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:blink: at Horatio's question.


So someone pulled the fire alarm tonight. :rolleyes: At least I didn't have anything to do. And I got more excersize on the stairs. :P

Assuming you're living with other freshmen, get used to it. Most of them don't realize that pulling fire alarms isn't cool anymore because it doesn't get you out of class. Either that or they haven't learned how to cook popcorn in a microwave yet. :rolleyes: The fire alarm in our building (honors freshmen in one half, mostly seniors in the other) went off close to 20 times last year. Keep a warm coat/blanket and shoes near the door at all times, and don't forget your room key on the way out.



I'm guessing you speak from personal experience?

Maaaaaaybe. :rolleyes:

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.

Oh I feel so loved. along with the other like 10 people who still post here.

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.

Oh I feel so loved. along with the other like 10 people who still post here.

I hope you do feel loved. We have a really great group of people who have become close friends.

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.

Oh I feel so loved. along with the other like 10 people who still post here.

I hope you do feel loved. We have a really great group of people who have become close friends.

I know. I've known some of the people here longer than my close friends I know in person...

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.

Oh I feel so loved. along with the other like 10 people who still post here.

I hope you do feel loved. We have a really great group of people who have become close friends.

I know. I've known some of the people here longer than my close friends I know in person...

Coming here always makes my heart smile.

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.

Oh I feel so loved. along with the other like 10 people who still post here.

I hope you do feel loved. We have a really great group of people who have become close friends.

I know. I've known some of the people here longer than my close friends I know in person...


I've been here since, like, 7th grade, I guess? maybe 8th.

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.

Oh I feel so loved. along with the other like 10 people who still post here.

I hope you do feel loved. We have a really great group of people who have become close friends.

I know. I've known some of the people here longer than my close friends I know in person...


I've been here since, like, 7th grade, I guess? maybe 8th.

Freshman year of high school. So I've been here almost 5 years.

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Haha, thanks Horatio :D Oh yeah, I meant the 11th, not the 12th. *starts eating cake*

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


*wonders if Jesse is trying to get me to make another micicle cake* :lol:

Maybe I am... :P Seriously though, it says the 11th for me. I can't take a screenshot right now though, cause I am on the windows laptop and I don't know where the pictures go when I hit the printscreen button. :wacko: It's certainly not the "my pictures" folder...


But it looks like you got the mac method down. Well done, my pupil has learned well. :)

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Haha, thanks Horatio :D Oh yeah, I meant the 11th, not the 12th. *starts eating cake*

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


*wonders if Jesse is trying to get me to make another micicle cake* LOL

Maybe I am... :P Seriously though, it says the 11th for me. I can't take a screenshot right now though, cause I am on the windows laptop and I don't know where the pictures go when I hit the printscreen button. :wacko: It's certainly not the "my pictures" folder...


But it looks like you got the mac method down. Well done, my pupil has learned well. :)

I learned well because I have a spectacular teacher!!!!!!!

*waits for next lesson* :)

*hears the oven timer ring signalling the micicle cake is ready*

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Haha, thanks Horatio :D Oh yeah, I meant the 11th, not the 12th. *starts eating cake*

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


*wonders if Jesse is trying to get me to make another micicle cake* :lol:

Maybe I am... :P Seriously though, it says the 11th for me. I can't take a screenshot right now though, cause I am on the windows laptop and I don't know where the pictures go when I hit the printscreen button. :wacko: It's certainly not the "my pictures" folder...


But it looks like you got the mac method down. Well done, my pupil has learned well. :)

1. Print screen

2. Open paint

3. ctrl+v (paste)

4. Resize if necessary.

5. Upload

6. ????

7. Profit!

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Haha, thanks Horatio :D Oh yeah, I meant the 11th, not the 12th. *starts eating cake*

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


*wonders if Jesse is trying to get me to make another micicle cake* LOL

Maybe I am... :P Seriously though, it says the 11th for me. I can't take a screenshot right now though, cause I am on the windows laptop and I don't know where the pictures go when I hit the printscreen button. :wacko: It's certainly not the "my pictures" folder...


But it looks like you got the mac method down. Well done, my pupil has learned well. :)

1. Print screen

2. Open paint

3. ctrl+v (paste)

4. Resize if necessary.

5. Upload

6. ????

7. Profit!

Thank you Glow!!!

I will attempt to learn anything you wish to teach me! :)

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I just realized that, while I joined about 2 years after Jesse, I have moar posts. *dances*

*wonders what kind of posts those would be?



y'know. grater than. lardger in nuhmbur.

*removes the marbles from Cheesemaster's mouth*

I dunt halve ehny marrbulls in mie mowth.

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Haha, thanks Horatio :D Oh yeah, I meant the 11th, not the 12th. *starts eating cake*

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:


*wonders if Jesse is trying to get me to make another micicle cake*

Maybe I am... :P Seriously though, it says the 11th for me. I can't take a screenshot right now though, cause I am on the windows laptop and I don't know where the pictures go when I hit the printscreen button. :wacko: It's certainly not the "my pictures" folder...


But it looks like you got the mac method down. Well done, my pupil has learned well. :)

1. Print screen

2. Open paint

3. ctrl+v (paste)

4. Resize if necessary.

5. Upload

6. ????

7. Profit!

Okay, let's give it a try...



I hate how Windows selects text. I was trying to copy the BB code for that attachment and it would either not highlight the last bracket or it would highlight it with the text next to it. So stupid...I had to just copy the first bracket and type in the other one. <_< What do they call that feature, "smart highlight?" It should be called "highlight of the stupids".


I just realized that, while I joined about 2 years after Jesse, I have moar posts. *dances*

Yes, yes, I post infrequently...that's the story of, that's the glory of my liiiiife!

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I just realized that, while I joined about 2 years after Jesse, I have moar posts. *dances*

*wonders what kind of posts those would be?



y'know. grater than. lardger in nuhmbur.

*removes the marbles from Cheesemaster's mouth*

I dunt halve ehny marrbulls in mie mowth.

*looks at Cheesemaster's face and sees this... :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: *

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It should be called "highlight of the stupids".

I agree on that! :lol:

Microsoft products are the absolute worst.

Hey now. While I agree that windows highlights codes wierd, I find it much easier to navigate. Seriously, the whole only one mouse button thing confuses the heck out of me. :rolleyes: And yes, it does say the 11th for Jesse's joining date for me too.

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.

Oh I feel so loved. along with the other like 10 people who still post here.

I hope you do feel loved. We have a really great group of people who have become close friends.

I know. I've known some of the people here longer than my close friends I know in person...

Coming here always makes my heart smile.

awww that's cute my heart smiles when people post and actually enjoy posting here. this is like my escape place.

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It should be called "highlight of the stupids".

I agree on that! :lol:

Microsoft products are the absolute worst.

Hey now. While I agree that windows highlights codes wierd, I find it much easier to navigate. Seriously, the whole only one mouse button thing confuses the heck out of me. :rolleyes: And yes, it does say the 11th for Jesse's joining date for me too.

Haha, well we're in the same boat there. With this laptop I keep hitting the right button with my thumb instead of the left one, and when I use a seperate mouse I accidentaly press down both fingers because I keep thinking it's all one button. :P


BTW control-clicking is like a right-click for the mac.

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It should be called "highlight of the stupids".

I agree on that! :lol:

Microsoft products are the absolute worst.

Hey now. While I agree that windows highlights codes wierd, I find it much easier to navigate. Seriously, the whole only one mouse button thing confuses the heck out of me. :rolleyes: And yes, it does say the 11th for Jesse's joining date for me too.

I think that microsoft products are generally better in various ways, but I definitely think that macs are way, way easier to navigate.


You just have to get used to the one button, and then everything is easy from there.

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.

Oh I feel so loved. along with the other like 10 people who still post here.

I hope you do feel loved. We have a really great group of people who have become close friends.

I know. I've known some of the people here longer than my close friends I know in person...

Coming here always makes my heart smile.

awww that's cute my heart smiles when people post and actually enjoy posting here. this is like my escape place.

I missed you. Glad you are back and escaping here this evening. :D

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.

Oh I feel so loved. along with the other like 10 people who still post here.

I hope you do feel loved. We have a really great group of people who have become close friends.

I know. I've known some of the people here longer than my close friends I know in person...

Coming here always makes my heart smile.

awww that's cute my heart smiles when people post and actually enjoy posting here. this is like my escape place.

I missed you. Glad you are back and escaping here this evening. :D

I missed you all.

I'm not really escaping I just missed you.

I escsape into someones arms when I need to.

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It should be called "highlight of the stupids".

I agree on that! :lol:

Microsoft products are the absolute worst.

Hey now. While I agree that windows highlights codes wierd, I find it much easier to navigate. Seriously, the whole only one mouse button thing confuses the heck out of me. :rolleyes: And yes, it does say the 11th for Jesse's joining date for me too.

Haha, well we're in the same boat there. With this laptop I keep hitting the right button with my thumb instead of the left one, and when I use a seperate mouse I accidentaly press down both fingers because I keep thinking it's all one button. :P


BTW control-clicking is like a right-click for the mac.

Ah, goood to know.

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*sqeezes kay* squeeeeeee!


Um...so I'm doing fine. I got the hoverboard thing working, but not the way I expected. I have to make a several level for the hoverboard part because the setup I planned on using in the other level was already used for something else :blush: Now I'm putting the animations together (the fun part for me!)

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*sqeezes kay* squeeeeeee!


Um...so I'm doing fine. I got the hoverboard thing working, but not the way I expected. I have to make a several level for the hoverboard part because the setup I planned on using in the other level was already used for something else :blush: Now I'm putting the animations together (the fun part for me!)

*moans at the tight squeeze but squeezes Jesse back*


Hmmmm.. looks like I need to go back and do some reading, I've missed a lot. Hoverboards, aye?

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*sqeezes kay* squeeeeeee!


Um...so I'm doing fine. I got the hoverboard thing working, but not the way I expected. I have to make a several level for the hoverboard part because the setup I planned on using in the other level was already used for something else :blush: Now I'm putting the animations together (the fun part for me!)

*moans at the tight squeeze but squeezes Jesse back*


Hmmmm.. looks like I need to go back and do some reading, I've missed a lot. Hoverboards, aye?

Yes, I mentioned it back at round post #750, it's for my tomb raider level series. I will take a screenshot when I have gotten a good start.

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*sqeezes kay* squeeeeeee!


Um...so I'm doing fine. I got the hoverboard thing working, but not the way I expected. I have to make a several level for the hoverboard part because the setup I planned on using in the other level was already used for something else :blush: Now I'm putting the animations together (the fun part for me!)

*moans at the tight squeeze but squeezes Jesse back*


Hmmmm.. looks like I need to go back and do some reading, I've missed a lot. Hoverboards, aye?

Yes, I mentioned it back at round post #750, it's for my tomb raider level series. I will take a screenshot when I have gotten a good start.

So, for those of us that aren't quite to educated in the realm of video games, care to explain what exactly a hoverboard is? It sounds really cool. ^_^

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I'm sitting outside right now, in a courtyard at an old wooden table. The breeze is nice and the weather is perfect. :) I should do this more often. I'm going to finish up my history reading here, and then get to math.


The hoverboard level isn't working very well so far...I had to change the setup a few times and now the stateID changes are refusing to work...but I'll keep trying later today.


Took a nap for an hour today, which helped me feel less tired. I hope that marching band practice will be okay.

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I'm sitting outside right now, in a courtyard at an old wooden table. The breeze is nice and the weather is perfect. :) I should do this more often. I'm going to finish up my history reading here, and then get to math.


The hoverboard level isn't working very well so far...I had to change the setup a few times and now the stateID changes are refusing to work...but I'll keep trying later today.


Took a nap for an hour today, which helped me feel less tired. I hope that marching band practice will be okay.

Laptop+wireless+outside=awesome. ^_^ Naps also = awesome. As for the hoverboard, you'll figure it out. :)

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So...starting now I'm going to attempt to add a hoverboard to my third level of the series. Wish me luck. :P

LOL. I went back three pages to read a sentance you could have just retyped?? Lame. JKJKJKJK...


so yeah I want a real working hoverboard that would be awesome..... *fantazises*


So are you taking a gaming class thing or just doin' it for fun.


I want to be one of those game tester people when I grow up and get payed to play video games that would be amazing... *again, starts to fatazise*

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So...starting now I'm going to attempt to add a hoverboard to my third level of the series. Wish me luck. :P

LOL. I went back three pages to read a sentance you could have just retyped?? Lame. JKJKJKJK...


so yeah I want a real working hoverboard that would be awesome..... *fantazises*


So are you taking a gaming class thing or just doin' it for fun.


I want to be one of those game tester people when I grow up and get payed to play video games that would be amazing... *again, starts to fatazise*

Just for fun at the moment. :) Haha you can play all of my games ^_^

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So...starting now I'm going to attempt to add a hoverboard to my third level of the series. Wish me luck. :P

LOL. I went back three pages to read a sentance you could have just retyped?? Lame. JKJKJKJK...


so yeah I want a real working hoverboard that would be awesome..... *fantazises*


So are you taking a gaming class thing or just doin' it for fun.


I want to be one of those game tester people when I grow up and get payed to play video games that would be amazing... *again, starts to fatazise*

Just for fun at the moment. :) Haha you can play all of my games ^_^


OO OO OO I wanna play your games. It's not like I have anything better to do...

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

And Cheesemaster, you do that soooooooooooo well! :lol:

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For those interested, Paid to Play: An Insider’s Guide to Video Game Careers is an amazing book about game careers.


And the Penny Arcade guys illustrated it, so you know it's good. ;D

LOL... I assume you have read it! LOL

I read most of it, actually.


I forgot about it until just now. xD But it is sooo cool.

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Bah. I was hoping to have the hoverboard be controlled in a kind of freestyle way where you could shift up or down at your discretion, but it's just not possible. So I'll do a setup with an invisible floor (there's lava below) and make due with a one-level setup. Though, I'll have the player jump up on or over blocks, and crouch to fit in crawlspaces as they approach them, and then if the player hits a wall I'll try and find a way to make it look like Luke is falling into the lava.


So, it's tough when you realize you were wasting time on something. But I guess whenever you experiment with things you can't always have a success. :) And you still learn from it. Heh, perhaps that belongs in the lessons of life topic.


Goodnight everyone. Oh yeah, I've been at home for the weekend. It's quite relaxing though I keep struggling over whether to be relaxing or doing work. Anyway, goodnight again. I have to wake up for church tomorrow.

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.

Umm...... :rolleyes:

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD



Winnnnnn. I so totally lol'd.

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

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Hmmm...music? *plays the clarinet* Oh yeah, I get to play clarinet for one of the chorus songs. It's the same melody repeating throughout the song but it's still fun to play.

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?


*sits with Kay listening to music*

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?


*sits with Kay listening to music*

*switches from rocking back and forth to meditating*


All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something.

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?


*sits with Kay listening to music*

*switches from rocking back and forth to meditating*


All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?


*sits with Kay listening to music*

*switches from rocking back and forth to meditating*


All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

*shys away*

*turns on Saosin-You're Not Alone*

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.

Umm...... :rolleyes:

What?!??! :unsure:

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?


*sits with Kay listening to music*

*switches from rocking back and forth to meditating*


All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something.

I know exactly how that feels. It's not fun. But it does make you a stronger person in the long run, as cliche as that sounds.

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?


*sits with Kay listening to music*

*switches from rocking back and forth to meditating*


All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something.


Aww. ;.; Now I feel bad for teasing you about the typo. D=

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?


*sits with Kay listening to music*

*switches from rocking back and forth to meditating*


All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something.

I know exactly how that feels. It's not fun. But it does make you a stronger person in the long run, as cliche as that sounds.

I must be pretty strong then.

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*hugs Kay* I hope things will get better for you soon. You should talk to someone about it. Face-to-face would be preferable.

*returns hug* thanks. I will.

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?


*sits with Kay listening to music*

*switches from rocking back and forth to meditating*


All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something.


Aww. ;.; Now I feel bad for teasing you about the typo. D=


No it's ok I set myself up for that one. You're forgiven.

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?


*sits with Kay listening to music*

*switches from rocking back and forth to meditating*


All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something.

I know exactly how that feels. It's not fun. But it does make you a stronger person in the long run, as cliche as that sounds.

I must be pretty strong then.

lol that's one way to look at it. I can't say I remember most of what happened to me, I think most of it has been blocked from my brain, but I remember enough of it. And I know I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for what I had to go through. And I like who I am today. Just remember: be the best person you know how to be, and be yourself, no matter what. The people that are mean to you don't matter. And they're probably going to fail at life. You're better than that.

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?


*sits with Kay listening to music*

*switches from rocking back and forth to meditating*


All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something.

I know exactly how that feels. It's not fun. But it does make you a stronger person in the long run, as cliche as that sounds.

I must be pretty strong then.

lol that's one way to look at it. I can't say I remember most of what happened to me, I think most of it has been blocked from my brain, but I remember enough of it. And I know I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for what I had to go through. And I like who I am today. Just remember: be the best person you know how to be, and be yourself, no matter what. The people that are mean to you don't matter. And they're probably going to fail at life. You're better than that.

Those are and always will be the words to get me through those days. Thankyou. You're very kind. I appriciate what you said, it means so much.

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?


*sits with Kay listening to music*

*switches from rocking back and forth to meditating*


All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something.

I know exactly how that feels. It's not fun. But it does make you a stronger person in the long run, as cliche as that sounds.

I must be pretty strong then.

lol that's one way to look at it. I can't say I remember most of what happened to me, I think most of it has been blocked from my brain, but I remember enough of it. And I know I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for what I had to go through. And I like who I am today. Just remember: be the best person you know how to be, and be yourself, no matter what. The people that are mean to you don't matter. And they're probably going to fail at life. You're better than that.

Those are and always will be the words to get me through those days. Thankyou. You're very kind. I appriciate what you said, it means so much.

You are most welcome. :)

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*again, starts to fatazise*

Want to explain that to me? xD


But yes, game tester/designer would be amazing.

OMG did you have to make that so huge?????????? No i don't think Horatio would let me explain that one.. JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK.................

omg I was fantasizing about my future job.



I knew what you mean, I was just calling out your typo. x3

Typo??? oh fatazise... supposed to be fatasize. :glare: I need to throw a dictionary into my head.



It seems like you have had one thrown at your head plenty times. xD

Ye know I really couldn't control what my mom did to me as a baby. She probably has dropped me on my head and I've been hit in the plenty of times with a number of objects.

but Cheesey that was mean.

*stalks away*

*grabs Kay and brings her back*

*pulls away. runs away, hides in corner*

Sorry I'm feeling really emo today. It's been really bad. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

We just want to sit with you and listen to music. No talking, just listening to music with friends.

*rocks back and forth clutching legs*

Today was worse. Can it be moody/sad/sappy/emo music?


*sits with Kay listening to music*

*switches from rocking back and forth to meditating*


All I'm going to say is; today was like, abuse Kay Day, or something.

I know exactly how that feels. It's not fun. But it does make you a stronger person in the long run, as cliche as that sounds.

I must be pretty strong then.

lol that's one way to look at it. I can't say I remember most of what happened to me, I think most of it has been blocked from my brain, but I remember enough of it. And I know I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for what I had to go through. And I like who I am today. Just remember: be the best person you know how to be, and be yourself, no matter what. The people that are mean to you don't matter. And they're probably going to fail at life. You're better than that.

Those are and always will be the words to get me through those days. Thankyou. You're very kind. I appriciate what you said, it means so much.

You are most welcome. :)


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Yeah, despite my having seen Jesse several times lately, he's been neglecting his own topic. :rolleyes:

Life must be going good for him! Or at least I certainly hope so.


Yes, overall it is. My academic writing teacher loves my writing, as he said in our conference. I got a 100 on the first paper and I'm going to get either a 95 or a 100 on the second one, and I will have at least an A for my midterm grade. He wished that I was majoring in English. :P


Math class is pretty straight forward. I got a 93 on the first test, and for quiz grades I have two 100's and a 93. I also got an A- on my first project (he liked my sketches for the 3D graphs, haha...I thought they were horrible!)


My French class is fun but kind of tough for me in terms of analyzing films. I am horrible at analyzing works of art. The midterm is coming up soon, I hope I will do okay...


History has lots and lots of reading. The first exam is on Tuesday and I'm trying to study lots for it.

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Yeah, despite my having seen Jesse several times lately, he's been neglecting his own topic. :rolleyes:

Life must be going good for him! Or at least I certainly hope so.


Yes, overall it is. My academic writing teacher loves my writing, as he said in our conference. I got a 100 on the first paper and I'm going to get either a 95 or a 100 on the second one, and I will have at least an A for my midterm grade. He wished that I was majoring in English. :P


Math class is pretty straight forward. I got a 93 on the first test, and for quiz grades I have two 100's and a 93. I also got an A- on my first project (he liked my sketches for the 3D graphs, haha...I thought they were horrible!)


My French class is fun but kind of tough for me in terms of analyzing films. I am horrible at analyzing works of art. The midterm is coming up soon, I hope I will do okay...


History has lots and lots of reading. The first exam is on Tuesday and I'm trying to study lots for it.


You are doing really, really great!!!!!!!!!

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Oh yeah, finally took a picture of Luke on the hoverboard thingy:

SWEET! I really want to play that. I want to own a hoverboard.

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Awesome! ^_^ So, do you have any entertaining college stories to tell us yet?

Um, well we had a power outage for 4 hours on Thursday. Everyone was being obnoxious cause they were board. Fortunately I had my can'tthinkpad, my iBook, my iPod, and my DS all with good amounts of battery life to keep me occupied. Oh, and music theory homework.


Otherwise it's just the people on my floor being dumb. Like drawing X rated things on signs (I consider it a sign of creativity to be interesting without being X rated) and playing wiffle ball in the common room. And the girls that come over to our suite do even worse things that I won't mention here.


I don't know. I'm kind of tired of college life at the moment.

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Awesome! ^_^ So, do you have any entertaining college stories to tell us yet?

Um, well we had a power outage for 4 hours on Thursday. Everyone was being obnoxious cause they were board. Fortunately I had my can'tthinkpad, my iBook, my iPod, and my DS all with good amounts of battery life to keep me occupied. Oh, and music theory homework.


Otherwise it's just the people on my floor being dumb. Like drawing X rated things on signs (I consider it a sign of creativity to be interesting without being X rated) and playing wiffle ball in the common room. And the girls that come over to our suite do even worse things that I won't mention here.


I don't know. I'm kind of tired of college life at the moment.

People acting out things they only thought of when they lived under their parent's roof. :rolleyes:

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Awesome! ^_^ So, do you have any entertaining college stories to tell us yet?

Um, well we had a power outage for 4 hours on Thursday. Everyone was being obnoxious cause they were board. Fortunately I had my can'tthinkpad, my iBook, my iPod, and my DS all with good amounts of battery life to keep me occupied. Oh, and music theory homework.


Otherwise it's just the people on my floor being dumb. Like drawing X rated things on signs (I consider it a sign of creativity to be interesting without being X rated) and playing wiffle ball in the common room. And the girls that come over to our suite do even worse things that I won't mention here.


I don't know. I'm kind of tired of college life at the moment.

It happens, especially if you're in freshmen housing. Last year, despite it being honors freshmen, the fire alarm went off more than 14 times in one semester, and we had people draw penises on our whiteboards. If you have the opportunity, live in wellness (substance free) housing next year. And wiffle ball in the common room sounds fun, you should ask to join them. :P


And I agree, people at college can get pretty obnoxious. I'm currently considering purchasing a super soaker to deal with the ones who scream outside my window past quiet hours.

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And I agree, people at college can get pretty obnoxious. I'm currently considering purchasing a super soaker to deal with the ones who scream outside my window past quiet hours.

OMG!!! I absolutely love that idea!!!!!!!


Hahaha XD I like the idea. If anyone tries to get me in trouble for hitting them with water, they get in trouble for being obnoxious. :rolleyes:

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Just read the holy rule of saint benedict, which was very painful for me. That guy is so full of it. Basically he's brainwashing everyone with his stupid interpretation of the Bible.


The football game on Saturday was fun, a bit warm though. Only one more of those, and then an exhibition, and marching season is done. :)

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Just read the holy rule of saint benedict, which was very painful for me. That guy is so full of it. Basically he's brainwashing everyone with his stupid interpretation of the Bible.


The football game on Saturday was fun, a bit warm though. Only one more of those, and then an exhibition, and marching season is done. :)

I hope the marching season ends on a great note! :)


As for interpretations of the Bible, it is amazing just how many versions there are, and some are very bizarre.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The last marching event was crazy. It was moved inside due to terrible winds and wind chill and inside the gym it was really loud. But it was fun, and some people danced to the copacabana theme. :P Glad it's over, all the same.


I moved up to a 3.5 reed on the clarinet, and that has helped my altissimo register a lot (the notes above the C above the staff). I have been working on those notes, so I can hit them more strongly and not have to run up to them in order to squeeze the pitches out. I can hit altissimo G rather well now. I have also learned G# and A but I need to work on those some more (these notes are not even mentioned in most fingering books! I had to find a site where people submit all the alternate fingerings they know. Appearently you can get to the C above these notes, maybe even higher, but I'm trying not to rush it ;) ).


I've been looking at the clarinet family some more and there is a lot more to it than I thought. The typical clarinet is a b-flat soprano clarinet. There are also A and C clarinets used typically for operas, orchestras, and plays. There is also the e-flat "sopranino" clarinet. I want to own one of these some day! ^_^ It looks about 2/3 the size of a b-flat and plays a minor third above the notes read, giving it a useful high range. There is also an a-flat piccolo clarinet (also called a sopranino) which must be crazy high, along with other piccolo clarinets, but these are all pretty rare. Then there's the also, bass, contra alto, and contrabass clarinets. There are even clarinet choirs that are all types of clarinets.


Bah, and I just said I was tired of typing. I seriously should stop now. Goodnight.

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The last marching event was crazy. It was moved inside due to terrible winds and wind chill and inside the gym it was really loud. But it was fun, and some people danced to the copacabana theme. :P Glad it's over, all the same.


I moved up to a 3.5 reed on the clarinet, and that has helped my altissimo register a lot (the notes above the C above the staff). I have been working on those notes, so I can hit them more strongly and not have to run up to them in order to squeeze the pitches out. I can hit altissimo G rather well now. I have also learned G# and A but I need to work on those some more (these notes are not even mentioned in most fingering books! I had to find a site where people submit all the alternate fingerings they know. Appearently you can get to the C above these notes, maybe even higher, but I'm trying not to rush it ;) ).


I've been looking at the clarinet family some more and there is a lot more to it than I thought. The typical clarinet is a b-flat soprano clarinet. There are also A and C clarinets used typically for operas, orchestras, and plays. There is also the e-flat "sopranino" clarinet. I want to own one of these some day! ^_^ It looks about 2/3 the size of a b-flat and plays a minor third above the notes read, giving it a useful high range. There is also an a-flat piccolo clarinet (also called a sopranino) which must be crazy high, along with other piccolo clarinets, but these are all pretty rare. Then there's the also, bass, contra alto, and contrabass clarinets. There are even clarinet choirs that are all types of clarinets.


Bah, and I just said I was tired of typing. I seriously should stop now. Goodnight.

Whoa!!!!! All those different types of clarinets. I had no idea. How cool it would be to listen to a clarinet choir!

Glad your marching is over for now. Sounds like you had a great last event!

Thanks for the update. :D

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The last marching event was crazy. It was moved inside due to terrible winds and wind chill and inside the gym it was really loud. But it was fun, and some people danced to the copacabana theme. :P Glad it's over, all the same.


I moved up to a 3.5 reed on the clarinet, and that has helped my altissimo register a lot (the notes above the C above the staff). I have been working on those notes, so I can hit them more strongly and not have to run up to them in order to squeeze the pitches out. I can hit altissimo G rather well now. I have also learned G# and A but I need to work on those some more (these notes are not even mentioned in most fingering books! I had to find a site where people submit all the alternate fingerings they know. Appearently you can get to the C above these notes, maybe even higher, but I'm trying not to rush it ;) ).


I've been looking at the clarinet family some more and there is a lot more to it than I thought. The typical clarinet is a b-flat soprano clarinet. There are also A and C clarinets used typically for operas, orchestras, and plays. There is also the e-flat "sopranino" clarinet. I want to own one of these some day! ^_^ It looks about 2/3 the size of a b-flat and plays a minor third above the notes read, giving it a useful high range. There is also an a-flat piccolo clarinet (also called a sopranino) which must be crazy high, along with other piccolo clarinets, but these are all pretty rare. Then there's the also, bass, contra alto, and contrabass clarinets. There are even clarinet choirs that are all types of clarinets.


Bah, and I just said I was tired of typing. I seriously should stop now. Goodnight.

Whoa!!!!! All those different types of clarinets. I had no idea. How cool it would be to listen to a clarinet choir!

Glad your marching is over for now. Sounds like you had a great last event!

Thanks for the update. :D

Yes, I would love to hear a clarinet choir...actually, I would love to be in one, too. :D


I forgot the G soprano clarinet, which is considered the "Turkish clarinet", rare in the western hemisphere. There have also been D and F soprano clarinets, but these last two are really rare nowadays.


Not to mention that there are also different key systems for the clarinet. The most common one, which I have, is the boehm system, but there are also the albert and oehler systems. And there is also a kinderklarinette which has only 3 keys (and the holes).


Yeah. I'm like, a clarinet fanatic now. :P

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The last marching event was crazy. It was moved inside due to terrible winds and wind chill and inside the gym it was really loud. But it was fun, and some people danced to the copacabana theme. :P Glad it's over, all the same.


I moved up to a 3.5 reed on the clarinet, and that has helped my altissimo register a lot (the notes above the C above the staff). I have been working on those notes, so I can hit them more strongly and not have to run up to them in order to squeeze the pitches out. I can hit altissimo G rather well now. I have also learned G# and A but I need to work on those some more (these notes are not even mentioned in most fingering books! I had to find a site where people submit all the alternate fingerings they know. Appearently you can get to the C above these notes, maybe even higher, but I'm trying not to rush it ;) ).


I've been looking at the clarinet family some more and there is a lot more to it than I thought. The typical clarinet is a b-flat soprano clarinet. There are also A and C clarinets used typically for operas, orchestras, and plays. There is also the e-flat "sopranino" clarinet. I want to own one of these some day! ^_^ It looks about 2/3 the size of a b-flat and plays a minor third above the notes read, giving it a useful high range. There is also an a-flat piccolo clarinet (also called a sopranino) which must be crazy high, along with other piccolo clarinets, but these are all pretty rare. Then there's the also, bass, contra alto, and contrabass clarinets. There are even clarinet choirs that are all types of clarinets.


Bah, and I just said I was tired of typing. I seriously should stop now. Goodnight.

Whoa!!!!! All those different types of clarinets. I had no idea. How cool it would be to listen to a clarinet choir!

Glad your marching is over for now. Sounds like you had a great last event!

Thanks for the update. :D

Yes, I would love to hear a clarinet choir...actually, I would love to be in one, too. :D


I forgot the G soprano clarinet, which is considered the "Turkish clarinet", rare in the western hemisphere. There have also been D and F soprano clarinets, but these last two are really rare nowadays.


Not to mention that there are also different key systems for the clarinet. The most common one, which I have, is the boehm system, but there are also the albert and oehler systems. And there is also a kinderklarinette which has only 3 keys (and the holes).


Yeah. I'm like, a clarinet fanatic now. :P

When you join the clarinet chorus, I will come to your concert. :D

Next time I am in Turkey, I will pick you up a G soprano clarinet!

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Feeling some slight disappointment with college life. It's like everyone views it like some kind of giant party. Girls running by the door giggling like idiots, guys beating up each other for fun in the halls. Everyone vying to get their hands on alcohol, everyone going to the snickering squirrel (I think it's a strip joint nearby, but I don't care to find out). Everyone being drunk, screaming, somehow exhibiting even more stupidity than they were before. Not caring for their neighbors at all, not a passing thought. Everyone getting into "relationships" or trying to keep them from times before college, and stupidly failing at them, usually because they forgot that little detail about actually being a college student. Everyone craving for friendships and diving into peer pressure because they do not have, or just don't try to exhibit, a single bit of independence.


Fortunately my roommate isn't included in "everyone," except the relationship bit, though he does like to blast music and turn the room into a movie theatre or tv-a-thon. He is watching star wars right now. He caters to his selfish girlfriend who wants him to do her work and yells at him if he doesn't, and she chews him out for actually doing productive things like going on habitat for humanity spring trips, or being busy with work. Which he usually starts late at night because he has to have entertainment first. Or get a permissive notice out of his girlfriend to start working.


And then he wonders, along with many other college students, why his midterm grades weren't great. And they all blame it on the teachers (though I am by no means excluding the teacher as a factor).


So yeah, I'm just tired of it. I mean, I'm having some fun too, like with band and chorus, but that's...it. The student events are not my way of hanging out, my roommate has run out of time to play videogames with me, and almost everyone else is crazy at night, so I sit by myself either trying to do work or build my humble TR project or practice clarinet.

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Feeling some slight disappointment with college life. It's like everyone views it like some kind of giant party. Girls running by the door giggling like idiots, guys beating up each other for fun in the halls. Everyone vying to get their hands on alcohol, everyone going to the snickering squirrel (I think it's a strip joint nearby, but I don't care to find out). Everyone being drunk, screaming, somehow exhibiting even more stupidity than they were before. Not caring for their neighbors at all, not a passing thought. Everyone getting into "relationships" or trying to keep them from times before college, and stupidly failing at them, usually because they forgot that little detail about actually being a college student. Everyone craving for friendships and diving into peer pressure because they do not have, or just don't try to exhibit, a single bit of independence.


Fortunately my roommate isn't included in "everyone," except the relationship bit, though he does like to blast music and turn the room into a movie theatre or tv-a-thon. He is watching star wars right now. He caters to his selfish girlfriend who wants him to do her work and yells at him if he doesn't, and she chews him out for actually doing productive things like going on habitat for humanity spring trips, or being busy with work. Which he usually starts late at night because he has to have entertainment first. Or get a permissive notice out of his girlfriend to start working.


And then he wonders, along with many other college students, why his midterm grades weren't great. And they all blame it on the teachers (though I am by no means excluding the teacher as a factor).


So yeah, I'm just tired of it. I mean, I'm having some fun too, like with band and chorus, but that's...it. The student events are not my way of hanging out, my roommate has run out of time to play videogames with me, and almost everyone else is crazy at night, so I sit by myself either trying to do work or build my humble TR project or practice clarinet.

Unfortunately for you, many students had curfews and parents who monitored their lives while they were in high school, so now they are in college, with no one watching, they act like maniacs. Of course, when it comes to their mediocre grades, it is always someone else's fault. If they took the blame themselves, then they would have no excuse but to buckle down and study. LOL


I do believe you will find a group of friends who are of the same mindset as you. When you do, this will make dorm life so much better.


As for your roommate's girlfriend, I hope he doesn't get too serious with this girl. What a way to spend the rest of his life, but with a bossy, controlling woman... that would be punishment.

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Feeling some slight disappointment with college life. It's like everyone views it like some kind of giant party. Girls running by the door giggling like idiots, guys beating up each other for fun in the halls. Everyone vying to get their hands on alcohol, everyone going to the snickering squirrel (I think it's a strip joint nearby, but I don't care to find out). Everyone being drunk, screaming, somehow exhibiting even more stupidity than they were before. Not caring for their neighbors at all, not a passing thought. Everyone getting into "relationships" or trying to keep them from times before college, and stupidly failing at them, usually because they forgot that little detail about actually being a college student. Everyone craving for friendships and diving into peer pressure because they do not have, or just don't try to exhibit, a single bit of independence.


Fortunately my roommate isn't included in "everyone," except the relationship bit, though he does like to blast music and turn the room into a movie theatre or tv-a-thon. He is watching star wars right now. He caters to his selfish girlfriend who wants him to do her work and yells at him if he doesn't, and she chews him out for actually doing productive things like going on habitat for humanity spring trips, or being busy with work. Which he usually starts late at night because he has to have entertainment first. Or get a permissive notice out of his girlfriend to start working.


And then he wonders, along with many other college students, why his midterm grades weren't great. And they all blame it on the teachers (though I am by no means excluding the teacher as a factor).


So yeah, I'm just tired of it. I mean, I'm having some fun too, like with band and chorus, but that's...it. The student events are not my way of hanging out, my roommate has run out of time to play videogames with me, and almost everyone else is crazy at night, so I sit by myself either trying to do work or build my humble TR project or practice clarinet.

lol freshmen :rolleyes: Yeah, that's pretty much how it is, and Horatio is exactly right: they're out of mommy and daddy's control. I'm glad to see you've got more sense than that. If you get the chance, live in wellness/substance free housing next year. No drunks screaming down the hall at 3am, people are nicer, and more likely to have similar interests to you (like not getting plastered). As for the relationships thing, freshman year relationships almst never work out, so don't bother trying. As for your roomie, he's in a bad spot, and we have a word for that: whipped. A friend of mine was in a similar situation last year. Wasn't pretty. Frienships are important, but, like you said, so is maintaining your own character. Don't be afraid to bend a little or try new things, just keep a level head about it. As for your neighbors, if the RAs won't deal with it, invest in some earplugs and good headphones. And also, midterms. It's a stressful time of the year, and when people are done with them, they celebrate (often, as you say, stupidly). College makes you a patient person...

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I do believe you will find a group of friends who are of the same mindset as you. When you do, this will make dorm life so much better.


Yes, I hope so. I won't be rooming with the same person next year (he is rooming with someone else). I do find that kids in the Honors Program are kind of the same mindset as me but I haven't been able to hangout with them much thanks to chorus and band monday nights :( . Actually the chorus and band kids are nice too. Crazy, some of them, but nice.... bah, my dad told me not to worry too much about next year, and he's probably right. Anyway I'll probably request my current roommate as a suitemate for next year.


As for your roommate's girlfriend, I hope he doesn't get too serious with this girl. What a way to spend the rest of his life, but with a bossy, controlling woman... that would be punishment.


Yes, but he keeps saying he loves her...he isn't even sure that she truly loves him back, but that doesn't seem to matter as much. He wants *her* to be the one to break up, he's pretty stubborn about keeping it going. Like Charlie Brown says, "the things I do for love..."



If you get the chance, live in wellness/substance free housing next year.


The whole campus is substance free. Well, it's supposed to be. :rolleyes: I think my freshman class is exhibiting the worst alcohol problems that the school has had, though it's like EVERYONE, not just freshmen, talks about drinking.


As for your neighbors, if the RAs won't deal with it, invest in some earplugs and good headphones.


Not sure how good my headphones are, but yep, I've gotten both of those. And an eyemask. :P


College makes you a patient person...


Yes, I can see why.

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I do believe you will find a group of friends who are of the same mindset as you. When you do, this will make dorm life so much better.


Yes, I hope so. I won't be rooming with the same person next year (he is rooming with someone else). I do find that kids in the Honors Program are kind of the same mindset as me but I haven't been able to hangout with them much thanks to chorus and band monday nights :( . Actually the chorus and band kids are nice too. Crazy, some of them, but nice.... bah, my dad told me not to worry too much about next year, and he's probably right. Anyway I'll probably request my current roommate as a suitemate for next year.


As for your roommate's girlfriend, I hope he doesn't get too serious with this girl. What a way to spend the rest of his life, but with a bossy, controlling woman... that would be punishment.


Yes, but he keeps saying he loves her...he isn't even sure that she truly loves him back, but that doesn't seem to matter as much. He wants *her* to be the one to break up, he's pretty stubborn about keeping it going. Like Charlie Brown says, "the things I do for love..."

You still have a semester to go. You should meet more honours students.

As for the band kids being nice and somewhat crazy... think Mega Wolf. :lol::lol::lol:


"The things people do for love..."

Isn't that the truth. :blink::blink::blink:

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Why do people think rivalry is such a great thing? Some woman, before the second basketball game tonight, was giving a speech about a dead man and she was all like "I'm sure he would be here at this double header to see the start of a new rivalry!" And the student events team was sending emails titled "Why SHU is BETTER THAN Fairfield!" linking to a video of our mascot doing stupid things on their campus. It makes me sick. What kind of messed up people would WANT to start spreading hatred? Does our college need someone to hate? I hope not. And it's certainly not necessary for sports. People online are like "you must not be an athlete or else you would respect the rivalry". Respect the rivalry, my furry bottom! Play a game and have some friendly competition, not an all-out war between two schools, which can only lead to devastating things.


By the way Fairfield littered our campus and wrote messages in chalk on a sidewalk. All I know is, I didn't ask for this.


And then some trumpet player was all like, "if we had the clarinet part for such-and-such song then it would sound much better" which made me feel depressed because I had messed that part up, and angry because I'm tired of trumpet players being so elitist. As if they always play well. :rolleyes: Not like clarinets can be heard in pep band though. :closedeyes:


I'm done with sports. It feels like I've fulfilled my sport event quota for a few years. And yet they well be taking up all of February and March, and I can't go home for my birthday. :(

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Why do people think rivalry is such a great thing? Some woman, before the second basketball game tonight, was giving a speech about a dead man and she was all like "I'm sure he would be here at this double header to see the start of a new rivalry!" And the student events team was sending emails titled "Why SHU is BETTER THAN Fairfield!" linking to a video of our mascot doing stupid things on their campus. It makes me sick. What kind of messed up people would WANT to start spreading hatred? Does our college need someone to hate? I hope not. And it's certainly not necessary for sports. People online are like "you must not be an athlete or else you would respect the rivalry". Respect the rivalry, my furry bottom! Play a game and have some friendly competition, not an all-out war between two schools, which can only lead to devastating things.


By the way Fairfield littered our campus and wrote messages in chalk on a sidewalk. All I know is, I didn't ask for this.


And then some trumpet player was all like, "if we had the clarinet part for such-and-such song then it would sound much better" which made me feel depressed because I had messed that part up, and angry because I'm tired of trumpet players being so elitist. As if they always play well. :rolleyes: Not like clarinets can be heard in pep band though. :closedeyes:


I'm done with sports. It feels like I've fulfilled my sport event quota for a few years. And yet they well be taking up all of February and March, and I can't go home for my birthday. :(

Sports... Please don't get me started. I really enjoy when you can play a friendly game or ride bikes in the dirt and everyone has fun, but when there is a rivalry and people start acting stupid, I think all the fun disappears.


Sorry you will have to be with the sports group during your birthday. We will celebrate it for you.

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Ugh, sports rivalries are lame. They prove people have no lives. I hate competing, hence my lack of sports participation. It's so stupid. That's why I love my school. No one really cares that much about our sports team, and the football team has been undefeated for years because it doesn't exist. :rolleyes: And I like that. Because people don't look down on you if you don't care about sports here.

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Ugh, sports rivalries are lame. They prove people have no lives. I hate competing, hence my lack of sports participation. It's so stupid. That's why I love my school. No one really cares that much about our sports team, and the football team has been undefeated for years because it doesn't exist. :rolleyes: And I like that. Because people don't look down on you if you don't care about sports here.

Now THAT is my school!!!!!!!! :D

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Ugh, sports rivalries are lame. They prove people have no lives. I hate competing, hence my lack of sports participation. It's so stupid. That's why I love my school. No one really cares that much about our sports team, and the football team has been undefeated for years because it doesn't exist. :rolleyes: And I like that. Because people don't look down on you if you don't care about sports here.

Now THAT is my school!!!!!!!! :D

Since 1951, I think. Yesterday Marius was wearing a t-shirt that says (now mind you, present-day Marius is probably the LEAST likely person to participate or be interested in sports), "Rider Football, undefeated since 1951." I want one of those shirts. :lol:

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Ugh, sports rivalries are lame. They prove people have no lives. I hate competing, hence my lack of sports participation. It's so stupid. That's why I love my school. No one really cares that much about our sports team, and the football team has been undefeated for years because it doesn't exist. :rolleyes: And I like that. Because people don't look down on you if you don't care about sports here.

Now THAT is my school!!!!!!!! :D

Since 1951, I think. Yesterday Marius was wearing a t-shirt that says (now mind you, present-day Marius is probably the LEAST likely person to participate or be interested in sports), "Rider Football, undefeated since 1951." I want one of those shirts. :lol:

:lol: Me too!!! :lol:

Of course, I don't think they make a small enough size for a hammy.

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Oh yeah, I could be a sophomore next semester. Because I'll have enough credits, according to the table under "Normal Academic Progress" in the handbook. I sent an email to my academic adviser asking if this makes me a sophomore, if not what would, and if so how I get sophomore privileges. And if I'm a sophomore next semester, next year I'll have enough credits to be a junior.

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Oh yeah, I could be a sophomore next semester. Because I'll have enough credits, according to the table under "Normal Academic Progress" in the handbook. I sent an email to my academic adviser asking if this makes me a sophomore, if not what would, and if so how I get sophomore privileges. And if I'm a sophomore next semester, next year I'll have enough credits to be a junior.


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Oh yeah, I could be a sophomore next semester. Because I'll have enough credits, according to the table under "Normal Academic Progress" in the handbook. I sent an email to my academic adviser asking if this makes me a sophomore, if not what would, and if so how I get sophomore privileges. And if I'm a sophomore next semester, next year I'll have enough credits to be a junior.

Sweet! That happened to me too because I came in with AP credits like you. And then I took an additional 7 credits over the summer, so now I'm technically a junior with my 61 credits, despite my being in my second year of college. Which means I can legally be a substitute teacher in the state of New Jersey. :rolleyes:

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Oh yeah, I could be a sophomore next semester. Because I'll have enough credits, according to the table under "Normal Academic Progress" in the handbook. I sent an email to my academic adviser asking if this makes me a sophomore, if not what would, and if so how I get sophomore privileges. And if I'm a sophomore next semester, next year I'll have enough credits to be a junior.

Sweet! That happened to me too because I came in with AP credits like you. And then I took an additional 7 credits over the summer, so now I'm technically a junior with my 61 credits, despite my being in my second year of college. Which means I can legally be a substitute teacher in the state of New Jersey. :rolleyes:

That's kind of a weird requirement for substitute teaching. Then again quite a few substitute teachers don't make the class progress and instead just sit there :unsure: I had a substitute teacher teaching my english class for the last three quarters of my first year in high school :wacko: He really needed discipline skills.


Anyway, for me AP credits only make up part of my transcript. I placed in a high level French class (FR 354) and the school gave me transfer credits for the levels below. They also gave me transfer credit for precalc. :huh: But that made a total of 18 credits so I'm not complaining! :lol:

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Oh yeah, I could be a sophomore next semester. Because I'll have enough credits, according to the table under "Normal Academic Progress" in the handbook. I sent an email to my academic adviser asking if this makes me a sophomore, if not what would, and if so how I get sophomore privileges. And if I'm a sophomore next semester, next year I'll have enough credits to be a junior.

Sweet! That happened to me too because I came in with AP credits like you. And then I took an additional 7 credits over the summer, so now I'm technically a junior with my 61 credits, despite my being in my second year of college. Which means I can legally be a substitute teacher in the state of New Jersey. :rolleyes:

That's kind of a weird requirement for substitute teaching. Then again quite a few substitute teachers don't make the class progress and instead just sit there :unsure: I had a substitute teacher teaching my english class for the last three quarters of my first year in high school :wacko: He really needed discipline skills.


Anyway, for me AP credits only make up part of my transcript. I placed in a high level French class (FR 354) and the school gave me transfer credits for the levels below. They also gave me transfer credit for precalc. :huh: But that made a total of 18 credits so I'm not complaining! :lol:

Phenomenal!!!!!!! You really worked hard to make that happen.

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Oh yeah, I could be a sophomore next semester. Because I'll have enough credits, according to the table under "Normal Academic Progress" in the handbook. I sent an email to my academic adviser asking if this makes me a sophomore, if not what would, and if so how I get sophomore privileges. And if I'm a sophomore next semester, next year I'll have enough credits to be a junior.

Sweet! That happened to me too because I came in with AP credits like you. And then I took an additional 7 credits over the summer, so now I'm technically a junior with my 61 credits, despite my being in my second year of college. Which means I can legally be a substitute teacher in the state of New Jersey. :rolleyes:

That's kind of a weird requirement for substitute teaching. Then again quite a few substitute teachers don't make the class progress and instead just sit there :unsure: I had a substitute teacher teaching my english class for the last three quarters of my first year in high school :wacko: He really needed discipline skills.


Anyway, for me AP credits only make up part of my transcript. I placed in a high level French class (FR 354) and the school gave me transfer credits for the levels below. They also gave me transfer credit for precalc. :huh: But that made a total of 18 credits so I'm not complaining! :lol:

That's pretty cool. I placed out of finite math and some basic comp class and they didn't give me anything for it.

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Oh yeah, I could be a sophomore next semester. Because I'll have enough credits, according to the table under "Normal Academic Progress" in the handbook. I sent an email to my academic adviser asking if this makes me a sophomore, if not what would, and if so how I get sophomore privileges. And if I'm a sophomore next semester, next year I'll have enough credits to be a junior.

Sweet! That happened to me too because I came in with AP credits like you. And then I took an additional 7 credits over the summer, so now I'm technically a junior with my 61 credits, despite my being in my second year of college. Which means I can legally be a substitute teacher in the state of New Jersey. :rolleyes:

That's kind of a weird requirement for substitute teaching. Then again quite a few substitute teachers don't make the class progress and instead just sit there :unsure: I had a substitute teacher teaching my english class for the last three quarters of my first year in high school :wacko: He really needed discipline skills.


Anyway, for me AP credits only make up part of my transcript. I placed in a high level French class (FR 354) and the school gave me transfer credits for the levels below. They also gave me transfer credit for precalc. :huh: But that made a total of 18 credits so I'm not complaining! :lol:

That's pretty cool. I placed out of finite math and some basic comp class and they didn't give me anything for it.

That's poopy. You should get the credit!

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Oh yeah, I could be a sophomore next semester. Because I'll have enough credits, according to the table under "Normal Academic Progress" in the handbook. I sent an email to my academic adviser asking if this makes me a sophomore, if not what would, and if so how I get sophomore privileges. And if I'm a sophomore next semester, next year I'll have enough credits to be a junior.

Sweet! That happened to me too because I came in with AP credits like you. And then I took an additional 7 credits over the summer, so now I'm technically a junior with my 61 credits, despite my being in my second year of college. Which means I can legally be a substitute teacher in the state of New Jersey. :rolleyes:

That's kind of a weird requirement for substitute teaching. Then again quite a few substitute teachers don't make the class progress and instead just sit there :unsure: I had a substitute teacher teaching my english class for the last three quarters of my first year in high school :wacko: He really needed discipline skills.


Anyway, for me AP credits only make up part of my transcript. I placed in a high level French class (FR 354) and the school gave me transfer credits for the levels below. They also gave me transfer credit for precalc. :huh: But that made a total of 18 credits so I'm not complaining! :lol:

That's pretty cool. I placed out of finite math and some basic comp class and they didn't give me anything for it.

That's poopy. You should get the credit!

I agree. Not that it would count towards anything though. :rolleyes:

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Oh yeah, I could be a sophomore next semester. Because I'll have enough credits, according to the table under "Normal Academic Progress" in the handbook. I sent an email to my academic adviser asking if this makes me a sophomore, if not what would, and if so how I get sophomore privileges. And if I'm a sophomore next semester, next year I'll have enough credits to be a junior.

Sweet! That happened to me too because I came in with AP credits like you. And then I took an additional 7 credits over the summer, so now I'm technically a junior with my 61 credits, despite my being in my second year of college. Which means I can legally be a substitute teacher in the state of New Jersey. :rolleyes:

That's kind of a weird requirement for substitute teaching. Then again quite a few substitute teachers don't make the class progress and instead just sit there :unsure: I had a substitute teacher teaching my english class for the last three quarters of my first year in high school :wacko: He really needed discipline skills.


Anyway, for me AP credits only make up part of my transcript. I placed in a high level French class (FR 354) and the school gave me transfer credits for the levels below. They also gave me transfer credit for precalc. :huh: But that made a total of 18 credits so I'm not complaining! :lol:

That's pretty cool. I placed out of finite math and some basic comp class and they didn't give me anything for it.

That's poopy. You should get the credit!

I agree. Not that it would count towards anything though. :rolleyes:

Transfer credits don't count towards graduation at your school? :huh:

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Oh yeah, I could be a sophomore next semester. Because I'll have enough credits, according to the table under "Normal Academic Progress" in the handbook. I sent an email to my academic adviser asking if this makes me a sophomore, if not what would, and if so how I get sophomore privileges. And if I'm a sophomore next semester, next year I'll have enough credits to be a junior.

Sweet! That happened to me too because I came in with AP credits like you. And then I took an additional 7 credits over the summer, so now I'm technically a junior with my 61 credits, despite my being in my second year of college. Which means I can legally be a substitute teacher in the state of New Jersey. :rolleyes:

That's kind of a weird requirement for substitute teaching. Then again quite a few substitute teachers don't make the class progress and instead just sit there :unsure: I had a substitute teacher teaching my english class for the last three quarters of my first year in high school :wacko: He really needed discipline skills.


Anyway, for me AP credits only make up part of my transcript. I placed in a high level French class (FR 354) and the school gave me transfer credits for the levels below. They also gave me transfer credit for precalc. :huh: But that made a total of 18 credits so I'm not complaining! :lol:

That's pretty cool. I placed out of finite math and some basic comp class and they didn't give me anything for it.

That's poopy. You should get the credit!

I agree. Not that it would count towards anything though. :rolleyes:

Transfer credits don't count towards graduation at your school? :huh:

Only if the credits count toward the requirements for my major(s). :P When I started out in physics, the math requirements started out at either algebra and trig or calc, so finite wouldn't have counted for anything.

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Only if the credits count toward the requirements for my major(s). :P When I started out in physics, the math requirements started out at either algebra and trig or calc, so finite wouldn't have counted for anything.

Isn't there an overall amount of credits to meet in order to graduate though? At my school you need 120 credits to graduate.


My roommate is driving me crazy. He's eating right now. It sounds like he's giving off electrical sparks with his smacking. It makes me feel sick. And blasting youtube movies. He also keeps walking in when I want to practice clarinet, and I can't play with him in the room. Or with the door open.


I also have a billion projects to do. I have a french one due December 12, a history one for December 7, and an optional math one for December 6 (gives me 2 points on my final grade). I should probably add stuff my presentation for music theory tomorrow, and I also have to write a paper for Music Theory, and I still haven't received the topics for it.


No response from my mentor or academic adviser about being a sophomore next semester. I might take things into my own hands if I get impatient enough. I just don't know how. Maybe I'll approach the registrar. Maybe fill out a degree waiver form if I have to do it that way.


So must stuff. I feel so overwhelmed, I don't know where to begin.

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Only if the credits count toward the requirements for my major(s). :P When I started out in physics, the math requirements started out at either algebra and trig or calc, so finite wouldn't have counted for anything.

Isn't there an overall amount of credits to meet in order to graduate though? At my school you need 120 credits to graduate.


My roommate is driving me crazy. He's eating right now. It sounds like he's giving off electrical sparks with his smacking. It makes me feel sick. And blasting youtube movies. He also keeps walking in when I want to practice clarinet, and I can't play with him in the room. Or with the door open.


I also have a billion projects to do. I have a french one due December 12, a history one for December 7, and an optional math one for December 6 (gives me 2 points on my final grade). I should probably add stuff my presentation for music theory tomorrow, and I also have to write a paper for Music Theory, and I still haven't received the topics for it.


No response from my mentor or academic adviser about being a sophomore next semester. I might take things into my own hands if I get impatient enough. I just don't know how. Maybe I'll approach the registrar. Maybe fill out a degree waiver form if I have to do it that way.


So must stuff. I feel so overwhelmed, I don't know where to begin.

I can understand why you feel overwhelmed. I would have crawled back into my cage and waited for another day. You have so many projects with close deadlines. There is a really good deep breathing exercise that helps you destress and it only takes a minute. Let me know if you want me to write it out for you.


As for your roommate... I agree with you. Your description is great! I can hear the sparks from the smacking now. Perhaps you out to make a movie of him eating and put that on youtube. :o


Practicing will be a problem if he doesn't cooperate. You could make him leave by starting to practice and playing the same bar over and over about one hundred times. That would drive him out. :lol: For someone who isn't actually doing the practicing, hearing the same few notes over and over kind of wears on them, unless it is your instructor.


Mentor/advisors occasionally need to be prodded.

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Only if the credits count toward the requirements for my major(s). :P When I started out in physics, the math requirements started out at either algebra and trig or calc, so finite wouldn't have counted for anything.

Isn't there an overall amount of credits to meet in order to graduate though? At my school you need 120 credits to graduate.


My roommate is driving me crazy. He's eating right now. It sounds like he's giving off electrical sparks with his smacking. It makes me feel sick. And blasting youtube movies. He also keeps walking in when I want to practice clarinet, and I can't play with him in the room. Or with the door open.


I also have a billion projects to do. I have a french one due December 12, a history one for December 7, and an optional math one for December 6 (gives me 2 points on my final grade). I should probably add stuff my presentation for music theory tomorrow, and I also have to write a paper for Music Theory, and I still haven't received the topics for it.


No response from my mentor or academic adviser about being a sophomore next semester. I might take things into my own hands if I get impatient enough. I just don't know how. Maybe I'll approach the registrar. Maybe fill out a degree waiver form if I have to do it that way.


So must stuff. I feel so overwhelmed, I don't know where to begin.

There is a different number of credits for each major, I forget how many.


I hate it when people are noisy when they eat. It gets me crazy. That's when I put my headphones on, which is what you should tell your roomie to do. There is NO excuse for blasting youtube. As for the clarinet thing, I suggest agreeing on a set time for him to be out of the room so you can practice (or do it when he has class). If all else fails, tie a sock to the door. :lol:


Projects: Oh boy do I know how you feel. I generally start with whatever is mandatory and due the soonest and do that one first.


Your college should list somewhere how many credits you need to be a sophomore. If it's like my college, I know to be a junior you have to have at least 60, so a sophomore should have at least 30 I think. Something like that. Why do you need to know?


And above all else *BIG HUGS!* ^_^ Relax (or at least try to). Everything will be okay. God promises to never give you more than you can handle. :)

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I feel kind of dumb. I went to the registrars to ask how I can be a sophomore next semester and she was just like, "Whoever is concerned with you just looks at your credits." So I guess there's nothing extra to do. :P Time to look for sophomore housing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so no sophomore housing next semester. Res life has a big problem with it. Basically the one point brought to me that stopped me was that having a good roommate, which I do, is better than having good people in the surrounding area. There weren't any male openings at the moment anyway (that's the one thing about being a guy at this school, you're way in the minority). Looks like I won't get much friction getting into upperclassmen housing next year though. :) I really should find a roommate though. Somehow, I have to find someone who will be a good roommate, is currently a sophomore, and is planning to apply for the specialty housing (they have apartments restricted to peoples with 3.00 GPAs and higher) :wacko:


In other news.


My history seminar paper is DONE! Well it was done a while ago. Just need to make a powerpoint for the presentation before tomorrow.


My french script is DONE! 13 pages of dialog, camera angles, and scene descriptions. In french.


Finally got a Music Theory topic set for writing the paper. There doesn't seem to be a word/page requirement, so I'll just try to shoot for 1,000 words. I chose to do a Biography on Benny Goodman. This is due on Tuesday. I'll start on this next, after finishing the powerpoint for history.


Just mostly typing that to organize my thoughts. I think that's everything. Well except the 3 finals I'm taking.

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Okay, so no sophomore housing next semester. Res life has a big problem with it. Basically the one point brought to me that stopped me was that having a good roommate, which I do, is better than having good people in the surrounding area. There weren't any male openings at the moment anyway (that's the one thing about being a guy at this school, you're way in the minority). Looks like I won't get much friction getting into upperclassmen housing next year though. :) I really should find a roommate though. Somehow, I have to find someone who will be a good roommate, is currently a sophomore, and is planning to apply for the specialty housing (they have apartments restricted to peoples with 3.00 GPAs and higher) :wacko:


In other news.


My history seminar paper is DONE! Well it was done a while ago. Just need to make a powerpoint for the presentation before tomorrow.


My french script is DONE! 13 pages of dialog, camera angles, and scene descriptions. In french.


Finally got a Music Theory topic set for writing the paper. There doesn't seem to be a word/page requirement, so I'll just try to shoot for 1,000 words. I chose to do a Biography on Benny Goodman. This is due on Tuesday. I'll start on this next, after finishing the powerpoint for history.


Just mostly typing that to organize my thoughts. I think that's everything. Well except the 3 finals I'm taking.

Hopefully you will find a roommate that you want to spend the rest of your college days rooming with. The special housing for 3.00 GPAs and higher sounds really great. You will probably find a great roommate and friend with your same interests.


Congratulations on completing all you have on your assignments. Sounds like you have really been hard at work.


Good luck on your finals. I'm certain you will ace them!!!

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I've been home yesterday and today but I have to go back soon because of the concert tomorrow. :( We decorated the christmas tree and all that...it makes me feel sad. For the next four days I'll be trapped in that zoo, that frat house filled with monkeys yelling at each other or at other crazy animals that they insist on bringing over during the wee hours of the night and hanging out louder than they've ever hung out before, saving studying until the inhuman hours and...sleep? What's that? And those 4 days I need to study for finals.


I have to go. See ya.

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I've been home yesterday and today but I have to go back soon because of the concert tomorrow. :( We decorated the christmas tree and all that...it makes me feel sad. For the next four days I'll be trapped in that zoo, that frat house filled with monkeys yelling at each other or at other crazy animals that they insist on bringing over during the wee hours of the night and hanging out louder than they've ever hung out before, saving studying until the inhuman hours and...sleep? What's that? And those 4 days I need to study for finals.


I have to go. See ya.

Nuh uh. Sleeping and studying take precedence over hanging out and partying. Tell them to go somewhere else, and if they don't, get an RA. And I don't know about you, but where I am, finals time means 24-hour quiet hours so people can study and write their papers.

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Nuh uh. Sleeping and studying take precedence over hanging out and partying. Tell them to go somewhere else, and if they don't, get an RA. And I don't know about you, but where I am, finals time means 24-hour quiet hours so people can study and write their papers.

Oh yeah, we have 24-hour quiet hours too. Starting tomorrow I think. Anyway it's been rather quiet since I got back, though maybe not everyone's back yet. Tomorrow is the last day of classes and then finals start. My RA has been lenient about people being loud and stuff. I think he likes it that way, but if it gets bad during finals week I'll try to catch him and talk about it. Also he says that there have been a growing amount of complaints from parents who have been in contact with students (says a guy at our floor meeting, "who calls their parents?" insert image here of me looking guiltily at the floor :lol: ) so I hope that certain behavior will start to get cracked down on.


I had my band concert today and it was nice. My parents said they could hear me (hope that means in a good way... :blush: ) and they could hear me singing too (we did the silent night in "oohs" if we weren't playing any part, I sung an octave below must of the guys when I felt like it). The crowd wasn't very big, probably because not too many students care and parents might have been kept away due to weather (my parents almost didn't come because of forecasts). But it was still nice to do, and see my parents.


My schedule for my last week (Woohoo!)

Tomorrow: Finish my music theory paper, go to calc class, study for history

Tuesday: History final, send french script, study for math

Wednesday: study for math, math final, go home

Thursday: study for french, attend my sister's concert

Friday: Stop by the school for french final, go back home.

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Nuh uh. Sleeping and studying take precedence over hanging out and partying. Tell them to go somewhere else, and if they don't, get an RA. And I don't know about you, but where I am, finals time means 24-hour quiet hours so people can study and write their papers.

Oh yeah, we have 24-hour quiet hours too. Starting tomorrow I think. Anyway it's been rather quiet since I got back, though maybe not everyone's back yet. Tomorrow is the last day of classes and then finals start. My RA has been lenient about people being loud and stuff. I think he likes it that way, but if it gets bad during finals week I'll try to catch him and talk about it. Also he says that there have been a growing amount of complaints from parents who have been in contact with students (says a guy at our floor meeting, "who calls their parents?" insert image here of me looking guiltily at the floor :lol: ) so I hope that certain behavior will start to get cracked down on.


I had my band concert today and it was nice. My parents said they could hear me (hope that means in a good way... :blush: ) and they could hear me singing too (we did the silent night in "oohs" if we weren't playing any part, I sung an octave below must of the guys when I felt like it). The crowd wasn't very big, probably because not too many students care and parents might have been kept away due to weather (my parents almost didn't come because of forecasts). But it was still nice to do, and see my parents.


My schedule for my last week (Woohoo!)

Tomorrow: Finish my music theory paper, go to calc class, study for history

Tuesday: History final, send french script, study for math

Wednesday: study for math, math final, go home

Thursday: study for french, attend my sister's concert

Friday: Stop by the school for french final, go back home.

Sounds like you have the situation under control with your RA. I think your ideas are good. Parents can always put pressure on when students can't.


Here's a round of applause for your concert today. It was nice hearing that your parents could make it. I am certain you played and sang fantastically.


What a schedule for the next week. I am tired just reading it. You will do great on your finals.

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Wooo band concert! Fun times! ^_^ Yeah, our RA is good about keeping things quiet in our halls, he's pretty awesome. Or, if you ask some of my friends from down the hall, he's also just pretty. :rolleyes: And I would hope everyone calls their parents sometimes. People that look down on calling their parents are usually jerks, and people that are nice to their parents are usually nice people themselves. Just some food for thought.

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Wooo band concert! Fun times! ^_^ Yeah, our RA is good about keeping things quiet in our halls, he's pretty awesome. Or, if you ask some of my friends from down the hall, he's also just pretty. :rolleyes: And I would hope everyone calls their parents sometimes.

I know, what is it with girls and RAs? At the beginning of the year they were all asking me "how is your RA?" and interrupt my response with "IS HE KEWT??!"


People that look down on calling their parents are usually jerks, and people that are nice to their parents are usually nice people themselves. Just some food for thought.

Not surprising then that the guy who asked that question was the same guy who, when my roommate left my door open (it doesn't close itself, the stupid thing), was about to poor water or something over our microwave and the girls with him were like, "do it, do it!" until I peered around my bed and asked, "what are you doing?" That buttmunch. :rolleyes:

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Wooo band concert! Fun times! ^_^ Yeah, our RA is good about keeping things quiet in our halls, he's pretty awesome. Or, if you ask some of my friends from down the hall, he's also just pretty. :rolleyes: And I would hope everyone calls their parents sometimes.

I know, what is it with girls and RAs? At the beginning of the year they were all asking me "how is your RA?" and interrupt my response with "IS HE KEWT??!"


People that look down on calling their parents are usually jerks, and people that are nice to their parents are usually nice people themselves. Just some food for thought.

Not surprising then that the guy who asked that question was the same guy who, when my roommate left my door open (it doesn't close itself, the stupid thing), was about to poor water or something over our microwave and the girls with him were like, "do it, do it!" until I peered around my bed and asked, "what are you doing?" That buttmunch. :rolleyes:

lol dunno, I just like our RA because he's a really nice guy. But then again, I've never been one to look at someone and say, "He's cute!" or something along those lines, unless I'm referring to their personality. And yeah, the pouring water thing doesn't surprise me too much. That's why I like having my desk facing so I can easily see the door and who's coming in or out. Although no one's ever tried to damage any of my stuff, outside of my friends acting like they're about to put something of mine in their mouth. :rolleyes:

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i have a band concert on tuesday



Good luck. What instrument do you play?

mallet percussion (aka bells, glockenspiel, whatever)


but i played drums 5th -8th grade. but they only have 2 mallet players and enough drummers in wind ensemble...so...yeah.

but i get to play cymbal also on two songs! :D

so yeah it's tomorrow and we had a snow day today so we didnt get to rehearse and i think tomorrow is a gym day so idk if we'll be ready! but whatever we'll get through it....



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and there's a drummer named jesse in our school band (just thought id mention it, this being jesse's topic!)



Be careful if your drummer named Jesse, picks up a clarinet and starts playing! :lol:

nope. and we actually had band yesterday during school (i was mixed up in thinking we had gym) and the concert went well...


and i got to see reed cuz he's in concert band (im in wind ensemble) and they both perform the same night. ;-)



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and there's a drummer named jesse in our school band (just thought id mention it, this being jesse's topic!)



Be careful if your drummer named Jesse, picks up a clarinet and starts playing! :lol:

nope. and we actually had band yesterday during school (i was mixed up in thinking we had gym) and the concert went well...


and i got to see reed cuz he's in concert band (im in wind ensemble) and they both perform the same night. ;-)



:lol: At least you didn't show up for band in your gym clothes. :lol:

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nope. and we actually had band yesterday during school (i was mixed up in thinking we had gym) and the concert went well...


and i got to see reed cuz he's in concert band (im in wind ensemble) and they both perform the same night. ;-)



Does Reed play a reed instrument by any chance? :P I had to ask. Wish my college had a wind ensemble, that's one thing I miss from high school :( There just isn't as much interest in music. It's all sports. <_<


So anyway, all of my final grades are finally posted online. I got all A's, except an A- in History (which was a nice surprise for me) which makes my GPA is 3.958. :)

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nope. and we actually had band yesterday during school (i was mixed up in thinking we had gym) and the concert went well...


and i got to see reed cuz he's in concert band (im in wind ensemble) and they both perform the same night. ;-)



Does Reed play a reed instrument by any chance? :P I had to ask. Wish my college had a wind ensemble, that's one thing I miss from high school :( There just isn't as much interest in music. It's all sports. <_>


So anyway, all of my final grades are finally posted online. I got all A's, except an A- in History (which was a nice surprise for me) which makes my GPA is 3.958. :)

WOOT!!!! Go Jesse!

Congratulations on the stellar grades!!!!!!

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nope. and we actually had band yesterday during school (i was mixed up in thinking we had gym) and the concert went well...


and i got to see reed cuz he's in concert band (im in wind ensemble) and they both perform the same night. ;-)



Does Reed play a reed instrument by any chance? :P I had to ask. Wish my college had a wind ensemble, that's one thing I miss from high school :( There just isn't as much interest in music. It's all sports. <_<


So anyway, all of my final grades are finally posted online. I got all A's, except an A- in History (which was a nice surprise for me) which makes my GPA is 3.958. :)

haha no he doesn't..he plays drums in band and guitar out of band...like today in spanish class him & this other kid jake were in the front of the room with guitars singing christmas songs (the only one in spanish was feliz navidad...) and other songs...then the music continued into religion class...(the setlist during that class included, funnily enough, sympathy for the devil...lol) and in chem we sang chemistry carols (no guitars though) (and it was other people singing even though reed is in my chem class)

so very fun last three periods of the day today! and i got to stare at reed with good reason...i even moved up from the back row to the front row in spanish to be closer...;-)


i got my progress report...100 in spanish, 99 in english, global, math, religion, chem & gym, 95 in band...

so what does that make my gpa? idk we havent started doing that yet.


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nope. and we actually had band yesterday during school (i was mixed up in thinking we had gym) and the concert went well...


and i got to see reed cuz he's in concert band (im in wind ensemble) and they both perform the same night. ;-)



Does Reed play a reed instrument by any chance? :P I had to ask. Wish my college had a wind ensemble, that's one thing I miss from high school :( There just isn't as much interest in music. It's all sports. <_<


So anyway, all of my final grades are finally posted online. I got all A's, except an A- in History (which was a nice surprise for me) which makes my GPA is 3.958. :)

WOOT!!!! Go Jesse!

Congratulations on the stellar grades!!!!!!

Thanks, not so stellar grammar though, there shouldn't be an "is" in that last sentence of mine. :P

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nope. and we actually had band yesterday during school (i was mixed up in thinking we had gym) and the concert went well...


and i got to see reed cuz he's in concert band (im in wind ensemble) and they both perform the same night. ;-)



Does Reed play a reed instrument by any chance? :P I had to ask. Wish my college had a wind ensemble, that's one thing I miss from high school :( There just isn't as much interest in music. It's all sports. <_>


So anyway, all of my final grades are finally posted online. I got all A's, except an A- in History (which was a nice surprise for me) which makes my GPA is 3.958. :)

haha no he doesn't..he plays drums in band and guitar out of band...like today in spanish class him & this other kid jake were in the front of the room with guitars singing christmas songs (the only one in spanish was feliz navidad...) and other songs...then the music continued into religion class...(the setlist during that class included, funnily enough, sympathy for the devil...lol) and in chem we sang chemistry carols (no guitars though) (and it was other people singing even though reed is in my chem class)

so very fun last three periods of the day today! and i got to stare at reed with good reason...i even moved up from the back row to the front row in spanish to be closer...;-)


i got my progress report...100 in spanish, 99 in english, global, math, religion, chem & gym, 95 in band...

so what does that make my gpa? idk we havent started doing that yet.


Jesse would have to tell you where the cut-offs are. 4.0 = 100% = A, your average is a 99.75 which would put up up there pretty high. My guess is about a 3.99 or pretty close.

Your grades are phenomenal! You have worked really hard!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! :D

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nope. and we actually had band yesterday during school (i was mixed up in thinking we had gym) and the concert went well...


and i got to see reed cuz he's in concert band (im in wind ensemble) and they both perform the same night. ;-)



Does Reed play a reed instrument by any chance? :P I had to ask. Wish my college had a wind ensemble, that's one thing I miss from high school :( There just isn't as much interest in music. It's all sports. <_>


So anyway, all of my final grades are finally posted online. I got all A's, except an A- in History (which was a nice surprise for me) which makes my GPA is 3.958. :)

WOOT!!!! Go Jesse!

Congratulations on the stellar grades!!!!!!

Thanks, not so stellar grammar though, there shouldn't be an "is" in that last sentence of mine. :P

:lol: I didn't even notice. I was so excited about your grades that I totally missed that. :lol:

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