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But they HAVE taught me about savings accounts and checking accounts (I just opened the latter a few days ago). And we're going to do a CD soon. The things I don't know about are treasury bonds, mortgages, real estate, and (somewhat) credit cards, although I did do some work with mortgages in my precalculus class last year, mostly with a mortgage calculator. :) Again, I will be looking on at the club and absorbing information on these things, although I trust that my parents will tell me when the time comes. And if not, I'll come to the club and ask.


The mandatory retirement age is butt. What a total turn-off! I hope I never have to get a job with that requirement. :angry: (well, not unless it's a temporary arrangement of course)

1. I am glad to hear that your parents have taught you about savings and checking accounts.


2. Airline pilots have an age 60 mandatory retirement. Yet the U.S. Government is discriminating against American citizens who are currently employed as airline pilots through age discrimination. Foreign airline pilots are permitted to fly within the United States up to age 65, yet American pilots must retire by age 60. This is not a job you take on a temporary basis. When you apply to an airline to fly as a pilot, you are anticipating a 20 to 30 year career, depending on what age you arrived at that airline. Everything is based on seniority, so you don't work for one airline and then go to another. You usually pick an airline, get hired and stay there until you retire. So, there are some good jobs that you are forced into retirement at a particular age.

I know teaching in some places has a forced retirement age. In my high school I think it was 80. I think that a forced retirement agre kinda makes sense because some people, as they get older, start to lose it and are no longer fit for the job (I've had a couple teachers like that). Although I think that instead of forcing retirement at a certain age, maybe have people go through some sort of evaluation every so often after they hit a certain age. If they don't pass the evaluation, they can then be forced to retire, and if they do pass it, then they don't have to.


As for why I didn't post there, it's because I posted here instead. :P And I know that if you do it right, investing in the stock market can be profitable. That's just not how I want to do it. And I don't have the time to devote to it either.

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your thoughts about evaluation made me think of a litte plan I had to reduce world stupidity...

Y'know how they have all these standardized tests? Well, we give one to everyone each year. It will be difficult, not easy. It will be based more on intelligence that knowledge of random facts. somehow. But, and here is the kicker, only those who pass are legally allowed to have children.


Genius, right?

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your thoughts about evaluation made me think of a litte plan I had to reduce world stupidity...

Y'know how they have all these standardized tests? Well, we give one to everyone each year. It will be difficult, not easy. It will be based more on intelligence that knowledge of random facts. somehow. But, and here is the kicker, only those who pass are legally allowed to have children.


Genius, right?

That's awesome. It will help stop the horrible cycle of stupidity passing on from parents to child. If you don't want to have children, can you skip the test? That would be great on my end. :P

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your thoughts about evaluation made me think of a litte plan I had to reduce world stupidity...

Y'know how they have all these standardized tests? Well, we give one to everyone each year. It will be difficult, not easy. It will be based more on intelligence that knowledge of random facts. somehow. But, and here is the kicker, only those who pass are legally allowed to have children.


Genius, right?

That's awesome. It will help stop the horrible cycle of stupidity passing on from parents to child. If you don't want to have children, can you skip the test? That would be great on my end. :P

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Good plan, Cheesy!

I don't want kids. I want to adopt kids instead.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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your thoughts about evaluation made me think of a litte plan I had to reduce world stupidity...

Y'know how they have all these standardized tests? Well, we give one to everyone each year. It will be difficult, not easy. It will be based more on intelligence that knowledge of random facts. somehow. But, and here is the kicker, only those who pass are legally allowed to have children.


Genius, right?

I think my parents said something like this. Like how people have to get a marriage liscence, they should also have to get a parenting liscence. :rolleyes: But at the same time, and there is no good way to say this, we need stupid people to do lower level jobs. Because most smart people aren't going to be satisfied working at Mc Donalds or something like that for their entire lives. Has anyone read Strange New World? But as the more menial jobs get replaced by robots and computers, then I can see something like that making more sense.

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your thoughts about evaluation made me think of a little plan I had to reduce world stupidity...

Y'know how they have all these standardized tests? Well, we give one to everyone each year. It will be difficult, not easy. It will be based more on intelligence that knowledge of random facts. somehow. But, and here is the kicker, only those who pass are legally allowed to have children.


Genius, right?

Someone's intelligence has little effect on what sort of person they are. They could be a perfectly fit parent, yet all due to a test that was just too hard for them, they couldn't exercise this ability. Even if they wanted to, they wouldn't be permitted to have children based on their intelligence, which I think to be quite unfair. Parenting is almost a job, but when it comes down to it, it's emotional not intellectual. It's your child we're talking about and you don't have to be a genius to know to only do what's best for the child.


In fact usually the bad parents are the ones who think it's best if they teach their children to be an intellectual. Usually they do this because they are intellectuals themselves and want their children to have a 'good, high-paying life'. (Just a thought, if their life was good and high-paying then they wouldn't need children to have a good and high-paying life for them...) The parents that punish incorrect answers. And since the children are picking up on the parents, they will probably end up always trying to be right, going through any means to be right, and if they can't be right doing anything so that they can't be wrong and that's pretty much more then three quarters of politicians that were just covered in that paragraph.




Stupid people can be good parents and smart people can be bad.


That's why a test like that will ultimately do nothing to make people more accepting of each other. It will just make everyone use longer words.









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That's why a test like that will ultimately do nothing to make people more accepting of each other. It will just make everyone use longer words

Sounds worth it to me. Finally people would stop replacing "you" with "u". :P

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That's why a test like that will ultimately do nothing to make people more accepting of each other. It will just make everyone use longer words

Sounds worth it to me. Finally people would stop replacing "you" with "u". :P

Hahahaha :lol: That's one of the things I like about HD. Most people don't do chatspeak.

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Hahahaha :lol: That's one of the things I like about HD. Most people don't do chatspeak.

Yeah, it's like a vacation from the rest of the internet. :P


So I've started up on Neopets again and I got...wait, can we mention our pets' names? Well anyway I now have 6 out of 7 painted rainbow. It will take me about a month to save for the last one and then my rainbow family will be complete, muahahaha! :D


I never put anything about graduation down in this topic. It was neat, and I had a laugh when the inflatable aliens, baseball bats, and beachballs were flying around. :lol: At one point there were 3 beachballs at the same time! I shook hands with quite a few of my teachers and it was nice to be able to part from the school that way.

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Hahahaha :lol: That's one of the things I like about HD. Most people don't do chatspeak.

Yeah, it's like a vacation from the rest of the internet. :P


So I've started up on Neopets again and I got...wait, can we mention our pets' names? Well anyway I now have 6 out of 7 painted rainbow. It will take me about a month to save for the last one and then my rainbow family will be complete, muahahaha! :D


I never put anything about graduation down in this topic. It was neat, and I had a laugh when the inflatable aliens, baseball bats, and beachballs were flying around. :lol: At one point there were 3 beachballs at the same time! I shook hands with quite a few of my teachers and it was nice to be able to part from the school that way.

I was waiting to hear all about it. Sounds like you had a great time.

Now on to the next big adventure. You will love college.

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That's poopy. From what I've heard it is very hard to get your account unfrozen. :( But there is still hope, give it a shot! (I'm not sure where exactly you go to do it, I think you send an email one way or another).

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Hahahaha :lol: That's one of the things I like about HD. Most people don't do chatspeak.

Yeah, it's like a vacation from the rest of the internet. :P


So I've started up on Neopets again and I got...wait, can we mention our pets' names? Well anyway I now have 6 out of 7 painted rainbow. It will take me about a month to save for the last one and then my rainbow family will be complete, muahahaha! :D


I never put anything about graduation down in this topic. It was neat, and I had a laugh when the inflatable aliens, baseball bats, and beachballs were flying around. :lol: At one point there were 3 beachballs at the same time! I shook hands with quite a few of my teachers and it was nice to be able to part from the school that way.

I was waiting to hear all about it. Sounds like you had a great time.

Now on to the next big adventure. You will love college.

Someone reported my neopet's account for no reason when i had been shopping in the Plushie Plaza. So then it logged me out, and when i tried to log in again, it said, this person's account has been frozen. And i did nothing but collect petpets, and shop for neopets stuff for my pets! Theni had alot of neopoints, alot of neofriends, and two painted pets. One was an Island Eryie, The other was a striped gelert. Then I was also reported once, but i was in boards, And I only said Hi. But all my enemies i know, they know my username, but only one plays neopets, and she forgot it.

Ok, not many people have replied to this. I shall wait then.

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Hahahaha :lol: That's one of the things I like about HD. Most people don't do chatspeak.

Yeah, it's like a vacation from the rest of the internet. :P


So I've started up on Neopets again and I got...wait, can we mention our pets' names? Well anyway I now have 6 out of 7 painted rainbow. It will take me about a month to save for the last one and then my rainbow family will be complete, muahahaha! :D


I never put anything about graduation down in this topic. It was neat, and I had a laugh when the inflatable aliens, baseball bats, and beachballs were flying around. :lol: At one point there were 3 beachballs at the same time! I shook hands with quite a few of my teachers and it was nice to be able to part from the school that way.

I was waiting to hear all about it. Sounds like you had a great time.

Now on to the next big adventure. You will love college.

Yes he most likely will!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hahahaha :lol: That's one of the things I like about HD. Most people don't do chatspeak.

Yeah, it's like a vacation from the rest of the internet. :P


So I've started up on Neopets again and I got...wait, can we mention our pets' names? Well anyway I now have 6 out of 7 painted rainbow. It will take me about a month to save for the last one and then my rainbow family will be complete, muahahaha! :D


I never put anything about graduation down in this topic. It was neat, and I had a laugh when the inflatable aliens, baseball bats, and beachballs were flying around. :lol: At one point there were 3 beachballs at the same time! I shook hands with quite a few of my teachers and it was nice to be able to part from the school that way.

I was waiting to hear all about it. Sounds like you had a great time.

Now on to the next big adventure. You will love college.

Someone reported my neopet's account for no reason when i had been shopping in the Plushie Plaza. So then it logged me out, and when i tried to log in again, it said, this person's account has been frozen. And i did nothing but collect petpets, and shop for neopets stuff for my pets! Theni had alot of neopoints, alot of neofriends, and two painted pets. One was an Island Eryie, The other was a striped gelert. Then I was also reported once, but i was in boards, And I only said Hi. But all my enemies i know, they know my username, but only one plays neopets, and she forgot it.

Ok, not many people have replied to this. I shall wait then.

Jesse replied in the post just before yours. Look back a few posts.

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Jesse, I know you posted that you were going to Minnesota and I forgot where that was. Hope you have a great trip. If you have not been, you will like Minnesota. Great state with wonderful people.


*gives Jesse a big hug*


We hope you return soon as we are missing you already!

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well, ima be gone from the 11th till the 24th

well, actually the 25th

cause I am getting back at about 12:16 AM on the 25th


Everyone is going to be gone!

*gives Cheesemaster a big hug in advance*



so, the 10th is the last day you will see me for a while.

cause I am leaving at 3:00 AM on the 11th.


I love timing. :P

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well, ima be gone from the 11th till the 24th

well, actually the 25th

cause I am getting back at about 12:16 AM on the 25th


Everyone is going to be gone!

*gives Cheesemaster a big hug in advance*



so, the 10th is the last day you will see me for a while.

cause I am leaving at 3:00 AM on the 11th.


I love timing. :P

*is soooooooooo sad*

*wonders if anyone will be here with me*

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well, ima be gone from the 11th till the 24th

well, actually the 25th

cause I am getting back at about 12:16 AM on the 25th


Everyone is going to be gone!

*gives Cheesemaster a big hug in advance*



so, the 10th is the last day you will see me for a while.

cause I am leaving at 3:00 AM on the 11th.


I love timing. :P

*is soooooooooo sad*

*wonders if anyone will be here with me*



you could always try to get in touch with preppygirl...

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well, ima be gone from the 11th till the 24th

well, actually the 25th

cause I am getting back at about 12:16 AM on the 25th


Everyone is going to be gone!

*gives Cheesemaster a big hug in advance*



so, the 10th is the last day you will see me for a while.

cause I am leaving at 3:00 AM on the 11th.


I love timing. :P

*is soooooooooo sad*

*wonders if anyone will be here with me*


you could always try to get in touch with preppygirl...

No thank you, I will leave that to Mushroom_king.

As for me, I think I will focus on studying.

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well, ima be gone from the 11th till the 24th

well, actually the 25th

cause I am getting back at about 12:16 AM on the 25th


Everyone is going to be gone!

*gives Cheesemaster a big hug in advance*



so, the 10th is the last day you will see me for a while.

cause I am leaving at 3:00 AM on the 11th.


I love timing. :P

*is soooooooooo sad*

*wonders if anyone will be here with me*


you could always try to get in touch with preppygirl...

No thank you, I will leave that to Mushroom_king.

As for me, I think I will focus on studying.

I hate Preppygirl

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well, ima be gone from the 11th till the 24th

well, actually the 25th

cause I am getting back at about 12:16 AM on the 25th


Everyone is going to be gone!

*gives Cheesemaster a big hug in advance*


so, the 10th is the last day you will see me for a while.

cause I am leaving at 3:00 AM on the 11th.


I love timing. :P

*is soooooooooo sad*

*wonders if anyone will be here with me*


you could always try to get in touch with preppygirl...

No thank you, I will leave that to Mushroom_king.

As for me, I think I will focus on studying.

I hate Preppygirl

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Oh my!

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well, ima be gone from the 11th till the 24th

well, actually the 25th

cause I am getting back at about 12:16 AM on the 25th

Have fun. Hope both our trips will be great. :)



We're going to wake up at 6 AM, so I won't be posting here until tomorrow evening when we're at our first hotel stop.

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well, ima be gone from the 11th till the 24th

well, actually the 25th

cause I am getting back at about 12:16 AM on the 25th

Have fun. Hope both our trips will be great. :)



We're going to wake up at 6 AM, so I won't be posting here until tomorrow evening when we're at our first hotel stop.

hotels are for ninnies. ;D

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hotels are for ninnies. ;D

Well we weren't about to go camping on the side of the highway. XD


We got to the hotel. Yay wireless internet! ^_^ The trip was nice. We were on the freeway most of the time so the ride was smooth (PA had some pretty bumpy parts actually...) I kind a bit cramped but that's bound to happen. We were on the road for around 10 hours.

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hotels are for ninnies. ;D

Well we weren't about to go camping on the side of the highway. XD


We got to the hotel. Yay wireless internet! ^_^ The trip was nice. We were on the freeway most of the time so the ride was smooth (PA had some pretty bumpy parts actually...) I kind a bit cramped but that's bound to happen. We were on the road for around 10 hours.

Nice to hear they let a pack of wolves spend the night in their hotel.

Is your mini-bar stocked with various flavours of micicles?

Yes, wireless is wonderful.

Sounds like you will be able to get a good night's sleep after being cramped up in the car for 10 hours.

How far do you have to drive tomorrow?


We had a most ferocious storm here and lost power for over and hour. The storm is still pretty strong,

but at least my wireless is back up and I am connected again. :D

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Nope, they don't bother making micicles, but we brought our cooler so we have some of our own. :) We will be driving 7-8 hours tomorrow.


Glad to know you and your internet survived the storm. I hope our house is okay over there. If the storm was up there too, then at least the plants got some water. :P

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Nope, they don't bother making micicles, but we brought our cooler so we have some of our own. :) We will be driving 7-8 hours tomorrow.


Glad to know you and your internet survived the storm. I hope our house is okay over there. If the storm was up there too, then at least the plants got some water. :P

Oh, the plants got watered alright... more like the skies opened up and gave them a shower-flood.

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Heh, our plants will be sick of water for a little while. :P So here we are at 5:20 AM. I didn't get much sleep last night. Speaking of storms, my brother was snoring one up last night. :blink: And people were partying in other hotel rooms. It was pretty loud.

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Okay, we got to our second (and last) hotel stop, but not before we got slammed on by a lightning storm. That was crazy. We're going to visit my grandma today. We're going to our permenant residence tomorrow. We have no idea if we'll get internet there, so if I don't post later, take care everyone.

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Heh, our plants will be sick of water for a little while. :P So here we are at 5:20 AM. I didn't get much sleep last night. Speaking of storms, my brother was snoring one up last night. :blink: And people were partying in other hotel rooms. It was pretty loud.

Ear plugs. The world's greatest invention.

Sorry you didn't get much sleep, hope your drive today was bearable.

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Okay, we got to our second (and last) hotel stop, but not before we got slammed on by a lightning storm. That was crazy. We're going to visit my grandma today. We're going to our permenant residence tomorrow. We have no idea if we'll get internet there, so if I don't post later, take care everyone.

*tosses Jesse a large box full of variety flavoured micicles*

Just in case you don't have any there. Hope you have internet.

You can always ask to go to the library. :lol: Libraries always have free internet.

The only bad thing is some libraries require you to have a library card. So, ask

your grandmother before you go to lend you her card. :D

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Yes, I was dissapointed not to have brought my ear plugs. I was a bit impatient at first but I got along fine for the rest of the day. Tonight I got lots more sleep. :) Thanks for the micicles. Going to leave soon for the last leg of our trip, so see y'all later (how much later, I do not know).

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Yes, I was dissapointed not to have brought my ear plugs. I was a bit impatient at first but I got along fine for the rest of the day. Tonight I got lots more sleep. :) Thanks for the micicles. Going to leave soon for the last leg of our trip, so see y'all later (how much later, I do not know).

*is happy that Jesse has internet while he is away*

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Weee! I got to ride along in an ATV through our family lands. That was fun (kind of scary at first, admittedly, but I got over it).

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Weee! I got to ride along in an ATV through our family lands. That was fun (kind of scary at first, admittedly, but I got over it).

I loveee ATV rides!

My dad lives in the forest

and he takes me out sometimes.

It's great.

One time I accidentally swallowed a horse fly!



But I love being out in the forest.

It makes me happy :D

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Yeah, ATVs are fun. Had to get over my fear of speed, but I took deep breaths and then I had fun riding along. :)


I just got to our hotel stop for our return trip. We're only doing one this time - I'll be home tomorrow night, but it's going to be really late so you won't hear from me until Saturday.


I might as well mention some things about our trip in Minnesota.


I went to two family reunions - one for my dad's side and one for my mom's side. The first one, my dad's side, was rather reserved save the ATV ride, but it was nice to relax too. It was my grandpa's 80th birthday so he opened some gifts and cards. I hung out with him on the porch for most of the time after the ATV ride.


My mom's side reunion was rather contrasting. We had it at my aunt's house where there was a swimming pool, water slide, and diving board. I didn't get swimming shorts, which I was slightly dissapointed about when watching everyone, but I know it's rough on my nose. Anyway it was quite entertaining watching two of my uncles try to outclass each other in diving and crazy slide techniques, although I must say I think my sister did better than both of them. Then I went inside and played Sonic Riders and two of my cousins watched me do the story mode for them. :P Then my brother and dad played a gig in the family room and then I did some Guitar Hero by myself before we left.


I also had dinner with my dad's parents, and then dinner with my mom's parents, and then dinner with dad's band members. It was a little hard for me to sit through all of these social things, especially all in a row, but I think I did fine trying to be polite for everyone of them and learning a thing or two.


We also took a visit to the harbor (we were close to Lake Superior) and watched 1000ft boats go under the arial lift bridge. And we saw a bunch of other stuff.

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Yes, our trip was fine but was kind of prolonged because of construction. -_-


Is anyone else getting logged out after each visit, even with "remember me" checked? Just curious.

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Yes, our trip was fine but was kind of prolonged because of construction. -_-


Is anyone else getting logged out after each visit, even with "remember me" checked? Just curious.

Not me, but I will ask HampsterKing to check into the problem.

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Sorry Horatio, that was my fault. I was switching between networks and each network has a different IP or something so the board wants me to log in again.

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Whoops, I forgot that we got all the mail that was piling up while we were gone, and I got my AP scores. I got a 5 in Calc AB and a 4 in French. :)

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Sorry Horatio, that was my fault. I was switching between networks and each network has a different IP or something so the board wants me to log in again.

Not a problem... I understand, because when I moderate on the iPhone I have to log in and then when I come back and moderate on Adam, I have to log in again.

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Whoops, I forgot that we got all the mail that was piling up while we were gone, and I got my AP scores. I got a 5 in Calc AB and a 4 in French. :)

*throws a big heap of multi-flavoured micicles to Jesse as a form of congratulations*

I am really excited for you. You did great!!!!!!!!!!!

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Okay, I hope that no one minds if I use this avatar, it's pretty nice looking. I don't think anyone is using it but if someone wants it for their own use, let me know. There's another one I'll ask for upload if that's the case.


So I got my schedule from college and it's pretty sweet. :) I'm going to have plenty of study time. Now all I need is my room assignment. (God please let me get me a great roomate!)

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Okay, I hope that no one minds if I use this avatar, it's pretty nice looking. I don't think anyone is using it but if someone wants it for their own use, let me know. There's another one I'll ask for upload if that's the case.


So I got my schedule from college and it's pretty sweet. :) I'm going to have plenty of study time. Now all I need is my room assignment. (God please let me get me a great roomate!)

You are half-way there. A great schedule... wonderful! I hope you get a really great roommate. Remember, if you don't, you can always ask for a change.

They put hamsters in single rooms. :lol:

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You are half-way there. A great schedule... wonderful! I hope you get a really great roommate. Remember, if you don't, you can always ask for a change.

They put hamsters in single rooms. :lol:

Lucky. :P They figured that a wolf can just deal with a human. Which I guess I can. I hope he likes micicles.

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You are half-way there. A great schedule... wonderful! I hope you get a really great roommate. Remember, if you don't, you can always ask for a change.

They put hamsters in single rooms. :lol:

Lucky. :P They figured that a wolf can just deal with a human. Which I guess I can. I hope he likes micicles.

I'm sure he will. :D

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Whoops, I forgot that we got all the mail that was piling up while we were gone, and I got my AP scores. I got a 5 in Calc AB and a 4 in French. :)

You got a 5 on the AP Calc?!?!?! That's really amazing! And awesome score on French too. And your new avatar is spiffy. ^_^

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Whoops, I forgot that we got all the mail that was piling up while we were gone, and I got my AP scores. I got a 5 in Calc AB and a 4 in French. :)

You got a 5 on the AP Calc?!?!?! That's really amazing! And awesome score on French too. And your new avatar is spiffy. ^_^

Thank you. ^_^ 64% of our calc class got a 5. :) I don't know any statistics for our French class. And yeah, whoever uploaded this avatar is awesome.

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Whoops, I forgot that we got all the mail that was piling up while we were gone, and I got my AP scores. I got a 5 in Calc AB and a 4 in French. :)

You got a 5 on the AP Calc?!?!?! That's really amazing! And awesome score on French too. And your new avatar is spiffy. ^_^

Thank you. ^_^ 64% of our calc class got a 5. :) I don't know any statistics for our French class. And yeah, whoever uploaded this avatar is awesome.

I am trying to remember who asked for it... Cupcakelvr will remember.

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Whoops, I forgot that we got all the mail that was piling up while we were gone, and I got my AP scores. I got a 5 in Calc AB and a 4 in French. :)

You got a 5 on the AP Calc?!?!?! That's really amazing! And awesome score on French too. And your new avatar is spiffy. ^_^

Thank you. ^_^ 64% of our calc class got a 5. :) I don't know any statistics for our French class. And yeah, whoever uploaded this avatar is awesome.

I am trying to remember who asked for it... Cupcakelvr will remember.


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Whoops, I forgot that we got all the mail that was piling up while we were gone, and I got my AP scores. I got a 5 in Calc AB and a 4 in French. :)

You got a 5 on the AP Calc?!?!?! That's really amazing! And awesome score on French too. And your new avatar is spiffy. ^_^

Thank you. ^_^ 64% of our calc class got a 5. :) I don't know any statistics for our French class. And yeah, whoever uploaded this avatar is awesome.

I am trying to remember who asked for it... Cupcakelvr will remember.


I knew you would come to my rescue!

Thank you!!!

*hands Cupcakelvr a bouquet of multi-coloured roses*

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Whoops, I forgot that we got all the mail that was piling up while we were gone, and I got my AP scores. I got a 5 in Calc AB and a 4 in French. :)

You got a 5 on the AP Calc?!?!?! That's really amazing! And awesome score on French too. And your new avatar is spiffy. ^_^

Thank you. ^_^ 64% of our calc class got a 5. :) I don't know any statistics for our French class. And yeah, whoever uploaded this avatar is awesome.

I am trying to remember who asked for it... Cupcakelvr will remember.


I knew you would come to my rescue!

Thank you!!!

*hands Cupcakelvr a bouquet of multi-coloured roses*


you're over excited.

but you're welcome.

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Whoops, I forgot that we got all the mail that was piling up while we were gone, and I got my AP scores. I got a 5 in Calc AB and a 4 in French. :)

You got a 5 on the AP Calc?!?!?! That's really amazing! And awesome score on French too. And your new avatar is spiffy. ^_^

Thank you. ^_^ 64% of our calc class got a 5. :) I don't know any statistics for our French class. And yeah, whoever uploaded this avatar is awesome.

lol to my knowledge, 100% of our class got a 1. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I moved to college on Sunday. I kind of couldn't get internet into my room for two days, but now it is all MINE! MUAHAHAHAA!


Anyway so band camp is going okay. It is kind of rough though, even if you're not doing marching at the time. There are three sessions each day (marching or playing, soon to be both) and each of them are at least 4 hours. It gets pretty tiring. There is not much free time for me at all, I am lucky to be sitting here in the afternoon because we got an extra hour somehow. So...I'm going to make lots of use out of my laptop in the half hour I have left. Tata.

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So, I moved to college on Sunday. I kind of couldn't get internet into my room for two days, but now it is all MINE! MUAHAHAHAA!


Anyway so band camp is going okay. It is kind of rough though, even if you're not doing marching at the time. There are three sessions each day (marching or playing, soon to be both) and each of them are at least 4 hours. It gets pretty tiring. There is not much free time for me at all, I am lucky to be sitting here in the afternoon because we got an extra hour somehow. So...I'm going to make lots of use out of my laptop in the half hour I have left. Tata.

Yeah Jesse!!!!!

You are a college guy now! :D How is your room? Have you met your roommate?

I am sorry that band camp is so tiring, but is it bearable?

We are so excited to hear from you and hope that you are doing okay!


Thanks for keeping us updated.

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So, I moved to college on Sunday. I kind of couldn't get internet into my room for two days, but now it is all MINE! MUAHAHAHAA!


Anyway so band camp is going okay. It is kind of rough though, even if you're not doing marching at the time. There are three sessions each day (marching or playing, soon to be both) and each of them are at least 4 hours. It gets pretty tiring. There is not much free time for me at all, I am lucky to be sitting here in the afternoon because we got an extra hour somehow. So...I'm going to make lots of use out of my laptop in the half hour I have left. Tata.

WOO! frat parties!

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So, I moved to college on Sunday. I kind of couldn't get internet into my room for two days, but now it is all MINE! MUAHAHAHAA!


Anyway so band camp is going okay. It is kind of rough though, even if you're not doing marching at the time. There are three sessions each day (marching or playing, soon to be both) and each of them are at least 4 hours. It gets pretty tiring. There is not much free time for me at all, I am lucky to be sitting here in the afternoon because we got an extra hour somehow. So...I'm going to make lots of use out of my laptop in the half hour I have left. Tata.

Yeah Jesse!!!!!

You are a college guy now! :D How is your room? Have you met your roommate?

I am sorry that band camp is so tiring, but is it bearable?

We are so excited to hear from you and hope that you are doing okay!


Thanks for keeping us updated.

My room is nice, it's in a suite-style building. My roomate will not be here until Saturday but I've met him over the phone. He's a nice guy from what I can gather. Yes, band camp is bearable. :)


WOO! frat parties!

Woo...no thanks. :P

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So, I moved to college on Sunday. I kind of couldn't get internet into my room for two days, but now it is all MINE! MUAHAHAHAA!


Anyway so band camp is going okay. It is kind of rough though, even if you're not doing marching at the time. There are three sessions each day (marching or playing, soon to be both) and each of them are at least 4 hours. It gets pretty tiring. There is not much free time for me at all, I am lucky to be sitting here in the afternoon because we got an extra hour somehow. So...I'm going to make lots of use out of my laptop in the half hour I have left. Tata.

Yeah Jesse!!!!!

You are a college guy now! :D How is your room? Have you met your roommate?

I am sorry that band camp is so tiring, but is it bearable?

We are so excited to hear from you and hope that you are doing okay!


Thanks for keeping us updated.

My room is nice, it's in a suite-style building. My roomate will not be here until Saturday but I've met him over the phone. He's a nice guy from what I can gather. Yes, band camp is bearable. :)


WOO! frat parties!

Woo...no thanks. :P

Sounds great on both the room and the roommate.

I hope band camp is over soon. :D

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So, I moved to college on Sunday. I kind of couldn't get internet into my room for two days, but now it is all MINE! MUAHAHAHAA!


Anyway so band camp is going okay. It is kind of rough though, even if you're not doing marching at the time. There are three sessions each day (marching or playing, soon to be both) and each of them are at least 4 hours. It gets pretty tiring. There is not much free time for me at all, I am lucky to be sitting here in the afternoon because we got an extra hour somehow. So...I'm going to make lots of use out of my laptop in the half hour I have left. Tata.

Yeah Jesse!!!!!

You are a college guy now! :D How is your room? Have you met your roommate?

I am sorry that band camp is so tiring, but is it bearable?

We are so excited to hear from you and hope that you are doing okay!


Thanks for keeping us updated.

My room is nice, it's in a suite-style building. My roomate will not be here until Saturday but I've met him over the phone. He's a nice guy from what I can gather. Yes, band camp is bearable. :)


WOO! frat parties!

Woo...no thanks. :P

*stops jumping* *stands with mouth hung open*

No? Why not??!!?!?!??!?!?!

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So, I moved to college on Sunday. I kind of couldn't get internet into my room for two days, but now it is all MINE! MUAHAHAHAA!


Anyway so band camp is going okay. It is kind of rough though, even if you're not doing marching at the time. There are three sessions each day (marching or playing, soon to be both) and each of them are at least 4 hours. It gets pretty tiring. There is not much free time for me at all, I am lucky to be sitting here in the afternoon because we got an extra hour somehow. So...I'm going to make lots of use out of my laptop in the half hour I have left. Tata.

WOO! frat parties!

The movie "Animal House" comes to mind.

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Band camp does not end until september 1st.


So, I'm sick today. Went to the health center and they said I just have a virus, so I'm staying in my room for the rest of the day. Fun times.

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So, I moved to college on Sunday. I kind of couldn't get internet into my room for two days, but now it is all MINE! MUAHAHAHAA!


Anyway so band camp is going okay. It is kind of rough though, even if you're not doing marching at the time. There are three sessions each day (marching or playing, soon to be both) and each of them are at least 4 hours. It gets pretty tiring. There is not much free time for me at all, I am lucky to be sitting here in the afternoon because we got an extra hour somehow. So...I'm going to make lots of use out of my laptop in the half hour I have left. Tata.

WOO! frat parties!

The movie "Animal House" comes to mind.

OOOOO... good movie, good movie. wow I say things twice a lot don't I?

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Band camp does not end until september 1st.


So, I'm sick today. Went to the health center and they said I just have a virus, so I'm staying in my room for the rest of the day. Fun times.

*sends Jesse some chicken micicle soup*

Get well soon!!!

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Okay, so my fever has gone down. Now I just need to decide when to get back to band camp life...I'll do breakfast, skip the morning session, and then I'll go from there I guess.

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Band camp does not end until september 1st.


So, I'm sick today. Went to the health center and they said I just have a virus, so I'm staying in my room for the rest of the day. Fun times.

>.< I hope you feel better. At least you don't have to go to classes. But I bet it's pretty boring sitting in your room.

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Okay, so my fever has gone down. Now I just need to decide when to get back to band camp life...I'll do breakfast, skip the morning session, and then I'll go from there I guess.

I would give yourself at least one day. Just because your fever has gone down, does not mean you are better. The last thing you need is a relapse of a virus. I would skip tomorrow and then rejoin them the following day, providing you feel good. That band camp sounds pretty grueling.

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I would give yourself at least one day. Just because your fever has gone down, does not mean you are better. The last thing you need is a relapse of a virus. I would skip tomorrow and then rejoin them the following day, providing you feel good. That band camp sounds pretty grueling.

Hmm, yeah, I'll probably do that. My dad has been wanting me to take today off too. :) I feel kind of guilty about it though. But yes, having a virus come back would be preeeetty bad.

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Band camp does not end until september 1st.


So, I'm sick today. Went to the health center and they said I just have a virus, so I'm staying in my room for the rest of the day. Fun times.

>.< I hope you feel better. At least you don't have to go to classes. But I bet it's pretty boring sitting in your room.

Yes, it is not too exciting in here. But at least I can get some work done on my Tomb Raider levels and stuff. Oh yeah, I finished the first level of my project! And pretty much the second one.

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I would give yourself at least one day. Just because your fever has gone down, does not mean you are better. The last thing you need is a relapse of a virus. I would skip tomorrow and then rejoin them the following day, providing you feel good. That band camp sounds pretty grueling.

Hmm, yeah, I'll probably do that. My dad has been wanting me to take today off too. :) I feel kind of guilty about it though. But yes, having a virus come back would be preeeetty bad.

You feel guilty because you are responsible and take band camp seriously. I applaud you for this.

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Band camp does not end until september 1st.


So, I'm sick today. Went to the health center and they said I just have a virus, so I'm staying in my room for the rest of the day. Fun times.

>.< I hope you feel better. At least you don't have to go to classes. But I bet it's pretty boring sitting in your room.

Yes, it is not too exciting in here. But at least I can get some work done on my Tomb Raider levels and stuff. Oh yeah, I finished the first level of my project! And pretty much the second one.

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! as for me it's only the second week of school and I'm falling behind. Oh and stupid Teddy texted me durning class. I almost got my phone taken away cause it vibrates really loud.

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Wow Jesse, you moved in early! It's pretty normal to get sick the first few days of college, just make sure you keep yourself hydrated. And I'm glad to hear that you're keeping away from the frat parties. :) If you started going to frat parties, I'd really start to worry about you. You're too awesome for frat parties. *Starts thinking, "I'm too sexy for your party, too sexy for your party..."* :P

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So after tomorrow I will be done with band camp :) I am excited about classes starting. Every freshman gets a laptop, so I got mine today. ^_^ Since the laptop I brought up is an iBook, I can have the best of both worlds. :P (Not that I find much "best of" in a windows computer save that it can run more programs)

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So after tomorrow I will be done with band camp :) I am excited about classes starting. Every freshman gets a laptop, so I got mine today. ^_^ Since the laptop I brought up is an iBook, I can have the best of both worlds. :P (Not that I find much "best of" in a windows computer save that it can run more programs)

I have both the windows and OSX operating systems on my Mac. So, I cannot see why I would need the college compy.

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Hello! My college experience so far has been nice. Having band camp for 2 weeks was pretty grueling, but it had some fun moments too. We did a preview show and it made things feel a little more worthwhile. The football games are going to be fun. Maybe a bit crazy, but fun. And I need something to do on Saturday anyway!


Classes for me start on September 4th. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I hope that the classes will be interesting but not overwhelming.


My roommate is cool. He is already bringing friends up to the room, which is nice because I get to meet more people. It looks like I will have fun hanging out with him.


Wish me luck everyone!

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Hello! My college experience so far has been nice. Having band camp for 2 weeks was pretty grueling, but it had some fun moments too. We did a preview show and it made things feel a little more worthwhile. The football games are going to be fun. Maybe a bit crazy, but fun. And I need something to do on Saturday anyway!


Classes for me start on September 4th. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I hope that the classes will be interesting but not overwhelming.


My roommate is cool. He is already bringing friends up to the room, which is nice because I get to meet more people. It looks like I will have fun hanging out with him.


Wish me luck everyone!

Seems like things are going great for you! Good luck to you of course! ^.^

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Hello! My college experience so far has been nice. Having band camp for 2 weeks was pretty grueling, but it had some fun moments too. We did a preview show and it made things feel a little more worthwhile. The football games are going to be fun. Maybe a bit crazy, but fun. And I need something to do on Saturday anyway!


Classes for me start on September 4th. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I hope that the classes will be interesting but not overwhelming.


My roommate is cool. He is already bringing friends up to the room, which is nice because I get to meet more people. It looks like I will have fun hanging out with him.


Wish me luck everyone!

My classes start the 5th. That's good that you're meeting new people. :) I find a good way to meet people is to keep your door propped open when you're in the room so people can walk in and say hi. :)

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Hello! My college experience so far has been nice. Having band camp for 2 weeks was pretty grueling, but it had some fun moments too. We did a preview show and it made things feel a little more worthwhile. The football games are going to be fun. Maybe a bit crazy, but fun. And I need something to do on Saturday anyway!


Classes for me start on September 4th. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I hope that the classes will be interesting but not overwhelming.


My roommate is cool. He is already bringing friends up to the room, which is nice because I get to meet more people. It looks like I will have fun hanging out with him.


Wish me luck everyone!

My classes start the 5th. That's good that you're meeting new people. :) I find a good way to meet people is to keep your door propped open when you're in the room so people can walk in and say hi. :)

Yeah, we've got the door propped open a lot. Except when I want some me time. :P

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Hello! My college experience so far has been nice. Having band camp for 2 weeks was pretty grueling, but it had some fun moments too. We did a preview show and it made things feel a little more worthwhile. The football games are going to be fun. Maybe a bit crazy, but fun. And I need something to do on Saturday anyway!


Classes for me start on September 4th. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I hope that the classes will be interesting but not overwhelming.


My roommate is cool. He is already bringing friends up to the room, which is nice because I get to meet more people. It looks like I will have fun hanging out with him.


Wish me luck everyone!

You have a good roommate, band has good and bad times, but is okay, classes started yesterday, so I am guessing life will be great for you!!!

Lots of luck!!!

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Hello! My college experience so far has been nice. Having band camp for 2 weeks was pretty grueling, but it had some fun moments too. We did a preview show and it made things feel a little more worthwhile. The football games are going to be fun. Maybe a bit crazy, but fun. And I need something to do on Saturday anyway!


Classes for me start on September 4th. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I hope that the classes will be interesting but not overwhelming.


My roommate is cool. He is already bringing friends up to the room, which is nice because I get to meet more people. It looks like I will have fun hanging out with him.


Wish me luck everyone!

My classes start the 5th. That's good that you're meeting new people. :) I find a good way to meet people is to keep your door propped open when you're in the room so people can walk in and say hi. :)

Yeah, we've got the door propped open a lot. Except when I want some me time. :P

Yeah, personal time is always a good thing. :) So are naps. Naps are excellent. ^_^

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Hello! My college experience so far has been nice. Having band camp for 2 weeks was pretty grueling, but it had some fun moments too. We did a preview show and it made things feel a little more worthwhile. The football games are going to be fun. Maybe a bit crazy, but fun. And I need something to do on Saturday anyway!


Classes for me start on September 4th. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I hope that the classes will be interesting but not overwhelming.


My roommate is cool. He is already bringing friends up to the room, which is nice because I get to meet more people. It looks like I will have fun hanging out with him.


Wish me luck everyone!

My classes start the 5th. That's good that you're meeting new people. :) I find a good way to meet people is to keep your door propped open when you're in the room so people can walk in and say hi. :)

Yeah, we've got the door propped open a lot. Except when I want some me time. :P

Yeah, personal time is always a good thing. :) So are naps. Naps are excellent. ^_^

*loves naps* :D

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Hello! My college experience so far has been nice. Having band camp for 2 weeks was pretty grueling, but it had some fun moments too. We did a preview show and it made things feel a little more worthwhile. The football games are going to be fun. Maybe a bit crazy, but fun. And I need something to do on Saturday anyway!


Classes for me start on September 4th. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I hope that the classes will be interesting but not overwhelming.


My roommate is cool. He is already bringing friends up to the room, which is nice because I get to meet more people. It looks like I will have fun hanging out with him.


Wish me luck everyone!

My classes start the 5th. That's good that you're meeting new people. :) I find a good way to meet people is to keep your door propped open when you're in the room so people can walk in and say hi. :)

Yeah, we've got the door propped open a lot. Except when I want some me time. :P

Yeah, personal time is always a good thing. :) So are naps. Naps are excellent. ^_^

*loves naps* :D

I wouldn't be able to function with out naps.

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Hello! My college experience so far has been nice. Having band camp for 2 weeks was pretty grueling, but it had some fun moments too. We did a preview show and it made things feel a little more worthwhile. The football games are going to be fun. Maybe a bit crazy, but fun. And I need something to do on Saturday anyway!


Classes for me start on September 4th. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I hope that the classes will be interesting but not overwhelming.


My roommate is cool. He is already bringing friends up to the room, which is nice because I get to meet more people. It looks like I will have fun hanging out with him.


Wish me luck everyone!

My classes start the 5th. That's good that you're meeting new people. :) I find a good way to meet people is to keep your door propped open when you're in the room so people can walk in and say hi. :)

Yeah, we've got the door propped open a lot. Except when I want some me time. :P

Yeah, personal time is always a good thing. :) So are naps. Naps are excellent. ^_^

*loves naps* :D

I wouldn't be able to function with out naps.

I know hamsters can't. :D

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Hello! My college experience so far has been nice. Having band camp for 2 weeks was pretty grueling, but it had some fun moments too. We did a preview show and it made things feel a little more worthwhile. The football games are going to be fun. Maybe a bit crazy, but fun. And I need something to do on Saturday anyway!


Classes for me start on September 4th. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I hope that the classes will be interesting but not overwhelming.


My roommate is cool. He is already bringing friends up to the room, which is nice because I get to meet more people. It looks like I will have fun hanging out with him.


Wish me luck everyone!

My classes start the 5th. That's good that you're meeting new people. :) I find a good way to meet people is to keep your door propped open when you're in the room so people can walk in and say hi. :)

Yeah, we've got the door propped open a lot. Except when I want some me time. :P

Yeah, personal time is always a good thing. :) So are naps. Naps are excellent. ^_^

*loves naps* :D

I wouldn't be able to function with out naps.

I know hamsters can't. :D

No, I bet not.

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I'm not a napper, myself.


You will be!

I don't take naps often, but now I've got morning classes and my bedtime of between 12am and 4am doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon, so naps will be necesary.

4 AM ?? :blink: What classes are you taking so early in the morning? Everyone here complains about 8 AM classes >_>

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I'm not a napper, myself.


You will be!

I don't take naps often, but now I've got morning classes and my bedtime of between 12am and 4am doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon, so naps will be necesary.

4 AM ?? :blink: What classes are you taking so early in the morning? Everyone here complains about 8 AM classes >_>

:lol: I was thinking that Jesusfreak meant she did not get to bed until between the hours of midnight and four. So the earliest bedtime would be midnight and the lastest would be 04H00. Perhaps I was confused. Hopefully she is not going to be around midnight and getting up around 04H00! :blink:

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I'm not a napper, myself.


You will be!

I don't take naps often, but now I've got morning classes and my bedtime of between 12am and 4am doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon, so naps will be necesary.

4 AM ?? :blink: What classes are you taking so early in the morning? Everyone here complains about 8 AM classes >_>

:lol: I was thinking that Jesusfreak meant she did not get to bed until between the hours of midnight and four. So the earliest bedtime would be midnight and the lastest would be 04H00. Perhaps I was confused. Hopefully she is not going to be around midnight and getting up around 04H00! :blink:

Hahaha it was the first. :P Being in college is like being in a different time zone sometimes. Most of my classes this semester are morning classes. My education classes (they're like two classes smashed together) run from 8am until 2pm tuesdays and thursdays, and my biology class is at around 9am the remaining weekdays. I took a nap today after class. ^_^

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You know, something just ocurred to me. It's been rather entertaining to watch the progress of Jesse's avatars. As time has gone on, over the years, they've grown more and more mature and sophisticated, like Jesse himself. Kind of interesting. :)

I agree. Jesse's avatars have been an expression of who he is and it is great to see them and his artwork evolve.

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You know, something just ocurred to me. It's been rather entertaining to watch the progress of Jesse's avatars. As time has gone on, over the years, they've grown more and more mature and sophisticated, like Jesse himself. Kind of interesting. :)

I agree. Jesse's avatars have been an expression of who he is and it is great to see them and his artwork evolve.

But the current avatar isn't any work of mine. I didn't even ask for this one to be put up! :P I think I get the point though. :) I wonder what my next avatar will be?

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You know, something just ocurred to me. It's been rather entertaining to watch the progress of Jesse's avatars. As time has gone on, over the years, they've grown more and more mature and sophisticated, like Jesse himself. Kind of interesting. :)

I agree. Jesse's avatars have been an expression of who he is and it is great to see them and his artwork evolve.

But the current avatar isn't any work of mine. I didn't even ask for this one to be put up! :P I think I get the point though. :) I wonder what my next avatar will be?

*gets excited in anticipation*

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Hm....Jesse's topic has been lacking in Jesse the past few days. :P

I thought I saw him pop on, but then there was no post. I was sad not to hear from him, but figured he is pretty busy.

*waits with Jesusfreak*

Yeah, I've seen him online a couple of times. *sets some micicles out on a table* :rolleyes:

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Hm....Jesse's topic has been lacking in Jesse the past few days. :P

I thought I saw him pop on, but then there was no post. I was sad not to hear from him, but figured he is pretty busy.

*waits with Jesusfreak*

Yeah, I've seen him online a couple of times. *sets some micicles out on a table* :rolleyes:

Meanwhile he is posting in your topic. :lol:

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Hm....Jesse's topic has been lacking in Jesse the past few days. :P

I thought I saw him pop on, but then there was no post. I was sad not to hear from him, but figured he is pretty busy.

*waits with Jesusfreak*

Yeah, I've seen him online a couple of times. *sets some micicles out on a table* :rolleyes:

Meanwhile he is posting in your topic. :lol:

Hahaha I saw that! :lol:

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Hm....Jesse's topic has been lacking in Jesse the past few days. :P

I thought I saw him pop on, but then there was no post. I was sad not to hear from him, but figured he is pretty busy.

*waits with Jesusfreak*

Yeah, I've seen him online a couple of times. *sets some micicles out on a table* :rolleyes:

Meanwhile he is posting in your topic. :lol:

Hahaha I saw that! :lol:

*adds to the micicles on the table, with wild blueberry, wild blackberry and wild raspberry flavours*

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Okay, so what I was going to say was that we did presentations in French today. It wasn't a stand-up-in-front-of-class type, it was a sit-in-a-circle type, which helped. There were a few words that it felt like I couldn't enunciate, but I think I did fine.


Now I'm going to have Musicianship soon. I have to eventually figure out what to have a seminar on in history. :unsure: And what I'm going to say in my academic writing paper.

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Okay, so what I was going to say was that we did presentations in French today. It wasn't a stand-up-in-front-of-class type, it was a sit-in-a-circle type, which helped. There were a few words that it felt like I couldn't enunciate, but I think I did fine.


Now I'm going to have Musicianship soon. I have to eventually figure out what to have a seminar on in history. :unsure: And what I'm going to say in my academic writing paper.

The Musicianship class should be a great class. I think I would like to take that class. As for the seminar in history and academic writing, those are a tough ones.


BTW... you always can sniff out the micicles. :lol:

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Okay, so what I was going to say was that we did presentations in French today. It wasn't a stand-up-in-front-of-class type, it was a sit-in-a-circle type, which helped. There were a few words that it felt like I couldn't enunciate, but I think I did fine.


Now I'm going to have Musicianship soon. I have to eventually figure out what to have a seminar on in history. :unsure: And what I'm going to say in my academic writing paper.

The Musicianship class should be a great class. I think I would like to take that class. As for the seminar in history and academic writing, those are a tough ones.


BTW... you always can sniff out the micicles. :lol:

Hmph! Of course I can!


Musicianship isn't too exciting so far though. :P We just learned about the different types of notes. Hopefully it will get more interesting as the year goes on...

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*sees horatio's new avatar* Horatio, you're a moose now? *chases after it*





This is Mr. Moosey's avatar. I am just using it until he shows up and realizes it is here.

Perhaps Hoops will let him know so Jesse will not keep me on the run.

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*sees horatio's new avatar* Horatio, you're a moose now? *chases after it*





This is Mr. Moosey's avatar. I am just using it until he shows up and realizes it is here.

Perhaps Hoops will let him know so Jesse will not keep me on the run.

I don't talk to him much anymore (unfortunately), but I will do my best! =D

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*sees horatio's new avatar* Horatio, you're a moose now? *chases after it*





This is Mr. Moosey's avatar. I am just using it until he shows up and realizes it is here.

Perhaps Hoops will let him know so Jesse will not keep me on the run.

I don't talk to him much anymore (unfortunately), but I will do my best! =D

Maybe you could just let him know I have his avatar and will use it until he appears to claim it.

Thanks!!!!!!!! :D

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Mmmm...moosicles, moosicles, moo...wait, so you're not a moose? Oh well, *whips up a strawberry micicle as compensation*


I took my first quiz yesterday, which happened to be in Calc 3. Not very hard, but I hope I didn't overlook something. *nervous about college grades*

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Oh yeah, I was wrong when I was talking about my voice range before. (I don't think it was in this topic but, oh well). When I was reading music in chorus on monday It turns out that what I thought I was singing as middle C is actually the C below that, called small C as I learned in musicianship. So my voice range goes down to great G (the g below small c). As for the top of the voice range, I have trouble not going into falsetto starting at middle E. So I guess I'm more of a bass than I thought I was. :P I'm a "bass 2" as they call it in the choir. (there's no bass 1, they call that baritone. Weird.)


The note G has been a butt to me though. I have trouble singing great G sometimes, it seems like chance whether my voice breaks or not. Conversely on the clarinet I'm having trouble playing the three-line G (the highest note on the clarinet, a concert three-line F), and the clarinet seems to "break" half the time up there. I hope I will be able to get these G's down one day. I'm on a mission, haha! :)

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Mmmm...moosicles, moosicles, moo...wait, so you're not a moose? Oh well, *whips up a strawberry micicle as compensation*


I took my first quiz yesterday, which happened to be in Calc 3. Not very hard, but I hope I didn't overlook something. *nervous about college grades*

I think you will be an outstanding college student with fantastic grades!

*has total faith in Jesse*

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Oh yeah, I was wrong when I was talking about my voice range before. (I don't think it was in this topic but, oh well). When I was reading music in chorus on monday It turns out that what I thought I was singing as middle C is actually the C below that, called small C as I learned in musicianship. So my voice range goes down to great G (the g below small c). As for the top of the voice range, I have trouble not going into falsetto starting at middle E. So I guess I'm more of a bass than I thought I was. :P I'm a "bass 2" as they call it in the choir. (there's no bass 1, they call that baritone. Weird.)


The note G has been a butt to me though. I have trouble singing great G sometimes, it seems like chance whether my voice breaks or not. Conversely on the clarinet I'm having trouble playing the three-line G (the highest note on the clarinet, a concert three-line F), and the clarinet seems to "break" half the time up there. I hope I will be able to get these G's down one day. I'm on a mission, haha! :)

Awesome! I'm glad to hear you're doing chorus, I love chorus. The trick to high notes is to put more air behind it and use what they call your "head voice." You'll learn. And as for calc: you're taking calc 3 as a FRESHMAN. That's insane enough as it is.

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Today is poopy. I have calc at 2, I have to have dinner at 3:30, I have to go to a speaker thing at 4, which hopefully ends by 5 so I can go to chorus, which is followed immediately by band at 7:45, which ends at 9:45, so I'm going to have no free time today.


So I'm doing my calc homework ahead of time so I don't have to try and do it tonight. :closedeyes:

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Today is poopy. I have calc at 2, I have to have dinner at 3:30, I have to go to a speaker thing at 4, which hopefully ends by 5 so I can go to chorus, which is followed immediately by band at 7:45, which ends at 9:45, so I'm going to have no free time today.


So I'm doing my calc homework ahead of time so I don't have to try and do it tonight. :closedeyes:

*gets tired just listening to Jesse's schedule and decides to take a nap*

Long day. At least you are smart to get your calc homework done now. You would be much too tired later.

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Today is poopy. I have calc at 2, I have to have dinner at 3:30, I have to go to a speaker thing at 4, which hopefully ends by 5 so I can go to chorus, which is followed immediately by band at 7:45, which ends at 9:45, so I'm going to have no free time today.


So I'm doing my calc homework ahead of time so I don't have to try and do it tonight. :closedeyes:

Sounds like my tuesdays last year. I have choir from 6:45-9:45. Soon you'll learn to stay up well past midnight. Most of my homework gets done between 10 and midnight.

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Today is poopy. I have calc at 2, I have to have dinner at 3:30, I have to go to a speaker thing at 4, which hopefully ends by 5 so I can go to chorus, which is followed immediately by band at 7:45, which ends at 9:45, so I'm going to have no free time today.


So I'm doing my calc homework ahead of time so I don't have to try and do it tonight. :closedeyes:

icky. somethin' tells me I'll hate college.

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Today is poopy. I have calc at 2, I have to have dinner at 3:30, I have to go to a speaker thing at 4, which hopefully ends by 5 so I can go to chorus, which is followed immediately by band at 7:45, which ends at 9:45, so I'm going to have no free time today.


So I'm doing my calc homework ahead of time so I don't have to try and do it tonight. :closedeyes:

icky. somethin' tells me I'll hate college.

Trust me on this one...

you will love college!!!!!!!!!!

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Today is poopy. I have calc at 2, I have to have dinner at 3:30, I have to go to a speaker thing at 4, which hopefully ends by 5 so I can go to chorus, which is followed immediately by band at 7:45, which ends at 9:45, so I'm going to have no free time today.


So I'm doing my calc homework ahead of time so I don't have to try and do it tonight. :closedeyes:

*gets tired just listening to Jesse's schedule and decides to take a nap*

Long day. At least you are smart to get your calc homework done now. You would be much too tired later.

And indeed I am tired. So I'm going to spend another half hour or so relaxing and then I'll hit the sack. It wasn't too bad getting through tonight I guess. Just not much free time. And having dinner at 3:30.

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Today is poopy. I have calc at 2, I have to have dinner at 3:30, I have to go to a speaker thing at 4, which hopefully ends by 5 so I can go to chorus, which is followed immediately by band at 7:45, which ends at 9:45, so I'm going to have no free time today.


So I'm doing my calc homework ahead of time so I don't have to try and do it tonight. :closedeyes:

*gets tired just listening to Jesse's schedule and decides to take a nap*

Long day. At least you are smart to get your calc homework done now. You would be much too tired later.

And indeed I am tired. So I'm going to spend another half hour or so relaxing and then I'll hit the sack. It wasn't too bad getting through tonight I guess. Just not much free time. And having dinner at 3:30.

Yeah, you'll get used to it. It's not so bad. Kay, as long as you're motivated enough to keep up with your work, college is amazing. However, if you're one of those people that chooses to get plastered and run up and down the hallways proclaiming your drunken state, then you'll fail your classes. And be hated by your neigbors. :rolleyes:

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Today is poopy. I have calc at 2, I have to have dinner at 3:30, I have to go to a speaker thing at 4, which hopefully ends by 5 so I can go to chorus, which is followed immediately by band at 7:45, which ends at 9:45, so I'm going to have no free time today.


So I'm doing my calc homework ahead of time so I don't have to try and do it tonight. :closedeyes:

icky. somethin' tells me I'll hate college.

Trust me on this one...

you will love college!!!!!!!!!!

~shakes head~

~adopts baby-ish voice~ nah nah nah

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.


And we all love you, 'Raishey. =D

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.


And we all love you, 'Raishey. =D

Thanks Cheesey.

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.


And we all love you, 'Raishey. =D

Thanks Cheesey.


No Problem. ^.^

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.


And we all love you, 'Raishey. =D

Thanks Cheesey.


No Problem. ^.^

Do your think your parents would mind if I adopted you?

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.


And we all love you, 'Raishey. =D

Thanks Cheesey.


No Problem. ^.^

Do your think your parents would mind if I adopted you?


Unfortunately, yes. xD

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.


And we all love you, 'Raishey. =D

Thanks Cheesey.


No Problem. ^.^

Do your think your parents would mind if I adopted you?

That was so random.


And hilarious.



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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.


And we all love you, 'Raishey. =D

Thanks Cheesey.


No Problem. ^.^

Do your think your parents would mind if I adopted you?


Unfortunately, yes. xD

Oh rats!

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Jesse, Please go to Dixie to Glowurm's topic Glowing Greenery (pinned). I think he would like to hear from you. Thanks. Horatio

I popped into Jesse's topic just to get a quick update. I sure as heck didn't expect to see THIS sitting here. xD


Thanks for the laugh, Horatio. x3

I hold each and every person that posts here very dear to my heart.


And we all love you, 'Raishey. =D

Thanks Cheesey.


No Problem. ^.^

Do your think your parents would mind if I adopted you?

That was so random.


And hilarious.



I have those moments every now and then.

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:blink: at Horatio's question.


So someone pulled the fire alarm tonight. :rolleyes: At least I didn't have anything to do. And I got more excersize on the stairs. :P

Assuming you're living with other freshmen, get used to it. Most of them don't realize that pulling fire alarms isn't cool anymore because it doesn't get you out of class. Either that or they haven't learned how to cook popcorn in a microwave yet. :rolleyes: The fire alarm in our building (honors freshmen in one half, mostly seniors in the other) went off close to 20 times last year. Keep a warm coat/blanket and shoes near the door at all times, and don't forget your room key on the way out.

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:blink: at Horatio's question.


So someone pulled the fire alarm tonight. :rolleyes: At least I didn't have anything to do. And I got more excersize on the stairs. :P

Assuming you're living with other freshmen, get used to it. Most of them don't realize that pulling fire alarms isn't cool anymore because it doesn't get you out of class. Either that or they haven't learned how to cook popcorn in a microwave yet. :rolleyes: The fire alarm in our building (honors freshmen in one half, mostly seniors in the other) went off close to 20 times last year. Keep a warm coat/blanket and shoes near the door at all times, and don't forget your room key on the way out.



I'm guessing you speak from personal experience?

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