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Letters to Mercia

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Dear Mercia,


Hello, dear, how are you doing? As you know from the address, I have moved from Bucking to Marchan. I miss you dearly, my sister. If only we could see each other one more time. Hey, we could start a business! I can see it now... "Mercia and Josly's Widgets". Hah, if only.


Well, Mercia, I must tell you, I never thought that Reddick would not be straight. I mean, we did spend almsot eighteen months together, and he never told me he went both ways? I suppose it was better for him to keep it until I was weak and wouldn't kill him, but still. Why now do I still love and wish to court him?


Alas, I suppose I am simply weak enough to love him for all he's worth and more. Mother dislikes the idea of us marrying, though we do wish to once he returns from Merthar. Yes, he's moving back up to Scandia, Mert., for a year until his parents decide to return, or he moves down for good for me. After all, he is almost 18, as am I, and we can't wait to see each other again.


Of course, that would mean that he's moving away, and with this illness of his... I fear he may lost it up there in Merthar. I know of his past and how he believes he won't return, but... Oh, Mercia, I'm so worried! I'm so worried he'll leave me for whomever he chooses to help him with this illness. I wish he didn't have to move. Moreover, I wish he would tell me why in the devil's pradas' names he must move. But nay, for I lied to him once too often, and now I must pay for that.


Oh, Mercia, I can't wait to hear from you again. I do so enjoy reading your letters. Well, I'm afraid I must be going, so I shall wait until you reply to tell you more.


Goodnight, little sister.


Much love and a smile for confidence,


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