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I was bored.

so I wrote down all of my made-up term things that I regularly use.


As posted here for everyones... enjoyment, i guess. So in case you've ever wondered what Liek Berger really means... read on.




Liek Berger

Liek Berger (Lie-Eck Bear-Gir) common parlance, Often used as a greeting, can be used to break an awkward silence amid conversation. (Hey Beth, Liek Berger?) (So. Anything new with you? ................. Liek Berger?)

Goes good with a stupid grin and holding out your hand as if holding a small object. see also: Burger holding etiquette classes, MS Paint-oshop, Chozo Statues


MS Paint-oshop

MS Paint-oshop (Emm-Ess Pain-toe-shop) v/a, Parody of Photoshopping.

Verb: To edit something, such as a photograph, in MS Paint, primarily usung ugly, clashing colors to make something different. Often used as a mockery (ex: find a photo of someones boyfriend, and MS Paint-oshop it so they have big huge eyes, alien antennaes, stubble, other facial hair, so on, so forth, all in bright MS Paint colors) (Hey, Sue! Lookit this picture. Pwned. in MS Paint-oshop.)

Adjective: Something in the process of, soon to be, or has been MS Paint-oshopped, see above. (What is this? CD, 'You killin all my stuff in MS Paint-oshop?)


Oh Em Gee

Oh Em Gee (Oh Emm Jee) Exclamation, Parody of 'omg'.

Exclamation: Used to replace 'Omg' which is an initialization of 'oh my gosh' by default. 'Oh Em Gee' is said by synical or senile people, mocking people for two things, one, for being stupid enough to say 'omg' in the first place, and two, for being stupid enough to pronounce the individual letters as opposed to 'oh my gosh' or 'ohmig'.

(I went to like, the mall. | Oh Em Gee, O RLY? | YA RLY! | NO WAI! | YA WAI!) Oh Em Gee, That masked person in all black is making off with your backpack, yo. | Oh Em Gee!)



Burp (buh-rrp) Title,

Title: Used to emphasize that whoever 'the burp' is, is the center of attention. IE, Whoever is hosting a party, whoever is in charge, whoever is speaking, etc.. Can be used as a title for whoever is the focus of a conversation, or whoever is currently pwning. (Who's the burp here? | Chris is, 'cause hes... the admin of that one message board. | Man, Chris' always the burp. | Would you prefer Sue? | **** no.) (Hey, Shuddup. The burp'll kick you out.) (Hey -somebody's name-, Lookit this... I got a Wii a month before release date! | Aw, You da BURP!)

Borne amid other hilarities and inside jokes from SSBM; I incoherently and inaudibly mumbled something unpleasant after losing a match to my brother, who misheard what I said for calling him a 'burp'.



Frundy-Frost (Fruh-Nn-dee-fraw-st) Verb,

Verb: Generally used for being a control freak, to 'Frundy-frost' would be to think he or she is in charge, and act likewise. Synonyms would include Insubordination. (Its too cold in here, Brandon, Im turning the heater on. | Quit frundy-frostin', Beth. Its not that cold.) (If yeh dont eat'cher meat, yih cant have any pudding! How kin yeh have any pudding if'n yeh dont eat'cher meat?! | I steal it and eat it. -floyds- | Frundy-froster! Off with his head!)

Borne amid stupid conversation between Beth and I, drivin' home from Seminary. 'cuz it was like 45F outside, and the windows were fogging up, so she turned on the Front Defrost, which, if pronounced correctly, would be Frundry-frost. We both Frundy-frosted on the air controls for the car. it was funny. XD



Pimpin' (Pimm-Pin) Adjective,

Adj.: About anything with duct-tape all over it. Cheap-@@@ dollar store gold chains help. More often than not, accompanied by the word 'be'. See also: Ghetto. (My backpack be pimpin' now. =D)

Borne from 2AM discussions with Beth. Her Guinea Pig, named Pippin, likes the lady-pigs. so we call him Pimpin' now. S'pecially because he's really fat, and its hilarous.


Soup Time

Soup Time (Soop-Thai-um) P. Noun,

P. Noun: A certain time of day in which an event that everyone should know about, will happen. Soup Time is often between 2:00 - 6:30 PM, in which... no real events are scheduled, but whatever. (You're late for Soup Time, Cristian. | What the heck is Soup Time? | You were supposta be over here at 4, remember? | Oh, snap. yeah.) (We're all gettin online at six tonight, and at six tonight is Soup Time. And y'better not miss it.)



Egg (Eh-gguh) ... thingy.

Often mentioned in sentances to refer to something indefinite or indescript; Otherwise used in conversation with someone you like, you show randomness and hilarity. Whosoever may understand Egg, would know that whoever is talking about them is growing nervous, or doesnt want to talk about something. (Hey, Brandon. n_n | Hey yeah you better... keep... those eggs to yourself, Brianrietta. ... 'cause i'll..... egg you. if you dont. | o__o;....... ) (... Sssooo, how was your day? | Eh, the usual. 'Had a lot of eggs in it though, you know what I mean? | Ah, say no more. ... Liek berger?)



Bluhh (Bluhh) Interjection prefix

I. Prefix: Said as a standalone statement to replace generic grunting, like when standing up when tired. Otherwise a prefix to an item you're engaged in heavy interaction with; could be used to replace 'im messing with the-' (Bluhh, Im tired.) (Brandon, What're you doing to your compy? | Bluhh, Ethernet cord.) (What's this mess? -points at TV- | Bluhh, Metroid Prime 2.)

Origin: Bluhh, Moustache. XD



Endoctopus (Ehn-Dock-Toe-Puh-ss) Some kind of word

I dunno what you'd call it.

Used to describe someones occupation, position or job, when you really dont know what the heck they do. (Do you know what he does for a living? Um. He's an endoctopus.) (Who's the endoctopus in charge of this mess? He's not wonderful.)

Origin: SSBM. We were debating how Dr. Mario could be a doctor, and a plumber. We concluded that he must be an endoscopist, but due to unclear speaking, it was misheard as an endoctopus.



Woowoo (Wuh-Wooh) Interjection

Often used to replace 'goodnight'. This can be explained by the fact this term was spawned at 3 in the morning. No fitting idea where it came from.

(Bluhh, Im tired. Woowoo.) (Woowoo! ... Im heading off to sleep. Shuddup.)




To be updated later. =D


'cause... i probably have some more around here somewheres.

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I was bored.

so I wrote down all of my made-up term things that I regularly use.


As posted here for everyones... enjoyment, i guess. So in case you've ever wondered what Liek Berger really means... read on.




Liek Berger

Liek Berger (Lie-Eck Bear-Gir) common parlance, Often used as a greeting, can be used to break an awkward silence amid conversation. (Hey Beth, Liek Berger?) (So. Anything new with you? ................. Liek Berger?)

Goes good with a stupid grin and holding out your hand as if holding a small object. see also: Burger holding etiquette classes, MS Paint-oshop, Chozo Statues


MS Paint-oshop

MS Paint-oshop (Emm-Ess Pain-toe-shop) v/a, Parody of Photoshopping.

Verb: To edit something, such as a photograph, in MS Paint, primarily usung ugly, clashing colors to make something different. Often used as a mockery (ex: find a photo of someones boyfriend, and MS Paint-oshop it so they have big huge eyes, alien antennaes, stubble, other facial hair, so on, so forth, all in bright MS Paint colors) (Hey, Sue! Lookit this picture. Pwned. in MS Paint-oshop.)

Adjective: Something in the process of, soon to be, or has been MS Paint-oshopped, see above. (What is this? CD, 'You killin all my stuff in MS Paint-oshop?)


Oh Em Gee

Oh Em Gee (Oh Emm Jee) Exclamation, Parody of 'omg'.

Exclamation: Used to replace 'Omg' which is an initialization of 'oh my gosh' by default. 'Oh Em Gee' is said by synical or senile people, mocking people for two things, one, for being stupid enough to say 'omg' in the first place, and two, for being stupid enough to pronounce the individual letters as opposed to 'oh my gosh' or 'ohmig'.

(I went to like, the mall. | Oh Em Gee, O RLY? | YA RLY! | NO WAI! | YA WAI!) Oh Em Gee, That masked person in all black is making off with your backpack, yo. | Oh Em Gee!)



Burp (buh-rrp) Title,

Title: Used to emphasize that whoever 'the burp' is, is the center of attention. IE, Whoever is hosting a party, whoever is in charge, whoever is speaking, etc.. Can be used as a title for whoever is the focus of a conversation, or whoever is currently pwning. (Who's the burp here? | Chris is, 'cause hes... the admin of that one message board. | Man, Chris' always the burp. | Would you prefer Sue? | **** no.) (Hey, Shuddup. The burp'll kick you out.) (Hey -somebody's name-, Lookit this... I got a Wii a month before release date! | Aw, You da BURP!)

Borne amid other hilarities and inside jokes from SSBM; I incoherently and inaudibly mumbled something unpleasant after losing a match to my brother, who misheard what I said for calling him a 'burp'.



Frundy-Frost (Fruh-Nn-dee-fraw-st) Verb,

Verb: Generally used for being a control freak, to 'Frundy-frost' would be to think he or she is in charge, and act likewise. Synonyms would include Insubordination. (Its too cold in here, Brandon, Im turning the heater on. | Quit frundy-frostin', Beth. Its not that cold.) (If yeh dont eat'cher meat, yih cant have any pudding! How kin yeh have any pudding if'n yeh dont eat'cher meat?! | I steal it and eat it. -floyds- | Frundy-froster! Off with his head!)

Borne amid stupid conversation between Beth and I, drivin' home from Seminary. 'cuz it was like 45F outside, and the windows were fogging up, so she turned on the Front Defrost, which, if pronounced correctly, would be Frundry-frost. We both Frundy-frosted on the air controls for the car. it was funny. XD



Pimpin' (Pimm-Pin) Adjective,

Adj.: About anything with duct-tape all over it. Cheap-@@@ dollar store gold chains help. More often than not, accompanied by the word 'be'. See also: Ghetto. (My backpack be pimpin' now. =D)

Borne from 2AM discussions with Beth. Her Guinea Pig, named Pippin, likes the lady-pigs. so we call him Pimpin' now. S'pecially because he's really fat, and its hilarous.


Soup Time

Soup Time (Soop-Thai-um) P. Noun,

P. Noun: A certain time of day in which an event that everyone should know about, will happen. Soup Time is often between 2:00 - 6:30 PM, in which... no real events are scheduled, but whatever. (You're late for Soup Time, Cristian. | What the heck is Soup Time? | You were supposta be over here at 4, remember? | Oh, snap. yeah.) (We're all gettin online at six tonight, and at six tonight is Soup Time. And y'better not miss it.)



Egg (Eh-gguh) ... thingy.

Often mentioned in sentances to refer to something indefinite or indescript; Otherwise used in conversation with someone you like, you show randomness and hilarity. Whosoever may understand Egg, would know that whoever is talking about them is growing nervous, or doesnt want to talk about something. (Hey, Brandon. n_n | Hey yeah you better... keep... those eggs to yourself, Brianrietta. ... 'cause i'll..... egg you. if you dont. | o__o;....... ) (... Sssooo, how was your day? | Eh, the usual. 'Had a lot of eggs in it though, you know what I mean? | Ah, say no more. ... Liek berger?)



Bluhh (Bluhh) Interjection prefix

I. Prefix: Said as a standalone statement to replace generic grunting, like when standing up when tired. Otherwise a prefix to an item you're engaged in heavy interaction with; could be used to replace 'im messing with the-' (Bluhh, Im tired.) (Brandon, What're you doing to your compy? | Bluhh, Ethernet cord.) (What's this mess? -points at TV- | Bluhh, Metroid Prime 2.)

Origin: Bluhh, Moustache. XD



Endoctopus (Ehn-Dock-Toe-Puh-ss) Some kind of word

I dunno what you'd call it.

Used to describe someones occupation, position or job, when you really dont know what the heck they do. (Do you know what he does for a living? Um. He's an endoctopus.) (Who's the endoctopus in charge of this mess? He's not wonderful.)

Origin: SSBM. We were debating how Dr. Mario could be a doctor, and a plumber. We concluded that he must be an endoscopist, but due to unclear speaking, it was misheard as an endoctopus.



Woowoo (Wuh-Wooh) Interjection

Often used to replace 'goodnight'. This can be explained by the fact this term was spawned at 3 in the morning. No fitting idea where it came from.

(Bluhh, Im tired. Woowoo.) (Woowoo! ... Im heading off to sleep. Shuddup.)




To be updated later. =D


'cause... i probably have some more around here somewheres.


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I was bored.

so I wrote down all of my made-up term things that I regularly use.


As posted here for everyones... enjoyment, i guess. So in case you've ever wondered what Liek Berger really means... read on.




Liek Berger

Liek Berger (Lie-Eck Bear-Gir) common parlance, Often used as a greeting, can be used to break an awkward silence amid conversation. (Hey Beth, Liek Berger?) (So. Anything new with you? ................. Liek Berger?)

Goes good with a stupid grin and holding out your hand as if holding a small object. see also: Burger holding etiquette classes, MS Paint-oshop, Chozo Statues


MS Paint-oshop

MS Paint-oshop (Emm-Ess Pain-toe-shop) v/a, Parody of Photoshopping.

Verb: To edit something, such as a photograph, in MS Paint, primarily usung ugly, clashing colors to make something different. Often used as a mockery (ex: find a photo of someones boyfriend, and MS Paint-oshop it so they have big huge eyes, alien antennaes, stubble, other facial hair, so on, so forth, all in bright MS Paint colors) (Hey, Sue! Lookit this picture. Pwned. in MS Paint-oshop.)

Adjective: Something in the process of, soon to be, or has been MS Paint-oshopped, see above. (What is this? CD, 'You killin all my stuff in MS Paint-oshop?)


Oh Em Gee

Oh Em Gee (Oh Emm Jee) Exclamation, Parody of 'omg'.

Exclamation: Used to replace 'Omg' which is an initialization of 'oh my gosh' by default. 'Oh Em Gee' is said by synical or senile people, mocking people for two things, one, for being stupid enough to say 'omg' in the first place, and two, for being stupid enough to pronounce the individual letters as opposed to 'oh my gosh' or 'ohmig'.

(I went to like, the mall. | Oh Em Gee, O RLY? | YA RLY! | NO WAI! | YA WAI!) Oh Em Gee, That masked person in all black is making off with your backpack, yo. | Oh Em Gee!)



Burp (buh-rrp) Title,

Title: Used to emphasize that whoever 'the burp' is, is the center of attention. IE, Whoever is hosting a party, whoever is in charge, whoever is speaking, etc.. Can be used as a title for whoever is the focus of a conversation, or whoever is currently pwning. (Who's the burp here? | Chris is, 'cause hes... the admin of that one message board. | Man, Chris' always the burp. | Would you prefer Sue? | **** no.) (Hey, Shuddup. The burp'll kick you out.) (Hey -somebody's name-, Lookit this... I got a Wii a month before release date! | Aw, You da BURP!)

Borne amid other hilarities and inside jokes from SSBM; I incoherently and inaudibly mumbled something unpleasant after losing a match to my brother, who misheard what I said for calling him a 'burp'.



Frundy-Frost (Fruh-Nn-dee-fraw-st) Verb,

Verb: Generally used for being a control freak, to 'Frundy-frost' would be to think he or she is in charge, and act likewise. Synonyms would include Insubordination. (Its too cold in here, Brandon, Im turning the heater on. | Quit frundy-frostin', Beth. Its not that cold.) (If yeh dont eat'cher meat, yih cant have any pudding! How kin yeh have any pudding if'n yeh dont eat'cher meat?! | I steal it and eat it. -floyds- | Frundy-froster! Off with his head!)

Borne amid stupid conversation between Beth and I, drivin' home from Seminary. 'cuz it was like 45F outside, and the windows were fogging up, so she turned on the Front Defrost, which, if pronounced correctly, would be Frundry-frost. We both Frundy-frosted on the air controls for the car. it was funny. XD



Pimpin' (Pimm-Pin) Adjective,

Adj.: About anything with duct-tape all over it. Cheap-@@@ dollar store gold chains help. More often than not, accompanied by the word 'be'. See also: Ghetto. (My backpack be pimpin' now. =D)

Borne from 2AM discussions with Beth. Her Guinea Pig, named Pippin, likes the lady-pigs. so we call him Pimpin' now. S'pecially because he's really fat, and its hilarous.


Soup Time

Soup Time (Soop-Thai-um) P. Noun,

P. Noun: A certain time of day in which an event that everyone should know about, will happen. Soup Time is often between 2:00 - 6:30 PM, in which... no real events are scheduled, but whatever. (You're late for Soup Time, Cristian. | What the heck is Soup Time? | You were supposta be over here at 4, remember? | Oh, snap. yeah.) (We're all gettin online at six tonight, and at six tonight is Soup Time. And y'better not miss it.)



Egg (Eh-gguh) ... thingy.

Often mentioned in sentances to refer to something indefinite or indescript; Otherwise used in conversation with someone you like, you show randomness and hilarity. Whosoever may understand Egg, would know that whoever is talking about them is growing nervous, or doesnt want to talk about something. (Hey, Brandon. n_n | Hey yeah you better... keep... those eggs to yourself, Brianrietta. ... 'cause i'll..... egg you. if you dont. | o__o;....... ) (... Sssooo, how was your day? | Eh, the usual. 'Had a lot of eggs in it though, you know what I mean? | Ah, say no more. ... Liek berger?)



Bluhh (Bluhh) Interjection prefix

I. Prefix: Said as a standalone statement to replace generic grunting, like when standing up when tired. Otherwise a prefix to an item you're engaged in heavy interaction with; could be used to replace 'im messing with the-' (Bluhh, Im tired.) (Brandon, What're you doing to your compy? | Bluhh, Ethernet cord.) (What's this mess? -points at TV- | Bluhh, Metroid Prime 2.)

Origin: Bluhh, Moustache. XD



Endoctopus (Ehn-Dock-Toe-Puh-ss) Some kind of word

I dunno what you'd call it.

Used to describe someones occupation, position or job, when you really dont know what the heck they do. (Do you know what he does for a living? Um. He's an endoctopus.) (Who's the endoctopus in charge of this mess? He's not wonderful.)

Origin: SSBM. We were debating how Dr. Mario could be a doctor, and a plumber. We concluded that he must be an endoscopist, but due to unclear speaking, it was misheard as an endoctopus.



Woowoo (Wuh-Wooh) Interjection

Often used to replace 'goodnight'. This can be explained by the fact this term was spawned at 3 in the morning. No fitting idea where it came from.

(Bluhh, Im tired. Woowoo.) (Woowoo! ... Im heading off to sleep. Shuddup.)




To be updated later. =D


'cause... i probably have some more around here somewheres.



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  • 2 weeks later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I've always wanted to post a complete dictionary of Astronomy Domine words and phrases, but several are far to inappropriate to post here on HD.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Asrtronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I've always wanted to post a complete dictionary of Astronomy Domine words and phrases, but several are far to inappropriate to post here on HD.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Asrtronomy Domine*~*


This one here is pretty watered down. XD

but still works.


... yeeeah.

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Threeeeeee Mooooooorrre.


Bull Honkey

Bull Honkey (Buh-ll Haw-nn-kee) Noun/Adjective

Adjective: Used to describe something unfamiliar to you, usually after having a bad first impression about it. (You've got a lot of Bull Honkey music on your compy.) (Kat, What's that Bull Honkey you've got playing as your backgorund music?)

Noun: Something unfamiliar to whoever uses the word, a generalized term coming from Bull Honkey, the Adjective. ... They're pretty much the same thing. (Pff, This is a bunch of Bull Honkey.)

Origin: Homestar. XD I forgot which it was. ... which number it was.

See also: Dump, Dumpus



Dump (Duh-Mmp) ... category.

Noun/Category/Word: Any substance that is found highly sickening, gross, or undesirable, is called 'Dump'. Upon further investigation of such substances, one will find that they are just as (if not more) sickening than originally thought. Most often used for food items.

(bah. The dumb cat is all out of food, we need to get some Kitty Dump while we're out.) (What's all this dump? | ... Macaroni 'n cheese. | ... n_n; I'll have some other dump, thanks.)

Origin: ... Who cares? This word actually makes sense.

See also: Dumpus, Bull Honkey


Chozo Statues

Chozo Statues (Cho-Zoh Stat-Chooz) P. Noun

P.Noun: A place of frequent and regular usage or visitation, like where your computer is, the desktop is a Chozo Statue. (Heres a Chozo Statue. S'where my DS, Lappy, PDA and cell phone all charge up.) (Man, I go to the Art building at school so much its like a Chozo Statue now...) (Naw. Church is like a Chozo Statue, with Seminary, and... ... whatever else you Mormons do...)

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What's all this dump? | ... Macaroni 'n cheese. | ... n_n; I'll have some other dump, thanks.

But... Macaroni and cheese is GOOD! D=

If you do it right, yes. But when its homemade or you get the not-good brands, Then its dump.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


In Astronomese, the offical langwitch, or language, of the Astronomy Domine, 'Dump' translates into 'Pistachios'. :lol:





(Pizz-stash-ee-ohs) noun

Stupid things; Random things that are stupid.

JR: "I like The Black Parade."

Me: "Ewwww, TBP is a load of pistachios. Sweet Revenge was better."


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few more additions...



Woowoo (Wuh-Wooh) Interjection

Interjection: Often used to replace 'goodnight'. This can be explained by the fact this term was spawned at 3 in the morning. No idea where it came from.

(Bluhh, Im tired. Woowoo.) (Woowoo! ... Im heading off to sleep. Shuddup.)


Bull Honkey

Bull Honkey (Buh-ll Haw-nn-kee) Noun/Adjective

Adjective: Used to describe something unfamiliar to you, usually after having a bad first impression about it. (Mm? Steven? Naw, He's Bull Honkey.) (Kat, What's that Bull Honkey you've got playing as your background music?)

Noun: Something unfamiliar to whoever uses the word, a generalized term coming from Bull Honkey, the Adjective. ... They're pretty much the same thing. (Pff, This is a bunch of Bull Honkey.)

Origin: Homestar. XD I forgot which Sbemail it was. ... which number it was.


Chozo Statues

Chozo Statues (Cho-Zoh Stat-Chooz) P. Noun

P.Noun: A place of frequent and regular usage or visitation, like where your computer is, the desktop is a Chozo Statue. (Heres a Chozo Statue. S'where my DS, Lappy, PDA and cell phone all charge up.) (Man, I go to the Art building at school so much its like Chozo Statue now...) (Naw. Church is like a Chozo Statue, with Seminary, and... ... whatever else you Mormons do...)


Frozen Beef

Frozen Beef (Froe-Zin Bee-fuh) Noun

Noun: Something of very little interest or of little to no use to whoever says it, implying that its something of importance to another person.

(Tsh. Those games are Frozen Beef.) (PS3 is made primarily of Frozen Beef, and Bull Honkey. Did you see its insides when that guy hit it with a sledgehammer? Frozen beef!) (No, Half of the computer parts I have 'round here are just frozen beef.)

Origin: This beef is frozen, and frozen beef is no good to me.

See Also: Bull Honkey


there was s'posta be a link in there to explain where the Frozen Beef thing came from. But it sh'ant be posted here.

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