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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

this week.

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over and over

through the sand of time

one hour sober

living through hearts

never written this way

ive become the whole ive wanted

i will live in peace, for peace

and rise up with my friends to better what we have

and wut we were given

and in our heads

we never age past 17

we sit in our basements

smiling, singing

together forever

we belonged in the 60's

we said over and over again

tv taught us wrong

school taught us wrong

we dont need the internet

or all these things we own

were perfect this way

were love

and we move on to help

and to comfort

to drop out and be shunned

to be loved and move up

together we can make it

together we can savor in addictions

together we are love.


love and happiness

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