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Eek, how did I mnage to abandon this place? I've been busy out of my mind.


Today was great fun: I had a riding lesson in the morning and then drove the hour-long journey to my cousin's house where I had ANOTHER ride on her horse, so today has been a real equestrian treat! My aunt - who has been riding since forever - said thatmy riding is coming on really well so I'm excited. ^_^ Naughty little Morgan - my cousin's horse - wanted to canter the entire time and my canter isn't great so I was clinging on for dear life... Ahem. Anyway, photos of that coming, simply because I look AMAZING in my crazy purple jodphurs!


I also had two injections yesterday - Hepatitis A and B in one arm and rabies in the other - so I'm not feling great. Urrgggh. :(

Two injections!!!!!!!

*sends flowers and a sympathy card*

How awful!!!!! Those must have been painful!


What a fantastic riding day! I am looking forward to your pictures, so please post them as soon as you have time.


Hope all is going well for you. We miss you when you are so busy. Hope you can squeeze in a moment or two more often. :D

Yeah, one of the injections REALLY hurt. My arms feel a bit delicate today and I was doing a lot of physical activity so it was really exhausting.


Before my cousin let me ride she had a long ride on Moragn first to let the wind out of his sails. Halfway through about three people came into the school to have a quick ride before it got dark, so I was suddenly running around laying out poles and forming jumps of all the riders... phew! I then took tons of photos of my cousin jumping and then took the reins from her so I could lead the horse and she could ride without reins (which she was REALLY brave to do). We then tried trotting with me leading (ie. running really fast to avoid being trampled by said horse) and then JUMPING with me leading the horse! That involved me jumping over the jump, too... my cousin has amazing balance so it was nothing for her. Envy!


I have a video of me riding which I'll hopefuly be able to send to you, Horatio.

:lol: I would rather have the video of you jumping over the jumps, with the horse following. :lol:

I look forward to receiving the video. :D

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Eek, how did I mnage to abandon this place? I've been busy out of my mind.


Today was great fun: I had a riding lesson in the morning and then drove the hour-long journey to my cousin's house where I had ANOTHER ride on her horse, so today has been a real equestrian treat! My aunt - who has been riding since forever - said thatmy riding is coming on really well so I'm excited. ^_^ Naughty little Morgan - my cousin's horse - wanted to canter the entire time and my canter isn't great so I was clinging on for dear life... Ahem. Anyway, photos of that coming, simply because I look AMAZING in my crazy purple jodphurs!


I also had two injections yesterday - Hepatitis A and B in one arm and rabies in the other - so I'm not feling great. Urrgggh. :(

Two injections!!!!!!!

*sends flowers and a sympathy card*

How awful!!!!! Those must have been painful!


What a fantastic riding day! I am looking forward to your pictures, so please post them as soon as you have time.


Hope all is going well for you. We miss you when you are so busy. Hope you can squeeze in a moment or two more often. :D

Yeah, one of the injections REALLY hurt. My arms feel a bit delicate today and I was doing a lot of physical activity so it was really exhausting.


Before my cousin let me ride she had a long ride on Moragn first to let the wind out of his sails. Halfway through about three people came into the school to have a quick ride before it got dark, so I was suddenly running around laying out poles and forming jumps of all the riders... phew! I then took tons of photos of my cousin jumping and then took the reins from her so I could lead the horse and she could ride without reins (which she was REALLY brave to do). We then tried trotting with me leading (ie. running really fast to avoid being trampled by said horse) and then JUMPING with me leading the horse! That involved me jumping over the jump, too... my cousin has amazing balance so it was nothing for her. Envy!


I have a video of me riding which I'll hopefuly be able to send to you, Horatio.

:lol: I would rather have the video of you jumping over the jumps, with the horse following. :lol:

I look forward to receiving the video. :D

I know, I wish I had a video of that, too! Unfortunately, my aunt was off having a gossip at the time so I was the only photographer. At one point I tried to keep up with the horse when he trotted and cantered. Trotting was easy but canter was a real struggle! The photos are on facebook so I'll add some here as soon as possible. Oh, and forward you the video, even though it was at the stage when Morgan refused to trot so I was stopping after every few steps. Grr.

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Eek, how did I mnage to abandon this place? I've been busy out of my mind.


Today was great fun: I had a riding lesson in the morning and then drove the hour-long journey to my cousin's house where I had ANOTHER ride on her horse, so today has been a real equestrian treat! My aunt - who has been riding since forever - said thatmy riding is coming on really well so I'm excited. ^_^ Naughty little Morgan - my cousin's horse - wanted to canter the entire time and my canter isn't great so I was clinging on for dear life... Ahem. Anyway, photos of that coming, simply because I look AMAZING in my crazy purple jodphurs!


I also had two injections yesterday - Hepatitis A and B in one arm and rabies in the other - so I'm not feling great. Urrgggh. :(

Two injections!!!!!!!

*sends flowers and a sympathy card*

How awful!!!!! Those must have been painful!


What a fantastic riding day! I am looking forward to your pictures, so please post them as soon as you have time.


Hope all is going well for you. We miss you when you are so busy. Hope you can squeeze in a moment or two more often. :D

Yeah, one of the injections REALLY hurt. My arms feel a bit delicate today and I was doing a lot of physical activity so it was really exhausting.


Before my cousin let me ride she had a long ride on Moragn first to let the wind out of his sails. Halfway through about three people came into the school to have a quick ride before it got dark, so I was suddenly running around laying out poles and forming jumps of all the riders... phew! I then took tons of photos of my cousin jumping and then took the reins from her so I could lead the horse and she could ride without reins (which she was REALLY brave to do). We then tried trotting with me leading (ie. running really fast to avoid being trampled by said horse) and then JUMPING with me leading the horse! That involved me jumping over the jump, too... my cousin has amazing balance so it was nothing for her. Envy!


I have a video of me riding which I'll hopefuly be able to send to you, Horatio.

:lol: I would rather have the video of you jumping over the jumps, with the horse following. :lol:

I look forward to receiving the video. :D

I know, I wish I had a video of that, too! Unfortunately, my aunt was off having a gossip at the time so I was the only photographer. At one point I tried to keep up with the horse when he trotted and cantered. Trotting was easy but canter was a real struggle! The photos are on facebook so I'll add some here as soon as possible. Oh, and forward you the video, even though it was at the stage when Morgan refused to trot so I was stopping after every few steps. Grr.

Ohhhhhh, your aunt missed a perfect video opportunity. She could have put you on YouTube. :lol:

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The video was too big to add to an email so I'll figure out a way of sending it to you. It's on FB, though, so that might make things easier. I'll upload some of the photos in my picture thread later. ^_^

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The video was too big to add to an email so I'll figure out a way of sending it to you. It's on FB, though, so that might make things easier. I'll upload some of the photos in my picture thread later. ^_^

:( I was hoping it would appear. If it helps, I can view it on FB.

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The video was too big to add to an email so I'll figure out a way of sending it to you. It's on FB, though, so that might make things easier. I'll upload some of the photos in my picture thread later. ^_^

:( I was hoping it would appear. If it helps, I can view it on FB.

Are you on FB, Horatio? I'll email a link or two to the video to see if it'll work.

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The video was too big to add to an email so I'll figure out a way of sending it to you. It's on FB, though, so that might make things easier. I'll upload some of the photos in my picture thread later. ^_^

:( I was hoping it would appear. If it helps, I can view it on FB.

Are you on FB, Horatio? I'll email a link or two to the video to see if it'll work.


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I can't watch that video anymore, it makes me cringe! I got better AFTER that video was taken, once I had gotten used to Morgan's (the horse, aka "Fat Ginge") rhythm.


There's a massive thunderstorm goingon outside. I did the whole counting between lightning and thunderclap thing and it's almost over my head. It's raining like mad, the sky is almost black (it's getting dark around 7-8 right now) and the thunder is REALLY loud.



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I can't watch that video anymore, it makes me cringe! I got better AFTER that video was taken, once I had gotten used to Morgan's (the horse, aka "Fat Ginge") rhythm.


There's a massive thunderstorm goingon outside. I did the whole counting between lightning and thunderclap thing and it's almost over my head. It's raining like mad, the sky is almost black (it's getting dark around 7-8 right now) and the thunder is REALLY loud.



You are much harder on yourself than you should be. You did great!


Thunderstorms can be so violent!!! Just overhead is so scary. The lightning is flashing, the thunder is so loud and they seem to happen simultaneously.

We had some tornadoes in Houston last night that were spawned from some very nasty thunderstorms.

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I have had one crazy night. Around 2am I decided that the talk I had spent two days preparing was not suitable to present so I decided to start again from scratch with much simpler German and subject matter (my hobbies). That meant I ahd to write an entirely new talk and create a simple Powerpoint presentation to go with it in 7 hours, which seems like a lot, but please remember that sleep was needed. I slept for an hour and a half to try and get some energy but the sun was already rising by then and I was so worried that my sleep was broken and sporradic. I've finally finished the presentation but I don't think it's going to go well and I think it's far too short but there's nothing I can do about it now. In addition I am dog tired and just drank a can of Mountain Dew (with the American recipe, which matters because said recipe is illegal in the UK) and put on a ton of make-up (not for vanity but because I find that putting on make-up makes me wake up a bit for some reason I cannot fathom). Even more annoying is the fact that the oral presentations are going to take literally hours to go through everyone: it is going to be REALLY boring. At least it looks like it'll be a sunny day... not that it'll matter, I'll be cooped up in a classroom/sleeping for most of it!


Wish me luck...

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I have had one crazy night. Around 2am I decided that the talk I had spent two days preparing was not suitable to present so I decided to start again from scratch with much simpler German and subject matter (my hobbies). That meant I ahd to write an entirely new talk and create a simple Powerpoint presentation to go with it in 7 hours, which seems like a lot, but please remember that sleep was needed. I slept for an hour and a half to try and get some energy but the sun was already rising by then and I was so worried that my sleep was broken and sporradic. I've finally finished the presentation but I don't think it's going to go well and I think it's far too short but there's nothing I can do about it now. In addition I am dog tired and just drank a can of Mountain Dew (with the American recipe, which matters because said recipe is illegal in the UK) and put on a ton of make-up (not for vanity but because I find that putting on make-up makes me wake up a bit for some reason I cannot fathom). Even more annoying is the fact that the oral presentations are going to take literally hours to go through everyone: it is going to be REALLY boring. At least it looks like it'll be a sunny day... not that it'll matter, I'll be cooped up in a classroom/sleeping for most of it!


Wish me luck...


You probably don't need it, but I'm wishing you all the best anyway.


American Mountain Dew? Illegal? I have a good idea why. Too much sugar and too much caffeine! :lol:

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Phew, I survived. It wasn't as bad as I thought, actually. One guy did his talk on juggling and he did an amazing demonstration at the end: he was able to speak fluent German and juggle at the same time which was really amazing! It didn't last as long as I thought, either, as they said that each talk would take 15 minutes and there are about 13 of us in the class so I was expecting to be there forever, but we weren't really. I got back and had a nap and I've been eating sherbert and playing Dungeon Keeper II ever since.


I have more studying to do, but for now, it's memememe time. ^_^


The American recipe is not actually ILLEGAL, per se, as you do see it for sale in very, very select places here, so people can SELL it with the same recipe but not MAKE it. It's easy to slightly change the recipe and get essentially the same thing: for example, they do that with coke here already as they put straight sugar in instead of corn syrup or whatever they use in America. Some of the colourings and vegetable oils they use in the MD American recipe is apparently not all that good for you. :rolleyes:

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Phew, I survived. It wasn't as bad as I thought, actually. One guy did his talk on juggling and he did an amazing demonstration at the end: he was able to speak fluent German and juggle at the same time which was really amazing! It didn't last as long as I thought, either, as they said that each talk would take 15 minutes and there are about 13 of us in the class so I was expecting to be there forever, but we weren't really. I got back and had a nap and I've been eating sherbert and playing Dungeon Keeper II ever since.


I have more studying to do, but for now, it's memememe time. ^_^


The American recipe is not actually ILLEGAL, per se, as you do see it for sale in very, very select places here, so people can SELL it with the same recipe but not MAKE it. It's easy to slightly change the recipe and get essentially the same thing: for example, they do that with coke here already as they put straight sugar in instead of corn syrup or whatever they use in America. Some of the colourings and vegetable oils they use in the MD American recipe is apparently not all that good for you. :rolleyes:

Congratulations on your German exam!!!


American foods have so many additives that are awful for you. For example, chocolate in the USA has paraffin added! WAX?????????

UCK!!! People wonder why I only want to eat Belgium, Swiss or German chocolate... no WAX.


As for the sugar replacements... there are a zillion ways to make fake sugar... all bad. Corn syrup solids, etc. are really nasty varieties of fake sugar.


Have a good nap. :)

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Okay, how sensible is this: it's 1:15am, I have another German exam at 10am, and I'm staying up to watch Doris Day movies (to be precise, "The Thrill of it all"). On top of that, tomorrow (or later today) I'm going home, so that's a 3-hour journey through rush-hour London.


Doris Day somehow trumps all that. :rolleyes:

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Okay, how sensible is this: it's 1:15am, I have another German exam at 10am, and I'm staying up to watch Doris Day movies (to be precise, "The Thrill of it all"). On top of that, tomorrow (or later today) I'm going home, so that's a 3-hour journey through rush-hour London.


Doris Day somehow trumps all that. :rolleyes:


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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the more annoying weeks in a while. Here are my updates:


- I have fallen in love with someone who doesn't love me back... anymore. A new spin on an old standard.

- I don't think I'm going to pass this year. If I don't pass I don't know what I'll do, but my chances don't look very high.

- I've started cutting again and I'm going stir crazy

- I have no food and, being Sunday, even the 24-hour place is shut at the moment (I think).

- I haven't had a conversation with somebody face-to-face since Tuesday. I am not kidding. All my socialising has been done on phone and computer (not even a webcam chat).

- I'm out of my favourite face cream (may not seem like a big deal but it kinda is).

- I'm almost out of Mountain Dew and it costs a fortune to buy off eBay.


So, yeah. Not great.

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One of the more annoying weeks in a while. Here are my updates:


- I have fallen in love with someone who doesn't love me back... anymore. A new spin on an old standard.

- I don't think I'm going to pass this year. If I don't pass I don't know what I'll do, but my chances don't look very high.

- I've started cutting again and I'm going stir crazy

- I have no food and, being Sunday, even the 24-hour place is shut at the moment (I think).

- I haven't had a conversation with somebody face-to-face since Tuesday. I am not kidding. All my socialising has been done on phone and computer (not even a webcam chat).

- I'm out of my favourite face cream (may not seem like a big deal but it kinda is).

- I'm almost out of Mountain Dew and it costs a fortune to buy off eBay.


So, yeah. Not great.

Aw...*hugs* I suggest going out for a walk or something. Being outside tends to do wonders for people.

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One of the more annoying weeks in a while. Here are my updates:


- I have fallen in love with someone who doesn't love me back... anymore. A new spin on an old standard.

- I don't think I'm going to pass this year. If I don't pass I don't know what I'll do, but my chances don't look very high.

- I've started cutting again and I'm going stir crazy

- I have no food and, being Sunday, even the 24-hour place is shut at the moment (I think).

- I haven't had a conversation with somebody face-to-face since Tuesday. I am not kidding. All my socialising has been done on phone and computer (not even a webcam chat).

- I'm out of my favourite face cream (may not seem like a big deal but it kinda is).

- I'm almost out of Mountain Dew and it costs a fortune to buy off eBay.


So, yeah. Not great.

*adds a hug to Jesusfreak's hug, making a group hug*


Getting outside does do wonders for you.


You buy Mountain Dew off eBay?????? :o


I do hope you pass.


I wish you hadn't started cutting again. :(


Being out of your favourite face cream is a big deal as this is what keeps your face in great shape.


Hope things start looking up for you.


Please keep us posted.

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*joins group hug* :)


Definitely go for a walk. It doesn't matter where, just get somewhere. Maybe even someplace you haven't explored before (as long as you stay safe). Something about taking a walk makes me feel like I'm being productive. Not sure how, exactly.


Good luck with your studies. You're in my prayers as always.

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Thanks for your support, everyone. I've given up on studying: I think I may ask to retake this year. Even if I do pass this year there will be a lot I don't understand so retaking would be best. My parents will kill me but there's not much I can do now. There are still a lot of things making me unhappy but I'm hoping it'll pick up soon.


And yes, I buy Mountain Dew off eBay because I can't buy it anywhere else.

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Thanks for your support, everyone. I've given up on studying: I think I may ask to retake this year. Even if I do pass this year there will be a lot I don't understand so retaking would be best. My parents will kill me but there's not much I can do now. There are still a lot of things making me unhappy but I'm hoping it'll pick up soon.


And yes, I buy Mountain Dew off eBay because I can't buy it anywhere else.

Good luck with your education. You know what is best for you and hopefully it will all work out the way you want it.

You parents might be upset at first, but they will calm down and realize that you have made a decision that is right.


That is the British ebay, correct?

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Urgh. Everything seems to be going wrong. :closedeyes: I'm trying to stay positive but things are quite bad at the moment and, on top of everything, I'm completely starved for social contact. I have made no friends here and days go by without me having a proper face-to-face conversation with someone. And it's not for lack of trying: I've been out a lot and tried really hard to meet people but I've just been unlucky, it seems.

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Urgh. Everything seems to be going wrong. :closedeyes: I'm trying to stay positive but things are quite bad at the moment and, on top of everything, I'm completely starved for social contact. I have made no friends here and days go by without me having a proper face-to-face conversation with someone. And it's not for lack of trying: I've been out a lot and tried really hard to meet people but I've just been unlucky, it seems.


I'm so sorry you are having a really bad time. If only there was something I could do to help.

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So, today two girls with British accents came into DQ, and one of them looked a lot like you. XD

Wouldn't that have been great if it was LifesEagle?!?!? :D

It would be pretty funny :lol:

I have gotten several discounts in America due to my pure Britishness. It makes shopping all the more fun! :lol: My teeth tends to give me away before my accent does, though... (see picture... ahem).


Things are still stagnating a bit. I had an exam today that I know I've failed. My mum's being a bit weird towards me at the moment and my dad's phoning me more than she is, which is unusual. I may try another course next year or retake my first year, but I really have no idea what to do. I'm doing abit of an ostrich impression to delay having to deal with this. It's the only way I can cope right now without resorting to... alternative remedies.


We can only hope now. :rolleyes:


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So, today two girls with British accents came into DQ, and one of them looked a lot like you. XD

Wouldn't that have been great if it was LifesEagle?!?!? :D

It would be pretty funny :lol:

I have gotten several discounts in America due to my pure Britishness. It makes shopping all the more fun! :lol: My teeth tends to give me away before my accent does, though... (see picture... ahem).


Things are still stagnating a bit. I had an exam today that I know I've failed. My mum's being a bit weird towards me at the moment and my dad's phoning me more than she is, which is unusual. I may try another course next year or retake my first year, but I really have no idea what to do. I'm doing abit of an ostrich impression to delay having to deal with this. It's the only way I can cope right now without resorting to... alternative remedies.


We can only hope now. :rolleyes:

Haha :lol: I can't give people discounts, sadly. All I could do was make suggestions for them (not too hard, they liked chocolate, so the logical choice was a chocolate extreme blizzard made with chocolate ice cream (most blizzards are made with vanilla by default, and a couple are made with twist, which is chocolate and vanilla)). So uh....cope by eating chocolate! :D In all seriousness though, when things go wrong for me, I tend to cope best by praying about it, and by making plans. So, something doesn't go right, I think, "What do I have to work with, and what are my options to solve the problem?" Once I come up with a good way to deal with the problem, I usually feel more at ease. This way it's not, "Something went wrong! Oh noes! D;" Instead, it's, "Something went wrong, but I know what I'm going to do to fix it." For you, it seems like this is going to involve retaking your courses. This could also involve changing your major to courses you find easier, transferring to a different school, or maybe even exploring career choices that don't require a college degree (contrary to current public opinion, there is no shame in pursuing a career that doesn't require a college degree. There are lots of careers that don't require a degree that pay WAY better than other careers. You might still need some sort of certification, but your education will be different).

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So, today two girls with British accents came into DQ, and one of them looked a lot like you. XD

Wouldn't that have been great if it was LifesEagle?!?!? :D

It would be pretty funny :lol:

I have gotten several discounts in America due to my pure Britishness. It makes shopping all the more fun! :lol: My teeth tends to give me away before my accent does, though... (see picture... ahem).


Things are still stagnating a bit. I had an exam today that I know I've failed. My mum's being a bit weird towards me at the moment and my dad's phoning me more than she is, which is unusual. I may try another course next year or retake my first year, but I really have no idea what to do. I'm doing abit of an ostrich impression to delay having to deal with this. It's the only way I can cope right now without resorting to... alternative remedies.


We can only hope now. :rolleyes:

Haha :lol: I can't give people discounts, sadly. All I could do was make suggestions for them (not too hard, they liked chocolate, so the logical choice was a chocolate extreme blizzard made with chocolate ice cream (most blizzards are made with vanilla by default, and a couple are made with twist, which is chocolate and vanilla)). So uh....cope by eating chocolate! :D In all seriousness though, when things go wrong for me, I tend to cope best by praying about it, and by making plans. So, something doesn't go right, I think, "What do I have to work with, and what are my options to solve the problem?" Once I come up with a good way to deal with the problem, I usually feel more at ease. This way it's not, "Something went wrong! Oh noes! D;" Instead, it's, "Something went wrong, but I know what I'm going to do to fix it." For you, it seems like this is going to involve retaking your courses. This could also involve changing your major to courses you find easier, transferring to a different school, or maybe even exploring career choices that don't require a college degree (contrary to current public opinion, there is no shame in pursuing a career that doesn't require a college degree. There are lots of careers that don't require a degree that pay WAY better than other careers. You might still need some sort of certification, but your education will be different).

I got a discount in M&Ms World in New York, which was odd because I don't think the guys at the counter who we *ahem* flirted with were ALLOWED to give us discounts, but there was no hurt in trying! :lol: I'm usually quite good at solving problems but this time I feel like I can't because I honestly don't know what to do. No, scratch that: I DO know what to do but it may not be possible. Money's usually not a problem for my family, even in the recession: my dad has a pretty good job but it looks like he may lose it soon (but he went for a job interview with Nestle a few days ago so he MAY get picked up by them). If money wasn't an option I'd start this course over and go to Germany in my third year as planned. If I can't then I'll retake and revert to a 3-year BSc. But even THEN I don't know if I'd be able to do it (though I think I COULD if I REALLY set my mind to it). My brother struggled at uni as well and he's not stupid, so there must be something in this: I think he and I suffer from pure laziness. He just about managed to get a degree in Politics and then got a job as a journalist in Bahrain, an odd but good graduate job. SO... there's hope for me yet.


Before I forget, thanks to all of you for helping me. It has been a tough few weeks. :closedeyes:

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Of course there's hope for you. There always will be.


Do you have a job? I can't recall if you've mentioned one or not. If not I think that might be a good start. I'm hoping to apply for one at my local market soon since I'm all done with school. It doesn't sound like fun but at the same time I look forward to having something to do during the day.

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Of course there's hope for you. There always will be.


Do you have a job? I can't recall if you've mentioned one or not. If not I think that might be a good start. I'm hoping to apply for one at my local market soon since I'm all done with school. It doesn't sound like fun but at the same time I look forward to having something to do during the day.

Working at the local market will show you just how jerky people can and will be. :lol:

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Working at the local market will show you just how jerky people can and will be. :lol:

You have little faith in the good nature of people in my area. :P I live on the side of a hill in a somewhat rural area, so maybe that has something to do with people tending to get along more. I do not use the term "local market" loosely at all, except that I'm surprised that it's as big and modern as it is (air conditioning! :D)


Although you're probably right and I will probably get to see the bad sides of a few people. :P Maybe I will get stock clerk...then I don't have to deal with that aspect! I sent in my application today...I checked off every position cause I just want to be doing something. We'll see what happens.

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Working at the local market will show you just how jerky people can and will be. :lol:

You have little faith in the good nature of people in my area. :P I live on the side of a hill in a somewhat rural area, so maybe that has something to do with people tending to get along more. I do not use the term "local market" loosely at all, except that I'm surprised that it's as big and modern as it is (air conditioning! :D)


Although you're probably right and I will probably get to see the bad sides of a few people. :P Maybe I will get stock clerk...then I don't have to deal with that aspect! I sent in my application today...I checked off every position cause I just want to be doing something. We'll see what happens.

Good luck with your application. Rural areas tend to have nicer people as they need to get along. In the citified areas, people can be jerks because they can get away with it.


I hope you hear that you are offered a position soon.

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Life is crazy. Everything's goind nuts in my life, but not all in a bad way. I'm thinking of changing courses to - wait for it - American and Canadian studies. It's amazing because they offer the chance to study in the USA for a year and the course offers so much, so I'm thinking of taking it (I know I haven't passed my exams). My dad got a dream job at Nestle and even though he found out that he has to have keyhole surgery on his knee soon he'll be working at a much better job than he has been doing for the past 6 years, so things are looking up for my family. I watched a brilliant production of Chicago today with Jimmy Osmond (a real blast from the past!) at a local theatre and I went riding. The riding was a bit of a worry, though: it was the first time that I've tried to drive there and I accidentally took a wrong turning and before I knew it I was on one of the busiest motorways in the whole of the UK. I was in such a panic I almost started crying but I knew if I cried I wouldn't be able to see so I tried my best to keep calm even though I was really, really scared (I've never driven on a road quite like that in my entire life). Luckily, my satnav stepped in and guided me there: I arrived late, flustered but safe. Once I explained to the instructor she gave me a real look of sympathy! I rode Flo yet again and it was really fun. I didn't tell my mum about the motorway as I knew she's never let me drive ever, ever again! I am also going to see my favourite living singer in concert on Monday, so I am REALLY excited. ^_^


Phew. Things are looking up. Well, sort of. The person who I fell for hasn't spoken to me in over a week.

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Life is crazy. Everything's goind nuts in my life, but not all in a bad way. I'm thinking of changing courses to - wait for it - American and Canadian studies. It's amazing because they offer the chance to study in the USA for a year and the course offers so much, so I'm thinking of taking it (I know I haven't passed my exams). My dad got a dream job at Nestle and even though he found out that he has to have keyhole surgery on his knee soon he'll be working at a much better job than he has been doing for the past 6 years, so things are looking up for my family. I watched a brilliant production of Chicago today with Jimmy Osmond (a real blast from the past!) at a local theatre and I went riding. The riding was a bit of a worry, though: it was the first time that I've tried to drive there and I accidentally took a wrong turning and before I knew it I was on one of the busiest motorways in the whole of the UK. I was in such a panic I almost started crying but I knew if I cried I wouldn't be able to see so I tried my best to keep calm even though I was really, really scared (I've never driven on a road quite like that in my entire life). Luckily, my satnav stepped in and guided me there: I arrived late, flustered but safe. Once I explained to the instructor she gave me a real look of sympathy! I rode Flo yet again and it was really fun. I didn't tell my mum about the motorway as I knew she's never let me drive ever, ever again! I am also going to see my favourite living singer in concert on Monday, so I am REALLY excited. ^_^


Phew. Things are looking up. Well, sort of. The person who I fell for hasn't spoken to me in over a week.

Too much excitement!


Congratulations for negotiating that super busy freeway and doing so calmly!!!

You did great!!!


Congratulations to your father and good luck to him in his new position and surgery.


You can stay at my cage when you study here in the U.S.A.!


Enjoy the concert. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had a mixed few days. Yesterday I went for a terrifying interview with the extremely intimidating head of department for AACS. He said the course with a year abroad is almost full but I can do the AACS with film studies which was my second choice so all looks well. I have no idea if this is what I want to do, but let's see. At least I got a place, I suppose. Today I went for another riding lesson on a different horse to Flo (which makes a change as I've never ridden the same horse so much) and this new horse (called Helga) was a lot more responsive, albeit cheeky. The arena is big so they divide it into two, one side reserved for free riding and the other has jumps in it. We went from the free ride side to the jump side to do some pole work (proper pole work this time, as in, a real "introduction to jumping") and for some reason Helga kept on ducking out to the free ride section. She was REALLY difficult to control at this stage and at one point I had to whip her really harshly so she would obey and I got my whip caught in the reins: she then moved her head forward quickly, pulling me down with her due to the whip being caught. This was all in trot and I almost fell off: I was lucky! I had to give her a few smart smacks on the rumps as well and at one point I was convinced she was going to throw me off. But it wasn't all bad: I did the polework successfully and, to my absolute joy, even cantered a little bit. This wasn't the accidental cantering I've gotten into in other lessons when I gave the horse a cue I didn't mean to give him/her and I actually punched the air at one point in my glee! I did all this in the boiling sun (which came out of nowhere).


But my joy was shattered when I came home and my mum yelled at me down the phone, which wasn't that great. <_<


I'm going to be involved in a short student film this weekend, though. Yay.


Oh, and Natalie threw out my milk for no reason.


Life is a series of peaks and troughs, they do say...

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Helga... sounds like you conquered the challenge and did so with flair! Glad you had a great ride!!!


Sorry about the conversation with your mother. That can really ruin a fantastic moment.


Film studies... I think that you will do well in these classes. It doesn't matter if this is your career choice, I do believe it will be a most enjoyable course of study.

When will you know for sure what your plans are for study abroad? I'm crossing my paws for everything to work out favourably for you.


If it was me, all of Natalie's food would be tossed into the disposal. She is one nasty person, who is living a miserable existence and feels that she must inflict pain on all those around her.

Just think how wonderful it will be to no longer share a flat with her. :D


Good luck in your film this weekend. Please do tell us more about it and how it went.

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Natalie has gone back to Cyprus and I don't think I'll ever see her again. She didn't even say goodbye: how very social of her. :rolleyes: Oh well, I'm not exactly crying about it.


Today was good, I got a lot of things done that needed to be done and the weather was NUTS. Even though I'm going home in less than a week I'm running out of things, so I have tp buy more things or risk being without them (e.g. I'm so used to buying in bulk now that it's hard to find the food products I want in small amounts for some reason). I have another riding lesson tomorrow, so wish me luck with the cantering!


I'm a bit down regarding my best friend who hasn't spoken to me in almost 3 weeks. It's like she doesn't care anymore. But THAT is one long story.

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Natalie has gone back to Cyprus and I don't think I'll ever see her again. She didn't even say goodbye: how very social of her. :rolleyes: Oh well, I'm not exactly crying about it.


Today was good, I got a lot of things done that needed to be done and the weather was NUTS. Even though I'm going home in less than a week I'm running out of things, so I have tp buy more things or risk being without them (e.g. I'm so used to buying in bulk now that it's hard to find the food products I want in small amounts for some reason). I have another riding lesson tomorrow, so wish me luck with the cantering!


I'm a bit down regarding my best friend who hasn't spoken to me in almost 3 weeks. It's like she doesn't care anymore. But THAT is one long story.

*waves goodbye to Natalie*


The weather here is nuts!!! For the last week, try not to buy too much bulk. LOL


Good luck with the cantering. This will be easy for you. Actually it is much easier than trotting when you learn to relax. The flow of the gait is very smooth. You will love when you learn to do a flying change of leads. That is great fun. The only advice that I can give is to concentrate on sitting the back of your bottom deep into the saddle and make sure your weight is directed towards that point. Then flow with the horse. You are going to do great! :D


Best friends... tough one. I hope things change and she starts talking to you again. When you feel like talking... we always are ready for long stories.

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I think your ecosystem has stretched across to connecticut, cause we've been getting tons and tons of rain ourselves. Good luck tomorrow, I'm sure you'll do well.


Sorry to hear about your friend. Maybe she's just busy with summer? Just make sure you haven't given her a reason to back off or anything. I say that because I'm on the other end of that with a friend (not bff, haven't had that privilege). Almost two weeks. It's helping me calm down about stuff though. I hope.

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I've had a great day today! ^_^ I didn't know anyone there except for one person but it turned out to be REALLY fun. None of us knew out lines and we had only 7 hours to film 3 scenes (sounds like a lot, but bear in mind that we had to learn our lines/block/set up props/change costumes/wait for people who were late/one key cast member had to leave us for 2 hours). We couldn't stop laughing through the whole thing, we now have tons of private jokes and some interesting footage. After the filming was done - literally a minute before security came in to chuck us out - we went out onto the lawn outside and had a barbeque there. We used those disposable ones you can buy that never seem to light, but the two we had DID and we cooked some sausages and beefburgers. It was really fun, even though smoke kept on choking us! One girl made strange banana splits by putting chocolate into split bananas and wrapping them in foil which were really nice. WE got away with most of our meal before security came over to tell us that fires were forbidden and because we had burnt the grass they may have to charge us and took our uni IDs, but she was nice about it and even asked us if we had a chance to eat first! We then went to the pub to chill out and play snakes and ladders on a board that was printed right onto the table. After spending 12 solid hours with people I didn't know before today and who I now get on really well with I'm feeling really good!


... or at least I WAS until, on the way back (the pub is just round the corner but I was going in a different direction to the rest of the group) a group of guys just inside my uni accomadtion (I live inside a complex that's protected by a main gate then divided into separate blocks, then separate flats, then separate rooms) started to follow me and one guy wouldn't leave me alone. He even got inside the block and trie to kiss me and I had no protection in there whatsoever bar cameras. It was really scary and I just made my excuses and ran into the flat. It was quite worrying and a rather dull downer to an otherwise brilliant day. I'm very happy! I can't wait to see the film footage (editing should be done in a month).


I'll tell you the story of my best friend another time as I'm drained right now. Phew!

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(Delayed reaction, again) Yea, I had one of those experiences with a bunch of girls (minus the kiss attempt). The first night I got to college. >_< It will a little awkward seeing such people after the fact, but make as little confrontation as possible and maybe you can forget that they exist. :P Glad you had a good day.

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(Delayed reaction, again) Yea, I had one of those experiences with a bunch of girls (minus the kiss attempt). The first night I got to college. >_< It will a little awkward seeing such people after the fact, but make as little confrontation as possible and maybe you can forget that they exist. :P Glad you had a good day.

I had a creepy guy make a pass at me on MY first night as well. Looks like trauma is THE thing to have before you start your studies! It was just a bit of a shock, really, and it ruined such a good day.


I heard about Michael Jackson about 12 hours after the rest of the universe, so it was indeed a real shock. My cousin who I must have mentioned before (who is a MASSIVE fan) was more upset than I've ever seen her: she culdn't stop crying and she NEVER cries. It has been her dream for over 10 years to see him perform and I have never seen her so happy as when I told her that we had tickets to go see him. It was pretty sad, he was such an icon to so many.


I'm at home now, preparing for my trip to South Africa for 6 weeks: I'm going on Wednesday. I have so much to prepare it's not even funny. Still, I spared some time to watch "My Sister's Keeper" last night (and gawp with horror at the changed ending as I have read the book with relish in the past) and I just finished "Capote" right now. Too many films, too little time spent buying malaria tablets.

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(Delayed reaction, again) Yea, I had one of those experiences with a bunch of girls (minus the kiss attempt). The first night I got to college. >_< It will a little awkward seeing such people after the fact, but make as little confrontation as possible and maybe you can forget that they exist. :P Glad you had a good day.

I had a creepy guy make a pass at me on MY first night as well. Looks like trauma is THE thing to have before you start your studies! It was just a bit of a shock, really, and it ruined such a good day.


I heard about Michael Jackson about 12 hours after the rest of the universe, so it was indeed a real shock. My cousin who I must have mentioned before (who is a MASSIVE fan) was more upset than I've ever seen her: she culdn't stop crying and she NEVER cries. It has been her dream for over 10 years to see him perform and I have never seen her so happy as when I told her that we had tickets to go see him. It was pretty sad, he was such an icon to so many.


I'm at home now, preparing for my trip to South Africa for 6 weeks: I'm going on Wednesday. I have so much to prepare it's not even funny. Still, I spared some time to watch "My Sister's Keeper" last night (and gawp with horror at the changed ending as I have read the book with relish in the past) and I just finished "Capote" right now. Too many films, too little time spent buying malaria tablets.

lol :lol: Fun fact: One of the medications my dad was prescribed for his wrist is actually used as a malaria treatment :rolleyes:

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(Delayed reaction, again) Yea, I had one of those experiences with a bunch of girls (minus the kiss attempt). The first night I got to college. >_ Glad you had a good day.

I had a creepy guy make a pass at me on MY first night as well. Looks like trauma is THE thing to have before you start your studies! It was just a bit of a shock, really, and it ruined such a good day.


I heard about Michael Jackson about 12 hours after the rest of the universe, so it was indeed a real shock. My cousin who I must have mentioned before (who is a MASSIVE fan) was more upset than I've ever seen her: she culdn't stop crying and she NEVER cries. It has been her dream for over 10 years to see him perform and I have never seen her so happy as when I told her that we had tickets to go see him. It was pretty sad, he was such an icon to so many.


I'm at home now, preparing for my trip to South Africa for 6 weeks: I'm going on Wednesday. I have so much to prepare it's not even funny. Still, I spared some time to watch "My Sister's Keeper" last night (and gawp with horror at the changed ending as I have read the book with relish in the past) and I just finished "Capote" right now. Too many films, too little time spent buying malaria tablets.

Six weeks in South Africa... how wonderful. May I please go with you???

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Soooo, South Africa voyaging tomorrow. I'm quite scared about spending 6 weeks in the company of (mostly) perfect strangers in the middle of nowhere with deadly animals. At least my cousin will be with me, but due to her learning difficulties it'll be quite a difficult few weeks. Right now I'm trying to deal with the no-more-than-20kg rule airlines enforce so much nowadays. YOU WILL CARRY MY LUGGAGE AND YOU WILL LIKE IT.


My mum won't stop picking on me about my weight, though, so the last few days have been really taxing.


Maybe I'll be able to log on/post things on FB while I'm away. We'll see. If not, see you all in 6 weeks!

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Maybe I'll be able to log on/post things on FB while I'm away. We'll see. If not, see you all in 6 weeks!

Excuse me...


the above should read:

Maybe I'll be able to log on/post things on Hampsterdance while I'm away.


You will be missed. Enjoy the time, if you can. Hope things aren't too stressful with your cousin.

We want pictures. Please post some on your return.


Forget about your weight. Your mother should not be picking on you about this. You had a most stressful year and stress manifests itself in many ways. Just enjoy your trip.


We will be waiting for you.

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Boo! I am currently in an internet cafe just south of Kruger National park. It's AMAZING here. It's winter but it's still really hot. So far I've bene on an elephant ride, held a vulture, stroked a baby rhino, kissed a hippo on the nose, collected elephant food, camped out in the rain, had my fortune told by a real-live witch doctor, seen an orphanage and had breakfast while watching giraffes do the same across the watering hole. It's just crazy. I'm having so much fun and the food is GREAT. The people here are lovely and even the chores yesterday (our group was cooking) was fun. Africa is as beautfiful as everyone thinks it is: that and more.


My internet access is rather sparodic so I should be able to post something new soon. I miss talking to you all.


TIA! ^_^

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Boo! I am currently in an internet cafe just south of Kruger National park. It's AMAZING here. It's winter but it's still really hot. So far I've bene on an elephant ride, held a vulture, stroked a baby rhino, kissed a hippo on the nose, collected elephant food, camped out in the rain, had my fortune told by a real-live witch doctor, seen an orphanage and had breakfast while watching giraffes do the same across the watering hole. It's just crazy. I'm having so much fun and the food is GREAT. The people here are lovely and even the chores yesterday (our group was cooking) was fun. Africa is as beautfiful as everyone thinks it is: that and more.


My internet access is rather sparodic so I should be able to post something new soon. I miss talking to you all.


TIA! ^_^

We miss you too!


Have a spectacular time and collect a lot of pictures to show us when you return.

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Boo! I am currently in an internet cafe just south of Kruger National park. It's AMAZING here. It's winter but it's still really hot. So far I've bene on an elephant ride, held a vulture, stroked a baby rhino, kissed a hippo on the nose, collected elephant food, camped out in the rain, had my fortune told by a real-live witch doctor, seen an orphanage and had breakfast while watching giraffes do the same across the watering hole. It's just crazy. I'm having so much fun and the food is GREAT. The people here are lovely and even the chores yesterday (our group was cooking) was fun. Africa is as beautfiful as everyone thinks it is: that and more.


My internet access is rather sparodic so I should be able to post something new soon. I miss talking to you all.


TIA! ^_^

We miss you too!


Have a spectacular time and collect a lot of pictures to show us when you return.

Haha, I was just going to say to take pictures. :lol:

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Boo! I am currently in an internet cafe just south of Kruger National park. It's AMAZING here. It's winter but it's still really hot. So far I've bene on an elephant ride, held a vulture, stroked a baby rhino, kissed a hippo on the nose, collected elephant food, camped out in the rain, had my fortune told by a real-live witch doctor, seen an orphanage and had breakfast while watching giraffes do the same across the watering hole. It's just crazy. I'm having so much fun and the food is GREAT. The people here are lovely and even the chores yesterday (our group was cooking) was fun. Africa is as beautfiful as everyone thinks it is: that and more.


My internet access is rather sparodic so I should be able to post something new soon. I miss talking to you all.


TIA! ^_^

We miss you too!


Have a spectacular time and collect a lot of pictures to show us when you return.

Haha, I was just going to say to take pictures. :lol:

I did good! :D

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, guys. Hope you all are well. I've had a troubling few days, mainly regarding my mum making life so uncomfortable for me that I essentially had to out myself before I was ready. And guess what? My mum doesn't "believe" me, thinks it's a phase, etc. etc. WEll, that's the short story, at least.


Oh, yeah: and the person I'm in love with doesn't want me.


On the plus side, the weather was beautiful today.

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Hey, guys. Hope you all are well. I've had a troubling few days, mainly regarding my mum making life so uncomfortable for me that I essentially had to out myself before I was ready. And guess what? My mum doesn't "believe" me, thinks it's a phase, etc. etc. WEll, that's the short story, at least.


Oh, yeah: and the person I'm in love with doesn't want me.


On the plus side, the weather was beautiful today.

>_< *hugs*

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Hey, guys. Hope you all are well. I've had a troubling few days, mainly regarding my mum making life so uncomfortable for me that I essentially had to out myself before I was ready. And guess what? My mum doesn't "believe" me, thinks it's a phase, etc. etc. WEll, that's the short story, at least.


Oh, yeah: and the person I'm in love with doesn't want me.


On the plus side, the weather was beautiful today.

Welcome back. You were missed.


*joins in the hug with Jesusfreak*


Love... what a rollercoaster ride.

Doesn't make the heart hurt any less, but hopefully you find the man of your dreams and he is madly in love with you.


As for your mum... on top of everything else, you don't need more stress. I'm so sorry that you are going through all this.

We are here for you.


And... where are the pictures from your holiday?

We are waiting for those South African action shots!


Even Leguan has posted some pictures of his weekend bike ride.

Check out his topic. Great photographs.

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  • 6 months later...

Just thought I'd drop in... :)


How is everybody? Do tell.

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Yaaaay you're back! I'm good, hope I haven't nauseated you too much on facebook. :rolleyes: How are you?


Yeaaah I'm back, hopefully for more than a single day! Of course you haven't nauseated me: I've loved seeing your lovely pictures with Shane and the snow, it looks like you're life is so exciting right now. If anything, I'M the one-track record on Facebook!!


And I'm good. I've had a busy couple of weeks but now I'm entering the "boring zone". Must keep busy before I go crazzeee.

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Hehe :lol: Usually this time of year is stressful for some reason, so enjoy the relaxation of not having much to do.


I have plenty of studying to do as it is! All work and no play makes LE a dull boy. I'm getting a head start on my essays due in in several weeks' time and I still have some lectures remaining before I go back home for Easter break... so work is there, it's just not really getting done. I'm up at 3am watching videos on "Funny or Die" because I can't sleep. Good thing I get a lie-in tomorrow!


So what have you all been up to?

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Hello! I'm doing okay. It's been a pretty crappy senior year, but there are some pluses to it. Going to the same school for grad school so I can stay involved with things.

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Hello! I'm doing okay. It's been a pretty crappy senior year, but there are some pluses to it. Going to the same school for grad school so I can stay involved with things.

It's not great to have a bad year. Are you sure that you want to do grad school at the same school? I am certain you would have gotten a full scholarship to any school you desired. This year will soon be over.

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Hi Jesse and Horatio, it's so nice to hear from you. I'll try and post a bit more, but I really don't have anything to say... any questions? :P

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Hi Jesse and Horatio, it's so nice to hear from you. I'll try and post a bit more, but I really don't have anything to say... any questions? :P

You don't have anything to say? :o







You could start with your African adventure and fill us in on things since then! :D

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  • 1 month later...

Oops, forgot that I posted on here. I have no time for a long post now but I'll post later. I'm in such a good mood today, nothing can bring me down! ^_^

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Okay, hmm... I'll give you the abridged version of my life since around July. Excited? Good.


SOUTH AFRICA: 6 weeks of pure joy versus pure nightmare. We stayed on a game reserve near the Mozambique/Swaziland borders and did varying things such as helping out on the ranch and going on game drives (to see the animals). I also rode an elephant, went up in a microlite to see Africa from the air (and got to fly it!), vistied Kruger National Park, relaxed on the beach in Mozambique for a few days and went to a music festival in Swaziland. I stroked a baby rhino, kissed a hippo and went to a witch-doctor. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It was, however, like Big Brother without the cameras: 6 weeks with 5 other people in a room the size of a double bedroom was NOT nice. There were mainly girls on the trip so it all got a bit too crazy at times. Some girls were close to bullies and made me cry on some occations. There was no privacy and we had to work hard on some things (such as getting up really early to muck out the two tame elephants). But that was all eclipsed by the time when we took a car down to one of the watering holes where hippos peeped at us from the water and watched the sun set over the African bush whilst sipping coke and eating fresh oranges... it was close to heaven, I cannot lie. I will probably describe this trip even more at a later date and I will post pictures soon!


Rest of summer: Didn't do that much, hung out with friends. Went to Paris for around 4 days with my mother, my aunt from Brazil who speaks no English and my friend from school. The weather was great and we had a great time. I've been to Paris several times before and I don't like it that much but it was still amazing as ever.


University: I don't know it I mentioned it but I quit Biology and took up American and Canadian Studies with film instead. The new academic year was therefore a fresh start for me. I was also moving into a new flat with new people so I was quite aprehensive, especially because of my flatmates last year and how bad my course was. HOWEVER... it all turned out to be AMAZING. My new flatmates consist of 3 other girls, one Welsh girl called Carly, one hard-working physiotherapist called Alison and a "Devonshire Lass" called Helen. We all love films (as I'm quite the crazy film buff) and we talk about nothing but movies. Helen is also AMAZING and she's pretty much my best friend now. We tease each other, have tons of private jokes and support each other when times are bad. I couldn't ask for betterfriends. If I need them they are by my side in a second. I wil post photos of our Christmas, which was SO MUCH fun. Just before Christmas another 5th flatmate moved into the last room which had since been unoccupied: she's an international student from CHina. We imediately took a disliking to each other (not just me, my other friends as well). She's unhygienic, rude, doesn't ever say hello, takes up so much room which unnecessary junk in the kitchen (she keeps her suitcase in there!) and once, when Helen and I were being a little bit TOO loud in the communal area, she came in and told us to "be quiet" without a please or thank you or even a nice tone. I even discovered her unplugging my freezer (I have my own one due to space) so she could plug in her rice cooker!! Yeah, it wont matter if all my food defrosts... She's a real pain but we're just about learning to live with her. Just.


As for my course: wow. I am so happy that I changed courses. The film aspect of the course means I can just watch movies and analyse them, something I do in my sleep. The American side of the course is fascinating and it's a mixture of literature, economics, history, politics, culture... everything. I do have to do a Canadian Studies module but that it VERY boring as I'm not too keen on Canada. I did the exam for it today, though, so that's out of the way!


Recently: Over Easter I went on a spontaneous trip to New York with my mum. We decided to go on a Thursday and by the SUnday we were on a plane! I've been before but my mum hasn't so we did all the touristy stuff that people do in NY. I am a big TV fan so I freaked out a bit at Rockefeller Center (especially as I am a big "30 Rock" fan). I was also VERY lucky and got to see Jimmy Fallon's monologue rehearsal! However, by the end of the week we got news of the Icelandic Volcano erruption. For a while we thought that we wouldn't be able to make it home. Luckily we were able to get on a flight to Glasgow (in Scotland): out of 3 flights that took off that night from NY airports as a whole, only 2 made it across the Atlantic (3rd had to turn back for whatever reason). From Glasgow it's a 10 hour ride back on a coach to London. I was EXHAUSTED but so glad to be home, especially as so many people were stranded. The day after I arrived home I went back to University and worked for 2 weeks on essays. Since then I have been preparing for exams (and had one today).


Sooo, what else? I have become addicted to several things, including olives, "Top Gun" and TV. I'm doing something called "TV 2010": I have to watch a TV show in its entirity in the space of a single month. For example, in January I had to watch every episode broadcast so far of "30 Rock", Febuary was "Parks and Recreation", March was "Cougar Town", April was "How I Met Your Mother" and May is "Doogie Howser M.D.". The idea here is to watch new shows and try new things and I'm enjoying every minute. However, this does mean that I have become addicted to not only these shows but some of their actors, namely Neil Patrick Harris and Will Arnett. The latter is my new obsession and anyone who has see my Facebook account will know that I NEVER shut up about him. Ever. Ever. Ever.


Today was the best day ever. I got up early for an exam which was annoying but the exam itself went really well. I then went riding (on Flo yet again): I am now jumping and cantering really well! I can even tack up and remove tack which is amazing. I returned home, went for a walk, met Helen who was leavning her own exam and we went to Filmsoc in the evening where we watched a crazy film called "Le Donk and Scor-zay-zee", which was awful but quite funny. We went to the pub afterwards as a group and played Mikado and I got teased mercilessly for simply being an addict of the things that I love, but they do it out of love. I have eaten gorgeousfood today so I feel great. Last night I found out that the best show in the universe will be airing next season as its pilot was picked up last night, and as it stars Will Arnett (who I stalk on Twitter) I am over the mood. I couldn't be happier today.


So. Life is good. I have so much to be happy about. ^_^

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You made my day with your post. How wonderful about changing your major and really enjoying school. That is simply wonderful news. The South African adventure sounded great save the part of staying in a closet sized room with all those other girls. You had a terrific experience and I am looking forward to the pictures. Rhinos and hippos... how fun. I would really love to see your pictures, so it will seem like forever until you post your pictures.


As for the change of roommates... except for the new girl, it is wonderful to hear you talk about new friends and fun times. I am really happy for you. The film/tele focus sounds like you should have found the courses you love. This is outstanding.


Can't wait until you post more pictures... this time from Christmas. That will be great. I wish I knew you were in New York. I would have flown up to meet you. Getting stuck where you don't want to be is unpleasant, so I am happy you made it home.


Helen sounds like she has a lot in common with you and your friendship should last a lifetime. This is wonderful! Such a big change from the previous experience.


Give Flo a carrot or apple for me. You probably will have to teach Helen how to ride. I'm sure she would love it. Good news that your jumping and cantering is going well. Keep up the good work.


As for movies... take a look at some of Johnny Depp's work. He is really an amazing actor. The early films, such as What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Edward Scissorhands, Chocolat or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory I believe you would really enjoy. He has a zillion others, but I won't bore you with a long list.


Anyway... I was very excited to see your post!

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  • 3 months later...

Bleh, when I come back I really should stay for longer, shouldn't I?


I won't bore you with a long post, but here's the summary of what has happened to me recently:


- I did my exams in May and passed all of them. I got a first - the top grade band you can get at a British university - in a couple of modules so I am very happy. I picked a variety of really interesting classes for the upcoming year which I am really excited about. In one module I get to read graphic novels and watch Chris Nolan films! I am NOT kidding. It's just fantastic.

- I've spent most of the summer inadvertantly watching all the big blockbusters at least twice. This was both a positive and a negative, considering that Inception didn't actually confuse me and I didn't want to see it again. Oh, well, can't complain.

- I've been wrapped up with seeing - and I use this term broadly - my new boyfriend. You read that right. I've been a member of my university film society for two years now and I was voted in for a second term being the vice-president of the society a few months ago. Since Christmas I've been going out to then pub after our bi-weekly screenings and chatting with the people who are also in the society and Helen often comes along. Since February I've been talking to a guy there called Michael who was doing a study abroad course. His normal school is the University of Iowa and he loves movies more than life as do I, so the next few months were a series of subtle flirtations and hat-stealing (from me... *ahem*). To cut a long story short, we decided to get together a mere 10 days before his return to the States. It seemed silly, especially to people around us, but we didn't care, especially when we realised with three days to go that there was no way that we could break up before he went home and that we were very much in love, however fast that would seem to others. When he went home I had no idea when we would see each other again, but by some miracle he was able to return to the UK a mere 2 weeks after leaving and he stayed for a month. It was absolute bliss. And yes, it is silly considering that we have 4000 miles between us but it's working.


I am very happy. ^_^

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Bleh, when I come back I really should stay for longer, shouldn't I?


I won't bore you with a long post, but here's the summary of what has happened to me recently:


- I did my exams in May and passed all of them. I got a first - the top grade band you can get at a British university - in a couple of modules so I am very happy. I picked a variety of really interesting classes for the upcoming year which I am really excited about. In one module I get to read graphic novels and watch Chris Nolan films! I am NOT kidding. It's just fantastic.

- I've spent most of the summer inadvertantly watching all the big blockbusters at least twice. This was both a positive and a negative, considering that Inception didn't actually confuse me and I didn't want to see it again. Oh, well, can't complain.

- I've been wrapped up with seeing - and I use this term broadly - my new boyfriend. You read that right. I've been a member of my university film society for two years now and I was voted in for a second term being the vice-president of the society a few months ago. Since Christmas I've been going out to then pub after our bi-weekly screenings and chatting with the people who are also in the society and Helen often comes along. Since February I've been talking to a guy there called Michael who was doing a study abroad course. His normal school is the University of Iowa and he loves movies more than life as do I, so the next few months were a series of subtle flirtations and hat-stealing (from me... *ahem*). To cut a long story short, we decided to get together a mere 10 days before his return to the States. It seemed silly, especially to people around us, but we didn't care, especially when we realised with three days to go that there was no way that we could break up before he went home and that we were very much in love, however fast that would seem to others. When he went home I had no idea when we would see each other again, but by some miracle he was able to return to the UK a mere 2 weeks after leaving and he stayed for a month. It was absolute bliss. And yes, it is silly considering that we have 4000 miles between us but it's working.


I am very happy. ^_^

Welcome back!!!


Your return really brightened my day!!! I am thrilled that you stopped in to update us. You have been missed!!!


Life sounds wonderful for you, especially since you have a boyfriend and are enjoying your classes at the university.


With the different types of visual communications available, your new boyfriend will seem not so far away. I hope that everything goes well with your relationship. Perhaps you will be back in the states soon visiting him. Actually, I don't think a long distance relationship is silly. If you are patient and can communicate, the time remaining in university will go flying by and you both can be together. There are opportunities for each of you in the country of the other. So, I believe if you have found someone that you are truly interested in, it could very well happen.


Please do return and take a look at Jesusfreak's photographs in the bottom forum group under her art work. She has some amazing pictures that you may or may not have seen. If you are bored, you can always take a look at my topic in the Hampsterdance Talk forum and catch up there. I won't bore you with what has been going on, but we always love hearing from you and will be most happy to read the long version of your thoughts and life.


Welcome back and please do return. Pictures would be wonderful.

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