haven't had one of those since middle school...I don't really follow the "rules" of poetry though (or maybe I do. I can't really say because I don't know what those rules are. :rolleyes: )


I don't think there are any "rules of poetry." But the stuff they make us read is real crud. xD

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greatness in every line.


You just earned a total of 30 points. Those were truly magnificent. =O I swear, the people who make high school english text books should come here for there poems. <.<

Aw, thank you! :blush: Wow...English textbooks...I haven't had one of those since middle school...I don't really follow the "rules" of poetry though (or maybe I do. I can't really say because I don't know what those rules are. :rolleyes: )


I don't think there are any "rules of poetry." But the stuff they make us read is real crud. xD

Hahaha yeah, but it's to get the idea of the structure across, not to make you say, "Wow...that really touched my heart..." or something like that.

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Wow, it just hit me that this topic is already on its second page. Hey Horatio, can we pin this? :)

Sure. We can pin this. LOL

Yay! Thanks! ^_^

You are welcome.

*realized my playtime with the words was lost*

Oh. :P Sorry, my brain hasn't been functioning properly lately. It's making my schoolwork rather difficult... :rolleyes:

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And you have to love how this topic still isn't pinned. :P

What you asked me was "can you pin this" and I said "yes I can". LOL

*waits until the light bulb illuminates*

:P Okay Horatio, will you please pin this topic for me? :P:rolleyes:

You didn't have to put the please, but that was a nice touch. I was just looking for the will, would part. LOL

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And you have to love how this topic still isn't pinned. :P

What you asked me was "can you pin this" and I said "yes I can". LOL

*waits until the light bulb illuminates*

:P Okay Horatio, will you please pin this topic for me? :P:rolleyes:

You didn't have to put the please, but that was a nice touch. I was just looking for the will, would part. LOL

lol thank you. :)

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word

problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word

problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

I still think it's funny to take people's cursing literally. "Didn't know that was possible..." :rolleyes:

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?



Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.


yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.


yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.


yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL


Which you should share...

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:



I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P


You think way too quick. :lol:

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P


You think way too quick. :lol:


So, do I win the definitions yet?

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P


You think way too quick. :lol:

So, do I win the definitions yet?

Do I look like Brie?

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P


You think way too quick. :lol:

So, do I win the definitions yet?

Do I look like Brie?



Nah, I dun wish to spread you upon my bread.

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P


You think way too quick. :lol:

So, do I win the definitions yet?

Do I look like Brie?

Nah, I dun wish to spread you upon my bread.

I'm just letting you know I am not a softie. LOL

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P


You think way too quick. :lol:

So, do I win the definitions yet?

Do I look like Brie?

Nah, I dun wish to spread you upon my bread.

I'm just letting you know I am not a softie. LOL



Yes, but I have beaten down your defenses, and now take the lead. >.>

Soo... the definitions should be mine...

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P


You think way too quick. :lol:

So, do I win the definitions yet?

Do I look like Brie?

Nah, I dun wish to spread you upon my bread.

I'm just letting you know I am not a softie. LOL

Yes, but I have beaten down your defenses, and now take the lead. >.>

Soo... the definitions should be mine...

Sure. They have always been yours for the taking. Just ask Miriam-Webster. LOL

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P


You think way too quick. :lol:

So, do I win the definitions yet?

Do I look like Brie?

Nah, I dun wish to spread you upon my bread.

I'm just letting you know I am not a softie. LOL

Yes, but I have beaten down your defenses, and now take the lead. >.>

Soo... the definitions should be mine...

Sure. They have always been yours for the taking. Just ask Miriam-Webster. LOL



Nuuuuuuuuu. ;.; >.< RAWR. Just tell me. :P

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P


You think way too quick. :lol:

So, do I win the definitions yet?

Do I look like Brie?

Nah, I dun wish to spread you upon my bread.

I'm just letting you know I am not a softie. LOL

Yes, but I have beaten down your defenses, and now take the lead. >.>

Soo... the definitions should be mine...

Sure. They have always been yours for the taking. Just ask Miriam-Webster. LOL

Nuuuuuuuuu. ;.; >.

:wacko: Why? :wacko:

You are such an advanced student, intelligent, loves to learn... this confuses my brain.

You want me to hand you some information on a platter? Spoon feed you?


*goes off to have some Friendly's Butter Crunch Ice Cream*

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xD Raishey, you can be a pain sometimes. Well, rarely. As in, this is probably the first time. xD

Not complaining, I just find it amusing. x3

LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic.

When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone

points to their wrist. :blink: So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and

shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL

What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P


You think way too quick. :lol:

So, do I win the definitions yet?

Do I look like Brie?

Nah, I dun wish to spread you upon my bread.

I'm just letting you know I am not a softie. LOL

Yes, but I have beaten down your defenses, and now take the lead. >.>

Soo... the definitions should be mine...

Sure. They have always been yours for the taking. Just ask Miriam-Webster. LOL

Nuuuuuuuuu. ;.; >.< RAWR. Just tell me. :P

:wacko: Why? :wacko:

You are such an advanced student, intelligent, loves to learn... this confuses my brain.

You want me to hand you some information on a platter? Spoon feed you?


*goes off to have some Friendly's Butter Crunch Ice Cream*



Kind, helpful, willing to oblige and do whatever you can to make people happy. All of these describe you, yet you wont give me two simple defintions?

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What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P


You think way too quick. :lol:

So, do I win the definitions yet?

Do I look like Brie?

Nah, I dun wish to spread you upon my bread.

I'm just letting you know I am not a softie. LOL

Yes, but I have beaten down your defenses, and now take the lead. >.>

Soo... the definitions should be mine...

Sure. They have always been yours for the taking. Just ask Miriam-Webster. LOL

Nuuuuuuuuu. ;.; >.

:wacko: Why? :wacko:

You are such an advanced student, intelligent, loves to learn... this confuses my brain.

You want me to hand you some information on a platter? Spoon feed you?


*goes off to have some Friendly's Butter Crunch Ice Cream*

Kind, helpful, willing to oblige and do whatever you can to make people happy. All of these describe you, yet you wont give me two simple defintions?

Why don't you want to look them up?

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What exactly is the difference between issue and problem?

Have you ever heard of Miriam Webster's?

Have you ever heard of not feeling like pulling out the dictionary and looking it up? ;D

LOL Have you??? LOL

As for me, I use the dictionary all the time.

It is one of my favorite books.

yes. :P

Can be useful. But... so can you! =D

LOL I've already looked both words up and have a clear understanding of the usage. LOL

Which you should share...

And deprive you of the excitement of discovering something new? :blink:

I'm trying to give you the happiness that comes along with helping a friend. :P


You think way too quick. :lol:

So, do I win the definitions yet?

Do I look like Brie?

Nah, I dun wish to spread you upon my bread.

I'm just letting you know I am not a softie. LOL

Yes, but I have beaten down your defenses, and now take the lead. >.>

Soo... the definitions should be mine...

Sure. They have always been yours for the taking. Just ask Miriam-Webster. LOL

Nuuuuuuuuu. ;.; >.< RAWR. Just tell me. :P

:wacko: Why? :wacko:

You are such an advanced student, intelligent, loves to learn... this confuses my brain.

You want me to hand you some information on a platter? Spoon feed you?


*goes off to have some Friendly's Butter Crunch Ice Cream*

Kind, helpful, willing to oblige and do whatever you can to make people happy. All of these describe you, yet you wont give me two simple defintions?

Why don't you want to look them up?



because I want you to tell me. Why don't you want to tell me?

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because I want you to tell me. Why don't you want to tell me?

*hears song playing in head...

You Can't Always Get What You Want....*

Hahaha :lol: You know, Cheesey, it would have taken you less time and effort to look it up yourself than to pester Horatio this whole time. :P

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because I want you to tell me. Why don't you want to tell me?

*hears song playing in head...

You Can't Always Get What You Want....*




Yes, you can't get me to look it up myself. Plus, that would involve you winning this psuedo-argument. xD

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because I want you to tell me. Why don't you want to tell me?

*hears song playing in head...

You Can't Always Get What You Want....*

Hahaha :lol: You know, Cheesey, it would have taken you less time and effort to look it up yourself than to pester Horatio this whole time. :P


I know. But I can't let Raishey win. ^.^

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because I want you to tell me. Why don't you want to tell me?

*hears song playing in head...

You Can't Always Get What You Want....*



Yes, you can't get me to look it up myself. Plus, that would involve you winning this psuedo-argument. xD

Well, consider things this way, if you look it up, then you will ultimately have won, because you will have gained all this wonderful knowledge.

Plus you will be much smarter than lots of your peers. LOL

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because I want you to tell me. Why don't you want to tell me?

*hears song playing in head...

You Can't Always Get What You Want....*

Hahaha :lol: You know, Cheesey, it would have taken you less time and effort to look it up yourself than to pester Horatio this whole time. :P

:lol: Not Cheesemaster pestering me, me pestering Cheesemaster! :lol:

*runs off to look up more words in the dictionary to pester Cheesemaster with*

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because I want you to tell me. Why don't you want to tell me?

*hears song playing in head...

You Can't Always Get What You Want....*



Yes, you can't get me to look it up myself. Plus, that would involve you winning this psuedo-argument. xD

Well, consider things this way, if you look it up, then you will ultimately have won, because you will have gained all this wonderful knowledge.

Plus you will be much smarter than lots of your peers. LOL


Right, your petty attempts at making me give in to your whims will not work. :P

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because I want you to tell me. Why don't you want to tell me?

*hears song playing in head...

You Can't Always Get What You Want....*

Yes, you can't get me to look it up myself. Plus, that would involve you winning this psuedo-argument. xD

Well, consider things this way, if you look it up, then you will ultimately have won, because you will have gained all this wonderful knowledge.

Plus you will be much smarter than lots of your peers. LOL

Right, your petty attempts at making me give in to your whims will not work. :P

Would I do that?

*innocent look on face*

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because I want you to tell me. Why don't you want to tell me?

*hears song playing in head...

You Can't Always Get What You Want....*

Yes, you can't get me to look it up myself. Plus, that would involve you winning this psuedo-argument. xD

Well, consider things this way, if you look it up, then you will ultimately have won, because you will have gained all this wonderful knowledge.

Plus you will be much smarter than lots of your peers. LOL

Right, your petty attempts at making me give in to your whims will not work. :P

Would I do that?

*innocent look on face*




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because I want you to tell me. Why don't you want to tell me?

*hears song playing in head...

You Can't Always Get What You Want....*



Yes, you can't get me to look it up myself. Plus, that would involve you winning this psuedo-argument. xD

Well, consider things this way, if you look it up, then you will ultimately have won, because you will have gained all this wonderful knowledge.

Plus you will be much smarter than lots of your peers. LOL

Ignorance is bliss... :rolleyes:

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Okay, time for some more poems, both written during calc class. :rolleyes:


The teacher goes on, rambling away,

Why do I need to know this anyway?

Outide, it's a gorgeous day;

Sun is shining,

Birds are chirping,

River running,

Cause for smiling.

Only a half hour until my escape.




And this one I wrote today, called "Spring Rain."


Cloudy day,

Rain falls outside.

Somehow this is

Peaceful in my mind.

Clouds all above,

like a blanket on the earth.

Rain, falling steady,

like a cleansing rebirth.

But soon this will clear,

and skies will be blue.

This is springtime,

when all things grow new.

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Okay, time for some more poems, both written during calc class. :rolleyes:


The teacher goes on, rambling away,

Why do I need to know this anyway?

Outide, it's a gorgeous day;

Sun is shining,

Birds are chirping,

River running,

Cause for smiling.

Only a half hour until my escape.




And this one I wrote today, called "Spring Rain."


Cloudy day,

Rain falls outside.

Somehow this is

Peaceful in my mind.

Clouds all above,

like a blanket on the earth.

Rain, falling steady,

like a cleansing rebirth.

But soon this will clear,

and skies will be blue.

This is springtime,

when all things grow new.

Those put a big smile on my face. :D


*hands Jesusfreak some terrific air-popped popcorn for a snack*

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Okay, time for some more poems, both written during calc class. :rolleyes:


The teacher goes on, rambling away,

Why do I need to know this anyway?

Outide, it's a gorgeous day;

Sun is shining,

Birds are chirping,

River running,

Cause for smiling.

Only a half hour until my escape.




And this one I wrote today, called "Spring Rain."


Cloudy day,

Rain falls outside.

Somehow this is

Peaceful in my mind.

Clouds all above,

like a blanket on the earth.

Rain, falling steady,

like a cleansing rebirth.

But soon this will clear,

and skies will be blue.

This is springtime,

when all things grow new.

Those put a big smile on my face. :D


*hands Jesusfreak some terrific air-popped popcorn for a snack*

Wooo popcorn! ^_^

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Okay, time for some more poems, both written during calc class. :rolleyes:


The teacher goes on, rambling away,

Why do I need to know this anyway?

Outide, it's a gorgeous day;

Sun is shining,

Birds are chirping,

River running,

Cause for smiling.

Only a half hour until my escape.




And this one I wrote today, called "Spring Rain."


Cloudy day,

Rain falls outside.

Somehow this is

Peaceful in my mind.

Clouds all above,

like a blanket on the earth.

Rain, falling steady,

like a cleansing rebirth.

But soon this will clear,

and skies will be blue.

This is springtime,

when all things grow new.

Those put a big smile on my face. :D


*hands Jesusfreak some terrific air-popped popcorn for a snack*

Wooo popcorn! ^_^

Now you just need a good movie or good book.

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Okay, time for some more poems, both written during calc class. :rolleyes:


The teacher goes on, rambling away,

Why do I need to know this anyway?

Outide, it's a gorgeous day;

Sun is shining,

Birds are chirping,

River running,

Cause for smiling.

Only a half hour until my escape.




And this one I wrote today, called "Spring Rain."


Cloudy day,

Rain falls outside.

Somehow this is

Peaceful in my mind.

Clouds all above,

like a blanket on the earth.

Rain, falling steady,

like a cleansing rebirth.

But soon this will clear,

and skies will be blue.

This is springtime,

when all things grow new.

Those put a big smile on my face. :D


*hands Jesusfreak some terrific air-popped popcorn for a snack*

Wooo popcorn! ^_^

Now you just need a good movie or good book.

Well, last night we watched Hercules Against the Moon Men. :rolleyes: XD

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Okay, time for some more poems, both written during calc class. :rolleyes:


The teacher goes on, rambling away,

Why do I need to know this anyway?

Outide, it's a gorgeous day;

Sun is shining,

Birds are chirping,

River running,

Cause for smiling.

Only a half hour until my escape.




And this one I wrote today, called "Spring Rain."


Cloudy day,

Rain falls outside.

Somehow this is

Peaceful in my mind.

Clouds all above,

like a blanket on the earth.

Rain, falling steady,

like a cleansing rebirth.

But soon this will clear,

and skies will be blue.

This is springtime,

when all things grow new.

Those put a big smile on my face. :D


*hands Jesusfreak some terrific air-popped popcorn for a snack*

Wooo popcorn! ^_^

Now you just need a good movie or good book.

Well, last night we watched Hercules Against the Moon Men. :rolleyes: XD

Perfect for popcorn! :lol:

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A Wandering Mind


I have mastered the blank stare.

The teacher goes on, but I don't care.

My mind is elsewhere...


I can see the pretty dove.

The teacher writes on the board above.

My mind is on love...


I can hear the morning rain.

The teacher hobbles with his cane.

My mind is on pain...


I think about my childhood toys.

The teacher says, "When I was a boy..."

My mind is on joy...


I watch a husband and his wife.

The teacher lectures on anger and strife.

My mind is on life...

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A Wandering Mind


I have mastered the blank stare.

The teacher goes on, but I don't care.

My mind is elsewhere...


I can see the pretty dove.

The teacher writes on the board above.

My mind is on love...


I can hear the morning rain.

The teacher hobbles with his cane.

My mind is on pain...


I think about my childhood toys.

The teacher says, "When I was a boy..."

My mind is on joy...


I watch a husband and his wife.

The teacher lectures on anger and strife.

My mind is on life...

*hands Jesusfreak The Platinum Moon Award*

Totally terrific!!!!!!!!! :D

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A Wandering Mind


I have mastered the blank stare.

The teacher goes on, but I don't care.

My mind is elsewhere...


I can see the pretty dove.

The teacher writes on the board above.

My mind is on love...


I can hear the morning rain.

The teacher hobbles with his cane.

My mind is on pain...


I think about my childhood toys.

The teacher says, "When I was a boy..."

My mind is on joy...


I watch a husband and his wife.

The teacher lectures on anger and strife.

My mind is on life...

*hands Jesusfreak The Platinum Moon Award*

Totally terrific!!!!!!!!! :D

Aw, thank you! ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Half Imaginary Love"


I love you,


The way you make me feel,

The way you help me heal.


How your eyes light up when you talk to me,

It's an amazing sight to see.


I hear the concern inside your voice,

I know I'm not your second choice.


You sit beside me, and play with my hair.

You gaze into my eyes, and I know you care.


When I'm alone, it's you I miss.

When you lean in to give me a kiss.


My world stops turning.

For you I'm yearning.


Sitting here, my heart feels like lead.

I just wish this wasn't half in my head.

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

Thanks. :) I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. :P Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. :rolleyes:

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

Thanks. :) I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. :P Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. :rolleyes:

Ian's college sounded like a great idea!

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

Thanks. :) I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. :P Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. :rolleyes:

Ian's college sounded like a great idea!

Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment...

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

Thanks. :) I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. :P Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. :rolleyes:

Ian's college sounded like a great idea!

Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment...

Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

Thanks. :) I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. :P Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. :rolleyes:

Ian's college sounded like a great idea!

Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment...

Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL

lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people.

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

Thanks. :) I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. :P Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. :rolleyes:

Ian's college sounded like a great idea!

Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment...

Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL

lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people.

Parents always want to see their children happy! So, I think you need a guy magnet... perhaps a motorcycle. LOL A real flashy ninja bike. LOL

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

Thanks. :) I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. :P Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. :rolleyes:

Ian's college sounded like a great idea!

Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment...

Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL

lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people.

Parents always want to see their children happy! So, I think you need a guy magnet... perhaps a motorcycle. LOL A real flashy ninja bike. LOL

Hahaha nah, like I said in my other topic, I want the guys to be attracted to me, not my car. At the moment I want some sort of sedan-wagon, maybe a honda. Something small enough to be easy to drive and get good gas mileage, but big enough to carry lots of stuff/friends.

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

Thanks. :) I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. :P Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. :rolleyes:

Ian's college sounded like a great idea!

Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment...

Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL

lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people.

Parents always want to see their children happy! So, I think you need a guy magnet... perhaps a motorcycle. LOL A real flashy ninja bike. LOL

Hahaha nah, like I said in my other topic, I want the guys to be attracted to me, not my car. At the moment I want some sort of sedan-wagon, maybe a honda. Something small enough to be easy to drive and get good gas mileage, but big enough to carry lots of stuff/friends.

No wonder your parents trust you so much. You are thinking logically and responsibly. LOL

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

Thanks. :) I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. :P Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. :rolleyes:

Ian's college sounded like a great idea!

Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment...

Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL

lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people.

Parents always want to see their children happy! So, I think you need a guy magnet... perhaps a motorcycle. LOL A real flashy ninja bike. LOL

Hahaha nah, like I said in my other topic, I want the guys to be attracted to me, not my car. At the moment I want some sort of sedan-wagon, maybe a honda. Something small enough to be easy to drive and get good gas mileage, but big enough to carry lots of stuff/friends.

No wonder your parents trust you so much. You are thinking logically and responsibly. LOL

Yup. Sometimes I'm more logical and responsible than they are. :P

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

Thanks. :) I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. :P Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. :rolleyes:

Ian's college sounded like a great idea!

Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment...

Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL

lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people.

Parents always want to see their children happy! So, I think you need a guy magnet... perhaps a motorcycle. LOL A real flashy ninja bike. LOL

Hahaha nah, like I said in my other topic, I want the guys to be attracted to me, not my car. At the moment I want some sort of sedan-wagon, maybe a honda. Something small enough to be easy to drive and get good gas mileage, but big enough to carry lots of stuff/friends.

No wonder your parents trust you so much. You are thinking logically and responsibly. LOL

Yup. Sometimes I'm more logical and responsible than they are. :P

It sounds like it.

*pulls Jesusfreak off for a little course in being wild*

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

Thanks. :) I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. :P Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. :rolleyes:

Ian's college sounded like a great idea!

Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment...

Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL

lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people.

Parents always want to see their children happy! So, I think you need a guy magnet... perhaps a motorcycle. LOL A real flashy ninja bike. LOL

Hahaha nah, like I said in my other topic, I want the guys to be attracted to me, not my car. At the moment I want some sort of sedan-wagon, maybe a honda. Something small enough to be easy to drive and get good gas mileage, but big enough to carry lots of stuff/friends.

No wonder your parents trust you so much. You are thinking logically and responsibly. LOL

Yup. Sometimes I'm more logical and responsible than they are. :P

It sounds like it.

*pulls Jesusfreak off for a little course in being wild*

lol :P Oh, I can be wild when the occasion calls for it... :rolleyes:

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New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. :P


Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere,

Except here.

Where have all the good men gone,

Long time passing?

Where have all the good men gone?

I'd like to know.

Everyone else has or has had a love in their life.

Everyone but me, or so it seems.

Where is my prince charming?

Doe he even exist?

Will I ever meet him?

Will I ever be kissed?

I have loved so many,

but how many have loved me?

Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me?

I long for this unconditional mutual love.

Someone who will hold me when I cry,

Someone who will make me smile,

Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity,

Someone who I can do the same for.

Where the heck is he?

Actually I think your poem is really terrific.

As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. :(

Thanks. :) I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. :P Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. :rolleyes:

Ian's college sounded like a great idea!

Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment...

Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL

lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people.

Parents always want to see their children happy! So, I think you need a guy magnet... perhaps a motorcycle. LOL A real flashy ninja bike. LOL

Hahaha nah, like I said in my other topic, I want the guys to be attracted to me, not my car. At the moment I want some sort of sedan-wagon, maybe a honda. Something small enough to be easy to drive and get good gas mileage, but big enough to carry lots of stuff/friends.

No wonder your parents trust you so much. You are thinking logically and responsibly. LOL

Yup. Sometimes I'm more logical and responsible than they are. :P

It sounds like it.

*pulls Jesusfreak off for a little course in being wild*

lol :P Oh, I can be wild when the occasion calls for it... :rolleyes:

*wonders exactly how 'wild' Jesusfreak can be... upgrading from the sedan-wagon to the mini-van, for example* LOL

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Now, let the guys fall for you. Don't impose yourself upon them. If that works, then the guy is shallow and should be avoided.

My little advice.

Oh I know. It's just a matter of the fact that they can't fall for me if I don't meet them in the first place.

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Now, let the guys fall for you. Don't impose yourself upon them. If that works, then the guy is shallow and should be avoided.

My little advice.

Oh I know. It's just a matter of the fact that they can't fall for me if I don't meet them in the first place.



That is very true. Ya just gotta be careful, that is all. xD

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Now, let the guys fall for you. Don't impose yourself upon them. If that works, then the guy is shallow and should be avoided.

My little advice.

Oh I know. It's just a matter of the fact that they can't fall for me if I don't meet them in the first place.



That is very true. Ya just gotta be careful, that is all. xD

I plan to. I'm extremely picky when it comes to daying guys. Hence why I need to branch outside of my own college campus to find guys I can date.

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Now, let the guys fall for you. Don't impose yourself upon them. If that works, then the guy is shallow and should be avoided.

My little advice.

Oh I know. It's just a matter of the fact that they can't fall for me if I don't meet them in the first place.



That is very true. Ya just gotta be careful, that is all. xD

I plan to. I'm extremely picky when it comes to daying guys. Hence why I need to branch outside of my own college campus to find guys I can date.

I guess you don't have to be as picky when you are nighting guys, because the lack of sunlight hides a lot of flaws.


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Now, let the guys fall for you. Don't impose yourself upon them. If that works, then the guy is shallow and should be avoided.

My little advice.

Oh I know. It's just a matter of the fact that they can't fall for me if I don't meet them in the first place.



That is very true. Ya just gotta be careful, that is all. xD

I plan to. I'm extremely picky when it comes to daying guys. Hence why I need to branch outside of my own college campus to find guys I can date.

I guess you don't have to be as picky when you are nighting guys, because the lack of sunlight hides a lot of flaws.




I can't type too well when I'm tired.

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Now, let the guys fall for you. Don't impose yourself upon them. If that works, then the guy is shallow and should be avoided.

My little advice.

Oh I know. It's just a matter of the fact that they can't fall for me if I don't meet them in the first place.



That is very true. Ya just gotta be careful, that is all. xD

I plan to. I'm extremely picky when it comes to daying guys. Hence why I need to branch outside of my own college campus to find guys I can date.

I guess you don't have to be as picky when you are nighting guys, because the lack of sunlight hides a lot of flaws.




I can't type too well when I'm tired.

I knew that, I just couldn't resist. :lol:

When I can make a comeback to a typo, I like having some word fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

People dying, someone's crying,

friends are lying, I'm still trying,

to understand this mess.


You've hit rock bottom, tried to stop 'em,

feeling downtrodden, it's not my problem,

but it is.


Worried about wealth, what about health?

Put your pride on the shelf, get over yourself,

we all have to try.


Too much dramatization

breaks my concentration.

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People dying, someone's crying,

friends are lying, I'm still trying,

to understand this mess.


You've hit rock bottom, tried to stop 'em,

feeling downtrodden, it's not my problem,

but it is.


Worried about wealth, what about health?

Put your pride on the shelf, get over yourself,

we all have to try.


Too much dramatization

breaks my concentration.

*loves this one*

This is one of your best ones!!!!!

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People dying, someone's crying,

friends are lying, I'm still trying,

to understand this mess.


You've hit rock bottom, tried to stop 'em,

feeling downtrodden, it's not my problem,

but it is.


Worried about wealth, what about health?

Put your pride on the shelf, get over yourself,

we all have to try.


Too much dramatization

breaks my concentration.

*loves this one*

This is one of your best ones!!!!!

Thanks :) A few of my friends said the same thing about this one. Interesting.

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People dying, someone's crying,

friends are lying, I'm still trying,

to understand this mess.


You've hit rock bottom, tried to stop 'em,

feeling downtrodden, it's not my problem,

but it is.


Worried about wealth, what about health?

Put your pride on the shelf, get over yourself,

we all have to try.


Too much dramatization

breaks my concentration.

*loves this one*

This is one of your best ones!!!!!

Thanks :) A few of my friends said the same thing about this one. Interesting.

It has a nice rhythm. Flows smoothly and gets the point across succinctly.

Definitely a winner!!!!!!!!!

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People dying, someone's crying,

friends are lying, I'm still trying,

to understand this mess.


You've hit rock bottom, tried to stop 'em,

feeling downtrodden, it's not my problem,

but it is.


Worried about wealth, what about health?

Put your pride on the shelf, get over yourself,

we all have to try.


Too much dramatization

breaks my concentration.

*loves this one*

This is one of your best ones!!!!!

Thanks :) A few of my friends said the same thing about this one. Interesting.

It has a nice rhythm. Flows smoothly and gets the point across succinctly.

Definitely a winner!!!!!!!!!

Thank you. :blush:

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People dying, someone's crying,

friends are lying, I'm still trying,

to understand this mess.


You've hit rock bottom, tried to stop 'em,

feeling downtrodden, it's not my problem,

but it is.


Worried about wealth, what about health?

Put your pride on the shelf, get over yourself,

we all have to try.


Too much dramatization

breaks my concentration.

*loves this one*

This is one of your best ones!!!!!

Thanks :) A few of my friends said the same thing about this one. Interesting.

It has a nice rhythm. Flows smoothly and gets the point across succinctly.

Definitely a winner!!!!!!!!!

Thank you. :blush:

You are most welcome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

What if we kissed?


What would happen if you kissed me,

just to prove how much you missed me?

Would it set my heart a flight,

or would I just put up a fight?

What would happen if I kissed you,

to show how much I love you too?

Would you forever bless that day,

or would it make you run away?

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How Long?



How long can I sit here?

My brain is failing me.


How long can I sit here?

Boredom is killing me.


How long will he stand there?

Just talking on and on.


How long will he stand there?

Saying what's right and wrong.


How long will this time last?

Patience is wearing thin.


How long will this time last?

We'll only start again.

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How Long?



How long can I sit here?

My brain is failing me.


How long can I sit here?

Boredom is killing me.


How long will he stand there?

Just talking on and on.


How long will he stand there?

Saying what's right and wrong.


How long will this time last?

Patience is wearing thin.


How long will this time last?

We'll only start again.

These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. :D

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How Long?



How long can I sit here?

My brain is failing me.


How long can I sit here?

Boredom is killing me.


How long will he stand there?

Just talking on and on.


How long will he stand there?

Saying what's right and wrong.


How long will this time last?

Patience is wearing thin.


How long will this time last?

We'll only start again.

These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. :D

Aw, thank you and you're welcome :) Both of them were written in class today.

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How Long?



How long can I sit here?

My brain is failing me.


How long can I sit here?

Boredom is killing me.


How long will he stand there?

Just talking on and on.


How long will he stand there?

Saying what's right and wrong.


How long will this time last?

Patience is wearing thin.


How long will this time last?

We'll only start again.

These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. :D

Aw, thank you and you're welcome :) Both of them were written in class today.

Were these written with a special someone in mind?


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How Long?



How long can I sit here?

My brain is failing me.


How long can I sit here?

Boredom is killing me.


How long will he stand there?

Just talking on and on.


How long will he stand there?

Saying what's right and wrong.


How long will this time last?

Patience is wearing thin.


How long will this time last?

We'll only start again.

These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. :D

Aw, thank you and you're welcome :) Both of them were written in class today.

Were these written with a special someone in mind?


Some of them might have been. :rolleyes:

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How Long?



How long can I sit here?

My brain is failing me.


How long can I sit here?

Boredom is killing me.


How long will he stand there?

Just talking on and on.


How long will he stand there?

Saying what's right and wrong.


How long will this time last?

Patience is wearing thin.


How long will this time last?

We'll only start again.

These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. :D

Aw, thank you and you're welcome :) Both of them were written in class today.

Were these written with a special someone in mind?


Some of them might have been. :rolleyes:

I thought so. :lol:

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How Long?



How long can I sit here?

My brain is failing me.


How long can I sit here?

Boredom is killing me.


How long will he stand there?

Just talking on and on.


How long will he stand there?

Saying what's right and wrong.


How long will this time last?

Patience is wearing thin.


How long will this time last?

We'll only start again.

These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. :D

Aw, thank you and you're welcome :) Both of them were written in class today.

Were these written with a special someone in mind?


Some of them might have been. :rolleyes:

I thought so. :lol:

Hahaha :P

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How Long?



How long can I sit here?

My brain is failing me.


How long can I sit here?

Boredom is killing me.


How long will he stand there?

Just talking on and on.


How long will he stand there?

Saying what's right and wrong.


How long will this time last?

Patience is wearing thin.


How long will this time last?

We'll only start again.

These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. :D

Aw, thank you and you're welcome :) Both of them were written in class today.

Were these written with a special someone in mind?

LOL :rolleyes: LOL

Some of them might have been. :rolleyes:

I thought so. :lol:

Hahaha :P

I even think I might know who. :rolleyes:

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How Long?



How long can I sit here?

My brain is failing me.


How long can I sit here?

Boredom is killing me.


How long will he stand there?

Just talking on and on.


How long will he stand there?

Saying what's right and wrong.


How long will this time last?

Patience is wearing thin.


How long will this time last?

We'll only start again.

These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. :D

Aw, thank you and you're welcome :) Both of them were written in class today.

Were these written with a special someone in mind?

LOL :rolleyes: LOL

Some of them might have been. :rolleyes:

I thought so. :lol:

Hahaha :P

I even think I might know who. :rolleyes:

O rly? :rolleyes:

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How Long?



How long can I sit here?

My brain is failing me.


How long can I sit here?

Boredom is killing me.


How long will he stand there?

Just talking on and on.


How long will he stand there?

Saying what's right and wrong.


How long will this time last?

Patience is wearing thin.


How long will this time last?

We'll only start again.

These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. :D

Aw, thank you and you're welcome :) Both of them were written in class today.

Were these written with a special someone in mind?

LOL :rolleyes: LOL

Some of them might have been. :rolleyes:

I thought so. :lol:

Hahaha :P

I even think I might know who. :rolleyes:

O rly? :rolleyes:

Three letters, starts with a vowel... am I close? :lol:

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How Long?



How long can I sit here?

My brain is failing me.


How long can I sit here?

Boredom is killing me.


How long will he stand there?

Just talking on and on.


How long will he stand there?

Saying what's right and wrong.


How long will this time last?

Patience is wearing thin.


How long will this time last?

We'll only start again.

These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. :D

Aw, thank you and you're welcome :) Both of them were written in class today.

Were these written with a special someone in mind?

LOL :rolleyes: LOL

Some of them might have been. :rolleyes:

I thought so. :lol:

Hahaha :P

I even think I might know who. :rolleyes:

O rly? :rolleyes:

Three letters, starts with a vowel... am I close? :lol:


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You're probably expecting this one. It's called "Loophole" :rolleyes: If I had ant musical skills, I'd make it into a song.


Missing you, I'm so tired.

A glimmer of hope and my heart's on fire.

Praying hard, holding out,

I think I found something and want to shout!

Could it be, what I need?

The one way for my heart to be free?


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.


Just hang on, one minute,

People are gonna disagree with it.

Am I right? Am I wrong?

Am I fully justified in writing this song?

Will it work, me and him?

Please tell me that our future isn't grim.


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.

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You're probably expecting this one. It's called "Loophole" :rolleyes: If I had ant musical skills, I'd make it into a song.


Missing you, I'm so tired.

A glimmer of hope and my heart's on fire.

Praying hard, holding out,

I think I found something and want to shout!

Could it be, what I need?

The one way for my heart to be free?


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.


Just hang on, one minute,

People are gonna disagree with it.

Am I right? Am I wrong?

Am I fully justified in writing this song?

Will it work, me and him?

Please tell me that our future isn't grim.


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.

:lol: I answered this question before you posted it, in your topic. :lol:


And it is probably good you don't have the musical skills of an ant.

It might turn out more like a march. Anyway, I like this.

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You're probably expecting this one. It's called "Loophole" :rolleyes: If I had ant musical skills, I'd make it into a song.


Missing you, I'm so tired.

A glimmer of hope and my heart's on fire.

Praying hard, holding out,

I think I found something and want to shout!

Could it be, what I need?

The one way for my heart to be free?


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.


Just hang on, one minute,

People are gonna disagree with it.

Am I right? Am I wrong?

Am I fully justified in writing this song?

Will it work, me and him?

Please tell me that our future isn't grim.


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.

:lol: I answered this question before you posted it, in your topic. :lol:


And it is probably good you don't have the musical skills of an ant.

It might turn out more like a march. Anyway, I like this.

Hahaha :D *any :P

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You're probably expecting this one. It's called "Loophole" :rolleyes: If I had ant musical skills, I'd make it into a song.


Missing you, I'm so tired.

A glimmer of hope and my heart's on fire.

Praying hard, holding out,

I think I found something and want to shout!

Could it be, what I need?

The one way for my heart to be free?


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.


Just hang on, one minute,

People are gonna disagree with it.

Am I right? Am I wrong?

Am I fully justified in writing this song?

Will it work, me and him?

Please tell me that our future isn't grim.


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.

:lol: I answered this question before you posted it, in your topic. :lol:


And it is probably good you don't have the musical skills of an ant.

It might turn out more like a march. Anyway, I like this.

Hahaha :D *any :P

You can get Mushroom_king's band to play your song!

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You're probably expecting this one. It's called "Loophole" :rolleyes: If I had ant musical skills, I'd make it into a song.


Missing you, I'm so tired.

A glimmer of hope and my heart's on fire.

Praying hard, holding out,

I think I found something and want to shout!

Could it be, what I need?

The one way for my heart to be free?


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.


Just hang on, one minute,

People are gonna disagree with it.

Am I right? Am I wrong?

Am I fully justified in writing this song?

Will it work, me and him?

Please tell me that our future isn't grim.


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.

:lol: I answered this question before you posted it, in your topic. :lol:


And it is probably good you don't have the musical skills of an ant.

It might turn out more like a march. Anyway, I like this.

Hahaha :D *any :P

You can get Mushroom_king's band to play your song!

Hm...maybe...We should have a contest and see how writes the best music to it. :rolleyes: Or even give them the option of putting music to any of my poems. It might be interesting.

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You're probably expecting this one. It's called "Loophole" :rolleyes: If I had ant musical skills, I'd make it into a song.


Missing you, I'm so tired.

A glimmer of hope and my heart's on fire.

Praying hard, holding out,

I think I found something and want to shout!

Could it be, what I need?

The one way for my heart to be free?


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.


Just hang on, one minute,

People are gonna disagree with it.

Am I right? Am I wrong?

Am I fully justified in writing this song?

Will it work, me and him?

Please tell me that our future isn't grim.


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.

:lol: I answered this question before you posted it, in your topic. :lol:


And it is probably good you don't have the musical skills of an ant.

It might turn out more like a march. Anyway, I like this.

Hahaha :D *any :P

You can get Mushroom_king's band to play your song!

Hm...maybe...We should have a contest and see how writes the best music to it. :rolleyes: Or even give them the option of putting music to any of my poems. It might be interesting.

Now that is a great idea! Jesse had a short bit of music posted a while back. I bet that would work. I was thinking of trying to see if I could post a short video clip.

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You're probably expecting this one. It's called "Loophole" :rolleyes: If I had ant musical skills, I'd make it into a song.


Missing you, I'm so tired.

A glimmer of hope and my heart's on fire.

Praying hard, holding out,

I think I found something and want to shout!

Could it be, what I need?

The one way for my heart to be free?


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.


Just hang on, one minute,

People are gonna disagree with it.

Am I right? Am I wrong?

Am I fully justified in writing this song?

Will it work, me and him?

Please tell me that our future isn't grim.


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.

:lol: I answered this question before you posted it, in your topic. :lol:


And it is probably good you don't have the musical skills of an ant.

It might turn out more like a march. Anyway, I like this.

Hahaha :D *any :P

You can get Mushroom_king's band to play your song!

Hm...maybe...We should have a contest and see how writes the best music to it. :rolleyes: Or even give them the option of putting music to any of my poems. It might be interesting.

Now that is a great idea! Jesse had a short bit of music posted a while back. I bet that would work. I was thinking of trying to see if I could post a short video clip.

I remember that. And if I recall correctly, it was actually really good. I wonder what you can upload here...

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You're probably expecting this one. It's called "Loophole" :rolleyes: If I had ant musical skills, I'd make it into a song.


Missing you, I'm so tired.

A glimmer of hope and my heart's on fire.

Praying hard, holding out,

I think I found something and want to shout!

Could it be, what I need?

The one way for my heart to be free?


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.


Just hang on, one minute,

People are gonna disagree with it.

Am I right? Am I wrong?

Am I fully justified in writing this song?

Will it work, me and him?

Please tell me that our future isn't grim.


I think I've finally found what I'm looking for,

The smile on your face makes life worth living more.

Oh, can it be?

The loophole that sets my heart free.

:lol: I answered this question before you posted it, in your topic. :lol:


And it is probably good you don't have the musical skills of an ant.

It might turn out more like a march. Anyway, I like this.

Hahaha :D *any :P

You can get Mushroom_king's band to play your song!

Hm...maybe...We should have a contest and see how writes the best music to it. :rolleyes: Or even give them the option of putting music to any of my poems. It might be interesting.

Now that is a great idea! Jesse had a short bit of music posted a while back. I bet that would work. I was thinking of trying to see if I could post a short video clip.

I remember that. And if I recall correctly, it was actually really good. I wonder what you can upload here...

Exactly my thinking.

LOL :lol: LOL

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