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so this is something

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I wrote this but I'm not done.


Planet X


Yellow eyes peered out of the greenery at the stanger. A small cat like creature walked towards the still gray water. Slowly, carefully the cat gained ground on the other side of the lake. Having reach the water, the cat drank with care all the while its eyes on the stanger across from itself. The stanger was a women. Beatiful in apperance, strong in staute, and heasited in actions. With one last look the cat turned and fled into the forest.


The woman across the lake hadn't notice the actions of the cat but was more ocuppied with the water. ' I'll have to jump in ' she thought. At first glance the water seemed harmless and of little worry but the woman knew it was more. It was a portal.

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I wrote this but I'm not done.


Planet X


Yellow eyes peered out of the greenery at the stanger. A small cat like creature walked towards the still gray water. Slowly, carefully the cat gained ground on the other side of the lake. Having reach the water, the cat drank with care all the while its eyes on the stanger across from itself. The stanger was a women. Beatiful in apperance, strong in staute, and heasited in actions. With one last look the cat turned and fled into the forest.


The woman across the lake hadn't notice the actions of the cat but was more ocuppied with the water. ' I'll have to jump in ' she thought. At first glance the water seemed harmless and of little worry but the woman knew it was more. It was a portal.

[You will most definitely have to continue this!!! :D This is going to be phenomenal!!!]

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I have more but I want to know if it would make sesne that I started Chapter 1 at the part that was supposed to be part of the prologe. If that makes sesne tell me but if not then ask, ok?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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