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Hi all, yeah I've been busy with things. Actually I haven't been getting much work, but I've had other things to do (like transcriptions and such) that take up my time.


Totally offtrack, but I've been thinking about something kind of creepy my dad said a while ago. I remember my sister surprised my mom about a certain thing, and my mom was teasing, "how could you keep a secret from me?" And dad responded "she's been keeping many secrets from you."


His response was quickly blown over by a shift in the conversation or something, but I heard it nonetheless and it has me worried when I think of it. In a confidential setting my sister confessed a secret that I will respect and not share here. I'm almost 100% sure he was referring to this, but...why wouldn't he approach anyone about it?It scares me thinking about all the possible prejudices he could be conjuring up in his mind because he is keeping it to himself. It doesn't say much for my secrets either, one particular one I shared with you guys way back when. I hope he's keeping an open mind with these things.

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Hi all, yeah I've been busy with things. Actually I haven't been getting much work, but I've had other things to do (like transcriptions and such) that take up my time.


Totally offtrack, but I've been thinking about something kind of creepy my dad said a while ago. I remember my sister surprised my mom about a certain thing, and my mom was teasing, "how could you keep a secret from me?" And dad responded "she's been keeping many secrets from you."


His response was quickly blown over by a shift in the conversation or something, but I heard it nonetheless and it has me worried when I think of it. In a confidential setting my sister confessed a secret that I will respect and not share here. I'm almost 100% sure he was referring to this, but...why wouldn't he approach anyone about it?It scares me thinking about all the possible prejudices he could be conjuring up in his mind because he is keeping it to himself. It doesn't say much for my secrets either, one particular one I shared with you guys way back when. I hope he's keeping an open mind with these things.

You're still alive! ^_^ You gotta keep in mind, parents *usually* tell each other everything if they're still married. As for the open-mindedness thing, it depends on the parents really. Some parents might not agree with things, but they'll still love and care for their kids. Some parents, however, have their heads shoved up somewhere and are totally irrational about things. >_< There's not much else I can really say, mostly because I lack details and am more or less guessing about what you're talking about.

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Hi all, yeah I've been busy with things. Actually I haven't been getting much work, but I've had other things to do (like transcriptions and such) that take up my time.


Totally offtrack, but I've been thinking about something kind of creepy my dad said a while ago. I remember my sister surprised my mom about a certain thing, and my mom was teasing, "how could you keep a secret from me?" And dad responded "she's been keeping many secrets from you."


His response was quickly blown over by a shift in the conversation or something, but I heard it nonetheless and it has me worried when I think of it. In a confidential setting my sister confessed a secret that I will respect and not share here. I'm almost 100% sure he was referring to this, but...why wouldn't he approach anyone about it?It scares me thinking about all the possible prejudices he could be conjuring up in his mind because he is keeping it to himself. It doesn't say much for my secrets either, one particular one I shared with you guys way back when. I hope he's keeping an open mind with these things.

Wonderful to hear from you again. :D It's great to know that life is treating you well.


Hopefully your father is keeping an open mind. As I don't know much about the situation, I will only hope that your father thinks before he speaks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, so uh yes, I'm still alive. Classes are going pretty well. Band is messed up though, I mean, concert band at least. We had 4 first clarinets last semester including myself, and only one stayed first while the other three dropped down. I'm now a third clarinet, which is okay in my case because that is just b-flat clarinet and I play my other clarinets for half the songs, so I guess I'm more of an extra. The other two players who dropped down are pretty mad about it though (one is second, one is third now). There is also a second last year who dropped down to third and is mad enough to be thinking of quitting after this semester.


So who replaced them? For first clarinet it was a transfer sophmore who seems to be kind of conceited, and for second clarinet a freshman. I think the director made a bad move with this. You don't give someone first clarinet and make them play third the next year, that's just wrong.


Anyway I need to go now so I'll talk to you later!

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Hi, so uh yes, I'm still alive. Classes are going pretty well. Band is messed up though, I mean, concert band at least. We had 4 first clarinets last semester including myself, and only one stayed first while the other three dropped down. I'm now a third clarinet, which is okay in my case because that is just b-flat clarinet and I play my other clarinets for half the songs, so I guess I'm more of an extra. The other two players who dropped down are pretty mad about it though (one is second, one is third now). There is also a second last year who dropped down to third and is mad enough to be thinking of quitting after this semester.


So who replaced them? For first clarinet it was a transfer sophmore who seems to be kind of conceited, and for second clarinet a freshman. I think the director made a bad move with this. You don't give someone first clarinet and make them play third the next year, that's just wrong.


Anyway I need to go now so I'll talk to you later!

Glad to hear you are still alive and your classes are going well. That's great news!


As for band, who is the better player? If the freshman is more talented and the better musician, then he deserves the first clarinet seat. As a young hamster, I played violin and had a little bit of talent. I sat the concert master seat, first chair, until I got to college. In college, my violin teacher sat Concert Master and I was second chair. It didn't matter who was the better violinist as she was already in the seat and was the one who judged the other musicians for the rest of the positions. That always bothered me, but it you allow this to make you quit, then you have only hurt yourself. Hopefully the person who was dropped down to third will not quit.


Will write more later... I need a nap as the sun is out.



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Glad to hear you are still alive and your classes are going well. That's great news!


As for band, who is the better player? If the freshman is more talented and the better musician, then he deserves the first clarinet seat. As a young hamster, I played violin and had a little bit of talent. I sat the concert master seat, first chair, until I got to college. In college, my violin teacher sat Concert Master and I was second chair. It didn't matter who was the better violinist as she was already in the seat and was the one who judged the other musicians for the rest of the positions. That always bothered me, but it you allow this to make you quit, then you have only hurt yourself. Hopefully the person who was dropped down to third will not quit.


Will write more later... I need a nap as the sun is out.



I cannot provide judgement on the performances of these players. I am seated at the other end and cannot make out the individual sounds of the firsts and seconds well. The other clarinetists say that the transfer who got first doesn't sound good, though that might not be so unbiased...I have no input about the freshman who got second.


It is fair enough that whoever is more talented deserves the better seat, and I'm also fine with changing parts when switching bands (I dropped from first to third between highschools, maybe because the second band director barely knew me and preferred the firsts he had). However I cannot help but feel that it must be demoralizing for the same director to one year give you a high seat, and the next year drop you down one or two positions, when your performance itself has not diminished (and I'm pretty sure these clarinetists have not gotten sour). The incoming students only had to do one audition to get these higher seats, while the other students are being scrutinized over the whole time they have been in the band, and are showing an authentic interest in it by continuing their participation in the band.


Anyway I need to get to bed. Bonsoir.

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Maybe you have some insanely talented new students? :blink: Who knows, maybe your director will do some more shuffling around as the semester goes on.

Hopefully this is the answer. Usually unless the new students are just that much better, they never replace the current seat holders. One can only hope that the director keeps evaluating the musicians and makes the appropriate corrections.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Jesse

Jesse is great

To talk to Jesse

I cannot wait.


I think that my application for poet laureate of HD will have to wait a few years. :lol:

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Hey LE! *glomps* So what where you hoping to talk about? Cause I doubt it's about the ethics of micicle production. :P


Today I did a "trial run" of a paying singing position where I basically have to sight-sing stuff. I felt like I didn't do to well, but the other bass (who offered me a ride) said I sounded fine, so...I don't know what to think. I like the challenge of it though and would like to try it again as long as I'm not pulling down the group.


I'm almost done with the next part of my "Tomb Raider: The Wolf" series. This time I tried the TR5 engine so it was all experimental and fun stuff. Now I'm rounding in some beta-testers to check it out.


I need to get to bed. That job had me waking up at 7:30 this morning. Good night. I'll try to remember to start checking here a bit more often!

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You never know. :D


My poetry is usually better than that! But before I prove that, here's a spontaneous haiku:


Rodents are tasty.

I try my best to avoid

All red meat these days.


Hey LE! *glomps* So what where you hoping to talk about? Cause I doubt it's about the ethics of micicle production.


Nothing much, I just wanted to know that you're okay, and from reading some of this thread I've got a good idea of that. I look at your Neopets account every once in a while but it's just not the same! I miss the old days of SSJ6Lohan and your message board. Also, I found what I THINK is your LJ...

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Today I did a "trial run" of a paying singing position where I basically have to sight-sing stuff. I felt like I didn't do to well, but the other bass (who offered me a ride) said I sounded fine, so...I don't know what to think. I like the challenge of it though and would like to try it again as long as I'm not pulling down the group.


Ooh, cool! I wish I could sight read like that.....

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You never know. :D


Rodents are tasty.

I try my best to avoid

All red meat these days.

Just so you know...


rodents are NOT the other white meat. :lol:


Well, I do have a story about why I'm not keep on rodents at the moment.


My cat's the typical type, always bringing in mice and birds that she catches out in the garden, and we usually set them free if they're unhurt or to the local wildlife hospital if injured (we're received some letters about animals we save being healed and set free, so it's very rewarding ^_^). In February my cat brought in a mouse in the middle of the night but it was too fast for us to catch so we put the cat in another room and went back to sleep. I went to school came back and found the cat tormenting the mouse in our upstairs hallway (mouse was hiding behind a bookcase) so I spent ages running after it, trying to catch it. In the past I've been able to pik up the mice who are so exhausted from terror that they don't run, but THIS one was so scared when I grabbed it that it bit me. I was NOT happy so I left it to the mercy of the cat, who DIDN'T take mercy. I had to take antibiotics for it (no rabies in Britain so no fear of that) but the antibiotics messed up my system to such a degree that I'm still feeling the effects now. :angry:

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Nothing much, I just wanted to know that you're okay, and from reading some of this thread I've got a good idea of that. I look at your Neopets account every once in a while but it's just not the same! I miss the old days of SSJ6Lohan and your message board. Also, I found what I THINK is your LJ...


Haha well you're welcome to hang out at my board again, JF is also there but that's pretty much it for activity. :P I should probably see how my neopets are doing sometime but I just don't have the time to play hours of flash games daily just to try to get a measly 5k NP. Inflation was getting horrible when I stopped going there. And the commercialization too. :blink:


And what's with you looking for my LJ, you stalker! Actually go ahead and request me to add you as a friend. I don't think anyone else reads the thing anyway. I don't go there too often except once recently to let some distressed feelings out.

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Nothing much, I just wanted to know that you're okay, and from reading some of this thread I've got a good idea of that. I look at your Neopets account every once in a while but it's just not the same! I miss the old days of SSJ6Lohan and your message board. Also, I found what I THINK is your LJ...


Haha well you're welcome to hang out at my board again, JF is also there but that's pretty much it for activity. :P I should probably see how my neopets are doing sometime but I just don't have the time to play hours of flash games daily just to try to get a measly 5k NP. Inflation was getting horrible when I stopped going there. And the commercialization too. :blink:


And what's with you looking for my LJ, you stalker! Actually go ahead and request me to add you as a friend. I don't think anyone else reads the thing anyway. I don't go there too often except once recently to let some distressed feelings out.

lol XD I haven't been on neopets in about a year. I should really just give all the stuff I have to my mom. And I think I found your facebook once. Do you care if I add you there (provided I can find it again o.O)


(also, I think there might be a glitch with the quote tags o.O)

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Nothing much, I just wanted to know that you're okay, and from reading some of this thread I've got a good idea of that. I look at your Neopets account every once in a while but it's just not the same! I miss the old days of SSJ6Lohan and your message board. Also, I found what I THINK is your LJ...


Haha well you're welcome to hang out at my board again, JF is also there but that's pretty much it for activity. :P I should probably see how my neopets are doing sometime but I just don't have the time to play hours of flash games daily just to try to get a measly 5k NP. Inflation was getting horrible when I stopped going there. And the commercialization too. :blink:


And what's with you looking for my LJ, you stalker! Actually go ahead and request me to add you as a friend. I don't think anyone else reads the thing anyway. I don't go there too often except once recently to let some distressed feelings out.

lol XD I haven't been on neopets in about a year. I should really just give all the stuff I have to my mom. And I think I found your facebook once. Do you care if I add you there (provided I can find it again o.O)


(also, I think there might be a glitch with the quote tags o.O)

I'll research the glitch and let HampsterKing know.


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lol XD I haven't been on neopets in about a year. I should really just give all the stuff I have to my mom. And I think I found your facebook once. Do you care if I add you there (provided I can find it again o.O)


(also, I think there might be a glitch with the quote tags o.O)


More like I forgot the beginning quote tag in mine. Or something.


I don't mind if you add me on facebook.


Oh yeah LE I guess you already friended me on LJ so disregard my comment. :P I added you too.

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lol XD I haven't been on neopets in about a year. I should really just give all the stuff I have to my mom. And I think I found your facebook once. Do you care if I add you there (provided I can find it again o.O)


(also, I think there might be a glitch with the quote tags o.O)


More like I forgot the beginning quote tag in mine. Or something.


I don't mind if you add me on facebook.


Oh yeah LE I guess you already friended me on LJ so disregard my comment. :P I added you too.

Haha awesome ^_^ Well, when I went to post, it yelled at me for not having proper tags so I had to add whatever it looked like you missed. o.O

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Haha well you're welcome to hang out at my board again, JF is also there but that's pretty much it for activity. :P I should probably see how my neopets are doing sometime but I just don't have the time to play hours of flash games daily just to try to get a measly 5k NP. Inflation was getting horrible when I stopped going there. And the commercialization too. :blink:


And what's with you looking for my LJ, you stalker! Actually go ahead and request me to add you as a friend. I don't think anyone else reads the thing anyway. I don't go there too often except once recently to let some distressed feelings out.


I cna't believe your board is still around! A real blast from the past. I saw that you finished painting your Neopets: well done! Getting NP is so much easier now, I earned 15K in half an hour the other day...


Yeah, so much came up when I Googled "SSJ6Wolf". :D Well, I'll read it so you'll have a nice audience as I check my "friends' posts" frequently.


I'd add you two on FB if I knew your last names. :blink:

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Haha well you're welcome to hang out at my board again, JF is also there but that's pretty much it for activity. :P I should probably see how my neopets are doing sometime but I just don't have the time to play hours of flash games daily just to try to get a measly 5k NP. Inflation was getting horrible when I stopped going there. And the commercialization too. :blink:


And what's with you looking for my LJ, you stalker! Actually go ahead and request me to add you as a friend. I don't think anyone else reads the thing anyway. I don't go there too often except once recently to let some distressed feelings out.


I cna't believe your board is still around! A real blast from the past. I saw that you finished painting your Neopets: well done! Getting NP is so much easier now, I earned 15K in half an hour the other day...


Yeah, so much came up when I Googled "SSJ6Wolf". :D Well, I'll read it so you'll have a nice audience as I check my "friends' posts" frequently.


I'd add you two on FB if I knew your last names. :blink:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Board rules... board rules... board rules.

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Haha well you're welcome to hang out at my board again, JF is also there but that's pretty much it for activity. :P I should probably see how my neopets are doing sometime but I just don't have the time to play hours of flash games daily just to try to get a measly 5k NP. Inflation was getting horrible when I stopped going there. And the commercialization too. :blink:


And what's with you looking for my LJ, you stalker! Actually go ahead and request me to add you as a friend. I don't think anyone else reads the thing anyway. I don't go there too often except once recently to let some distressed feelings out.


I cna't believe your board is still around! A real blast from the past. I saw that you finished painting your Neopets: well done! Getting NP is so much easier now, I earned 15K in half an hour the other day...


Yeah, so much came up when I Googled "SSJ6Wolf". :D Well, I'll read it so you'll have a nice audience as I check my "friends' posts" frequently.


I'd add you two on FB if I knew your last names. :blink:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Board rules... board rules... board rules.


I knew you'd fly off the handle. :P Don't worry, we can converse outside of Hampsterdance so it's okay. I'd have to turn you into the Incredible Horatio Hulk.



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Haha well you're welcome to hang out at my board again, JF is also there but that's pretty much it for activity. :P I should probably see how my neopets are doing sometime but I just don't have the time to play hours of flash games daily just to try to get a measly 5k NP. Inflation was getting horrible when I stopped going there. And the commercialization too. :blink:


And what's with you looking for my LJ, you stalker! Actually go ahead and request me to add you as a friend. I don't think anyone else reads the thing anyway. I don't go there too often except once recently to let some distressed feelings out.


I cna't believe your board is still around! A real blast from the past. I saw that you finished painting your Neopets: well done! Getting NP is so much easier now, I earned 15K in half an hour the other day...


Yeah, so much came up when I Googled "SSJ6Wolf". :D Well, I'll read it so you'll have a nice audience as I check my "friends' posts" frequently.


I'd add you two on FB if I knew your last names. :blink:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Board rules... board rules... board rules.


I knew you'd fly off the handle. :P Don't worry, we can converse outside of Hampsterdance so it's okay. I'd have to turn you into the Incredible Horatio Hulk.



I know several places you can and will converse. I'm just trying to get some rules relaxed, one at a time. Don't you think we have come a long way?

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Haha well you're welcome to hang out at my board again, JF is also there but that's pretty much it for activity. :P I should probably see how my neopets are doing sometime but I just don't have the time to play hours of flash games daily just to try to get a measly 5k NP. Inflation was getting horrible when I stopped going there. And the commercialization too. :blink:


And what's with you looking for my LJ, you stalker! Actually go ahead and request me to add you as a friend. I don't think anyone else reads the thing anyway. I don't go there too often except once recently to let some distressed feelings out.


I cna't believe your board is still around! A real blast from the past. I saw that you finished painting your Neopets: well done! Getting NP is so much easier now, I earned 15K in half an hour the other day...


Yeah, so much came up when I Googled "SSJ6Wolf". :D Well, I'll read it so you'll have a nice audience as I check my "friends' posts" frequently.


I'd add you two on FB if I knew your last names. :blink:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Board rules... board rules... board rules.


I knew you'd fly off the handle. :P Don't worry, we can converse outside of Hampsterdance so it's okay. I'd have to turn you into the Incredible Horatio Hulk.



I know several places you can and will converse. I'm just trying to get some rules relaxed, one at a time. Don't you think we have come a long way?


Why ARE the rules so tight? And I DO think the board has come a long way, every time I come back there's a huge difference. It's so easy to get all these posts in with this instant post thing, I feel left out as my post count is so behind those of the other members!


And slow down with your own posting, I can't keep up! :lol:

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Haha well you're welcome to hang out at my board again, JF is also there but that's pretty much it for activity. :P I should probably see how my neopets are doing sometime but I just don't have the time to play hours of flash games daily just to try to get a measly 5k NP. Inflation was getting horrible when I stopped going there. And the commercialization too. :blink:


And what's with you looking for my LJ, you stalker! Actually go ahead and request me to add you as a friend. I don't think anyone else reads the thing anyway. I don't go there too often except once recently to let some distressed feelings out.


I cna't believe your board is still around! A real blast from the past. I saw that you finished painting your Neopets: well done! Getting NP is so much easier now, I earned 15K in half an hour the other day...


Yeah, so much came up when I Googled "SSJ6Wolf". :D Well, I'll read it so you'll have a nice audience as I check my "friends' posts" frequently.


I'd add you two on FB if I knew your last names. :blink:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Board rules... board rules... board rules.


I knew you'd fly off the handle. :P Don't worry, we can converse outside of Hampsterdance so it's okay. I'd have to turn you into the Incredible Horatio Hulk.



I know several places you can and will converse. I'm just trying to get some rules relaxed, one at a time. Don't you think we have come a long way?


Why ARE the rules so tight? And I DO think the board has come a long way, every time I come back there's a huge difference. It's so easy to get all these posts in with this instant post thing, I feel left out as my post count is so behind those of the other members!


And slow down with your own posting, I can't keep up! :lol:

Me slow down... I was the one trying to keep up with you. :lol:

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Haha well you're welcome to hang out at my board again, JF is also there but that's pretty much it for activity. :P I should probably see how my neopets are doing sometime but I just don't have the time to play hours of flash games daily just to try to get a measly 5k NP. Inflation was getting horrible when I stopped going there. And the commercialization too. :blink:


And what's with you looking for my LJ, you stalker! Actually go ahead and request me to add you as a friend. I don't think anyone else reads the thing anyway. I don't go there too often except once recently to let some distressed feelings out.


I cna't believe your board is still around! A real blast from the past. I saw that you finished painting your Neopets: well done! Getting NP is so much easier now, I earned 15K in half an hour the other day...


Yeah, so much came up when I Googled "SSJ6Wolf". :D Well, I'll read it so you'll have a nice audience as I check my "friends' posts" frequently.


I'd add you two on FB if I knew your last names. :blink:


Board rules... board rules... board rules.


I knew you'd fly off the handle. :P Don't worry, we can converse outside of Hampsterdance so it's okay. I'd have to turn you into the Incredible Horatio Hulk.



I know several places you can and will converse. I'm just trying to get some rules relaxed, one at a time. Don't you think we have come a long way?


Why ARE the rules so tight? And I DO think the board has come a long way, every time I come back there's a huge difference. It's so easy to get all these posts in with this instant post thing, I feel left out as my post count is so behind those of the other members!


And slow down with your own posting, I can't keep up! :lol:

Me slow down... I was the one trying to keep up with you. :lol:


This is really tiring. :wacko: At least I'm giving you a run for your money.

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic. :rolleyes:


Added. ^_^ Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic. :rolleyes:


Added. ^_^ Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol. :lol:

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic. :rolleyes:


Added. ^_^ Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol. :lol:


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic. :rolleyes:


Added. ^_^ Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol. :lol:


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

Haha :lol: I have a hard time remembering specific things directly, but I'm pretty good at recognizing things when I see them again. I prefer multiple choice to fill in the blanks by far. :lol:

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic. :rolleyes:


Added. ^_^ Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol. :lol:


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

Haha :lol: I have a hard time remembering specific things directly, but I'm pretty good at recognizing things when I see them again. I prefer multiple choice to fill in the blanks by far. :lol:


Don't we all! My last name is really distinctive anyway so it's kinda hard to miss. I'm loving those photos of you and Phil, some of them are really cute. ^_^


You can't escape from me now... WhoOoOoOoOoOoOo...

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic. :rolleyes:


Added. ^_^ Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol. :lol:


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

Haha :lol: I have a hard time remembering specific things directly, but I'm pretty good at recognizing things when I see them again. I prefer multiple choice to fill in the blanks by far. :lol:


Don't we all! My last name is really distinctive anyway so it's kinda hard to miss. I'm loving those photos of you and Phil, some of them are really cute. ^_^


You can't escape from me now... WhoOoOoOoOoOoOo...

lol :P I need to get more good pictures of me and Phil. Most of them are screenies from maplestory. :lol: Maybe this coming weekend I can do something about that.

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic. :rolleyes:


Added.Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol. :lol:


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

Haha :lol: I have a hard time remembering specific things directly, but I'm pretty good at recognizing things when I see them again. I prefer multiple choice to fill in the blanks by far. :lol:


Don't we all! My last name is really distinctive anyway so it's kinda hard to miss. I'm loving those photos of you and Phil, some of them are really cute. ^_^


You can't escape from me now... WhoOoOoOoOoOoOo...

lol :P I need to get more good pictures of me and Phil. Most of them are screenies from maplestory. :lol: Maybe this coming weekend I can do something about that.


I'll look forward to seeing them. This weekend my cousin is visiting me and we're gonna tear up the town... but quietly and in a law-abiding way. :P WHy are we posting on two boards at once? I could REALLY be exciting and bother you on FB, too.

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic. :rolleyes:


Added.Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol. :lol:


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

Haha :lol: I have a hard time remembering specific things directly, but I'm pretty good at recognizing things when I see them again. I prefer multiple choice to fill in the blanks by far. :lol:


Don't we all! My last name is really distinctive anyway so it's kinda hard to miss. I'm loving those photos of you and Phil, some of them are really cute. ^_^


You can't escape from me now... WhoOoOoOoOoOoOo...

lol :P I need to get more good pictures of me and Phil. Most of them are screenies from maplestory. :lol: Maybe this coming weekend I can do something about that.


I'll look forward to seeing them. This weekend my cousin is visiting me and we're gonna tear up the town... but quietly and in a law-abiding way. :P WHy are we posting on two boards at once? I could REALLY be exciting and bother you on FB, too.

Haha I'm all over the internet. I usually have three or four tabs open at once doing a bunch of things at the same time, often with talking to someone on aim at the same time. XD

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic. :rolleyes:


Added.Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol. :lol:


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

Haha :lol: I have a hard time remembering specific things directly, but I'm pretty good at recognizing things when I see them again. I prefer multiple choice to fill in the blanks by far. :lol:


Don't we all! My last name is really distinctive anyway so it's kinda hard to miss. I'm loving those photos of you and Phil, some of them are really cute. ^_^


You can't escape from me now... WhoOoOoOoOoOoOo...

lol :P I need to get more good pictures of me and Phil. Most of them are screenies from maplestory. :lol: Maybe this coming weekend I can do something about that.


I'll look forward to seeing them. This weekend my cousin is visiting me and we're gonna tear up the town... but quietly and in a law-abiding way. :P WHy are we posting on two boards at once? I could REALLY be exciting and bother you on FB, too.

Haha I'm all over the internet. I usually have three or four tabs open at once doing a bunch of things at the same time, often with talking to someone on aim at the same time. XD


Join the WLM revolution, please!


And don't worry, I won't say a thing. I'm surprised that HD doesn't have a if-you're-not-logged-in-you-can't-view-threads policy.

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic.


Added.Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol. :lol:


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

Haha :lol: I have a hard time remembering specific things directly, but I'm pretty good at recognizing things when I see them again. I prefer multiple choice to fill in the blanks by far. :lol:


Don't we all! My last name is really distinctive anyway so it's kinda hard to miss. I'm loving those photos of you and Phil, some of them are really cute. ^_^


You can't escape from me now... WhoOoOoOoOoOoOo...

lol :P I need to get more good pictures of me and Phil. Most of them are screenies from maplestory. :lol: Maybe this coming weekend I can do something about that.


I'll look forward to seeing them. This weekend my cousin is visiting me and we're gonna tear up the town... but quietly and in a law-abiding way. :P WHy are we posting on two boards at once? I could REALLY be exciting and bother you on FB, too.

Haha I'm all over the internet. I usually have three or four tabs open at once doing a bunch of things at the same time, often with talking to someone on aim at the same time. XD


Join the WLM revolution, please!


And don't worry, I won't say a thing. I'm surprised that HD doesn't have a if-you're-not-logged-in-you-can't-view-threads policy.

WLM revolution? :huh:

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic.


Added.Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol. :lol:


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

Haha :lol: I have a hard time remembering specific things directly, but I'm pretty good at recognizing things when I see them again. I prefer multiple choice to fill in the blanks by far. :lol:


Don't we all! My last name is really distinctive anyway so it's kinda hard to miss. I'm loving those photos of you and Phil, some of them are really cute. ^_^


You can't escape from me now... WhoOoOoOoOoOoOo...

lol :P I need to get more good pictures of me and Phil. Most of them are screenies from maplestory. :lol: Maybe this coming weekend I can do something about that.


I'll look forward to seeing them. This weekend my cousin is visiting me and we're gonna tear up the town... but quietly and in a law-abiding way. :P WHy are we posting on two boards at once? I could REALLY be exciting and bother you on FB, too.

Haha I'm all over the internet. I usually have three or four tabs open at once doing a bunch of things at the same time, often with talking to someone on aim at the same time. XD


Join the WLM revolution, please!


And don't worry, I won't say a thing. I'm surprised that HD doesn't have a if-you're-not-logged-in-you-can't-view-threads policy.

WLM revolution? :huh:


Windows Live Messenger, of course. Join the partay.

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic.


Added.Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol. :lol:


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

Haha :lol: I have a hard time remembering specific things directly, but I'm pretty good at recognizing things when I see them again. I prefer multiple choice to fill in the blanks by far. :lol:


Don't we all! My last name is really distinctive anyway so it's kinda hard to miss. I'm loving those photos of you and Phil, some of them are really cute. ^_^


You can't escape from me now... WhoOoOoOoOoOoOo...

lol :P I need to get more good pictures of me and Phil. Most of them are screenies from maplestory. :lol: Maybe this coming weekend I can do something about that.


I'll look forward to seeing them. This weekend my cousin is visiting me and we're gonna tear up the town... but quietly and in a law-abiding way. :P WHy are we posting on two boards at once? I could REALLY be exciting and bother you on FB, too.

Haha I'm all over the internet. I usually have three or four tabs open at once doing a bunch of things at the same time, often with talking to someone on aim at the same time. XD


Join the WLM revolution, please!


And don't worry, I won't say a thing. I'm surprised that HD doesn't have a if-you're-not-logged-in-you-can't-view-threads policy.

WLM revolution? :huh:


Windows Live Messenger, of course. Join the partay.

Ah I see. I actually have that, but I never use it because most of my friends are on AIM.

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic.


Added.Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol.


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

Haha :lol: I have a hard time remembering specific things directly, but I'm pretty good at recognizing things when I see them again. I prefer multiple choice to fill in the blanks by far. :lol:


Don't we all! My last name is really distinctive anyway so it's kinda hard to miss. I'm loving those photos of you and Phil, some of them are really cute. ^_^


You can't escape from me now... WhoOoOoOoOoOoOo...

lol :P I need to get more good pictures of me and Phil. Most of them are screenies from maplestory. :lol: Maybe this coming weekend I can do something about that.


I'll look forward to seeing them. This weekend my cousin is visiting me and we're gonna tear up the town... but quietly and in a law-abiding way. :P WHy are we posting on two boards at once? I could REALLY be exciting and bother you on FB, too.

Haha I'm all over the internet. I usually have three or four tabs open at once doing a bunch of things at the same time, often with talking to someone on aim at the same time. XD


Join the WLM revolution, please!


And don't worry, I won't say a thing. I'm surprised that HD doesn't have a if-you're-not-logged-in-you-can't-view-threads policy.

WLM revolution? :huh:


Windows Live Messenger, of course. Join the partay.

Ah I see. I actually have that, but I never use it because most of my friends are on AIM.


Ah, I see. I didn't install AIM on this computer because next to nobody spoke to me on it. Anyway, I think FB messenger is doing alright for us now, even though it DOES annoyingly pop up every time you switch to a different window. :rolleyes:

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic.


Added.Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol.


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

Haha :lol: I have a hard time remembering specific things directly, but I'm pretty good at recognizing things when I see them again. I prefer multiple choice to fill in the blanks by far. :lol:


Don't we all! My last name is really distinctive anyway so it's kinda hard to miss. I'm loving those photos of you and Phil, some of them are really cute. ^_^


You can't escape from me now... WhoOoOoOoOoOoOo...

lol :P I need to get more good pictures of me and Phil. Most of them are screenies from maplestory. :lol: Maybe this coming weekend I can do something about that.


I'll look forward to seeing them. This weekend my cousin is visiting me and we're gonna tear up the town... but quietly and in a law-abiding way. :P WHy are we posting on two boards at once? I could REALLY be exciting and bother you on FB, too.

Haha I'm all over the internet. I usually have three or four tabs open at once doing a bunch of things at the same time, often with talking to someone on aim at the same time. XD


Join the WLM revolution, please!


And don't worry, I won't say a thing. I'm surprised that HD doesn't have a if-you're-not-logged-in-you-can't-view-threads policy.

WLM revolution? :huh:


Windows Live Messenger, of course. Join the partay.

Ah I see. I actually have that, but I never use it because most of my friends are on AIM.


Ah, I see. I didn't install AIM on this computer because next to nobody spoke to me on it. Anyway, I think FB messenger is doing alright for us now, even though it DOES annoyingly pop up every time you switch to a different window. :rolleyes:

Really? Mine doesn't do that. It just makes noise. But I'm also using firefox.

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Am I allowed to say what I searched to figure out Jesse's last name?


Also LE: I posted a link to my facebook in Jesse's board in the "who has a myspace" topic.


Added.Thanks, and now I can find Jesse from your profile (once you approve me). I hope you don't think I'm stalking you... but I kinda am. :lol:

lol I don't care. And Jesse hasn't accepted my friend request yet lol. OH Now I remember your last name. You were saying you had said it somewhere and I couldn't remember what it was lol.


Yeah, I found out that Jesse hadn't accepted after frantically searching your friend list for ages. :lol: You must have a great memory to remember my last name! It was probably back on Jesse's boards years ago or something.

Haha :lol: I have a hard time remembering specific things directly, but I'm pretty good at recognizing things when I see them again. I prefer multiple choice to fill in the blanks by far. :lol:


Don't we all! My last name is really distinctive anyway so it's kinda hard to miss. I'm loving those photos of you and Phil, some of them are really cute. ^_^


You can't escape from me now... WhoOoOoOoOoOoOo...

lol :P I need to get more good pictures of me and Phil. Most of them are screenies from maplestory. :lol: Maybe this coming weekend I can do something about that.


I'll look forward to seeing them. This weekend my cousin is visiting me and we're gonna tear up the town... but quietly and in a law-abiding way. :P WHy are we posting on two boards at once? I could REALLY be exciting and bother you on FB, too.

Haha I'm all over the internet. I usually have three or four tabs open at once doing a bunch of things at the same time, often with talking to someone on aim at the same time. XD


Join the WLM revolution, please!


And don't worry, I won't say a thing. I'm surprised that HD doesn't have a if-you're-not-logged-in-you-can't-view-threads policy.

WLM revolution? :huh:


Windows Live Messenger, of course. Join the partay.

Ah I see. I actually have that, but I never use it because most of my friends are on AIM.


Ah, I see. I didn't install AIM on this computer because next to nobody spoke to me on it. Anyway, I think FB messenger is doing alright for us now, even though it DOES annoyingly pop up every time you switch to a different window. :rolleyes:

Really? Mine doesn't do that. It just makes noise. But I'm also using firefox.


It's behaving now, and while I was talking to you I was anging out on FB anyway so it didn't matter too much. But every time I navigated away it brought me back like I was attached with a bunjee lead!

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Haha we totally took over Jesse's topic. Hi Jesse! :lol:


Jess must be so creeped out that I've just invaded his personal space all over the internet. :lol:

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Haha we totally took over Jesse's topic. Hi Jesse! :lol:


Jess must be so creeped out that I've just invaded his personal space all over the internet. :lol:

lol intarwebz. :lol:


I am in ur interwebz, stealing ur sanitiz :lol:

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Haha we totally took over Jesse's topic. Hi Jesse! :lol:


Jess must be so creeped out that I've just invaded his personal space all over the internet. :lol:

lol intarwebz. :lol:


I am in ur interwebz, stealing ur sanitiz :lol:

hahaha. :lol:


Whatever would we do without lolcats?


And wasn't this topic meant to be about Jesse?

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And wasn't this topic meant to be about Jesse?

*ahem* Yes, it is. But still any activity is better than none at all I suppose.


I'm kind of bored now. I didn't have any work to do today, just a meeting. It sounds stupid but I wish I had a sort of "bff" to count on to hang out with, but I haven't been able to form a deep enough relationship yet.


Speaking of which, I've been attracted to two guys this year but well, neither of them swing that way. >.> Curse this being-in-the-minority business! I've mostly recovered from those little heartbreaks. :P Don't know why I have this sudden urge to actually love someone, when I didn't feel it at all last year. I can't even imagine a guy finding me attractive, especially in this catholic school. So, it seems a slim possibility right now. :rolleyes:

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There are ways of "recruiting", though it depends whether or not you're in the school of thought that sexuality is fluid. I know it's difficult, but don't lose heart: my best friend is in a similar position right now and she's finding it difficult so I've been talking about this a lot recently.

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If by recruiting you mean flirting, then I do not think I should do that, it would be rather out of character for me. Not to mention that I have no interest in the sexual side of things, so my partner would have to be willing to live with an abstinent relationship anyway.


Right now I've found that I can sort of release this love-ish feeling by trying to be content with simply caring for others, even if that is not really reciprocated. And I use these new feelings to channel my creative thoughts, ie. it inspired a recent song I composed. That's kind of my way of coping with it for now.

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Our of character maybe, but often it's god to surprise yourself and try something new. That's an admirable approach to relationships indeed, people will certainly learn to respect you.

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Our of character maybe, but often it's god to surprise yourself and try something new. That's an admirable approach to relationships indeed, people will certainly learn to respect you.


Hm, well that's something to keep in mind. However I'm not openly gay at my school. I'm worried about homophobia. :unsure:



Jesse, I think you're the first gay person I've met who's abstinent. :lol: As for being in the minority, boy do I know how that feels. Hence my getting my first relationship at 20. :rolleyes: I'm guessing a catholic school wouldn't have a GSA..... :rolleyes:


Is that a good thing or a bad thing? :unsure: And yes, my school actually has a GSA, but it meets pretty late into the day for my schedule. It also is kind of unproductive, at least it was in the past. My approach, if I had the opportunity and the guts, would be to stand up and address Christians and explain why they should not be hostile toward gays, show how scripture enforces this (I hate using it as a weapon, but fighting fire with fire I suppose), and why that hostility violates the vary basis of Christianity. I don't know if anyone would listen to it but if they did that would be more productive in my opinion.

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Our of character maybe, but often it's god to surprise yourself and try something new. That's an admirable approach to relationships indeed, people will certainly learn to respect you.


Hm, well that's something to keep in mind. However I'm not openly gay at my school. I'm worried about homophobia. :unsure:



Jesse, I think you're the first gay person I've met who's abstinent. :lol: As for being in the minority, boy do I know how that feels. Hence my getting my first relationship at 20. :rolleyes: I'm guessing a catholic school wouldn't have a GSA..... :rolleyes:


Is that a good thing or a bad thing? :unsure: And yes, my school actually has a GSA, but it meets pretty late into the day for my schedule. It also is kind of unproductive, at least it was in the past. My approach, if I had the opportunity and the guts, would be to stand up and address Christians and explain why they should not be hostile toward gays, show how scripture enforces this (I hate using it as a weapon, but fighting fire with fire I suppose), and why that hostility violates the vary basis of Christianity. I don't know if anyone would listen to it but if they did that would be more productive in my opinion.

lol it's a good thing in my opinion. It's just going to make it hard for you because I think that most other gay people threw the whole abstinence thing out the window along with the rest of Christianity (although religion aside, there are still tons of practical reasons for waiting). As for homophobia, I'm not sure how many people in your college are actually deeply religious, but that would play a factor. I know at my college, the GSA has a huge amount of support from the student body. And yes, the hostility does violate Christianity, probably moreso than acts of homosexuality do. Homosexuality was only mentioned once or twice in the Bible I think, but being nice and loving each other was mentioned tons of times. There are "Christians" out there that I want to smack upside the head. They're the ones that make me afraid to call myself by the same name because they think I'm like the others. <_< Anyways, that's enough of my ranting.


Also, not being openly gay at your school is going to make it super hard to find a relationship, unless you want one with a girl. :rolleyes:

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The Christian attitude towards the gay community is one of the main reasons why I just couldn't be a Christian anymore. I KNOW not every Christian feels that way but I just couldn't face the idea at all of belonging to a religion where that was a view that was opposed - as JF said - for having so few mentions in the Bible.

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The Christian attitude towards the gay community is one of the main reasons why I just couldn't be a Christian anymore. I KNOW not every Christian feels that way but I just couldn't face the idea at all of belonging to a religion where that was a view that was opposed - as JF said - for having so few mentions in the Bible.

For me it's more about faith than religion. I don't associate with many other Christians because I can't stand a lot of them. :closedeyes: lol I should change my religion on facebook to "What He said." :rolleyes:

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The Christian attitude towards the gay community is one of the main reasons why I just couldn't be a Christian anymore. I KNOW not every Christian feels that way but I just couldn't face the idea at all of belonging to a religion where that was a view that was opposed - as JF said - for having so few mentions in the Bible.

For me it's more about faith than religion. I don't associate with many other Christians because I can't stand a lot of them. :closedeyes: lol I should change my religion on facebook to "What He said." :rolleyes:


Organised religion has a lot to answer for. You DO get the close-knit church communities but you're lucky to find one like that, and when you do, you have to integrate. I went to a new church once and they barely spoke to me at all.

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The Christian attitude towards the gay community is one of the main reasons why I just couldn't be a Christian anymore. I KNOW not every Christian feels that way but I just couldn't face the idea at all of belonging to a religion where that was a view that was opposed - as JF said - for having so few mentions in the Bible.

For me it's more about faith than religion. I don't associate with many other Christians because I can't stand a lot of them. :closedeyes: lol I should change my religion on facebook to "What He said." :rolleyes:


Organised religion has a lot to answer for. You DO get the close-knit church communities but you're lucky to find one like that, and when you do, you have to integrate. I went to a new church once and they barely spoke to me at all.

Yeah. >_< My home church is awesome, but it's small and I grew up there, and people there are usually very friendly to strangers. Most other churches aren't like that though, and it's hard enough to even find one that gets their message straight. :closedeyes:

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Also, not being openly gay at your school is going to make it super hard to find a relationship, unless you want one with a girl. :rolleyes:


Yeah, I figured as much. I did open up to the first guy I had feelings for, and he was okay with me telling him. Even if it didn't work out, I was comforted somehow. Other than that I'm at the point where I would tell someone if they asked me (and no one has, that I recall) and not try to deny it. However I don't like the idea of well, making an announcement out of it. Maybe I'll have to sometime in my life. I'll pray about that.

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Also, not being openly gay at your school is going to make it super hard to find a relationship, unless you want one with a girl. :rolleyes:


Yeah, I figured as much. I did open up to the first guy I had feelings for, and he was okay with me telling him. Even if it didn't work out, I was comforted somehow. Other than that I'm at the point where I would tell someone if they asked me (and no one has, that I recall) and not try to deny it. However I don't like the idea of well, making an announcement out of it. Maybe I'll have to sometime in my life. I'll pray about that.

Makes sense to me. You could always add it to your facebook (the "interested in" section) so then it's out there, but you're not like running around screaming I'M GAY!!!!! :lol:

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Very curious that this is an exact repeat of a conversation I once had with my best friend. :blink: I advised her to not make it a big deal, especially in her head, otherwise it would become a taboo that she would never be able to share with anyone, even if they DID ask.

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I bet that more people than you realise, even in your college, will be accepting. If you don't make out then it's a big deal then people will pick up on your positiveness and confidence. So few people will express their prejudice to your face and you're intelligent enough to suss out the people who are too weak-of-heart to bring up their differences in front of you. I know it seems so hard now but once you have those few around you who you care for being "in the know" then you'll have the confidence to express yourself more freely.

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Thanks LE, you're right. I am indeed making it more of a big deal than it needs to be. I went ahead and made the facebook change, not that big of a thing but it's a step forward in any case. Part of my fear was also losing "friends," but no real friend would reject me just for being who I am, so I need to get over that.

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Thanks LE, you're right. I am indeed making it more of a big deal than it needs to be. I went ahead and made the facebook change, not that big of a thing but it's a step forward in any case. Part of my fear was also losing "friends," but no real friend would reject me just for being who I am, so I need to get over that.

My sentiments exactly. ^_^ Also chances are, if any guys are interested in you and aren't sure of your orientation, they'll check your facebook for more information. Most people tend to assume you're straight unless you put otherwise. (I personally tend to assume people are bi until proven otherwise lol.) And yeah, no real friend would reject you because you're gay. Anyone who does that seriously needs to get their head out of their [abruptly ends comment there]. :rolleyes:

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I suppose with the new FB layout it's harder to notice these things as you have to switch tabs to see info, so as JF said, only people who are genuinely interested in knowing these things will notice the little details. I know even that is a hard step so well done. ^_^

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Thanks. Another good thing about it is that it will also turn away any girls that might be interested, avoiding less drama on that end. Although I'm :blink: at some of the ads that now show up.


I was going to say something else but I totally forgot what it was. :mellow: Well anyway I'm starting my next TR project which uses the TR3 engine this time around, so again I get to experiment with some new stuff. That's all I can think of to mention...

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Okay, so I was playing at a basketball game tonight. I was told that I was coming through clearly on my e-flat clarinet, and I was pretty excited to hear that as I've never been able to cut through before. All in all I was in a good mood. And then...the director shoves the clarinets back and puts the drum set in FRONT of us. WHAT was he thinking? I went through a total mood swing. Not only was I trying to compete with the drum set but it was also quite deafening, and I was even wearing earplugs as I always do for pep band. I became disengaged from the game after that.


Yeah...between that and other things like dropping from 1st to 3rd clarinet in concert band, I feel like I'm getting tossed around by the director, and that he's tossing around other people too (mainly the other clarinets). I'm not sure how much more I can put up with it.


On top of that I feel more and more disconnected from the band, and people in general. I feel like...it sounds stupid, but I want someone to hug. Like, the first guy I was attracted to is in band and gets many hugs from girls because they think he's cute or whatnot. And of course, I can't go up and hug him. While I did admit to him that I'm gay, he's not so that would be completely uncalled for. And living with the knowledge that I cannot do it with anyone I know or feel anything towards (I check with facebook) makes me feel that much more lonely. I mean, I could talk to people, but talk feels so cheap, especially the things people in band choose to talk about (mostly alcohol/sex). I don't know how to put up with myself here.

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Okay, so I was playing at a basketball game tonight. I was told that I was coming through clearly on my e-flat clarinet, and I was pretty excited to hear that as I've never been able to cut through before. All in all I was in a good mood. And then...the director shoves the clarinets back and puts the drum set in FRONT of us. WHAT was he thinking? I went through a total mood swing. Not only was I trying to compete with the drum set but it was also quite deafening, and I was even wearing earplugs as I always do for pep band. I became disengaged from the game and just kind of sulked the rest of the time.


Yeah...between that and other things like dropping from 1st to 3rd clarinet in concert band, I feel like I'm getting tossed around by the director, and that he's tossing around other people too (mainly the other clarinets). I'm not sure how much more I can put up with it.


On top of that I feel more and more disconnected from the band, and people in general. I feel like...it sounds stupid, but I want someone to hug. Like, the first guy I was attracted to is in band and gets many hugs from girls because they think he's cute or whatnot. And of course, I can't go up and hug him. While I did admit to him that I'm gay, he's not so that would be completely uncalled for. And living with the knowledge that I cannot do it with anyone I know or feel anything towards (I check with facebook) makes me feel that much more lonely. I mean, I could talk to people, but talk feels so cheap, especially the things people in band choose to talk about (mostly alcohol/sex). I don't know how to put up with myself here. :closedeyes:

*gives Jesse the biggest of all cyber-hugs*


This is a very hard time for anyone until they find the person of their dreams. Jesusfreak went through a similar loneliness until she and Phil found each other. Please do not give up as the right guy is out there for you. I'm sorry that the first guy you were attracted to you didn't feel the same way. Your special someone is waiting to meet you, so please have a piece of chocolate. It helps when you feel sad.


The band director sounds like such an unfeeling, insensitive jerk. If you really don't like being where you are, think about any alternatives and if there are none, then you might consider quitting the band. You could still take private lessons, but not be a member of the band. It is amazing how one teacher, director, etc. can make you really dislike being someplace.


Unfortunately, there are some people who are so shallow that the only things they can talk about are alcohol and sex. Those topics do not make me want to hang out with them. Do you have a chess club at your school?

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I know it's not the same as a real hug, but *hugs*^_^ Also, since when is it not okay to hug guy friends? My boyfriend hugs his ballroom buddies all the time. And keep in mind that talking is good, even if it's just venting to a friend (*cough*facebookchat*cough* :rolleyes: ) And talking is how you get to know people and become closer with people that are better friends for you. And as much as the band people might talk about alcohol and sex, there are probably a good number of people whose conversations *don't* revolve around things like that. I mean, being that you're in college, those things will naturally come up, but there are people who talk about other things too. Either way, you know I'm online all the time, feel free to come find me if you want someone to talk to. ^_^


And yeah, your band director sounds pretty ridiculous. Have you guys told him how you feel?

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I know it's not the same as a real hug, but *hugs*^_^ Also, since when is it not okay to hug guy friends? My boyfriend hugs his ballroom buddies all the time. And keep in mind that talking is good, even if it's just venting to a friend (*cough*facebookchat*cough* :rolleyes: ) And talking is how you get to know people and become closer with people that are better friends for you. And as much as the band people might talk about alcohol and sex, there are probably a good number of people whose conversations *don't* revolve around things like that. I mean, being that you're in college, those things will naturally come up, but there are people who talk about other things too. Either way, you know I'm online all the time, feel free to come find me if you want someone to talk to. ^_^


And yeah, your band director sounds pretty ridiculous. Have you guys told him how you feel?

(*cough*hampsterdance-jesse's topic*cough*) :lol:


As for the band director... somehow I feel he wouldn't really care how anyone felt.

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I know it's not the same as a real hug, but *hugs*^_^ Also, since when is it not okay to hug guy friends? My boyfriend hugs his ballroom buddies all the time. And keep in mind that talking is good, even if it's just venting to a friend (*cough*facebookchat*cough* :rolleyes: ) And talking is how you get to know people and become closer with people that are better friends for you. And as much as the band people might talk about alcohol and sex, there are probably a good number of people whose conversations *don't* revolve around things like that. I mean, being that you're in college, those things will naturally come up, but there are people who talk about other things too. Either way, you know I'm online all the time, feel free to come find me if you want someone to talk to. ^_^


And yeah, your band director sounds pretty ridiculous. Have you guys told him how you feel?

(*cough*hampsterdance-jesse's topic*cough*) :lol:


As for the band director... somehow I feel he wouldn't really care how anyone felt.

Haha. :lol: You never know. I figure it's generally better to say something first, because the band director could be totally oblivious to how everyone feels.

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Also, since when is it not okay to hug guy friends?


Whenever a guy has hugged another guy around me it was done as a sarcasm, a joke or in an intrusive manner. I can't recall ever seeing it done seriously, except if two friends who haven't seen each other in a long time meet each other. Not to mention I would probably overdo it too much and probably creep out my victim :P


I don't mean to infer that I never talk, because I do. I talk to quite a few people in my surroundings if I feel anything to contribute to the current subject. I talked to others about how I felt tonight in pep band, for instance. It's not that I'm anti-social, but I'm just conservative about when I talk and what I talk about. Either way it doesn't feel that meaningful to me. Maybe that's just coming from someone who was spoon-fed his first language as a kid, for not speaking naturally. It feels like most things I say are not actually what I mean, or are a great distortion of my meaning, but I cannot get one to equal the other. I get closer to this equality in other instances like playing or composing music, but not so much with just, talking.


And Horatio nailed it; my director is rather stubborn-minded in his ways. He wanted the drums heard more so that's what he got. I feel sorry for the girl next to me who had a concussion recently and was already experiencing bad headaches. <_<

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Also, since when is it not okay to hug guy friends?


Whenever a guy has hugged another guy around me it was done as a sarcasm, a joke or in an intrusive manner. I can't recall ever seeing it done seriously, except if two friends who haven't seen each other in a long time meet each other. Not to mention I would probably overdo it too much and probably creep out my victim :P


I don't mean to infer that I never talk, because I do. I talk to quite a few people in my surroundings if I feel anything to contribute to the current subject. I talked to others about how I felt tonight in pep band, for instance. It's not that I'm anti-social, but I'm just conservative about when I talk and what I talk about. Either way it doesn't feel that meaningful to me. Maybe that's just coming from someone who was spoon-fed his first language as a kid, for not speaking naturally. It feels like most things I say are not actually what I mean, or are a great distortion of my meaning, but I cannot get one to equal the other. I get closer to this equality in other instances like playing or composing music, but not so much with just, talking.


And Horatio nailed it; my director is rather stubborn-minded in his ways. He wanted the drums heard more so that's what he got. I feel sorry for the girl next to me who had a concussion recently and was already experiencing bad headaches. <_<

lol maybe it's just a ballroom thing. :lol: So, you're just not a verbal person. That makes sense. My suggestion then is to go do things where you get to be more musical and express yourself that way (which it seems like you do anyways). So compose more, maybe join some other music type groups or something. And as much as I'm probably biased, if your college has a ballroom dance team or lessons, go check that out. From what I've seen of the ballroom people at Phil's college, they're the type of people you'd probably get along with really well.

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Also, since when is it not okay to hug guy friends?


Whenever a guy has hugged another guy around me it was done as a sarcasm, a joke or in an intrusive manner. I can't recall ever seeing it done seriously, except if two friends who haven't seen each other in a long time meet each other. Not to mention I would probably overdo it too much and probably creep out my victim :P


I don't mean to infer that I never talk, because I do. I talk to quite a few people in my surroundings if I feel anything to contribute to the current subject. I talked to others about how I felt tonight in pep band, for instance. It's not that I'm anti-social, but I'm just conservative about when I talk and what I talk about. Either way it doesn't feel that meaningful to me. Maybe that's just coming from someone who was spoon-fed his first language as a kid, for not speaking naturally. It feels like most things I say are not actually what I mean, or are a great distortion of my meaning, but I cannot get one to equal the other. I get closer to this equality in other instances like playing or composing music, but not so much with just, talking.


And Horatio nailed it; my director is rather stubborn-minded in his ways. He wanted the drums heard more so that's what he got. I feel sorry for the girl next to me who had a concussion recently and was already experiencing bad headaches. <_>

lol maybe it's just a ballroom thing. :lol: So, you're just not a verbal person. That makes sense. My suggestion then is to go do things where you get to be more musical and express yourself that way (which it seems like you do anyways). So compose more, maybe join some other music type groups or something. And as much as I'm probably biased, if your college has a ballroom dance team or lessons, go check that out. From what I've seen of the ballroom people at Phil's college, they're the type of people you'd probably get along with really well.

Some guys are uncomfortable around themselves and would probably react poorly if you hugged them just out of friendship. It wouldn't be you creeping them out, it would be them creeping themselves out. LOL What I suggest is to find a female who you can trust and let her know you are gay. Not right away of course, but when you find a girl who you feel you could be friends with. There are lots of girls would have best gay guy friends. This is such a great friendship as you both know up front that this is just a friendship and you can get lots of hugs and closeness without the girl feeling like you are going to want more from her.


Do you have any small chamber music groups? Usually these are groups of musicians who are like minded and this might work well for you. How about a course in music theory? You should be able to find friends in this class. The theatre is another area where you might be able to join the orchestra or band. Have you ever thought about the orchestra? Get away from the band group and research the orchestra. They have a need for clarinets. You definitely won't be marching with the orchestra. LOL


Ballroom dancing sounds like a great idea. Have you thought about ballet classes? This will introduce you to lots of girls who would love to be your friend and it also improves your physical attributes. You don't have to perform if you didn't want, but it would definitely open new doors. And before you say no, there are lots of pro-football teams whose players take ballet for coordination, flexibility and strength.


Just my two-cents.

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Hmm, I know two friends who go to ballroom dancing. Well, they did - the last session has already come and gone for the semester.


Some guys are uncomfortable around themselves and would probably react poorly if you hugged them just out of friendship. It wouldn't be you creeping them out, it would be them creeping themselves out. LOL What I suggest is to find a female who you can trust and let her know you are gay. Not right away of course, but when you find a girl who you feel you could be friends with. There are lots of girls would have best gay guy friends. This is such a great friendship as you both know up front that this is just a friendship and you can get lots of hugs and closeness without the girl feeling like you are going to want more from her.


Do you have any small chamber music groups? Usually these are groups of musicians who are like minded and this might work well for you. How about a course in music theory? You should be able to find friends in this class. The theatre is another area where you might be able to join the orchestra or band. Have you ever thought about the orchestra? Get away from the band group and research the orchestra. They have a need for clarinets. You definitely won't be marching with the orchestra. LOL


Ballroom dancing sounds like a great idea. Have you thought about ballet classes? This will introduce you to lots of girls who would love to be your friend and it also improves your physical attributes. You don't have to perform if you didn't want, but it would definitely open new doors. And before you say no, there are lots of pro-football teams whose players take ballet for coordination, flexibility and strength.


Just my two-cents.


That's good to keep in mind. I also have my sister, though I seem to have less and less time to see her.


We have no small chamber groups, except we're making a student-formed string quartet and I have volunteered to play alto clarinet for the viola part. It's still up in the air though (mostly getting the music is an issue). We have no orchestra at our school. We also don't have ballet.

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Hmm, I know two friends who go to ballroom dancing. Well, they did - the last session has already come and gone for the semester.


Some guys are uncomfortable around themselves and would probably react poorly if you hugged them just out of friendship. It wouldn't be you creeping them out, it would be them creeping themselves out. LOL What I suggest is to find a female who you can trust and let her know you are gay. Not right away of course, but when you find a girl who you feel you could be friends with. There are lots of girls would have best gay guy friends. This is such a great friendship as you both know up front that this is just a friendship and you can get lots of hugs and closeness without the girl feeling like you are going to want more from her.


Do you have any small chamber music groups? Usually these are groups of musicians who are like minded and this might work well for you. How about a course in music theory? You should be able to find friends in this class. The theatre is another area where you might be able to join the orchestra or band. Have you ever thought about the orchestra? Get away from the band group and research the orchestra. They have a need for clarinets. You definitely won't be marching with the orchestra. LOL


Ballroom dancing sounds like a great idea. Have you thought about ballet classes? This will introduce you to lots of girls who would love to be your friend and it also improves your physical attributes. You don't have to perform if you didn't want, but it would definitely open new doors. And before you say no, there are lots of pro-football teams whose players take ballet for coordination, flexibility and strength.


Just my two-cents.


That's good to keep in mind. I also have my sister, though I seem to have less and less time to see her.


We have no small chamber groups, except we're making a student-formed string quartet and I have volunteered to play alto clarinet for the viola part. It's still up in the air though (mostly getting the music is an issue). We have no orchestra at our school. We also don't have ballet.

Sisters are great, but perhaps there is a girl at your school who you can be friends with. It is easier when the friend is nearby.


Hope the student-formed string quartet happens, you would definitely enjoy that. Schirmer's music in Manhattan, should have lots of music. I have not looked to see if they have an on-line store. No orchestra... horrors! Theatre group? If so, they might need musicians. Perhaps there is a ballet group locally. Or a ballet teacher close to the school. She would love to have a guy in her class.

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Hm, well right now I don't really care about the hugging bit. I've been thinking about how...boring I am I guess. It's kind of sad that I'm the last person my roommate talks to. Like, he'll talk to one of the guys in the room nextdoor and tell him where he's going etc. but he never tells me these things. Also at any sort of gathering (which is usually for band or choir) some people approach me to say hi but otherwise I'm kind of invisible...unless, like I said before, I come up with something to contribute to a conversation I overhear. I don't blame others for this. It's something about me. I know it's not just me being reserved, because other guys draw attention to themselves by being shy. I don't smell, do I? :lol:


For the longest time, there seems to have been something unapproachable about me. Think about this - last semester a classmate asked me to be her partner for a test. That was the FIRST time someone has ever asked to be my partner, throughout all of my school life. It's not that I don't have friends, but all of my friends have other friends who are more significant to them than I am, so they always spend time with them instead. I understand this and don't hold it against them, again I think it might be me being dull. I mean, I'm not immersed at all into pop culture (don't watch movies/television much), I'm not an athlete, I don't think I'm that attractive (but I don't think I'm repulsive either) and I don't talk much. What do I have going for me in the eyes of others?


One question that's lingering in my mind is WHY this is a big deal to me when I almost found it a good thing to be a bit "invisible" in the past - I mean, at least I know I'm myself - don't worry, I know that's more important than my "image". Still, all of a sudden it's like I need another person to care for and feel cared by, as Mayeroff puts it in that book from philosophy class. Having something to care for is essential to your well being. All I have to care for are amateur songs I put together using a keyboard, and custom tomb raider levels. >.>

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Hm, well right now I don't really care about the hugging bit. I've been thinking about how...boring I am I guess. It's kind of sad that I'm the last person my roommate talks to. Like, he'll talk to one of the guys in the room nextdoor and tell him where he's going etc. but he never tells me these things. Also at any sort of gathering (which is usually for band or choir) some people approach me to say hi but otherwise I'm kind of invisible...unless, like I said before, I come up with something to contribute to a conversation I overhear. I don't blame others for this. It's something about me. I know it's not just me being reserved, because other guys draw attention to themselves by being shy. I don't smell, do I? :lol:


For the longest time, there seems to have been something unapproachable about me. Think about this - last semester a classmate asked me to be her partner for a test. That was the FIRST time someone has ever asked to be my partner, throughout all of my school life. It's not that I don't have friends, but all of my friends have other friends who are more significant to them than I am, so they always spend time with them instead. I understand this and don't hold it against them, again I think it might be me being dull. I mean, I'm not immersed at all into pop culture (don't watch movies/television much), I'm not an athlete, I don't think I'm that attractive (but I don't think I'm repulsive either) and I don't talk much. What do I have going for me in the eyes of others?


One question that's lingering in my mind is WHY this is a big deal to me when I almost found it a good thing to be a bit "invisible" in the past - I mean, at least I know I'm myself - don't worry, I know that's more important than my "image". Still, all of a sudden it's like I need another person to care for and feel cared by, as Mayeroff puts it in that book from philosophy class. Having something to care for is essential to your well being. All I have to care for are amateur songs I put together using a keyboard, and custom tomb raider levels. >.>

First let me begin by saying that you are definitely not boring. There are people who focus on school work and goals while others goof off. You have been working extremely hard on getting ahead and graduating a year early. For some people, you and your accomplishments can be intimating. As for your roommate, I would not give it another thought. When it comes to conversation, most people like to hear themselves talk, so if you want to engage someone in conversation, ask them questions that require a detailed answer. Other than that, please do not consider yourself boring, dull or unattractive because you don't talk about the stupid things most people talk about... sex, alcohol, sports. Personally, I don't care about sports. I am not a walking billboard for any sports team. There is more to my life than what colour underwear some sports guy is wearing or what superstar committed a crime and thinks he/she should not be held accountable. The amount of true friends I have can be counted on one paw. The problem as I see it is that you are a step above most of the other students. You are an achiever. You have been very successful and done extremely well in school, your courses and education are on track, now you are finding time for a relationship. This is where matters of the heart do not have a timetable, they cannot be rushed or coordinated, you just have to wait until the right person comes along. Waiting is the hard part. This why I suggest that you find another activity where you can meet a different group of people. Something within the arts. I do believe if you look in this area, you will meet people who are more like-minded and will develop friendships that are meaningful. Band does not seem to me to have the type of people you wish to associate with.


Is there a computer group on your campus? One where you can get together and discuss the various gaming levels and techniques in development? One of my co-pilots, Harold, is a gamer. He is really a genius at developing computer games, but when it comes to talking, he is a man of few words. I got him talking about one of his projects and he taught me quite a bit.


As for matters of the heart... time.




And I hate to inform you... most wolves smell.

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I actually think you're quite interesting BECAUSE you're not like everyone else. You're one of those anomaly guys who are totally awesome but still can't manage to find a relationship or a place to really fit in. And wanting someone to care for and who cares for you is totally natural basic instinct. I found a quote awhile ago, and it went something like, "Do what you love, and you will find someone who loves the same thing. Don't look for love, beg for love, or change for love. Just live." I don't know what's so unapproachable about you, since I don't know you in person. I can only make guesses based on your facebook that you tend to keep a lot about yourself quiet. My best suggestion is do like you did with your orientation and throw more about yourself out there. It might help give people a better idea of who you are and what to try to talk to you about. I'm actually kind of surprised that you don't have a good group of friends because I find you to be quite approachable, and you were probably my first online friend ever, and remain one of my best online friends to this day. So if it makes you feel any better, I care about you and how you're doing, and I miss you when you're not around.

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I actually think you're quite interesting BECAUSE you're not like everyone else. You're one of those anomaly guys who are totally awesome but still can't manage to find a relationship or a place to really fit in. And wanting someone to care for and who cares for you is totally natural basic instinct. I found a quote awhile ago, and it went something like, "Do what you love, and you will find someone who loves the same thing. Don't look for love, beg for love, or change for love. Just live." I don't know what's so unapproachable about you, since I don't know you in person. I can only make guesses based on your facebook that you tend to keep a lot about yourself quiet. My best suggestion is do like you did with your orientation and throw more about yourself out there. It might help give people a better idea of who you are and what to try to talk to you about. I'm actually kind of surprised that you don't have a good group of friends because I find you to be quite approachable, and you were probably my first online friend ever, and remain one of my best online friends to this day. So if it makes you feel any better, I care about you and how you're doing, and I miss you when you're not around.

We all miss Jesse when he is not around!!!

You are one of the most terrific people and Jesusfreak said it perfectly. You, Jesse, are totally awesome!


One reason I think you have not found that group of friends is because you have been so very focused on your school work. This tends to occupy a large amount of your time and does not leave time for goofing off. Now that you have gotten to a point where you can relax a bit, you are moving on to the next level in your life... friends and a relationship.

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We all miss Jesse when he is not around!!!

You are one of the most terrific people and Jesusfreak said it perfectly. You, Jesse, are totally awesome!


One reason I think you have not found that group of friends is because you have been so very focused on your school work. This tends to occupy a large amount of your time and does not leave time for goofing off. Now that you have gotten to a point where you can relax a bit, you are moving on to the next level in your life... friends and a relationship.


Okay. What you and JF say makes sense. Thanks. I'm unusually tired at this time so I will hit the sack early. G'night.

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We all miss Jesse when he is not around!!!

You are one of the most terrific people and Jesusfreak said it perfectly. You, Jesse, are totally awesome!


One reason I think you have not found that group of friends is because you have been so very focused on your school work. This tends to occupy a large amount of your time and does not leave time for goofing off. Now that you have gotten to a point where you can relax a bit, you are moving on to the next level in your life... friends and a relationship.


Okay. What you and JF say makes sense. Thanks. I'm unusually tired at this time so I will hit the sack early. G'night.

Have a good night's sleep.

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Oh yeah so I did a presentation the other day in my bio common core class. We did an article on how racial tolerance can spread easily under certain conditions. We sparked some interesting discussion and the whole thing took 45 minutes :blink: so I think we did pretty well. :)


Also I found out something yesterday. There's this levelbase tribune thing, it's basically a blog for the TR level editor community, and I looked back and saw that my project was deemed level of the month back in April. I had no idea! That was pretty neat to see.


My snowbase level is being beta-tested so I've started working on my fourth project. It's basically an ancient city in ruins on an alien planet. Here's a pic, I haven't done the surrounding area yet so that's why those weird textures are there.


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Oh yeah so I did a presentation the other day in my bio common core class. We did an article on how racial tolerance can spread easily under certain conditions. We sparked some interesting discussion and the whole thing took 45 minutes :blink: so I think we did pretty well. :)


Also I found out something yesterday. There's this levelbase tribune thing, it's basically a blog for the TR level editor community, and I looked back and saw that my project was deemed level of the month back in April. I had no idea! That was pretty neat to see.


My snowbase level is being beta-tested so I've started working on my fourth project. It's basically an ancient city in ruins on an alien planet. Here's a pic, I haven't done the surrounding area yet so that's why those weird textures are there.

Awesome! ^_^

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Oh yeah so I did a presentation the other day in my bio common core class. We did an article on how racial tolerance can spread easily under certain conditions. We sparked some interesting discussion and the whole thing took 45 minutes :blink: so I think we did pretty well. :)


Also I found out something yesterday. There's this levelbase tribune thing, it's basically a blog for the TR level editor community, and I looked back and saw that my project was deemed level of the month back in April. I had no idea! That was pretty neat to see.


My snowbase level is being beta-tested so I've started working on my fourth project. It's basically an ancient city in ruins on an alien planet. Here's a pic, I haven't done the surrounding area yet so that's why those weird textures are there.

Oh my Jesse... that is phenomenal!!!!!!!!!! How stellar that you were level of the month. You should really feel fantastic!!!


Good luck on the beta-testing. It sounds really great and the image is great. Good luck! Let us know how this turns out.

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Haha, no need to be ashamed of your mad posting skills, 'raishy.


I'm starting to feel a bit better about that whole bunch of stuff I was dwelling on before. My roommate noticed me testing my level and said the character I made was "cool." Just hearing that helped me feel better and less...self-conscious. I also got to watch heroes with him and my other roommate (as in, the other room in the apt.). It's a pretty good show but I'm not really hooked on it, which is probably a good thing. I've also decided that I should start to open up to more people about my orientation, and I have a few people in mind who I'm pretty sure won't flip out about it. :P


No homework this weekend, yayness.

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Haha, no need to be ashamed of your mad posting skills, 'raishy.


I'm starting to feel a bit better about that whole bunch of stuff I was dwelling on before. My roommate noticed me testing my level and said the character I made was "cool." Just hearing that helped me feel better and less...self-conscious. I also got to watch heroes with him and my other roommate (as in, the other room in the apt.). It's a pretty good show but I'm not really hooked on it, which is probably a good thing. I've also decided that I should start to open up to more people about my orientation, and I have a few people in mind who I'm pretty sure won't flip out about it. :P


No homework this weekend, yayness.

This is good, this is good!

Self-confidence level up?



Best thing for you to do is not rush yourself, and not to force yourself out to anyone. Just go at your own pace. =w= But I trust you to do that anyway.


Heroes is a good show, but I really can't get into most of those shows. x'D

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Haha, no need to be ashamed of your mad posting skills, 'raishy.


I'm starting to feel a bit better about that whole bunch of stuff I was dwelling on before. My roommate noticed me testing my level and said the character I made was "cool." Just hearing that helped me feel better and less...self-conscious. I also got to watch heroes with him and my other roommate (as in, the other room in the apt.). It's a pretty good show but I'm not really hooked on it, which is probably a good thing. I've also decided that I should start to open up to more people about my orientation, and I have a few people in mind who I'm pretty sure won't flip out about it. :P


No homework this weekend, yayness.

How nice you have a weekend off. You deserve it. :)


You know the best course of action that will work for you, so I trust that you will accomplish this when the time it right.

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Okay well when I said "people in mind" I guess it was more like "person in mind". :rolleyes: Anyway I talked with him today and if I recall correctly his first reaction was "that's it?" :lol: We went to the storage room and talked about it while looking at string quartet music (I intend to cover the viola part on alto clarinet). We're becoming pretty close friends and I'm glad I opened up to him (he was too).

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Okay well when I said "people in mind" I guess it was more like "person in mind". :rolleyes: Anyway I talked with him today and if I recall correctly his first reaction was "that's it?" :lol: We went to the storage room and talked about it while looking at string quartet music (I intend to cover the viola part on alto clarinet). We're becoming pretty close friends and I'm glad I opened up to him (he was too).

It's great to hear you have a good friend who you can talk to and he accepts you exactly as you are.

You should be feeling pretty terrific.

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Okay well when I said "people in mind" I guess it was more like "person in mind". :rolleyes: Anyway I talked with him today and if I recall correctly his first reaction was "that's it?" :lol: We went to the storage room and talked about it while looking at string quartet music (I intend to cover the viola part on alto clarinet). We're becoming pretty close friends and I'm glad I opened up to him (he was too).

Good boy. x'3

Micicle? -offers frozen micicle-


Heeheehee. Two guys in a storage room. Suspicious~. o3o

Still, it's good that you're opening up to people. Or, person. But then, you've already got your sister, so Mr. Boy makes two, making it people. Right?

...Grammar, you do confuse me so. :c


Anyway. Any friend is good friend. I hope you make more? ouo

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Three people, actually. Can't remember if I mentioned this but I also opened up to the first guy I felt feelings for (who also lives in my apartment). I believe I'm also starting to forge a meaningful friendship with him too. I hugged him yesterday as I thanked him for being so open-minded and talking with me about various issues I was struggling with.


Oh yeah, I suppose if my dad ever looks in this topic nowadays, or other places online, then that could be four people. :rolleyes: That would be a bit stalker-ish but I'm not that worried about him knowing. I'll open up to my family someday, but they will probably be among the last to know. One because they've known me the longest so they might bring the most friction, and two because I don't want them trying to influence my relationships or anything, so I would open up only after I've found a partner. And three, if my dad HASN'T figured it out, he might be offended because he's always approached homosexuality from the psychological side of things (as in, gay men have had negligent fathers). I don't think that's how it worked though, at least not with me. I mean I've had some tough times with him but I know he still loves me. I think it's just...who I am.

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Three people, actually. Can't remember if I mentioned this but I also opened up to the first guy I felt feelings for (who also lives in my apartment). I believe I'm also starting to forge a meaningful friendship with him too. I hugged him yesterday as I thanked him for being so open-minded and talking with me about various issues I was struggling with.


Oh yeah, I suppose if my dad ever looks in this topic nowadays, or other places online, then that could be four people. :rolleyes: That would be a bit stalker-ish but I'm not that worried about him knowing. I'll open up to my family someday, but they will probably be among the last to know. One because they've known me the longest so they might bring the most friction, and two because I don't want them trying to influence my relationships or anything, so I would open up only after I've found a partner. And three, if my dad HASN'T figured it out, he might be offended because he's always approached homosexuality from the psychological side of things (as in, gay men have had negligent fathers). I don't think that's how it worked though, at least not with me. I mean I've had some tough times with him but I know he still loves me. I think it's just...who I am.

I always like great news and to hear that you are opening up more and people are accepting you for who you are is wonderful.


As for your father... when you know the time is right, hopefully he will be able to accept you and be happy for you. Your mother will be a great asset at this point. Let's hope that your father does not think he did something wrong when it comes to who you are, and adjusts to you and your partner and is happy for you.

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And three, if my dad HASN'T figured it out, he might be offended because he's always approached homosexuality from the psychological side of things (as in, gay men have had negligent fathers).


That's very one-sided.

There are other psychological explanations than just that.



hahahahahaha go figure i defend psychology

probably one of the few sciences i'm genuinely interested in

so forgive me if i do the know-it-all stickler for accuracy thing, 'cause i tend to do that with things i actually care abo8ut



Anyway. So it's definitely people if it's three. x'D

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Saw the video :lol: And I'm glad that's not the only psych perspective on it, if I was influenced psychologically at all. Actually, I don't care much anymore how I got to be this way, I've just kind of accepted it as part of who I am. And I hope my family will too.

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Saw the video :lol: And I'm glad that's not the only psych perspective on it, if I was influenced psychologically at all. Actually, I don't care much anymore how I got to be this way, I've just kind of accepted it as part of who I am. And I hope my family will too.

As long as you are happy with who you are, that is all that is important. If any of the family is uncomfortable with your life... just give them some time. They will come around.

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Saw the video :lol: And I'm glad that's not the only psych perspective on it, if I was influenced psychologically at all. Actually, I don't care much anymore how I got to be this way, I've just kind of accepted it as part of who I am. And I hope my family will too.

lol yeah. People have done twin studies on homosexuality which suggest that there is a genetic component to it.

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So...I've been a bit down about feeling alone lately. Last night I came home and wept about it for a bit. I can't escape the feeling that while I do have friends, they all have plenty of people who are more significant to them than I am (which I understand), and thus there is no more room for me. I talked to a few people about this and the basic response I got was "why?" I'm not sure though if they understand how out of place I feel when everyone in a given room or place is spending time with someone except me, or when I never know when or where my friends are hanging out, and that none of them tell me about these things. Or when in school (as in, before college) I would always be stuck with the one other kid who did not get a partner, because my friends had better people to pick. It removes that sense of being truly cared for. I want to care for people, and I do a few times when helping others with homework or a musical piece, and that's good. But that care is not fully reciprocated. Maybe I just need to deal with that. I don't know. I keep praying about it, hoping something could change, either around me or within myself...

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Oh, Jesse! It's so hard, I know. *hugs* I know what it's like and I'm sure so many people here can sympathise. It's good to have a cry every now and then. I suppose it'll just take time. You're working so hard and that can mean that you feel isolated from other people. I'm sure you'll find a group of people soon that you can really connect with. Does your band do socials or something like that?

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I know how you feel there, but it doesn't bother me as much. I guess I just got used to it at an early age and accepted it as part of life. :unsure: Keep in mind, that your friends might not be aware that you want to know when and where they're hanging out, especially if you don't seem like the hanging out type. You could always send a quick IM or call and ask what everyone is up to.

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So...I've been a bit down about feeling alone lately. Last night I came home and wept about it for a bit. I can't escape the feeling that while I do have friends, they all have plenty of people who are more significant to them than I am (which I understand), and thus there is no more room for me. I talked to a few people about this and the basic response I got was "why?" I'm not sure though if they understand how out of place I feel when everyone in a given room or place is spending time with someone except me, or when I never know when or where my friends are hanging out, and that none of them tell me about these things. Or when in school (as in, before college) I would always be stuck with the one other kid who did not get a partner, because my friends had better people to pick. It removes that sense of being truly cared for. I want to care for people, and I do a few times when helping others with homework or a musical piece, and that's good. But that care is not fully reciprocated. Maybe I just need to deal with that. I don't know. I keep praying about it, hoping something could change, either around me or within myself...

This will not make things any easier for you, but this is one of those periods in life when you are changing and your values are changing. You will find that special person and be the priority in their life, but this is something that just takes time. The goals you have set for yourself are wonderful and exceptional, but this means you have less time to hang out and socialize and therefore find that someone special. Part of the problem is that you are so focused, and this is a good thing, that when other students are goofing off, you are intent on studying to get out of school. Part of the goofing off process is the ability to use this time to get and know someone. As others have suggested, is there any group, club or activity that you could join so that you could meet people? Personally I would look for something in the arts or computers. You would find like minded people who you could have something in common and something to talk about. How about the chess club? Any other interests that you have not divulged?


We love you and wish we could be right there for you, but we are a couple clicks away.


In the meantime... I have a serious technological question if you have any time.

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JF, I've been used to it too, up until this year when suddenly I feel isolated. I'm usually done with my work at 1 or 2 pm and then I kind of sit around all day unless I have band or choir.


My band does do socials occasionally, and I attend them, except dance parties. I attended the first dance party and the music was loud and horrible, and all the girls were singing to it and they were also loud and horrible. :lol:


I'm in 5 performing groups so I'm at the point where adding another activity would be overcommitting myself. I also tried out for the selective choral ensemble. If I make it then that would make it 6 groups, and that should help a bit with the having things to do issue.


I just want my current friendships to start to mean something. I don't know where to start with that though.

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JF, I've been used to it too, up until this year when suddenly I feel isolated. I'm usually done with my work at 1 or 2 pm and then I kind of sit around all day unless I have band or choir.


My band does do socials occasionally, and I attend them, except dance parties. I attended the first dance party and the music was loud and horrible, and all the girls were singing to it and they were also loud and horrible. :lol:


I'm in 5 performing groups so I'm at the point where adding another activity would be overcommitting myself. I also tried out for the selective choral ensemble. If I make it then that would make it 6 groups, and that should help a bit with the having things to do issue.


I just want my current friendships to start to mean something. I don't know where to start with that though.

Something to thing about, not all friendships have the same intensity and no one friend is liked more or less. They are just on different planes. Satisfying different needs. With that being said, I think you will need to take the initiative with some of your friends and ask them to get together. Don't wait for them to ask you. If you want to do something, then suggest it to someone else and see if they are available. If someone says they can't, ask someone else, don't let the answer make you feel as though they are rejecting you. It may just be that they are truly unavailable.


As for other activities... what I was suggesting is that you find a different group of people. All the activities you are in consist of the same basic theme... music and same basic people. You need to expand into a different arena, a different and interesting group to enlarge your circle of friends. For example, Mega Wolf has the marching band group, but she also is involved in the 4-H club. Two totally different themes, but sometimes with some of the same people. This was an example of my thinking. For example, I have the motorcycle group, the music group, the arts and antiques group, the work group, the exercise group and then I have my couple of close friends. Sometimes they overlap, sometimes they are not even close. Each group brings something to my life that makes me who I am. The band/music group just does not seem to give you what you are looking for.

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I'm feeling better today. What I did was when a roommate (the one I opened up to) came home today, I started talking to him about different subjects and watched some Heroes with him, and I felt better after that so like raishy said I just needed to take the initiative.


Another thing I need to keep in mind is that finals are next week so people are just busy in general...except me. For some reason I have barely any work to do this week.

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I'm feeling better today. What I did was when a roommate (the one I opened up to) came home today, I started talking to him about different subjects and watched some Heroes with him, and I felt better after that so like raishy said I just needed to take the initiative.


Another thing I need to keep in mind is that finals are next week so people are just busy in general...except me. For some reason I have barely any work to do this week.

Sounds great! Great to know that you watched a little bit of Heroes and had a bit of a discussion.


One reason you don't have lots of work this week is because you have been working hard all week. Good luck on finals although I am certain you have a 4.0.

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I'm feeling better today. What I did was when a roommate (the one I opened up to) came home today, I started talking to him about different subjects and watched some Heroes with him, and I felt better after that so like raishy said I just needed to take the initiative.


Another thing I need to keep in mind is that finals are next week so people are just busy in general...except me. For some reason I have barely any work to do this week.

Sounds great! Great to know that you watched a little bit of Heroes and had a bit of a discussion.


One reason you don't have lots of work this week is because you have been working hard all week. Good luck on finals although I am certain you have a 4.0.


Eh, maybe, it's an uphill battle getting that A- up in linear algebra :rolleyes: But you surmised correctly that I finished all the projects due this week, so it's just the occasional homeworks as usual that I must do, like math, and that does not take up too much time.


I'm also a bit hooked on Donkey Kong 64. I have to restrict myself to an hour at a time so I don't overwork myself :lol:

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I'm feeling better today. What I did was when a roommate (the one I opened up to) came home today, I started talking to him about different subjects and watched some Heroes with him, and I felt better after that so like raishy said I just needed to take the initiative.


Another thing I need to keep in mind is that finals are next week so people are just busy in general...except me. For some reason I have barely any work to do this week.

Sounds great! Great to know that you watched a little bit of Heroes and had a bit of a discussion.


One reason you don't have lots of work this week is because you have been working hard all week. Good luck on finals although I am certain you have a 4.0.


Eh, maybe, it's an uphill battle getting that A- up in linear algebra :rolleyes: But you surmised correctly that I finished all the projects due this week, so it's just the occasional homeworks as usual that I must do, like math, and that does not take up too much time.


I'm also a bit hooked on Donkey Kong 64. I have to restrict myself to an hour at a time so I don't overwork myself :lol:

Only one hour of Donkey Kong... that is truly self-control. I would never be so disciplined. :D Self-discipline is something I would like to learn.

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The type that produces music...? I dunno, my loyalty lies with saxophones. ;):P

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It's my dream instrument to play. I play the piano but badly and I like it but I've never been crazy about it (we just had a piano for some reason). I think Lisa Simpson popularised it for kiddies of our generation.

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Right, I forgot when I asked that most people don't even know what the different types are. Anyway I play the e-flat clarinet in pep band. I must be the only one out of a couple hundred pep bands. :P


LE you should definitely pick up the saxophone if you can!

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Right, I forgot when I asked that most people don't even know what the different types are. Anyway I play the e-flat clarinet in pep band. I must be the only one out of a couple hundred pep bands. :P


LE you should definitely pick up the saxophone if you can!

An eagle with a saxophone? Now that would be something to see!!!!

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Maybe I should, I have so much free time here, but I'm having enough trouble trying to recollect the German I haven't studied for two years. I'm on the verge of saying "Ich bin ein Berliner" (only I'll never be that stupid).

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Maybe I should, I have so much free time here, but I'm having enough trouble trying to recollect the German I haven't studied for two years. I'm on the verge of saying "Ich bin ein Berliner" (only I'll never be that stupid).

You probably don't even eat jelly rolls. :lol:

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Maybe I should, I have so much free time here, but I'm having enough trouble trying to recollect the German I haven't studied for two years. I'm on the verge of saying "Ich bin ein Berliner" (only I'll never be that stupid).

You probably don't even eat jelly rolls. :lol:


That old story is actually an exaggeration as the setence would be understood in context. But never mind, it's still funny if we pretend! :lol:

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Maybe I should, I have so much free time here, but I'm having enough trouble trying to recollect the German I haven't studied for two years. I'm on the verge of saying "Ich bin ein Berliner" (only I'll never be that stupid).

You probably don't even eat jelly rolls. :lol:


That old story is actually an exaggeration as the setence would be understood in context. But never mind, it's still funny if we pretend! :lol:

You are quite right. But as you say, it makes a better story this way.

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By that logic we could change the entire course of history just to make it more interesting. :rolleyes:


And poor Jesse, you REALLY need to fight hard to get into those band pictures properly!

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By that logic we could change the entire course of history just to make it more interesting. :rolleyes:


And poor Jesse, you REALLY need to fight hard to get into those band pictures properly!

Changing history might be interesting. What did you have in mind?

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By that logic we could change the entire course of history just to make it more interesting. :rolleyes:


And poor Jesse, you REALLY need to fight hard to get into those band pictures properly!

Changing history might be interesting. What did you have in mind?


Hmm, let's see... they find an old piece of parchment from around 100 BC that states that a London-based eagle is to inherit the universe. That would INDEED be good news! ^_^

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By that logic we could change the entire course of history just to make it more interesting. :rolleyes:


And poor Jesse, you REALLY need to fight hard to get into those band pictures properly!

Changing history might be interesting. What did you have in mind?


Hmm, let's see... they find an old piece of parchment from around 100 BC that states that a London-based eagle is to inherit the universe. That would INDEED be good news! ^_^

Ummm... I'm not so sure. :unsure:

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By that logic we could change the entire course of history just to make it more interesting. :rolleyes:


And poor Jesse, you REALLY need to fight hard to get into those band pictures properly!

Changing history might be interesting. What did you have in mind?


Hmm, let's see... they find an old piece of parchment from around 100 BC that states that a London-based eagle is to inherit the universe. That would INDEED be good news! ^_^

Ummm... I'm not so sure. :unsure:


Wanna bet? I'm gonna rule the world one day, you'll see. :P

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By that logic we could change the entire course of history just to make it more interesting. :rolleyes:


And poor Jesse, you REALLY need to fight hard to get into those band pictures properly!

Changing history might be interesting. What did you have in mind?


Hmm, let's see... they find an old piece of parchment from around 100 BC that states that a London-based eagle is to inherit the universe. That would INDEED be good news! ^_^

Ummm... I'm not so sure. :unsure:


Wanna bet? I'm gonna rule the world one day, you'll see. :P

And you think rodents should be honoured not eaten... is this correct?

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  • 2 weeks later...
By that logic we could change the entire course of history just to make it more interesting. :rolleyes:


And poor Jesse, you REALLY need to fight hard to get into those band pictures properly!

Changing history might be interesting. What did you have in mind?


Hmm, let's see... they find an old piece of parchment from around 100 BC that states that a London-based eagle is to inherit the universe. That would INDEED be good news! ^_^

Ummm... I'm not so sure. :unsure:


Wanna bet? I'm gonna rule the world one day, you'll see. :P

And you think rodents should be honoured not eaten... is this correct?


Honoured only in the sense that they are the staple foodstuff. :P

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By that logic we could change the entire course of history just to make it more interesting. :rolleyes:


And poor Jesse, you REALLY need to fight hard to get into those band pictures properly!

Changing history might be interesting. What did you have in mind?


Hmm, let's see... they find an old piece of parchment from around 100 BC that states that a London-based eagle is to inherit the universe. That would INDEED be good news! ^_^

Ummm... I'm not so sure. :unsure:


Wanna bet? I'm gonna rule the world one day, you'll see. :P

And you think rodents should be honoured not eaten... is this correct?


Honoured only in the sense that they are the staple foodstuff. :P


*starts making disguises for all rodents*

This should help.

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