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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Draw the person above you


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Hooray! Yeah. Topic name explains it, really, but I want to lay down some rules.


But I won't, because the only rule is you have to draw the person abve you, in MS pain(t) or photoshop or flash or by hand, whatever you want. Yeah. o_o




Oh, btw, I'll draw the person below me, even though the game is draw the person above you, because I want to draw someone.


Hmm. I got a random thought that I won't elaborate on because this isn't the time nor topic.

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well, i will start it off.post-6475-1161024225_thumb.jpg

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


Let's see if my brother's compy is being nice today...


Nope. Sorry.


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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