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Jesusfreak's poll


Jesusfreak's poll  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Which costume looks best for Halloween???

    • Left
    • Center
    • Right

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This is a poll by Jesusfreak. She would like your vote for which costume looks the best. I added the fourth choice, 'Other', to see if anyone had any ideas they might like to add.


My apologies for the inconvenience, but the library computer is not allowing me to attach her pic. Here is the link to the picture you are to vote on. http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...mp;#entry108661


Thank you for voting.


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Oh, and please don't vote other, because there is no "other' :P (okay so I voted other. It was just so I could see the results)

I can delete it if you want....

*runs off to delete 'Other'*


*wonders if Jesusfreak will be able to see the results now that 'Other' has been deleted*

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Oh, and please don't vote other, because there is no "other' :P (okay so I voted other. It was just so I could see the results)

I can delete it if you want....

*runs off to delete 'Other'*


*wonders if Jesusfreak will be able to see the results now that 'Other' has been deleted*

I can still see them. Thanks! ^_^

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I voted for the one on the right, cause i think it is betterest. THey are all good, but that one is the best.

I liked them all, but the right side won the vote. :D Of course, the designer of the blue dress might not like to see how you altered his/her creation.

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I voted for the one on the right, cause i think it is betterest. THey are all good, but that one is the best.

I liked them all, but the right side won the vote. :D Of course, the designer of the blue dress might not like to see how you altered his/her creation.

XD The dress isn't altered. The fairy wings are removable. The one on the right seems to have the most votes overall, both here and on some other websites. It actually works out well, because I can wear the blue dress to the spring formal instead. :)

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Wow, the right has gotten all 4 votes so far. XD Yeah, I don't have a clue what I'm gonna be this year. Probably something that shows irony.

It's up to 5 now. :blink: In the other places I posted that picture and question the first and last ones got the most votes overall, so this poll tips the scale in favor of the one on the right.

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After much deliberation, I am going to have two halloween costumes. One for a party, the other for trick-or-treating. The party is going to be Flava Flave. xD for halloween, i will be clark kent! =D

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After much deliberation, I am going to have two halloween costumes. One for a party, the other for trick-or-treating. The party is going to be Flava Flave. xD for halloween, i will be clark kent! =D


pretty much! =D

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So what is everyone else going as for Halloween?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Yeah, 'n MK's gonna do her hair like that, too. >D

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I voted for da middle...its pretty, even tho its not very halloween-ish.......


what should i be? i just got back from my old school's halloween party, i went cuz i had to babysit there cuz the kid's parents were both working there.....i didnt dress up......what should i be????????

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So what is everyone else going as for Halloween?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Yeah, 'n MK's gonna do her hair like that, too. >D

XD Lovely.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


No I;m not....


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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These are some pretty easy costume ideas (some easier than others, depending on your age):


Cat: Black clothes, cat ears and tail, face paint.


Witch: Black dress, witch hat


Celebrity: Wear any formal clothing (be sure to pick which one you are)


Bunny: light colored sweat pants and sweatshirt and bunny ears.


Employee of (wherever you work): If you have a required uniform where you work or for something you do, just wear your uniform.


Fairy: Pretty dress/skirt and fairy wings


Princess: Prom dress and a tiara


Ancient Greek: one word: Toga

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These are some pretty easy costume ideas (some easier than others, depending on your age):


Cat: Black clothes, cat ears and tail, face paint.


Witch: Black dress, witch hat


Celebrity: Wear any formal clothing (be sure to pick which one you are)


Bunny: light colored sweat pants and sweatshirt and bunny ears.


Employee of (wherever you work): If you have a required uniform where you work or for something you do, just wear your uniform.


Fairy: Pretty dress/skirt and fairy wings


Princess: Prom dress and a tiara


Ancient Greek: one word: Toga

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Beevis OR Butt-head: Take a Metallica or AC/DC shirt and take the collar and put it over your head so it looks like a hoodie.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Asronomy Domine*~*

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