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How's life up in your neck of the woods?

*just woke up at 5:45 am* Hating the early school times as usual. Why is it that little kids hate to sleep, and they are the ones with the later school times? And then they have us high school kids walking about like we're zombies because it's impossibe for kids our age to go to bed at 8 PM so we can get a good night's sleep. I had fun in March thanks to our dear republicans in congress, when we were trying to find our way about in the pitch black. There's always that excuse "afterschool sports events!" but that excuse is horrible. I mean, half of sports practices seem to take place before school starts anyway, so the early school times make it even worse on those that do swimming, hocky, etc. If elementary and high schools switched times, I don't see why sports practices can't be held at the same time elementary school starts; in fact that might make things easier for parents. But oh well, I have 1.5 months left of this madness...it seems like both such a short period of time and such a long period of time.


What else...I'm going to register to vote today. Thanks to everyone for your replies about the selective service and stuff, I don't have time right to reply to all of them, but I've read them. Speaking of time, I have to go to breakfast now!

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How's life up in your neck of the woods?

*just woke up at 5:45 am* Hating the early school times as usual. Why is it that little kids hate to sleep, and they are the ones with the later school times? And then they have us high school kids walking about like we're zombies because it's impossibe for kids our age to go to bed at 8 PM so we can get a good night's sleep. I had fun in March thanks to our dear republicans in congress, when we were trying to find our way about in the pitch black. There's always that excuse "afterschool sports events!" but that excuse is horrible. I mean, half of sports practices seem to take place before school starts anyway, so the early school times make it even worse on those that do swimming, hocky, etc. If elementary and high schools switched times, I don't see why sports practices can't be held at the same time elementary school starts; in fact that might make things easier for parents. But oh well, I have 1.5 months left of this madness...it seems like both such a short period of time and such a long period of time.


What else...I'm going to register to vote today. Thanks to everyone for your replies about the selective service and stuff, I don't have time right to reply to all of them, but I've read them. Speaking of time, I have to go to breakfast now!

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


This morning when my alarm rang I wanted to yell "But the songs says School's out forever!"

I was too tired though.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*(

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*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


This morning when my alarm rang I wanted to yell "But the songs says School's out forever!"

I was too tired though.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*(

Ah, bitter irony. :lol: I hate that stupid alarm. I keep waking up and checking the time because I'm afraid of that thing going off. :closedeyes: It's a tiring process.


So I registered to vote today, and it was easy! There was no selective service stuff involved, and no passport or driver's license needed (thank goodness because I forgot the former at home and it will be a while before I get the latter). Just a form to fill out and then you swear an oath. It has been a while since I have heard so many people say "thank you" to me in a row. :) Perhaps more teens neglect the right to vote than I think. Now I just need to wait until I get mail saying I'm registered.

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*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


This morning when my alarm rang I wanted to yell "But the songs says School's out forever!"

I was too tired though.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*(

Ah, bitter irony. :lol: I hate that stupid alarm. I keep waking up and checking the time because I'm afraid of that thing going off. :closedeyes: It's a tiring process.


So I registered to vote today, and it was easy! There was no selective service stuff involved, and no passport or driver's license needed (thank goodness because I forgot the former at home and it will be a while before I get the latter). Just a form to fill out and then you swear an oath. It has been a while since I have heard so many people say "thank you" to me in a row. :) Perhaps more teens neglect the right to vote than I think. Now I just need to wait until I get mail saying I'm registered.


You didn't have to show a picture ID???????????

Down in the land of 'hanging chads' you have to show a picture ID and another form of identification to back up the first one.


Glad you registered!!! Now for your first vote. :)

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PS I registered at school, to clear up any confusion. (I seem to love leaving out major details :rolleyes: )

Really? Didn't know some schools did that. I had to register at the town hall.

I had no idea schools did that either.

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PS I registered at school, to clear up any confusion. (I seem to love leaving out major details :rolleyes: )

Really? Didn't know some schools did that. I had to register at the town hall.

I had no idea schools did that either.

Yeah, it doesn't seem to be a popular thing among schools, but it is a neat thing because you get to register along with people you know, and all of us registrees got to wear that silly "I registered to vote today!" stickers around school. :P And the free pen + bookmark were nice.

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PS I registered at school, to clear up any confusion. (I seem to love leaving out major details :rolleyes: )

Really? Didn't know some schools did that. I had to register at the town hall.

I had no idea schools did that either.

Yeah, it doesn't seem to be a popular thing among schools, but it is a neat thing because you get to register along with people you know, and all of us registrees got to wear that silly "I registered to vote today!" stickers around school. :P And the free pen + bookmark were nice.

Actually I think it is a really great idea. The school is thinking that most people will find a reason not to register when they have to do it on their own.

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PS I registered at school, to clear up any confusion. (I seem to love leaving out major details :rolleyes: )

Really? Didn't know some schools did that. I had to register at the town hall.

I had no idea schools did that either.

Yeah, it doesn't seem to be a popular thing among schools, but it is a neat thing because you get to register along with people you know, and all of us registrees got to wear that silly "I registered to vote today!" stickers around school. :P And the free pen + bookmark were nice.

Yay free stuff! ^_^

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PS I registered at school, to clear up any confusion. (I seem to love leaving out major details :rolleyes: )

Really? Didn't know some schools did that. I had to register at the town hall.

I had no idea schools did that either.

Yeah, it doesn't seem to be a popular thing among schools, but it is a neat thing because you get to register along with people you know, and all of us registrees got to wear that silly "I registered to vote today!" stickers around school. :P And the free pen + bookmark were nice.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I love free stuff...I always take stuff if ther is free samples of it.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*he astronomy Domine*~*

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I'm taking my AP French exam tomorrow. It's hard to study for because there are a billion words and it's hard to know all of them in French. I just need to remember not to freak out. ...is that possible? I wish the test wasn't so expensive, that just makes everything so much more pressurizing...well, I should get to bed. Bonne nuit.

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I'm taking my AP French exam tomorrow. It's hard to study for because there are a billion words and it's hard to know all of them in French. I just need to remember not to freak out. ...is that possible? I wish the test wasn't so expensive, that just makes everything so much more pressurizing...well, I should get to bed. Bonne nuit.

You have to pay to take the AP French exam??????


I am sure you will do great. If you get nervous, take a moment and breathy deeply about five or six times. If you make the breaths really deep and kind of slow, this should help to relax you. Good luck.

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I'm taking my AP French exam tomorrow. It's hard to study for because there are a billion words and it's hard to know all of them in French. I just need to remember not to freak out. ...is that possible? I wish the test wasn't so expensive, that just makes everything so much more pressurizing...well, I should get to bed. Bonne nuit.

Yay AP! I remember AP. It nearly stole my sanity... :rolleyes: If you read this before you take the exam (which I doubt because you should be doing some last second studying), don't forget to eat something for breakfast. It really helps. And bring a bottle of water with you if you can.

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You have to pay to take the AP French exam??????


I am sure you will do great. If you get nervous, take a moment and breathy deeply about five or six times. If you make the breaths really deep and kind of slow, this should help to relax you. Good luck.

Yes, $83 for each AP exam. I think it's because the scores are sent to college. This is important for the math one because it is a factor in what college grades I recieve for the credits I applied for in advance. (I'm talking AP Calc.)

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You have to pay to take the AP French exam??????


I am sure you will do great. If you get nervous, take a moment and breathy deeply about five or six times. If you make the breaths really deep and kind of slow, this should help to relax you. Good luck.

Yes, $83 for each AP exam. I think it's because the scores are sent to college. This is important for the math one because it is a factor in what college grades I recieve for the credits I applied for in advance. (I'm talking AP Calc.)

I know you will do really well. Good Luck!

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So, how do you think you did?

I did pretty bad on the speaking part, but I think I did the other parts pretty well. So who knows what kind of score I'll get...


School is closed today because of a bus strike...weird stuff. Apparently if the strike continues after today, school will still reopen, so my parents have to drive us everywhere. Fun times.

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So, how do you think you did?

I did pretty bad on the speaking part, but I think I did the other parts pretty well. So who knows what kind of score I'll get...


School is closed today because of a bus strike...weird stuff. Apparently if the strike continues after today, school will still reopen, so my parents have to drive us everywhere. Fun times.

I really hope you did well. Please do let us know.

Maybe the bus strike will end. Having parents drive their children everywhere won't be fun for anyone.

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So, how do you think you did?

I did pretty bad on the speaking part, but I think I did the other parts pretty well. So who knows what kind of score I'll get...


School is closed today because of a bus strike...weird stuff. Apparently if the strike continues after today, school will still reopen, so my parents have to drive us everywhere. Fun times.

lol fun fun. You probably did a bit better than you thought. :)

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I really hope you did well. Please do let us know.

Maybe the bus strike will end. Having parents drive their children everywhere won't be fun for anyone.

It is still going on, and the school board is pulling out all the stupidities. They have 9th and 11th graders using a different entrance than the other grades, and they decided to throw in an early dismissal for elementary schools to make things even more fun on the road. C'mon bus company! WAKE UP!


lol fun fun. You probably did a bit better than you thought. :)

I keep changing my mind about how I did. Fortunately the speaking section is 10% of the whole thing, I think...so, we'll see.


BTW I'm taking my AP calc test today. Which lasts even longer but I'm ready for it.

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I really hope you did well. Please do let us know.

Maybe the bus strike will end. Having parents drive their children everywhere won't be fun for anyone.

It is still going on, and the school board is pulling out all the stupidities. They have 9th and 11th graders using a different entrance than the other grades, and they decided to throw in an early dismissal for elementary schools to make things even more fun on the road. C'mon bus company! WAKE UP!


lol fun fun. You probably did a bit better than you thought. :)

I keep changing my mind about how I did. Fortunately the speaking section is 10% of the whole thing, I think...so, we'll see.


BTW I'm taking my AP calc test today. Which lasts even longer but I'm ready for it.

Good luck, but I don't think you need it. I am certain you will do exceedingly well. :)

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I really hope you did well. Please do let us know.

Maybe the bus strike will end. Having parents drive their children everywhere won't be fun for anyone.

It is still going on, and the school board is pulling out all the stupidities. They have 9th and 11th graders using a different entrance than the other grades, and they decided to throw in an early dismissal for elementary schools to make things even more fun on the road. C'mon bus company! WAKE UP!


lol fun fun. You probably did a bit better than you thought. :)

I keep changing my mind about how I did. Fortunately the speaking section is 10% of the whole thing, I think...so, we'll see.


BTW I'm taking my AP calc test today. Which lasts even longer but I'm ready for it.

Ew AP calc. I got a one on that, but so did everyone else in the class. :rolleyes: But you're really good at math, so I'm sure you'll do fine. :)

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Good luck, but I don't think you need it. I am certain you will do exceedingly well. :)

Eh...well, the multiple choice was easy enough, but some of the free response questions were pretty hard. I also wasn't used to working with the time limit so that made things a little more stressed. Pretty much everyone thought that the free response questions were tough so it wasn't just me. Although sometimes I wish I could be the genius that plows throw all of them and laughs at everyone's suffering. :P But I guess you just can't have things your way, especially with standardized tests...

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Good luck, but I don't think you need it. I am certain you will do exceedingly well. :)

Eh...well, the multiple choice was easy enough, but some of the free response questions were pretty hard. I also wasn't used to working with the time limit so that made things a little more stressed. Pretty much everyone thought that the free response questions were tough so it wasn't just me. Although sometimes I wish I could be the genius that plows throw all of them and laughs at everyone's suffering. :P But I guess you just can't have things your way, especially with standardized tests...

lol well, to be fair, the AP test is supposed to be insanely hard. :P

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So I'm a registered voter now. ^_^ Well, I would be if they had the right name. <_< Maybe it's because of my handwriting. I'll have to fix that. Nothing much going on besides that.

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So I'm a registered voter now. ^_^ Well, I would be if they had the right name. <_ maybe it because of my handwriting. i have to fix that. nothing much going on besides>

Big government. :lol:

They can't even get your name correct. Please take care of that immediately. If you wait it might be a bigger headache.

When is the last day of school?

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So I'm a registered voter now. ^_^ Well, I would be if they had the right name. <_< Maybe it's because of my handwriting. I'll have to fix that. Nothing much going on besides that.

Big government. :lol:

They can't even get your name correct. Please take care of that immediately. If you wait it might be a bigger headache.

When is the last day of school?

The last day of school (currently... :rolleyes:) is the 16th. According to the current finals schedule I will be done on the 14th if I can stay exempt from all the exams I can (I have to take half-year courses' exams). Then I will graduate on the 23rd. :)

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So I'm a registered voter now. ^_^ Well, I would be if they had the right name. <_ maybe it because of my handwriting. i have to fix that. nothing much going on besides>

Big government. :lol:

They can't even get your name correct. Please take care of that immediately. If you wait it might be a bigger headache.

When is the last day of school?

The last day of school (currently... :rolleyes:) is the 16th. According to the current finals schedule I will be done on the 14th if I can stay exempt from all the exams I can (I have to take half-year courses' exams). Then I will graduate on the 23rd. :)

You were reading my mind. Graduation was my next question. Yeah!!! You will feel sooooooooooooo good when you graduate! I hope you remain exempt from your exams.

*crosses paws for Jesse*

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Yeah...why did I say it was the 16th? That's a saturday...anyway the 18th is technically the last day, but since the final exams were reset to their original position I'll be done on the 13th as long as I keep my exempts going.


I'm taking a trip to Cleveland this Thursday! ^_^ It's a band trip and we're doing playing competitions there (competing without marching band stuff, it's about time!) We're also doing other fun stuff, although I'm not sure what I'm going to do at the amusement park (I hate big rides!)

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Yeah...why did I say it was the 16th? That's a saturday...anyway the 18th is technically the last day, but since the final exams were reset to their original position I'll be done on the 13th as long as I keep my exempts going.


I'm taking a trip to Cleveland this Thursday! ^_^ It's a band trip and we're doing playing competitions there (competing without marching band stuff, it's about time!) We're also doing other fun stuff, although I'm not sure what I'm going to do at the amusement park (I hate big rides!)

You will have fun in Cleveland. Good luck in the competition.

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Yeah...why did I say it was the 16th? That's a saturday...anyway the 18th is technically the last day, but since the final exams were reset to their original position I'll be done on the 13th as long as I keep my exempts going.


I'm taking a trip to Cleveland this Thursday! ^_^ It's a band trip and we're doing playing competitions there (competing without marching band stuff, it's about time!) We're also doing other fun stuff, although I'm not sure what I'm going to do at the amusement park (I hate big rides!)

Awesome! My advice about the amusement park is to go with a bunch of roller coaster junkies and conquer your fear of big rides. I went to sea world with one person who loves roller coasters and two friends who were terrified of them. We made them go on the kraken (a pretty big roller coaster that goes upside down and all that), and after that, they wanted to go again. And again. And again. We must have gone at least 4 times in a row. :rolleyes: Anyways, my trick is to use logic. When you go through loops, you won't fall out of your seat. Not only are you securely strapped in, but the force of the roller coaster going in a loop actually pushes you into your seat. It's like being on a swingset.

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Yeah...why did I say it was the 16th? That's a saturday...anyway the 18th is technically the last day, but since the final exams were reset to their original position I'll be done on the 13th as long as I keep my exempts going.


I'm taking a trip to Cleveland this Thursday! ^_^ It's a band trip and we're doing playing competitions there (competing without marching band stuff, it's about time!) We're also doing other fun stuff, although I'm not sure what I'm going to do at the amusement park (I hate big rides!)

Awesome! My advice about the amusement park is to go with a bunch of roller coaster junkies and conquer your fear of big rides. I went to sea world with one person who loves roller coasters and two friends who were terrified of them. We made them go on the kraken (a pretty big roller coaster that goes upside down and all that), and after that, they wanted to go again. And again. And again. We must have gone at least 4 times in a row. :rolleyes: Anyways, my trick is to use logic. When you go through loops, you won't fall out of your seat. Not only are you securely strapped in, but the force of the roller coaster going in a loop actually pushes you into your seat. It's like being on a swingset.

Centrifugal force.

And I say, hamsters don't like roller coasters. :lol: Watch from the ground.

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Awesome! My advice about the amusement park is to go with a bunch of roller coaster junkies and conquer your fear of big rides. I went to sea world with one person who loves roller coasters and two friends who were terrified of them. We made them go on the kraken (a pretty big roller coaster that goes upside down and all that), and after that, they wanted to go again. And again. And again. We must have gone at least 4 times in a row. :rolleyes: Anyways, my trick is to use logic. When you go through loops, you won't fall out of your seat. Not only are you securely strapped in, but the force of the roller coaster going in a loop actually pushes you into your seat. It's like being on a swingset.


I've tried going on one before, except it was a less hardcore one (as in no loops or giant hills). I lost my voice from all the screaming, and I felt like I was going to die. :unsure: And I didn't want to go back on again.


I also try applying logic to the situation, but the logic always drains away when the instinctual fear kicks in. Maybe it's more like a phobia? I get the same feeling when I'm on a swingset and I'm going particularly fast, and I get the same feeling even if my dad drives the car fast, although I don't scream from it (well, not yet). I'm afraid of momentum. And when angular momentum is applied, that magnifies things for me. And just like my fear of bugs, it doesn't seem possible to go away.

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Yeah...why did I say it was the 16th? That's a saturday...anyway the 18th is technically the last day, but since the final exams were reset to their original position I'll be done on the 13th as long as I keep my exempts going.


I'm taking a trip to Cleveland this Thursday! ^_^ It's a band trip and we're doing playing competitions there (competing without marching band stuff, it's about time!) We're also doing other fun stuff, although I'm not sure what I'm going to do at the amusement park (I hate big rides!)

Awesome! My advice about the amusement park is to go with a bunch of roller coaster junkies and conquer your fear of big rides. I went to sea world with one person who loves roller coasters and two friends who were terrified of them. We made them go on the kraken (a pretty big roller coaster that goes upside down and all that), and after that, they wanted to go again. And again. And again. We must have gone at least 4 times in a row. :rolleyes: Anyways, my trick is to use logic. When you go through loops, you won't fall out of your seat. Not only are you securely strapped in, but the force of the roller coaster going in a loop actually pushes you into your seat. It's like being on a swingset.

Centrifugal force.

And I say, hamsters don't like roller coasters. :lol: Watch from the ground.

Yep. Or centripetal force. Wimp. :P:rolleyes:

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Yeah...why did I say it was the 16th? That's a saturday...anyway the 18th is technically the last day, but since the final exams were reset to their original position I'll be done on the 13th as long as I keep my exempts going.


I'm taking a trip to Cleveland this Thursday! ^_^ It's a band trip and we're doing playing competitions there (competing without marching band stuff, it's about time!) We're also doing other fun stuff, although I'm not sure what I'm going to do at the amusement park (I hate big rides!)

Awesome! My advice about the amusement park is to go with a bunch of roller coaster junkies and conquer your fear of big rides. I went to sea world with one person who loves roller coasters and two friends who were terrified of them. We made them go on the kraken (a pretty big roller coaster that goes upside down and all that), and after that, they wanted to go again. And again. And again. We must have gone at least 4 times in a row. :rolleyes: Anyways, my trick is to use logic. When you go through loops, you won't fall out of your seat. Not only are you securely strapped in, but the force of the roller coaster going in a loop actually pushes you into your seat. It's like being on a swingset.

Centrifugal force.

And I say, hamsters don't like roller coasters. :lol: Watch from the ground.

Yep. Or centripetal force. Wimp. :P:rolleyes:

Definitely a wimp. The world's biggest wimp. I will just watch. :lol:

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I loooooove roller coasters. Of any kind. I always try to go for the biggest and the fastest. Like storm runner and the great bear up in hershey, P.A.

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Ah. Then you have a fear that can only be cured by safe exposure (both roller coasters and bugs). In other words, the best way to get over your fears is to go on roller coasters more often, and start playing with bugs that are more or less harmless (like ladybugs, worms, fireflies, etc.). You'll be scared at first, but the more you do it, the more your fear will subside. Who knows? You might even learn to enjoy the things you were once afraid of.


I used to hae a fear of heights when I was younger. And then I decided it was stupid, so in middle school I kept doing the zip line over and over. And the first few times, I moved really slowly and was all shaky and nervous. But after awhile, it was no more scary than climbing a flight of stairs. (in retrospect, climbing a flight of stairs is more dangerous than riding a roller coaster).

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Ah. Then you have a fear that can only be cured by safe exposure (both roller coasters and bugs). In other words, the best way to get over your fears is to go on roller coasters more often, and start playing with bugs that are more or less harmless (like ladybugs, worms, fireflies, etc.). You'll be scared at first, but the more you do it, the more your fear will subside. Who knows? You might even learn to enjoy the things you were once afraid of.


I used to hae a fear of heights when I was younger. And then I decided it was stupid, so in middle school I kept doing the zip line over and over. And the first few times, I moved really slowly and was all shaky and nervous. But after awhile, it was no more scary than climbing a flight of stairs. (in retrospect, climbing a flight of stairs is more dangerous than riding a roller coaster).

I play with lady bugs, and think they are wonderful, but this does not make me like spiders! :lol:

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Ah. Then you have a fear that can only be cured by safe exposure (both roller coasters and bugs). In other words, the best way to get over your fears is to go on roller coasters more often, and start playing with bugs that are more or less harmless (like ladybugs, worms, fireflies, etc.). You'll be scared at first, but the more you do it, the more your fear will subside. Who knows? You might even learn to enjoy the things you were once afraid of.


I used to hae a fear of heights when I was younger. And then I decided it was stupid, so in middle school I kept doing the zip line over and over. And the first few times, I moved really slowly and was all shaky and nervous. But after awhile, it was no more scary than climbing a flight of stairs. (in retrospect, climbing a flight of stairs is more dangerous than riding a roller coaster).

I play with lady bugs, and think they are wonderful, but this does not make me like spiders! :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Im not going to say anything...BUT MY FRIEND JOHN ENTWHISTLE WILL


*~*The POsychedelic Luau**The Astronomy Domine*~&*

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Ah. Then you have a fear that can only be cured by safe exposure (both roller coasters and bugs). In other words, the best way to get over your fears is to go on roller coasters more often, and start playing with bugs that are more or less harmless (like ladybugs, worms, fireflies, etc.). You'll be scared at first, but the more you do it, the more your fear will subside. Who knows? You might even learn to enjoy the things you were once afraid of.


I used to hae a fear of heights when I was younger. And then I decided it was stupid, so in middle school I kept doing the zip line over and over. And the first few times, I moved really slowly and was all shaky and nervous. But after awhile, it was no more scary than climbing a flight of stairs. (in retrospect, climbing a flight of stairs is more dangerous than riding a roller coaster).

I play with lady bugs, and think they are wonderful, but this does not make me like spiders! :lol:

Spiders it's good to have a healthy fear of, as in, yes they bite. However, when you see a spider it's not necesary to go, "OHMYGOSHITSASPIDERGETITAWAYGETITAWAYEWEWEWEWEWEW!!!!!!!!!!!!1111" (One's on purpose) Because screaming at a spider won't make it any less likely to bite you.

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Ah. Then you have a fear that can only be cured by safe exposure (both roller coasters and bugs). In other words, the best way to get over your fears is to go on roller coasters more often, and start playing with bugs that are more or less harmless (like ladybugs, worms, fireflies, etc.). You'll be scared at first, but the more you do it, the more your fear will subside. Who knows? You might even learn to enjoy the things you were once afraid of.


I used to hae a fear of heights when I was younger. And then I decided it was stupid, so in middle school I kept doing the zip line over and over. And the first few times, I moved really slowly and was all shaky and nervous. But after awhile, it was no more scary than climbing a flight of stairs. (in retrospect, climbing a flight of stairs is more dangerous than riding a roller coaster).

I play with lady bugs, and think they are wonderful, but this does not make me like spiders! :lol:

Spiders it's good to have a healthy fear of, as in, yes they bite. However, when you see a spider it's not necesary to go, "OHMYGOSHITSASPIDERGETITAWAYGETITAWAYEWEWEWEWEWEW!!!!!!!!!!!!1111" (One's on purpose) Because screaming at a spider won't make it any less likely to bite you.

When I see a spider it is definitely...


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*plugs ears* You didn't have to demenstrate, you know. :P


JF thanks for the advice. I still think a roller coaster is too much though. If I throw up on it or something, that will be the end of the trip for me (well, not really). If there's a ferris wheel or something, I might try that instead.

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*plugs ears* You didn't have to demenstrate, you know. :P


JF thanks for the advice. I still think a roller coaster is too much though. If I throw up on it or something, that will be the end of the trip for me (well, not really). If there's a ferris wheel or something, I might try that instead.

*thinks of these really BIG really HAIRY, really FAST, grove spiders that can squeeze their big fat hairy bodies through the smallest of spaces*

*has the willies just thinking about them*

And they are bigger, hairier, jump higher and run much faster than any tarantula!

They like moisture and will hang out in the bathroom. They are cousins to "WOLF" spider.

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*plugs ears* You didn't have to demenstrate, you know. :P


JF thanks for the advice. I still think a roller coaster is too much though. If I throw up on it or something, that will be the end of the trip for me (well, not really). If there's a ferris wheel or something, I might try that instead.

Just don't get yourself worked up over it. And remember Phillipians 4:13. :rolleyes:

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*plugs ears* You didn't have to demenstrate, you know. :P


JF thanks for the advice. I still think a roller coaster is too much though. If I throw up on it or something, that will be the end of the trip for me (well, not really). If there's a ferris wheel or something, I might try that instead.

*thinks of these really BIG really HAIRY, really FAST, grove spiders that can squeeze their big fat hairy bodies through the smallest of spaces*

*has the willies just thinking about them*

And they are bigger, hairier, jump higher and run much faster than any tarantula!

They like moisture and will hang out in the bathroom. They are cousins to "WOLF" spider.

But they're cute and fuzzy! ^_^ It just takes a change or perspective. That, and they're not out to get you. They're scared of you. And the less you scare them, the less likely they are to freak out and bite you. :rolleyes:

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*plugs ears* You didn't have to demenstrate, you know. :P


JF thanks for the advice. I still think a roller coaster is too much though. If I throw up on it or something, that will be the end of the trip for me (well, not really). If there's a ferris wheel or something, I might try that instead.

*thinks of these really BIG really HAIRY, really FAST, grove spiders that can squeeze their big fat hairy bodies through the smallest of spaces*

*has the willies just thinking about them*

And they are bigger, hairier, jump higher and run much faster than any tarantula!

They like moisture and will hang out in the bathroom. They are cousins to "WOLF" spider.

But they're cute and fuzzy! ^_^ It just takes a change or perspective. That, and they're not out to get you. They're scared of you. And the less you scare them, the less likely they are to freak out and bite you. :rolleyes:

You don't know these spiders... they are definitely out to get hamsters.

It is written in the Code of Hamster Living... beware of spiders.

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*plugs ears* You didn't have to demenstrate, you know. :P


JF thanks for the advice. I still think a roller coaster is too much though. If I throw up on it or something, that will be the end of the trip for me (well, not really). If there's a ferris wheel or something, I might try that instead.

*thinks of these really BIG really HAIRY, really FAST, grove spiders that can squeeze their big fat hairy bodies through the smallest of spaces*

*has the willies just thinking about them*

And they are bigger, hairier, jump higher and run much faster than any tarantula!

They like moisture and will hang out in the bathroom. They are cousins to "WOLF" spider.

But they're cute and fuzzy! ^_^ It just takes a change or perspective. That, and they're not out to get you. They're scared of you. And the less you scare them, the less likely they are to freak out and bite you. :rolleyes:

You don't know these spiders... they are definitely out to get hamsters.

It is written in the Code of Hamster Living... beware of spiders.

lol :P I still think it's easier to safely get rid of a spider if you don't freak out about it. Like a few weeks ago, Ian and I were outside. And he said to me, "Terry, you have a spider on your lapel." And I looked at my jacket, and sure enough, there was a spider. Now, while I'm not afraid of spiders, I'm not a huge fan of them crawling on me. So I said, "Oh, well would you look at that." And, with Ian's help, got the spider off of me (after it made a run for my hair), and safely onto the ground. And it didn't bite me or anything. :)

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*plugs ears* You didn't have to demenstrate, you know. :P


JF thanks for the advice. I still think a roller coaster is too much though. If I throw up on it or something, that will be the end of the trip for me (well, not really). If there's a ferris wheel or something, I might try that instead.

*thinks of these really BIG really HAIRY, really FAST, grove spiders that can squeeze their big fat hairy bodies through the smallest of spaces*

*has the willies just thinking about them*

And they are bigger, hairier, jump higher and run much faster than any tarantula!

They like moisture and will hang out in the bathroom. They are cousins to "WOLF" spider.

But they're cute and fuzzy! ^_^ It just takes a change or perspective. That, and they're not out to get you. They're scared of you. And the less you scare them, the less likely they are to freak out and bite you. :rolleyes:

You don't know these spiders... they are definitely out to get hamsters.

It is written in the Code of Hamster Living... beware of spiders.

lol :P I still think it's easier to safely get rid of a spider if you don't freak out about it. Like a few weeks ago, Ian and I were outside. And he said to me, "Terry, you have a spider on your lapel." And I looked at my jacket, and sure enough, there was a spider. Now, while I'm not afraid of spiders, I'm not a huge fan of them crawling on me. So I said, "Oh, well would you look at that." And, with Ian's help, got the spider off of me (after it made a run for my hair), and safely onto the ground. And it didn't bite me or anything. :)



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*plugs ears* You didn't have to demenstrate, you know. :P


JF thanks for the advice. I still think a roller coaster is too much though. If I throw up on it or something, that will be the end of the trip for me (well, not really). If there's a ferris wheel or something, I might try that instead.

*thinks of these really BIG really HAIRY, really FAST, grove spiders that can squeeze their big fat hairy bodies through the smallest of spaces*

*has the willies just thinking about them*

And they are bigger, hairier, jump higher and run much faster than any tarantula!

They like moisture and will hang out in the bathroom. They are cousins to "WOLF" spider.

But they're cute and fuzzy! ^_^ It just takes a change or perspective. That, and they're not out to get you. They're scared of you. And the less you scare them, the less likely they are to freak out and bite you. :rolleyes:

You don't know these spiders... they are definitely out to get hamsters.

It is written in the Code of Hamster Living... beware of spiders.

lol :P I still think it's easier to safely get rid of a spider if you don't freak out about it. Like a few weeks ago, Ian and I were outside. And he said to me, "Terry, you have a spider on your lapel." And I looked at my jacket, and sure enough, there was a spider. Now, while I'm not afraid of spiders, I'm not a huge fan of them crawling on me. So I said, "Oh, well would you look at that." And, with Ian's help, got the spider off of me (after it made a run for my hair), and safely onto the ground. And it didn't bite me or anything. :)




spiders are awesome. xD

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I will admit that spiders have some awesomeness in the fact that they eat annoying bugs. :) But I still don't want one touching me. :unsure:


I had a band rehearsal tonight and we practiced marching for the parade. No one was putting energy into the music, which was annoying because I subconsciously compensated by playing harder, and I got pretty tired. Having to put my feet to the ground like a normal person does when walking is kind of tiring as well. :P It was alright in the end though.

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I will admit that spiders have some awesomeness in the fact that they eat annoying bugs. :) But I still don't want one touching me. :unsure:


I had a band rehearsal tonight and we practiced marching for the parade. No one was putting energy into the music, which was annoying because I subconsciously compensated by playing harder, and I got pretty tired. Having to put my feet to the ground like a normal person does when walking is kind of tiring as well. :P It was alright in the end though.

The bright side is... you will sleep well tonight. :lol:

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I will admit that spiders have some awesomeness in the fact that they eat annoying bugs. :) But I still don't want one touching me. :unsure:


I had a band rehearsal tonight and we practiced marching for the parade. No one was putting energy into the music, which was annoying because I subconsciously compensated by playing harder, and I got pretty tired. Having to put my feet to the ground like a normal person does when walking is kind of tiring as well. :P It was alright in the end though.

Yeah, I know how that is from chorus.

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Oops. I never mentioned that the buses started running again - the strike ended before the week started, thank goodness. :)


So this will probably be the last post I'll make until Sunday night, as there is no chance of accessing internet during the trip. I'll miss being able to come to this board and hearing your thoughts and sparks of insanity. I'll also miss working on my little game project that has been taking me so long. But, I know it is good to have a break from ordinary things in life once in awhile. Take care, everyone. I'll do my best to relax and just have fun.

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Oops. I never mentioned that the buses started running again - the strike ended before the week started, thank goodness. :)


So this will probably be the last post I'll make until Sunday night, as there is no chance of accessing internet during the trip. I'll miss being able to come to this board and hearing your thoughts and sparks of insanity. I'll also miss working on my little game project that has been taking me so long. But, I know it is good to have a break from ordinary things in life once in awhile. Take care, everyone. I'll do my best to relax and just have fun.

There had to be some really happy parents when the buses started back up. :lol:


We will miss you. Hope you have a great time. We will look forward to your post when you return. :D

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It must be hard to hold down a fort as a hamster. :P Anyway...


Thursday - We hit the buses at 8 AM and stopped at a Micky D's in PA. The total trip there was about 8 hours. We then took a dinner/dance boat cruise which was fun, and the deck had some nice views. Then we checked into our hotel rooms and went to bed very late at night.


Friday - We get two wakeup calls at 7 AM, and then we are woken up by our set radio clock at 7:30 AM. We have breakfast, and we go to the rock n' roll hall of fame. It's a real neat place, although fear of heights can kick in when you go up on the higher floors. A woman we met at the McDonald's in PA saw us again near the end of our visit here, which was a funny "small world" experience. Then we went to the hard rock café to eat and we had delicious chicken sandwiches. Then we were let loose in the mall and bought stuff. We then went to Dave and Buster's and played arcade games for an hour before eating dinner. Then we went home and we went to bed slightly earlier.


Saturday - We went to our band competition thing. I was the last one to get out of the hotel because I forgot my music and I returned to the room only to find out the key card wasn't working. ≥_≤ But the wind ensemble did very well and got "Superior" with a 94. The Jazz band also got Superior and the Concert Band got an Excellent at 88.5. Then we spent the rest of the day at cedar point. It was a thrill enough just to watch the roller coasters, especially the Dragster which shoots off sounding like an airplane and spirals up 200 ft before going back down again. I also went on the bumper cars and I played DDR. ^_^


Sunday - We traveled back, stopping again at Micky D's, and like, half the students were throwing up. Fun.


Now we have a parade to do tomorrow. *flies into bed*

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It must be hard to hold down a fort as a hamster. :P Anyway...


Thursday - We hit the buses at 8 AM and stopped at a Micky D's in PA. The total trip there was about 8 hours. We then took a dinner/dance boat cruise which was fun, and the deck had some nice views. Then we checked into our hotel rooms and went to bed very late at night.


Friday - We get two wakeup calls at 7 AM, and then we are woken up by our set radio clock at 7:30 AM. We have breakfast, and we go to the rock n' roll hall of fame. It's a real neat place, although fear of heights can kick in when you go up on the higher floors. A woman we met at the McDonald's in PA saw us again near the end of our visit here, which was a funny "small world" experience. Then we went to the hard rock café to eat and we had delicious chicken sandwiches. Then we were let loose in the mall and bought stuff. We then went to Dave and Buster's and played arcade games for an hour before eating dinner. Then we went home and we went to bed slightly earlier.


Saturday - We went to our band competition thing. I was the last one to get out of the hotel because I forgot my music and I returned to the room only to find out the key card wasn't working. ?_? But the wind ensemble did very well and got "Superior" with a 94. The Jazz band also got Superior and the Concert Band got an Excellent at 88.5. Then we spent the rest of the day at cedar point. It was a thrill enough just to watch the roller coasters, especially the Dragster which shoots off sounding like an airplane and spirals up 200 ft before going back down again. I also went on the bumper cars and I played DDR. ^_^


Sunday - We traveled back, stopping again at Micky D's, and like, half the students were throwing up. Fun.


Now we have a parade to do tomorrow. *flies into bed*

Holding down this fort is really hard, because of all the tubes and tunnels. It's always nice to have some help. :lol:


Sounds like you had a really great time. What city in PA did you go to? Was your cruise on the Susquehanna? The bands from your school did really well! Congratulations!!! Two Superiors and an Excellent sounds like a winner weekend competition to me!!!


As for the half of the students who were throwing up... were those the students who rode on the Dragster and were having "after effects"? I am sorry to hear they were sick.


Glad you had a great weekend and I hope you enjoy your Memorial Day Parade.

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Holding down this fort is really hard, because of all the tubes and tunnels. It's always nice to have some help. :lol:


Sounds like you had a really great time. What city in PA did you go to? Was your cruise on the Susquehanna? The bands from your school did really well! Congratulations!!! Two Superiors and an Excellent sounds like a winner weekend competition to me!!!


As for the half of the students who were throwing up... were those the students who rode on the Dragster and were having "after effects"? I am sorry to hear they were sick.


Glad you had a great weekend and I hope you enjoy your Memorial Day Parade.

The parade was actually fun to do, even though it was almost 90ºF. I squeaked a few times in the beginning but I did fine otherwise. I hope that the woodwinds can actually be heard in the parade. It seems sometimes that the brass gets all the sound.


I should have specified that our cruise was in Cleveland (PA was only for rest stops). I think it was called something like the Sea Queen.


Even though we were the only ones in our classes (we were the only high school competing) it was still fun to perform, and the songs we chose were ones I really liked. :)


About the illness, it could have been anything, and it could have varied from person to person. It started with a chaperon at the beginning, and then after our rest stop in PA a bunch of students started doing it. It could have been after effects from the park, or anxiety because someone else was vomiting, or just carsickness. Although probably not so much of the last one because quite a few students were sick enough to not be able to make it to the parade today. (I think that helped us sound better though :P )


Now, back to school life tomorrow. *groan*

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I hope that the woodwinds can actually be heard in the parade. It seems sometimes that the brass gets all the sound.

Are you kidding? Woodwinds are almost NEVER heard. XD Except for the occasional sax, but other than that the brass tend to drown things out. :lol: Though, crazy as it is, the marching band I'm in allows the woodwinds to be heard. And then our Zorro show next year will have a lot of major woodwind parts. But yeah. Parades people don't really hear woodwinds. XD

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I hope that the woodwinds can actually be heard in the parade. It seems sometimes that the brass gets all the sound.

Are you kidding? Woodwinds are almost NEVER heard. XD Except for the occasional sax, but other than that the brass tend to drown things out. :lol: Though, crazy as it is, the marching band I'm in allows the woodwinds to be heard. And then our Zorro show next year will have a lot of major woodwind parts. But yeah. Parades people don't really hear woodwinds. XD

It's the tubas that take over. :lol:

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Holding down this fort is really hard, because of all the tubes and tunnels. It's always nice to have some help. :lol:


Sounds like you had a really great time. What city in PA did you go to? Was your cruise on the Susquehanna? The bands from your school did really well! Congratulations!!! Two Superiors and an Excellent sounds like a winner weekend competition to me!!!


As for the half of the students who were throwing up... were those the students who rode on the Dragster and were having "after effects"? I am sorry to hear they were sick.


Glad you had a great weekend and I hope you enjoy your Memorial Day Parade.

The parade was actually fun to do, even though it was almost 90ºF. I squeaked a few times in the beginning but I did fine otherwise. I hope that the woodwinds can actually be heard in the parade. It seems sometimes that the brass gets all the sound.


I should have specified that our cruise was in Cleveland (PA was only for rest stops). I think it was called something like the Sea Queen.


Even though we were the only ones in our classes (we were the only high school competing) it was still fun to perform, and the songs we chose were ones I really liked. :)


About the illness, it could have been anything, and it could have varied from person to person. It started with a chaperon at the beginning, and then after our rest stop in PA a bunch of students started doing it. It could have been after effects from the park, or anxiety because someone else was vomiting, or just carsickness. Although probably not so much of the last one because quite a few students were sick enough to not be able to make it to the parade today. (I think that helped us sound better though :P )


Now, back to school life tomorrow. *groan*

Now that you mention it, I do believe you told me Cleveland before you departed. That's a city that has revived itself.


You were the only high school competing? Against college or ?????.


If people started getting sick on the bus, I can't imagine that I would not get sick as well. That would be horrible.


Sorry you have to go back to school... soon you will be in college. Won't that be great!!!!!!!!!

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Now that you mention it, I do believe you told me Cleveland before you departed. That's a city that has revived itself.


You were the only high school competing? Against college or ?????.


If people started getting sick on the bus, I can't imagine that I would not get sick as well. That would be horrible.


Sorry you have to go back to school... soon you will be in college. Won't that be great!!!!!!!!!

The other ensembles in the competition were all from middle schools.


Yes, it will be great to go to college. This trip has given me a heads up about dorm life (headphones = a miracle worker!)

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Now that you mention it, I do believe you told me Cleveland before you departed. That's a city that has revived itself.


You were the only high school competing? Against college or ?????.


If people started getting sick on the bus, I can't imagine that I would not get sick as well. That would be horrible.


Sorry you have to go back to school... soon you will be in college. Won't that be great!!!!!!!!!

The other ensembles in the competition were all from middle schools.


Yes, it will be great to go to college. This trip has given me a heads up about dorm life (headphones = a miracle worker!)

I see... they brought in your band to show everyone else the standards to strive for!!! :)


Jesusfreak's soon-to-be-old roommate should have a pair. :lol:

You are really going to like college. I absolutely guarantee you will.

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...What songs were you playing?


In all that text there you probably already told us. But heavy reading isn't really my favourite kind. :P

Jesse didn't mention.

We played Redwoods and Abram's Pursuit. :)

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Now that you mention it, I do believe you told me Cleveland before you departed. That's a city that has revived itself.


You were the only high school competing? Against college or ?????.


If people started getting sick on the bus, I can't imagine that I would not get sick as well. That would be horrible.


Sorry you have to go back to school... soon you will be in college. Won't that be great!!!!!!!!!

The other ensembles in the competition were all from middle schools.


Yes, it will be great to go to college. This trip has given me a heads up about dorm life (headphones = a miracle worker!)

I see... they brought in your band to show everyone else the standards to strive for!!! :)


Jesusfreak's soon-to-be-old roommate should have a pair. :lol:

You are really going to like college. I absolutely guarantee you will.

Hahaha yes, she does. She wasn't using them yesterday, but she doesn't have awful taste in "music" either, so it was okay. :) (quotation marks because what my former roomie listened to doesn't count as music)

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Awesome. :)

WOW!!! You are up early. I thought I was alone. :lol:

Glad you like the picture of me on my bike. :lol:

Yep, each morning before school I bring down my laptop and I browse online and stuff until breakfast is ready.

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Just be extra-careful, horatio.

People in cars are usually only looking for car-sized objects, not really motorcycles.

So just be really careful.

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Just be extra-careful, horatio.

People in cars are usually only looking for car-sized objects, not really motorcycles.

So just be really careful.

I will. Thank you for the words of advice, I appreciate your thoughts.

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Just be extra-careful, horatio.

People in cars are usually only looking for car-sized objects, not really motorcycles.

So just be really careful.

I will. Thank you for the words of advice, I appreciate your thoughts.

I was just thinking about why my parents didn't want me to get me a motorcycle.

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Just be extra-careful, horatio.

People in cars are usually only looking for car-sized objects, not really motorcycles.

So just be really careful.

I will. Thank you for the words of advice, I appreciate your thoughts.

I was just thinking about why my parents didn't want me to get me a motorcycle.

You should get a dirt bike. This way your parents wouldn't have to worry about the other drivers. :lol:

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Just be extra-careful, horatio.

People in cars are usually only looking for car-sized objects, not really motorcycles.

So just be really careful.

I will. Thank you for the words of advice, I appreciate your thoughts.

I was just thinking about why my parents didn't want me to get me a motorcycle.

You should get a dirt bike. This way your parents wouldn't have to worry about the other drivers. :lol:


I'd have nowhere to ride it. >.<;

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Just be extra-careful, horatio.

People in cars are usually only looking for car-sized objects, not really motorcycles.

So just be really careful.

I will. Thank you for the words of advice, I appreciate your thoughts.

I was just thinking about why my parents didn't want me to get me a motorcycle.

You should get a dirt bike. This way your parents wouldn't have to worry about the other drivers. :lol:

I'd have nowhere to ride it. >.

Have you looked? :blink:

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Well, no.


I just can't think of any place around here that I could ride it. And I think it is illegal to take them on the road. >.>;


All the land around here is pretty much private or playgrounds/stuff like that.

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Well, no.


I just can't think of any place around here that I could ride it. And I think it is illegal to take them on the road. >.>;


All the land around here is pretty much private or playgrounds/stuff like that.

Call your local motorcycle store, one that carries dirt bikes, then ask if they know of a place close by where you could ride it.

Sometimes the area to ride is right under your nose. It is just that you have never thought of looking there because you did

not have a reason before.


Dirt bikes are so much fun.

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Well, no.


I just can't think of any place around here that I could ride it. And I think it is illegal to take them on the road. >.>;


All the land around here is pretty much private or playgrounds/stuff like that.

Call your local motorcycle store, one that carries dirt bikes, then ask if they know of a place close by where you could ride it.

Sometimes the area to ride is right under your nose. It is just that you have never thought of looking there because you did

not have a reason before.


Dirt bikes are so much fun.


I would imagine so. How much do they cost?

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Well, no.


I just can't think of any place around here that I could ride it. And I think it is illegal to take them on the road. >.>;


All the land around here is pretty much private or playgrounds/stuff like that.

Call your local motorcycle store, one that carries dirt bikes, then ask if they know of a place close by where you could ride it.

Sometimes the area to ride is right under your nose. It is just that you have never thought of looking there because you did

not have a reason before.


Dirt bikes are so much fun.


I would imagine so. How much do they cost?

You would start out with a used one. As for the cost, I have no idea, but I will find out, just because I am interested.

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Well, no.


I just can't think of any place around here that I could ride it. And I think it is illegal to take them on the road. >.>;


All the land around here is pretty much private or playgrounds/stuff like that.

Call your local motorcycle store, one that carries dirt bikes, then ask if they know of a place close by where you could ride it.

Sometimes the area to ride is right under your nose. It is just that you have never thought of looking there because you did

not have a reason before.


Dirt bikes are so much fun.


I would imagine so. How much do they cost?

You would start out with a used one. As for the cost, I have no idea, but I will find out, just because I am interested.




Don't feel the need to randomly purchase a dirt bike. xD

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Well, no.


I just can't think of any place around here that I could ride it. And I think it is illegal to take them on the road. >.>;


All the land around here is pretty much private or playgrounds/stuff like that.

Call your local motorcycle store, one that carries dirt bikes, then ask if they know of a place close by where you could ride it.

Sometimes the area to ride is right under your nose. It is just that you have never thought of looking there because you did

not have a reason before.


Dirt bikes are so much fun.


I would imagine so. How much do they cost?

You would start out with a used one. As for the cost, I have no idea, but I will find out, just because I am interested.



Don't feel the need to randomly purchase a dirt bike. xD

I am just working on one bike at the moment. But it would be fun to find out. The Honda dealer is only about one mile from me.

I will go in and torment them.

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Well, no.


I just can't think of any place around here that I could ride it. And I think it is illegal to take them on the road. >.>;


All the land around here is pretty much private or playgrounds/stuff like that.

Call your local motorcycle store, one that carries dirt bikes, then ask if they know of a place close by where you could ride it.

Sometimes the area to ride is right under your nose. It is just that you have never thought of looking there because you did

not have a reason before.


Dirt bikes are so much fun.


I would imagine so. How much do they cost?

You would start out with a used one. As for the cost, I have no idea, but I will find out, just because I am interested.



Don't feel the need to randomly purchase a dirt bike. xD

I am just working on one bike at the moment. But it would be fun to find out. The Honda dealer is only about one mile from me.

I will go in and torment them.


I imagine that they would love to be tormented by a little hampster. xD

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Well, no.


I just can't think of any place around here that I could ride it. And I think it is illegal to take them on the road. >.>;


All the land around here is pretty much private or playgrounds/stuff like that.

Call your local motorcycle store, one that carries dirt bikes, then ask if they know of a place close by where you could ride it.

Sometimes the area to ride is right under your nose. It is just that you have never thought of looking there because you did

not have a reason before.


Dirt bikes are so much fun.


I would imagine so. How much do they cost?

You would start out with a used one. As for the cost, I have no idea, but I will find out, just because I am interested.



Don't feel the need to randomly purchase a dirt bike. xD

I am just working on one bike at the moment. But it would be fun to find out. The Honda dealer is only about one mile from me.

I will go in and torment them.


I imagine that they would love to be tormented by a little hampster. xD

I went over there today and the salesman saw me. Remembering me, he asked if I was ready to buy a bike and I had to break the news to him... too late, I already bought one. Of course then he wanted to know, what kind, when, blah, blah, blah. So I told him I was interested in a dirt bike and you should have seen him light up. He assumed I was buying a second bike. We never got to the price, because he was so busy with the sell that I had to leave rapidly in order to avoid losing both my ears to his sales pitch. But I figure I will go back tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I went to college orientation Thursday and Friday. It was pretty neat, and amusing at times. My roommates for the night were cool and actually went to bed right away. ^_^ Setting up my schedule was a fun part; First I met my freshmen advisor, and I said I had applied for credits for calc 1 and 2, so I also met a math teacher who said I could start with calc 3 next year. Then my advisor needed to confirm the course numbers for the advanced French classes, so I also met a French teacher who, it turns out, will be teaching both of my classes next year. :) Oh yeah, I'm also in the Honors program so all my classes (except maybe the american government one) are at the honors level.


Apparently if I say what my schedule is, then it lets people stalk me. So I'll just say that I have a neat set of classes for both semesters. :) Unfortunately I forgot to tell my advisor that I wanted to minor in music, so I sent an email to him and I hope there will be room for it.

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So I went to college orientation Thursday and Friday. It was pretty neat, and amusing at times. My roommates for the night were cool and actually went to bed right away. ^_^ Setting up my schedule was a fun part; First I met my freshmen advisor, and I said I had applied for credits for calc 1 and 2, so I also met a math teacher who said I could start with calc 3 next year. Then my advisor needed to confirm the course numbers for the advanced French classes, so I also met a French teacher who, it turns out, will be teaching both of my classes next year. :) Oh yeah, I'm also in the Honors program so all my classes (except maybe the american government one) are at the honors level.


Apparently if I say what my schedule is, then it lets people stalk me. So I'll just say that I have a neat set of classes for both semesters. :) Unfortunately I forgot to tell my advisor that I wanted to minor in music, so I sent an email to him and I hope there will be room for it.

TGHL will love having American Government discussions with you.


As for the stalking part... you have me totally confused. How is saying your schedule here on HampsterDance allowing people to stalk you? I must be really naive, but I do not understand how this works. Please do explain.

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As for the stalking part... you have me totally confused. How is saying your schedule here on HampsterDance allowing people to stalk you? I must be really naive, but I do not understand how this works. Please do explain.

I don't understand it myself, but I was told during orientation not to post a schedule online. Or perhaps it was only in context with <insert that certain website that lots of college students use>. Perhaps I can just list the classes I'm taking next year, as I don't know the order of them anyway. :)


-Effective communication

-Academic Writing

-Literary Expressions

-Hist. Paths to Civ.

-Calculus 3

-Franco-Italian Connections

-French Advanced Expression through Film

-Political Science


And hopefully Concert Band will be added to the schedule along with other courses to get me started on my music minor.

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As for the stalking part... you have me totally confused. How is saying your schedule here on HampsterDance allowing people to stalk you? I must be really naive, but I do not understand how this works. Please do explain.

I don't understand it myself, but I was told during orientation not to post a schedule online. Or perhaps it was only in context with . Perhaps I can just list the classes I'm taking next year, as I don't know the order of them anyway. :)


-Effective communication

-Academic Writing

-Literary Expressions

-Hist. Paths to Civ.

-Calculus 3

-Franco-Italian Connections

-French Advanced Expression through Film

-Political Science


And hopefully Concert Band will be added to the schedule along with other courses to get me started on my music minor.

The college is looking to protect you, because the college student website posters are way too trusting. There is too much personal information and it opens he door to too many wierdos.

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As for the stalking part... you have me totally confused. How is saying your schedule here on HampsterDance allowing people to stalk you? I must be really naive, but I do not understand how this works. Please do explain.

I don't understand it myself, but I was told during orientation not to post a schedule online. Or perhaps it was only in context with <insert that certain website that lots of college students use>. Perhaps I can just list the classes I'm taking next year, as I don't know the order of them anyway. :)


-Effective communication

-Academic Writing

-Literary Expressions

-Hist. Paths to Civ.

-Calculus 3

-Franco-Italian Connections

-French Advanced Expression through Film

-Political Science


And hopefully Concert Band will be added to the schedule along with other courses to get me started on my music minor.

Wow...what's your major again? Or have you even picked one yet? As for posting your schedule, I had no problems when I posted mine. It actually helped me, because I was able to look up other people in my class and ask them questions about the homework.

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As for the stalking part... you have me totally confused. How is saying your schedule here on HampsterDance allowing people to stalk you? I must be really naive, but I do not understand how this works. Please do explain.

I don't understand it myself, but I was told during orientation not to post a schedule online. Or perhaps it was only in context with <insert that certain website that lots of college students use>. Perhaps I can just list the classes I'm taking next year, as I don't know the order of them anyway. :)


-Effective communication

-Academic Writing

-Literary Expressions

-Hist. Paths to Civ.

-Calculus 3

-Franco-Italian Connections

-French Advanced Expression through Film

-Political Science


And hopefully Concert Band will be added to the schedule along with other courses to get me started on my music minor.

Wow...what's your major again? Or have you even picked one yet? As for posting your schedule, I had no problems when I posted mine. It actually helped me, because I was able to look up other people in my class and ask them questions about the homework.

Okay, sounds good. And I'm majoring in Math. For now, at least. I've heard that people change majors many times, so I'm aware that I may do that as well.


Oh yeah, I might do a double minor in French and Music. But I'll probably wait to declare the French minor (it needs only four more courses because I start at a high level). I just want the music minor to fit its way into my schedule first.

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As for the stalking part... you have me totally confused. How is saying your schedule here on HampsterDance allowing people to stalk you? I must be really naive, but I do not understand how this works. Please do explain.

I don't understand it myself, but I was told during orientation not to post a schedule online. Or perhaps it was only in context with <insert that certain website that lots of college students use>. Perhaps I can just list the classes I'm taking next year, as I don't know the order of them anyway. :)


-Effective communication

-Academic Writing

-Literary Expressions

-Hist. Paths to Civ.

-Calculus 3

-Franco-Italian Connections

-French Advanced Expression through Film

-Political Science


And hopefully Concert Band will be added to the schedule along with other courses to get me started on my music minor.

Wow...what's your major again? Or have you even picked one yet? As for posting your schedule, I had no problems when I posted mine. It actually helped me, because I was able to look up other people in my class and ask them questions about the homework.

Okay, sounds good. And I'm majoring in Math. For now, at least. I've heard that people change majors many times, so I'm aware that I may do that as well.


Oh yeah, I might do a double minor in French and Music. But I'll probably wait to declare the French minor (it needs only four more courses because I start at a high level). I just want the music minor to fit its way into my schedule first.

Awesome! Math, Music, and French are all good choices for you, I think. At least given what I know about you. :P And yes, even I changed my major once. It wouldn't surprise me much to see you go into physics or computer science.

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TGHL will love having American Government discussions with you.

Unfortunately, that's not going to happen next year. I got in touch with my adviser and he said I could switch American Government with one of the courses to go toward my music minor, so I'm taking Music Theory in the fall. :D

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TGHL will love having American Government discussions with you.

Unfortunately, that's not going to happen next year. I got in touch with my adviser and he said I could switch American Government with one of the courses to go toward my music minor, so I'm taking Music Theory in the fall. :D

Oh boo... I was hoping for some good debates. :lol:

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Oh boo... I was hoping for some good debates. :lol:

I can't debate well anyway. :P I'm just not informed enough.

You would be after the American Government class. LOL

I suppose. Too bad you can't watch me have debates about music theory. :lol:

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Oh boo... I was hoping for some good debates. :lol:

I can't debate well anyway. :P I'm just not informed enough.

You would be after the American Government class. LOL

I suppose. Too bad you can't watch me have debates about music theory. :lol:

We could watch you right here. Just start the debate, you will have opponents. :)

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Oh boo... I was hoping for some good debates. :lol:

I can't debate well anyway. :P I'm just not informed enough.

You would be after the American Government class. LOL

I suppose. Too bad you can't watch me have debates about music theory. :lol:

We could watch you right here. Just start the debate, you will have opponents. :)

Music theory is a bit difficult to debate about. XD

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Music theory is a bit difficult to debate about. XD

Yeah, really. Unless you wanted to change the pattern of half steps for the major scale or something crazy like that, but you would be on your own there. ;)


So I had just finished my statistics final today, when my AP Calc teacher came in and shook my hand because it turns out I got 100 on the calc final. ^_^ That was a pleasant surprise.

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Music theory is a bit difficult to debate about. XD

Yeah, really. Unless you wanted to change the pattern of half steps for the major scale or something crazy like that, but you would be on your own there. ;)


So I had just finished my statistics final today, when my AP Calc teacher came in and shook my hand because it turns out I got 100 on the calc final. ^_^ That was a pleasant surprise.


You did great! :D

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You did great! :D

My ears are still ringing from that shout, but thank you. *grabs a few cherry micicles to celebrate*

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You did great! :D

My ears are still ringing from that shout, but thank you. *grabs a few cherry micicles to celebrate*

100% on a calc final. I just had to shout because you were phenomenal!!! :D

*adds more flavours of micicles to the pile*

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I got a 95 on my compy progging final today. =D

best in the class. *manly arm-pump*

I would scream CONGRATULATIONS again, but Jesse's ear drums are already damaged. So I want you to know

how proud I am of you, but I will have to do it in a more silent manner. You did great Cheesie!!!!!

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Nice job, cheesemister :D *makes a batch of cheesecicles to celebrate* Yay academic achievements! Thanks for sparing my eardrums Horatio. :) I'm off to bed now. Just my music theory left, tomorrow, followed by graduation rehearsal. <_<

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Nice job, cheesemister :D *makes a batch of cheesecicles to celebrate* Yay academic achievements! Thanks for sparing my eardrums Horatio. :) I'm off to bed now. Just my music theory left, tomorrow, followed by graduation rehearsal. <_>

I know you must be excited. Have a great night's sleep!!!

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Except for being off by one octave on an interval for the ear training part, the music theory final was pretty straight forward. Graduation rehearsal was kind of boring because, well, there's so many of us. :P

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Except for being off by one octave on an interval for the ear training part, the music theory final was pretty straight forward. Graduation rehearsal was kind of boring because, well, there's so many of us. :P

If you think that is boring... just wait until you get to graduation day. It will seem even longer with all the speeches and stuff.

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Except for being off by one octave on an interval for the ear training part, the music theory final was pretty straight forward. Graduation rehearsal was kind of boring because, well, there's so many of us. :P

If you think that is boring... just wait until you get to graduation day. It will seem even longer with all the speeches and stuff.

That was one nice thing about having a graduating class or 70-something. :rolleyes:

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Except for being off by one octave on an interval for the ear training part, the music theory final was pretty straight forward. Graduation rehearsal was kind of boring because, well, there's so many of us. :P

If you think that is boring... just wait until you get to graduation day. It will seem even longer with all the speeches and stuff.

That was one nice thing about having a graduating class or 70-something. :rolleyes:

How many are in your class Jesse?

70 would be a really ideal number. LOL

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How many are in your class Jesse?

70 would be a really ideal number. LOL

I have no idea, except that it must be bigger than 200. :closedeyes:

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Advertising your topics in other people's topics? For shame! :P


I might as well update by posting this screenshot. Yay.

I have to. You never venture far from here.

I think the investment club would be great for all of us.

*waits for Jesse in the investment club topic*

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Advertising your topics in other people's topics? For shame! :P


I might as well update by posting this screenshot. Yay.

I have to. You never venture far from here.

I think the investment club would be great for all of us.

*waits for Jesse in the investment club topic*

Oh, I lurk everywhere. I just don't make an appearance. ;)

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*returns from the investment topic* Glad you like it JF. :) Horatio, I don't know what kind of money you think I have to invest in the first place. I'm going to college, remember? :P And I vowed to myself that I would avoid the stock market like the plague. Although in the end I would have more money, I have no idea when "the end" is and in the meantime I would have less money available if an emergency were to occur. Not to mention that I don't have that kind of patience. I tried it on neopets and I was fine for the first day, but then I couldn't stand just watching my neopoints sitting in the hands of some random company and having them thrown around more than the positions of the Bush administration, so I sold all my shares. :unsure: I want to actually own my money, or what little of it I have, as much as possible.

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*returns from the investment topic* Glad you like it JF. :) Horatio, I don't know what kind of money you think I have to invest in the first place. I'm going to college, remember? :P And I vowed to myself that I would avoid the stock market like the plague. Although in the end I would have more money, I have no idea when "the end" is and in the meantime I would have less money available if an emergency were to occur. Not to mention that I don't have that kind of patience. I tried it on neopets and I was fine for the first day, but then I couldn't stand just watching my neopoints sitting in the hands of some random company and having them thrown around more than the positions of the Bush administration, so I sold all my shares. :unsure: I want to actually own my money, or what little of it I have, as much as possible.

At the moment, you are investing 10,000 HampsterBucks. (1 H = 1 US Dollar).


This topic is to educate you so that you have a knowledge of how the stock market works. If you practice in our Investment Club, then you might like investing. Warren Buffett is a buy and hold. Jim Cramer teaches you how to understand the market so that you can make money with your money. Either way, you might just want to have some fun and at the same time, learn something new, all at no expense to you.


As for having less money available if an emergency were to occur, in many of the stock trading venues such as etrade, you can get a debit card and have access to your money as quickly as you can make it to an ATM.


Patience, I think you would have lots of patience at something you enjoyed and I believe if you gave this a chance, you might actually like it. Neopets didn't educate you. I hope that we all can learn together. As for being a college student and having no money, investing can be with one share of stock. You can buy one share of stock in a company that pays dividends and has a free reinvestment program.. College is not too early to begin paying yourself first or learning about making money.


Please give it a try.

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*returns from the investment topic* Glad you like it JF. :) Horatio, I don't know what kind of money you think I have to invest in the first place. I'm going to college, remember? :P And I vowed to myself that I would avoid the stock market like the plague. Although in the end I would have more money, I have no idea when "the end" is and in the meantime I would have less money available if an emergency were to occur. Not to mention that I don't have that kind of patience. I tried it on neopets and I was fine for the first day, but then I couldn't stand just watching my neopoints sitting in the hands of some random company and having them thrown around more than the positions of the Bush administration, so I sold all my shares. :unsure: I want to actually own my money, or what little of it I have, as much as possible.

At the moment, you are investing 10,000 HampsterBucks. (1 H = 1 US Dollar).


This topic is to educate you so that you have a knowledge of how the stock market works. If you practice in our Investment Club, then you might like investing. Warren Buffet is a buy and hold. Jim Cramer teaches you how to understand the market so that you can make money with your money. Either way, you might just want to have some fun and at the same time, learn something new, all at no expense to you.


As for having less money available if an emergency were to occur, in many of the stock trading venues such as etrade, you can get a debit card and have access to your money as quickly as you can make it to an ATM.


Patience, I think you would have lots of patience at something you enjoyed and I believe if you gave this a chance, you might actually like it. Neopets didn't educate you. I hope that we all can learn together. As for being a college student and having no money, investing can be with one share of stock. You can buy one share of stock in a company that pays dividends and has a free reinvestment program.. College is not too early to begin paying yourself first or learning about making money.


Please give it a try.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


j00 misspelled it. It's Jimmy Buffet. XD


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*returns from the investment topic* Glad you like it JF. :) Horatio, I don't know what kind of money you think I have to invest in the first place. I'm going to college, remember? :P And I vowed to myself that I would avoid the stock market like the plague. Although in the end I would have more money, I have no idea when "the end" is and in the meantime I would have less money available if an emergency were to occur. Not to mention that I don't have that kind of patience. I tried it on neopets and I was fine for the first day, but then I couldn't stand just watching my neopoints sitting in the hands of some random company and having them thrown around more than the positions of the Bush administration, so I sold all my shares. :unsure: I want to actually own my money, or what little of it I have, as much as possible.

At the moment, you are investing 10,000 HampsterBucks. (1 H = 1 US Dollar).


This topic is to educate you so that you have a knowledge of how the stock market works. If you practice in our Investment Club, then you might like investing. Warren Buffet is a buy and hold. Jim Cramer teaches you how to understand the market so that you can make money with your money. Either way, you might just want to have some fun and at the same time, learn something new, all at no expense to you.


As for having less money available if an emergency were to occur, in many of the stock trading venues such as etrade, you can get a debit card and have access to your money as quickly as you can make it to an ATM.


Patience, I think you would have lots of patience at something you enjoyed and I believe if you gave this a chance, you might actually like it. Neopets didn't educate you. I hope that we all can learn together. As for being a college student and having no money, investing can be with one share of stock. You can buy one share of stock in a company that pays dividends and has a free reinvestment program.. College is not too early to begin paying yourself first or learning about making money.


Please give it a try.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


j00 misspelled it. It's Jimmy Buffet. XD


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


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Advertising your topics in other people's topics? For shame! :P


I might as well update by posting this screenshot. Yay.

This is excellent Jesse!!!

*hands Jesse The Platinum Moon Award*

Yay! That's my 4th one. ^_^


And, I don't know, I'm still uneasy about the stock market. I don't really like money that much, and I know it would be bad for me if I had too much of it. I just want to have enough to keep myself a place to live, with food to eat, and a little extra to buy fun stuff. And a car if I needed one. If it takes the stock market to do that, I would forever be ashamed to call myself a US citizen. The fun part for me would instead be calculating how much extra money I will have each month - I'll setup a budget for myself, and I'll gain money step by step, the way I prefer it. And if I threw money into the stock market, I would be making less money from interest (especially when the time comes to take out a CD and lock it in at a high rate), something that is actually guaranteed unlike big businesses which might crash and burn the next day. No, as far as I'm concerned, putting money in the stock market would be like putting money on horses. I'm not saying that's bad, but it's just not my way of doing things.

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Advertising your topics in other people's topics? For shame! :P


I might as well update by posting this screenshot. Yay.

This is excellent Jesse!!!

*hands Jesse The Platinum Moon Award*

Yay! That's my 4th one. ^_^


And, I don't know, I'm still uneasy about the stock market. I don't really like money that much, and I know it would be bad for me if I had too much of it. I just want to have enough to keep myself a place to live, with food to eat, and a little extra to buy fun stuff. And a car if I needed one. If it takes the stock market to do that, I would forever be ashamed to call myself a US citizen. The fun part for me would instead be calculating how much extra money I will have each month - I'll setup a budget for myself, and I'll gain money step by step, the way I prefer it. And if I threw money into the stock market, I would be making less money from interest (especially when the time comes to take out a CD and lock it in at a high rate), something that is actually guaranteed unlike big businesses which might crash and burn the next day. No, as far as I'm concerned, putting money in the stock market would be like putting money on horses. I'm not saying that's bad, but it's just not my way of doing things.

Please do not think that I was implying that it took the stock market for you to make money. The stock market is another method of making money. I believe that you should handle your money however you are most comfortable. The only difference is that I do believe you should learn to pay yourself first. Retirement is something that needs to be planned for now. Perhaps you might like the Freegan lifestyle.


The Investment Club is meant to be a tool to learn something, have some fun and understand how the money and the stock market works. Instead of handing over your money to someone else, this club will teach you how to take control of your money. Everything from making a budget and living with it, to managing credit cards, investing in Treasury Bonds, CD's and all other forms of money management, such as checking and savings accounts, mortgages and real estate will be included.


You will be missed as I thought your input would be valuable.

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Hm...yeah, I have to side with Jesse on this one. Maybe it's just because I grew up with being on an ultra-tight budget, but the stock market scares me. It is, in essence, a gamble. A safer gamble than the casinos, but still a gamble. And I can't afford that. I think that if I were to have a great enough excess of money that losing a couple thousand dollars would be no big deal, then I'd probably invest in a couple of safe looking stocks. At the moment, apple looks like a good one, and certain alternative energy stocks seem like a good idea, although they might take awhile to catch on. And organic food stocks. Basically, I'd look into anything that people are going to look for in the coming years once they realize what they're doing now is unsafe.

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Hm...yeah, I have to side with Jesse on this one. Maybe it's just because I grew up with being on an ultra-tight budget, but the stock market scares me. It is, in essence, a gamble. A safer gamble than the casinos, but still a gamble. And I can't afford that. I think that if I were to have a great enough excess of money that losing a couple thousand dollars would be no big deal, then I'd probably invest in a couple of safe looking stocks. At the moment, apple looks like a good one, and certain alternative energy stocks seem like a good idea, although they might take awhile to catch on. And organic food stocks. Basically, I'd look into anything that people are going to look for in the coming years once they realize what they're doing now is unsafe.

I think the reason you are scared of the stock market is because you do not know anything about it. There are many big fund managers who invest in the stock market. This means your retirement account.


The Investment Club is only meant to be a fun thing where you learn about all aspects of money. I do not go to casinos, I do not bet on horse races, I have learned about investing and the stock market is only one of these aspects in the overall scheme of things.


I also find it interesting that neither Jesse nor you decided that you would post these feelings in the Investment Club topic.

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*returns from the investment topic* Glad you like it JF. :) Horatio, I don't know what kind of money you think I have to invest in the first place. I'm going to college, remember? :P And I vowed to myself that I would avoid the stock market like the plague. Although in the end I would have more money, I have no idea when "the end" is and in the meantime I would have less money available if an emergency were to occur. Not to mention that I don't have that kind of patience. I tried it on neopets and I was fine for the first day, but then I couldn't stand just watching my neopoints sitting in the hands of some random company and having them thrown around more than the positions of the Bush administration, so I sold all my shares. :unsure: I want to actually own my money, or what little of it I have, as much as possible.

At the moment, you are investing 10,000 HampsterBucks. (1 H = 1 US Dollar).


This topic is to educate you so that you have a knowledge of how the stock market works. If you practice in our Investment Club, then you might like investing. Warren Buffet is a buy and hold. Jim Cramer teaches you how to understand the market so that you can make money with your money. Either way, you might just want to have some fun and at the same time, learn something new, all at no expense to you.


As for having less money available if an emergency were to occur, in many of the stock trading venues such as etrade, you can get a debit card and have access to your money as quickly as you can make it to an ATM.


Patience, I think you would have lots of patience at something you enjoyed and I believe if you gave this a chance, you might actually like it. Neopets didn't educate you. I hope that we all can learn together. As for being a college student and having no money, investing can be with one share of stock. You can buy one share of stock in a company that pays dividends and has a free reinvestment program.. College is not too early to begin paying yourself first or learning about making money.


Please give it a try.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


j00 misspelled it. It's Jimmy Buffet. XD


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


*~*The Grand illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*


Wait, you got the first name right...you meant Warren Zevon?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine**~*

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*returns from the investment topic* Glad you like it JF. :) Horatio, I don't know what kind of money you think I have to invest in the first place. I'm going to college, remember? :P And I vowed to myself that I would avoid the stock market like the plague. Although in the end I would have more money, I have no idea when "the end" is and in the meantime I would have less money available if an emergency were to occur. Not to mention that I don't have that kind of patience. I tried it on neopets and I was fine for the first day, but then I couldn't stand just watching my neopoints sitting in the hands of some random company and having them thrown around more than the positions of the Bush administration, so I sold all my shares. :unsure: I want to actually own my money, or what little of it I have, as much as possible.

At the moment, you are investing 10,000 HampsterBucks. (1 H = 1 US Dollar).


This topic is to educate you so that you have a knowledge of how the stock market works. If you practice in our Investment Club, then you might like investing. Warren Buffet is a buy and hold. Jim Cramer teaches you how to understand the market so that you can make money with your money. Either way, you might just want to have some fun and at the same time, learn something new, all at no expense to you.


As for having less money available if an emergency were to occur, in many of the stock trading venues such as etrade, you can get a debit card and have access to your money as quickly as you can make it to an ATM.


Patience, I think you would have lots of patience at something you enjoyed and I believe if you gave this a chance, you might actually like it. Neopets didn't educate you. I hope that we all can learn together. As for being a college student and having no money, investing can be with one share of stock. You can buy one share of stock in a company that pays dividends and has a free reinvestment program.. College is not too early to begin paying yourself first or learning about making money.


Please give it a try.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


j00 misspelled it. It's Jimmy Buffet. XD


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


*~*The Grand illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*


Wait, you got the first name right...you meant Warren Zevon?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine**~*

*realizes a career move for Mushroom_king*

Music and Musician Historian

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*returns from the investment topic* Glad you like it JF. :) Horatio, I don't know what kind of money you think I have to invest in the first place. I'm going to college, remember? :P And I vowed to myself that I would avoid the stock market like the plague. Although in the end I would have more money, I have no idea when "the end" is and in the meantime I would have less money available if an emergency were to occur. Not to mention that I don't have that kind of patience. I tried it on neopets and I was fine for the first day, but then I couldn't stand just watching my neopoints sitting in the hands of some random company and having them thrown around more than the positions of the Bush administration, so I sold all my shares. :unsure: I want to actually own my money, or what little of it I have, as much as possible.

At the moment, you are investing 10,000 HampsterBucks. (1 H = 1 US Dollar).


This topic is to educate you so that you have a knowledge of how the stock market works. If you practice in our Investment Club, then you might like investing. Warren Buffet is a buy and hold. Jim Cramer teaches you how to understand the market so that you can make money with your money. Either way, you might just want to have some fun and at the same time, learn something new, all at no expense to you.


As for having less money available if an emergency were to occur, in many of the stock trading venues such as etrade, you can get a debit card and have access to your money as quickly as you can make it to an ATM.


Patience, I think you would have lots of patience at something you enjoyed and I believe if you gave this a chance, you might actually like it. Neopets didn't educate you. I hope that we all can learn together. As for being a college student and having no money, investing can be with one share of stock. You can buy one share of stock in a company that pays dividends and has a free reinvestment program.. College is not too early to begin paying yourself first or learning about making money.


Please give it a try.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


j00 misspelled it. It's Jimmy Buffet. XD


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


*~*The Grand illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*


Wait, you got the first name right...you meant Warren Zevon?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine**~*

*realizes a career move for Mushroom_king*

Music and Musician Historian


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Please do not think that I was implying that it took the stock market for you to make money. The stock market is another method of making money. I believe that you should handle your money however you are most comfortable. The only difference is that I do believe you should learn to pay yourself first. Retirement is something that needs to be planned for now. Perhaps you might like the Freegan lifestyle.


The Investment Club is meant to be a tool to learn something, have some fun and understand how the money and the stock market works. Instead of handing over your money to someone else, this club will teach you how to take control of your money. Everything from making a budget and living with it, to managing credit cards, investing in Treasury Bonds, CD's and all other forms of money management, such as checking and savings accounts, mortgages and real estate will be included.


You will be missed as I thought your input would be valuable.

I don't plan on retiring, I'd rather die doing a job I love. I might change my mind later. But I see retirement as a (costly) convenience, not a necessity. I will be looking on the investment club topic as I'm sure I'll learn something, and maybe I'll post something. But right now I barely use most of the things you mentioned up there, and I trust that my parents will introduce them to me when the time is right.



I also find it interesting that neither Jesse nor you decided that you would post these feelings in the Investment Club topic.

I just typed it out in this topic since you placed your invitation here, and I don't know how me wanting to avoid the stock market is going to help the club much. :P


I have to go check the wash now! *gallops away*

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Oh! And something just occurred to me, about your picking a major and a career and whatnot. I could totally see you being the computer/technology teacher in an elementary school. Just thought I'd add that. :rolleyes:

Sorry, but I'm not very good with little kids. They drive me nuts! :wacko: Maybe technology courses in high school. *shrug* I have quite a few possibilities. Like, my barber said I should become an accountant. I just need to try and figure out the job that really "clicks" with me. I trust that I'll find that job while I'm in university.

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Please do not think that I was implying that it took the stock market for you to make money. The stock market is another method of making money. I believe that you should handle your money however you are most comfortable. The only difference is that I do believe you should learn to pay yourself first. Retirement is something that needs to be planned for now. Perhaps you might like the Freegan lifestyle.


The Investment Club is meant to be a tool to learn something, have some fun and understand how money and the stock market works. Instead of handing over your money to someone else, this club will teach you how to take control of your money. Everything from making a budget and living with it, to managing credit cards, investing in Treasury Bonds, CD's and all other forms of money management, such as checking and savings accounts, mortgages and real estate will be included.


You will be missed as I thought your input would be valuable.

I don't plan on retiring, I'd rather die doing a job I love. I might change my mind later. But I see retirement as a (costly) convenience, not a necessity. I will be looking on the investment club topic as I'm sure I'll learn something, and maybe I'll post something. But right now I barely use most of the things you mentioned up there, and I trust that my parents will introduce them to me when the time is right.



I also find it interesting that neither Jesse nor you decided that you would post these feelings in the Investment Club topic.

I just typed it out in this topic since you placed your invitation here, and I don't know how me wanting to avoid the stock market is going to help the club much. :P


I have to go check the wash now! *gallops away*

I have some very sad news for you. If your parents have not taught you about savings and checking accounts, and other money lessons, you probably will not get these lessons from them. You are a college student now and an adult. Most parents view the send-off to college as kicking the bird out of the nest. As for retirement, good luck staying working in the job you love. In certain cases, there is a mandatory retirement age and you have no choice but to leave that job.


As for your reply in this topic, the boards had indicated that you were posting in the Investment Club topic and then the post never appeared there. So, I was confused about your decision. One more time, the Investment Club is not just about the stock market, but all aspects of managing money and investing. It does help if people want to avoid something, to be involved, they can sometimes raises thoughts that are contrary to the particular line of thinking.


Have fun doing the wash.

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Oh! And something just occurred to me, about your picking a major and a career and whatnot. I could totally see you being the computer/technology teacher in an elementary school. Just thought I'd add that. :rolleyes:

Sorry, but I'm not very good with little kids. They drive me nuts! :wacko: Maybe technology courses in high school. *shrug* I have quite a few possibilities. Like, my barber said I should become an accountant. I just need to try and figure out the job that really "clicks" with me. I trust that I'll find that job while I'm in university.

I suggest you take the Strong Vocational Interest Blank. This is a great test to help guide you towards what interests you and definitely rule out what you dislike.

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I have some very sad news for you. If your parents have not taught you about savings and checking accounts, and other money lessons, you probably will not get these lessons from them. You are a college student now and an adult. Most parents view the send-off to college as kicking the bird out of the nest. As for retirement, good luck staying working in the job you love. In certain cases, there is a mandatory retirement age and you have no choice but to leave that job.


As for your reply in this topic, the boards had indicated that you were posting in the Investment Club topic and then the post never appeared there. So, I was confused about your decision. One more time, the Investment Club is not just about the stock market, but all aspects of managing money and investing. It does help if people want to avoid something, to be involved, they can sometimes raises thoughts that are contrary to the particular line of thinking.


Have fun doing the wash.

But they HAVE taught me about savings accounts and checking accounts (I just opened the latter a few days ago). And we're going to do a CD soon. The things I don't know about are treasury bonds, mortgages, real estate, and (somewhat) credit cards, although I did do some work with mortgages in my precalculus class last year, mostly with a mortgage calculator. :) Again, I will be looking on at the club and absorbing information on these things, although I trust that my parents will tell me when the time comes. And if not, I'll come to the club and ask.


The mandatory retirement age is butt. What a total turn-off! I hope I never have to get a job with that requirement. :angry: (well, not unless it's a temporary arrangement of course)


The thing about me not posting in the club about my situation with the stock market is because it is completely personal. I'm sure there are college students who are in a good situation and can confidently set aside cash for the stock market. I have nothing against that.

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But they HAVE taught me about savings accounts and checking accounts (I just opened the latter a few days ago). And we're going to do a CD soon. The things I don't know about are treasury bonds, mortgages, real estate, and (somewhat) credit cards, although I did do some work with mortgages in my precalculus class last year, mostly with a mortgage calculator. :) Again, I will be looking on at the club and absorbing information on these things, although I trust that my parents will tell me when the time comes. And if not, I'll come to the club and ask.


The mandatory retirement age is butt. What a total turn-off! I hope I never have to get a job with that requirement. :angry: (well, not unless it's a temporary arrangement of course)

1. I am glad to hear that your parents have taught you about savings and checking accounts.


2. Airline pilots have an age 60 mandatory retirement. Yet the U.S. Government is discriminating against American citizens who are currently employed as airline pilots through age discrimination. Foreign airline pilots are permitted to fly within the United States up to age 65, yet American pilots must retire by age 60. This is not a job you take on a temporary basis. When you apply to an airline to fly as a pilot, you are anticipating a 20 to 30 year career, depending on what age you arrived at that airline. Everything is based on seniority, so you don't work for one airline and then go to another. You usually pick an airline, get hired and stay there until you retire. So, there are some good jobs that you are forced into retirement at a particular age.

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