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Jesse's topic


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Okay, by request, I'm making a topic about...me. Yay? ^_^


Hmm what's going on? Well on saturday I went to my first marching band competition. It was kind of fun, actually, and to make it more interesting a huge raincloud stormed on us for a few minutes, making us all huddle together and getting our uniforms soaked just before our show.


Today I'm going to an orthodontist appointment after school. -_- But there are only a few more months left in the teeth-perfecting process. :)


That's all for now. I have to eat breakfast and, well, go to school. :P See you all later.

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Yay! A Jesse topic! ^_^

Thanks to you and your ingenuity!!! :D

Nuh-uh. Jesse started it himself a looooooooooong time ago. It's just that his topic got so old on the old boards that it fell off the edge of cyberspace. :rolleyes:


*finds another reason to bake cookies for Jesusfreak* :lol:

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Yay! A Jesse topic! ^_^

Thanks to you and your ingenuity!!! :D

Nuh-uh. Jesse started it himself a looooooooooong time ago. It's just that his topic got so old on the old boards that it fell off the edge of cyberspace. :rolleyes:


*finds another reason to bake cookies for Jesusfreak* :lol:

Cookies? Where is Jesse anyways? :huh:

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Yay! A Jesse topic! ^_^

Thanks to you and your ingenuity!!! :D

Nuh-uh. Jesse started it himself a looooooooooong time ago. It's just that his topic got so old on the old boards that it fell off the edge of cyberspace. :rolleyes:


*finds another reason to bake cookies for Jesusfreak* :lol:

Cookies? Where is Jesse anyways? :huh:

Probably studying. :lol: Something I should be doing. :rolleyes:

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Yay! A Jesse topic! ^_^

Thanks to you and your ingenuity!!! :D

Nuh-uh. Jesse started it himself a looooooooooong time ago. It's just that his topic got so old on the old boards that it fell off the edge of cyberspace. :rolleyes:


*finds another reason to bake cookies for Jesusfreak* :lol:

Cookies? Where is Jesse anyways? :huh:

Probably studying. :lol: Something I should be doing. :rolleyes:

lol join the club. I've got lots of physics to do. Night classes should be illegal for residents.

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Yay! A Jesse topic! ^_^

Thanks to you and your ingenuity!!! :D

Nuh-uh. Jesse started it himself a looooooooooong time ago. It's just that his topic got so old on the old boards that it fell off the edge of cyberspace. :rolleyes:


*finds another reason to bake cookies for Jesusfreak* :lol:

Cookies? Where is Jesse anyways? :huh:

Probably studying. :lol: Something I should be doing. :rolleyes:

lol join the club. I've got lots of physics to do. Night classes should be illegal for residents.

My thinking is... if you are a resident, you should not have to study, go to classes, you should just be given a passing grade and enjoy four years getting to know your new life. LOL

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To show you what I've been up to, here is a modified version of my character Luke from my Tomb Raider level. I changed the head so the snout is smaller and the eyes are rounded out. How does this look?


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Oh yeah, I just applied for university. Yay! Now I just need to get the transcript and letters of recommendation sent off tomorrow.


I should know whether I'm accepted or not around October 15.

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Yay! A Jesse topic! ^_^

Thanks to you and your ingenuity!!! :D

Nuh-uh. Jesse started it himself a looooooooooong time ago. It's just that his topic got so old on the old boards that it fell off the edge of cyberspace. :rolleyes:


*finds another reason to bake cookies for Jesusfreak* :lol:

Cookies? Where is Jesse anyways? :huh:

Probably studying. :lol: Something I should be doing. :rolleyes:

lol join the club. I've got lots of physics to do. Night classes should be illegal for residents.

My thinking is... if you are a resident, you should not have to study, go to classes, you should just be given a passing grade and enjoy four years getting to know your new life. LOL

lol that would be nice, but I do need to learn somethings before I can teach a physics class on my own. :)

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Jesse... That is even better than before! You really are fantastic at your graphics!!!


Jesse... Good luck with your application! We will all say a prayer for you and hope to hear the great news after October 15th.


Jesusfreak... Teach a physics class??????????????????????


You must be a genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh yeah, I just applied for university. Yay! Now I just need to get the transcript and letters of recommendation sent off tomorrow.


I should know whether I'm accepted or not around October 15.

Awesome! Where did you apply? And so early too! As for Luke, he looks good! I suggest making the head a bit bigger and a slightly longer neck. He looks a bit suffocated. :unsure::P


And yeah...physics....not an easy subject, but it's fun though. :)

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Ack, everyone in the family is coming over today. In a half hour. :wacko: It's always awkward because I never have much to talk about, and yet the adults always find stuff to talk about. Which means I sit there and listen most of the time. -_- It's not too bad though.

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Ack, everyone in the family is coming over today. In a half hour. :wacko: It's always awkward because I never have much to talk about, and yet the adults always find stuff to talk about. Which means I sit there and listen most of the time. -_- It's not too bad though.

Sometimes it is just boring. :lol:



Physics is a really cool subject. I loved studying physics.

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Awesome! Where did you apply? And so early too! As for Luke, he looks good! I suggest making the head a bit bigger and a slightly longer neck. He looks a bit suffocated. :unsure::P


And yeah...physics....not an easy subject, but it's fun though. :)


Whoops, I actually overlooked the neck! :unsure: Thanks for the suggestions.


Am I allowed to say where I applied? Well obviously Horatio well remove this if not: Sacred Heart University. They have several locations (it's even multi-national) so it seems okay to me. And yeah it is very early, which I like because I'll have the rest of the senior year to "rebound" if I don't make it, and if I do make it, then I'll have the rest of senior year to focus on high school and not worry that much about university stuff until the end. ^_^


I too enjoy physics and I look forward to when I take it as part of my math major. :)

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Okay, how's this? I can't really form an opinion on it because I'm not used to the fact that Luke actually has a neck... :P

lol better. :) I've heard of sacred heart, but I don't know where it is....Oh well. :rolleyes: How did your family visit go?


It was good. Well, it's the only place we've visited so I can't compare it to anything else :P But the fact that we didn't want to visit any more schools afterward, should give an idea of our impression of the university. The resources it has are spectacular - laptops handed out every two years to all students, wireless communication all around the campus, battery replacement desks and stuff like that impressed me. They also allow honors freshmen to avoid the freshman dorm rooms and take a suite-style room instead, where the sophomores go. Oh yeah, housing is garunteed four years. The juniors get to have appartment-style places, and the seniors live in townhouses a mile or two away from campus.


And NO LECTURE HALL CLASSES! ^_^ The maximum is 35 students to a class. I think. :huh: And there's lots of activities and stuff, there's something happening maybe every day.


So I'm looking foward to it. *nods*


About Luke: I'm going to shorten the neck alittle, it just seems too big the more I look at it. :wacko: Maybe make it half the size. I'll post the results since I don't have much else to do right now.

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Okay, how's this? I can't really form an opinion on it because I'm not used to the fact that Luke actually has a neck... :P

lol better. :) I've heard of sacred heart, but I don't know where it is....Oh well. :rolleyes: How did your family visit go?


It was good. Well, it's the only place we've visited so I can't compare it to anything else :P But the fact that we didn't want to visit any more schools afterward, should give an idea of our impression of the university. The resources it has are spectacular - laptops handed out every two years to all students, wireless communication all around the campus, battery replacement desks and stuff like that impressed me. They also allow honors freshmen to avoid the freshman dorm rooms and take a suite-style room instead, where the sophomores go. Oh yeah, housing is garunteed four years. The juniors get to have appartment-style places, and the seniors live in townhouses a mile or two away from campus.


And NO LECTURE HALL CLASSES! ^_^ The maximum is 35 students to a class. I think. :huh: And there's lots of activities and stuff, there's something happening maybe every day.


So I'm looking foward to it. *nods*


About Luke: I'm going to shorten the neck alittle, it just seems too big the more I look at it. :wacko: Maybe make it half the size. I'll post the results since I don't have much else to do right now.

Glad to hear you like the school. That is really, really important. Everything about it sounds fantastic.


As for Luke, I can't wait to see the new drawings. :D

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Okay, how's this? I can't really form an opinion on it because I'm not used to the fact that Luke actually has a neck... :P

lol better. :) I've heard of sacred heart, but I don't know where it is....Oh well. :rolleyes: How did your family visit go?


It was good. Well, it's the only place we've visited so I can't compare it to anything else :P But the fact that we didn't want to visit any more schools afterward, should give an idea of our impression of the university. The resources it has are spectacular - laptops handed out every two years to all students, wireless communication all around the campus, battery replacement desks and stuff like that impressed me. They also allow honors freshmen to avoid the freshman dorm rooms and take a suite-style room instead, where the sophomores go. Oh yeah, housing is garunteed four years. The juniors get to have appartment-style places, and the seniors live in townhouses a mile or two away from campus.


And NO LECTURE HALL CLASSES! ^_^ The maximum is 35 students to a class. I think. :huh: And there's lots of activities and stuff, there's something happening maybe every day.


So I'm looking foward to it. *nods*


About Luke: I'm going to shorten the neck alittle, it just seems too big the more I look at it. :wacko: Maybe make it half the size. I'll post the results since I don't have much else to do right now.

That sounds awesome! ^_^ And I was going to suggest shortening the neck a bit too, but I didn't want to nag at you. :blush:

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That sounds awesome! ^_^ And I was going to suggest shortening the neck a bit too, but I didn't want to nag at you. :blush:


Don't worry about being naggy. :) I need the peer editing, so to speak. How Luke looks to me is a biased opinion because I'm the one doing the changes. I need other people to see if things look practical or not (well, as practical as a character like this can get :P )


Here is the current Luke. I made the neck smaller and I edited the furs sticking out the sides and back of his head (although that is a bit hard to see in this screenshot).


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That sounds awesome! ^_^ And I was going to suggest shortening the neck a bit too, but I didn't want to nag at you. :blush:


Don't worry about being naggy. :) I need the peer editing, so to speak. How Luke looks to me is a biased opinion because I'm the one doing the changes. I need other people to see if things look practical or not (well, as practical as a character like this can get :P )


Here is the current Luke. I made the neck smaller and I edited the furs sticking out the sides and back of his head (although that is a bit hard to see in this screenshot).

I like him! Personally I like the shorter neck.

*hands Jesse some mango micicles*

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That sounds awesome! ^_^ And I was going to suggest shortening the neck a bit too, but I didn't want to nag at you. :blush:


Don't worry about being naggy. :) I need the peer editing, so to speak. How Luke looks to me is a biased opinion because I'm the one doing the changes. I need other people to see if things look practical or not (well, as practical as a character like this can get :P )


Here is the current Luke. I made the neck smaller and I edited the furs sticking out the sides and back of his head (although that is a bit hard to see in this screenshot).

Beautiful! That, is the perfect neck size. IMHO.

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That sounds awesome! ^_^ And I was going to suggest shortening the neck a bit too, but I didn't want to nag at you. :blush:


Don't worry about being naggy. :) I need the peer editing, so to speak. How Luke looks to me is a biased opinion because I'm the one doing the changes. I need other people to see if things look practical or not (well, as practical as a character like this can get :P )


Here is the current Luke. I made the neck smaller and I edited the furs sticking out the sides and back of his head (although that is a bit hard to see in this screenshot).

That looks very nice. :) Now it looks like he can breathe, but he doesn't have any giraffe DNA mixed into his genes. :rolleyes:

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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Unless your math team was going to celebrate for him. LOL

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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. :rolleyes:

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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. :rolleyes:

What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...?

In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet.


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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. :rolleyes:

What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...?

In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet.


I prefer lemon and lime bars. ^.^

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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. :rolleyes:

What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...?

In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet.


I prefer lemon and lime bars. ^.^

Lemon and lime bars??? Ohhhh, those sound so good. Who makes the best one and where do you find them?

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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. :rolleyes:

What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...?

In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet.


I prefer lemon and lime bars. ^.^

Lemon and lime bars??? Ohhhh, those sound so good. Who makes the best one and where do you find them?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Horatio, if you ever go to England, I recomend you try two things: Jelly Babies and Cadbury Flakes.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domien*~*

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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. :rolleyes:

What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...?

In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet.


I prefer lemon and lime bars. ^.^

Lemon and lime bars??? Ohhhh, those sound so good. Who makes the best one and where do you find them?

krusteaz. 'O' they come in a white box in a grocery store. I'm not sure if they wold be in florida or something. You might hve to come all the way to maryland! But then again, you do go up to ny just for a bagel...

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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. :rolleyes:

What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...?

In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet.


I prefer lemon and lime bars. ^.^

Lemon and lime bars??? Ohhhh, those sound so good. Who makes the best one and where do you find them?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Horatio, if you ever go to England, I recomend you try two things: Jelly Babies and Cadbury Flakes.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domien*~*

Writes this down in my special book.

Thank you!

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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. :rolleyes:

What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...?

In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet.


I prefer lemon and lime bars. ^.^

Lemon and lime bars??? Ohhhh, those sound so good. Who makes the best one and where do you find them?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Horatio, if you ever go to England, I recomend you try two things: Jelly Babies and Cadbury Flakes.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domien*~*

Writes this down in my special book.

Thank you!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cy=ut*~*


Hey, what happend to the Madiason Square Garden pic you were gonna show me?


i should ask my mom if I can visit Heaven The Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.


*~*the Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~&*

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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. :rolleyes:

What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...?

In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet.


I prefer lemon and lime bars. ^.^

Lemon and lime bars??? Ohhhh, those sound so good. Who makes the best one and where do you find them?

krusteaz. 'O' they come in a white box in a grocery store. I'm not sure if they wold be in florida or something. You might hve to come all the way to maryland! But then again, you do go up to ny just for a bagel...

Right now Maryland is having some flooding problems, so I will wait. But believe me, I will come to Maryland for some of these cookies. LOL

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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. :rolleyes:

What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...?

In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet.


I prefer lemon and lime bars. ^.^

Lemon and lime bars??? Ohhhh, those sound so good. Who makes the best one and where do you find them?

krusteaz. 'O' they come in a white box in a grocery store. I'm not sure if they wold be in florida or something. You might hve to come all the way to maryland! But then again, you do go up to ny just for a bagel...

Right now Maryland is having some flooding problems, so I will wait. But believe me, I will come to Maryland for some of these cookies. LOL

Not exactly cookies. But soft bars, and you out powdered sugar on top. Yummeh. ^.^

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13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. :rolleyes:

What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...?

In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet.


I prefer lemon and lime bars. ^.^

Lemon and lime bars??? Ohhhh, those sound so good. Who makes the best one and where do you find them?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Horatio, if you ever go to England, I recomend you try two things: Jelly Babies and Cadbury Flakes.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domien*~*

Writes this down in my special book.

Thank you!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cy=ut*~*


Hey, what happend to the Madiason Square Garden pic you were gonna show me?


i should ask my mom if I can visit Heaven The Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.


*~*the Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~&*

I thought I posted it, but if I didn't, it is gone now. It disappeared when they changed my hard drive. :(


13 more days until I get news about the university stuff :D Oct. 17th is the date.

^_^ You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. :) That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something...


Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. :P Not that he would care much.

Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. :rolleyes:

What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...?

In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet.


I prefer lemon and lime bars. ^.^

Lemon and lime bars??? Ohhhh, those sound so good. Who makes the best one and where do you find them?

krusteaz. 'O' they come in a white box in a grocery store. I'm not sure if they wold be in florida or something. You might hve to come all the way to maryland! But then again, you do go up to ny just for a bagel...

Right now Maryland is having some flooding problems, so I will wait. But believe me, I will come to Maryland for some of these cookies. LOL

Not exactly cookies. But soft bars, and you out powdered sugar on top. Yummeh. ^.^

I have entered the name and description in my special book, right next to Mushroom_king's suggestion.

Thank you sir!

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Takes Candy* *Thinks I should be more resourcful with them besides the Meat Grinder* *Throws them at Arkcher*


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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My dad is a mechanical engineer (even though his degree is in aerospace :rolleyes: ) Yeah, dad likes sour things, like those sour Altoids candies. We usually make a lemon birthday cake for him, and mom adds extra lemon joice to the mix. It's really good! ^_^

That is sooooo cool!!! There are lots of aerospace folks in this area. (Cape Canaveral). It is great to listen to the talk about cool toys. After all when you get to send rockets into space, everything else must be a let down. :lol:

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My dad is a mechanical engineer (even though his degree is in aerospace :rolleyes: ) Yeah, dad likes sour things, like those sour Altoids candies. We usually make a lemon birthday cake for him, and mom adds extra lemon joice to the mix. It's really good! ^_^

really good cake = lemon jello poke cake. You make a yellow cake, any brand, really. When it is done, you poke a bunch of holes in the top with a fork, and pour lemon jello over it. let it soak in, and put it in the fridge overnight. Next morning, put whipped cream on top. SO GOOD!

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My dad is a mechanical engineer (even though his degree is in aerospace :rolleyes: ) Yeah, dad likes sour things, like those sour Altoids candies. We usually make a lemon birthday cake for him, and mom adds extra lemon joice to the mix. It's really good! ^_^

really good cake = lemon jello poke cake. You make a yellow cake, any brand, really. When it is done, you poke a bunch of holes in the top with a fork, and pour lemon jello over it. let it soak in, and put it in the fridge overnight. Next morning, put whipped cream on top. SO GOOD!

This cake is for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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My dad is a mechanical engineer (even though his degree is in aerospace :rolleyes: ) Yeah, dad likes sour things, like those sour Altoids candies. We usually make a lemon birthday cake for him, and mom adds extra lemon joice to the mix. It's really good! ^_^

really good cake = lemon jello poke cake. You make a yellow cake, any brand, really. When it is done, you poke a bunch of holes in the top with a fork, and pour lemon jello over it. let it soak in, and put it in the fridge overnight. Next morning, put whipped cream on top. SO GOOD!

This cake is for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

the cake i use is duncan hynes yellow. ;)

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My dad is a mechanical engineer (even though his degree is in aerospace :rolleyes: ) Yeah, dad likes sour things, like those sour Altoids candies. We usually make a lemon birthday cake for him, and mom adds extra lemon joice to the mix. It's really good! ^_^

really good cake = lemon jello poke cake. You make a yellow cake, any brand, really. When it is done, you poke a bunch of holes in the top with a fork, and pour lemon jello over it. let it soak in, and put it in the fridge overnight. Next morning, put whipped cream on top. SO GOOD!

This cake is for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

the cake i use is duncan hynes yellow. ;)

Yummmmmmmmm! Good one!!!

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My dad is a mechanical engineer (even though his degree is in aerospace :rolleyes: ) Yeah, dad likes sour things, like those sour Altoids candies. We usually make a lemon birthday cake for him, and mom adds extra lemon joice to the mix. It's really good! ^_^

really good cake = lemon jello poke cake. You make a yellow cake, any brand, really. When it is done, you poke a bunch of holes in the top with a fork, and pour lemon jello over it. let it soak in, and put it in the fridge overnight. Next morning, put whipped cream on top. SO GOOD!

That sounds really good! I guess you could do that with any flavor of jellow and cake really. Chocolate cake and strawberry jello sounds really good.

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My dad is a mechanical engineer (even though his degree is in aerospace :rolleyes: ) Yeah, dad likes sour things, like those sour Altoids candies. We usually make a lemon birthday cake for him, and mom adds extra lemon joice to the mix. It's really good! ^_^

really good cake = lemon jello poke cake. You make a yellow cake, any brand, really. When it is done, you poke a bunch of holes in the top with a fork, and pour lemon jello over it. let it soak in, and put it in the fridge overnight. Next morning, put whipped cream on top. SO GOOD!

That sounds really good! I guess you could do that with any flavor of jellow and cake really. Chocolate cake and strawberry jello sounds really good.

Okay... no more cake talk. LOL

All I have thought about was coconut cake, lemon cake, birthday cake, cake cake... LOL

How about switching the discussion to Squid or something that I have no desire to eat. :lol:

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*looks at cake discussion and blinks*


Anyway, 6 more days left until I know. And I've been very busy with marching band this week. :wacko: 3 rehearsal days in a row.

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How about micicles? This is Jesse's topic after all. Even if he doesn't post in it often enough *pokes Jesse* :rolleyes:

Jesse must have been reading your mind. He posted just before you. :lol:

How about cake micicles??? :P

lol nice. XD Apparently lots of marching bands have been busy this week. (most of my friends are/were in band)

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How about micicles? This is Jesse's topic after all. Even if he doesn't post in it often enough *pokes Jesse* :rolleyes:

Jesse must have been reading your mind. He posted just before you. :lol:

How about cake micicles??? :P


Cake micicles sound awesome! :D Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside.

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How about micicles? This is Jesse's topic after all. Even if he doesn't post in it often enough *pokes Jesse* :rolleyes:

Jesse must have been reading your mind. He posted just before you. :lol:

How about cake micicles??? :P


Cake micicles sound awesome! :D Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside.

Now we have a new birthday product for wolves!!!

All the marching bands are gearing up for the holiday parades!!!

*thinks Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with all those wonderful marching bands* :D

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How about micicles? This is Jesse's topic after all. Even if he doesn't post in it often enough *pokes Jesse* :rolleyes:

Jesse must have been reading your mind. He posted just before you. :lol:

How about cake micicles??? :P


Cake micicles sound awesome! :D Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside.

Now we have a new birthday product for wolves!!!

All the marching bands are gearing up for the holiday parades!!!

*thinks Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with all those wonderful marching bands* :D

I'd rather have plain cake instead of frozen cake-flavored mice. XP

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Well, I just recieved a letter from SHU and I got accepted! Yay. :D It makes me more nervous though...but I need to focus on senior year for now.


Oh yeah, at competition tonight our school placed 1st out of 2 schools in our class (class 5) and we got our first 1st place trophy in forever! ^_^ We got a score of 82.

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Well, I just recieved a letter from SHU and I got accepted! Yay. :D It makes me more nervous though...but I need to focus on senior year for now.


Oh yeah, at competition tonight our school placed 1st out of 2 schools in our class (class 5) and we got our first 1st place trophy in forever! ^_^ We got a score of 82.


Party time for Jesse's early acceptance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*bakes a very special micicle cake*



Now for the competition...


*bakes another special micicle cake*

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Congrats on everything! ^_^ I knew you'd get in. You should apply to Yale and Harvard. Just for fun. XD

Yale!!! :D

Yup. Yale has pretty good food. I went there for a chorus concert. :)

My father was the first hamster admitted to Yale. LOL

:lol: Nice. My cousin Mike went to Yale. Now he's somewhere in Brazil...

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Congrats on everything! ^_^ I knew you'd get in. You should apply to Yale and Harvard. Just for fun. XD


That would be fun :P Except it breaks the Early Decision contract I signed, as in "I will not apply for other colleges" etc. Although I'm not sure if that applies now that I've been accepted...hmm... :huh:


Either way, who knows...I might end up going to a place like Yale for my graduate studies. :blink: Right now I need a more local college so I'll do my undergrad studies there and then make a decision after that.

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Congrats on everything! ^_^ I knew you'd get in. You should apply to Yale and Harvard. Just for fun. XD


That would be fun :P Except it breaks the Early Decision contract I signed, as in "I will not apply for other colleges" etc. Although I'm not sure if that applies now that I've been accepted...hmm... :huh:


Either way, who knows...I might end up going to a place like Yale for my graduate studies. :blink: Right now I need a more local college so I'll do my undergrad studies there and then make a decision after that.

Makes sense. I considered applying to yale, but I decided I wanted to have a life outside of homework. And even here it's still tough. But then again my high school went easy on me.

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Congrats on everything! ^_^ I knew you'd get in. You should apply to Yale and Harvard. Just for fun. XD


That would be fun :P Except it breaks the Early Decision contract I signed, as in "I will not apply for other colleges" etc. Although I'm not sure if that applies now that I've been accepted...hmm... :huh:


Either way, who knows...I might end up going to a place like Yale for my graduate studies. :blink: Right now I need a more local college so I'll do my undergrad studies there and then make a decision after that.

Makes sense. I considered applying to yale, but I decided I wanted to have a life outside of homework. And even here it's still tough. But then again my high school went easy on me.

That is because you are a very intelligent person!!!

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

i'll duck-tape myself to the board :o:lol::blink:

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

i'll duck-tape myself to the board :o:lol::blink:

Quack, quack... do we need to feed you while you are taped to the board? LOL

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

i'll duck-tape myself to the board :o:lol::blink:

*goes to get duct tape* :rolleyes:

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

i'll duck-tape myself to the board :o:lol::blink:

*goes to get duct tape* :rolleyes:

What colour duct tape would you be using to tape the duck to the board.

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

i'll duck-tape myself to the board :o:lol::blink:

*goes to get duct tape* :rolleyes:

What colour duct tape would you be using to tape the duck to the board.

I only have the normal grey kind, but we can color it with sharpies. :rolleyes:

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

i'll duck-tape myself to the board :o:lol::blink:

*goes to get duct tape* :rolleyes:

What colour duct tape would you be using to tape the duck to the board.

I only have the normal grey kind, but we can color it with sharpies. :rolleyes:

Sharpies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

i'll duck-tape myself to the board :o:lol::blink:

*goes to get duct tape* :rolleyes:

What colour duct tape would you be using to tape the duck to the board.

I only have the normal grey kind, but we can color it with sharpies. :rolleyes:

Sharpies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*starts to sneak away while others are collecting duct tape & sharpes*

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

i'll duck-tape myself to the board :o:lol::blink:

*goes to get duct tape* :rolleyes:

What colour duct tape would you be using to tape the duck to the board.

I only have the normal grey kind, but we can color it with sharpies. :rolleyes:

Sharpies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*starts to sneak away while others are collecting duct tape & sharpes*

*hops into helicopter, spots Ivy, throws a net over her to keep her from escaping* :lol:

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

i'll duck-tape myself to the board :o:lol::blink:

*goes to get duct tape* :rolleyes:

What colour duct tape would you be using to tape the duck to the board.

I only have the normal grey kind, but we can color it with sharpies. :rolleyes:

Sharpies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*starts to sneak away while others are collecting duct tape & sharpes*

*hops into helicopter, spots Ivy, throws a net over her to keep her from escaping* :lol:

I feel evil, so I'm going to close that tag... In an evil-ish manner.

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So yesterday I went to a marching band competition at TCNJ with some of my friends to watch our friend Steph's band play (they were amazing) and it made me think of you. I was like "wow, it would be really cool if Jesse was here." But like all the bands were from New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

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So yesterday I went to a marching band competition at TCNJ with some of my friends to watch our friend Steph's band play (they were amazing) and it made me think of you. I was like "wow, it would be really cool if Jesse was here." But like all the bands were from New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

If Connecticut had been there, Jesse would have been very easy to spot.

*wonders if Jesse's tail gets in the way with the other marchers* :lol:

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So yesterday I went to a marching band competition at TCNJ with some of my friends to watch our friend Steph's band play (they were amazing) and it made me think of you. I was like "wow, it would be really cool if Jesse was here." But like all the bands were from New Jersey and Pennsylvania.


No, our band went to Baltimore over the weekend. But I went to a funeral instead.


@Horatio: No, usually there's a 3 or 4 step distance between us, so it only gets in the way if the guy behind me is doing bad :P

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So yesterday I went to a marching band competition at TCNJ with some of my friends to watch our friend Steph's band play (they were amazing) and it made me think of you. I was like "wow, it would be really cool if Jesse was here." But like all the bands were from New Jersey and Pennsylvania.


No, our band went to Baltimore over the weekend. But I went to a funeral instead.


@Horatio: No, usually there's a 3 or 4 step distance between us, so it only gets in the way if the guy behind me is doing bad :P

Or your tail is really, REALLY long!!! :lol:

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Figured I'd drop these here for the night. I made some 3-d fur tufts on the back and sides. The thing that's bugging me is the lighting although I'm not sure if I can fix that. But that's a problem for tomorrow.



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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

i'll duck-tape myself to the board :o:lol::blink:

*goes to get duct tape* :rolleyes:

What colour duct tape would you be using to tape the duck to the board.

I only have the normal grey kind, but we can color it with sharpies. :rolleyes:

Sharpies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*starts to sneak away while others are collecting duct tape & sharpes*

*hops into helicopter, spots Ivy, throws a net over her to keep her from escaping* :lol:

I feel evil, so I'm going to close that tag... In an evil-ish manner.

that wasn't evil at all... you didn't even cackle....

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! :D *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

i'll duck-tape myself to the board :o:lol::blink:

*goes to get duct tape* :rolleyes:

What colour duct tape would you be using to tape the duck to the board.

I only have the normal grey kind, but we can color it with sharpies. :rolleyes:

Sharpies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*starts to sneak away while others are collecting duct tape & sharpes*

*hops into helicopter, spots Ivy, throws a net over her to keep her from escaping* :lol:

I feel evil, so I'm going to close that tag... In an evil-ish manner.

that wasn't evil at all... you didn't even cackle....

ROFOCLH... you are not permitted to do that before I have my coffee!!!

Now that I removed the blankets from over my eyes and have had two cups of coffee, you will be no match for me!

BTW... come pick up your Gold Star Award!!!


*waits for Poison Ivy to return... now my evil-ish side will show*

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Figured I'd drop these here for the night. I made some 3-d fur tufts on the back and sides. The thing that's bugging me is the lighting although I'm not sure if I can fix that. But that's a problem for tomorrow.

I think it looks great!

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Figured I'd drop these here for the night. I made some 3-d fur tufts on the back and sides. The thing that's bugging me is the lighting although I'm not sure if I can fix that. But that's a problem for tomorrow.

Cool! Yeah, it is a bit dark, but I'm sure you could fix it. But yeah, the band competition was really cool. I think that if I went to a normal high school, I would have definately been in colorguard. :rolleyes: And Steph's band is awesome! They did this Pearl Harbor theme. It was really sad, but very well done. I'll hve to ask if they won.

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Figured I'd drop these here for the night. I made some 3-d fur tufts on the back and sides. The thing that's bugging me is the lighting although I'm not sure if I can fix that. But that's a problem for tomorrow.

Cool! Yeah, it is a bit dark, but I'm sure you could fix it. But yeah, the band competition was really cool. I think that if I went to a normal high school, I would have definately been in colorguard. :rolleyes: And Steph's band is awesome! They did this Pearl Harbor theme. It was really sad, but very well done. I'll hve to ask if they won.

*crosses paws*

I hope they won. It sounds like a theme with enormous impact.

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i can't believe i missed this topic last night! YAY for Jesse! congratulations on everything! :lol:




And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! *giant hug!* And thank you.

*giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back!

Now to make sure you stay!!! :D

i'll duck-tape myself to the board :o:lol::blink:

*goes to get duct tape* :rolleyes:

What colour duct tape would you be using to tape the duck to the board.

I only have the normal grey kind, but we can color it with sharpies. :rolleyes:

Sharpies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*starts to sneak away while others are collecting duct tape & sharpes*

*hops into helicopter, spots Ivy, throws a net over her to keep her from escaping* :lol:

I feel evil, so I'm going to close that tag... In an evil-ish manner.

that wasn't evil at all... you didn't even cackle....

Note the 'ish'.




*goes into :ninja: mode*

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Thanks for the compliments. I figured out that the tufts were being lighted seperately because I kind of just shoved them into the head mesh. This time I extruded faces from the existing mesh to make uniform lighting. This doesn't allow for as many sides per tuft because I'm not advanced enough with metasequoia to attach new verticies to a face. But I like the result better either way.



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Thanks for the compliments. I figured out that the tufts were being lighted seperately because I kind of just shoved them into the head mesh. This time I extruded faces from the existing mesh to make uniform lighting. This doesn't allow for as many sides per tuft because I'm not advanced enough with metasequoia to attach new verticies to a face. But I like the result better either way.

Jesse... you are soooooo phenomenally great at this. I believe you should take some courses in this area. You might make another George Lucas.

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Thanks for the compliments. I figured out that the tufts were being lighted seperately because I kind of just shoved them into the head mesh. This time I extruded faces from the existing mesh to make uniform lighting. This doesn't allow for as many sides per tuft because I'm not advanced enough with metasequoia to attach new verticies to a face. But I like the result better either way.

Jesse... you are soooooo phenomenally great at this. I believe you should take some courses in this area. You might make another George Lucas.

*totally agrees with Horatio* you're very talented!

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Thanks for the compliments. I figured out that the tufts were being lighted seperately because I kind of just shoved them into the head mesh. This time I extruded faces from the existing mesh to make uniform lighting. This doesn't allow for as many sides per tuft because I'm not advanced enough with metasequoia to attach new verticies to a face. But I like the result better either way.

Jesse... you are soooooo phenomenally great at this. I believe you should take some courses in this area. You might make another George Lucas.

*totally agrees with Horatio* you're very talented!

Jesse is teh roxorz. XD Sorry, just felt like saying that. But Jesse is definately smarter than I'll ever be.

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Thanks for the compliments. I figured out that the tufts were being lighted seperately because I kind of just shoved them into the head mesh. This time I extruded faces from the existing mesh to make uniform lighting. This doesn't allow for as many sides per tuft because I'm not advanced enough with metasequoia to attach new verticies to a face. But I like the result better either way.

Jesse... you are soooooo phenomenally great at this. I believe you should take some courses in this area. You might make another George Lucas.

*totally agrees with Horatio* you're very talented!

Jesse is teh roxorz. XD Sorry, just felt like saying that. But Jesse is definately smarter than I'll ever be.

Add all five of us hamsters in with you. Jesse is the greatest!!!

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Thanks for the compliments. I figured out that the tufts were being lighted seperately because I kind of just shoved them into the head mesh. This time I extruded faces from the existing mesh to make uniform lighting. This doesn't allow for as many sides per tuft because I'm not advanced enough with metasequoia to attach new verticies to a face. But I like the result better either way.

Jesse... you are soooooo phenomenally great at this. I believe you should take some courses in this area. You might make another George Lucas.

*totally agrees with Horatio* you're very talented!

Jesse is teh roxorz. XD Sorry, just felt like saying that. But Jesse is definately smarter than I'll ever be.

Add all five of us hamsters in with you. Jesse is the greatest!!!


:blush: Thank you...but it doesn't feel like I deserve such talk. You guys know I didn't create the game engine or anything, right? I can't even edit the game engine; I can only edit the objects and the environment. (although I WOULD like to learn programming eventually! In college probably.)

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Thanks for the compliments. I figured out that the tufts were being lighted seperately because I kind of just shoved them into the head mesh. This time I extruded faces from the existing mesh to make uniform lighting. This doesn't allow for as many sides per tuft because I'm not advanced enough with metasequoia to attach new verticies to a face. But I like the result better either way.

Jesse... you are soooooo phenomenally great at this. I believe you should take some courses in this area. You might make another George Lucas.

*totally agrees with Horatio* you're very talented!

Jesse is teh roxorz. XD Sorry, just felt like saying that. But Jesse is definately smarter than I'll ever be.

Add all five of us hamsters in with you. Jesse is the greatest!!!


:blush: Thank you...but it doesn't feel like I deserve such talk. You guys know I didn't create the game engine or anything, right? I can't even edit the game engine; I can only edit the objects and the environment. (although I WOULD like to learn programming eventually! In college probably.)

Editing the objects is outstanding!!! I would like to be able to edit something more than a post! :lol:

I hope you take more than one computer programming course in college. You have a great talent and I think that someone should help you develop it.

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Editing the objects is outstanding!!! I would like to be able to edit something more than a post! :lol:

I hope you take more than one computer programming course in college. You have a great talent and I think that someone should help you develop it.


Yeah, multiple programming languages would be awesome! I'm thinking about Javascript and C++. Javascript because it is very useful on macs (or so I've heard) and C++ because my dad said that would be a great language to know.


My parents took a Pascal class, but my mom said that I probably wouldn't like it because most of the time you spend on making useless applications.

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Editing the objects is outstanding!!! I would like to be able to edit something more than a post! :lol:

I hope you take more than one computer programming course in college. You have a great talent and I think that someone should help you develop it.


Yeah, multiple programming languages would be awesome! I'm thinking about Javascript and C++. Javascript because it is very useful on macs (or so I've heard) and C++ because my dad said that would be a great language to know.


My parents took a Pascal class, but my mom said that I probably wouldn't like it because most of the time you spend on making useless applications.

I bought three books, a book on Javascript, a book on HTML, XHMTL and CSS, and the last book on Javascript. My next book will be on C++.

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I bought three books, a book on Javascript, a book on HTML, XHMTL and CSS, and the last book on Javascript. My next book will be on C++.


Really? How much do you use these languages? And I had forgotten about HTML and CSS, those would be good to consider to.


Oh by the way I've been accepted into the National Honors Society.

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I bought three books, a book on Javascript, a book on HTML, XHMTL and CSS, and the last book on Javascript. My next book will be on C++.


Really? How much do you use these languages? And I had forgotten about HTML and CSS, those would be good to consider to.


Oh by the way I've been accepted into the National Honors Society.




Allllllllllllll rrriiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggghhhhhhhhhtttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You did great! Super congratulations on the greatest achievement!!!


As for the languages, I am just learning. I bought the books to teach myself.

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I can help on the basics for C++, but I don't really have much exp. with it. But I am good at what we have done so far in class. x3

*wonders if I can hire Cheesemaster as my tutor* :D

Depends on the pay! xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay I've got some updates to make. Our band got 90.2 at championships, getting 6th out of 7 schools in our class. Our director thought we deserved a higher score and I thought so too, but it was actually fun to do because I put all my energy into it.


So marching band season is done. I'm going to try out for regionals on Saturday, it sounds scary because I have to do chromatic scales, some major scales, and play a piece. Maybe there's sight reading too. I'll just do my best and let the judges do what they think is best. I practiced like, an hour tonight. Which is a long time for me :unsure: I hope I don't get nervous.


The wind ensemble pieces are pretty tough too. I hate these 16th-note runs, 32nd-note runs, and sextuplet runs :angry: They seem to like to throw those at clarinetists. Actually I guess they're kind of fun once I can actually learn them :rolleyes: I have a playing test on some of them on Tuesday. -_-

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Okay I've got some updates to make. Our band got 90.2 at championships, getting 6th out of 7 schools in our class. Our director thought we deserved a higher score and I thought so too, but it was actually fun to do because I put all my energy into it.


So marching band season is done. I'm going to try out for regionals on Saturday, it sounds scary because I have to do chromatic scales, some major scales, and play a piece. Maybe there's sight reading too. I'll just do my best and let the judges do what they think is best. I practiced like, an hour tonight. Which is a long time for me :unsure: I hope I don't get nervous.


The wind ensemble pieces are pretty tough too. I hate these 16th-note runs, 32nd-note runs, and sextuplet runs :angry: They seem to like to throw those at clarinetists. Actually I guess they're kind of fun once I can actually learn them :rolleyes: I have a playing test on some of them on Tuesday. -_-

You are going to do well. Yes, you will probably get nervous, but this is okay. As I always say, have some fun. We will be your cheering squad here and hope the judges accept you into the regionals. The hammie group will say a prayer for you.


Another thing that is an interesting thought, your band is competing against other great bands, and I wonder if your band was placed against all the schools in Connecticut, how your standings would be. My guess is that you would be in the top ten for the state!

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Okay I've got some updates to make. Our band got 90.2 at championships, getting 6th out of 7 schools in our class. Our director thought we deserved a higher score and I thought so too, but it was actually fun to do because I put all my energy into it.


So marching band season is done. I'm going to try out for regionals on Saturday, it sounds scary because I have to do chromatic scales, some major scales, and play a piece. Maybe there's sight reading too. I'll just do my best and let the judges do what they think is best. I practiced like, an hour tonight. Which is a long time for me :unsure: I hope I don't get nervous.


The wind ensemble pieces are pretty tough too. I hate these 16th-note runs, 32nd-note runs, and sextuplet runs :angry: They seem to like to throw those at clarinetists. Actually I guess they're kind of fun once I can actually learn them :rolleyes: I have a playing test on some of them on Tuesday. -_-

what are the x-note runs?

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Okay I've got some updates to make. Our band got 90.2 at championships, getting 6th out of 7 schools in our class. Our director thought we deserved a higher score and I thought so too, but it was actually fun to do because I put all my energy into it.


So marching band season is done. I'm going to try out for regionals on Saturday, it sounds scary because I have to do chromatic scales, some major scales, and play a piece. Maybe there's sight reading too. I'll just do my best and let the judges do what they think is best. I practiced like, an hour tonight. Which is a long time for me :unsure: I hope I don't get nervous.


The wind ensemble pieces are pretty tough too. I hate these 16th-note runs, 32nd-note runs, and sextuplet runs :angry: They seem to like to throw those at clarinetists. Actually I guess they're kind of fun once I can actually learn them :rolleyes: I have a playing test on some of them on Tuesday. -_-

what are the x-note runs?


They are these vicious pieces in the music where several measures are comprised entirely of that type of note and it goes up and down all the time. Sometimes it is hard to play all the notes, especially for the 32nd note runs. And usually the music is going at a fast tempo too, just for me... :P Also sometimes it is tough to go between two particular notes due to the clarinet's fingerings, for example going down from c# to b at those speeds is difficult for me.

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Okay I've got some updates to make. Our band got 90.2 at championships, getting 6th out of 7 schools in our class. Our director thought we deserved a higher score and I thought so too, but it was actually fun to do because I put all my energy into it.


So marching band season is done. I'm going to try out for regionals on Saturday, it sounds scary because I have to do chromatic scales, some major scales, and play a piece. Maybe there's sight reading too. I'll just do my best and let the judges do what they think is best. I practiced like, an hour tonight. Which is a long time for me :unsure: I hope I don't get nervous.


The wind ensemble pieces are pretty tough too. I hate these 16th-note runs, 32nd-note runs, and sextuplet runs :angry: They seem to like to throw those at clarinetists. Actually I guess they're kind of fun once I can actually learn them :rolleyes: I have a playing test on some of them on Tuesday. -_-

what are the x-note runs?


They are these vicious pieces in the music where several measures are comprised entirely of that type of note and it goes up and down all the time. Sometimes it is hard to play all the notes, especially for the 32nd note runs. And usually the music is going at a fast tempo too, just for me... :P Also sometimes it is tough to go between two particular notes due to the clarinet's fingerings, for example going down from c# to b at those speeds is difficult for me.

32nd notes=death...and I can't even read music that well. And congrats on National Honors Society! I got into that too, but they didn't tell us until a couple of days before we graduated at our senior awards assembly. :rolleyes:

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32nd notes=death...and I can't even read music that well. And congrats on National Honors Society! I got into that too, but they didn't tell us until a couple of days before we graduated at our senior awards assembly. :rolleyes:


Ah, schools are so well organized :rolleyes:


Anyways, I got a 136 out of 270 for the regional audition, which is ...average. I don't know if I'll get to participate or not. I seem to be on the borderline, so to speak. I got nervous for random spurts but otherwise I was pretty calm. I did the sight reading part really well but the rehearsed piece wasn't so great.

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32nd notes=death...and I can't even read music that well. And congrats on National Honors Society! I got into that too, but they didn't tell us until a couple of days before we graduated at our senior awards assembly. :rolleyes:


Ah, schools are so well organized :rolleyes:


Anyways, I got a 136 out of 270 for the regional audition, which is ...average. I don't know if I'll get to participate or not. I seem to be on the borderline, so to speak. I got nervous for random spurts but otherwise I was pretty calm. I did the sight reading part really well but the rehearsed piece wasn't so great.

Sounds like you did great. Average is good because these auditions are for the regionals. I hope you make it in! My paws are crossed for you!!! How long does it take before you hear if you made it? The reading part is the hard part so I am thrilled you did well on that. As for the rehearsed part, that was probably the nerves kicking in.

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Okay I've got some updates to make. Our band got 90.2 at championships, getting 6th out of 7 schools in our class. Our director thought we deserved a higher score and I thought so too, but it was actually fun to do because I put all my energy into it.


So marching band season is done. I'm going to try out for regionals on Saturday, it sounds scary because I have to do chromatic scales, some major scales, and play a piece. Maybe there's sight reading too. I'll just do my best and let the judges do what they think is best. I practiced like, an hour tonight. Which is a long time for me :unsure: I hope I don't get nervous.


The wind ensemble pieces are pretty tough too. I hate these 16th-note runs, 32nd-note runs, and sextuplet runs :angry: They seem to like to throw those at clarinetists. Actually I guess they're kind of fun once I can actually learn them :rolleyes: I have a playing test on some of them on Tuesday. -_-

what are the x-note runs?


They are these vicious pieces in the music where several measures are comprised entirely of that type of note and it goes up and down all the time. Sometimes it is hard to play all the notes, especially for the 32nd note runs. And usually the music is going at a fast tempo too, just for me... :P Also sometimes it is tough to go between two particular notes due to the clarinet's fingerings, for example going down from c# to b at those speeds is difficult for me.

32nd notes=death...and I can't even read music that well. And congrats on National Honors Society! I got into that too, but they didn't tell us until a couple of days before we graduated at our senior awards assembly. :rolleyes:

Imagine that on the trombone! especially if it was supposed to be... i believe the term is stacatto or something? been a while. xP

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Okay I've got some updates to make. Our band got 90.2 at championships, getting 6th out of 7 schools in our class. Our director thought we deserved a higher score and I thought so too, but it was actually fun to do because I put all my energy into it.


So marching band season is done. I'm going to try out for regionals on Saturday, it sounds scary because I have to do chromatic scales, some major scales, and play a piece. Maybe there's sight reading too. I'll just do my best and let the judges do what they think is best. I practiced like, an hour tonight. Which is a long time for me :unsure: I hope I don't get nervous.


The wind ensemble pieces are pretty tough too. I hate these 16th-note runs, 32nd-note runs, and sextuplet runs :angry: They seem to like to throw those at clarinetists. Actually I guess they're kind of fun once I can actually learn them :rolleyes: I have a playing test on some of them on Tuesday. -_-

what are the x-note runs?


They are these vicious pieces in the music where several measures are comprised entirely of that type of note and it goes up and down all the time. Sometimes it is hard to play all the notes, especially for the 32nd note runs. And usually the music is going at a fast tempo too, just for me... :P Also sometimes it is tough to go between two particular notes due to the clarinet's fingerings, for example going down from c# to b at those speeds is difficult for me.

32nd notes=death...and I can't even read music that well. And congrats on National Honors Society! I got into that too, but they didn't tell us until a couple of days before we graduated at our senior awards assembly. :rolleyes:

Imagine that on the trombone! especially if it was supposed to be... i believe the term is stacatto or something? been a while. xP

Even worse would be that 32 note run on a tuba. LOL

*imagines just how red the tuba person's face would be*

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Okay I've got some updates to make. Our band got 90.2 at championships, getting 6th out of 7 schools in our class. Our director thought we deserved a higher score and I thought so too, but it was actually fun to do because I put all my energy into it.


So marching band season is done. I'm going to try out for regionals on Saturday, it sounds scary because I have to do chromatic scales, some major scales, and play a piece. Maybe there's sight reading too. I'll just do my best and let the judges do what they think is best. I practiced like, an hour tonight. Which is a long time for me :unsure: I hope I don't get nervous.


The wind ensemble pieces are pretty tough too. I hate these 16th-note runs, 32nd-note runs, and sextuplet runs :angry: They seem to like to throw those at clarinetists. Actually I guess they're kind of fun once I can actually learn them :rolleyes: I have a playing test on some of them on Tuesday. -_-

what are the x-note runs?


They are these vicious pieces in the music where several measures are comprised entirely of that type of note and it goes up and down all the time. Sometimes it is hard to play all the notes, especially for the 32nd note runs. And usually the music is going at a fast tempo too, just for me... :P Also sometimes it is tough to go between two particular notes due to the clarinet's fingerings, for example going down from c# to b at those speeds is difficult for me.

32nd notes=death...and I can't even read music that well. And congrats on National Honors Society! I got into that too, but they didn't tell us until a couple of days before we graduated at our senior awards assembly. :rolleyes:

Imagine that on the trombone! especially if it was supposed to be... i believe the term is stacatto or something? been a while. xP

Even worse would be that 32 note run on a tuba. LOL

*imagines just how red the tuba person's face would be*

no, trombone, because of all the movements of the arm. jesse meant a bunch of 32nd notes, like, 32 of them in a measure. I think.

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Okay I've got some updates to make. Our band got 90.2 at championships, getting 6th out of 7 schools in our class. Our director thought we deserved a higher score and I thought so too, but it was actually fun to do because I put all my energy into it.


So marching band season is done. I'm going to try out for regionals on Saturday, it sounds scary because I have to do chromatic scales, some major scales, and play a piece. Maybe there's sight reading too. I'll just do my best and let the judges do what they think is best. I practiced like, an hour tonight. Which is a long time for me :unsure: I hope I don't get nervous.


The wind ensemble pieces are pretty tough too. I hate these 16th-note runs, 32nd-note runs, and sextuplet runs :angry: They seem to like to throw those at clarinetists. Actually I guess they're kind of fun once I can actually learn them :rolleyes: I have a playing test on some of them on Tuesday. -_-

what are the x-note runs?


They are these vicious pieces in the music where several measures are comprised entirely of that type of note and it goes up and down all the time. Sometimes it is hard to play all the notes, especially for the 32nd note runs. And usually the music is going at a fast tempo too, just for me... :P Also sometimes it is tough to go between two particular notes due to the clarinet's fingerings, for example going down from c# to b at those speeds is difficult for me.

32nd notes=death...and I can't even read music that well. And congrats on National Honors Society! I got into that too, but they didn't tell us until a couple of days before we graduated at our senior awards assembly. :rolleyes:

Imagine that on the trombone! especially if it was supposed to be... i believe the term is stacatto or something? been a while. xP

Even worse would be that 32 note run on a tuba. LOL

*imagines just how red the tuba person's face would be*

no, trombone, because of all the movements of the arm. jesse meant a bunch of 32nd notes, like, 32 of them in a measure. I think.

LOL... I had forgotten about the trombonists arm movement. You are absolutely right!

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no, trombone, because of all the movements of the arm. jesse meant a bunch of 32nd notes, like, 32 of them in a measure. I think.


Yes. Although I haven't had a full measure of 32nd notes, at least not yet. I've only had two beats in a row and at 100 bpm that alone is difficult for me :unsure:

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no, trombone, because of all the movements of the arm. jesse meant a bunch of 32nd notes, like, 32 of them in a measure. I think.


Yes. Although I haven't had a full measure of 32nd notes, at least not yet. I've only had two beats in a row and at 100 bpm that alone is difficult for me :unsure:

that is still 64 notes. I can't imagine doing that.

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that is still 64 notes. I can't imagine doing that.


Fortunately in this case the notes all go in a row (as in, all downward and then all upward), and the clarinet's fingerings make it pretty easy to roll through notes...although the accidentals mess it up somewhat.

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Okay I've got some updates to make. Our band got 90.2 at championships, getting 6th out of 7 schools in our class. Our director thought we deserved a higher score and I thought so too, but it was actually fun to do because I put all my energy into it.


So marching band season is done. I'm going to try out for regionals on Saturday, it sounds scary because I have to do chromatic scales, some major scales, and play a piece. Maybe there's sight reading too. I'll just do my best and let the judges do what they think is best. I practiced like, an hour tonight. Which is a long time for me :unsure: I hope I don't get nervous.


The wind ensemble pieces are pretty tough too. I hate these 16th-note runs, 32nd-note runs, and sextuplet runs :angry: They seem to like to throw those at clarinetists. Actually I guess they're kind of fun once I can actually learn them :rolleyes: I have a playing test on some of them on Tuesday. -_-

Just wondering, what size is your band?

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Okay I've got some updates to make. Our band got 90.2 at championships, getting 6th out of 7 schools in our class. Our director thought we deserved a higher score and I thought so too, but it was actually fun to do because I put all my energy into it.


So marching band season is done. I'm going to try out for regionals on Saturday, it sounds scary because I have to do chromatic scales, some major scales, and play a piece. Maybe there's sight reading too. I'll just do my best and let the judges do what they think is best. I practiced like, an hour tonight. Which is a long time for me :unsure: I hope I don't get nervous.


The wind ensemble pieces are pretty tough too. I hate these 16th-note runs, 32nd-note runs, and sextuplet runs :angry: They seem to like to throw those at clarinetists. Actually I guess they're kind of fun once I can actually learn them :rolleyes: I have a playing test on some of them on Tuesday. -_-

Just wondering, what size is your band?

And what size is yours?

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Just wondering, what size is your band?


The whole kit-and-kaboodle is something like 170 kids (ie. marching band). The wind ensemble and concert band play separate pieces in the concert except for one or two; wind ensemble has around 30 kids and concert band has the rest (I'm in the wind ensemble).

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Just wondering, what size is your band?


The whole kit-and-kaboodle is something like 170 kids (ie. marching band). The wind ensemble and concert band play separate pieces in the concert except for one or two; wind ensemble has around 30 kids and concert band has the rest (I'm in the wind ensemble).


That is a lot of coordinating!!!

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Just wondering, what size is your band?


The whole kit-and-kaboodle is something like 170 kids (ie. marching band). The wind ensemble and concert band play separate pieces in the concert except for one or two; wind ensemble has around 30 kids and concert band has the rest (I'm in the wind ensemble).


That is a lot of coordinating!!!


Indeed. Well, ten of them played in the pit so that's 160 to coordinate. Yeah, the rehearsals were rough...

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Just wondering, what size is your band?


The whole kit-and-kaboodle is something like 170 kids (ie. marching band). The wind ensemble and concert band play separate pieces in the concert except for one or two; wind ensemble has around 30 kids and concert band has the rest (I'm in the wind ensemble).


That is a lot of coordinating!!!


Indeed. Well, ten of them played in the pit so that's 160 to coordinate. Yeah, the rehearsals were rough...

I wish we could post videos. It would be great to see the different bands.

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I wish we could post videos. It would be great to see the different bands.

That would be neat, except that the uniforms can reveal where one is living. Plus our band is too large to be shown on camera (at the competitions the cameraman had to keep panning left and right :lol: )


So just now I've finished updating Luke with some better textures for his clothes:


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I wish we could post videos. It would be great to see the different bands.

That would be neat, except that the uniforms can reveal where one is living. Plus our band is too large to be shown on camera (at the competitions the cameraman had to keep panning left and right :lol: )


So just now I've finished updating Luke with some better textures for his clothes:

Luke looks really fantastic! I like his clothes, they look great.


Oh, I know that we can't reveal any private information, but it would just be great to see the different bands in action. :D Block all the uniforms and make them black. :lol:


As for your band, we would need to hire the Goodyear Blimp to video you from above. That way we could get you all in! LOL

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Just wondering, what size is your band?


The whole kit-and-kaboodle is something like 170 kids (ie. marching band). The wind ensemble and concert band play separate pieces in the concert except for one or two; wind ensemble has around 30 kids and concert band has the rest (I'm in the wind ensemble).

That's huge. o_O Our band is like, 85 people. Including the 15 or so in Color Guard. And then the pit of 6. Sheeez, what classification is that, 6-A? I suppose that explains the scores and why it's like so much higher than a usual 2-A band score. Plus we're scored by WBA(Western Band Association), so I guess our scoring is different too. And bigger bands don't have to worry quite as much about individuals. Eh, our band is just gaining popularity, so I guess it'll start growing.

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Just wondering, what size is your band?


The whole kit-and-kaboodle is something like 170 kids (ie. marching band). The wind ensemble and concert band play separate pieces in the concert except for one or two; wind ensemble has around 30 kids and concert band has the rest (I'm in the wind ensemble).

That's huge. o_O Our band is like, 85 people. Including the 15 or so in Color Guard. And then the pit of 6. Sheeez, what classification is that, 6-A? I suppose that explains the scores and why it's like so much higher than a usual 2-A band score. Plus we're scored by WBA(Western Band Association), so I guess our scoring is different too. And bigger bands don't have to worry quite as much about individuals. Eh, our band is just gaining popularity, so I guess it'll start growing.

Another huge band!!! Sounds really incredible to watch!!! :D

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Just wondering, what size is your band?


The whole kit-and-kaboodle is something like 170 kids (ie. marching band). The wind ensemble and concert band play separate pieces in the concert except for one or two; wind ensemble has around 30 kids and concert band has the rest (I'm in the wind ensemble).

That's huge. o_O Our band is like, 85 people. Including the 15 or so in Color Guard. And then the pit of 6. Sheeez, what classification is that, 6-A? I suppose that explains the scores and why it's like so much higher than a usual 2-A band score. Plus we're scored by WBA(Western Band Association), so I guess our scoring is different too. And bigger bands don't have to worry quite as much about individuals. Eh, our band is just gaining popularity, so I guess it'll start growing.


Yeah, I'm scored by MAC so our classes and score methods differ. My band was in class 5 this season; although the class was so huge they had to split it into 5-A and 5 open for the championships.

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Just wondering, what size is your band?


The whole kit-and-kaboodle is something like 170 kids (ie. marching band). The wind ensemble and concert band play separate pieces in the concert except for one or two; wind ensemble has around 30 kids and concert band has the rest (I'm in the wind ensemble).

That's huge. o_O Our band is like, 85 people. Including the 15 or so in Color Guard. And then the pit of 6. Sheeez, what classification is that, 6-A? I suppose that explains the scores and why it's like so much higher than a usual 2-A band score. Plus we're scored by WBA(Western Band Association), so I guess our scoring is different too. And bigger bands don't have to worry quite as much about individuals. Eh, our band is just gaining popularity, so I guess it'll start growing.


Yeah, I'm scored by MAC so our classes and score methods differ. My band was in class 5 this season; although the class was so huge they had to split it into 5-A and 5 open for the championships.

That's amazing. What was the size of the largest band you know of? Were they also from your state or another? Do you only compete with other bands in your state or is it regional? Is there a way a band from Connecticut could compete against a band from California? I wonder if there are any bands in Alaska? That has got to be brutal!!!

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That's amazing. What was the size of the largest band you know of? Were they also from your state or another? Do you only compete with other bands in your state or is it regional? Is there a way a band from Connecticut could compete against a band from California? I wonder if there are any bands in Alaska? That has got to be brutal!!!


I don't know the size of the largest band. That depends on which event you're talking about. In our county I'd say we were the largest band. The competitions are mostly by county. Only once or twice did we go down to southern Connecticut to compete. And yes, sometimes bands cross states - our band went to Maryland to compete, although they had a different scoring system. I didn't go though because of a funeral. Can't answer your Alaska inquiry, I wouldn't know about that. ;)

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