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The Legend Of Giza

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Yea, Man. I'm startin' up meh Giza stories agains.]


[iDK if anyone remembers, but I had stories a long time ago called The Legend Of Giza, but I stopped writing them. But I'm gonna start them up again.]


[The Legend of Giza is about a 10-year old girl kirby named Giza, who live in Kirbytown, a desert city on the outskirts of a forest that is teh Capital of Dreamland, in the Star Kingdom on planet Dreamtopia. Giza is like other kirbies, but she has messy dirty-blonde hair, some of it hanging over her right eye, ane a heart-shaped mark on her forehead.]


[One day, Giza asks her mom if she can go exploring in the grassy, green areas outside of Kirbytown. she agrees to this and allowes her to go exploring by herself. As she's out though, she tumbles upon a thick forest similer to the lost Woods from Ocarina of time. Scared and unable to figure out where she is, she settles down for the night in the woods. But as she does, she gets kidnapped by The Prophacy, the main Deity of Dreamtopia, and goes through a ceremony that turns her into a Star Hero.]


[but I'll skip that part and go right to Giza's first adventure.]


[As Giza explores the areas around her hometown, she finds a small city called Candela, which is a very Mysterious city surrouned by the Mountain of Memories. But something is wrong in peaceful Candela. Will Giza stop the town from being destroyed? :ninja: ]


[Oh, and it's pronounced Gaeza. Not Geeza.]


"Where are we?" asked Japancat, Giza's frend. She was a tall, white Cat with a lovely pale pink Kimono who Giza had befreinded back in Kirbytown, where she had been a rather hip school principal.

"I dunno," said Giza, slowing down, "But I'm tired. I wanna take a break."

Japancat stared off into the distance at the glorious, Snowy mountains that were ahead of them. The mountain was surrounded by a lake, and there were many forests near that.

Giza's Best freind, Katie, reached into Giza's The Color Kirbs backpack and pulled out a map. "Hey," said Giza, turning around. "That's my map. I didn't say you could take it." "But i really wanna find out the name of those mountains, and see if there are any towns nearby." Katie pulled out the map and they of them looked at it. "The Mountain of Memories," said J.C. "The nearest town is just down there. See? Candela." she motioned her paw towards the dot that said "Candela" next to it. "Let's go." said Katie, getting up, but J.C stopped her. "wait. It's oddly quiet. What if it's Dangerous?" she said, and Giza rolled her eyes or would that be eye?) and started walking toward Candela.


The road to the town of Candela was much longer than the group thought. "This is really tiring," whined CatTail, an adult kirby with a well-brushed Brown Cat;s tail. Cattail's husband, Dogttail, continued to lead her on. The sun was setting as The Giza Gang walked inside the gates of Candela.


After clearing into the town, Giza noticed how well-kept it was. Even in the dim sunlight, she noticed that the cobblestone streets, which had specks of gemstones here and there, were well-cleaned. The air was fresh and smelled of Oriental flowers. The houses were built from stone, which was clean, and many houses had herbs or Violets in their windows. "The sun is setting. We better find a place to stay," said Cattail, knowing that even the most beautiful of towns could have criminals, or worse, soliders of Rorre's army. [Rorre being a really really bad guy.] Gladly, they found a small hotel just by the entrance. they walked inside.


The hotel wasn't very fancy, but is was welcoming; the building looked old, and was wooden, and though the wood was not perfect it was well-kept. The lobby was small, had a few tables, a map of the town, and a Shoe-Shiner. Cattail and Dogttail went up to the desk. They had the most money; they were members of the Techno band Dodging Gems. "We'll need to stay here for however long we need," said Doggtail, taking out a black Led Zeppelin wallet and taking out money. "A Room for all of us."

The girl behind the counter finnaly put down her newspaper, and she smiled at him. She was a Toadette, with all-green clothes and long, unbraided brown hair. "Okay," she said, taking the money and handing him a room key. "My name is Niksen, and if you need anything, talk to me. The Giza Gang crammed themselves into the tiny elevator and rode up to their room, which had several beds, a desk, a TV, a closet, a bathroom, and another table. "Sweet, a TV." said Giza, hooking up her Gamecube to the TV. J.C tapped her lighly and said, something is going on outside. Let's go see."

The group sprang up and ran outside to see what was going on.


[Okay that's it. I'll post more later.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Chapter two: The Mark Of The Candela


Half of the city-including The Giza Gang-were out in the streets, examining something in the street.

Giza pushed through the crowd and saw a pile of soil, shaped into a swirly design with a sun in the middle.

"What is it?" said Giza. No on heard her. It's hard being ten, she said sighing. "What is it?" she shouted.

No one hered her. "WHAT IS IT!" she screamed, and the crowd, still talking, looked at her.

A blue Kirby walked up to her and announced: "It's the mark of The Candela."

Giza cocked her head and asked, "Candela? Is that a creature that lives in the mountains? Or maybe the forest?" The kirby said, "Yes. It's a purple fox-cat creature, and they live in the Mountains, although they often come down to the forest. They are highly magical. But they seldom come to the town; they only come when in danger. Something is wrong up there."


[sorry it's so short.]


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[seeing as no one is posting it is rubbish.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Not rubbish. No one is posting because they are trying to help me out. My computer is in the shop and I am going from the library to store to store to the library to try and moderate. So just please give it time.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[seeing as no one is posting it is rubbish.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Not rubbish. No one is posting because they are trying to help me out. My computer is in the shop and I am going from the library to store to store to the library to try and moderate. So just please give it time.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:( I keep forgetting. *Throws myself in the Meat Grinder*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[uhhh...I dunno.]


Chapter 2 continued


"What can we do??" Said Kaitie, franrticlly jumping about. J.C Grabbed her by her Bunny Spears Bookbag and calmed her down. "We don't know," said the blue kirby. "But I have a feeling you nd your're freinds can help us. Follow me."


The Giza Gang followed him across town in a large, electric van. They drove all the wat acroos town, and they walked into a neat little wooden two-story bookshop. A small bell rang as they entered the dusty bookshop.

"Let's Introduce ourselves. My name is Oberon. Your names are...?" The Group said their names and shook his hand. Oberon went over to a coat rack and hung up his scarf and his 50/50 Jacket, and sat down. "It's getting late, and I think you should all be in bed. I'll explain how you can help us tomarrow."


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The final Cut*~*


Giza awoke the next morning with the sun bleating down on the city of Candela. Japancat was already up-today she was wearing a Pale White-Blue Kimono with pictures of clouds, birds, and frogs on it. She was leaning outside, smelling the fresh air. Giza went over to a small Vanity in the room, put on some clear glittery lip gloss, and combed her hair. She and JC then ran downstairs as Oberon called them for Breakfast. The blue kirby had a huge breakfast set out for them-Bagels and doughnuts and cereal and more! "Yaaaay!" said Giza, grabbing a small bowl and pouring some Froot Loops into her small bowl. She then grabbed waay to many bagels. The rest grabbed their favourite foods and sat down.

"We're going to need to read my book of myths today so we can learn more about the Candela so we can go into the forest tommarow, and traverse the mountains, and perhaps help the Candelas. But I'll still have customers, so you might have to study with my daughter, Titania. She is really skill;ed in the study though, so don't worry.


[i'm really sorry, but my arm is tired!]


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy domine*~*

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  • 2 weeks later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


"Okay..." said Giza as Oberon went outside to sell his books.


Just before opening the door, Oberon yelled, "Titania is upatiars. You'll have to go get her."

Giza and her freinds quickly ran up to the bedroom Hallway.

JC looked around, not knowing which one was Titania's room. Titania suddenly stepped out of a room at the end of the hallway, and the others gasped.

Titania wasn't a Kirby-she was some kind of upright-standing creature that resembled an Espeon, but she was fluffier. Insted of the thin tail Espeons had, hers was big and fluffy, like a fox's. She had a head like an Espeon, but she had large, skinny ears, and the bottom half of them was a darker purple than the rest of her body. The tips of her paws were this same shade of purple, while the rest of her body was a lighter, Lavender-ish purple. she also had a red Traingular shape on her forhead, and she wore a thick blue winter coat.

She gracefully walked over to The Giza Gang, and reached out to shake her paws. "Hi, I'm titania. I'm a Candela...but a much more common kind then the ones in the woods."

"They look similer, do they?"

"Yea, but they speak in ancient Candelan, and walk on four feet instead of two."

Giza had the Myths book under her arm. "Well, we need to study those Candela, 'Cau-"

"The Mark of The Candela, Right. I heard about that."


Several Hours later, Titania had finally found out enough info about The Candela and The Mountains of Memories to write a small summary.


"The Candela," she she started to say, "are mystical creatures that are a cross between a fox and an Espeon. They reside in the woods at the foot of the Mountain of Memory, and are known for their intelligence, speed, and Magick skills."

Just below the first paragraph in the book was a drawing of Candela, which looked just like Titania, jumping into a lake. Just below were several stats of it.

"Element: Air, Water, Dark, Earth, Lunar

Length: Normal Candela are 10-14 Inches

Lifespans: Usually Infinite.


The Candela is known for being normally peaceful creatures, but during an Eclipse, they turn into evil creatures." Just below that, there was a picture of a Candela with a Lunar eclipse in the backround, It's Fur Pitch Black, and glowing red eyes.

"These 'Shadow Candela' are known to be highly dangerous-the citizens of the Nearby town, also named Candela, often have to take shelter from Shadow Candela."


"The Shadow Candela usually turn back to peaceful Candela after teh Eclipse, but if they perform a certain Dark ritual, they remain Shadow Candela permantaly. The evil spirit, Rorre, often puts Shadow Candela through the ritual so they join his army."


"No one knows why the Candela turn evi during these Eclipses. The most common explination is that they are unable to get the moonlight they need. Candela need Moonlight in order to live-if it is depleted, it must find a different sourse, and for some reason the Sunlight energy turns them dark."


"Normal Candela have strange lifespans. They are Immortal, but they can only be born in the Mountain Of Memory during a Meteor Shower or Solar Eclipse. When they do, they are brought down to the lake down by the Mountains, and there they live for a month."


Just as Titania was about to read the next part, Oberon walked in, carrying a lot of money. "I got shipments of a new novel by some guy here in Candela, and I got him to do a book signing, and i got a lot of money!"


"Cool!" recited everyone, except Titania. "Can we go to the market? i wanna looke around."


"Me to," Said Giza.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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  • 3 weeks later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Giza's time at the shopping market didn't seem to last long enough-Oberon was ready to pick them up so quickly. When they got home, Titania pulled the large, dusty book back from the shelf.

"Let's start from where we left off," she said, quickly turning to a page that had a picture of several Candelas, all different colours.

"Candelas are elemental creatures, meaning that they can absorb energy from elements. When they do, the colour of their fur changes. Very few Candela can do this-only the very powerful ones can."

Titania skipped over the part about the common Candela.

"Oh, that's it," she said sadly, closing the book and putting it o the shelf.

"Do the Candela know when an eclipse is coming?" asked Cattail.

"Yes," said Titania. "I'm guessing that is what they came here for. Rorre is probably near The Mountain Of Memories, which means that during te eclipse, he will complete the dark ritual to turn them into permanent shadow Candela."

Giza pounded her fist against the table. "Then we'll go to the woods tomarrow. We have to save the Candela."

Titania pulled another book from the shelf-a book of languages. "You'll need to learn both Candelan and Kirbish. The Candela understand both."

Titania called Oberon from the kitchen.

"Yes," he said, coming into the room. "Please hurry. I'm cooking."

"Can we stay up a bit late? I'm going to give Giza and her freinds Kirbish and candelan lessons."


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*Ther Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Chapter Three:

The Story Of Kensi


It was very late.


Giza, along with her freinds had all learned a lot of the two ancient languages.

"Time for bed," Oberon said, coming out of his armchair to pick up the dishes from the evening meal since The Giza Gang was far to tired to do it themselves.

Oberon scanned the scene. Everyone had fallen asleep.

He smiled and rolled his eyes, and began to carry them up to their rooms.


TheNext day....


"We need to get ready for our journey to The Mountain Of Memories," said Titania, who was at the market with Catail and dogtail stocking up on supplies.

Cattail reached for a first-aid kit that was really large, and Titania giggled.

"Not THAT big. Get a smaller one,"


So they went on and on, until they were well equipped to go on their adventure.

Titania was about to set out to the mountains with Giza when Oberon ran over to them. "Wait!" he said. He gave them a package of tattered books-The Myths book, the language book, and an atlas. "You'll need these. Not just here, but in other parts of Dreamtopia as well.


Kaitie began to complain as the sun went down. "I'm tired," she whined.

Titania looked at teh stubborn Kirby. "Fine, we'll stop for the night."

Titania found a small spot in the middle of the woods. Candela had dissipeared long ago.

"I found something cool," said Japancat.

Japancat showed them a picture of a Toad-Girl, except she had a long, flowing, blue robe across her back, and her belt had many tools on it, and a golden knife was in her hands.

"This is Kensi. She was a Star Hero many years ago."

Giza perked up with intrest.


"Kensi, The Star Hero, is one of the most famous of all time in Dreamtopia. She came from the city of Toad Town in The Mushroom Kingdom, but when she journeyed to The Crystal Palace once, she learned she was a Star Hero."


"Kensi used th power of memories to fight enemies. She also had four tools-Kensi's bell, which was a candle snuffer, Kensi's knife, Kensi's Robe, and Kensi's brush. Each tool had her spirit and memories embodied in it to give her power."

"However, when she fought Rorre, he knew a clever way to counteract this powerful technique. He would be killed in the process, but Kensi had little chance of survival.

Rorre embodied an awful memory in Kensi's tools-The Memory of her Best Freind dying. This made the toold release a wave of power, destroying them both. The tools of Kensi flew to four areas that Kensi would study and train: The Mountain of memories, The Crystal Palace, The Underground on Planet Ripple Star, and one at her house high on the mountain of Space somewhere in the Special Kingdom."

Everyone gasped. "One of her tools is up on The Mounatin!"

'Yes," said Japancat. "And Rorre will most likely set his eyes on whatever is up there, as well as the Candela."


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~

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[Glad you continued! This is a great story!!]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[X_x OMG My mom just saod we're going to Church. D= *Runs and Hides*]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~&*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Chapter Four:

Drain Bramage!


The next morning, The Giza Gang set out for the long, diffucult climb ahead of them.

"Accoding to this atlas, the treasure-Kensi's tool-is held in a cave that is heavily guarded by The Candela, which is inside the mountain."

"Weird," murmured Giza, as they all spoke in silence.


Several hours passed, and at nightfall, they found themselves at the base of the mountain, where a large lake-bigger than the one in the woods-stood. The perfectly undisturbed water had the reflection of the cresent moon in it. The water was incredibly clear.


They all looked over at the beautiful marvel when the rusteling of grass was heared from nearby. The reflection of the moon shattered as ripples of something that had fallen in the lake. "What was that?!" said Titania in horror. Cattail began to shake as her husband held her closer. Giza went to investigate, but was scared of what she might find.

"Careful!" shouted Titania as Giza dunked herself underwater to get hr hair moist. She bagan to swim around, near where she had heared the noise.


She was farther away from her freinds now, as she started climbing on the land. The water had gotten clearer when Goza had entered it, so whatever had fallen in the lake had come back out.


Giza's blood froze. A pair of ruby eyes was looking at her from a bush.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Depressing Chapter...]



Chapter Five

Who Hears when The Candela die?

Giza let out a bloodcurdeling scream as she grabbed a small curtain rod out of her backpack and held it in front of her like a weapon. The rest of the Giza Gang had heared her and were already over in the clearing.

Then, a long, shimmering Purple body came out, moving like silk-it looked like Titana, but smaller, and on four feet.

"A CANDELA!!!" Everyone shouted. "Shhhh!" whispered Titania.

Titania examined it closely. "She's only a month old. She must be lost." she said, but The Candela shook her head. "Mi Morega zlab," she said in a hushed voice. Her ears drooped and it closed it's eyes, and she layed on the ground.

"My-" Titania started to say, but Giza said, "Her mother is dead..." and a silence fell over everyone.

Giza leaned down to the Candela. Her eyes shot open and she whimpered, but Giza smiled. "I ma Andromeda Hednare,"She said, and The Candela walked closer to Giza. "Clee yon to yof Morega?" She asked, and The Candela nudged her, and Giza followed. The others came, but the Candela hissed at them. "Thei res Heger Hednare," she said, and The Candela nudged them.


The Candela lead them to a clearing where there was a larger Candela that had a frightened look in her dead eyes. Dried blood was all around the corpse, and cuts were all over her body. An arrow was sticking out of it's chest.

Giza walked over and touched The Corpse's forehead. Suddenly, a throbbing pain seared through Giza's body, and a vision clouded everything.


Run! Run! The Candela mother thought as she rushed through the woods, her week-old child held by her neck. Rorre's frightening minions, the things of nightmares, are running after her. Arrows fly, and she narrowly dodges them.

She runs to a clearing. She sets the child down, and says rapidly, "Rusea! I wenel tark cer uf thew, theno mi Erutuf meh eorg. Rusea! Hend se thes beshes!"

The Candelen kitten hides in the bushes. The shadowy monsters have caught up with her. Using their magick, they bind her, making her defenseless. They cut her with their daggers, the pure hatred dripping from them poisoning the good creature. One finally shoots her with an arrow, and she ceases to live.


The vision ended. Giza's eye was filled with tears. She hugged the Candelan Kitten so hard she felt she could never let go.


That night, Giza's freinds all held a funeral for The Candela Mother. Japancat etched out a gravestone.

"Ween wos yon Morega's nom?" Asked Giza as she arranged flowers in an arrangement.

The Candela answered, "Appolo.."

JC etched the name on the Tombstone.


Giza decided not to take Apollo to her grave. She didn't want to risk seeing the awful vision again.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


"Mi Morega zlab," My Mother is Dead.


"I ma Andromeda Hednare," I am a Star Hero.


"Clee yon to yof Morega?" Can you show me to your Mother?


"Thei res Heger Hednare," They are Heart Heroes.


"Rusea! I wenel tark cer uf thew, theno mi Erutuf meh eorg. Rusea! Hend se thes beshes!"

Run! I will take care of them, even though my life may end. Run! HIde in The bushes!


"Ween wos yon Morega's nom?" What was your mother's name?



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

[Translations for Kirbish dialect.]

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Obviously, My story is rubbish. Let's call it off.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Obviously your story is great! Please do not call it off.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[i was expecting people to comment on the last chapter.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Chapter Six:

Trek up The Mountain Of Memories


The next day, Giza decided to name the Candela Erutuf.

"It means Life in Kirbish," she had said.

The next day made it seem like a violent death had never occured-the sun was shining and birds sang overhead. It was the perfect day to hike up a mystical mountain.

Erutuf only knew Candelan and Kirbish, so only Giza could communicate with him.

The group swam across the lake and reached a small, flat peice of the mountain. They decided to start there.

"How are we gonna get up?" said Cattail in despair. The slope looked like it would not be an easy climb.

"Loe mi shern yoea theg serkuycaw," said Erutuf.

"He is going to show us a shortcut," said Giza.

Erutuf jumped back in the lake. His velevety, shimmering, Purple fur looked even more shimmery when it was wet. He waited for the others to jump in and he swam arounf the edge of the mountain. "I wele shern yoea theg stomre," he said, pausing to look at them.

"What did he say?" shouted Japancat.

"There must be a store here." said Giza puzzelingly.

Erutuf then jumped on another flat part of the mountain and pawed at the wall. It opened up for him. The Giza Gang walked inside.


The inside of the shop looked like it belonged in a Zelda game-There was a Candela at thec ounter, brushing her fur, and behind her was a large hole and several shelves of supplies.

"Dos shega spark Eiynglash?"

Erutuf nodded.

Giza scanned the shelves while Dogttail pulled out his Led Zeppelin wallet. "Just ten of everything," he said, leaning on the counter.

The Candela jumped from her chair and quickly got ten of everything-plus a backpack and a CD.

"It's the new Jam'ns CD," she said. "Plus this weird backpack I found. I heared it will never fill up completly."

"Let's try it," said Titania, and she shoved everything in there. She picked it up and it was light as a feather, and it felt empty. And everything was easy to find.


"Can you show us where the Candela town is? We have buisness there, and up on top of the mountain."

The Candela took a lantern from the wall and led them into the mountain.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Chapter Six:

Trek up The Mountain Of Memories


The next day, Giza decided to name the Candela Erutuf.

"It means Life in Kirbish," she had said.

The next day made it seem like a violent death had never occured-the sun was shining and birds sang overhead. It was the perfect day to hike up a mystical mountain.

Erutuf only knew Candelan and Kirbish, so only Giza could communicate with him.

The group swam across the lake and reached a small, flat peice of the mountain. They decided to start there.

"How are we gonna get up?" said Cattail in despair. The slope looked like it would not be an easy climb.

"Loe mi shern yoea theg serkuycaw," said Erutuf.

"He is going to show us a shortcut," said Giza.

Erutuf jumped back in the lake. His velevety, shimmering, Purple fur looked even more shimmery when it was wet. He waited for the others to jump in and he swam arounf the edge of the mountain. "I wele shern yoea theg stomre," he said, pausing to look at them.

"What did he say?" shouted Japancat.

"There must be a store here." said Giza puzzelingly.

Erutuf then jumped on another flat part of the mountain and pawed at the wall. It opened up for him. The Giza Gang walked inside.


The inside of the shop looked like it belonged in a Zelda game-There was a Candela at thec ounter, brushing her fur, and behind her was a large hole and several shelves of supplies.

"Dos shega spark Eiynglash?"

Erutuf nodded.

Giza scanned the shelves while Dogttail pulled out his Led Zeppelin wallet. "Just ten of everything," he said, leaning on the counter.

The Candela jumped from her chair and quickly got ten of everything-plus a backpack and a CD.

"It's the new Jam'ns CD," she said. "Plus this weird backpack I found. I heared it will never fill up completly."

"Let's try it," said Titania, and she shoved everything in there. She picked it up and it was light as a feather, and it felt empty. And everything was easy to find.


"Can you show us where the Candela town is? We have buisness there, and up on top of the mountain."

The Candela took a lantern from the wall and led them into the mountain.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[superb story! I really love it... I do hope you continue.]

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Need ideas for the next chapter.]


*~*The Psycjedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Don't look here... I am not a good ideas person.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Writing T.L.O.G is gonna be so much easier when I start writing On An Island, Destiny Dreamer, and the others because they were all written out and planned two years ago. XD]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domien*~*

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter Six Continued


Everyone was silent for several hours as Miranda trekked them through the cavern, the only sounds coming from the shadows being Giza's CD player. Dragon's Vein greatest hits.

Miranda then picked up the conversation. "I saw that band in concert once."

Giza took off one of her headphones. "Cool, I wish they were still performing." She said, a bit sadly.

Miranda sighed. "When Roxie And The Rockstars split up, everyone lost hope. They're the most popular band in the world, and when the most popular band in the world splits, other bands decide that there isn't any hope for them to succeed."

"they didn't lose hope when Dragon's Vein broke," said J.C., her ears perked up. She had been an Acoustic Guitarist in Roxie's band.

"That's because one of their members died," said Miranda, turning a corner. "None of Roxie's band died. They just feuded."

"Like Pink Floyd," said Dogtail.

Miranda grinned. "Exactly."


They were silent for several more hours, when an enormous banging rang out, echoing through the cave, deafening them.

"almost there!" screamed Miranda and Titania in unison.Everyone started running, and the roar grew louder and louder.

Miranda reached into a cheply made cardboard box slathered with so much graffeti that you couldn't read the "Protective Ear covers" label on the box. She pulled out enough for everyone. They put them on, and relised that they were Magickal, and blocked out the roaring noise but not other noises.

"Swweeeeeet," said J.C.

"What is that, anyway?" asked Kaitie.

Miranda led them ahead. "That," she whispered.

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Chapter Seven:

Memeory Macheinary


Miranda had pointed out a very large machiene. "This is the only thing keeping Rorre from taking people's memories from the mountain and using them for his own use. But it has started to shut down."

"Oh No!" shouted Giza. "Why is is starteing to shut down.

Titania, who had been thumbing through the book of legends, started reading. "The Memory mechanism runs only on pure Mirrodin and Candelite to keep Rorre and his armyies out of the Mountain Of Memories."

"Mirrodin? Candelite?"

Titania continued reading. "Mirrodin and Candelite are the most powerful gems in the Uncheverse, aside from The Hami stone, The Galaxy Gemstone, and The Dream Stone. Mirrodin is a lovely teal pearl found only in the kingdom of Mirrodin, and it is said you can see your own reflection in it."

"Like a mirror," murmured Giza.

"Candelite is a Purple Crystal found in the river surrounding the Mountain Of Memories that only Candela can find. These crystals can give one 'The Sight', which allows them to see visions and things only seeible to no one. Only Star Heroes and similer figures-Like you, Giza-can have 'The Sight' without Candelite."

Giza scratched her head. "This is a lot of Information. Glad we have that book, so i don't have to write it down.

"When Mirrodin and Candelite are melted and formed together, they create a very powerful fuel to help run extreme machienery. The only mechanism that currently uses this fue-called Mirroite-is the Memory Mechanism. " said Miranda.

"Mirrodin and Candelite are as revered as The Dream Stone by Dreamtopians," finished Titania.

"So...if that powerful Mirroite is being used, then why is it running down?" asked Catail.

"Because," said Miranda, shaking her head.


(Sorry i would continue but my brother must use the computer.)

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"Because why?" asked Giza.

"Didn't I already tell you?" said Miranda.

"No, the author's brother had to check his website and you wern't able to tell us."

"Well, I refuse to believe that i am merely a figment of one's imagination, but whatever. The machine is running down because The supply of Mirroite is running low. We have an infinite amount of Candelite, but Mirrodin was turned to steel by Krakow, and now we can't find it to get more Mirrodin."

"Can the machine run by Candelite alone?"

Miranda shook her head. "No. The machine is almost as powerful as The Prophacy, and the only thing that could power it is The Dream Stone or The Miracle Energies. But we are to be $$$$ed if we did that. For the Book Of The Prophacy-Check, you might have a copy in that tome you have-says that if they are used for any reason of such, like to power machinary, then we are to become Rorre's followers when we pass on."

Giza furrowed her brow. All these events ever since she became a Star Hero had made her think very deeply about many things.

Giza snapped her fingers. "Can we use MY energy to power the machine?"

"No!!!! Of course not, that could destroy you!"

Giza fell and sat on the ground. "Then there is no hope."


[End of Chapter Six]

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Chapter Eight:

One World...One World.


"NO!!!" yelled Titania. "Don't act that way!!!" she shouted.

"You can't give up now. All of teh world, and maybe the Uncheverse, is in your hands, Giza."

Giza replied, "Yes, and it will probably slip out of my hands and destroy it. The Uncheverse is very breakable."

The humourous crack about Breakable objects made Giza smile, and she couldn't help but get back up.

"Where are the Candela?"

Miranda scratched her head. "A few live in the mountain, but most live in the cool mountain air."

"Then we must get up there." said Giza. "There might be an Eclipse soon, or else the Mark Of Teh Candela wouldn't have appeared in the town. So, we must sheild The Candela from Rorre. He is most likely very near."

The Group followed Miranda through many more passageways, telling them many tales of Candela and Kensi and more.

"Do the Candela gaurd the treasure up here?"

"Yes," said Titania. "There is a shrine, somewhere in the mountain, but only very god friends can be told about it."

Giza thought for a moment. "But," she said, "If The Candela become evil during the eclipse, what happens? Do they continue gaurding it? I'm guessing that normally, they would, but if Rorre is near, then he would convert them to his army and they would let him to the shrine."

"yes," nodded Kaitie. Miranda added, "And the power inside that treasure is very great. Who knows what sort of awful things he could do."


The Giza Gang eventually made it to the Candela Town on the mountin. It was almost as large as the Village Candela far down below them.

Giza, the only one who seemed to speak Candelan fluently, spoke for them. She found a hotel in the city to sleep at for the night.


Night soon fell. And few knew what would happen that night...


Rorre sneered as he the Candela town came intov view. He reviewed everthing over and over: Take the Candela, turn them to his army, take Kensi's Bell, and kill the Star Hero.

His mind turned to the small girl who was Star Hero. A weakeling, he thought. No training. No powers. And if she did have powers, they would be so few and so weak that they would be a breeze on him.

Just one thing: Take all the energy from her. She has potential. She simply didn't know how to use it in teh form of Magick yet, and that power would be useful for his own dark magick.


The Giza Gang went out to see what was going down in town-a phrase used by Japancat often-but they were coldly greeted by the red eyes of Shadow Candela staring them down.

"Oh, i think we're..." started Japancat, when she was cut off by the bloodcurdeling screech of the vicious Candela, moving in on her.

"JC!!!" shouted Giza. She used her weak magick to blast the Candela off of her, but they only kept coming back.


"EMERALD WAVE!" shouted JC when it seemed as though the Candela would eat them. A roaring Tidal Wave, made completly of the beautiful green gems, came crashing on the Candela. "Quick!! We need to find the shrine!"

"But we don't know where the heck it is!" answered Catail.

"Well, we have to find it before HE does!!"

Dogtail catched up. "You talkin' about me?"


Rorre came onto a scene of total chaos. The Candela were unconsious, sprawled and buried among thousands of emeralds. He rubbed his shadowy hands together. But his sidekick, Linzert, checked them. "They contain no magickal substances in them. They serve only for monetary value, and I am not even sure of that!"



Up ahead, Giza kept searching for the shrine of Kensi's Bell. they had searched for hours, and Giza was feeling more and more pain to her Heart Mark because of Rorre.

The pain kept building up. More and More and more and more and...

"I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!" she screamed, and she started to throw a tantrum, when a flash of red came out of nowhere. A burning sensation was left in her forehead.

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Everyone went quiet. Very quiet. A long stream of red hearst were flying through the air, watched by the siletn Giza Gang, as it hit the wall and clinked to the ground as if it were a necklace that had been thrown against the mountain.

Everyone fell silent as the beam rolled inside the mountain. And suddenly...






A large explosion, almost as big as an atomic bomb (but would not dare harm Giza or her friends) came crashing down on them. Everyone screamed and started huddeling together, and shut their eyes. They did not know that The explosion would not hurt them.


When they opened their eyes, they saw that many bits of the mountain were everywhere. They did not even have bruises or scrapes.


"What just happened?!" shouted Giza, only to be shushed by Miranda. Everyone walked toward the large hole that was left in the mountain. Titania looked inside her violet boots to see if dust had fallen in them. Amazingly, there was none.

"We'll have to look it up later. Come on," and everyone walked toward the mountain.


Chapter Nine:

The temple of Kensi's Bell


The cavern was brightly lit by the small red hearts Giza had fired. Titania reached into Kaitie's backpack and pulled out the Myth Book. She flipped through the pages until finding one that showed Pictures of Star Heroes firing a similer beam.

"Heart Beam." She read. "The Star Power of the Head.

The Four Star Powers-Shard Attack, Heart Beam, Gizaball, And Triffyeart-are all powered by a different part of one's body. Shard Attack from the arms, Heart Beam from the head, GizaBall from the Torso, and Triffyeart from the heart. Each Star Hero is capable of these powers, but they are very diffucult to learn. Most of the time they come from bent-up energy."

"That's how Giza fired the Heart beam," said JC. "She was angry."

"Wait. There is a power name GIZAball?" said Giza.

"No," said Titania. "That power is simply The Star Heroe's name, and then ball. I just said Gizaball."

"i see," said Giza, contemnplating all the information. "Go on."

The group kept going until they reached a glowing part of the cave. Titania looked up, dropped the book, and gasped.

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"Oh....my....God...." whispered Titania. Right before The Giza Gang was a beatiful pillar made of solid Candelite. On top of the pillar was a pillow, and on the pillar was the one and only Kensis's Bell.


It wasn't a bell, really. It was a Candle Snuffer.


Giza went over. Inscribed in the pillar was something in ancient Kirbish.

Giza read it as though it were English. Her new powers confused her, and delighted her at the same time.

"She forged it from the ground she was born upon;

She blessed it with her memories;

She lit candles of magick to heal others;

And she put them out with the pleasent ring of this treasure

Ringing worldwide in every measure."


Giza got up. Her knees ached.

Giza reached for the blessed object, when a large ball hit her, sending her flying.

Titania and Miranda ran fr the bell.

When Giza woke up, she caught sight of some enormous shadow, like a giant Kirby. It had thin, menacing red eyes and some sort of shadowy, tattered headband around it's head that looked like it had gone through wars and battles, the kind you learned about in History class.

"GIZA!!!!" shouted Japancat, using her feline reflexes to grab her. If she had started in Rorre's eyes any longer, she could have died.

JC rolled with Giza behind the pillar.

"What?" whispered Giza.

JC handed her a small shard. It was a beautiful shard that looked as though a million rainbows had gone inside it.

"What is it for?" she asked.

"Star Power," explained the Cat. "You have to turn into Star Hero form to beat him. And the rest of us will change too."

"Okay, but-"

"NOW! Just leap in the air with it or something! I'll get the Bell."

Giza was shivering. But she did as she was told.


Giza leaped as high as she could in the air, when the sacred Kirbish Star Hero spell came pouring out of her mouth. She had no idea where it came from.


Giza tossed the stone above her head. It spun around, releasing flashes every few seconds, when suddenly Giza was inside a massive nothingness of Pink. But before she could wonder, flashes of orange light started appearing everywhere as Bubbles started floating upwards. Two streams of Stars came from opposite ends towards her, going through her. Three large stars came from nowhere and circled around her body as a large flower-the Memorene Flower as she would find out later-appeared below her. She shut her eyes and quietly held her knees with her arms as large flashes staRTED to blind her.


After the very vivid description, Giza felt a large cape flowing across her back.


After coming down to earth, she saw her friends changing, to. Kaitie's was similer to hers, but it was with hearts.



The one who sees not just far, but deep.


JC was suddenly in a serene sky. The clouds circled around her, whistling as she felt her kimono expanding to a long, silky blue robe.

Japancat Pitchblack.

The very essence of quiet strength.


Cattail And Dogttail found themselves in an Arcade machine of some sort. BeJeweled. Okay, so not an arcade machine.

The gems flew around the two, and they emerged with matching gemstone swords.

Caseyna and daneya.

Dodging Gems.


Titania flew into the air. A twinkle appeared in her eye, and a split second later, a large blast of air flew down upon her, her coat flying. a swirl of fire surrounded the wind.

Titania came back, he fur coat and boots replaced by a one-peice purple jumpsuit, with different elements coming out of her arms and legs.


Candela of the earth, the wind, the sea, and the fire.


Everyone went Earthbound just after Giza had, and were ready to fight Rorre.

Rorre's eyes narrowed. "I don't have time to deal with these weaklings. Take them," he muttered.


Giza suddenly heared a voice inside her head. It sounded strange, but familier.

use your Magick, Giza."

I don't have any magcik, she thought. No matter. If she was a Star Hero, she could create her own Magick.

"Catch!" yelled JC as she threw the bell to Giza.


Cattail And Dogttail were the first to attack, being the only ones with weapons, unless the bell counted.

The swords peirced the two bad guys they had beat.


2 Down. Just 20 more to go.


"GO!!!!" shouted Giza. Titania ran, jumped, and released a ball of fire from her paws.

Miranda watched them all.


"Brain Wave!" shouted Japancat, releasing a wave of energy, causing a few foes to stumble. Giza went after them.

She recited a rhyme, a rhyme that came out of nowhere, inside her head, and said it as she rand to the enemies.

"Burn big and bright."


A small ember appeared and then dissapeared. The enemies caught on fire started running about.

Waht about this dang bell?! she thought.

She blessed it with her memories...

Kensi! Kensi's memories. They would help her fight.

Giza recalled the image of Kensi fighting from the book. a large wave came out of the bell and shot about, knocking down enemies.

Way to go, Giza.

Kaitie was being grabbed and tormented by three of Rorre's soldiers.

"Hey!!" shouted Giza. She ran toward them. JC was already there, sending her powerful magick.

Giza suddenly remembered! JC had taught her attacks.

She had been thinking about Heart Beam. But it would be to powerful. It would make her to weak.

"Electric Garden!!" she screamed, as electricity came out of the ground, giving shocks to the enemies.


Five soldiers moved in on Titania. When they started to hurt her, she quiickly yelled, and vines popped out of the ground, choking them all.


Finally. All gone. The soldiers were all gone.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[i have to go. I might be back later. So stay on. Altough I might be really dpressed when I do come back. My brother has...messed up again and me and my dad have to go to my house.]



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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[i have to go. I might be back later. So stay on. Altough I might be really dpressed when I do come back. My brother has...messed up again and me and my dad have to go to my house.]



I am sorry to hear there are problems. :(

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Chapter Ten:

Goodbye Miranda


After everyone was out of their transformations, they quickly decided to leave. "We need to get going. Miranda!"


No answer.

"Miranda, we hafta go!" shouted Giza.

Miranda didin't say anything.

Everyone's faces filled with panic.


"Where was she last?" asked Cattail, known for being panicky.

Over there by the pillar.


Everyone rushed over there. Behind the pillar was Miranda.

"Miranda?...." said Giza. she went over to check her pulse.

She had none.

Then Giza saw it. right in Miranda's body was a gaping wound, obviously caused by one of the weapons from Rorre's army.

Giza started to cry. "How could they? She did nothing to them!" She tried to say more but was choked up. Her tears kept flowing down.

Japancat picked up Miranda's lifeless body while Titania held Giza in her soft arms, and they all walked down the mountain in silence.


I looooook to the seeeeeeaaa..

reflections in the waves spark my memory...

Some happy some sad...

I think of childhood freinds and the dreams we had."


Miranda's favourite song sadly played as everyone went over to her coffin and dropped roses in it, saying private goodbyes to her.


The song began to fade as the funeral director began to speak.


"We all know Miranda died doing an act of fearless courage, helping to defeat members of The Shadow Army..."


Giza had not believed that she had fought until she discovered a broken wand lying by her at the shrine. That let her know that she had helped Giza defeat them.


Many hours later, as Miranda was about to be layed into her grave, Giza asked to say a private goodbye to her.

The men said yes, leaving her be for a few minutes.

Giza leaned down and opened the coffin. Her mangled body was know perfectly aligned, her Indigo eyes shut, and her mouth closed in a state of serenoty. The roses from the funeral were layed among her.

Then a voice came to her head. She did not recognize it.

Look around her neck.

Giza looked at Miranda's neck and found a small charm of Candelite.

You must take it, Giza. Take it and she will always be with you. Her power will be with you.


But why? thought Giza.

You miss her and you will always miss her.


Giza listened for mor of the voice, but it did not come back.


"Hey, we don't have all day, you know." Giza gasped and turned around. The workers were behind her, tapping theur feet.

Giza walked away, not saying a word.

goodbye, Miranda...


Giza layed in her bed that night, looking at the Candelite charm that she had gotten.

Giza then thought about her Necklace.

She had received it when she became a Star hero- a peice of string. The spirit who transformed her, The Prophacy, had given it to her, telling her to put charms on it during her quest.

The took the brown yarn from her backpack. She had put her half of the Best Freinds neckalce she had split with Kaitie on it so she

wouldn't lose it.

Se carefully removed the charm from the rope and attached it to the brown string. It slid quietly next the the small half of a heart that sad "Freinds" on it.

She tried to remember what The Prophacy had said abut it.

the charms give me power," she said to herself. "And I must only wear it while fighting."


Giza slid the necklace into her backpack and drifted to sleep.

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Chapter Eleven

Farewell Candela


Giza arose the next morning with a cold rush. Her heart was thumping, and her hair was drenched with sweat.

What a dream, she thought. In her dream, Miranda was talking to her, and even though it was a happy dream, Giza was very scared for no reason.

But then the warm smell of Titania's magick and Oberon's cooking lufted her out of shock.

She ran downstairs, where everyone was talking.

Oberon served some pancakes he had made himself. "Giza," he said while taking off his cooking mittens, "I think you should go soon. Sometime in the next few days."


"You'll have to. There are other towns besides Candela that need rescuing. And Rorre is after the last three treasures."

"Kensis's Treasures," added JC quietly.

Giza stood up. "Can i bring some of your books with you?" She asked.

"Sure!" said Oberon brightly.

After breakfast, Giza looked for myths books, guidebooks, and spellbooks for the journey. She took only the ones Titania said were the best.

"Wait," said Oberon. "Your're leaving now?"

Giza held back her tears. "Yes," she whispered.

"Well..." said Oberon sadly. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a charm. A small plastic record was attached to it.

"It was mine when I was a teen. I made it myself," he explained.

Giza smiled. She could add the charm to her necklace. Then, she thought, I could have a little bit of Oberon's power with me.

Giza started walking out the door, and right as it was about to close, Titania slammed it open and shouted, "Wait!"

The Giza Gang stopped and turned around.

Titania walked over to them. "I....I want to come with you."

Giza tried to hold back her tears again. "Your're sure?"

Titania nodded. "yes," she said.

They both hugged as Oberon shut the door. He was trying not to cry, as well.




Giza had just left town as the sun began to set. The Giza Gang set up a small campfire. They didn't know where to go, and didn't know what would happen when they got there.

Everyone had drifted to sleep except Giza. She had put the record on her necklace already, and now she was practicing a few spells that were in her new spellbook.

Giza checked the time. It was near midnight. She quickly tucked the book and away and drifted to sleep, wondering what town she would go to the next day.





This is the end of The Crisis Of Candela, but look for volume two in the quest for Kensi: The Wrecking of Radical Sign. Coming soon to a forum near you.

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  • 4 months later...


"Because why?" asked Giza.

"Didn't I already tell you?" said Miranda.

"No, the author's brother had to check his website and you wern't able to tell us."

"Well, I refuse to believe that i am merely a figment of one's imagination, but whatever. The machine is running down because The supply of Mirroite is running low. We have an infinite amount of Candelite, but Mirrodin was turned to steel by Krakow, and now we can't find it to get more Mirrodin."

"Can the machine run by Candelite alone?"

Miranda shook her head. "No. The machine is almost as powerful as The Prophacy, and the only thing that could power it is The Dream Stone or The Miracle Energies. But we are to be $$$$ed if we did that. For the Book Of The Prophacy-Check, you might have a copy in that tome you have-says that if they are used for any reason of such, like to power machinary, then we are to become Rorre's followers when we pass on."

Giza furrowed her brow. All these events ever since she became a Star Hero had made her think very deeply about many things.

Giza snapped her fingers. "Can we use MY energy to power the machine?"

"No!!!! Of course not, that could destroy you!"

Giza fell and sat on the ground. "Then there is no hope."


[End of Chapter Six]

[One of the funniest things I've put in a story.]

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*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[by the way, this has to be one of my best stories. A lot of the parts were well described, and a couple parts truly were very funny.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[by the way, this has to be one of my best stories. A lot of the parts were well described, and a couple parts truly were very funny.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[ I think you have written a really fantastic story. I do hope you write more and then sequels. :) ]

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