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i cant express this thru paper

onyl here

tonight was alot.

cheated lied

im crazy right now

i cant even think about the words im typing out

cuz my mind is going so many different directions

and please excuse my errors i know theyre are some

i cant really thnim to write right now

im like sitting here


like wow ive never felt this way ever in my LIFE

and this is insane

i cant even tell you how i feel right now

ive never been this happy

EVER before

but at the same thing im worried

my lies

my parents


but wutever cuz tonight was tonight

and im just gonna let it go

i took a ride

went on this journy

with brian mona and boo

there were some opther people, like his dad and matt and tomcat

he was really into me

but i couoldnt look at hijm

cuz he would smile

and i was so far rollimh

and so far gone

that you'd smile and id smile

and id laugh

are you rolling?

this is the way to live

only live once

and please dont delete this

even thought its on some things we dont agree on

i need to write somthing out right niw

im not evern looking at the screen or the keyboard

im so tranced

this is better then drugs

and ive never been so happy

and i didnt want this to end

and boo is into me?!?!?

what is that?

he's BOO!

hes got all the right words, right conntections and the right moves

hes the complete thing

and he's gotta be \..

ya no.

nothing to say

gotta live the way i can

and get by

i, smiles and love

all about the love

i am feeling like nothing ive ever been before

oh man

today was like a tripple hitter

tomcat boo and all this pill

its like freedom


and peace

if everything can hurt you so well im all for it

but wow, BOO.

this kid is like.. big tall strong ghetto druggie(so i wouldnt have to lie my #### off) but wow

did he like me last week

darnnn that would have gone too far

its too eailr

and i dont wanna do hat liek this

this condition

i LOVE the music,

the sounds, the tastes, the lights,

his fleese hoddie

rain and night

i was alive

i feel like i can never feel like this in away ever again

this is a 10/27/06 moment.

right here

i wanna remember

how my head felt

how the card pile went

and the porch

we hit up the whole town

big circle

circle of this feeling

dodging people

and its freezing

ohhh my head

im so floating upp there

its everything anfd more

then i couldve ever ecpected

im so cold/warm/alive/feelinh everythimh

all the lights caught me eyes

did i really cheat?

he was right

but it was partly cuz he had to go and be SO WRONG

and then we'd never be at this point

were like 1/2 together

so it doesnt matter

cuz like


Rallixxxx55: you didn't do anything with a guy though right?

Twentyxxxx12x: no




i feel so bad

but i cant.


in away way


i cant stop shaking

im so rollin

im so gone

and im writing this on HD!!!



im a losr.

no but like i need to say this stuff and i cant put it on my online jrounal

and i definatly cannot write ]

i m cold

im gonna go pass out man




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