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Nothing new, though I've gotten over my fear, or grudge, or whatever it was with instant messaging and started using AIM. Meeting up with friends during the break has helped me feel better about my modest social life and get to know a bit more about others, though one friend has only been on once the whole break. I hope he's doing alright. Nothing else besides that I guess.

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Nothing new, though I've gotten over my fear, or grudge, or whatever it was with instant messaging and started using AIM. Meeting up with friends during the break has helped me feel better about my modest social life and get to know a bit more about others, though one friend has only been on once the whole break. I hope he's doing alright. Nothing else besides that I guess.

Little steps... that is a perfect way to get things accomplished. Great news that you are IMing. Perhaps your friend is busy with other things, but I hope he is okay. I totally understand your concern as I have not heard from my friend Nutzky since the 22 of November. That is way, way too long for someone to be over in Iraq and not being in contact. At this point I am getting worried. If you get time, please add a post to Nutzky's topic. I'm heading there now.


Very happy to see you stop in. At the moment, I am in Duluth, Minnesota and it was -19 C when we landed last night.

*screeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmm ouch*

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AIM!!!! It's awesome. Most people (myself included) have their AIM sn on their facebooks. Just IM people (tell them who you are) and say hi. I'm almost always online, but I've been leaving myself as invisible (which says you're offline when you're really not) to avoid some annoying people. My status should be a good indication of whether I'm online or not.

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I am in Duluth, Minnesota

:o We went on vacation there a few years ago! I liked it there, the aquarium is amazing, and so is watching the boats come in and the walk around the lake.


Of course, that was during the summer :lol: I've heard horror stories about the winters there. Stay warm!

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AIM!!!! It's awesome. Most people (myself included) have their AIM sn on their facebooks. Just IM people (tell them who you are) and say hi.

Haha, that's exactly what I've done. :)


I'm almost always online, but I've been leaving myself as invisible (which says you're offline when you're really not) to avoid some annoying people. My status should be a good indication of whether I'm online or not.


Okay, cool. I'm kind of worried that this one friend of mine has been avoiding me in the same manner :unsure: I'm not sure how annoying I've been to him recently. :P

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I am in Duluth, Minnesota

:o We went on vacation there a few years ago! I liked it there, the aquarium is amazing, and so is watching the boats come in and the walk around the lake.


Of course, that was during the summer :lol: I've heard horror stories about the winters there. Stay warm!

I will have to check out the Aquarium. Watching the water and boats is wonderful. I tried walking along the lake, but the snow was really high and I wasn't making much progress. When the snow goes away, I will try the lake walk then.

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Haha, yeah the snow might be an obstacle for the walk. :P And JF, you might be right, as I can unfortunately think of some people that like to approach him, and I think they get on his nerves after a while (again, I hope I don't). Anyway he just gave me a belated Christmas card and a present at the last pep band game I was at (we sign up for games to attend over the winter break). That was nice of him. :)

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Macs should still come with Appleworks, though my latest is my G5 iMac so I'm a bit out of the loop. Mine came with Appleworks 6. Never used it but it still has its drawing and painting modes. That's all that comes to mind, besides iPhoto and iMovie, though those are more for, of course, photos and movies. Maybe macs come with iLife now, but I barely even know what that is.

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Haha, yeah the snow might be an obstacle for the walk. :P And JF, you might be right, as I can unfortunately think of some people that like to approach him, and I think they get on his nerves after a while (again, I hope I don't). Anyway he just gave me a belated Christmas card and a present at the last pep band game I was at (we sign up for games to attend over the winter break). That was nice of him. :)

Aw, nice! ^_^ As long as you don't IM him ALL the time AS SOON as he signs on, you should be fine lol.

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Macs should still come with Appleworks, though my latest is my G5 iMac so I'm a bit out of the loop. Mine came with Appleworks 6. Never used it but it still has its drawing and painting modes. That's all that comes to mind, besides iPhoto and iMovie, though those are more for, of course, photos and movies. Maybe macs come with iLife now, but I barely even know what that is.

AppleWorks 6 is on mine, but for some reason I thought I had brought it over from the last computer.

*slaps forehead*

But, my problem is that I am unable to get the AppleWorks to make a picture to upload to the boards.


iPhoto and iMovie are great and so is ComicLife, where you can manipulate photos with comic quotes, etc.

These are fun, but as you said, not an art program.


Thanks for reminding me, I have iLife as well. I need to take a look at that.

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Jesse, you'll be proud of me. I bought this a few weeks ago.

:o:o:o WHAAAAAATTTTTTTTT? You are wearing Jesse's picture on the front of your dress? Have you a signed release? Are you paying him for the rights to use his face? :o:o:o


To be fair, I don't know if it's a timber wolf. ;) It's called "Nighthunter", though.

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Jesse, you'll be proud of me. I bought this a few weeks ago.

:o:o:o WHAAAAAATTTTTTTTT? You are wearing Jesse's picture on the front of your dress? Have you a signed release? Are you paying him for the rights to use his face? :o:o:o


To be fair, I don't know if it's a timber wolf. ;) It's called "Nighthunter", though.

Are you trying to escape paying royalties? LOL

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Canis lupus keeps on coming up in my lectures. However did you get so popular, Jesse?

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Yes, that's true, things are turning the other way. I visited a wolf conservation center nearby in NY over the summer - I had no idea before then that any existed in my area. :blink: Maybe quite a few wolves are coming down from Canada. :)


Oh yeah, I'm heading back to school today, looking forward to starting classes soon!

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Yes, that's true, things are turning the other way. I visited a wolf conservation center nearby in NY over the summer - I had no idea before then that any existed in my area. :blink: Maybe quite a few wolves are coming down from Canada. :)


Oh yeah, I'm heading back to school today, looking forward to starting classes soon!

There are lots of conservation centers popping up all over the place. We have a raptor center near us and it is quite interesting. It would be nice if there was a wolf center as well.


How does your schedule look for this semester? What courses are you taking?

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We have a raptor center near us and it is quite interesting.


There's only one species of bird worth saving, let me remind you. :P

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You just reminded me of soemthing I'll remember forever. I was on a hike once and we had been talking for two days and had been camping (I HATE camping) and we were all exhausted (me and a few other random people in my group). We walked past a cornfield that was full of fog so we could barely see anything (probably some of the thickest fog I've ever seen). However, we started to look closely and we could see dozens and dozens of what appeared to be swallows darting around the cornfield. And I mean that there were TONS of them, diving around and swooping around the field in and out of the fog. It was so eerie and beautiful at the same time.


Yay for birds. ^_^

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You just reminded me of soemthing I'll remember forever. I was on a hike once and we had been talking for two days and had been camping (I HATE camping) and we were all exhausted (me and a few other random people in my group). We walked past a cornfield that was full of fog so we could barely see anything (probably some of the thickest fog I've ever seen). However, we started to look closely and we could see dozens and dozens of what appeared to be swallows darting around the cornfield. And I mean that there were TONS of them, diving around and swooping around the field in and out of the fog. It was so eerie and beautiful at the same time.


Yay for birds. ^_^

Awesome!!! I would have loved being in that spot with you.

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Of course, I eat little birds like that, so it would have been a VERY empty field with a VERY fat eagle within a few minutes. :lol:

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Of course, I eat little birds like that, so it would have been a VERY empty field with a VERY fat eagle within a few minutes. :lol:

That's if your radar was working. Do you fly IFR?

Don't need it. Eagle eyes. ;)

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Of course, I eat little birds like that, so it would have been a VERY empty field with a VERY fat eagle within a few minutes. :lol:

That's if your radar was working. Do you fly IFR?

Don't need it. Eagle eyes. ;)

Those Eagle Eyes can see through clouds? :huh:

I have portable foglights strapped to my head. ^_^

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Of course, I eat little birds like that, so it would have been a VERY empty field with a VERY fat eagle within a few minutes. :lol:

That's if your radar was working. Do you fly IFR?

Don't need it. Eagle eyes. ;)

Those Eagle Eyes can see through clouds? :huh:

I have portable foglights strapped to my head. ^_^


Now that's a good idea.

Do they get heavy? How about heat? Do they get hot?

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Of course, I eat little birds like that, so it would have been a VERY empty field with a VERY fat eagle within a few minutes. :lol:

That's if your radar was working. Do you fly IFR?

Don't need it. Eagle eyes. ;)

Those Eagle Eyes can see through clouds? :huh:

I have portable foglights strapped to my head. ^_^


Now that's a good idea.

Do they get heavy? How about heat? Do they get hot?

They were made by NASA because I am very, very important. ;)

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Of course, I eat little birds like that, so it would have been a VERY empty field with a VERY fat eagle within a few minutes. :lol:

That's if your radar was working. Do you fly IFR?

Don't need it. Eagle eyes. ;)

Those Eagle Eyes can see through clouds? :huh:

I have portable foglights strapped to my head. ^_^

LOL :lol: LOL

Now that's a good idea.

Do they get heavy? How about heat? Do they get hot?

They were made by NASA because I am very, very important. ;)

Are you one of their test pilots?

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Of course, I eat little birds like that, so it would have been a VERY empty field with a VERY fat eagle within a few minutes. :lol:

That's if your radar was working. Do you fly IFR?

Don't need it. Eagle eyes. ;)

Those Eagle Eyes can see through clouds? :huh:

I have portable foglights strapped to my head. ^_^

LOL :lol: LOL

Now that's a good idea.

Do they get heavy? How about heat? Do they get hot?

They were made by NASA because I am very, very important. ;)

Are you one of their test pilots?

I was the first eagle into space, which I am very proud of. ^_^ Of course, when I come back into the atmosphere they say "The eagle has landed". :lol:


Da boom tsh.

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Of course, I eat little birds like that, so it would have been a VERY empty field with a VERY fat eagle within a few minutes. :lol:

That's if your radar was working. Do you fly IFR?

Don't need it. Eagle eyes. ;)

Those Eagle Eyes can see through clouds? :huh:

I have portable foglights strapped to my head. ^_^

LOL :lol: LOL

Now that's a good idea.

Do they get heavy? How about heat? Do they get hot?

They were made by NASA because I am very, very important. ;)

Are you one of their test pilots?

I was the first eagle into space, which I am very proud of. ^_^ Of course, when I come back into the atmosphere they say "The eagle has landed". :lol:


Da boom tsh.



*hands LifesEagle The Double Gold Star Award*


There's no way I can top that one!!! LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...
Of course, I eat little birds like that, so it would have been a VERY empty field with a VERY fat eagle within a few minutes. :lol:

That's if your radar was working. Do you fly IFR?

Don't need it. Eagle eyes. ;)

Those Eagle Eyes can see through clouds? :huh:

I have portable foglights strapped to my head. ^_^

LOL :lol: LOL

Now that's a good idea.

Do they get heavy? How about heat? Do they get hot?

They were made by NASA because I am very, very important. ;)

Are you one of their test pilots?

I was the first eagle into space, which I am very proud of. ^_^ Of course, when I come back into the atmosphere they say "The eagle has landed". :lol:


Da boom tsh.



*hands LifesEagle The Double Gold Star Award*


There's no way I can top that one!!! LOL

I just noticed this post! Thank you very much, I'm glad I made you laugh with a really weak joke. But I like really weak jokes and bad puns, so they often appear a lot in my conversation. ;)

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Of course, I eat little birds like that, so it would have been a VERY empty field with a VERY fat eagle within a few minutes. :lol:

That's if your radar was working. Do you fly IFR?

Don't need it. Eagle eyes. ;)

Those Eagle Eyes can see through clouds? :huh:

I have portable foglights strapped to my head. ^_^

LOL :lol: LOL

Now that's a good idea.

Do they get heavy? How about heat? Do they get hot?

They were made by NASA because I am very, very important. ;)

Are you one of their test pilots?

I was the first eagle into space, which I am very proud of. ^_^ Of course, when I come back into the atmosphere they say "The eagle has landed". :lol:


Da boom tsh.



*hands LifesEagle The Double Gold Star Award*


There's no way I can top that one!!! LOL

I just noticed this post! Thank you very much, I'm glad I made you laugh with a really weak joke. But I like really weak jokes and bad puns, so they often appear a lot in my conversation. ;)

Sometimes the weak ones just get me laughing so much.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes I think so. Something that I've been struggling with is that a bunch of my friends joined this honors band society, and I still regret not joining it myself. It's been eating up a bunch of their time, and because everything's secret I can't be around them half the times I see them. Apparently part of the process, which is the interviews, will be over in a few weeks so hopefully things will lighten up. Some people have gotten hurt in it so it's hard not being there for them. I wish I could just talk to them, or simply listen to them, and work through stuff but I'm not even supposed to know what's going on...


I'm going through midterms right now. I did two today and then I have one later in the week. Then one after break cause of the snow <_<


I'm also struggling slightly with housing. My roommate this year is graduating, and my two roommates in the other room don't want to do another 2-bedroom appartment next year, so I've got nothing to work with at my current residence hall. Right now my best...well, more like my only option is a studio appartment at this one location that's kind of far, maybe two miles or so. Without a car, it's going to be tough, but I could always ask for rides I guess, like a friend of mine who lived in a residential hall even further away. I'd hate to be that kind of burden though, especially during band camp and all that. That and I'm worried I might become withdrawn by myself. But there would be some great things about having my own place, and it would make me more responsible and stuff. This is all contingent on my lottery number, if it's a bad one the studios may all be gone by my turn anyway. :rolleyes:


I DID find a possible roommate on an online site that our school set up (so far we're the only two guys on it...), and it looks like we're a good match from what I see. So I might end up rooming with this guy I hardly know, but on the other hand it's not always a bad thing to be with someone new. :) I dunno. We'll see what happens.

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Please don't regret not joining the band group. Had you joined, you might have put much more stress on yourself. You are quite responsible, this being mid-terms, I think you would have been subjected to worrying about studying, tests and the band group.


If you get a studio, I think you would really like it. My gut feeling is that you would not become withdrawn. To have a place by yourself does make you more responsible, but it also is nice when you want to study or have friends over, it is all on your time and you are not worried about interrupting someone else.


This guy sounds like it might be an option. Either way, good luck!!!


There is no doubt in my mind that you will receive all A's on your mid-terms. This is a wonderful way to start out your Easter break.


Life sounds like it is going okay for you.


Thank you for the update.

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Please don't regret not joining the band group. Had you joined, you might have put much more stress on yourself. You are quite responsible, this being mid-terms, I think you would have been subjected to worrying about studying, tests and the band group.


If you get a studio, I think you would really like it. My gut feeling is that you would not become withdrawn. To have a place by yourself does make you more responsible, but it also is nice when you want to study or have friends over, it is all on your time and you are not worried about interrupting someone else.


This guy sounds like it might be an option. Either way, good luck!!!


There is no doubt in my mind that you will receive all A's on your mid-terms. This is a wonderful way to start out your Easter break.


Life sounds like it is going okay for you.


Thank you for the update.

I know the group would bring stress, but I have trouble imagining it being much more stressful than NOT being in it has been so far. And at least I'd be doing something productive. I wish I could've gone for it instead of trying to measure out how much more work it is, etc...I guess you can never know those things until you actually commit yourself to something. To be fair, I didn't think it would've been my last chance to join, but now I know that they don't take in members in the fall, and I graduate next spring. :(

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Please don't regret not joining the band group. Had you joined, you might have put much more stress on yourself. You are quite responsible, this being mid-terms, I think you would have been subjected to worrying about studying, tests and the band group.


If you get a studio, I think you would really like it. My gut feeling is that you would not become withdrawn. To have a place by yourself does make you more responsible, but it also is nice when you want to study or have friends over, it is all on your time and you are not worried about interrupting someone else.


This guy sounds like it might be an option. Either way, good luck!!!


There is no doubt in my mind that you will receive all A's on your mid-terms. This is a wonderful way to start out your Easter break.


Life sounds like it is going okay for you.


Thank you for the update.

I know the group would bring stress, but I have trouble imagining it being much more stressful than NOT being in it has been so far. And at least I'd be doing something productive. I wish I could've gone for it instead of trying to measure out how much more work it is, etc...I guess you can never know those things until you actually commit yourself to something. To be fair, I didn't think it would've been my last chance to join, but now I know that they don't take in members in the fall, and I graduate next spring. :(

Once the initiation is over, hopefully it won't bother you anymore. My firm belief is that you made the right decision. :)

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Once the initiation is over, hopefully it won't bother you anymore. My firm belief is that you made the right decision. :)

I suppose the end of initiation holds my answer then. If it stops bothering me, then maybe the group isn't the best thing for me. I might still be able to try it next year, if I can attend the same school as a grad student and keep being involved. At least I have 11 months to make my decision now. :rolleyes: It's better than 1 day, at least, like it was this year.

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Once the initiation is over, hopefully it won't bother you anymore. My firm belief is that you made the right decision. :)

I suppose the end of initiation holds my answer then. If it stops bothering me, then maybe the group isn't the best thing for me. I might still be able to try it next year, if I can attend the same school as a grad student and keep being involved. At least I have 11 months to make my decision now. :rolleyes: It's better than 1 day, at least, like it was this year.

That sounds like a great plan. Hope it all works out for you.


Do you plan to attend grad school for math? If not, what area of study?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Delayed response, but I'm looking at a masters in computer science. I'm hoping to include some gaming track courses as electives. :)

Jesse you would be spectacular in the computer science field!!!! With what you have accomplished with your game, I definitely think gaming track courses should be a must for you. You do have talent in this area. When you do a job that you love, it is not like working at all. I hope you follow your heart.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sos, yea, my only option for housing next year was a studio apartment because no one wants to live with me next year. I'm starting to think that I get massive BO or something :P And...they ran out of those by the time I was up to pick (they did online registration, like for classes). So I was like, okay I'll be added to a random group for whatever place is left in April. Then I get an email from res life - apparently my mom flipped out and emailed him, so I'm meeting with him in a half hour. :unsure: I hope something will work out. I just don't want a repeat of last year where I'm stuck with a bunch of obnoxious people I can't relate to. Anyway we'll see what happens, though I don't know what my mom is expecting to happen. :rolleyes:

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Sos, yea, my only option for housing next year was a studio apartment because no one wants to live with me next year. I'm starting to think that I get massive BO or something :P And...they ran out of those by the time I was up to pick (they did online registration, like for classes). So I was like, okay I'll be added to a random group for whatever place is left in April. Then I get an email from res life - apparently my mom flipped out and emailed him, so I'm meeting with him in a half hour. :unsure: I hope something will work out. I just don't want a repeat of last year where I'm stuck with a bunch of obnoxious people I can't relate to. Anyway we'll see what happens, though I don't know what my mom is expecting to happen. :rolleyes:

I must say that wolves tend to have a little bit of the outdoorsy BO. Must be the log living that contributes to this. :lol:

Regarding your mother, I have no idea exactly what she is thinking, but let us know how the res life meeting turns out.. You have a pretty level head, so I am certain you both will have a conversation that you will be comfortable with. Let's hope it is something that your mother can live with as well.


As for next year... let's hope all the unrelatable obnoxious people are grouped together without any room to squeeze you in. A studio apartment would be great for you.

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Alright, well he presented me two appartments with RAs and giving me the night to decide. I'm leaning toward the appartment with an RA I actually know somewhat, and there are no triples like in the other one. Only catch is that the distance is farther (I don't drive) but I think I'll deal with that. People in band have been kind in giving rides before, so hopefully they might extend that kindness to me. :)

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Alright, well he presented me two appartments with RAs and giving me the night to decide. I'm leaning toward the appartment with an RA I actually know somewhat, and there are no triples like in the other one. Only catch is that the distance is farther (I don't drive) but I think I'll deal with that. People in band have been kind in giving rides before, so hopefully they might extend that kindness to me. :)

Sounds like you have some great choices. An apartment with an RA, might be great for you. As for the distance, in the good weather, can you ride a bike? You can always put a basket on the front or double baskets on the back.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh wow I'm out of date with my housing situation. So yea a studio opened up and the director of res life let me know via email. I claimed it. ^_^


Besides that...two finals tomorrow, and moving some stuff out.


This semester has been slightly rough on the emotional side, but it's basically my own fault. What I mean is that my heart has a bad habit of picking people that I can't even start a relationship with (well, anything beyond a friendship) and I get too obsessive over them. I'm trying to be a good friend without being possessive about them. :unsure: Sometimes I get wound up if I can't find out what's happened to someone. I need to learn to let go.

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Oh wow I'm out of date with my housing situation. So yea a studio opened up and the director of res life let me know via email. I claimed it. ^_^


Besides that...two finals tomorrow, and moving some stuff out.


This semester has been slightly rough on the emotional side, but it's basically my own fault. What I mean is that my heart has a bad habit of picking people that I can't even start a relationship with (well, anything beyond a friendship) and I get too obsessive over them. I'm trying to be a good friend without being possessive about them. :unsure: Sometimes I get wound up if I can't find out what's happened to someone. I need to learn to let go.

Jesse! How great! You will really love the studio.


Good luck on your finals, although you just won't need it. :D


The emotional side will sort itself out. It just takes a little time. Caring is a wonderful trait and I am sure you will find the right balance.

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Thanks, though the Abstract Algebra one might give me a run for my money. I wasn't even supposed to be taking it apparently. :rolleyes: It's a long story...basically it had a different prerequisite on web advisor than the prereq in the syllabus (which I've been taking at the same time). So far I've been doing pretty well though, so we'll see.

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Yes, I enjoyed it for the most part. It depends how well you can do with proofs etc. But linking seemingly unrelated sets of numbers or other things together (ie. homomorphisms, isomorphisms) makes the universe seem that much more interconnected.

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Yes, I enjoyed it for the most part. It depends how well you can do with proofs etc. But linking seemingly unrelated sets of numbers or other things together (ie. homomorphisms, isomorphisms) makes the universe seem that much more interconnected.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I kind of feel like I've been a naughty friend. There's one guy in particular who I've been really bad about in terms of trying to be helpful..keyword there is trying. I took him off of my IM list, and see if that helps. Cause I just can't seem to know when to quit.

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I kind of feel like I've been a naughty friend. There's one guy in particular who I've been really bad about in terms of trying to be helpful..keyword there is trying. I took him off of my IM list, and see if that helps. Cause I just can't seem to know when to quit.

Hope that helps. Sometimes it is very hard to draw the line and then stay on your side.

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  • 1 month later...

So I just heard that my oldest brother is homeless. <_< He was living with his gf and their two children at the gf's dad's place. Today the dad just called the police who came over and said they had to be out of the house by tonight or they would be arrested. My mom's doing what she can to find out what action can be taken (esp. the legalities of the situation). I really hope he doesn't have to live in a shelter or something. Keep him in your prayers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha, thanks. And, that would be a most welcome upgrade.


My brother didn't end up losing his place btw. Now he's actually paying rent, so he's technically a tenant now, and that should keep him set for a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I was helping with VBS last week. I did the sound and computer stuff in the sound booth. It was pretty fun but tiring. Now I'm off the hook again until band camp I guess. That's all that comes to mind right now.

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So I was helping with VBS last week. I did the sound and computer stuff in the sound booth. It was pretty fun but tiring. Now I'm off the hook again until band camp I guess. That's all that comes to mind right now.

Sounds like you did a superb job.


How's your brother doing? Hope all is going well for him.


Video capability should be available now. Try it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, let's see if this works.


My brother's doing fine, thanks. As far as I know, there's no problems with him living where he is.

Good to know that your brother is doing well.


I wanted to open the view the movie, but the hotel computers would not allow me to open the file.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got a macbook from my school yesterday. It's pretty sweet! And I can run windows simultaneously on it if I feel the need. I much prefer it to the thinkpad I had before, which I endearingly termed my stinkpad. I head to college Saturday so I have to get ready for all that stuff and brace myself for band camp...

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I got a macbook from my school yesterday. It's pretty sweet! And I can run windows simultaneously on it if I feel the need. I much prefer it to the thinkpad I had before, which I endearingly termed my stinkpad. I head to college Saturday so I have to get ready for all that stuff and brace myself for band camp...

Glad to hear that you got a Macbook! Whoo Hoo!!!

Windows... those are the things you look out of. :lol:

No need for those on a Mac! Especially with the iWork program. It runs all those plus more. :D


Good luck in school. Band camp... hopefully it is a short and warm season.

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I got a macbook from my school yesterday. It's pretty sweet! And I can run windows simultaneously on it if I feel the need. I much prefer it to the thinkpad I had before, which I endearingly termed my stinkpad. I head to college Saturday so I have to get ready for all that stuff and brace myself for band camp...

I strongly suggest simply wearing a swimsuit when you move in, and making sure you pack everything in plastic. Your weather forecast isn't looking pretty.

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Ugh, yea I know. Most of my stuff is plastic containers/bags already anyway. I'm hoping we can park in front of the doors of the place because they have an awning over the entrance.


Oh yea about that video I was going to post, it's somehow more annoying than I thought to get a video down to a 2 MB size. So I'll get to it when I can. Meanwhile I'm packing up then going right into band camp *sigh*. I'm kind of nervous (I usually am) but I will just try my best.

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Ugh, yea I know. Most of my stuff is plastic containers/bags already anyway. I'm hoping we can park in front of the doors of the place because they have an awning over the entrance.


Oh yea about that video I was going to post, it's somehow more annoying than I thought to get a video down to a 2 MB size. So I'll get to it when I can. Meanwhile I'm packing up then going right into band camp *sigh*. I'm kind of nervous (I usually am) but I will just try my best.

I'm sure you'll do great; you always do. :rolleyes: How was moving in?

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Ugh, yea I know. Most of my stuff is plastic containers/bags already anyway. I'm hoping we can park in front of the doors of the place because they have an awning over the entrance.


Oh yea about that video I was going to post, it's somehow more annoying than I thought to get a video down to a 2 MB size. So I'll get to it when I can. Meanwhile I'm packing up then going right into band camp *sigh*. I'm kind of nervous (I usually am) but I will just try my best.

Hope moving in was easier than expected and without rain.


I will ask HampsterKing to increase the size for video uploads.


As for band camp... you always to a great job. No need to worry as you will be fantastic!!!

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Okay sorry for falling off the grid. But I bring good news: I survived band camp! Thanks for your faith in me JF. The weather during the week was great, I don't think it ever hit 90º. Still got enough sun to get burns, but it happens.


The moving in question reminded me of a fun story. We walked in and my whole apartment smelled like gas. We ventilated the place and had public safety send a guy up to restore the gas stove, which had its pilot lights out. Then dad taught me how to check and replace the lights on my own so now I won't get murdered by my stove. :) I don't think it rained that much when we got there. So some stuff was wet but no damage was done.


Anyway it's a nice place. I was worried it'd be literally a simple box for a studio but I was surprised. You walk into the kitchen with an eat-in area, then there's a hall with lots of closets that goes to the main room (living/bedroom) and the bathroom. I have all my furniture set up now and it's a pretty nice space. I just hope people will bother coming over to enjoy it with me, haha. I'm 2 miles off campus, which is annoying but you can't win it all.


Anyway I'm going to find more ways to try to be productive or waste time. Classes start tomorrow but I just have one at night.

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Okay sorry for falling off the grid. But I bring good news: I survived band camp! Thanks for your faith in me JF. The weather during the week was great, I don't think it ever hit 90º. Still got enough sun to get burns, but it happens.


The moving in question reminded me of a fun story. We walked in and my whole apartment smelled like gas. We ventilated the place and had public safety send a guy up to restore the gas stove, which had its pilot lights out. Then dad taught me how to check and replace the lights on my own so now I won't get murdered by my stove. :) I don't think it rained that much when we got there. So some stuff was wet but no damage was done.


Anyway it's a nice place. I was worried it'd be literally a simple box for a studio but I was surprised. You walk into the kitchen with an eat-in area, then there's a hall with lots of closets that goes to the main room (living/bedroom) and the bathroom. I have all my furniture set up now and it's a pretty nice space. I just hope people will bother coming over to enjoy it with me, haha. I'm 2 miles off campus, which is annoying but you can't win it all.


Anyway I'm going to find more ways to try to be productive or waste time. Classes start tomorrow but I just have one at night.

Great news that band camp and the gas stove didn't kill you. You always do a great job and I knew that you would get through this as well. Just happy to hear that band camp is over.


As for the stove... you knew exactly what to do and that was ventilate the place. Now that your father has shown you the details, you are one step ahead and will keep yourself from getting hurt. Nice to know that you are pleased with your place. It is two miles off campus, but I am very certain you will have lots of friends visiting. This is going to be an exciting year for you and I am sure that you will be pleased with your ability to study and have friends over. You will love your new place. It will just take a little time for people to settle in and then you will have lots of visitors.


As Jesusfreak asked... driving yet?

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No I am not driving yet. Sometimes I regret not having a car, but it's ultimately my parents' position because they'd have to deal with my insurance the whole time and all that. I'm not too thrilled about the idea of driving yet anyway, to be honest. For now I can use the school shuttle or the public bus to get around. Or I can go by foot for a nice little 40-minute walk.


Classes so far have been pretty good. I have 4 maths + physics so the homework will be crazy. Then again, I won't have to worry about many long-term projects besides my thesis so that's a plus. Unless physics lab proves me wrong...that starts next week.


Besides that my heart has been on a rollercoaster about certain people that I don't have a chance with anyway. :rolleyes: It's stupid, I know. I talked with someone about it tonight and it helped...I need to admit to myself that some people don't love me back as much as I try to love them and I just need to stop trying to go all out for them. It will be hard though.

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Sounds like your classes will have you very busy. You will again be on the Dean's list. I have no doubts about this.


As for driving, you know what works best for you and it sounds like you have a good plan for this year.


Regarding matters of the heart... we all have loved someone who has not returned the love on our level. It doesn't make the pain any easier, but the right person is out there for you, it is the time that brings the frustration. Keep your eyes open, you will be happy when the special person appears in your life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fine I WILL poast moah! Sort of. Things have been busy (I always seem to say that lol). I'm finding more stuff to get involved in. My band program is looking for ways to help promote music hands-on so I hope we will be able to find ways to do that. Other than that it's been a bunch of math and music stuff basically.


I hate living so far from campus. Well 2 miles isn't that far, but the shuttle ride takes 30 mins cause of the route they made, and the walk is 40 minutes. When people decide to do stuff spontaneously I usually find out after the fact. I hope next year I can do school housing and get some place closer.

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I dunno, that seems a little tag-along ish but I could certainly try that the next time I have nothing to do.


Actually I'm having a dinner with my strings group tomorrow, so that's a start. :)


I thought about a bike, but I'm not sure I would like leaving it outside (pretty sure they wouldn't like me wheeling it through the lobby). I'm also worried about how I will handle a bike with a heavy backpack (think at least 2 standard math texbooks, with a few notebooks and a laptop).

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I dunno, that seems a little tag-along ish but I could certainly try that the next time I have nothing to do.


Actually I'm having a dinner with my strings group tomorrow, so that's a start. :)


I thought about a bike, but I'm not sure I would like leaving it outside (pretty sure they wouldn't like me wheeling it through the lobby). I'm also worried about how I will handle a bike with a heavy backpack (think at least 2 standard math texbooks, with a few notebooks and a laptop).

You get a bike lock and chain it to something outside. Also, invite them over to *your* place sometime. :rolleyes:

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I dunno, that seems a little tag-along ish but I could certainly try that the next time I have nothing to do.


Actually I'm having a dinner with my strings group tomorrow, so that's a start. :)


I thought about a bike, but I'm not sure I would like leaving it outside (pretty sure they wouldn't like me wheeling it through the lobby). I'm also worried about how I will handle a bike with a heavy backpack (think at least 2 standard math texbooks, with a few notebooks and a laptop).

You get a bike lock and chain it to something outside. Also, invite them over to *your* place sometime. :rolleyes:

Great advice.

Texting is such an easy way to stay in touch. It is actually much easier than picking up the phone. Definitely not tagging along, but just staying in touch.


The bike with a backpack might take about five minutes of getting used to. Once you have the straps adjusted to where the backpack fits you properly, then the backpack becomes a non-event. You feel the weight, but then you forget about it. This is very similar to having a backpack on my motorcycle. I had to make sure that it didn't slide around across my back. Once I adjusted the straps, it took about five minutes because of the weight, then I forgot about it.


Mathematics textbooks seem to be about five times thicker than every other course. :lol:

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Mathematics textbooks seem to be about five times thicker than every other course. :lol:


Clearly, you've never had science textbooks. :rolleyes:

Yes, I have had lots of science textbooks and the accompanying lab book. It always seemed like my statistics, calculus, etc. books were massive. Of course, now that I think of it the psychology books were just as large. But then I have a friend who thought law school books were the worst. LOL

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  • 1 month later...

So as SOMEONE here already knows, I've been accepted into graduate studies at my current school for computer science. And I also find out I should be able to get all the prereqs done before fall. W00tcakes!

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So as SOMEONE here already knows, I've been accepted into graduate studies at my current school for computer science. And I also find out I should be able to get all the prereqs done before fall. W00tcakes!

Jesse... You rock!!!

Congratulations!!!!! You are the most awesomest!!!!!

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:) I can also do school housing again. Provided I can find a roommate for next year (there will be no singles). Fingers crossed on that...why does my social life have to be so awkward? :rolleyes:
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:) I can also do school housing again. Provided I can find a roommate for next year (there will be no singles). Fingers crossed on that...why does my social life have to be so awkward? :rolleyes:

I'm certain you will find a roommate. How soon do you have to let them know?

Social life always seems to be awkward. Yours will smooth out soon. It seems like you are on a phenomenal track.

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The housing process starts in the spring (it ends just before April) so it's actually a little ways down the road. Hopefully there will be room for me in the picture when that time comes around. I hope I will have cool people to room with, and one of the places that are much closer to campus than the current place I'm in.

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The housing process starts in the spring (it ends just before April) so it's actually a little ways down the road. Hopefully there will be room for me in the picture when that time comes around. I hope I will have cool people to room with, and one of the places that are much closer to campus than the current place I'm in.

You are looking now, so I think this will work out for you. Closer would be very, very nice.

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  • 2 months later...

My goodness, it sure has been a while.


So...it hasn't been a very good senior year so far. I went out for my band fraternity this semester but didn't get accepted, and I will never fully know why. Since I'm graduating this year this was my last shot at it. That is on top of a friend refusing my christmas present, blocking me on AIM, and me watching the friendship crumble over winter break, which I at least partially blame myself for. So, whatever self-esteem I had left after that, went out the window.


I'm TRYING to fight back, for instance I'm a DJ for the student-run radio station now, and I'm running the activity committee for band and stuff. But the stuff above keeps coming back to haunt me. And I feel like I'm not being good to my sister because she watches me have emotional breakdowns and whatnot. She's stronger than I am...she's gotten into the fraternity, makes friends easily, and is a good leader. I feel like I'm just bringing her down.

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*gives Jesse a hug*


I know this is easier said than done, but please do not be hard on yourself. You don't need to blame yourself, even partially. Watching your friendship crumble, hurts so much. Not being accepted into the fraternity was a blow, but when these things happen, there is always something better that comes along. Keep looking forward as you are doing. Being the DJ for the radio station is great!!! Congratulations!!! That is a great start. Running the activity committee for band should keep you busy and I am certain you will meet new friends.


Your sister knows that you are a terrific brother and I'm certain she is experiencing your pain. Don't think you are not being good to her or that you are bringing her down. Again you are being too hard on yourself. I truly believe that your sister loves you and hurts when you do.


As for things coming back to haunt you, try not to let this happen. You are too good for this. As much as you can, put it behind you and when the past surfaces, do something to get it out of your mind. Moving on is very difficult, but I do believe you are a strong person and will succeed. Look at your achievements and feel good about all that you have accomplished. If I was you, with your strong math background, your ability to create games, I would be sending a resume to Pixar. The combination of your skills is what they are looking for. I have a friend out there who works for Google and he has told me about the job situation and people are hiring. You could finish your masters in California. And probably on a scholarship, although the companies are paying so much that you wouldn't need the money.


Anyway, please know that we love you Jesse. We feel the pain you are going through and hope that you will know that we are always here for you. I do promise, things will get better.

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Jesse, don't let the friend thing bug you. Anyone who blocks you on aim without giving you an explanation isn't worth your time, and definitely isn't worth stressing over. It's their loss. As for the emotional breakdown thing, you can always come talk to me online, here or elsewhere. And don't lose sleep over the band frat thing either. In a few years, I doubt anyone's going to care if you were in a band frat or not. You are a talented and accomplished person, and have nothing to be ashamed of.

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Jesse, don't let the friend thing bug you. Anyone who blocks you on aim without giving you an explanation isn't worth your time, and definitely isn't worth stressing over. It's their loss. As for the emotional breakdown thing, you can always come talk to me online, here or elsewhere. And don't lose sleep over the band frat thing either. In a few years, I doubt anyone's going to care if you were in a band frat or not. You are a talented and accomplished person, and have nothing to be ashamed of.

Excellent points! I agree with Jesusfreak!

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awww thanks everyone. Soo I gots a roommate for next year :) Actually I hooked up with two people and had to tell one of them no, which I hated doing. :unsure: But there are no 3-person apartments at my school (it's 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8...but not three :rolleyes: ). I think the roommate I picked will be a great guy to room with. He's easy to hang out with and stuff, and works hard but isn't too wound up either. Hopefully the guy I told no will find a good person too. Time for class, later everyone.


BTW I'm not using facebook and that stuff for lent. In case anyone cared, haha.

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awww thanks everyone. Soo I gots a roommate for next year :) Actually I hooked up with two people and had to tell one of them no, which I hated doing. :unsure: But there are no 3-person apartments at my school (it's 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8...but not three :rolleyes: ). I think the roommate I picked will be a great guy to room with. He's easy to hang out with and stuff, and works hard but isn't too wound up either. Hopefully the guy I told no will find a good person too. Time for class, later everyone.


BTW I'm not using facebook and that stuff for lent. In case anyone cared, haha.

Of course we care!!!!! We will miss you when you disappear for Lent.


What great news that you have found a terrific roommate. I am really, really happy for you. It must have been difficult to tell the other guy that you couldn't room with him. Do you think you could find a fourth and have him room with you or do you just prefer two? I know that you probably struggled with your decision, but I am sure that you did what is best for you. This is excellent news. :D Thanks Jesse!

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Nah this message board isn't part of the lent haha. It's mainly to stop seeing friend above on that stuff through a glass window and feeling regret. It's also just to help myself be more independent of that stuff so I don't take it too seriously.

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Nah this message board isn't part of the lent haha. It's mainly to stop seeing friend above on that stuff through a glass window and feeling regret. It's also just to help myself be more independent of that stuff so I don't take it too seriously.

That sounds like a really great idea and I am certain it will work well. Always remember this, you are too good to allow someone else to make you feel bad. The control over your feelings must be yours alone. You did nothing wrong and you are allowing this person to make you feel bad and you definitely should not give him this control. He is the one acting like a child. You are a really terrific person and one day he will regret that he treated you this way.


I'm glad we will still be able to have contact with you.


Are you getting your portfolio ready to apply for Pixar? You are one of a very few talented people. Pixar is looking for people who excel at math and have the ability to write games. You are both! Get your portfolio ready as I have a friend who can help open the door for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why thank you *bows*


My midterm grades are kind of disgusting. Well they're all B or above, but this time most of them are B's instead of A's. Maybe the stuff I posted above is having an impact. It's hard to say. I was hoping to keep my GPA above 3.8...we'll see what happens.

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Why thank you *bows*


My midterm grades are kind of disgusting. Well they're all B or above, but this time most of them are B's instead of A's. Maybe the stuff I posted above is having an impact. It's hard to say. I was hoping to keep my GPA above 3.8...we'll see what happens.

You are not giving yourself enough credit. The courses you are taking are extremely difficult. B's are good. I do understand you want a 3.8, and I am certain you will get there, but please do not be too hard on yourself because you have some B's.


You are doing great!!! :)

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B's are still pretty good, don't stress too much. Also, at my school at least, 3.75 and above is summa #### laude, so that's something to think about. (My gpa is like 3.69 or something like that)

Jesusfreak, that's wonderful!

*round of applause*

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Ah, that makes sense then. Still, don't go too crazy. GPA is important, but not *that* important, at least not for most jobs.

I agree. No one asks what your grades were when you apply. Perhaps if it was a certain position where the grades were the deciding point, but I have never heard of that. Jesse, your grades are outstanding and the combination of your skills would get you an annual starting salary of over $300,000. You are doing extremely well and should be proud of yourself.

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  • 1 month later...

So I graduated today. :) It was a nice day overall. A bit warm (my face got a bit of sun burn), but at least the weather was on the nice side, and it was nice to see a few people off.


So my final grades aren't too shabby this semester. It was my worst semester in terms of grades but whatever. I still had my cumulative over 3.9 anyway, so I'm happy with that haha.


I get to keep my radio show next year, and I will stay involved with band and choir stuff. It's tough because graduating early kind of messed things up (band frat, section leader, etc.) but I hope new opportunities will arise. I'm excited about my rooming situation next year, and I'm next door to my sister which is cool.

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Graduating early might have messed up a few things, but you will still be there and working on even more exciting courses! I think you will enjoy graduate school and you will see that new opportunities opening up. Glad to hear your sister will be close by.


Please do not give time to the thoughts that you might have missed something. I truly believe you will be much happier now that you have moved on to the next level. Also, I hope you start building a portfolio of your achievements in game design. There are lots of employment opportunities and I can give you some contacts that will open doors for you, if you are so inclined. There is a very, very small group of people who excel at math AND game design and there are lucrative jobs for someone such as yourself. The starting salaries are phenomenal and you would be with like minded people.


Now, go out and enjoy the summer. Please post a picture of you in your graduation gear. We would really love to see you in your cap and gown!


Let us know how things are going for you. Again, congratulations, you did great!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys. Right now I'm learning spanish (my mom got free rosetta stone accounts!), and I'm taking a flash class until July which is pretty fun. I applied for an internship but I haven't heard anything back yet, but at least I have work lined up for the fall.

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Thanks guys. Right now I'm learning spanish (my mom got free rosetta stone accounts!), and I'm taking a flash class until July which is pretty fun. I applied for an internship but I haven't heard anything back yet, but at least I have work lined up for the fall.

Free Rosetta Stone accounts!!!!!! I'm jealous!!!!!! You will pick up Spanish fast as you excelled at French. How is that going? The flash class must not only be fun, but really interesting. Good luck with the internship, I hope you get it.


Nothing much to report here, it is getting to be warm, which is always my favorite time of the year.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I finally decided to check and give the boards a visit. Thanks for the birthday wishes last year :P


Wow it feels like forever ago since I've been here, in a different life. Grad school has opened my world to so many different programming languages and so many places in the world of computers. Operating systems, networking, web development, and of course game design.


I presented my master's project about two weeks ago. I was nervous at first but after that I had a lot of fun - I had two of my professors come up and play the game together and watching them have fun (even if they got a game over twice) made my day. I'm still waiting for the grade (documentation is always the scary part, I don't know if it was complete enough) but otherwise I am completely done with school and have started job hunting. So it seems once again my life is about to change.


What else...oh, I started my first relationship in January. He is from new jersey and is so wonderful to me...he lives kind of in a ghetto area, and has for a while, so it has taken some adjusting on my end to the things he says or does, just as he has to adjust to me. But of course being different from each other is not necessarily a bad thing, and so far it's working out.


Sometimes I think about these boards, and my own message boards I ran in middle school. I still can't believe how much of a jerk I was to some people (Lauren) and I just wish I could apologize. It is so weird to think I used to be a homophobe, that I was such a hypocrite that I convinced myself I was straight and just having "urges". And how I used to think I knew everything, especially as a board administrator.


And today? I still might not know much more, but I do know better than before. I know better than to waste time judging others and pushing them away. I know that, despite what I thought up through freshman year of college, I DO need other people. I know that there are christians like me that do not see conflicts with things like homosexuality, that accept people as they are instead of giving a wag of the finger.


Well that's all. I have no idea how deserted this place is so...


*tumbleweed rolls across screen*

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Hm my signature with my huge award cabinet seems to have dissapeared. Maybe I'll dust around and find it someplace.

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Oh, my signature is there. Are signatures not allowed on this board? I also can't edit my posts (wait, was that ever an option here?)

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For a mintue I was wondering where all the signatures went...then I realized that I wasn't logged in so they weren't appearing orz I'm smart!

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Hey Jesse!

Yeah, the boards had been for the most part abandoned at one point. For a good while it was just me and Horatio, swapping life updates. Lately, people have been showing up, and it's been great hearing what everyone's been up to. It's always interesting, reflecting back on what we were earlier on and to see how we've grown and realize we're continuing to learn. Also, I've apparently lost track of time, since I didn't realize about two years have passed since you'd last posted. :lol:

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If you think you are able to miss two years, just think what happens when you are much older... time flies and all you know is that it is Christmas again. Sort of like the movie Ground Hog Day, except you are placing a year between each day.

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Yay job hunting. Just got a "we haven't forgotten about you" email from the guys I interviewed last week. Apparently they're waiting for higher ups to let them to...something. So I still don't know about that job yet. :wacko: I also applied to a few other places so we'll see what happens.


Oh yea I graduated this past weekend. ^_^ Or re-graduated if that makes more sense. My sister also graduated. So now she's on to grad school and I'm on to the scariness of the real world.

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So, do we start calling you Doctor? CONGRATULATIONS on graduating to both you and your sister! You have worked so very, very, hard and accomplished so very much! I am really proud of you!


Good luck on your job search, I am sure you will hear something soon!

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  • 6 years later...

Looking at this topic, it would feel weird to let it sit on a cliffhanger, despite it being six years ago... :P So yes I did get the job, have had it ever since, and I like it a lot. If nothing else, I like my coworkers, we are a pretty tight bunch and have each other's backs. I can't believe it's been almost 6 years already.


How do you efficiently wrap up events in 6 years? A really fun wedding (with an escape room and drag queen show to boot), a house purchase, getting two cats, playing lots of board games, creating songs and custom Tomb Raider levels. It has taken many ups and downs to get to this point, but I like the direction my life is headed.

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Jesse, your life update sounds incredible!! Congratulations on absolutely everything! The great job, your marriage, the house purchase, and everything else along the way. I am thrilled to hear that you are still creating songs.


Yes, life does give you ups and downs, but the downs made the ups do much better. Overall, it is great news to hear that you are happy with the direction of your life.


Did you complete your doctorate? Are we going to have to call you Dr. Jesse now?

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