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holding it all inside

simply cuz noone really cares

i dont even really care

so why the tears?


simple facts never taught from childhood

tears never solved a single thing

so tired

oh, SO tired

of being big

life lacks meaning

im texting, im writing

im reading

and im wondering why

what am i doing with this life


how proud i am to waste the years i have memories of

the times i hoped for death

and in my lies selftold

i believed that love changed everything

i dont even know what love is

friendships are so weak

when people wont open up

wont lend a hand

and nothing seems to be getting fixed now

with all the things in the world

i only see it get worse

and ive tried

to change and grow

and live on

and see past all this

ive faked forever

smiles and answers

to make you feel better

and theres nothing left to say

all my words are the SAME

as always

pointless as ever

this isnt helping

and i only know one thing

i only know that i long to be thin.

everything else seems faded

everything else seems so pointless

i dont know why i see it so bright

i want wut ive never been

its not a crime

im not gonna die



i think im gonna stop writing.

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whos siggy did you read?


please don't stop writing, Lauren. We like to read your work, and you said yourself, it helps.

Much love and a SuperKUDOS for confidence,


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whos siggy did you read?


please don't stop writing, Lauren. We like to read your work, and you said yourself, it helps.

Much love and a SuperKUDOS for confidence,




i just feel like ive run dry of words that anyone wishes to hear..

I disagree with you.

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I'm just posting here so you know I read your poems.


Because, I do. I just don't post that much in your topics because I find it hard to describe my feelings for your poem.


In a good way.





to you and everyone else.

its just hard sometimes.

i feel like nothing is enough to write about

and my vocabulary is so basic and boring

and my poems jsut dont...flow..


i wanna believe what people tell me.

i do.

i really do.

i wanna believe 'i love you'

i wanna believe ' your poems are awesome'

i wanna believe 'your pretty'

i wanna believe 'your thin'


but i look at things and i just dont see the good.

i dont mean to, i guess im just a negative person.


anyway, thanks. :wub:

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I hope that beneath it all, you do find some belief in what we say. You have talent, your words do flow, if you feel your vocabulary is not what you would like it to be, get a synonyms book. This will give you lots of other choices for the word you are thinking. I think you are doing exceptionally well discussing a topic that is so difficult for so many people.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I really like your poems, Lauren. Please, never stop writing.


Another Cloudy Aisha Ribbon for you.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I hope that beneath it all, you do find some belief in what we say. You have talent, your words do flow, if you feel your vocabulary is not what you would like it to be, get a synonyms book. This will give you lots of other choices for the word you are thinking. I think you are doing exceptionally well discussing a topic that is so difficult for so many people.

thanks. i seem to be pretty good at opening up to all the wrong people however :\

eh wutever. not my biggest concerns.

actually, i dont have any concerns. i made babysitting money tonight, i get to see rob tomorrow, antm starts tomorrow, i had a nice cig in the car with my brother, me and him are actually getting alone, our parents are in fl, im buying something green for next weekend, life is good, life is gooooood. :]


the only things bad at the moment are: my period, my cold,my giant pimple breakouts and of course my weight.


but everything else is okay. :]

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dont stop writing :( i like reading wut u write



i feel so.. emotionless.

there is nothing i can think of writing about..

maybe ill try something.

yes please do


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