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And We All Have a Disguise.

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And We All Have a Disguise.


I just want you back,

The way you used to be.

No more lies after lies,

I hate your useless disguise.

Instead of being who everyone wants you to be,

For once can't you just be yourself?!

I once looked up to you,

Like a younger sister should.

But now ...

You're no one.

You're no one to me,

You're no one to anyone.

But now ...

It's just one lie after another,

I wish that again you could just be my brother.

The world has too many expections of you,

And you don't know who to please.

But, can't you just do it for me?

Be yourself.

I don't know who you are anymore,

You put on a mask to hide your expressions.

Maybe that's how the world it,

We're all just faceless mannequins.

The world may not miss the old you,

But I do.

Maybe one day you will see,

The only person left standing is me.

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