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SleepyTime-an Invision Story

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Out of boredom.]


"Good Night, Horatio!" chimed the other hamsters as Horatio climbed into his small Hamster bed. He was really tired from having to run from the Library and to Circuit City, since his laptop was broken and he was tired. So he fell asleep right away and began to have a glorious dream filled with Pixuie Styix and Gumdrops....

...when he fell out of his dream-cloud, right on the hard floor of his cage. "Oww!" He yelled, but then noticed himself. "Gee, is that me?" he said. He looked above his head at the dream-cloud and noticed a hole in it. "Oh, I fell out of my dream. Stupid Falling dream." Just as he was about to jump back in, he noticed another dream-cloud from another room-who's was it?

"I'll find out," he said to himself and jumped off.


Horatio discovered it to be none other than Cheesemaster's dream. Cheesie had just been vacationing in the Mushroom Isles when he decided to take a break at Hamsterking's Castle on his way back home to the Port Of Cheese. Horatio jumped into his dream.


As Horatio fell into Cheesie's dream, he found that Cheesemaster was dreaming about Ninjas. Cheese Ninjas. Typical.

"Horatio!" said Cheese, who was commanding his Cheese Ninja Army. "What are you doing here? I didn't dream you. Did I?"

"yes!" said Horatio. "Well, you better move...." Horatio was suddenly trampled by all the cheesy ninjas, and was shot out of the dream.

He landed outside the castle, where his plane was parked. He was scared, when he got an idea.

"I think I should travel all over Invision and visit everyone's dreams!" He said.

But who first?


Horatio hopped in hs plane and started flying. 'Hmmmm...." he thought. He then spotted Arkcher and Mushroom_king's Mansion on Mt. Jazzeh. "I'll go there." He said.


Horatio flew his plane into a small mound of snow near the door and went inside, walking as fast as he could up to their bedroom. He found Arkcher asleep, witha Dream Bubble floating iver his head. Horatio climbed up the nightstand into his dream.


Horatio found himself in a land made completly of GameCubes and other Nintendo systems. He found Arkcher sitting in a big, comfy chair playing with hs DS.


"Hi, Arkcher." said Horatio.


No answer.




No Answer!


"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKCHEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR!" Horatio yelled so loudly he thought he would run out of air.


"Yea Yea Yea Wha' You wan'. <_<"


Okay I have to srtop there. Sorry.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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"Wait a second. e_e What teh heck are j00 doin' in meh dream?"

"I dunno," said Horatio, shrugging his shoulders.

"Pff," muttered Arkcher. "wannna play Gamecube?"


So Horatio and Arkcher played Gamecube for what seemed like Hours.

"I WIN!" Shouted Arkcher, doing a Vistory dance. Horatio assumed teh Fetal position and wiggled his way out of the dream. He landed on Mushroom_;king's head. He was about to jump in the dream-cloud when he contemplated it. "What will happen to me in this dream?" he thought. He closed his eyes and jumped into M's dream.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Horatio flew into Mk's dream and right into a very large wall. He looked around him. Everything...Black...and white...?

He looked down at his body. It matched the rest of the dream.

"I'd better hide..." he said to himself, but lowered it to a whisper. "From MK..she will kill me if she finds me..."


Horatio tiptoed across the base of The Wall, and decided to look around. he was in space. Below him were several mountains, and Grey Rivers to match this Galactic Negative, [Not to change the subject, but that would make a pretty sweet band name.] and saw that he was in space. Several constellations of MK's favourite things bounced among the black, black endlessness.

Horatio decided he needed to climb The Wall and try to find a way out of the river area, before he got caughtin one of them. The Walls were slippery.

Horatio looked around him, and saw a small, hamster sized starship sitting near the mouth of a river. "Jefferson!" He said, and climbed inside the silent vehicle. Several others were driving them. Although the scene was peaceful, it was quite noisy, but silent as well. It was like that feeling you get when you are at a pool and it's very loud and you dip your ears underwater, but you can still slightly hear everything and it is muffeled.

Horatio heared the sounds of a speech on the other side of The Wall. He flew faster and Faster.


Horatio looked up and found that several of the charecters from MK's imagination were dancing across the wall. There was also a Pink Floyd Clock on top. "This is mixed up!" He muttered, and kept flying.

Horatio looked over at the other side of the wall and saw many people sitting, listening to MK talk. She was the only one with Colour.


"She's giving a World Domination speech?!"


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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