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Unwanted,Unloved and Gone

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The wind blew and then the candle's flame disappeared. The curtains stirred. There was a ghost in the house. At least, Katlin thought there was. But then again a spooky house on a hill was just part of everyday normal life. Right? Katlin looked around the room she was in. It was dark and bleak. There was a window w/ a built in seat, a bed, and a dresser. That was it. " I'm supposed to live in here." Katlin said to no one. She was here in this house because of some bad misfortunes. That was how the oprafeage man said they where. But in real life it was just because they didn't want her any more. Their probably glad I'm gone Katlin thought, Oh well, got to make the best of this. Rain poured outside and Katlin proceeded to sit down and watch. After two hours, the rain was gone and Katlin sat watching the sun come though. The sun is supposed to be bright and cheery and all it gives me it sorrow and pain. As Katlin was lost in her thoughts the door opened and in walked a little man w/ a butler suit on. "Ms. Harman" he said. Katlin didn't even turn around to answer. All she said was "Yes?" "Mr. Fradwin is ready to see you now." "All right." As the man left, Katlin followed, stopped to look at the window again and said "Maybe they'll want me here." With that she left.

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The wind blew and then the candle's flame disappeared. The curtains stirred. There was a ghost in the house. At least, Katlin thought there was. But then again a spooky house on a hill was just part of everyday normal life. Right? Katlin looked around the room she was in. It was dark and bleak. There was a window w/ a built in seat, a bed, and a dresser. That was it. " I'm supposed to live in here." Katlin said to no one. She was here in this house because of some bad misfortunes. That was how the oprafeage man said they where. But in real life it was just because they didn't want her any more. Their probably glad I'm gone Katlin thought, Oh well, got to make the best of this. Rain poured outside and Katlin proceeded to sit down and watch. After two hours, the rain was gone and Katlin sat watching the sun come though. The sun is supposed to be bright and cheery and all it gives me it sorrow and pain. As Katlin was lost in her thoughts the door opened and in walked a little man w/ a butler suit on. "Ms. Harman"� he said. Katlin didn't even turn around to answer. All she said was "Yes?" "Mr. Fradwin is ready to see you now." � "All right." � As the man left, Katlin followed, stopped to look at the window again and said "Maybe they'll want me here." � With that she left.

You get an A++++++++++! Really great!!! :D

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This extra [ / c o l o r ] had to be put in to cancel yours out.

The color quotes need to be reversed in order to work. This program needs to have pretty precise directions. Hope this helps. Click on reply and look at the difference between my post and yours to see what I mean.

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