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Renegade Angels

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Yeah, I know. I can't even keep up with the stories I write, but this idea has been in my head for a really long time. My spelling/grammar isn't too great, since I don't have a way to edit it on this computer. Sorry. D:< If I could post a song that went along with this story, it would have to be I Am Ghost's newer verison of "Pretty People Never Lie, Vampires Never Die". So, if you like the story go listen to the song.


[Chapter One -- Epilogue]

I looked at Lucifer from the street. He was laying oh-so gracefully on a puffy, white cloud, wasting his meaningless day away. A car drove on the street, and I didn't even to get out of its way. It just went right through my invisible body. In a flash, I was standing on the cloud, looking over Lucifer. In the silence of our company, I compared myself to him.


I was dressed in a pure white tunic, a thick leather strap hung on myself like a sash, a gold sword hung at the bottom in its sheath. My white feathered wings draped on my back. Lucifer, on the other hand, was dressed in a once-white tunic as well. It had become black and grey from ash and fire. The hems were burnt and reaked of death and smoke. The area where his full wings once glossend in the sun were now just blackened stubs of bone and flesh, with a handful of black feathers. The good-looking Lucifer once had blonde hair and gorgeous green eyes. Now his hair had become ashen and black. His eyes were grey with sorrow.


"You're gorgeous, you know that though, don't you Uriel? Your deep blue eyes just look like they can see right through you. And don't get me started on that black hair ..." He reached out a hand to stroke my hair. I slapped it away. "You're very touchy when the sun is out."


"But I'm not prideful," I stated.


"I never said you were. You only comitted one virtue." I sighed. "What? I fell because I comitted all seven of the deadly sins, and so much more ...


"So, then, why has the lovely Uriel decided to confront me in the middle of the day? The holy angels could be watching!" He sarcasticly gasped.


"I'm afraid ..." I looked at my feet as I spoke. "The head angels are talking with our Master over my denoucement today. I think ..."


"You will become one of the untouchables? The fallen? It's really not so bad ..."


"Bite your tounge!"


"Well, c'mon. You're one of the higher angels. What you did was minor. They might give you a warning, a slap on the wrist."


"They don't do that."


Lucifer closed his eyes to think. "You-"


But by the time he opened his eyes, Uriel had already flown away.

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Umm. -cough-


Well. As we all know, Toto is a very lazy person. Lazy is as lazy does. Which is nothing.




Alright. I'll try to think of something to make you people happy. Haha. Give me a couple of months. Haha.


So much laughter.

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Umm. -cough-


Well. As we all know, Toto is a very lazy person. Lazy is as lazy does. Which is nothing.




Alright. I'll try to think of something to make you people happy. Haha. Give me a couple of months. Haha.


So much laughter.

Be lazy while you are young. You will have no time to be lazy later in life.

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Umm. -cough-


Well. As we all know, Toto is a very lazy person. Lazy is as lazy does. Which is nothing.




Alright. I'll try to think of something to make you people happy. Haha. Give me a couple of months. Haha.


So much laughter.

Be lazy while you are young. You will have no time to be lazy later in life.

YES o:

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It's spiffy! :D More would be sweet, but it would be hypocritical of me to demand more when I used to post the first chapter of something and then forget it. XD

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It's spiffy! :D More would be sweet, but it would be hypocritical of me to demand more when I used to post the first chapter of something and then forget it. XD

Haha, I have a tendency to get sidetracked, too. Which is why I'm no longer releasing stories until I can get a finished one. =D

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  • 3 months later...
It's spiffy! :D More would be sweet, but it would be hypocritical of me to demand more when I used to post the first chapter of something and then forget it. XD

Haha, I have a tendency to get sidetracked, too. Which is why I'm no longer releasing stories until I can get a finished one. =D

We all get sidetracked sometimes... but that is a great first chapter! if that was a real book i would so totally read the whole thing! :D

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