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Two insane dreams(no HD relation)

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These are more self-notes about dreams I had last night than anything. But, if you wish to read you may.


Okay, so one was one about God. It was crazy. It was like, there was a paper. I was having a sleepover and it was like, the paper was something that EVERYONE had for no apparent reason. So the paper starts writing on itself. Some mumbo-jumbo about yeah this is God I exist. And then there was this thing where I had to cut out an "I" and then the paper would become full again and I'd have to cut out a new letter or else God would blow up the world and it spelled out "I love you God" and then God was like yeah I exist again but you'll forget all about this by tomorrow. So time goes by and the next night(dreamly speaking) a moon is out and I look towards the sky and I'm like, "Hey God, is it okay to cuss?" and He had an interesting answer. He said, "Yeah, sure you might need it for comebacks." Now, that part of the dream definitely didn't make sense. Then suddenly this alien spaceship comes along and blows up a couple of buildings and I'm like, "God, please do something!" but nothing happened, God or someone was just standing next to me looking bewildered. Umm... and then a "The End" flashed up and all of a sudden I'm in a movie theatre confused. Across the screen, it said, "That's what happens when you stop believing." or something random like that. Then it becomes DVD like, and I'm able to choose to see the next scenes, and all of a sudden theres a park and a shed. I'm back IN the "movie" in the shed that the "camera" moved into. There are stacks of newspapers in this shed, and the titles are about what had happened previously, but it was as though none of it had ever happened. I stood in this shed, trying to think if all of that was real or not, and I'm leaning bakc, talking to someone. I can't remember exactly what happened.


And here's dream two. So I'm with my boyfriend, and a few friends. I'll call each friend by different names. So my boyfriend, Mcl, and Lo(girl), and two guy friends, Th, and Ju(year older than all of us). We go to a two story book store. I'm holding hands with Mcl, and the other three are walking with us. Mcl and Lo decide to go upstairs. So I'm in 3rd person point of view currently. I can see me, Th, and Ju, and right above are Mcl and Lo. They're reading books, distracted. Th, Ju, and I are in this one section. Th is looking at a book and all of a sudden Ju and I are kissing. That was totally wrong, yo. And so that ends. Next day, in my mind, I'm like, "I have to break up with Mcl and tell him what happened." So for some odd reason Th, Mcl, and Lo are all sitting in the visitors bleachers of the high school football field. Ju and I walk over, and I say, "Mcl, Ju and I kissed yesterday at the bookstore and I think we should break up." Mcl says all chill, "Okay." And it's crazy because nobody cares and everyone is happy. That dream makes me sound like a terrible person . >.<

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There's this weird "creepy dream" virus going around. Dunno.


This morning I was dreaming, and there was this big, black scorpion chasing me. My mom walked in my room to wake me up, and I just totally freaked out, and jumped out of my bed. I think we need medication or something. =3

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I had a dream once that I was playin' teh Sims... and you know how sometimes a dood calls and says they need to check something on your phone, and not to pick it up next time it rings.

That happened in my dream, and i was like, tellin the sims not to get the phone. but it like, wouldnt stop ringing. The phone ringing was really my sister trying to wake me up, but I didnt, cuz I wasnt supposed to pick up the phone. XD


Another time, i dont remember what I was dreaming about, but the cat jumped up on my bed being all cute and fluffy, like kitties are s'posta do, but I freaked out and accidentally kicked the kitty across the room when I woke up. it was hilarious. XD

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I had a dream once that I was playin' teh Sims... and you know how sometimes a dood calls and says they need to check something on your phone, and not to pick it up next time it rings.

That happened in my dream, and i was like, tellin the sims not to get the phone. but it like, wouldnt stop ringing. The phone ringing was really my sister trying to wake me up, but I didnt, cuz I wasnt supposed to pick up the phone. XD


Another time, i dont remember what I was dreaming about, but the cat jumped up on my bed being all cute and fluffy, like kitties are s'posta do, but I freaked out and accidentally kicked the kitty across the room when I woke up. it was hilarious. XD

I need to try the phone dream, it seems like a good excuse for when I do not want to do something. :lol:


As for the poor kitty... you are lucky he didn't come back with his kitty friends and seek revenge!

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

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Crud. I was partially through my reply and I missed a key by a longshot and accidently hit the shutdown button on the keyboard. Why the heck do they put it there anyways? O_o




My weird dream, as I mentioned in that topic where I'm talking about being sick.


It started out as an expedition. Everyone was running around doing stuff. They all looked small. I was in first person, but for once I couldn't control myself. Dreams where I have no control over what happened are rare. Anyways. Everyone was doing expedition-y stuff. We were in the campsite from when my dad 'n I were camping. People seemed to still be arriving - people were driving up and getting out. Suddenly, this girl shone like mad and dramatically turned into a giant eagle. And flew around the area. We were soon all trying to get her back by shouting at her and stuff. But she didn't come back, she just flew around. By now I wasn't in the dream, I was just watching it. And then, she went lower, flying around these two pillars (with one person on each pillar) that were standing up out of a volcano. And she swooped and stole one of the people, who somehow got from hanging onto her claws for dear life onto her back. For some reason we all knew that he was her brother. Anyway. They flew around for a while, us trying to get her to give him back, but then something happened and he was no longer on her back, he was on the sand (which was now actually rock, with a river alongside it) and was becoming a tree. I remember suddenly being back in the dream, dodging the roots as they grew madly. And I was out again. He had grown up to be a huge tree, interwoven with a mountain, about half a kilometer high at least. The odd thing is, every time we touched the tree, the giant eagle got hurt. And the tree seemed to like hugs. But the giant eagle was hurt by it all the same. Another brother, while the tree was growing, tried to talk to his sister. But she just swooped and caught a fish that looked just like cheese's avatar and flew back up with it. As she was flying back up there were numerous shouts of, "Look! She's got wurm!" and stuff like that, which suggested that a) I was now in third person and B) I was now a fish. That looked like cheese's avatar. And I was a giant eagle's brother. Anyway. I disappeared soon after. The brother that tried to talk to her undertook a similar transformation as the one that his sister did, except he turned into a rat, not giant, and didn't shine nearly as much. And I woke up. But, for some reason, I was still dreaming. I couldn't control my imagination, I was still watching the dream, despite being awake. I saw my sister take him, too. She took him up to the top of the tree, also the top of the mountain, and put him on the tree, who was talking, saying stuff like, "You can sleep here." "This is your home." "You can go onto those leaves if you can sleep there." It was very odd. And the eagle turned back into a girl and lowered the rat onto the part of the tree, crying, seemingly with happiness. And the rat looked around and explored everywhere with his eyes. And he stepped towards the part that he couldn't go on until he could sleep on the flimsier part that was now 'his home' and his sister, human again as I mentioned earlier, cried harder. But she still seemed to be happier. And then someone from down the bottom shouted up at the rat, "If you take another step forward she is free." Or something like that. And then I could hear the rat's thoughts, he was very nevous of doing this, and he moved to take another step, his paw reaching out, while she cried harder and harder as he got closer and closer to putting his paw down, and then he finally did it. His sister fell off the mountain/tree, crying, but very happy too.


Then I was suddenly looking at some paper, with silhouettes on them. The fish, the tree and the rat. Apparently we were making 'shadow puppets'. Anyway. The teacher supervising looked at what I was doing, and as I walked out of the room I could hear him say, "Ahh, I know how you feel. Making shadow puppets is so boring."


And that's when my dream finally ended. I had another later on, but I can't remember it. And it wasn't as weird as this.

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Crud. I was partially through my reply and I missed a key by a longshot and accidently hit the shutdown button on the keyboard. Why the heck do they put it there anyways? O_o




My weird dream, as I mentioned in that topic where I'm talking about being sick.


It started out as an expedition. Everyone was running around doing stuff. They all looked small. I was in first person, but for once I couldn't control myself. Dreams where I have no control over what happened are rare. Anyways. Everyone was doing expedition-y stuff. We were in the campsite from when my dad 'n I were camping. People seemed to still be arriving - people were driving up and getting out. Suddenly, this girl shone like mad and dramatically turned into a giant eagle. And flew around the area. We were soon all trying to get her back by shouting at her and stuff. But she didn't come back, she just flew around. By now I wasn't in the dream, I was just watching it. And then, she went lower, flying around these two pillars (with one person on each pillar) that were standing up out of a volcano. And she swooped and stole one of the people, who somehow got from hanging onto her claws for dear life onto her back. For some reason we all knew that he was her brother. Anyway. They flew around for a while, us trying to get her to give him back, but then something happened and he was no longer on her back, he was on the sand (which was now actually rock, with a river alongside it) and was becoming a tree. I remember suddenly being back in the dream, dodging the roots as they grew madly. And I was out again. He had grown up to be a huge tree, interwoven with a mountain, about half a kilometer high at least. The odd thing is, every time we touched the tree, the giant eagle got hurt. And the tree seemed to like hugs. But the giant eagle was hurt by it all the same. Another brother, while the tree was growing, tried to talk to his sister. But she just swooped and caught a fish that looked just like cheese's avatar and flew back up with it. As she was flying back up there were numerous shouts of, "Look! She's got wurm!" and stuff like that, which suggested that a) I was now in third person and B) I was now a fish. That looked like cheese's avatar. And I was a giant eagle's brother. Anyway. I disappeared soon after. The brother that tried to talk to her undertook a similar transformation as the one that his sister did, except he turned into a rat, not giant, and didn't shine nearly as much. And I woke up. But, for some reason, I was still dreaming. I couldn't control my imagination, I was still watching the dream, despite being awake. I saw my sister take him, too. She took him up to the top of the tree, also the top of the mountain, and put him on the tree, who was talking, saying stuff like, "You can sleep here." "This is your home." "You can go onto those leaves if you can sleep there." It was very odd. And the eagle turned back into a girl and lowered the rat onto the part of the tree, crying, seemingly with happiness. And the rat looked around and explored everywhere with his eyes. And he stepped towards the part that he couldn't go on until he could sleep on the flimsier part that was now 'his home' and his sister, human again as I mentioned earlier, cried harder. But she still seemed to be happier. And then someone from down the bottom shouted up at the rat, "If you take another step forward she is free." Or something like that. And then I could hear the rat's thoughts, he was very nevous of doing this, and he moved to take another step, his paw reaching out, while she cried harder and harder as he got closer and closer to putting his paw down, and then he finally did it. His sister fell off the mountain/tree, crying, but very happy too.


Then I was suddenly looking at some paper, with silhouettes on them. The fish, the tree and the rat. Apparently we were making 'shadow puppets'. Anyway. The teacher supervising looked at what I was doing, and as I walked out of the room I could hear him say, "Ahh, I know how you feel. Making shadow puppets is so boring."


And that's when my dream finally ended. I had another later on, but I can't remember it. And it wasn't as weird as this.


What a dream.

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD

Yay at Arkcher for noticing that! XD

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Crud. I was partially through my reply and I missed a key by a longshot and accidently hit the shutdown button on the keyboard. Why the heck do they put it there anyways? O_o




My weird dream, as I mentioned in that topic where I'm talking about being sick.


It started out as an expedition. Everyone was running around doing stuff. They all looked small. I was in first person, but for once I couldn't control myself. Dreams where I have no control over what happened are rare. Anyways. Everyone was doing expedition-y stuff. We were in the campsite from when my dad 'n I were camping. People seemed to still be arriving - people were driving up and getting out. Suddenly, this girl shone like mad and dramatically turned into a giant eagle. And flew around the area. We were soon all trying to get her back by shouting at her and stuff. But she didn't come back, she just flew around. By now I wasn't in the dream, I was just watching it. And then, she went lower, flying around these two pillars (with one person on each pillar) that were standing up out of a volcano. And she swooped and stole one of the people, who somehow got from hanging onto her claws for dear life onto her back. For some reason we all knew that he was her brother. Anyway. They flew around for a while, us trying to get her to give him back, but then something happened and he was no longer on her back, he was on the sand (which was now actually rock, with a river alongside it) and was becoming a tree. I remember suddenly being back in the dream, dodging the roots as they grew madly. And I was out again. He had grown up to be a huge tree, interwoven with a mountain, about half a kilometer high at least. The odd thing is, every time we touched the tree, the giant eagle got hurt. And the tree seemed to like hugs. But the giant eagle was hurt by it all the same. Another brother, while the tree was growing, tried to talk to his sister. But she just swooped and caught a fish that looked just like cheese's avatar and flew back up with it. As she was flying back up there were numerous shouts of, "Look! She's got wurm!" and stuff like that, which suggested that a) I was now in third person and B) I was now a fish. That looked like cheese's avatar. And I was a giant eagle's brother. Anyway. I disappeared soon after. The brother that tried to talk to her undertook a similar transformation as the one that his sister did, except he turned into a rat, not giant, and didn't shine nearly as much. And I woke up. But, for some reason, I was still dreaming. I couldn't control my imagination, I was still watching the dream, despite being awake. I saw my sister take him, too. She took him up to the top of the tree, also the top of the mountain, and put him on the tree, who was talking, saying stuff like, "You can sleep here." "This is your home." "You can go onto those leaves if you can sleep there." It was very odd. And the eagle turned back into a girl and lowered the rat onto the part of the tree, crying, seemingly with happiness. And the rat looked around and explored everywhere with his eyes. And he stepped towards the part that he couldn't go on until he could sleep on the flimsier part that was now 'his home' and his sister, human again as I mentioned earlier, cried harder. But she still seemed to be happier. And then someone from down the bottom shouted up at the rat, "If you take another step forward she is free." Or something like that. And then I could hear the rat's thoughts, he was very nevous of doing this, and he moved to take another step, his paw reaching out, while she cried harder and harder as he got closer and closer to putting his paw down, and then he finally did it. His sister fell off the mountain/tree, crying, but very happy too.


Then I was suddenly looking at some paper, with silhouettes on them. The fish, the tree and the rat. Apparently we were making 'shadow puppets'. Anyway. The teacher supervising looked at what I was doing, and as I walked out of the room I could hear him say, "Ahh, I know how you feel. Making shadow puppets is so boring."


And that's when my dream finally ended. I had another later on, but I can't remember it. And it wasn't as weird as this.


What a dream.

Well, I suppose that's what happens when you sleep when sick.

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD

Yay at Arkcher for noticing that! XD

Okay... I am a little bit slow. Where did you mention anything about snakes on an airplane?????????? :huh:

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD

Yay at Arkcher for noticing that! XD

Okay... I am a little bit slow. Where did you mention anything about snakes on an airplane?????????? :huh:

I said "snakes on a bed", which was making fun of the movie title Snakes on a Plane.

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD

Yay at Arkcher for noticing that! XD

Okay... I am a little bit slow. Where did you mention anything about snakes on an airplane?????????? :huh:

I said "snakes on a bed", which was making fun of the movie title Snakes on a Plane.

*slaps forehead yet again*


I was thinking about the corn/rat snakes that were outside my cage terrorizing me. For real!!!

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD

Yay at Arkcher for noticing that! XD

well, i was gonna say something, but arkcher had already beaten me too it.

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD

Yay at Arkcher for noticing that! XD

Okay... I am a little bit slow. Where did you mention anything about snakes on an airplane?????????? :huh:

I said "snakes on a bed", which was making fun of the movie title Snakes on a Plane.

*slaps forehead yet again*


I was thinking about the corn/rat snakes that were outside my cage terrorizing me. For real!!!

Shouldn't something be done about that?

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




Cookies for whoever finds out what that stands for.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Haha. Yesterday I was thinking about how my library books are more than a week overdue, and last night in my dream I went to the library and found these awesome books that I just couldn't live without checking them out. But then I remembered how I had some books that were overdue, and I couldn't get anymore books until I returned them.


-rolls eyes- What a geek dream. LOL.

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




Cookies for whoever finds out what that stands for.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Please enlighten me so I know there are no unapproved words you might be referring to. I will edit it out.

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




Cookies for whoever finds out what that stands for.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Please enlighten me so I know there are no unapproved words you might be referring to. I will edit it out.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


OH NO! I JUST REVEALED IT! *Puts all the ecidence in the Meat Grinder*


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




Cookies for whoever finds out what that stands for.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Please enlighten me so I know there are no unapproved words you might be referring to. I will edit it out.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


OH NO! I JUST REVEALED IT! *Puts all the ecidence in the Meat Grinder*


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I thought so. I have edited it, so nothing has been revealed. You will have to let me know if you would prefer to have a different letter inserted.


Thank you for letting me know. By the way... I am being kicked off the library computer in less than 15 minutes, so I will not be able to reply. Just mod. Max is still in the hospital and we are still waiting for parts.

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One time when I was like, nine, I woke up in the middle of the night and for some reason I thought my cat's tail was a snake and I was all "OHMYGAWDSNAKESONABED!" and I ran out of my room then figured out it was my cat. ._.;;


But yeah. I had some weird dream recently, but all I remember about it was that it was weird. I think it may have had something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.

now Would you prefer snakes on a bed, or snakes on a plane? XD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




Cookies for whoever finds out what that stands for.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Please enlighten me so I know there are no unapproved words you might be referring to. I will edit it out.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


OH NO! I JUST REVEALED IT! *Puts all the ecidence in the Meat Grinder*


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I thought so. I have edited it, so nothing has been revealed. You will have to let me know if you would prefer to have a different letter inserted.


Thank you for letting me know. By the way... I am being kicked off the library computer in less than 15 minutes, so I will not be able to reply. Just mod. Max is still in the hospital and we are still waiting for parts.

*~*The Frand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The only words I can think of that can replace it is deleted, deleted and deleted.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*Puts all the ecidence in the Meat Grinder*


(because I'm hungry)


Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. ;)


*awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict*

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It is odd that I dreamt about God telling me he existed and then God telling me it's okay to cuss because I might need comebacks of all things. And then dreaming about cheating on my boyfriend right after, when I hate people who cheat. Right?

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*Puts all the ecidence in the Meat Grinder*


(because I'm hungry)


Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. ;)


*awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict*

LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. :P And this all without my glasses.

You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up.

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*Puts all the ecidence in the Meat Grinder*


(because I'm hungry)


Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. ;)


*awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict*

LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. :P And this all without my glasses.

You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up.

why don't you have your glasses?

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*Puts all the ecidence in the Meat Grinder*


(because I'm hungry)


Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. ;)


*awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict*

LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. :P And this all without my glasses.

You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up.

why don't you have your glasses?

Because I ran out of my cage and left them next to the bed.


I have them now!!! :lol:

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*Puts all the ecidence in the Meat Grinder*


(because I'm hungry)


Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. ;)


*awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict*

LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. :P And this all without my glasses.

You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up.

why don't you have your glasses?

Because I ran out of my cage and left them next to the bed.


I have them now!!! :lol:

I have done that before. *hates it*

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*Puts all the ecidence in the Meat Grinder*


(because I'm hungry)


Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. ;)


*awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict*

LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. :P And this all without my glasses.

You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up.

why don't you have your glasses?

Because I ran out of my cage and left them next to the bed.


I have them now!!! :lol:

I have done that before. *hates it*

I tried the old string attached to the glasses trick, but they hung around my neck and would interfere with my running. Then if I tried eating, some of the food would always end up on the inside of the glasses and that was completely the most disgusting thing. So, I just have to keep trying to keep them in my paw.

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*Puts all the ecidence in the Meat Grinder*


(because I'm hungry)


Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. ;)


*awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict*

LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. :P And this all without my glasses.

You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up.

why don't you have your glasses?

Because I ran out of my cage and left them next to the bed.


I have them now!!! :lol:

I have done that before. *hates it*

I tried the old string attached to the glasses trick, but they hung around my neck and would interfere with my running. Then if I tried eating, some of the food would always end up on the inside of the glasses and that was completely the most disgusting thing. So, I just have to keep trying to keep them in my paw.


mine never fall off, not even on roller coasters. XD Maybe my hair helps keep it on? I dunno. :P

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*Puts all the ecidence in the Meat Grinder*


(because I'm hungry)


Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. ;)


*awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict*

LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. :P And this all without my glasses.

You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up.

why don't you have your glasses?

Because I ran out of my cage and left them next to the bed.


I have them now!!! :lol:

I have done that before. *hates it*

I tried the old string attached to the glasses trick, but they hung around my neck and would interfere with my running. Then if I tried eating, some of the food would always end up on the inside of the glasses and that was completely the most disgusting thing. So, I just have to keep trying to keep them in my paw.


mine never fall off, not even on roller coasters. XD Maybe my hair helps keep it on? I dunno. :P

First, I have fur. Second... have you seen the position of my ears? I have specially designed glasses to stay on my head. *thinks*

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