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i can be as many people as i want

as long as i smile and tell each person

theyre own version of truth

its not that im lying

they just cant know

exactly how much i despise food

i never wanna be in her shoes, socks or panty hoes

i just dont

i will be pure hearted fun loving druggie with a negivtive attitude and a group of BEST friends

to each her own

but to me im a nothing

i cant define

in my mind im terrible

just need to stay high

be high

on life

on drugs

on my baby who ill never let go

as long as im happy

as long as im thin

as long as they think im clean

as long as i can hide my scars, my burns, my razors

my cd collection is filling up my room

the designs catch them all

im proud of what ive got

i need to show threw

i had a heart-to-heart with my best yesterday

and i told her i dont what its going to take to make me CARE

i cant live this way

and we, were just confused girls

growing up and living

smoking and drinking

cutting and running from our pains

we need to turn to things

abandoned as a kid

pressures to perfects

#### and abuse

the lack of love

lack of money

lack of feelings

turned to things we can fix this with

held within our minds

we share this

to each their own

but all the same inside

i feel their pains

i hurt inside

i cant escape these thoughts..

these feelings

hopeless, worthless

turned up volumes, shutting out the olders

screaming for a moment of peace

perfection shattered

maybe when we learn more they try explaining

no, #### that

we need this now

no more excuses

we will break free

stay cold

stay together

anything to feel alive

to be alive

is neither possitive nor negative

internal battle.

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