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LifesEagle's back.


On Horatio's request, I have made my own topic. Though I think it's hardly required.


As I've said in another topic, I'm back here for the emotional support and the fact that I miss all y'all. I've been through some pretty heavy-going and difficult times recently. Feel free to ask questions: I am aware that I'm being vague.


Fire away, my dearies.

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LifesEagle's back.


On Horatio's request, I have made my own topic. Though I think it's hardly required.


As I've said in another topic, I'm back here for the emotional support and the fact that I miss all y'all. I've been through some pretty heavy-going and difficult times recently. Feel free to ask questions: I am aware that I'm being vague.


Fire away, my dearies.

Spill your guts... we are here!

Cheesemaster and Mega Wolf are the resident psychologists with the rest of us putting our two cents in.

We have a relationship topic.

*runs off to pin this topic*

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It's more... heavy going, non-relationship stuff that I don't think you'd aprove for posting. Never mind. Is Sheena still around? I can't remember who was still here when I left.


Help me. Argh.

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Here are some of the people here, I will complete the list when my brain stops spinning...


Arkcher, Cheesemaster, Dog Lover,Im_soo_cool (FunkyMonkey2011), Hamster Luver, Jesse, Jesusfreak - Kat - (Katdacatis#1), Krisluvsdogs, Lexxscrapham, Mega Wolf, Moosey368, Mullaypop, Mushroom_king, Schimmislick, TBFOF (Moneylover), Taynio, TGHL , Topazia, Toto, Vixen (Lee), Wildcat, xMyOwnMindx (PuppyDog) to start the list (alphabetically), EmilyE and PoisonIvy have made guest appearance. New people are Glowurm (Australia) and CampSoup.


Board psychologists are Cheesemaster and Mega Wolf.


Board gurus are Arkcher, Campsoup, Cheesemaster, Glowurm, Lexxscrapham and TGHL.




It's more... heavy going, non-relationship stuff that I don't think you'd aprove for posting. Never mind. Is Sheena still around? I can't remember who was still here when I left.


Help me. Argh.

Not for a while. You can always start and I can edit. There have been lots of things here and you might be shocked at what. Check out Jesusfreak's pics topic in Original Art. HampsterKing even posted a pic of himself.

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Tell you what, I'll send you an e-mail so you can decide for yourself whether or not I should a) say something about it in detail and B) how much I SHOULD say, and in what way (so as not to offend or disturb). What I have to say may be fairly shocking.


Well. It has been earth-shattering for me.

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Tell you what, I'll send you an e-mail so you can decide for yourself whether or not I should a) say something about it in detail and B) how much I SHOULD say, and in what way (so as not to offend or disturb). What I have to say may be fairly shocking.


Well. It has been earth-shattering for me.

Unfortunately, life is not always good to people. The good thing is if you can get through it and be better for it. If you can, then somehow something much better comes out of it.

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*peeks in and sees LE*




*runs and tackles LE while giving a big toothy grin*


I come with gifts saved for this moment. *gets off and pulls out a bowl of wormcicles*


*Ahem*...the tone I interpret from your posts is not a very happy one. Whatever the cause, I'm sure Horatio and the other encouraging peoples can help lift some of that burden. I probably won't find much to say...either way, it is great to see you back here. *goes to look for LE's other posts*

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Jesse! *shreaks with enjoyment*


I'm so happy to talk to you after all this time! How have you been?


I've sent an e-mail to Horatio to determine whether or not I can tell you lot about what has been going on for me. I think we can bet it'll be a pretty solid "no", but it's worth a try, eh?


For those who have never met me: Hi, I'm LifesEagle, a.k.a. Kat/Katta (I prefer the latter). I'm 16, live in England, and I eat worms.


And small rodents.

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For those who have never met me: Hi, I'm LifesEagle, a.k.a. Kat/Katta (I prefer the latter). I'm 16, live in England, and I eat worms.


And small rodents.

E X C U U U U U S S S S S E E E E E M E E E E E??????????????



Just keeping you on your toes. ;)


I've got to go to bed soon. It's late. Oh, and I'm waiting for your feedback on whether I should say what has happened to me (or what I MADE happen to me). I'd like to share it with you but I need to be... careful.

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For those who have never met me: Hi, I'm LifesEagle, a.k.a. Kat/Katta (I prefer the latter). I'm 16, live in England, and I eat worms.


And small rodents.

E X C U U U U U S S S S S E E E E E M E E E E E??????????????



Just keeping you on your toes. ;)


I've got to go to bed soon. It's late. Oh, and I'm waiting for your feedback on whether I should say what has happened to me (or what I MADE happen to me). I'd like to share it with you but I need to be... careful.

Absolutely. Go for it.

Just always remember, you have friends here who love you unconditionally and will never judge you...












except if you eat small rodents of the hamster variety! :o


Wait... if I am in your stomach, I might not have too much to say.

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Okay, guys. Now that I know that I'm not the only person on this board suseptible to the power of addiction, I must admit that over the past year or so I have been self-harming. Not that badly, but I still did it. It has been 25 weeks since I last "did anything" to the day: that's over six months for those of you who are mathematically impaired, comme moi. I WAS suicidal, I WAS in a dark spot... especially when I influenced my best friend to self-harm, too, to a much worse degree. Also, a friend of mine who used to be my best friend (in the past) phoned my up yesterday to tell me that she hates me and that she wishes that she'd never met me.


That's the abridged version. If you want to know more, let me know. It has been hard for me, but I believe that I'm pretty much over it.


Life has been hard, but it's getting better. Much better. :)

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The part of your life you are now experiencing is probably the hardest you will ever go through. I am glad that you are over those actions and don't feel the urges to repeat those actions. If you ever feel really down, please come here, talk to us. At least one person might have gone through or is going through whatever it is that you are experiencing.


As for the friend telling you she hates you, there is something much more to that statement. Believe me I know your heart must hurt, but I know there is something more to her feelings than what she blurted out.


One thing that you must let go of is, that you did not influence your friend to do anything she did not want to do. You did not force her to hurt herself. And you did not have her hurt herself to a worse degree. She did that on her own. Please do not feel as though it was your fault she hurt herself.

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Oh, it is so good to talk to you all. I know I keep on drifting back and forth from this board, but I do miss it. It's just not the same now that the people I used to know back when I first joined (all the way back in 2002!) have gone away... well, some of them, at least.


Oh, dear. So much to say. So little time.


Thank you all for your support.

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Jesse! *shreaks with enjoyment*


I'm so happy to talk to you after all this time! How have you been?


I've sent an e-mail to Horatio to determine whether or not I can tell you lot about what has been going on for me. I think we can bet it'll be a pretty solid "no", but it's worth a try, eh?


For those who have never met me: Hi, I'm LifesEagle, a.k.a. Kat/Katta (I prefer the latter). I'm 16, live in England, and I eat worms.


And small rodents.


I've been doing rather well. I've been accepted to a college to go to next year, and my school courses are being challenging but fun. I have my own topic right under yours. :)

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Okay, guys. Now that I know that I'm not the only person on this board suseptible to the power of addiction, I must admit that over the past year or so I have been self-harming. Not that badly, but I still did it. It has been 25 weeks since I last "did anything" to the day: that's over six months for those of you who are mathematically impaired, comme moi. I WAS suicidal, I WAS in a dark spot... especially when I influenced my best friend to self-harm, too, to a much worse degree. Also, a friend of mine who used to be my best friend (in the past) phoned my up yesterday to tell me that she hates me and that she wishes that she'd never met me.


That's the abridged version. If you want to know more, let me know. It has been hard for me, but I believe that I'm pretty much over it.


Life has been hard, but it's getting better. Much better. :)


*hugs* Sorry to hear about what you've gone through, but I'm glad to hear things are looking brighter. :)

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LifesEagle's back.


On Horatio's request, I have made my own topic. Though I think it's hardly required.


As I've said in another topic, I'm back here for the emotional support and the fact that I miss all y'all. I've been through some pretty heavy-going and difficult times recently. Feel free to ask questions: I am aware that I'm being vague.


Fire away, my dearies.

*~*The Grand Illusion**The Final Cut*~*


AHHH! Someone I havn't carelessly tossed in the Meat Grinder!


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Jesse! *shreaks with enjoyment*


I'm so happy to talk to you after all this time! How have you been?


I've sent an e-mail to Horatio to determine whether or not I can tell you lot about what has been going on for me. I think we can bet it'll be a pretty solid "no", but it's worth a try, eh?


For those who have never met me: Hi, I'm LifesEagle, a.k.a. Kat/Katta (I prefer the latter). I'm 16, live in England, and I eat worms.


And small rodents.


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Oh, it is so good to talk to you all. I know I keep on drifting back and forth from this board, but I do miss it. It's just not the same now that the people I used to know back when I first joined (all the way back in 2002!) have gone away... well, some of them, at least.


Oh, dear. So much to say. So little time.


Thank you all for your support.

Yeah, I miss all the old people too. -_- Maybe if we get enough of the old people to stick around, the others will come back too. :rolleyes: And yes, 2002....When I joined here, I was a freshman in high school. Now I'm a freshman in college...how wierd is that?

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Oh, it is so good to talk to you all. I know I keep on drifting back and forth from this board, but I do miss it. It's just not the same now that the people I used to know back when I first joined (all the way back in 2002!) have gone away... well, some of them, at least.


Oh, dear. So much to say. So little time.


Thank you all for your support.

Yeah, I miss all the old people too. -_- Maybe if we get enough of the old people to stick around, the others will come back too. :rolleyes: And yes, 2002....When I joined here, I was a freshman in high school. Now I'm a freshman in college...how wierd is that?

TBFOF had a great idea... a HampsterDance Reunion and I have been thinking it would be great to follow through on his idea. We could get all the original people to appear.

*wishes EmilyE, Honey, KennyG, Kep, Poison Ivy and others would reappear*

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Oh, it is so good to talk to you all. I know I keep on drifting back and forth from this board, but I do miss it. It's just not the same now that the people I used to know back when I first joined (all the way back in 2002!) have gone away... well, some of them, at least.


Oh, dear. So much to say. So little time.


Thank you all for your support.

hey. im still here. i missed you.

and though its also in my past, (as you probably know) i use to "SI" too.

so i get it. at least a bit.


anyway, welcome back. this place is such an addiction.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

I think it should happen.

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

I think it should happen.

That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... :rolleyes: ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O)

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

I think it should happen.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Me likey idea!


And I won't bring my Meat Grinder, Shroom Gun, Bass Guitar, Iron Maiden, Johnny Depp clones, Tater-Tot-Canister-Beating-Stick, or Meat Cleaver. Promise. I swear. >_<


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

I think it should happen.

That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... :rolleyes: ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O)

I don't think HampsterKing would approve of the idea. LOL.

You would never even have the opportunity to ask your parents. LOL

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

I think it should happen.

That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... :rolleyes: ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O)

I don't think HampsterKing would approve of the idea. LOL.

You would never even have the opportunity to ask your parents. LOL

lol Probably not. You gotta figure that putting on such an event would cost and awful lot of money.

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

I think it should happen.

That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... :rolleyes: ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O)

I don't think HampsterKing would approve of the idea. LOL.

You would never even have the opportunity to ask your parents. LOL

lol Probably not. You gotta figure that putting on such an event would cost and awful lot of money.

He probably would not want some old guy in his underwear showing up and getting personal access to everyone! LOL

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

I think it should happen.

That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... :rolleyes: ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O)

I don't think HampsterKing would approve of the idea. LOL.

You would never even have the opportunity to ask your parents. LOL

lol Probably not. You gotta figure that putting on such an event would cost and awful lot of money.

He probably would not want some old guy in his underwear showing up and getting personal access to everyone! LOL

Exactly, what better to focus on then the worst possible scenario.


But seriously, can we not mention that sort of thing happening?

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

I think it should happen.

That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... :rolleyes: ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O)

I don't think HampsterKing would approve of the idea. LOL.

You would never even have the opportunity to ask your parents. LOL

lol Probably not. You gotta figure that putting on such an event would cost and awful lot of money.

He probably would not want some old guy in his underwear showing up and getting personal access to everyone! LOL

Exactly, what better to focus on then the worst possible scenario.


But seriously, can we not mention that sort of thing happening?

Seriously, that is the real reason for security on the boards. To protect the users.

Besides, do you really want to see some old hamster sitting in his fur with his laptop? :o

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

I think it should happen.

That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... :rolleyes: ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O)

I don't think HampsterKing would approve of the idea. LOL.

You would never even have the opportunity to ask your parents. LOL

lol Probably not. You gotta figure that putting on such an event would cost and awful lot of money.

He probably would not want some old guy in his underwear showing up and getting personal access to everyone! LOL

Exactly, what better to focus on then the worst possible scenario.


But seriously, can we not mention that sort of thing happening?

Seriously, that is the real reason for security on the boards. To protect the users.

Besides, do you really want to see some old hamster sitting in his fur with his laptop? :o

I wasn't being serious when I said that first thing. I know that's why, and it's a good reason too -_-


And yeah, I like all hammies!! :lol:

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

I think it should happen.

That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... :rolleyes: ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O)

I don't think HampsterKing would approve of the idea. LOL.

You would never even have the opportunity to ask your parents. LOL

lol Probably not. You gotta figure that putting on such an event would cost and awful lot of money.

He probably would not want some old guy in his underwear showing up and getting personal access to everyone! LOL

Exactly, what better to focus on then the worst possible scenario.


But seriously, can we not mention that sort of thing happening?

Seriously, that is the real reason for security on the boards. To protect the users.

Besides, do you really want to see some old hamster sitting in his fur with his laptop? :o

I wasn't being serious when I said that first thing. I know that's why, and it's a good reason too -_-


And yeah, I like all hammies!! :lol:

So, let me understand this, you want to see some old hammie with his reading glasses, covered in fur, with his laptop? :o

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

I think it should happen.

That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... :rolleyes: ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O)

I don't think HampsterKing would approve of the idea. LOL.

You would never even have the opportunity to ask your parents. LOL

lol Probably not. You gotta figure that putting on such an event would cost and awful lot of money.

He probably would not want some old guy in his underwear showing up and getting personal access to everyone! LOL

Exactly, what better to focus on then the worst possible scenario.


But seriously, can we not mention that sort of thing happening?

Seriously, that is the real reason for security on the boards. To protect the users.

Besides, do you really want to see some old hamster sitting in his fur with his laptop? :o

I wasn't being serious when I said that first thing. I know that's why, and it's a good reason too -_-


And yeah, I like all hammies!! :lol:

So, let me understand this, you want to see some old hammie with his reading glasses, covered in fur, with his laptop? :o

Sure. Hammies rock.


Besides, I could supply you with much coffee...

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I think it should happen.

That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... :rolleyes: ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O)

I don't think HampsterKing would approve of the idea. LOL.

You would never even have the opportunity to ask your parents. LOL

lol Probably not. You gotta figure that putting on such an event would cost and awful lot of money.

He probably would not want some old guy in his underwear showing up and getting personal access to everyone! LOL

Exactly, what better to focus on then the worst possible scenario.


But seriously, can we not mention that sort of thing happening?

Seriously, that is the real reason for security on the boards. To protect the users.

Besides, do you really want to see some old hamster sitting in his fur with his laptop? :o

I wasn't being serious when I said that first thing. I know that's why, and it's a good reason too -_-


And yeah, I like all hammies!! :lol:

So, let me understand this, you want to see some old hammie with his reading glasses, covered in fur, with his laptop? :o

Sure. Hammies rock.


Besides, I could supply you with much coffee...

Now you're talking. LOL

Butter Rum.

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That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... :rolleyes: ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O)

I don't think HampsterKing would approve of the idea. LOL.

You would never even have the opportunity to ask your parents. LOL

lol Probably not. You gotta figure that putting on such an event would cost and awful lot of money.

He probably would not want some old guy in his underwear showing up and getting personal access to everyone! LOL

Exactly, what better to focus on then the worst possible scenario.


But seriously, can we not mention that sort of thing happening?

Seriously, that is the real reason for security on the boards. To protect the users.

Besides, do you really want to see some old hamster sitting in his fur with his laptop? :o

I wasn't being serious when I said that first thing. I know that's why, and it's a good reason too -_-


And yeah, I like all hammies!! :lol:

So, let me understand this, you want to see some old hammie with his reading glasses, covered in fur, with his laptop? :o

Sure. Hammies rock.


Besides, I could supply you with much coffee...

Now you're talking. LOL

Butter Rum.

Cappuchino, muggachino, bubbachino, cafe latte, frappuchino, long white, short black, medium grey (I know there's no such thing xP) anything ya want. Mocha?


I know I spelled some of 'em wrong.

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He probably would not want some old guy in his underwear showing up and getting personal access to everyone! LOL

Exactly, what better to focus on then the worst possible scenario.


But seriously, can we not mention that sort of thing happening?

Seriously, that is the real reason for security on the boards. To protect the users.

Besides, do you really want to see some old hamster sitting in his fur with his laptop? :o

I wasn't being serious when I said that first thing. I know that's why, and it's a good reason too -_-


And yeah, I like all hammies!! :lol:

So, let me understand this, you want to see some old hammie with his reading glasses, covered in fur, with his laptop? :o

Sure. Hammies rock.


Besides, I could supply you with much coffee...

Now you're talking. LOL

Butter Rum.

Cappuchino, muggachino, bubbachino, cafe latte, frappuchino, long white, short black, medium grey (I know there's no such thing xP) anything ya want. Mocha?


I know I spelled some of 'em wrong.

No thank you. I would like Butter Rum please. Just plain old boring Butter Rum. LOL

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He probably would not want some old guy in his underwear showing up and getting personal access to everyone! LOL

Exactly, what better to focus on then the worst possible scenario.


But seriously, can we not mention that sort of thing happening?

Seriously, that is the real reason for security on the boards. To protect the users.

Besides, do you really want to see some old hamster sitting in his fur with his laptop? :o

I wasn't being serious when I said that first thing. I know that's why, and it's a good reason too -_-


And yeah, I like all hammies!! :lol:

So, let me understand this, you want to see some old hammie with his reading glasses, covered in fur, with his laptop? :o

Sure. Hammies rock.


Besides, I could supply you with much coffee...

Now you're talking. LOL

Butter Rum.

Cappuchino, muggachino, bubbachino, cafe latte, frappuchino, long white, short black, medium grey (I know there's no such thing xP) anything ya want. Mocha?


I know I spelled some of 'em wrong.

No thank you. I would like Butter Rum please. Just plain old boring Butter Rum. LOL

Okay. I have butter rum here... But, oh, no, if you're not here who is going to drink it? Me? But I don't like coffee. That means it would all go to waste... Unless a certain hamster was here to drink it...

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He probably would not want some old guy in his underwear showing up and getting personal access to everyone! LOL

Exactly, what better to focus on then the worst possible scenario.


But seriously, can we not mention that sort of thing happening?

Seriously, that is the real reason for security on the boards. To protect the users.

Besides, do you really want to see some old hamster sitting in his fur with his laptop? :o

I wasn't being serious when I said that first thing. I know that's why, and it's a good reason too -_-


And yeah, I like all hammies!! :lol:

So, let me understand this, you want to see some old hammie with his reading glasses, covered in fur, with his laptop? :o

Sure. Hammies rock.


Besides, I could supply you with much coffee...

Now you're talking. LOL

Butter Rum.

Cappuchino, muggachino, bubbachino, cafe latte, frappuchino, long white, short black, medium grey (I know there's no such thing xP) anything ya want. Mocha?


I know I spelled some of 'em wrong.

No thank you. I would like Butter Rum please. Just plain old boring Butter Rum. LOL

Okay. I have butter rum here... But, oh, no, if you're not here who is going to drink it? Me? But I don't like coffee. That means it would all go to waste... Unless a certain hamster was here to drink it...

I'm on my way. :D

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

Kinde like what some think horatio's big suprise is gonna be? That horatio WILL NEVER TELL US!!!! >O

Seriously, horation. We wanna know what the big suprise is.

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

Kinde like what some think horatio's big suprise is gonna be? That horatio WILL NEVER TELL US!!!! >O

Seriously, horation. We wanna know what the big suprise is.

It will happen... soon.

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

Kinde like what some think horatio's big suprise is gonna be? That horatio WILL NEVER TELL US!!!! >O

Seriously, horation. We wanna know what the big suprise is.

It will happen... soon.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Do it before the normal thing that happens on the 5th! :o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool.


A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD

Kinde like what some think horatio's big suprise is gonna be? That horatio WILL NEVER TELL US!!!! >O

Seriously, horation. We wanna know what the big suprise is.

It will happen... soon.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Do it before the normal thing that happens on the 5th! :o


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Either I'm stupid or you are crazy, cause I can't think of anything that always happens on the fifth. And I know I'm not stupid...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha, the Hampsterdance Convention mentioned a while back would ONLY be cool if we were responsible about it. XD Like, for example, bringing a person along. Hah, but even then would be risky, and one can only dream of it. :ninja:

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Haha, the Hampsterdance Convention mentioned a while back would ONLY be cool if we were responsible about it. XD Like, for example, bringing a person along. Hah, but even then would be risky, and one can only dream of it. :ninja:

Yeah, it would still be awesome though. Maybe in like 10 years we can have a HD reunion, so that way we'll all be adults anyways.

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Haha, the Hampsterdance Convention mentioned a while back would ONLY be cool if we were responsible about it. XD Like, for example, bringing a person along. Hah, but even then would be risky, and one can only dream of it. :ninja:

Yeah, it would still be awesome though. Maybe in like 10 years we can have a HD reunion, so that way we'll all be adults anyways.


Phew, that would be quite a bit of money for someone no matter where we would hold it. :P

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Haha, the Hampsterdance Convention mentioned a while back would ONLY be cool if we were responsible about it. XD Like, for example, bringing a person along. Hah, but even then would be risky, and one can only dream of it. :ninja:

Especially considering the varying locations of those from around the boards.

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Haha, the Hampsterdance Convention mentioned a while back would ONLY be cool if we were responsible about it. XD Like, for example, bringing a person along. Hah, but even then would be risky, and one can only dream of it. :ninja:

Especially considering the varying locations of those from around the boards.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Let's hold it in Florida. That's where Horatio is.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Haha, the Hampsterdance Convention mentioned a while back would ONLY be cool if we were responsible about it. XD Like, for example, bringing a person along. Hah, but even then would be risky, and one can only dream of it. :ninja:

Especially considering the varying locations of those from around the boards.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Let's hold it in Florida. That's where Horatio is.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

That would be fun. We could do it at Disney! ^_^ Hahaha I'm such a little kid. I've never been to Disney before though, I wanna go.

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Haha, the Hampsterdance Convention mentioned a while back would ONLY be cool if we were responsible about it. XD Like, for example, bringing a person along. Hah, but even then would be risky, and one can only dream of it. :ninja:

Especially considering the varying locations of those from around the boards.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Let's hold it in Florida. That's where Horatio is.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

It better be for the whole day, from midnight to midnight :P


Or else some of us may miss it.


Not to mention it would cost far too much :P It's only costing my mother somewhere in the 5000 range to go to canada just so she can visit her mother for a month after me grandfather died x_X

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It might need to be a several day affair. Over the summer, so we wouldn't have to miss school for it. xD I don't think school officials would accept it as a valid reason to miss school. :rolleyes:

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It might need to be a several day affair. Over the summer, so we wouldn't have to miss school for it. xD I don't think school officials would accept it as a valid reason to miss school. :rolleyes:

Yeah, except for the fact that different people go to different schools at different times. And then we'll also either be in college or not seeing as it's in like 10 years. XD


Man, no matter how you look at it, it'll be uber pricey.

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It might need to be a several day affair. Over the summer, so we wouldn't have to miss school for it. xD I don't think school officials would accept it as a valid reason to miss school. :rolleyes:

Yeah, except for the fact that different people go to different schools at different times. And then we'll also either be in college or not seeing as it's in like 10 years. XD


Man, no matter how you look at it, it'll be uber pricey.

People would have to buy more HD stuff >w<

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  • 1 year later...

Don't forget that this thread is about worshiping me.


Where is the slaughtered fatted calf? Where's the marching band? Where is the three-storey rodent cake?


You guys are all FIRED.


Ahh, I'm so happy to be back. ^_^

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Don't forget that this thread is about worshiping me.


Where is the slaughtered fatted calf? Where's the marching band? Where is the three-storey rodent cake?


You guys are all FIRED.


Ahh, I'm so happy to be back. ^_^

We are happy that you are back!!!!!


The rodent cake was sent by FedEx and should have been delivered to your eyrie. If it isn't there, perhaps the FedEx courier had a little problem climbing up to your nest. :lol:


FIRED... *round of applause* Am I free to ride my bike around the countryside? If so, let me start immediately in the southern states.


As for the marching band... that is Mega Wolf and Jesse's department. They are the board marching band representatives.

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How is the eyrie in the West Country?


Cold. :lol: I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London.


We are happy that you are back!!!!!


The rodent cake was sent by FedEx and should have been delivered to your eyrie. If it isn't there, perhaps the FedEx courier had a little problem climbing up to your nest.


FIRED... *round of applause* Am I free to ride my bike around the countryside? If so, let me start immediately in the southern states.


As for the marching band... that is Mega Wolf and Jesse's department. They are the board marching band representatives.


I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now.


Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them.


You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean.


Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song.

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How is the eyrie in the West Country?


Cold. :lol: I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London.


We are happy that you are back!!!!!


The rodent cake was sent by FedEx and should have been delivered to your eyrie. If it isn't there, perhaps the FedEx courier had a little problem climbing up to your nest.


FIRED... *round of applause* Am I free to ride my bike around the countryside? If so, let me start immediately in the southern states.


As for the marching band... that is Mega Wolf and Jesse's department. They are the board marching band representatives.


I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now.


Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them.


You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean.


Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song.

:o:o:o WHAT ??????????? :o:o:o

You were here and you didn't let me know!


*starts throwing sticky marshmallows at LifesEagle*

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How is the eyrie in the West Country?


Cold. :lol: I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London.


We are happy that you are back!!!!!


The rodent cake was sent by FedEx and should have been delivered to your eyrie. If it isn't there, perhaps the FedEx courier had a little problem climbing up to your nest.


FIRED... *round of applause* Am I free to ride my bike around the countryside? If so, let me start immediately in the southern states.


As for the marching band... that is Mega Wolf and Jesse's department. They are the board marching band representatives.


I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now.


Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them.


You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean.


Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song.

:o:o:o WHAT ??????????? :o:o:o

You were here and you didn't let me know!


*starts throwing sticky marshmallows at LifesEagle*


Yeee-up, and earlier this year in around April I went on a history/politics/art trip with my school to NY, Philadelphia and D.C. for a week. It was SO much fun and it was so exciting to be in such political places as the election stuff was just starting to get going. Here's me bothering the president.


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How is the eyrie in the West Country?


Cold. :lol: I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London.


We are happy that you are back!!!!!


The rodent cake was sent by FedEx and should have been delivered to your eyrie. If it isn't there, perhaps the FedEx courier had a little problem climbing up to your nest.


FIRED... *round of applause* Am I free to ride my bike around the countryside? If so, let me start immediately in the southern states.


As for the marching band... that is Mega Wolf and Jesse's department. They are the board marching band representatives.


I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now.


Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them.


You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean.


Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song.

:o:o:o WHAT ??????????? :o:o:o

You were here and you didn't let me know!


*starts throwing sticky marshmallows at LifesEagle*


Yeee-up, and earlier this year in around April I went on a history/politics/art trip with my school to NY, Philadelphia and D.C. for a week. It was SO much fun and it was so exciting to be in such political places as the election stuff was just starting to get going. Here's me bothering the president.

And I see the President didn't take your advice. :lol:

Perhaps if you had bothered him a good deal more, we would be in a better position. :D

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How is the eyrie in the West Country?


Cold. :lol: I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London.


We are happy that you are back!!!!!


The rodent cake was sent by FedEx and should have been delivered to your eyrie. If it isn't there, perhaps the FedEx courier had a little problem climbing up to your nest.


FIRED... *round of applause* Am I free to ride my bike around the countryside? If so, let me start immediately in the southern states.


As for the marching band... that is Mega Wolf and Jesse's department. They are the board marching band representatives.


I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now.


Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them.


You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean.


Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song.

:o:o:o WHAT ??????????? :o:o:o

You were here and you didn't let me know!


*starts throwing sticky marshmallows at LifesEagle*


Yeee-up, and earlier this year in around April I went on a history/politics/art trip with my school to NY, Philadelphia and D.C. for a week. It was SO much fun and it was so exciting to be in such political places as the election stuff was just starting to get going. Here's me bothering the president.

And I see the President didn't take your advice. :lol:

Perhaps if you had bothered him a good deal more, we would be in a better position. :D


I thought he'd be eagle-friendly but apparently if you're not a bald eagle he doesn't want to talk to you. Such discrimination!

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How is the eyrie in the West Country?


Cold. :lol: I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London.


We are happy that you are back!!!!!


The rodent cake was sent by FedEx and should have been delivered to your eyrie. If it isn't there, perhaps the FedEx courier had a little problem climbing up to your nest.


FIRED... *round of applause* Am I free to ride my bike around the countryside? If so, let me start immediately in the southern states.


As for the marching band... that is Mega Wolf and Jesse's department. They are the board marching band representatives.


I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now.


Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them.


You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean.


Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song.

:o:o:o WHAT ??????????? :o:o:o

You were here and you didn't let me know!


*starts throwing sticky marshmallows at LifesEagle*


Yeee-up, and earlier this year in around April I went on a history/politics/art trip with my school to NY, Philadelphia and D.C. for a week. It was SO much fun and it was so exciting to be in such political places as the election stuff was just starting to get going. Here's me bothering the president.

And I see the President didn't take your advice. :lol:

Perhaps if you had bothered him a good deal more, we would be in a better position. :D


I thought he'd be eagle-friendly but apparently if you're not a bald eagle he doesn't want to talk to you. Such discrimination!



He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.

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How is the eyrie in the West Country?


Cold. :lol: I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London.


We are happy that you are back!!!!!


The rodent cake was sent by FedEx and should have been delivered to your eyrie. If it isn't there, perhaps the FedEx courier had a little problem climbing up to your nest.


FIRED... *round of applause* Am I free to ride my bike around the countryside? If so, let me start immediately in the southern states.


As for the marching band... that is Mega Wolf and Jesse's department. They are the board marching band representatives.


I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now.


Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them.


You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean.


Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song.

:o:o:o WHAT ??????????? :o:o:o

You were here and you didn't let me know!


*starts throwing sticky marshmallows at LifesEagle*


Yeee-up, and earlier this year in around April I went on a history/politics/art trip with my school to NY, Philadelphia and D.C. for a week. It was SO much fun and it was so exciting to be in such political places as the election stuff was just starting to get going. Here's me bothering the president.

And I see the President didn't take your advice. :lol:

Perhaps if you had bothered him a good deal more, we would be in a better position. :D


I thought he'd be eagle-friendly but apparently if you're not a bald eagle he doesn't want to talk to you. Such discrimination!



He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. :lol:


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

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How is the eyrie in the West Country?


Cold. LOL I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London.


We are happy that you are back!!!!!


The rodent cake was sent by FedEx and should have been delivered to your eyrie. If it isn't there, perhaps the FedEx courier had a little problem climbing up to your nest.


FIRED... *round of applause* Am I free to ride my bike around the countryside? If so, let me start immediately in the southern states.


As for the marching band... that is Mega Wolf and Jesse's department. They are the board marching band representatives.


I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now.


Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them.


You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean.


Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song.

:o:o:o WHAT ??????????? :o:o:o

You were here and you didn't let me know!


*starts throwing sticky marshmallows at LifesEagle*


Yeee-up, and earlier this year in around April I went on a history/politics/art trip with my school to NY, Philadelphia and D.C. for a week. It was SO much fun and it was so exciting to be in such political places as the election stuff was just starting to get going. Here's me bothering the president.

And I see the President didn't take your advice. LOL

Perhaps if you had bothered him a good deal more, we would be in a better position.


I thought he'd be eagle-friendly but apparently if you're not a bald eagle he doesn't want to talk to you. Such discrimination!



He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. :lol:


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. :lol:

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How is the eyrie in the West Country?


Cold. LOL I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London.


We are happy that you are back!!!!!


The rodent cake was sent by FedEx and should have been delivered to your eyrie. If it isn't there, perhaps the FedEx courier had a little problem climbing up to your nest.


FIRED... *round of applause* Am I free to ride my bike around the countryside? If so, let me start immediately in the southern states.


As for the marching band... that is Mega Wolf and Jesse's department. They are the board marching band representatives.


I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now.


Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them.


You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean.


Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song.

:o:o:o WHAT ??????????? :o:o:o

You were here and you didn't let me know!


*starts throwing sticky marshmallows at LifesEagle*


Yeee-up, and earlier this year in around April I went on a history/politics/art trip with my school to NY, Philadelphia and D.C. for a week. It was SO much fun and it was so exciting to be in such political places as the election stuff was just starting to get going. Here's me bothering the president.

And I see the President didn't take your advice. LOL

Perhaps if you had bothered him a good deal more, we would be in a better position.


I thought he'd be eagle-friendly but apparently if you're not a bald eagle he doesn't want to talk to you. Such discrimination!



He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. :lol:


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. :lol:


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. :lol:

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How is the eyrie in the West Country?


Cold. LOL I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London.


We are happy that you are back!!!!!


The rodent cake was sent by FedEx and should have been delivered to your eyrie. If it isn't there, perhaps the FedEx courier had a little problem climbing up to your nest.


FIRED... *round of applause* Am I free to ride my bike around the countryside? If so, let me start immediately in the southern states.


As for the marching band... that is Mega Wolf and Jesse's department. They are the board marching band representatives.


I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now.


Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them.


You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean.


Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song.

:o:o:o WHAT ??????????? :o:o:o

You were here and you didn't let me know!


*starts throwing sticky marshmallows at LifesEagle*


Yeee-up, and earlier this year in around April I went on a history/politics/art trip with my school to NY, Philadelphia and D.C. for a week. It was SO much fun and it was so exciting to be in such political places as the election stuff was just starting to get going. Here's me bothering the president.

And I see the President didn't take your advice. LOL

Perhaps if you had bothered him a good deal more, we would be in a better position.


I thought he'd be eagle-friendly but apparently if you're not a bald eagle he doesn't want to talk to you. Such discrimination!



He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. :lol:


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. :lol:


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. :lol:

I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! :D


So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself?

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How is the eyrie in the West Country?


Cold. LOL I actually had to move to Brum to study so my nest looks a bit out of place perched on top of the Selfridges building. I miss London.


We are happy that you are back!!!!!


The rodent cake was sent by FedEx and should have been delivered to your eyrie. If it isn't there, perhaps the FedEx courier had a little problem climbing up to your nest.


FIRED... *round of applause* Am I free to ride my bike around the countryside? If so, let me start immediately in the southern states.


As for the marching band... that is Mega Wolf and Jesse's department. They are the board marching band representatives.


I'm glad to hear it! I'll try and post regularly as I need the support right now.


Judging by FedEx's promotional slogans they shouldn't have a problem. If they do, I'll dive-bomb them.


You can, and I just might join you. I went to Charleston and Hilton Head in the summer of 2007 and fell in love with the area. I also went to this beautiful church ruin that has to be one of the loveliest places on earth. Google "Old Sheldon Church ruin" and look at images to see what I mean.


Ahh then, we're gonna have to get a performance of "76 trombones" going here, I love that song.

:o:o:o WHAT ???????????

You were here and you didn't let me know!


*starts throwing sticky marshmallows at LifesEagle*


Yeee-up, and earlier this year in around April I went on a history/politics/art trip with my school to NY, Philadelphia and D.C. for a week. It was SO much fun and it was so exciting to be in such political places as the election stuff was just starting to get going. Here's me bothering the president.

And I see the President didn't take your advice. LOL

Perhaps if you had bothered him a good deal more, we would be in a better position.


I thought he'd be eagle-friendly but apparently if you're not a bald eagle he doesn't want to talk to you. Such discrimination!



He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. :lol:


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. :lol:


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. :lol:

I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! :D


So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself?


Why, thank you. :D When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep!


The King? Elvis? :lol:

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He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. :lol:


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. :lol:

I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! :D


So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself?


Why, thank you. :D When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep!


The King? Elvis? :lol:

The King...



King Elvis Kong. :lol:


You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song.

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He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. :lol:


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. :lol:

I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! :D


So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself?


Why, thank you. :D When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep!


The King? Elvis? :lol:

The King...



King Elvis Kong. :lol:


You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song.


Elvis is one of my all time favourite singers and, at present, I have over 70 Elvis songs on iTunes. I have an Elvis purse, an Elvis keyring for my car keys, an Elvis number plate on my bedroom door, an Elvis calendar... yeah, I like him quite a bit. :P


But "King Elvis Kong" is one song he SHOULD have sung.

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He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. :lol:


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. :lol:

I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! :D


So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself?


Why, thank you. :D When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep!


The King? Elvis? :lol:

The King...



King Elvis Kong. LOL


You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song.


Elvis is one of my all time favourite singers and, at present, I have over 70 Elvis songs on iTunes. I have an Elvis purse, an Elvis keyring for my car keys, an Elvis number plate on my bedroom door, an Elvis calendar... yeah, I like him quite a bit. :P


But "King Elvis Kong" is one song he SHOULD have sung.



Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I work in Memphis, Tennessee.


*covers ears every time an Elvis song is sung... by any of those impersonators*

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

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He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. :lol:


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. :lol:

I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! :D


So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself?


Why, thank you. :D When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep!


The King? Elvis? :lol:

The King...



King Elvis Kong. LOL


You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song.


Elvis is one of my all time favourite singers and, at present, I have over 70 Elvis songs on iTunes. I have an Elvis purse, an Elvis keyring for my car keys, an Elvis number plate on my bedroom door, an Elvis calendar... yeah, I like him quite a bit. :P


But "King Elvis Kong" is one song he SHOULD have sung.



Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I work in Memphis, Tennessee.


*covers ears every time an Elvis song is sung... by any of those impersonators*

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I wish I could live there! One of my life missions is to go to Graceland on one of the vigil days and be one of those weird people you see with candles. But I can see how you could be driven mad by hundreds of people singing "Hound Dog" over and over! :lol:

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Don't forget that this thread is about worshiping me.


Where is the slaughtered fatted calf? Where's the marching band? Where is the three-storey rodent cake?


You guys are all FIRED.


Ahh, I'm so happy to be back. ^_^

I'm sorry, but all said worship...things...were taken by my minions. They are worshipping The Great Muffin and his homies Smitus and Pwnamus Maximus, Pwnamus Maximus's lame little brother Failamus Taximus, Cheesus (not the user), and The Great Muffin's lady friends Otaco and Ramensas. So sorry. There's other Gods too, but they're not worth mentioning.

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I'm sorry, but all said worship...things...were taken by my minions. They are worshipping The Great Muffin and his homies Smitus and Pwnamus Maximus, Pwnamus Maximus's lame little brother Failamus Taximus, Cheesus (not the user), and The Great Muffin's lady friends Otaco and Ramensas. So sorry. There's other Gods too, but they're not worth mentioning.


Oh no you don't, they'll all come back to me once they realise that THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED!


I just plain rule.

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He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. :lol:


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. :lol:

I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! :D


So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself?


Why, thank you. :D When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep!


The King? Elvis? :lol:

The King...



King Elvis Kong. LOL


You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song.


Elvis is one of my all time favourite singers and, at present, I have over 70 Elvis songs on iTunes. I have an Elvis purse, an Elvis keyring for my car keys, an Elvis number plate on my bedroom door, an Elvis calendar... yeah, I like him quite a bit. :P


But "King Elvis Kong" is one song he SHOULD have sung.



Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I work in Memphis, Tennessee.


*covers ears every time an Elvis song is sung... by any of those impersonators*

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I wish I could live there! One of my life missions is to go to Graceland on one of the vigil days and be one of those weird people you see with candles. But I can see how you could be driven mad by hundreds of people singing "Hound Dog" over and over! :lol:

*runs like mad, finds ear plugs, stuffs them in and then goes underground smiling*

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He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. :lol:


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. :lol:

I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! :D


So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself?


Why, thank you. :D When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep!


The King? Elvis? :lol:

The King...



King Elvis Kong. LOL


You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song.


Elvis is one of my all time favourite singers and, at present, I have over 70 Elvis songs on iTunes. I have an Elvis purse, an Elvis keyring for my car keys, an Elvis number plate on my bedroom door, an Elvis calendar... yeah, I like him quite a bit. :P


But "King Elvis Kong" is one song he SHOULD have sung.



Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I work in Memphis, Tennessee.


*covers ears every time an Elvis song is sung... by any of those impersonators*

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I wish I could live there! One of my life missions is to go to Graceland on one of the vigil days and be one of those weird people you see with candles. But I can see how you could be driven mad by hundreds of people singing "Hound Dog" over and over! :lol:

*runs like mad, finds ear plugs, stuffs them in and then goes underground smiling*


Oh no you don't, I'll find you, little hamster!


*sends out little robot worms to hunt you down*

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He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. LOL


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. LOL

I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! :D


So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself?


Why, thank you. :D When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep!


The King? Elvis? LOL

The King...



King Elvis Kong. LOL


You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song.


Elvis is one of my all time favourite singers and, at present, I have over 70 Elvis songs on iTunes. I have an Elvis purse, an Elvis keyring for my car keys, an Elvis number plate on my bedroom door, an Elvis calendar... yeah, I like him quite a bit. :P


But "King Elvis Kong" is one song he SHOULD have sung.



Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I work in Memphis, Tennessee.


*covers ears every time an Elvis song is sung... by any of those impersonators*

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I wish I could live there! One of my life missions is to go to Graceland on one of the vigil days and be one of those weird people you see with candles. But I can see how you could be driven mad by hundreds of people singing "Hound Dog" over and over! :lol:

*runs like mad, finds ear plugs, stuffs them in and then goes underground smiling*


Oh no you don't, I'll find you, little hamster!


*sends out little robot worms to hunt you down*

Worms... tasty and full of protein too! :D

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He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. LOL


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. LOL

I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! :D


So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself?


Why, thank you. :D When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep!


The King? Elvis? LOL

The King...



King Elvis Kong. LOL


You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song.


Elvis is one of my all time favourite singers and, at present, I have over 70 Elvis songs on iTunes. I have an Elvis purse, an Elvis keyring for my car keys, an Elvis number plate on my bedroom door, an Elvis calendar... yeah, I like him quite a bit. :P


But "King Elvis Kong" is one song he SHOULD have sung.



Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I work in Memphis, Tennessee.


*covers ears every time an Elvis song is sung... by any of those impersonators*

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I wish I could live there! One of my life missions is to go to Graceland on one of the vigil days and be one of those weird people you see with candles. But I can see how you could be driven mad by hundreds of people singing "Hound Dog" over and over! :lol:

*runs like mad, finds ear plugs, stuffs them in and then goes underground smiling*


Oh no you don't, I'll find you, little hamster!


*sends out little robot worms to hunt you down*

Worms... tasty and full of protein too! :D


Not these ones. Bite these and lose those pretty little teeth of yours. :P

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He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. LOL


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. LOL

I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! :D


So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself?


Why, thank you. :D When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep!


The King? Elvis? LOL

The King...



King Elvis Kong. LOL


You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song.


Elvis is one of my all time favourite singers and, at present, I have over 70 Elvis songs on iTunes. I have an Elvis purse, an Elvis keyring for my car keys, an Elvis number plate on my bedroom door, an Elvis calendar... yeah, I like him quite a bit. :P


But "King Elvis Kong" is one song he SHOULD have sung.



Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I work in Memphis, Tennessee.


*covers ears every time an Elvis song is sung... by any of those impersonators*

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I wish I could live there! One of my life missions is to go to Graceland on one of the vigil days and be one of those weird people you see with candles. But I can see how you could be driven mad by hundreds of people singing "Hound Dog" over and over! :lol:

*runs like mad, finds ear plugs, stuffs them in and then goes underground smiling*


Oh no you don't, I'll find you, little hamster!


*sends out little robot worms to hunt you down*

Worms... tasty and full of protein too! :D


Not these ones. Bite these and lose those pretty little teeth of yours. :P

Hmmmph! Takes over the computer chips in the robo worms and sends them into shark-infested waters.

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He's heard about the blonde eagle!

As I recall, you had, on many occasions, made yourself dizzy looking for your eyrie.


More like highlighted blonde eagle. We went to the supreme court in D.C. so I suppose I was a legal eagle too. LOL


Darn my instincts to build high-up nests! I tried to build a nest on top of the Empire Sate building but King Kong knocked it off... I'm SO suing.

I'm sure you will find a lawyer who would love to try this case. LOL


Unfortunately, the court case had to called off because the defendant couldn't fit inside the court room. LOL

I see your quick thinking and stellar sense of humour are still with you!!! :D


So, they couldn't do some sort of satellite feed outside the courtroom with speakers just for the King himself?


Why, thank you. :D When we went to the supreme court they set us down in these comfy mahogany seats and told us about the history/protocol for legal cases that went on for ages. The person giving the talk lulled half our party to sleep!


The King? Elvis? LOL

The King...



King Elvis Kong. LOL


You ought to hear him sing the Jailhouse Rock song.


Elvis is one of my all time favourite singers and, at present, I have over 70 Elvis songs on iTunes. I have an Elvis purse, an Elvis keyring for my car keys, an Elvis number plate on my bedroom door, an Elvis calendar... yeah, I like him quite a bit. :P


But "King Elvis Kong" is one song he SHOULD have sung.



Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I work in Memphis, Tennessee.


*covers ears every time an Elvis song is sung... by any of those impersonators*

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


I wish I could live there! One of my life missions is to go to Graceland on one of the vigil days and be one of those weird people you see with candles. But I can see how you could be driven mad by hundreds of people singing "Hound Dog" over and over! :lol:

*runs like mad, finds ear plugs, stuffs them in and then goes underground smiling*


Oh no you don't, I'll find you, little hamster!


*sends out little robot worms to hunt you down*

Worms... tasty and full of protein too! :D


Not these ones. Bite these and lose those pretty little teeth of yours. :P

Hmmmph! Takes over the computer chips in the robo worms and sends them into shark-infested waters.


Eeeek! I will get you, my pretty, and your little plane, too!!

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I'm sorry, but all said worship...things...were taken by my minions. They are worshipping The Great Muffin and his homies Smitus and Pwnamus Maximus, Pwnamus Maximus's lame little brother Failamus Taximus, Cheesus (not the user), and The Great Muffin's lady friends Otaco and Ramensas. So sorry. There's other Gods too, but they're not worth mentioning.


Oh no you don't, they'll all come back to me once they realise that THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED!


I just plain rule.

so do i.

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I'm sorry, but all said worship...things...were taken by my minions. They are worshipping The Great Muffin and his homies Smitus and Pwnamus Maximus, Pwnamus Maximus's lame little brother Failamus Taximus, Cheesus (not the user), and The Great Muffin's lady friends Otaco and Ramensas. So sorry. There's other Gods too, but they're not worth mentioning.


Oh no you don't, they'll all come back to me once they realise that THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED!


I just plain rule.

so do i.


Not as much as me. I am TAWX.

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I'm sorry, but all said worship...things...were taken by my minions. They are worshipping The Great Muffin and his homies Smitus and Pwnamus Maximus, Pwnamus Maximus's lame little brother Failamus Taximus, Cheesus (not the user), and The Great Muffin's lady friends Otaco and Ramensas. So sorry. There's other Gods too, but they're not worth mentioning.


Oh no you don't, they'll all come back to me once they realise that THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED!


I just plain rule.

so do i.


Not as much as me. I am TAWX.

I'm so awesome, I'm the Mayor Of Awesometown. In fact, I'm also the Mayor or Radville, too. I'm so awesome, people have gone deaf from the sound of my awesome.


(but depends if awesometude = rulitude.)

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I'm sorry, but all said worship...things...were taken by my minions. They are worshipping The Great Muffin and his homies Smitus and Pwnamus Maximus, Pwnamus Maximus's lame little brother Failamus Taximus, Cheesus (not the user), and The Great Muffin's lady friends Otaco and Ramensas. So sorry. There's other Gods too, but they're not worth mentioning.


Oh no you don't, they'll all come back to me once they realise that THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED!


I just plain rule.

so do i.


Not as much as me. I am TAWX.

I'm so awesome, I'm the Mayor Of Awesometown. In fact, I'm also the Mayor or Radville, too. I'm so awesome, people have gone deaf from the sound of my awesome.


(but depends if awesometude = rulitude.)


I'm so awesome that I need therapy to help me relieve some of my awesometude.


I suppose it depends whether it's literal ruling or "pwning" ruling. In which case they're entirely different ball games.

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I'm sorry, but all said worship...things...were taken by my minions. They are worshipping The Great Muffin and his homies Smitus and Pwnamus Maximus, Pwnamus Maximus's lame little brother Failamus Taximus, Cheesus (not the user), and The Great Muffin's lady friends Otaco and Ramensas. So sorry. There's other Gods too, but they're not worth mentioning.


Oh no you don't, they'll all come back to me once they realise that THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED!


I just plain rule.

so do i.


Not as much as me. I am TAWX.

I'm so awesome, I'm the Mayor Of Awesometown. In fact, I'm also the Mayor or Radville, too. I'm so awesome, people have gone deaf from the sound of my awesome.


(but depends if awesometude = rulitude.)


I'm so awesome that I need therapy to help me relieve some of my awesometude.


I suppose it depends whether it's literal ruling or "pwning" ruling. In which case they're entirely different ball games.

I'm so awesome, not only do I have to go through therapy because of it, but everyone around me needs therapy. People over in Africa have needed therapy because of my awesome. Aliens have needed therapy because of my awesome! I'm so awesome, my awesome is bottled and sold and can be turned into miracle cures, or bombs stronger then the Nitrogen Bomb. I'm so awesome, that my awesome revives dead people. My awesome is what set off the Schroedinger's Cat paradox, not that stupid geiger counter. My awesome is also known under the name of The Theory of Relativity.

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My awesome cured blackheads. This is a big deal because I haven't found anything to truly get rid of those. :lol:

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I'm fine, I exist. My food poisoning/tummy bug/whatever has been replaced by an almost crippling depression. My friends have been trying to get me to see a doctor for around two years now but I just won't go, but now I'm beginning to see what they mean. Right now my self-esteem is at one of its low points, encouraged by the fact that I feel completely undesirable. I am running out of money because I buy things I don't need to deal with what I'm feeling and I can't stop doing some of the nasty things I used to do and mentioned on this board briefly a few months ago.


So... yeah, I'm a pretty depressing eagle right now. :closedeyes:

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*hugs* I can't imagine what that's like, though I can currently relate to that feeling undesired bit. Not to be a broken record but I'd also have to recommend explaining what you're going through to a doctor. Or at least, someone. I hope you will find a way out of this.

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As a psychology major, I also say to go find a doctor. Also, you say you're undesirable in the same breath that you talk about your friends. The fact that you have friends means that you're NOT undesirable! You would not have friends if you were completely undesirable.

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I'm fine, I exist. My food poisoning/tummy bug/whatever has been replaced by an almost crippling depression. My friends have been trying to get me to see a doctor for around two years now but I just won't go, but now I'm beginning to see what they mean. Right now my self-esteem is at one of its low points, encouraged by the fact that I feel completely undesirable. I am running out of money because I buy things I don't need to deal with what I'm feeling and I can't stop doing some of the nasty things I used to do and mentioned on this board briefly a few months ago.


So... yeah, I'm a pretty depressing eagle right now. :closedeyes:

*gives LifesEagle a big hammy hug*

Just watch those talons please.


In finding someone to talk to, might I suggest considering a professional who is not a pill pusher. There are times in the life of a young person when things seem overwhelming and it is easy to beat up on yourself when things are not going in the manner you believe they should. Find someone you respect and feel comfortable talking to, if you decide to go this route.


In the meantime, you are smart, very pretty, with a great personality and terrific sense of humour.


So, come to Florida and get some sunshine into your system. This should help. :D

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Thanks for listening to my neuroses, guys. Last night I was really bad and almost cut quite badly but managed to hold back, mainly because I was really worried about today (a test and facing my German teacher after missing 2 weeks of lessons). But Christmas is coming up and I get to go home, even though my brother isn't coming home so it's going to be lonely without him. I'm THINKING about going to see a doctor but it'll all be so involved as I don't have TIME to go to therapy and see doctors, I'm busy enough as it is. I suppose my life just feels stagnant and lonely as I haven't made any friends here yet. I feel like my life has no meaning at all.


Sigh, I must really stupid whining.

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Thanks for listening to my neuroses, guys. Last night I was really bad and almost cut quite badly but managed to hold back, mainly because I was really worried about today (a test and facing my German teacher after missing 2 weeks of lessons). But Christmas is coming up and I get to go home, even though my brother isn't coming home so it's going to be lonely without him. I'm THINKING about going to see a doctor but it'll all be so involved as I don't have TIME to go to therapy and see doctors, I'm busy enough as it is. I suppose my life just feels stagnant and lonely as I haven't made any friends here yet. I feel like my life has no meaning at all.


Sigh, I must really stupid whining.

Definitely NOT stupid whining. Very real concerns.


You are at a point in your life where you need more than just studies, where your life seems to be under a microscope and where you are not what you feel like you should be. When you meet that special person, this will be all behind you and then you move on to the next step in your life. The problem is that... it is so very hard to meet someone. You have so much going on that there does not seem to be any extra time. Please... keep your heart open. If you keep your heart open, then when you least expect it, that special person will appear.

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Thanks for listening to my neuroses, guys. Last night I was really bad and almost cut quite badly but managed to hold back, mainly because I was really worried about today (a test and facing my German teacher after missing 2 weeks of lessons). But Christmas is coming up and I get to go home, even though my brother isn't coming home so it's going to be lonely without him. I'm THINKING about going to see a doctor but it'll all be so involved as I don't have TIME to go to therapy and see doctors, I'm busy enough as it is. I suppose my life just feels stagnant and lonely as I haven't made any friends here yet. I feel like my life has no meaning at all.


Sigh, I must really stupid whining.

Definitely NOT stupid whining. Very real concerns.


You are at a point in your life where you need more than just studies, where your life seems to be under a microscope and where you are not what you feel like you should be. When you meet that special person, this will be all behind you and then you move on to the next step in your life. The problem is that... it is so very hard to meet someone. You have so much going on that there does not seem to be any extra time. Please... keep your heart open. If you keep your heart open, then when you least expect it, that special person will appear.


I suppose they are real concerns but I cry wolf so often (i.e. threaten suicide to my friends) that I am no longer taken seriously. I am going to start identifying as "bi" (i.e. bi but not quite) so things might be easier, or maybe even a little bit harder. Right now it just seems really hopeless and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope I do soon.

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Thanks for listening to my neuroses, guys. Last night I was really bad and almost cut quite badly but managed to hold back, mainly because I was really worried about today (a test and facing my German teacher after missing 2 weeks of lessons). But Christmas is coming up and I get to go home, even though my brother isn't coming home so it's going to be lonely without him. I'm THINKING about going to see a doctor but it'll all be so involved as I don't have TIME to go to therapy and see doctors, I'm busy enough as it is. I suppose my life just feels stagnant and lonely as I haven't made any friends here yet. I feel like my life has no meaning at all.


Sigh, I must really stupid whining.

Definitely NOT stupid whining. Very real concerns.


You are at a point in your life where you need more than just studies, where your life seems to be under a microscope and where you are not what you feel like you should be. When you meet that special person, this will be all behind you and then you move on to the next step in your life. The problem is that... it is so very hard to meet someone. You have so much going on that there does not seem to be any extra time. Please... keep your heart open. If you keep your heart open, then when you least expect it, that special person will appear.


I suppose they are real concerns but I cry wolf so often (i.e. threaten suicide to my friends) that I am no longer taken seriously. I am going to start identifying as "bi" (i.e. bi but not quite) so things might be easier, or maybe even a little bit harder. Right now it just seems really hopeless and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I hope I do soon.

If you can be patient a little bit longer, I do promise you that you will see that light. The hardest part will just be having a little bit more patience.

I think you and Leguan should meet up. You guys could be great friends. :rolleyes:


By the way, read this:


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Why would Leguan and I be great friends? I read the topic you posted even though it was very hard for me, one of my friends went through - is still going through - something similar, if not worse. I try to separate myself from all that.

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Why would Leguan and I be great friends? I read the topic you posted even though it was very hard for me, one of my friends went through - is still going through - something similar, if not worse. I try to separate myself from all that.

I confused you. The topic you read was Glowurm's.

Leguan is the guy in Cologne studying Genetics.

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Why would Leguan and I be great friends? I read the topic you posted even though it was very hard for me, one of my friends went through - is still going through - something similar, if not worse. I try to separate myself from all that.

I confused you. The topic you read was Glowurm's.

Leguan is the guy in Cologne studying Genetics.


I understand this. So, the reason why I'd get on with Leguan is purely because of the biology link? I barely get on with my bench partners!

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Why would Leguan and I be great friends? I read the topic you posted even though it was very hard for me, one of my friends went through - is still going through - something similar, if not worse. I try to separate myself from all that.

I confused you. The topic you read was Glowurm's.

Leguan is the guy in Cologne studying Genetics.


I understand this. So, the reason why I'd get on with Leguan is purely because of the biology link? I barely get on with my bench partners!

No... it was just a thought. Not a romantic one, but a friend thought.

And that was what my hammy instincts told me. No rational reason.

Besides... your German would really improve. :lol:

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Things are mildly better now, for the record. I don't have musch to look foward to and my uni work has gone to shambles but I find that if I get other things done I feel better. Like today I cleaned most of the public areas of the flat and spent ages scrubbing floors, hoovering, disinfecting, etc. For some reason going crazy like that kept me sane and distracted. My parents are spending all this money so I can be a cleaner. :rolleyes:


But I'm certainly not suicidal anymore, at least.

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Things are mildly better now, for the record. I don't have musch to look foward to and my uni work has gone to shambles but I find that if I get other things done I feel better. Like today I cleaned most of the public areas of the flat and spent ages scrubbing floors, hoovering, disinfecting, etc. For some reason going crazy like that kept me sane and distracted. My parents are spending all this money so I can be a cleaner. :rolleyes:


But I'm certainly not suicidal anymore, at least.

Cleaning... you have found something where you can see the progress and completion of a few of your goals. I have a wonderful Hoover with lots of gadgets, so if you really want to feel good, then you can come to my cage and hoover the day away.


Sometimes just getting some little things done is good for your mental outlook.


Your parents money is being well spent. You are conscientious and will focus when the time is appropriate.

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My mood took another steeep dip today. I HATE this, but I don't really want to get involved with the song-and-dance of therapy right now. I cut about half an hour ago in response to some difficult news from a friend so I'm trying to calm down by distracting myself here, and I think it has worked. I suppose watching "Salo" again last night didn't help much. :unsure:


But thanks for your support, all of you.

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My mood took another steeep dip today. I HATE this, but I don't really want to get involved with the song-and-dance of therapy right now. I cut about half an hour ago in response to some difficult news from a friend so I'm trying to calm down by distracting myself here, and I think it has worked. I suppose watching "Salo" again last night didn't help much. :unsure:


But thanks for your support, all of you.

*gives LifesEagle a big hug*


It is nice that we could be here for you. Too bad I was napping at the time or I could have distracted you for a bit. :D

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You're trying hard to fight this and I'm proud of you for that. It sounds like finding something to do is a good remedy for you (as it has been for me as well, in the past). Maybe discovering a new hobby would really help. I'm not sure what suggestions to give though...for me it is easy to release motions when I do artistic things like random doodling on a sketchpad or composing songs. If you find a new medium through which you can express yourself, give that a shot.

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You're trying hard to fight this and I'm proud of you for that. It sounds like finding something to do is a good remedy for you (as it has been for me as well, in the past). Maybe discovering a new hobby would really help. I'm not sure what suggestions to give though...for me it is easy to release motions when I do artistic things like random doodling on a sketchpad or composing songs. If you find a new medium through which you can express yourself, give that a shot.

Excellent idea Jesse!!!

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Just cut AGAIN. Twice in under 12 hours... not good. I'm going to try to stop venting so much here because all it does is look emo and awful. I suppose it's because it's almost 5am, I can't sleep and I'm feeling like I'm someone I do NOT want to be, at all. Next term I'm going to see if I can find some more clubs to join and meet some more people.


Sigh. But you guys are really helping. Thanks again.

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Hugs would be good right about now. Sigh. Being up this late at night/early in the morning is when (and sometimes why) I cut so I should try to avoid being around at this time.


I just wish that my life would change.

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Hugs would be good right about now. Sigh. Being up this late at night/early in the morning is when (and sometimes why) I cut so I should try to avoid being around at this time.


I just wish that my life would change.

*gives the most giant hammy hug possible*

We need a group hug here!


The first problem is that you are not sleeping. When you are tired your mind cannot function properly and this is when you tend to sink into darker realms. I do understand about being tired, being depressed and wishing your life will change.


Your life can and will change but YOU must make the first step. I found that I needed to push myself out of my cage. Tough thing to do when being in your cage is so secure and it is where you feel the most safe. Get out and, as Jesse suggested and you agreed, find something to do. I know you are short on time, but if you could make time to insert an activity on a regular basis, it will start you on the road upwards. Volunteering is very rewarding. Joining an activity, club or other group that you might never have thought of and this opens up a positive thought process as you will be enjoying your new activity. When I started riding my motorcycle, it was fun. But when I added dirt bike riding to the mix, I really started to love riding. Not only was I enjoying the riding, I was meeting new people and opening new doors. Now I have another activity that I am passionate about.


Please let us be here for you and try and help you work your way out of this.

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GROUP HUG!!!!!!!




Yeah, I agree with Horatio about the sleeping. I know I tend to get in a really bad mood if I'm too tired, and Phil is the same way. If you're having trouble sleeping all the time, perhaps look up different methods to fall asleep (I've heard things like establishing a bedtime routine, listening to quiet music, using the bed only for sleeping, and making sure it's dark in the room can really help). If those things don't work, you might want to talk to a doctor about perhaps getting some sleep aids (even if it's something like tylenol PM).


If you need something to distract yourself at random hours of the day, join me on maplestory! :lol: And make your character in Windia... :rolleyes:

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GROUP HUG!!!!!!!




Yeah, I agree with Horatio about the sleeping. I know I tend to get in a really bad mood if I'm too tired, and Phil is the same way. If you're having trouble sleeping all the time, perhaps look up different methods to fall asleep (I've heard things like establishing a bedtime routine, listening to quiet music, using the bed only for sleeping, and making sure it's dark in the room can really help). If those things don't work, you might want to talk to a doctor about perhaps getting some sleep aids (even if it's something like tylenol PM).


If you need something to distract yourself at random hours of the day, join me on maplestory! :lol: And make your character in Windia... :rolleyes:

Another maplestory addict? :o LOL


If I have trouble sleeping, I have a motivational hypnosis tape that is not one that wakes you up, but allows you to continue sleeping. It is amazing. When the stress level is really high, sometimes I have to listen to it three or four times before it works. But it is a drug free way to get to sleep.

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I just got some really bad news from a friend and cut really badly. That's something like 4 times in 24 hours and I've never done it to such high a frequency and it's really worrying me. Last night I cried myself to sleep and felt quite suicidal. I suppose I'm feeling stir crazy, hating everything around me and because I can't lash out at anything else right now I'm internalising it and lashing out at myself.



Oh, I hate being so dark. This isn't who I want to be AT ALL.

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I just got some really bad news from a friend and cut really badly. That's something like 4 times in 24 hours and I've never done it to such high a frequency and it's really worrying me. Last night I cried myself to sleep and felt quite suicidal. I suppose I'm feeling stir crazy, hating everything around me and because I can't lash out at anything else right now I'm internalising it and lashing out at myself.



Oh, I hate being so dark. This isn't who I want to be AT ALL.

I suggest that you talk to someone (even if it's just us) about the things that are bothering you so much, like the bad news from friends and such. Talking about these things can sort of help you sort them out in your mind so they don't stress you so much. Also, like we've been saying before, get professional help. I know it's a hassle and all, but it really is worth it.


I'm also going to restate the idea of finding some functionally equivalent substitute for cutting. The reason cutting makes you feel better is because it releases endorphins, the "feel good" chemicals in your brain. However, there are lots of other less destructive ways to release endorphins, such as eating chocolate and exercising. If you google endorphins, the second result has 10 ways to release endorphins:

1. Eat a chili pepper

2. Think positive thoughts (which is good for your mental heath in general)

3. Work out

4. Have an o...... (am I allowed to say that here? :unsure: )

5. Get moved (watch a touching movie, read a good book, listen to inspiring music, or something like that)

6. Acupuncture (I'm not brave enough for that one lol)

7. Eat chocolate

8. Be afraid (go on a scary roller coaster or watch a scary movie)

9. Go out in sunlight

10. Laugh (watch a funny movie, find some good jokes, etc. Youtube is great for that)

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Also if you google "stop cutting" the first result is an excellent wikihow article. This is one of the ideas towards the end of the article that I really liked for some odd reason, "The butterfly project. When you have the urge to cut draw a butterfly where you want to cut. Now you don't want the butterfly to die so it has to wear off into the wild to be free. In this time you have to hold the urge to cut and if you do cut wash the butterfly away because it didn't make it to be free in the wild."

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It has taken me a while to think about how to reply to all that.


First of all, thanks for clearly doing the research for me. But first of all, it's not just cutting that I do. I've burnt myself with a baking tray fresh out of the oven (got a small scar from that one), strangled myself, whipped myself (I have a riding crop for that), tried to scald myself with hot or boiling water and mental torture (a personal favourite of mine). But it's mianly cutting that I do, and I have done it so often recently that I no longer put the razor back in its little protectr thingie but just leave it exposed beside the keyboard (not a good idea becsause then it just gets germs on it).


I found another website that gives these characteristics of people who cut:


strongly dislike/invalidate themselves

are hypersensitive to rejection

are chronically angry, usually at themselves

tend to suppress their anger

have high levels of aggressive feelings, which they disapprove of strongly and often suppress or direct inward

are more impulsive and more lacking in impulse control

tend to act in accordance with their mood of the moment

tend not to plan for the future

are depressed and suicidal / self-destructive

suffer chronic anxiety

tend toward irritability

do not see themselves as skilled at coping

do not have a flexible repertoire of coping skills

do not think they have much control over how/whether they cope with life

tend to be avoidant

do not see themselves as empowered (R1)


And the scary thing is, I fit almost all of them. I went for a year and a half without cutting once and I broke that early this year, around mid-January. Going cold turkey for that amount of time was like being in ####.


I'm not in a good place right now. But I'll get better.

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It has taken me a while to think about how to reply to all that.


First of all, thanks for clearly doing the research for me. But first of all, it's not just cutting that I do. I've burnt myself with a baking tray fresh out of the oven (got a small scar from that one), strangled myself, whipped myself (I have a riding crop for that), tried to scald myself with hot or boiling water and mental torture (a personal favourite of mine). But it's mianly cutting that I do, and I have done it so often recently that I no longer put the razor back in its little protectr thingie but just leave it exposed beside the keyboard (not a good idea becsause then it just gets germs on it).


I found another website that gives these characteristics of people who cut:


strongly dislike/invalidate themselves

are hypersensitive to rejection

are chronically angry, usually at themselves

tend to suppress their anger

have high levels of aggressive feelings, which they disapprove of strongly and often suppress or direct inward

are more impulsive and more lacking in impulse control

tend to act in accordance with their mood of the moment

tend not to plan for the future

are depressed and suicidal / self-destructive

suffer chronic anxiety

tend toward irritability

do not see themselves as skilled at coping

do not have a flexible repertoire of coping skills

do not think they have much control over how/whether they cope with life

tend to be avoidant

do not see themselves as empowered (R1)


And the scary thing is, I fit almost all of them. I went for a year and a half without cutting once and I broke that early this year, around mid-January. Going cold turkey for that amount of time was like being in ####.


I'm not in a good place right now. But I'll get better.

We want you to get better. So we will be here for you... always.

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(am I allowed to say that here? :unsure: )

Probably not. But I'm not taking any chances.


I saw it before you edited, nyeh. :P


I'm talking it over with someone right now. I suppose my biggest problem right now is feeling undesirable. That's the exteremely short version, mind.

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(am I allowed to say that here? :unsure: )

Probably not. But I'm not taking any chances.


I saw it before you edited, nyeh. :P


I'm talking it over with someone right now. I suppose my biggest problem right now is feeling undesirable. That's the exteremely short version, mind.

Unfortunately society does this to all young people, women more so.

You are smart, very pretty, fabulous sense of humour and have lots of other things going for you, but society just won't focus on reality.

I'll stop before I begin a rant.

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I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I'm not that unattractive, I'm not THAT cynical (no, I lie, I'm VERY cynical) but I CAN be nice if I want to, I'm not completely stupid... I just don't get it.


I suppose being normal and undesirable is worse than being ugly and undesirable. :closedeyes:

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I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I'm not that unattractive, I'm not THAT cynical (no, I lie, I'm VERY cynical) but I CAN be nice if I want to, I'm not completely stupid... I just don't get it.


I suppose being normal and undesirable is worse than being ugly and undesirable. :closedeyes:

You are definitely NOT undesireable. You just might be unattainable. Did you ever consider that some guys may feel that if they ask you out, you will reject them? When you are pretty, intelligent and can carry on a conversation, some guys might feel they cannot live up to the level they perceive you to be on. My sister had this problem. She was smart, unbelievably gorgeous, artistic and athletic. Guys also were afraid to ask her out. :wacko: She always wondered what was wrong with her. :wacko: Insecurities on the side of the male population does not help the female population. Crazy.


Buy a motorcycle. It is phenomenal fun. Plus you meet lots and lots of guys.

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I just had a pretty bad episode. Lots of cuts and other self-destructive behaviour until I had a moment of clarity.


There's something seriously wrong with me.

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I just had a pretty bad episode. Lots of cuts and other self-destructive behaviour until I had a moment of clarity.


There's something seriously wrong with me.

When you are going to cut. Get on here first and talk to us. Write out the problem and perhaps that will make you feel a little better.

If you can't do that, go outside and take a walk... a long, long walk.

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I'm feeling a lot better. I had this moment of clarity and since then I've been quite calm and watching some of my favourite films to calm down (right now I'm re-watching Clerks for the bajillionth time). I probably won't cut again for a while. I'll keep you guys posted.


Thanks for bearing with me.

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I'm feeling a lot better. I had this moment of clarity and since then I've been quite calm and watching some of my favourite films to calm down (right now I'm re-watching Clerks for the bajillionth time). I probably won't cut again for a while. I'll keep you guys posted.


Thanks for bearing with me.

We are here for you. If you email my mac account, it comes to my phone. You can always find me. It you were in the USA you could text me with immediate access.

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I might start doing that. I also have my LJ to vent into so it's not so bad. I've gone and talked a lot about how I'm feeling over the past several hours or so and I'm feeling like I'm ready to at least try and recover myself over the next week or so. No more cutting, it just drains me.

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I might start doing that. I also have my LJ to vent into so it's not so bad. I've gone and talked a lot about how I'm feeling over the past several hours or so and I'm feeling like I'm ready to at least try and recover myself over the next week or so. No more cutting, it just drains me.

You can always reach me immediately if you need someone to talk to. Just send the email to mac.com address and it comes immediately to my phone.

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Clerks is the best thing ever. I'm a huge Kevin Smith fan so I've seen his films so many times that it's getting ridiculous. Why bother watching Clerks when I can jsut recite it? :rolleyes:


I had another blip last night. No cutting, but enough crying and a literal bang on the head shut me up and sent me to sleep.

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Clerks is the best thing ever. I'm a huge Kevin Smith fan so I've seen his films so many times that it's getting ridiculous. Why bother watching Clerks when I can jsut recite it? :rolleyes:


I had another blip last night. No cutting, but enough crying and a literal bang on the head shut me up and sent me to sleep.

Hope today is better.

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I had a really big argument with my best friend this evening. I managed to avoid cutting but now I don't have any other way to vent. We made up but I still feel frustrated and restless. Thing is, I did this before and all it did was drive me to the very edge of a suicide attempt, but I don't really have another way to deal with my feelings right now.


Let's see how this pans out, shall we?

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Yaaaaaay not cutting! ^_^ *hugs* There are lots of other ways to vent. One is to talk about it. Tell someone everything that's on your mind (someone you can trust, less senseless drama gets out of hand). Another way is to go get some exercise of some sort. It might sound dumb, but getting up and moving around, even if it's just for a quick job, is way better for you than sitting around dwelling on the bad things. And always remember that no matter what happens, you have all of us here for you, and if you need to do some uncensored venting, you have me on facebook. :rolleyes:

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Thanks a lot, JF. I suppose I'm too drained to cut anymore (and once the redness goes down the skin looks awful :closedeyes:). I think I just need time to distance myself from the horrors of the past weekend and try to move forward as best I can. I have been mving around a lot as I'm getting a bit stir crazy but I don't want to go out. It's a tricky situation.


I'm still trying to keep my little panics in this topic for now. I will try to be as pleasantly upbeat as I can possibly be in the rest of the boards. ^_^

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I cut again. That didn't last long, did it? :rolleyes: :closedeyes:



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And I just blackmailed my best friend. Pretty badly, too, and hurtfully.


I'm clearly not right in the head.

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Yaaaaaay not cutting! ^_^ *hugs* There are lots of other ways to vent. One is to talk about it. Tell someone everything that's on your mind (someone you can trust, less senseless drama gets out of hand). Another way is to go get some exercise of some sort. It might sound dumb, but getting up and moving around, even if it's just for a quick job, is way better for you than sitting around dwelling on the bad things. And always remember that no matter what happens, you have all of us here for you, and if you need to do some uncensored venting, you have me on facebook. :rolleyes:





My evil twin.

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I feel like such a woman with all these mood swings. :rolleyes:

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