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XD This is probably the first time this has happened...


Im about 2/3s through the first part of one of the stories I planned to put on here, and other sites, but while Im writing it, I noticed that its affecting me. like, paranoia about a rather realistic part in this story.

Absentmindedly, I ended up writing whatever came to mind, wrote a rather intense situation, actually scared myself with it, closed MS Word and had to go pwn stuff on SSBM to get my mind off of it.


Perhaps I shouldnt post it here if i'm freaking myself out with it.


Should you wonder what it is, Its... In Beta form right now, im in between deciding if i'm going for first-person perspective or one of those just of choose-your-adventure thing where it says you do everything. Whatever. Im writing it out as the You do everything kind of way right now, 'seeing how it turns out.

But after a strange, unknown-at-the-time set of events led 'you' to be in a rather rural area, with no sign of civilization anywhere. After wandering, 'you' find a sign telling you which towns were nearby, and deciding to go to the nearer of the two listed, 'you' start down a nearby road, aching and fatigued for unrevealed reasons.

Some feral wolves catch your scent and end up chasing 'you' down the road, so upon freaking out, 'you' find the nearest shelter, in this case, a small house along side the road. Regardless of whats inside, its decided to be better than pushing your luck with some ravenous canines.

'You' find the front door to be unlocked, to go inside and hide from the wolves. Come to find out that the house isnt very comforting; there are bloodstains in various places, unpleasent scents but no sign of bodies or sentient life form aside from 'yourself'.

Upon exploring the house, its found that it was once a bachelors house, some odd 35 years old person, who you eventually find the body of, crammed in a closet supposedly to hide it. Various papers and items throughout the house lead you to beleive that the dead owner of the house knew some things about people that didnt want him to know it. After seeing some things written in blood on walls and such, textual cries for help, delerial statements, 'no' found everywhere, 'You' decide its rather creepy and hope the wolves have left and go for the town some odd two miles down the road. A few steps from the door, 'you' reach out to open it, but youre startled by a knocking on the door from the other side.


Thats it, very summarized, omitted details make it much more creepy. I dont know if I can even continue writing it. XD For all 'you' know, it could be some homicidal maniac who was involved in this mess. and knows where you are. Ooooooo.

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Scary stories are my friends :D

Yeah, but what of the small childrens? D=


Will SOMEone think of the children?!

Feed the childrens! D:


But anyway, I've scared myself like that. It mostly happens right before I'm about to fall asleep. Then I'm up for another hour or two. n_n *twitch*

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