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Just Stop Fighting (atwi)[mama, id suggest you stay out]

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Who cares what you think? You're nothing but a stupid kid, right? You're a nothing! You're a filthy worthless piece of dog manure! You're the sick dog who ate the steaming heaping pile of doggydoo! You're nothing! Who cares what you think and feel? You're just a stupid worthless kid with no potential! Stop trying to live life the "right way" and let yourself fall down!


Give up what stupid morals you have and sleep with every boy AND girl on the block! Get high on every drug on the books and make new ones with your friends! Let every boy (or girl) play with you however they want! Let them do what they will with you! IT doesn't matter! You're burning anyway!














































































It's up to you to make the difference in your life if you want the lies to stop.


Do you want the lies to stop?

Are you worth your own half-sanity?

Or will you just stop fighting because it's not worth the effort anyway?

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man, calm down

this is why life seems so uptight

just sit back

get some money

and have a good time

it makes all the lies stop

and it makes life worth it

but i cant because i don't know how to relax, lauren. ever since i was a child...

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man, calm down

this is why life seems so uptight

just sit back

get some money

and have a good time

it makes all the lies stop

and it makes life worth it

but i cant because i don't know how to relax, lauren. ever since i was a child...

well.. i cant help you there. sorry.

its ok


money can't buy happiness. i'm happier poor than i am rich (unless its bc my boss aint paid me twice yet)

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man, calm down

this is why life seems so uptight

just sit back

get some money

and have a good time

it makes all the lies stop

and it makes life worth it

but i cant because i don't know how to relax, lauren. ever since i was a child...

well.. i cant help you there. sorry.

its ok


money can't buy happiness. i'm happier poor than i am rich (unless its bc my boss aint paid me twice yet)


i never said money could

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  • 2 weeks later...

man, calm down

this is why life seems so uptight

just sit back

get some money

and have a good time

it makes all the lies stop

and it makes life worth it

but i cant because i don't know how to relax, lauren. ever since i was a child...

well.. i cant help you there. sorry.

its ok


money can't buy happiness. i'm happier poor than i am rich (unless its bc my boss aint paid me twice yet)


i never said money could

"get some money/and have a good time/it makes all the lies stop/and it makes life worth it"

Taht would make me happy. But money can't buy relaxation. It can't buy anything anymroe.

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man, calm down

this is why life seems so uptight

just sit back

get some money

and have a good time

it makes all the lies stop

and it makes life worth it

but i cant because i don't know how to relax, lauren. ever since i was a child...

well.. i cant help you there. sorry.

its ok


money can't buy happiness. i'm happier poor than i am rich (unless its bc my boss aint paid me twice yet)


i never said money could

"get some money/and have a good time/it makes all the lies stop/and it makes life worth it"

Taht would make me happy. But money can't buy relaxation. It can't buy anything anymroe.


it can buy somthing that can you relaxed real nice.

but people are so closed minded. just cuz it holds the name 'gateway' doesnt mean its ineviable... its a CHOICE

and yes, i made that choice, i felt that it was right. i know i know, i was wrong. its hard knowing how suicidal ill be in a couple of days :\\

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