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tonight wasnt the same

i picked my heart up

and walked away from you

from the warmth

of lies

of words

spoken thru closed lips

i slamed the door

and didnt look back

i called my friend

and ignored your steps

i felt power


you followed

head in shame

should I be the one shamed?

i really dont know

what happened

how it started

or why it matters so deep in your heart

but i counted the minutes


i couldnt stand it

i laughed it off


i was hurting you.

and something inside loved it

does this make me evil?

i just needed to make you feel it

do you understand now?


i was cold

blatter full

but i walked forever

3 feet in front of yours sorrowed heart

i dare look back

just to see if you care


i left that car

and i felt the winter

on my lips,

on my hips

and i wondered

how many minutes would we do this dance?

in the cold, freezing cold

i was shivering, chattering

your underweight

i wondered how you stood the air

you did it for me

and i walked on


i had to leave

and thats the only thing that made you speak a word

when i hung up the phone


and walked into the dark woods

middle of the road

you answered

voice cracked


slowly at first

but we walked on

so i could go to the bathroom, in your house

i gave up

we needed to get all these words out

without your mother

so i went in the woods

and i returned to my broken baby weeping sweetly on the bridge

i held him close

and told him everything was okay

the words were enough

he wept so wholeheartedly

for me

i couldnt help but break down and cry too

we sat there

me on you

crying in the cold air

sitting on the bridge

i found your heart

and you found mine

this was true

this was real

ive never felt this before

its magic

its crazy

i dont understand it

i cant control

it scares me

i love it

i could spend forever in your arms


as we stood, held each other

and both thought identical thoughts

this made us stronger

we talked


we compromised

we listened

i told you something

you didnt even think twice

you told me 'were gonna be late'

and i put my shoes on and handed you yours


freezing cold

and all alone

i wouldnt cry

we wouldnt die

i held your thoughts

of hate in my mind

and i walked on

i never thought id find you deeper

inside all of this

and you kissed me so sweetly goodnight

and i whispered "you are everything" and closed the door.

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yayayayayay im giddy for no reason tonite!

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yayayayayay im giddy for no reason tonite!

thats good i think.

lack of sleep.

it works everytime.

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yayayayayay im giddy for no reason tonite!

thats good i think.

lack of sleep.

it works everytime.

one time i slept over lizz's house and we stayed up all night and we were so high on life

it was insane

i always peed from laughing

we were SO tired..

:o Oh my! :o

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yayayayayay im giddy for no reason tonite!

thats good i think.

lack of sleep.

it works everytime.

one time i slept over lizz's house and we stayed up all night and we were so high on life

it was insane

i always peed from laughing

we were SO tired..

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I wrote a song once called High On Life.


I need to update the Pitch Black Eclipse topic.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domien*~*

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*imagines hammie laughing... and then... well, you know*


lol just teasing.

Oh, trust me, lack of sleep can ruin your judgment.

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*imagines hammie laughing... and then... well, you know*


lol just teasing.

Oh, trust me, lack of sleep can ruin your judgment.

hah i love it.

that's you

I'm so happy! I got like, 8.5 hrs of sleep last night!

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*imagines hammie laughing... and then... well, you know*


lol just teasing.

Oh, trust me, lack of sleep can ruin your judgment.

hah i love it.

that's you

I'm so happy! I got like, 8.5 hrs of sleep last night!


i got like 5. and i didnt do ANY of my homework...

and my hair straightener smells like its burning things.. and its not

and im supposed to go dress shopping today but i dont want to cry!

im so sick of school..

i wish i could just lay with rob in my bed for the rest of forever

we wouldnt even have to talk

just as long as nothing else happened

i hate living

oh so dearly.

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*imagines hammie laughing... and then... well, you know*


lol just teasing.

Oh, trust me, lack of sleep can ruin your judgment.

hah i love it.

that's you

I'm so happy! I got like, 8.5 hrs of sleep last night!


i got like 5. and i didnt do ANY of my homework...

and my hair straightener smells like its burning things.. and its not

and im supposed to go dress shopping today but i dont want to cry!

im so sick of school..

i wish i could just lay with rob in my bed for the rest of forever

we wouldnt even have to talk

just as long as nothing else happened

i hate living

oh so dearly.

*hugs you*

it's okay. look up! it's sunny outside! (or moony, but that's different)


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*imagines hammie laughing... and then... well, you know*


lol just teasing.

Oh, trust me, lack of sleep can ruin your judgment.

hah i love it.

that's you

I'm so happy! I got like, 8.5 hrs of sleep last night!


i got like 5. and i didnt do ANY of my homework...

and my hair straightener smells like its burning things.. and its not

and im supposed to go dress shopping today but i dont want to cry!

im so sick of school..

i wish i could just lay with rob in my bed for the rest of forever

we wouldnt even have to talk

just as long as nothing else happened

i hate living

oh so dearly.

*hugs you*

it's okay. look up! it's sunny outside! (or moony, but that's different)




life is .. odd.

i got in a huge fight with rob and made him go home alone.

then i had mad people and had a mini-party

it was fun.

but i didnt have enough stuff.

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*imagines hammie laughing... and then... well, you know*


lol just teasing.

Oh, trust me, lack of sleep can ruin your judgment.

hah i love it.

that's you

I'm so happy! I got like, 8.5 hrs of sleep last night!


i got like 5. and i didnt do ANY of my homework...

and my hair straightener smells like its burning things.. and its not

and im supposed to go dress shopping today but i dont want to cry!

im so sick of school..

i wish i could just lay with rob in my bed for the rest of forever

we wouldnt even have to talk

just as long as nothing else happened

i hate living

oh so dearly.

*hugs you*

it's okay. look up! it's sunny outside! (or moony, but that's different)




life is .. odd.

i got in a huge fight with rob and made him go home alone.

then i had mad people and had a mini-party

it was fun.

but i didnt have enough stuff.

I'm glad you had a good time.

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