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Somehow I doubt that because this seems to be a neurotransmitter issue. I had a strange sense of euphoria last night right after an emotional crash.


Goodness, I don't know.

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Somehow I doubt that because this seems to be a neurotransmitter issue. I had a strange sense of euphoria last night right after an emotional crash.


Goodness, I don't know.

Chocolate... lots and lots of dark chocolate. :D


Question... do your emotional swings lessen in the summer?

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Somehow I doubt that because this seems to be a neurotransmitter issue. I had a strange sense of euphoria last night right after an emotional crash.


Goodness, I don't know.

Chocolate... lots and lots of dark chocolate. :D


Question... do your emotional swings lessen in the summer?


I've eaten enough, I'm gonna get fat. :rolleyes:


No, it's not SAD. If anything, I feel better this time of year because I associate winter with love (long story). It's just... circumstances. I'm now watching The Producers for the trillionth time so I'm laughing. ^_^

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Somehow I doubt that because this seems to be a neurotransmitter issue. I had a strange sense of euphoria last night right after an emotional crash.


Goodness, I don't know.

Chocolate... lots and lots of dark chocolate. :D


Question... do your emotional swings lessen in the summer?


I've eaten enough, I'm gonna get fat. :rolleyes:


No, it's not SAD. If anything, I feel better this time of year because I associate winter with love (long story). It's just... circumstances. I'm now watching The Producers for the trillionth time so I'm laughing. ^_^

Winter and snow always remind me of Dr. Zhivago.

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Somehow I doubt that because this seems to be a neurotransmitter issue. I had a strange sense of euphoria last night right after an emotional crash.


Goodness, I don't know.

Chocolate... lots and lots of dark chocolate. :D


Question... do your emotional swings lessen in the summer?


I've eaten enough, I'm gonna get fat. :rolleyes:


No, it's not SAD. If anything, I feel better this time of year because I associate winter with love (long story). It's just... circumstances. I'm now watching The Producers for the trillionth time so I'm laughing. ^_^

Winter and snow always remind me of Dr. Zhivago.


I'm always telling myself to read that book, but nowadays I'm too lazy and just read Jodi Picoult. :rolleyes:


It snowed last night, but rather pathetically.

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Somehow I doubt that because this seems to be a neurotransmitter issue. I had a strange sense of euphoria last night right after an emotional crash.


Goodness, I don't know.

Chocolate... lots and lots of dark chocolate. :D


Question... do your emotional swings lessen in the summer?


I've eaten enough, I'm gonna get fat. :rolleyes:


No, it's not SAD. If anything, I feel better this time of year because I associate winter with love (long story). It's just... circumstances. I'm now watching The Producers for the trillionth time so I'm laughing. ^_^

Winter and snow always remind me of Dr. Zhivago.


I'm always telling myself to read that book, but nowadays I'm too lazy and just read Jodi Picoult. :rolleyes:


It snowed last night, but rather pathetically.

I have not read any Jodi Picoult.


Snow... I don't want to see any snow, except in pictures!!!

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I hope it snows this Christmas. DId you know we had a white Easter this year? :blink: It was really bizarre.

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I hope it snows this Christmas. DId you know we had a white Easter this year? :blink: It was really bizarre.


*breaks into song*

I'm dreaming of a Whiteeee Easter. Just like the one we had last year.


Was there enough snow to make snow angels? How about a snoweagle?

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There was a surprising amount of snow, actually. There wasn't that much in London but in the more rural areas there was TONS. It was really strange having snow so late in the winter. And the summer this year was awful. :rolleyes:


I'm building up my self-esteem by dressing up and looking nice each day. Is a real helper. Today I dressed all in brown (and pink) so I looked like a read golden eagle... with pink stripes.

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There was a surprising amount of snow, actually. There wasn't that much in London but in the more rural areas there was TONS. It was really strange having snow so late in the winter. And the summer this year was awful. :rolleyes:


I'm building up my self-esteem by dressing up and looking nice each day. Is a real helper. Today I dressed all in brown (and pink) so I looked like a read golden eagle... with pink stripes.

Nice!!! :D

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Yeah, looking pretty is always good for a self-esteem boost. ^_^ Dressing like a bum is far more comfortable though. I really don't understand the girls who go to class in high heels every single day. :rolleyes:

The girls that wear heels are usually love wearing them, just like you like dressing down. I couldn't wear them.

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They're so uncomfortable compared to regular sneakers or sandals. :wacko: Did you hear about the woman who had surgery on her feet so she could wear heels easier?

Did they turn her feet into Barbie feet? Feet that were permanently in the high heel position? That person would not be able to walk barefoot. :lol:

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Yeeaaaaahhh, after all this talk I feel guilty, having spent the whole day in my four-unch heels. :rolleyes: I put photos of me in my babyshoes in my picture thread.


Things are looking up.

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Yeah, now my feet hurt like nobody's business. :rolleyes: I'm gonna do the Vaseline-and-two-pairs-of-socks trick tonight so my feet can recover. I'm DEFINITELY wearing a pair of Cons tomorrow!

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Yeeaaaaahhh, after all this talk I feel guilty, having spent the whole day in my four-unch heels. :rolleyes: I put photos of me in my babyshoes in my picture thread.


Things are looking up.

And you look absolutely phenomenally fantastic!!!!!!!!!! :D

Yeah, I think it's safe to say all your body image insecurities are quite unfounded. You look wonderful.

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Thanks, JF. ^_^ However late me saying that is...




I've been going to sleep at 8am.I have too many American friends. :rolleyes:

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8am???? That can't be healthy....

Try working your entire life nocturnally. :lol:

If your entire life is lived nocturnally I'm sure it's fine, but I'm pretty sure LE has classes and such during the day time. :unsure:

Well, actually we don't live totally nocturnally... we flip-flop back and forth between night - day.

Perhaps LifesEagles classes are afternoon and evening ones... but I don't think she could be that lucky. :lol:

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8am???? That can't be healthy....

Try working your entire life nocturnally. :lol:

If your entire life is lived nocturnally I'm sure it's fine, but I'm pretty sure LE has classes and such during the day time. :unsure:

Well, actually we don't live totally nocturnally... we flip-flop back and forth between night - day.

Perhaps LifesEagles classes are afternoon and evening ones... but I don't think she could be that lucky. :lol:

My classes are pretty much all afternoon and evening classes, but I still go to bed well before 4am most nights. :rolleyes:

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If your entire life is lived nocturnally I'm sure it's fine, but I'm pretty sure LE has classes and such during the day time. :unsure:


Yes, but I don't go to them... right now I've decided that because it's 6:37am and I have to be up in an hour anyway I'm just staying up, meaning that I stayed awake the whole night. Come this evening I'll be so tired I'll fall right asleep and voila, my body clock is fixed! I have often gone for periods well over 24 hours without sleep, often because of jet lag. For example, one day before a holiday I spent a whole day packing then sell asleep around midnight. I had to wake up at 4am to go to the airport and slept the 12-odd hours it took to fly to Chicago (I don't sleep on planes). We arrived there at around 11 and we got to the city centre at around 1. That meant we could shop for ages, have a big dinner in the evening, mess around and then go to bed around midnight. Try and calculate how long I was awake for THEN!


Where do you live?




London, but right now I'm in the city of Birmingham where my university is. :)

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They only take a register for lab classes and German classes. I'm doing really badly. As of right now, awake for 31 hours. :wacko:

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Read a book. That always makes me sleepy. Apparently counting from 100 to 1 also works for some people, but it doesn't do the trick for me. Or you could meditate (in a philosophical manner if nothing else) on yourself or other things that concern you.

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Sometimes you can't sleep because you are over-tired. That happens to me occasionally. Then the harder I try to sleep, makes it only worse.

What works for me is a really hot shower and then reading. Somehow my eyes just start to close and I have to make sure that I turn off the light and put away my glasses and book. If you pull out one of your text books that is really boring, you probably would go to sleep fast. :lol:


I have tried the counting backwards from 100 to 1 and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. There is a hypnosis/relaxation thingy I have on my iPod and that will work. Sometimes it takes more than one time, but eventually it works. The most amount of times it has taken is five, if I remember correctly. That was a particularly stressful night.

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I exist, don't worry. I had a busy weekend and then a busy past few days, but in typical LE fashion I'm here when I'm feeling awful. Something not great but not THAT bad happened today which is making me feel sour, so here I am.


My new thing is that because I lost a bet I can't cut for 3 months. And yes, I'm petrified. 15th March, here we come.


And this is the abridged version.

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I exist, don't worry. I had a busy weekend and then a busy past few days, but in typical LE fashion I'm here when I'm feeling awful. Something not great but not THAT bad happened today which is making me feel sour, so here I am.


My new thing is that because I lost a bet I can't cut for 3 months. And yes, I'm petrified. 15th March, here we come.


And this is the abridged version.

In this case losing a bet is good.

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I exist, don't worry. I had a busy weekend and then a busy past few days, but in typical LE fashion I'm here when I'm feeling awful. Something not great but not THAT bad happened today which is making me feel sour, so here I am.


My new thing is that because I lost a bet I can't cut for 3 months. And yes, I'm petrified. 15th March, here we come.


And this is the abridged version.


If you can make it until that day, that would be a great birthday present for me. Hang in there!

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I exist, don't worry. I had a busy weekend and then a busy past few days, but in typical LE fashion I'm here when I'm feeling awful. Something not great but not THAT bad happened today which is making me feel sour, so here I am.


My new thing is that because I lost a bet I can't cut for 3 months. And yes, I'm petrified. 15th March, here we come.


And this is the abridged version.


If you can make it until that day, that would be a great birthday present for me. Hang in there!

And for my mother!!!! The Ides of March is a terrific day and would be even better if you succeeded to this special day.

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I've had a tough few days. My mum found out about my cutting because my good-for-nothing brother told her about it. THAT was an awkward conversation.


I'm going to see "A Little Night Music" today on the West End. Can't wait as I LOVED Sweeney Todd so this should be awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm baaaaaaaack. How is everyone? Sorry I haven't been online over this break, I've been rather peroccupied with chasing spiders and the like. But now I'm back at university, annoyed but available for your chatting pleasure.


Miss me?

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I'm baaaaaaaack. How is everyone? Sorry I haven't been online over this break, I've been rather peroccupied with chasing spiders and the like. But now I'm back at university, annoyed but available for your chatting pleasure.


Miss me?

Of course we have missed you!!!!!!!

Silly eagle! :lol:


Chasing spiders??? Why not just let them live outside where they belong? :lol:

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I'm baaaaaaaack. How is everyone? Sorry I haven't been online over this break, I've been rather peroccupied with chasing spiders and the like. But now I'm back at university, annoyed but available for your chatting pleasure.


Miss me?

Of course we have missed you!!!!!!!

Silly eagle! :lol:


Chasing spiders??? Why not just let them live outside where they belong? :lol:


I couldn't leave you guys hanging. :P


Lots of massive spiders live in our house for some reason, and they usually stay downstairs but one found his way to my bathroom. After about 12 hours he had made his way through the door of my bathroom into my bedroom and decided to hang out (ha, ha) just above my Sweeney Todd poster, therefore I called him Sweeney. When I left to come back to uni this morning he had disappeared. Hmm. :huh:

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I call spiders cute names so they appear less frightening. However, my biggest mistake was calling one "Fluffy" because everybody's mind jumped to "hairy" and became more scared! :lol:


I'm alive and kicking... just. Freezing, though.

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I call spiders cute names so they appear less frightening. However, my biggest mistake was calling one "Fluffy" because everybody's mind jumped to "hairy" and became more scared! :lol:


I'm alive and kicking... just. Freezing, though.

Freezing is an understatement. I have been to the coldest places. Snow, ice, ice, snow, cold, record cold... awful!!!!!!!!!!

It is sooooooo cold in some places that my fur freezes.

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It rains.

And it rains.


My day has been spent painting and re-painting my nails. What a fun pasttime. :rolleyes:

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It rains.

And it rains.


My day has been spent painting and re-painting my nails. What a fun pasttime. :rolleyes:

B-O-R-I-N-G-G-G-G-G. :lol:



Make nail polish out of poison, like the lady in Holes. Or blood. Get the blood yourself.

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It rains.

And it rains.


My day has been spent painting and re-painting my nails. What a fun pasttime. :rolleyes:

B-O-R-I-N-G-G-G-G-G. :lol:



Make nail polish out of poison, like the lady in Holes. Or blood. Get the blood yourself.

*gets sick at the thought of getting the blood myself*


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It rains.

And it rains.


My day has been spent painting and re-painting my nails. What a fun pasttime. :rolleyes:

B-O-R-I-N-G-G-G-G-G. :lol:



Make nail polish out of poison, like the lady in Holes. Or blood. Get the blood yourself.

*gets sick at the thought of getting the blood myself*


My friend used to have blood nail polish. She didn't tell me where she got it, thought I presume she got it from herself.

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lol one of my friends has nail polish that's a reddish color like that, and we made jokes that she kills people to make the color. :lol: Speaking of nail polish, I need to repaint my toenails sometime soon.....

You need to do that before you see Phil. :lol:

lol it's been too cold for sandals, so he won't see them anyways :lol:

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lol one of my friends has nail polish that's a reddish color like that, and we made jokes that she kills people to make the color. :lol: Speaking of nail polish, I need to repaint my toenails sometime soon.....

You need to do that before you see Phil. :lol:

lol it's been too cold for sandals, so he won't see them anyways :lol:

You wear shoes in the house??? :o

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lol one of my friends has nail polish that's a reddish color like that, and we made jokes that she kills people to make the color. :lol: Speaking of nail polish, I need to repaint my toenails sometime soon.....

You need to do that before you see Phil. :lol:

lol it's been too cold for sandals, so he won't see them anyways :lol:

You wear shoes in the house??? :o

Not usually, but I leave my socks on after I take my shoes off.

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lol one of my friends has nail polish that's a reddish color like that, and we made jokes that she kills people to make the color. :lol: Speaking of nail polish, I need to repaint my toenails sometime soon.....

You need to do that before you see Phil. :lol:

lol it's been too cold for sandals, so he won't see them anyways :lol:

You wear shoes in the house??? :o

Not usually, but I leave my socks on after I take my shoes off.

Oh. I thought you might have worn slippers and then your toes would show. :lol:

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My update: went out riding again today and it was FREEZING. FLo was really tempremental and even cantered for no reason as she got a bit excited. :wacko: I've hoovered the public areas of the flat and scrubbed the kitchen floor.


Now for some Busby Berkeley.

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My update: went out riding again today and it was FREEZING. FLo was really tempremental and even cantered for no reason as she got a bit excited. :wacko: I've hoovered the public areas of the flat and scrubbed the kitchen floor.


Now for some Busby Berkeley.

Flo probably did not want to leave the barn, but after she did, she enjoyed breathing in the crisp cold air and it invigorated her.

Hope you had good gloves.

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My update: went out riding again today and it was FREEZING. FLo was really tempremental and even cantered for no reason as she got a bit excited. :wacko: I've hoovered the public areas of the flat and scrubbed the kitchen floor.


Now for some Busby Berkeley.

Flo probably did not want to leave the barn, but after she did, she enjoyed breathing in the crisp cold air and it invigorated her.

Hope you had good gloves.


One of the horses kept on spooking another horse and they were the two in front of me in the line when we were in the lesson, so Flo was getting a bit jumpy/didn't listen to what I said. I have riding gloves and now I have jods, a new hat, crop and riding gloves I look the part! All I need is a Puffa jacket and I'll look the real equestrian type.

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My update: went out riding again today and it was FREEZING. FLo was really tempremental and even cantered for no reason as she got a bit excited. :wacko: I've hoovered the public areas of the flat and scrubbed the kitchen floor.


Now for some Busby Berkeley.

Flo probably did not want to leave the barn, but after she did, she enjoyed breathing in the crisp cold air and it invigorated her.

Hope you had good gloves.


One of the horses kept on spooking another horse and they were the two in front of me in the line when we were in the lesson, so Flo was getting a bit jumpy/didn't listen to what I said. I have riding gloves and now I have jods, a new hat, crop and riding gloves I look the part! All I need is a Puffa jacket and I'll look the real equestrian type.

You will look too good to fall off. :lol:

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My update: went out riding again today and it was FREEZING. FLo was really tempremental and even cantered for no reason as she got a bit excited. :wacko: I've hoovered the public areas of the flat and scrubbed the kitchen floor.


Now for some Busby Berkeley.

Flo probably did not want to leave the barn, but after she did, she enjoyed breathing in the crisp cold air and it invigorated her.

Hope you had good gloves.


One of the horses kept on spooking another horse and they were the two in front of me in the line when we were in the lesson, so Flo was getting a bit jumpy/didn't listen to what I said. I have riding gloves and now I have jods, a new hat, crop and riding gloves I look the part! All I need is a Puffa jacket and I'll look the real equestrian type.

You will look too good to fall off. :lol:


I've fallen off once already and it wasn't nice. At all. Then my mum freaked out and has been funny about me riding ever since. :closedeyes:

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My update: went out riding again today and it was FREEZING. FLo was really tempremental and even cantered for no reason as she got a bit excited. :wacko: I've hoovered the public areas of the flat and scrubbed the kitchen floor.


Now for some Busby Berkeley.

Flo probably did not want to leave the barn, but after she did, she enjoyed breathing in the crisp cold air and it invigorated her.

Hope you had good gloves.


One of the horses kept on spooking another horse and they were the two in front of me in the line when we were in the lesson, so Flo was getting a bit jumpy/didn't listen to what I said. I have riding gloves and now I have jods, a new hat, crop and riding gloves I look the part! All I need is a Puffa jacket and I'll look the real equestrian type.

You will look too good to fall off. :lol:


I've fallen off once already and it wasn't nice. At all. Then my mum freaked out and has been funny about me riding ever since. :closedeyes:

I've fallen off just like you. And yes... ouch it hurts. Hamsters have the fur to protect them and can absorb the shock of a fall, but it is still painful. One thing I do know... never look down when you are getting ready to take a jump.

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I thought I'd share my latest LJ entry with y'all:


I just ate a pear, and the juice ran down my arm and now my arm is stuck to the table. Any pointers?


My friends worry about me. :lol:

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lol one of my friends has nail polish that's a reddish color like that, and we made jokes that she kills people to make the color. :lol: Speaking of nail polish, I need to repaint my toenails sometime soon.....

I don't paint my nails or wear makeup anymore. Especially not after I cut my hair. Because with my hair as short as it is now, if I wore makeup..eh, you can imagine the rest.

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lol one of my friends has nail polish that's a reddish color like that, and we made jokes that she kills people to make the color. :lol: Speaking of nail polish, I need to repaint my toenails sometime soon.....

I don't paint my nails or wear makeup anymore. Especially not after I cut my hair. Because with my hair as short as it is now, if I wore makeup..eh, you can imagine the rest.

I don't wear makeup...ever. :P Except if I'm in a play & I have to. I don't really wear nail polish either.



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I look as ugly as sin without make-up <_< . The nail polish was for vanity reason and so I'd stop biting them (which I have finally succeeded in!). I also had sparkly red for Christmas and everyone kept on saying how festive my hands were. :lol:

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I look as ugly as sin without make-up <_ . the nail polish was for vanity reason and so i stop biting them have finally succeeded in also had sparkly red christmas everyone kept on saying how festive my hands were. src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png" alt=":lol:">

You do not look as ugly as sin without make-up. You are just programmed to think this by the make-up companies.

How else would they sell their stuff. :o


Great news that you stopped biting your nails!!!

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lol one of my friends has nail polish that's a reddish color like that, and we made jokes that she kills people to make the color. :lol: Speaking of nail polish, I need to repaint my toenails sometime soon.....

I don't paint my nails or wear makeup anymore. Especially not after I cut my hair. Because with my hair as short as it is now, if I wore makeup..eh, you can imagine the rest.

I don't wear makeup...ever. :P Except if I'm in a play & I have to. I don't really wear nail polish either.



Outstanding that you don't wear make-up. Make-up is such a waste of money. I couldn't wear make-up if I tried... it would get in my fur.

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I don't have the time, money, or patience for makeup. Plus it would make my already bad skin worse. :ph34r: I used to wear eyeshadow in middle school sometimes, but I'd always end up with one eyelid being darker than the other, and I could never get them to be even and symmetrical, and it took forever, and I jut kinda gave up on it. :rolleyes:

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Plus it would make my already bad skin worse.


Common misconception. A thin layer of foundation can actually protect your skin as it prevents your skin from losing moisture. Also, I've heard it can be a barrier to stop germs and dirt getting in and clogging your pores. There are so many stories for and against make-up that it's hard who to listen to, but I wear make-up because it makes me feel good and I look a LOT nicer (I know this for a fact, I look so washed-out without it).

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Plus it would make my already bad skin worse.


Common misconception. A thin layer of foundation can actually protect your skin as it prevents your skin from losing moisture. Also, I've heard it can be a barrier to stop germs and dirt getting in and clogging your pores. There are so many stories for and against make-up that it's hard who to listen to, but I wear make-up because it makes me feel good and I look a LOT nicer (I know this for a fact, I look so washed-out without it).


Eagles have skin pores to clog? I thought you had feathers. :blink:

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Plus it would make my already bad skin worse.


Common misconception. A thin layer of foundation can actually protect your skin as it prevents your skin from losing moisture. Also, I've heard it can be a barrier to stop germs and dirt getting in and clogging your pores. There are so many stories for and against make-up that it's hard who to listen to, but I wear make-up because it makes me feel good and I look a LOT nicer (I know this for a fact, I look so washed-out without it).


Eagles have skin pores to clog? I thought you had feathers. :blink:


I still have skin under the feathers. :lol:

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Plus it would make my already bad skin worse.


Common misconception. A thin layer of foundation can actually protect your skin as it prevents your skin from losing moisture. Also, I've heard it can be a barrier to stop germs and dirt getting in and clogging your pores. There are so many stories for and against make-up that it's hard who to listen to, but I wear make-up because it makes me feel good and I look a LOT nicer (I know this for a fact, I look so washed-out without it).


Eagles have skin pores to clog? I thought you had feathers. :blink:


I still have skin under the feathers. :lol:

So let me understand this...


you smoosh the foundation on your skin beneath the feathers?


Isn't this kind of gooey and make your feathers stick together?

Your flying performance must suffer with all this goo. :lol:

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lol one of my friends has nail polish that's a reddish color like that, and we made jokes that she kills people to make the color. :lol: Speaking of nail polish, I need to repaint my toenails sometime soon.....

I don't paint my nails or wear makeup anymore. Especially not after I cut my hair. Because with my hair as short as it is now, if I wore makeup..eh, you can imagine the rest.

I don't wear makeup...ever. :P Except if I'm in a play & I have to. I don't really wear nail polish either.



Outstanding that you don't wear make-up. Make-up is such a waste of money. I couldn't wear make-up if I tried... it would get in my fur.

Thanks...I figure, if someone is only going to like me if I change how I look, they're kind of superficial. :rolleyes:



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lol one of my friends has nail polish that's a reddish color like that, and we made jokes that she kills people to make the color. :lol: Speaking of nail polish, I need to repaint my toenails sometime soon.....

I don't paint my nails or wear makeup anymore. Especially not after I cut my hair. Because with my hair as short as it is now, if I wore makeup..eh, you can imagine the rest.

I don't wear makeup...ever. :P Except if I'm in a play & I have to. I don't really wear nail polish either.



Outstanding that you don't wear make-up. Make-up is such a waste of money. I couldn't wear make-up if I tried... it would get in my fur.

Thanks...I figure, if someone is only going to like me if I change how I look, they're kind of superficial. :rolleyes:



You sound like my mother. :D (Which is good.) She had a similar saying that you wanted someone to like you for who you really were, not the person behind the make-up.

So, I have never spent money on make-up.


Besides, I don't like the way it would make my fur ucky.

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lol one of my friends has nail polish that's a reddish color like that, and we made jokes that she kills people to make the color. :lol: Speaking of nail polish, I need to repaint my toenails sometime soon.....

I don't paint my nails or wear makeup anymore. Especially not after I cut my hair. Because with my hair as short as it is now, if I wore makeup..eh, you can imagine the rest.

I don't wear makeup...ever. :P Except if I'm in a play & I have to. I don't really wear nail polish either.



Outstanding that you don't wear make-up. Make-up is such a waste of money. I couldn't wear make-up if I tried... it would get in my fur.

Thanks...I figure, if someone is only going to like me if I change how I look, they're kind of superficial. :rolleyes:



You sound like my mother. :D (Which is good.) She had a similar saying that you wanted someone to like you for who you really were, not the person behind the make-up.

So, I have never spent money on make-up.


Besides, I don't like the way it would make my fur ucky.

I remember, after one of the school plays (Bye Bye Birdie I think) someone had put waterproof mascara on me and I was having an awful time trying to get it off. :wacko: Too much trouble.



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lol one of my friends has nail polish that's a reddish color like that, and we made jokes that she kills people to make the color. :lol: Speaking of nail polish, I need to repaint my toenails sometime soon.....

I don't paint my nails or wear makeup anymore. Especially not after I cut my hair. Because with my hair as short as it is now, if I wore makeup..eh, you can imagine the rest.

I don't wear makeup...ever. :P Except if I'm in a play & I have to. I don't really wear nail polish either.



Outstanding that you don't wear make-up. Make-up is such a waste of money. I couldn't wear make-up if I tried... it would get in my fur.

Thanks...I figure, if someone is only going to like me if I change how I look, they're kind of superficial. :rolleyes:



You sound like my mother. :D (Which is good.) She had a similar saying that you wanted someone to like you for who you really were, not the person behind the make-up.

So, I have never spent money on make-up.


Besides, I don't like the way it would make my fur ucky.

I remember, after one of the school plays (Bye Bye Birdie I think) someone had put waterproof mascara on me and I was having an awful time trying to get it off. :wacko: Too much trouble.




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And now I feel like a pariah for wearing make-up. :rolleyes:

Don't. We love you with your make-up.


It is just that I have this little hammy soap-box and every now and then I have to get up on it and make lots of noise.

So, don't listen to me. I am just ranting.

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And now I feel like a pariah for wearing make-up. :rolleyes:

Don't. We love you with your make-up.


It is just that I have this little hammy soap-box and every now and then I have to get up on it and make lots of noise.

So, don't listen to me. I am just ranting.

I feel good about wearing make-up so I do it. And in my case the au naturelle looks does NOT suit me. At all. Urgh.

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And now I feel like a pariah for wearing make-up. :rolleyes:

Don't. We love you with your make-up.


It is just that I have this little hammy soap-box and every now and then I have to get up on it and make lots of noise.

So, don't listen to me. I am just ranting.

I feel good about wearing make-up so I do it. And in my case the au naturelle looks does NOT suit me. At all. Urgh.

Let me be the judge of that. :lol:

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And now I feel like a pariah for wearing make-up. :rolleyes:

Don't. We love you with your make-up.


It is just that I have this little hammy soap-box and every now and then I have to get up on it and make lots of noise.

So, don't listen to me. I am just ranting.

I feel good about wearing make-up so I do it. And in my case the au naturelle looks does NOT suit me. At all. Urgh.

Let me be the judge of that. :lol:

Thing is, for me to take comparative photographs it wouldn't be fair as I wear different types/amounts of make-up depending on what I'm doing, as is the system for most. What I put on tomorrow for the day won't be elaborate. But I may put on a little more on Saturday when I'm going to a nice theatre so I'll see if I can remember to take a photo then so you can see the difference.


Right now I have HUGE rings under my eyes. It's almost 3. :closedeyes:

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And now I feel like a pariah for wearing make-up. :rolleyes:

Don't. We love you with your make-up.


It is just that I have this little hammy soap-box and every now and then I have to get up on it and make lots of noise.

So, don't listen to me. I am just ranting.

I feel good about wearing make-up so I do it. And in my case the au naturelle looks does NOT suit me. At all. Urgh.

Let me be the judge of that. :lol:

Thing is, for me to take comparative photographs it wouldn't be fair as I wear different types/amounts of make-up depending on what I'm doing, as is the system for most. What I put on tomorrow for the day won't be elaborate. But I may put on a little more on Saturday when I'm going to a nice theatre so I'll see if I can remember to take a photo then so you can see the difference.


Right now I have HUGE rings under my eyes. It's almost 3. :closedeyes:

Get off the computer...


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This weekend was crazy: I went to visit my best friend in Cambridge where she's studying. I missed the last train out of there on Sunday (I could see it pulling away just as I stepped onto the platform) so I had to stay another night and missed 4 lectures on the Monday. Argh. However, I did take this picture there and I even submitted it to Failblog. Right now I'm redicovering Guitar Hero. :D

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This weekend was crazy: I went to visit my best friend in Cambridge where she's studying. I missed the last train out of there on Sunday (I could see it pulling away just as I stepped onto the platform) so I had to stay another night and missed 4 lectures on the Monday. Argh. However, I did take this picture there and I even submitted it to Failblog. Right now I'm redicovering Guitar Hero. :D

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This weekend was crazy: I went to visit my best friend in Cambridge where she's studying. I missed the last train out of there on Sunday (I could see it pulling away just as I stepped onto the platform) so I had to stay another night and missed 4 lectures on the Monday. Argh. However, I did take this picture there and I even submitted it to Failblog. Right now I'm redicovering Guitar Hero. :D

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This weekend was crazy: I went to visit my best friend in Cambridge where she's studying. I missed the last train out of there on Sunday (I could see it pulling away just as I stepped onto the platform) so I had to stay another night and missed 4 lectures on the Monday. Argh. However, I did take this picture there and I even submitted it to Failblog. Right now I'm redicovering Guitar Hero. :D

I think by "Green" They mean "Environmentally Friendly"...


Still a legit FAIL, though.

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This weekend was crazy: I went to visit my best friend in Cambridge where she's studying. I missed the last train out of there on Sunday (I could see it pulling away just as I stepped onto the platform) so I had to stay another night and missed 4 lectures on the Monday. Argh. However, I did take this picture there and I even submitted it to Failblog. Right now I'm redicovering Guitar Hero. :D

How do those feathers work on the strings?

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This weekend was crazy: I went to visit my best friend in Cambridge where she's studying. I missed the last train out of there on Sunday (I could see it pulling away just as I stepped onto the platform) so I had to stay another night and missed 4 lectures on the Monday. Argh. However, I did take this picture there and I even submitted it to Failblog. Right now I'm redicovering Guitar Hero. :D

How do those feathers work on the strings?

Not really strings so much as coloured buttons. :lol: I hate real guitars so this is close enough. I used to play my brother's version and make the guitar vertical and play it that way: I called it "Cello Hero". :rolleyes:

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This weekend was crazy: I went to visit my best friend in Cambridge where she's studying. I missed the last train out of there on Sunday (I could see it pulling away just as I stepped onto the platform) so I had to stay another night and missed 4 lectures on the Monday. Argh. However, I did take this picture there and I even submitted it to Failblog. Right now I'm redicovering Guitar Hero. :D

How do those feathers work on the strings?

Not really strings so much as coloured buttons. :lol: I hate real guitars so this is close enough. I used to play my brother's version and make the guitar vertical and play it that way: I called it "Cello Hero". :rolleyes:

LOL... only such a creative eagle would think of something such as that. LOL

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This weekend was crazy: I went to visit my best friend in Cambridge where she's studying. I missed the last train out of there on Sunday (I could see it pulling away just as I stepped onto the platform) so I had to stay another night and missed 4 lectures on the Monday. Argh. However, I did take this picture there and I even submitted it to Failblog. Right now I'm redicovering Guitar Hero. :D

How do those feathers work on the strings?

Not really strings so much as coloured buttons. :lol: I hate real guitars so this is close enough. I used to play my brother's version and make the guitar vertical and play it that way: I called it "Cello Hero". :rolleyes:

LOL... only such a creative eagle would think of something such as that. LOL

Or one with a bad sense of humour! 'm trying to figure out how to decorate my guitar... but I should be working. CHoices, choices!

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This weekend was crazy: I went to visit my best friend in Cambridge where she's studying. I missed the last train out of there on Sunday (I could see it pulling away just as I stepped onto the platform) so I had to stay another night and missed 4 lectures on the Monday. Argh. However, I did take this picture there and I even submitted it to Failblog. Right now I'm redicovering Guitar Hero. :D

How do those feathers work on the strings?

Not really strings so much as coloured buttons. :lol: I hate real guitars so this is close enough. I used to play my brother's version and make the guitar vertical and play it that way: I called it "Cello Hero". :rolleyes:

LOL... only such a creative eagle would think of something such as that. LOL

Or one with a bad sense of humour! 'm trying to figure out how to decorate my guitar... but I should be working. CHoices, choices!

No choice...


GET TO WORK!!!!!!!!


S-T-U-D-Y !!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest news from me? Well, I've done nothing but stay in my room for the past few days. As my best friend says: "Must de-hermit self". But I HAVE seen some great films over the past few days. I saw an amazing production of "An Inspector Calls" last Monday: I went on my own because I couldn't find anyone to go with but it didn't matter. When I boked the tickets the show was sold out but over half the audience didn't turn up because of the worsd snowfall Britain has seen in years. I'm not complaining: I was allowed to move to a MUCH better seat then the one I had bought for a really cheap price! :D

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Latest news from me? Well, I've done nothing but stay in my room for the past few days. As my best friend says: "Must de-hermit self". But I HAVE seen some great films over the past few days. I saw an amazing production of "An Inspector Calls" last Monday: I went on my own because I couldn't find anyone to go with but it didn't matter. When I boked the tickets the show was sold out but over half the audience didn't turn up because of the worsd snowfall Britain has seen in years. I'm not complaining: I was allowed to move to a MUCH better seat then the one I had bought for a really cheap price! :D

Outstanding!!! Films are fun. Glad you could take advantage of a better seat!

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I'm excited because I have booked tickets to see the stage production of His Dark Materials. Well, the TWO productions, as they split the play in half. Again, I got cheap tickets, so pray it snows on those days because I get better seats!


As I mentioned in another thread, I went riding again today, which was great because it wasn't THAT cold even those some snow remained that refuses to thaw. I had a good lesson with a very excited horse: the riding school had no lessons last week because of the dreadful snow we had so this week the horses have been eager to run around a bit. One of the assistants that runs around leading the horses if the riders need steering help/setting up poles is always teasing me and I tease back, so it's kinda nice to be getting to know the people there.


I keep sleeping in. I'm trying to get my body clock on normal time but failing. Stupid nocturnality!

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Fun riding with frisky horses. I think they enjoy getting out of the barn. When you get to know people at a stable, it is really enjoyable. Glad this is happening for you.


As for being nocturnal... I switch back and forth every other week or so.

AAARRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH... sometimes it is so very hard.

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I'm excited because I have booked tickets to see the stage production of His Dark Materials. Well, the TWO productions, as they split the play in half. Again, I got cheap tickets, so pray it snows on those days because I get better seats!


As I mentioned in another thread, I went riding again today, which was great because it wasn't THAT cold even those some snow remained that refuses to thaw. I had a good lesson with a very excited horse: the riding school had no lessons last week because of the dreadful snow we had so this week the horses have been eager to run around a bit. One of the assistants that runs around leading the horses if the riders need steering help/setting up poles is always teasing me and I tease back, so it's kinda nice to be getting to know the people there.


I keep sleeping in. I'm trying to get my body clock on normal time but failing. Stupid nocturnality!

Sweet...I love those books.


Anyone know when the movie of "The Subtle Knife" is coming? Well, I can check myself...

From imdb:

The two planned sequels to hit movie The Golden Compass have become Hollywood's first major victims of the current economic crisis - production on the movies has been put on hold indefinitely.

The Golden Compass, which starred Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig, was the first of author Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials fantasy trilogy to be adapted for the big screen.

Two further films based on Pullman's novels - The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass - were due to be made following the box office success of The Golden Compass - but plans have stalled as a result of the present downturn in the international economy.

Eva Green, who was cast by director Chris Weitz as witch-queen Serafina, says, "At the moment it's quite dead."

The Golden Compass had a budget of $180 million (GBP104 million) - making it one of New Line studio's most expensive projects to date.

It has grossed more than $370 million (GBP213.8 million) worldwide since its December 2007 release.

(Article was from oct. of last year)



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They are officially not allowed to make any more rubbish films and change the names of the novels anymore. That's just stupid. The first book is called Northern Lights and should STAY THAT WAY.


Grr. :angry2: Angry eagle.

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They are officially not allowed to make any more rubbish films and change the names of the novels anymore. That's just stupid. The first book is called Northern Lights and should STAY THAT WAY.


Grr. :angry2: Angry eagle.

I know. It was weird that they changed the title...



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My uncle died this morning. It was so sudden and the whole family is in shock. It's so eerie, seeing his Facbook wall fill up with messages. He only became a grandfather a few weeks ago.


I'm very sad at the moment.

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My uncle died this morning. It was so sudden and the whole family is in shock. It's so eerie, seeing his Facbook wall fill up with messages. He only became a grandfather a few weeks ago.


I'm very sad at the moment.

Ouch. *hugs* It seems like a lot of people have been going through rough times lately... :closedeyes:

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My uncle died this morning. It was so sudden and the whole family is in shock. It's so eerie, seeing his Facbook wall fill up with messages. He only became a grandfather a few weeks ago.


I'm very sad at the moment.

*giant hug*


Our deepest sympathies to you and your family. There are no words that will make this time any easier.

You are in our thoughts, hearts and prayers.

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I'm feeling a bit better now. Funeral is next week and I'm going to see my grandparents over the weekend. Hopefully we'll take their mind off things.


Just had an amazing riding lesson. I was on Flo yet again and now I'm really used to her and she responds to me really well. Only two of us were riding so it was practically a private lesson: I got a lot of practice in and our instructor was really good and helped me a lot. At one point she took our stirrups away and told us to ride around with our eyes shut... THAT was scary!


So yeah, mixed few days.

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I'm feeling a bit better now. Funeral is next week and I'm going to see my grandparents over the weekend. Hopefully we'll take their mind off things.


Just had an amazing riding lesson. I was on Flo yet again and now I'm really used to her and she responds to me really well. Only two of us were riding so it was practically a private lesson: I got a lot of practice in and our instructor was really good and helped me a lot. At one point she took our stirrups away and told us to ride around with our eyes shut... THAT was scary!


So yeah, mixed few days.

The use of no stirrups is great practice, especially if she has you posting without stirrups.

Closing your eyes? You are much braver than I am. I would probably lose my balance and fall off. :lol:

Did you learn something from closing your eyes?

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I'm feeling a bit better now. Funeral is next week and I'm going to see my grandparents over the weekend. Hopefully we'll take their mind off things.


Just had an amazing riding lesson. I was on Flo yet again and now I'm really used to her and she responds to me really well. Only two of us were riding so it was practically a private lesson: I got a lot of practice in and our instructor was really good and helped me a lot. At one point she took our stirrups away and told us to ride around with our eyes shut... THAT was scary!


So yeah, mixed few days.

The use of no stirrups is great practice, especially if she has you posting without stirrups.

Closing your eyes? You are much braver than I am. I would probably lose my balance and fall off. :lol:

Did you learn something from closing your eyes?

The point of taking the stirrups away and telling us to ride with our eyes shut (in trot at one point - she took the reins away to guide us so I was suspended on Flo with only the saddle to keep me on!) in order to gain a knowledge of how the horse moves so we can move to learn with it and gain a centre of balance. I'm going to have extra lessons in my easter break and possibly my best friend will have a few lessons with me, so it's all looking very promising.


I went home for the weekend. It was all very sad as people kept on mentioning my uncle by accident. I went to see my grandparents yesterday and even though they have The Great British Reserve - the whole idea of having a 'stiff upper lip' and acting as stoic as possible - my grandma had a few teary moments. I also saw a few of my uncle's children. I haven't seen one of my other cousins who just had a baby a few weeks ago: everyone is worried that she'll stop producing milk under all the stress. The funeral is on Wednesday and I have to go back home tomorrow. So it has been a very emotional few days.

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I'm feeling a bit better now. Funeral is next week and I'm going to see my grandparents over the weekend. Hopefully we'll take their mind off things.


Just had an amazing riding lesson. I was on Flo yet again and now I'm really used to her and she responds to me really well. Only two of us were riding so it was practically a private lesson: I got a lot of practice in and our instructor was really good and helped me a lot. At one point she took our stirrups away and told us to ride around with our eyes shut... THAT was scary!


So yeah, mixed few days.

The use of no stirrups is great practice, especially if she has you posting without stirrups.

Closing your eyes? You are much braver than I am. I would probably lose my balance and fall off. :lol:

Did you learn something from closing your eyes?

The point of taking the stirrups away and telling us to ride with our eyes shut (in trot at one point - she took the reins away to guide us so I was suspended on Flo with only the saddle to keep me on!) in order to gain a knowledge of how the horse moves so we can move to learn with it and gain a centre of balance. I'm going to have extra lessons in my easter break and possibly my best friend will have a few lessons with me, so it's all looking very promising.


I went home for the weekend. It was all very sad as people kept on mentioning my uncle by accident. I went to see my grandparents yesterday and even though they have The Great British Reserve - the whole idea of having a 'stiff upper lip' and acting as stoic as possible - my grandma had a few teary moments. I also saw a few of my uncle's children. I haven't seen one of my other cousins who just had a baby a few weeks ago: everyone is worried that she'll stop producing milk under all the stress. The funeral is on Wednesday and I have to go back home tomorrow. So it has been a very emotional few days.

You didn't tell me if YOU gained anything from the exercise of closing your eyes.

Did she have you posting without your stirrups?

It will be really fantastic if your Easter break turns out to be a riding holiday. How fantastic for both you and your friend.


You know we all are praying for you and your family. Your grandmother is having such a hard time as it is very difficult for a parent to lose a child. No matter what age the death occurs. If your cousin stops producing milk, at least there is formula. Not that this is what she would like, but with stress, there might be vitamin deficiency which is also not good for the baby.


*hugs for you*

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My uncle died this morning. It was so sudden and the whole family is in shock. It's so eerie, seeing his Facbook wall fill up with messages. He only became a grandfather a few weeks ago.


I'm very sad at the moment.


I just saw this. I'm sorry. I'll be praying for you and your family.

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I'll copy what I wrote in my LJ. It's not much.


Yesterday was uncle Roger's funeral. It was packed for some reason and Amy's new baby cried throughout the entire eulogy but it was a fitting tribute to him. What set me off was seeing Holly and Hannah - two of his daughters and my cousins - crying as they closed the curtains on the coffin. I'm so proud of my nanny who cried as she followed the coffin but kept it together during the service. We had a private family get-together at my aunt's house afterwards which was a calm end to the day.


... so on Monday I stayed up late finishing a piece of work that was in for today, on Tuesday I made the 3 hour journey home through London in rush hour (a journey I had made on Sunday night and on Friday night), yesterday I had the funeral, today I had to go through London in the morning rush hour and then go to two lectures and a practical before working on a 1000-word essay that's due in tomorrow. Tomorrow I have 4 hours of lectures and a 3-hour practical.


I am not feeling very well. I am emotionally and physically drained and my favourite bowl has gone missing (I think one of my flatmates broke it). Urrggghhhh. :closedeyes:

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I'll copy what I wrote in my LJ. It's not much.


Yesterday was uncle Roger's funeral. It was packed for some reason and Amy's new baby cried throughout the entire eulogy but it was a fitting tribute to him. What set me off was seeing Holly and Hannah - two of his daughters and my cousins - crying as they closed the curtains on the coffin. I'm so proud of my nanny who cried as she followed the coffin but kept it together during the service. We had a private family get-together at my aunt's house afterwards which was a calm end to the day.


... so on Monday I stayed up late finishing a piece of work that was in for today, on Tuesday I made the 3 hour journey home through London in rush hour (a journey I had made on Sunday night and on Friday night), yesterday I had the funeral, today I had to go through London in the morning rush hour and then go to two lectures and a practical before working on a 1000-word essay that's due in tomorrow. Tomorrow I have 4 hours of lectures and a 3-hour practical.


I am not feeling very well. I am emotionally and physically drained and my favourite bowl has gone missing (I think one of my flatmates broke it). Urrggghhhh. :closedeyes:

You certainly have been under an enormous amount of stress. You seem to be holding up well. I admire you for this.

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Things are getting worse and worse. I now know better than to make bets with my best friend as I just lost TWO of them and now I can't cut for another three months and one week. And I was so close, as the 15th March is so close...


I'm so sick of being disappointed.


And I hate to complain, please don't get the impression that I'm the whining type!

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I wouldn't say you're complaining. I can tell you're trying hard, that's what matters. You should be proud. Now get back on the horse and give it another go. :)

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I wouldn't say you're complaining. I can tell you're trying hard, that's what matters. You should be proud. Now get back on the horse and give it another go. :)

Jesse's right. We all can tell your are trying hard.

It is great to know you have such a wonderful friend who cares so deeply about you.

We could always add something like this to the mix... if you cut, you cannot take a riding lesson for one month from the cut date. :o

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I wouldn't say you're complaining. I can tell you're trying hard, that's what matters. You should be proud. Now get back on the horse and give it another go. :)

Jesse's right. We all can tell your are trying hard.

It is great to know you have such a wonderful friend who cares so deeply about you.

We could always add something like this to the mix... if you cut, you cannot take a riding lesson for one month from the cut date. :o

Perhaps, but that might be counter-productive as things like riding lessons often help *prevent* people from cutting. Keeping active is good for things like that.

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Okay, I'll be clear: I DIDN'T cut. The reason why I have to go another 3 months and one week is because I lost two separate bets that we only set up recently (if you're wondering why we do so many it just makes things interesting... we love a bit of competition!). The reason that I'm feeling down is because I lost the bets AND something else happened that has been bothering me.


And yeah, my friend does care about me more than I can say.

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Oh, almost forgot: thanks for your support. It's nice to hear some encouragement when I'm so close to falling off the wagon.

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I wouldn't say you're complaining. I can tell you're trying hard, that's what matters. You should be proud. Now get back on the horse and give it another go. :)

Jesse's right. We all can tell your are trying hard.

It is great to know you have such a wonderful friend who cares so deeply about you.

We could always add something like this to the mix... if you cut, you cannot take a riding lesson for one month from the cut date. :o

Perhaps, but that might be counter-productive as things like riding lessons often help *prevent* people from cutting. Keeping active is good for things like that.

Probably that didn't come out right. Today has been one of those days where nothing has worked. So I am not surprised I miscommunicated my thoughts. :wacko:

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I used to have little penalties like that, though, but that eventually evolved into cutting. Besides, if I do them, my friends get angry as they think it's more self-destructive behaviour. So I can't win. :rolleyes:

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Okay, I'll be clear: I DIDN'T cut. The reason why I have to go another 3 months and one week is because I lost two separate bets that we only set up recently (if you're wondering why we do so many it just makes things interesting... we love a bit of competition!). The reason that I'm feeling down is because I lost the bets AND something else happened that has been bothering me.


And yeah, my friend does care about me more than I can say.

Well then, it sounds like losing those bets was a good thing! And I'm really glad to hear you haven't been cutting through such hard times, this is great! ^_^

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The last few days have been okay: I got some work done, actually went to my classes and last night I was voted vice-president of the university's film society. ^_^ Today I had an okay riding lesson on Flo (yet again): she was a bit of a pain but a few cracks of my whip set her straight. We did a LOT of sitting trot today so I am going to be in such pain tomorrow! mY parents have flown off to Dubai so I am alone in my own country. How sad.

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Thanks, guys! I don't know how it happened. I just put up my hand and made an impromptu speech and then they voted me in. I didn't think I had a chance, but apparently I'm awesome enough! ;)


I'm worrying about tomorrow: I hve to be up for 7am when the Michael Jackson tickets go on sale (for those who have been living under a rock, MJ has released tour dates). It's going to be a nightmare to get tickets and there's a strong chance I won't be successful, but I have to try, right?

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Thanks, guys! I don't know how it happened. I just put up my hand and made an impromptu speech and then they voted me in. I didn't think I had a chance, but apparently I'm awesome enough! ;)


I'm worrying about tomorrow: I hve to be up for 7am when the Michael Jackson tickets go on sale (for those who have been living under a rock, MJ has released tour dates). It's going to be a nightmare to get tickets and there's a strong chance I won't be successful, but I have to try, right?

Yes!!! You are that awesome!!!



Michael Jackson? You are going to stand in line for Michael Jackson????


LOL... Good luck!!! Perhaps you ought to get on line this evening. LOL

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Thanks, guys! I don't know how it happened. I just put up my hand and made an impromptu speech and then they voted me in. I didn't think I had a chance, but apparently I'm awesome enough! ;)


I'm worrying about tomorrow: I hve to be up for 7am when the Michael Jackson tickets go on sale (for those who have been living under a rock, MJ has released tour dates). It's going to be a nightmare to get tickets and there's a strong chance I won't be successful, but I have to try, right?


Be sure to get myself and Horatio one too.


Horatio, I'm going to box myself up, and you can fly us to which ever venue LE gets tickets for!

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Thanks, guys! I don't know how it happened. I just put up my hand and made an impromptu speech and then they voted me in. I didn't think I had a chance, but apparently I'm awesome enough! ;)


I'm worrying about tomorrow: I hve to be up for 7am when the Michael Jackson tickets go on sale (for those who have been living under a rock, MJ has released tour dates). It's going to be a nightmare to get tickets and there's a strong chance I won't be successful, but I have to try, right?


Be sure to get myself and Horatio one too.


Horatio, I'm going to box myself up, and you can fly us to which ever venue LE gets tickets for!

I can do that. :D

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There's only one venue: the O2 arena, as its called, the "skeleton" of the Millenium Dome. It's odd that he's not performing anywhere else. Anyway, it's 6:55 and I'm ready to join the race. I have my credit card ready, I have doused up on half a can of "illegal" Mountain Dew for the caffeine fix, I have a window with the exact time in GMT on it and I'm all nerves. My aunt is gonna try and get tickets, too, so my chances have doubled. I need these tickets, but then again, so does most of the world and the website will inevitably crash when it hits 7.


Wish me luck.

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SO excited I might cry.

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Yeah, but now comes a problem. The max number of tickets I could buy was 4, which is okay, I suppose, and all 4 (highest band of tickets) cost me £338.25 ($472.48) at £75 ($104) a ticket, which was actually cheaper than I was expecting. Okay, so now comes the problem of who will actually go. My aunt was up at the same time but was still in the website queue when I rung her to say I got the tickets. In her family there are 3 people who want to go: my aunt and my two cousins, Jess and Charlie. Jess is like my sister, we are so close as we were born within a month of each other and there's a photo of me with her somewhere (with her horse, I think). Anyway, Jess is at the top of the list for going as she is also the biggest MJ fan I have ever met in my entire life. I know when she was told the news she must have gone crazy and I haven't even heard from her today. Her sister is a big fan but not as big a fan, same goes for y aunt and my parents, who also want to go. The original plan was for me to go with Jess - just us - but I thought that 4 tickets would be a good investment as most people wouldn't turn this chance down. So now I'm everybody's best friend: Charlie has posted on my Facebook wall and is clearly fishing for a ticket, as is my aunt, who wasn't all that subtle with her hints on the phone this morning. My mum - who is in Dubai so it is hard for me to contact her - said that it's fair if one family has two tickets, but now I don't know what to say to everyone and who should go.


Phew, sorry about that long-winded story. I just don't know what to say to them all now. Either way, someone is going to be disappointed here...

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Yeah, but now comes a problem. The max number of tickets I could buy was 4, which is okay, I suppose, and all 4 (highest band of tickets) cost me £338.25 ($472.48) at £75 ($104) a ticket, which was actually cheaper than I was expecting. Okay, so now comes the problem of who will actually go. My aunt was up at the same time but was still in the website queue when I rung her to say I got the tickets. In her family there are 3 people who want to go: my aunt and my two cousins, Jess and Charlie. Jess is like my sister, we are so close as we were born within a month of each other and there's a photo of me with her somewhere (with her horse, I think). Anyway, Jess is at the top of the list for going as she is also the biggest MJ fan I have ever met in my entire life. I know when she was told the news she must have gone crazy and I haven't even heard from her today. Her sister is a big fan but not as big a fan, same goes for y aunt and my parents, who also want to go. The original plan was for me to go with Jess - just us - but I thought that 4 tickets would be a good investment as most people wouldn't turn this chance down. So now I'm everybody's best friend: Charlie has posted on my Facebook wall and is clearly fishing for a ticket, as is my aunt, who wasn't all that subtle with her hints on the phone this morning. My mum - who is in Dubai so it is hard for me to contact her - said that it's fair if one family has two tickets, but now I don't know what to say to everyone and who should go.


Phew, sorry about that long-winded story. I just don't know what to say to them all now. Either way, someone is going to be disappointed here...

When is the concert? You don't have to make a decision today, do you?


What I would consider when making your decision is how people treat you all the other days of the year. If they have other life priorities and don't have time for you, then they need to be put on the bottom of the list. Think of the people who are your friend the entire year, not just when they want to go to the concert.


If you can wait until your mother returns, I would definitely ask her opinion.


I'm glad I'm not in your talons.

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Yeah, but now comes a problem. The max number of tickets I could buy was 4, which is okay, I suppose, and all 4 (highest band of tickets) cost me £338.25 ($472.48) at £75 ($104) a ticket, which was actually cheaper than I was expecting. Okay, so now comes the problem of who will actually go. My aunt was up at the same time but was still in the website queue when I rung her to say I got the tickets. In her family there are 3 people who want to go: my aunt and my two cousins, Jess and Charlie. Jess is like my sister, we are so close as we were born within a month of each other and there's a photo of me with her somewhere (with her horse, I think). Anyway, Jess is at the top of the list for going as she is also the biggest MJ fan I have ever met in my entire life. I know when she was told the news she must have gone crazy and I haven't even heard from her today. Her sister is a big fan but not as big a fan, same goes for y aunt and my parents, who also want to go. The original plan was for me to go with Jess - just us - but I thought that 4 tickets would be a good investment as most people wouldn't turn this chance down. So now I'm everybody's best friend: Charlie has posted on my Facebook wall and is clearly fishing for a ticket, as is my aunt, who wasn't all that subtle with her hints on the phone this morning. My mum - who is in Dubai so it is hard for me to contact her - said that it's fair if one family has two tickets, but now I don't know what to say to everyone and who should go.


Phew, sorry about that long-winded story. I just don't know what to say to them all now. Either way, someone is going to be disappointed here...

When is the concert? You don't have to make a decision today, do you?


What I would consider when making your decision is how people treat you all the other days of the year. If they have other life priorities and don't have time for you, then they need to be put on the bottom of the list. Think of the people who are your friend the entire year, not just when they want to go to the concert.


If you can wait until your mother returns, I would definitely ask her opinion.


I'm glad I'm not in your talons.

Its in September so I have plenty of time. I don't have to make a decision today but I have to be very careful not to offend anyone with this. I think the best option would be to stick to the two-tickets-per-family rule because that way it'll be fair. The tickets all sold out in 4 hours of them going online so getting more is almost impossble. I watched a news report a couple of hours ago featuring people who queued up in London for the tickets: one lady was 7 months pregnant and had stayed in the line overnight. The lady who was first in the queue had been there since early Wednesday night! These people have clearly not heard of the internet... the website DID slow down to a trickle (a quarter of a million people descended on the websites offering tickets) but if I - a casual fan - managed it then I'm sure others can. But I suppose the chances are much slimmer online.


Gruh. Today has been one crazy day! I had a nap around 1 because of having so little sleep and I was awoken by the flat buzzer. As I thought it was part of my dream (I dreamt I was chasing a rat with a broom in a dimly-lit room) so my heart was going crazy out of fear! I need to calm down.

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Yeah, but now comes a problem. The max number of tickets I could buy was 4, which is okay, I suppose, and all 4 (highest band of tickets) cost me £338.25 ($472.48) at £75 ($104) a ticket, which was actually cheaper than I was expecting. Okay, so now comes the problem of who will actually go. My aunt was up at the same time but was still in the website queue when I rung her to say I got the tickets. In her family there are 3 people who want to go: my aunt and my two cousins, Jess and Charlie. Jess is like my sister, we are so close as we were born within a month of each other and there's a photo of me with her somewhere (with her horse, I think). Anyway, Jess is at the top of the list for going as she is also the biggest MJ fan I have ever met in my entire life. I know when she was told the news she must have gone crazy and I haven't even heard from her today. Her sister is a big fan but not as big a fan, same goes for y aunt and my parents, who also want to go. The original plan was for me to go with Jess - just us - but I thought that 4 tickets would be a good investment as most people wouldn't turn this chance down. So now I'm everybody's best friend: Charlie has posted on my Facebook wall and is clearly fishing for a ticket, as is my aunt, who wasn't all that subtle with her hints on the phone this morning. My mum - who is in Dubai so it is hard for me to contact her - said that it's fair if one family has two tickets, but now I don't know what to say to everyone and who should go.


Phew, sorry about that long-winded story. I just don't know what to say to them all now. Either way, someone is going to be disappointed here...

When is the concert? You don't have to make a decision today, do you?


What I would consider when making your decision is how people treat you all the other days of the year. If they have other life priorities and don't have time for you, then they need to be put on the bottom of the list. Think of the people who are your friend the entire year, not just when they want to go to the concert.


If you can wait until your mother returns, I would definitely ask her opinion.


I'm glad I'm not in your talons.

Its in September so I have plenty of time. I don't have to make a decision today but I have to be very careful not to offend anyone with this. I think the best option would be to stick to the two-tickets-per-family rule because that way it'll be fair. The tickets all sold out in 4 hours of them going online so getting more is almost impossble. I watched a news report a couple of hours ago featuring people who queued up in London for the tickets: one lady was 7 months pregnant and had stayed in the line overnight. The lady who was first in the queue had been there since early Wednesday night! These people have clearly not heard of the internet... the website DID slow down to a trickle (a quarter of a million people descended on the websites offering tickets) but if I - a casual fan - managed it then I'm sure others can. But I suppose the chances are much slimmer online.


Gruh. Today has been one crazy day! I had a nap around 1 because of having so little sleep and I was awoken by the flat buzzer. As I thought it was part of my dream (I dreamt I was chasing a rat with a broom in a dimly-lit room) so my heart was going crazy out of fear! I need to calm down.

Sounds like you have plenty of time and a great plan. Trying not to offend anyone will be hard, but it sounds like your are really smart about this.


Maybe the people who were physically in line, had dial-up at home and thought this would be faster. LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm baaaaaaaack. I've been SO busy recently as they cram in lots of work before the easter break. My faily keeps on sending me emails but I don't even have time to reply to them.


So I've been working, that's about it, though I DID see an amazing stage production of "His Dark Materials" split into two parts. It runs for 6 hours total and is amazingly done. I can barely take that story because the ending upsets me too much.


But hey ho.

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I'm baaaaaaaack. I've been SO busy recently as they cram in lots of work before the easter break. My faily keeps on sending me emails but I don't even have time to reply to them.


So I've been working, that's about it, though I DID see an amazing stage production of "His Dark Materials" split into two parts. It runs for 6 hours total and is amazingly done. I can barely take that story because the ending upsets me too much.


But hey ho.

We missed you! Glad that you found time for us.


Sorry to hear your have so much work to do. Jesusfreak is swamped as well and her laptop might die. :o

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  • 5 weeks later...

Eek, how did I mnage to abandon this place? I've been busy out of my mind.


Today was great fun: I had a riding lesson in the morning and then drove the hour-long journey to my cousin's house where I had ANOTHER ride on her horse, so today has been a real equestrian treat! My aunt - who has been riding since forever - said thatmy riding is coming on really well so I'm excited. ^_^ Naughty little Morgan - my cousin's horse - wanted to canter the entire time and my canter isn't great so I was clinging on for dear life... Ahem. Anyway, photos of that coming, simply because I look AMAZING in my crazy purple jodphurs!


I also had two injections yesterday - Hepatitis A and B in one arm and rabies in the other - so I'm not feling great. Urrgggh. :(

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Eek, how did I mnage to abandon this place? I've been busy out of my mind.


Today was great fun: I had a riding lesson in the morning and then drove the hour-long journey to my cousin's house where I had ANOTHER ride on her horse, so today has been a real equestrian treat! My aunt - who has been riding since forever - said thatmy riding is coming on really well so I'm excited. ^_^ Naughty little Morgan - my cousin's horse - wanted to canter the entire time and my canter isn't great so I was clinging on for dear life... Ahem. Anyway, photos of that coming, simply because I look AMAZING in my crazy purple jodphurs!


I also had two injections yesterday - Hepatitis A and B in one arm and rabies in the other - so I'm not feling great. Urrgggh. :(

Two injections!!!!!!!

*sends flowers and a sympathy card*

How awful!!!!! Those must have been painful!


What a fantastic riding day! I am looking forward to your pictures, so please post them as soon as you have time.


Hope all is going well for you. We miss you when you are so busy. Hope you can squeeze in a moment or two more often. :D

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Eek, how did I mnage to abandon this place? I've been busy out of my mind.


Today was great fun: I had a riding lesson in the morning and then drove the hour-long journey to my cousin's house where I had ANOTHER ride on her horse, so today has been a real equestrian treat! My aunt - who has been riding since forever - said thatmy riding is coming on really well so I'm excited. ^_^ Naughty little Morgan - my cousin's horse - wanted to canter the entire time and my canter isn't great so I was clinging on for dear life... Ahem. Anyway, photos of that coming, simply because I look AMAZING in my crazy purple jodphurs!


I also had two injections yesterday - Hepatitis A and B in one arm and rabies in the other - so I'm not feling great. Urrgggh. :(

Two injections!!!!!!!

*sends flowers and a sympathy card*

How awful!!!!! Those must have been painful!


What a fantastic riding day! I am looking forward to your pictures, so please post them as soon as you have time.


Hope all is going well for you. We miss you when you are so busy. Hope you can squeeze in a moment or two more often. :D

Yeah, one of the injections REALLY hurt. My arms feel a bit delicate today and I was doing a lot of physical activity so it was really exhausting.


Before my cousin let me ride she had a long ride on Moragn first to let the wind out of his sails. Halfway through about three people came into the school to have a quick ride before it got dark, so I was suddenly running around laying out poles and forming jumps of all the riders... phew! I then took tons of photos of my cousin jumping and then took the reins from her so I could lead the horse and she could ride without reins (which she was REALLY brave to do). We then tried trotting with me leading (ie. running really fast to avoid being trampled by said horse) and then JUMPING with me leading the horse! That involved me jumping over the jump, too... my cousin has amazing balance so it was nothing for her. Envy!


I have a video of me riding which I'll hopefuly be able to send to you, Horatio.

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