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The Dead Girl Epilogue

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Credit for the title goes to I Am Ghost. Because I can't write titles. :/


[Chapter One]


A pretty, young girl with long, curly platinum blond hair lazily leaned her head on the shoulder of the person sitting next to her. "I want to go home, Timmy," She slurred.


"Soon, alright? We have to wait for Mark to come, and then I'll take you home."


"Oohhkayyy ..." She yawned, drifting into a light sleep.


She didn't get to stay asleep long enough the dream, though. The girl woke up with a violent shake. "Xandria, honey, can you get up? Mark's here."


"I'm up," She yawned, opening her eyes.


"Hey doll. How've you been?" A distinctly thick New York accent asked. Xandria automatically shifted her head toward the voice. Her eyes opened wide, shocked with fear.




"Your little lover Timmy can't help you now. After all, he told me you were here. Basically begged me to come and get you."


"I don't believe you."


"Fine. Suit yourself. But you're coming with me. Didn't think you could actually run away from the business, did you? You bring in customers, Xandria. We need you."


The man put an arm around Xandria's shoulders. Thinking quickly, she grabbed onto his arm, and using all her force and body strength, the managed to flip him over on his back. Running out the door, Xandria knew the man would be right behind her. She quickly glanced from her left to her right, and just figured going straight would be the best way. Xandria was almost half way into the street when the sound of a bullet being shot ripped through the air. Closing her eyes, she was ready for the bullet. It ripped through her skin, and she fell onto her knees in the middle of the street. Her eyes shot open, and she pulled her hands to the spot where the bullet when in; straight through her heart.


Just as Xandria noticed how much blood was coming out of her wound, she felt the white hot burning sensation of headlights on her skin. Her eyes burned, and before she could scream her last breath, the car had already finished her off.




Yeah, I know. It stinks. Next part should be better, though. I promise.

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Credit for the title goes to I Am Ghost. Because I can't write titles. :/


[Chapter One]


A pretty, young girl with long, curly platinum blond hair lazily leaned her head on the shoulder of the person sitting next to her. "I want to go home, Timmy," She slurred.


"Soon, alright? We have to wait for Mark to come, and then I'll take you home."


"Oohhkayyy ..." She yawned, drifting into a light sleep.


She didn't get to stay asleep long enough the dream, though. The girl woke up with a violent shake. "Xandria, honey, can you get up? Mark's here."


"I'm up," She yawned, opening her eyes.


"Hey doll. How've you been?" A distinctly thick New York accent asked. Xandria automatically shifted her head toward the voice. Her eyes opened wide, shocked with fear.




"Your little lover Timmy can't help you now. After all, he told me you were here. Basically begged me to come and get you."


"I don't believe you."


"Fine. Suit yourself. But you're coming with me. Didn't think you could actually run away from the business, did you? You bring in customers, Xandria. We need you."


The man put an arm around Xandria's shoulders. Thinking quickly, she grabbed onto his arm, and using all her force and body strength, the managed to flip him over on his back. Running out the door, Xandria knew the man would be right behind her. She quickly glanced from her left to her right, and just figured going straight would be the best way. Xandria was almost half way into the street when the sound of a bullet being shot ripped through the air. Closing her eyes, she was ready for the bullet. It ripped through her skin, and she fell onto her knees in the middle of the street. Her eyes shot open, and she pulled her hands to the spot where the bullet when in; straight through her heart.


Just as Xandria noticed how much blood was coming out of her wound, she felt the white hot burning sensation of headlights on her skin. Her eyes burned, and before she could scream her last breath, the car had already finished her off.




Yeah, I know. It stinks. Next part should be better, though. I promise.

I think it's cool.

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[Chapter Two]


Somewhere, anywhere, there was a club. And at that club was a girl with her head on table, casually sleeping at the bar like that was the thing to do there. Suddenly, she woke up and took a gigantic breath of air. Her mouth wide open, it was difficult for her to breathe, it almost sounded like she was breathing in water. After a few breaths, the was able to calm herself down, and she took a good look at her surroundings. On one side of the club were people, young people dancing to the heavy techno music on a lighted dance floor. They all had one thing in common, though ... Their appearance. They were all slender, with pale skin and long, dark hair.


Then, on her side of the club, was a bar. It was a more calm setting, and people were sitting at round tables and booths, discussing business. Mostly young males with long, raven black hair that was slicked back. She also noticed how the males were surrounded by young, attractive, and half-dressed women.


Where am I? Who am I? The girl thought. But, before she could answer herself, the bar tender answered for here.


"You? You're at the most popular club in Europe, and you don't know where you are? Obviously, you have some problems." There was nothing familiar about his voice, and the British accent he had.


"Europe?" She choked out.


"Well, I would say that you've been drinking too much, but I haven't served you anything."


"I'm guessing you don't know who I am, either, do you?"


"Sorry love, I can't tell you that. But I can tell you one thing, you're here for a reason." She stared at him, waiting for an answer. "People somehow ... appear ... here after they've died, and have unfinished business to take care of. In other words, if they've been murdered."


"So ... all the murdered people come here?"


"No. Just the hybrids."


Another blank stare.


"As in, your mum was a mortal, and your father was a vampire. Either way."


The girl broke into a hysterical laughter. "You're joking! You're absolutely joking! Please, just tell me where the exit is so I can get out of this insane asylum."


"I'd tell you, but you'd be getting some awfully strange looks with those tattered and tire printed clothes. Also, that bullet hole going through your back, and out your chest might draw some attention. Not to mention the blood."

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[Yeah!!! Go Toto!!! I love it when you write stories!]


Haha. Thanks! Sometimes writing helps the writer's block go away, or I just get a double-dose of it. :/ I would really love to post my Jack the Ripper story here, as it's really my only writing of mine that I like right now. Too mature for young readers, though. :]

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[Yeah!!! Go Toto!!! I love it when you write stories!]


Haha. Thanks! Sometimes writing helps the writer's block go away, or I just get a double-dose of it. :/ I would really love to post my Jack the Ripper story here, as it's really my only writing of mine that I like right now. Too mature for young readers, though. :]

Too mature because of violence or other topics?

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D: Since my brother thinks he's so awesome at re programing computers, he rebooted ours, and deleted EVERYTHING, including my next chapter. Gosh, everything's gone ... pictures of my hamsters as babies, all of my pictures, all of my writings. :/

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D: Since my brother thinks he's so awesome at re programing computers, he rebooted ours, and deleted EVERYTHING, including my next chapter. Gosh, everything's gone ... pictures of my hamsters as babies, all of my pictures, all of my writings. :/

Actually, it is still on your hard drive. There is a way to retrieve it. I am not sure how, but I am certain Arkcher will be able to tell how to retrieve the data.


Another thought., perhaps you might want to borrow Mushroom_king's Meat Grinder. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

D: Since my brother thinks he's so awesome at re programing computers, he rebooted ours, and deleted EVERYTHING, including my next chapter. Gosh, everything's gone ... pictures of my hamsters as babies, all of my pictures, all of my writings. :/

Actually, it is still on your hard drive. There is a way to retrieve it. I am not sure how, but I am certain Arkcher will be able to tell how to retrieve the data.


Another thought., perhaps you might want to borrow Mushroom_king's Meat Grinder. :lol:


Arkchherrr. Helllppp. Yeah, he doesn't come here, so that isn't go to do any good.

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D: Since my brother thinks he's so awesome at re programing computers, he rebooted ours, and deleted EVERYTHING, including my next chapter. Gosh, everything's gone ... pictures of my hamsters as babies, all of my pictures, all of my writings. :/

Actually, it is still on your hard drive. There is a way to retrieve it. I am not sure how, but I am certain Arkcher will be able to tell how to retrieve the data.


Another thought., perhaps you might want to borrow Mushroom_king's Meat Grinder. :lol:


Arkchherrr. Helllppp. Yeah, he doesn't come here, so that isn't go to do any good.

I will let Arkcher know to come here.

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D: Since my brother thinks he's so awesome at re programing computers, he rebooted ours, and deleted EVERYTHING, including my next chapter. Gosh, everything's gone ... pictures of my hamsters as babies, all of my pictures, all of my writings. :/

Uh, he 'rebooted it' and now you dont have the files?

Rebooting is to turn off your compy and turn it back on.

Reformatting is erasing nigh everything on the harddrive, putting an operating system (Windows) back on and getting it to go again.

In which case, everything is lost. which would kind of... be bad.


I'd do a search for the files, (That option should be in the Start menu, near the bottom right, assuming you're running XP) and make sure you have all file types and searching in all available areas.

Or you could just... ask him. If he tells you nonsense computer nerd words and all, either have him translate or you could try telling me to interpret.


That reminds me of one of my harddrives I had a while back. I got a different PC and physically lost the harddrive somewhere. I think I found it, it wasnt marked, but when I tried to get it running, there were no files anywhere on it. D=

whatever. Ask him if he reformatted the computer or what.

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D: Since my brother thinks he's so awesome at re programing computers, he rebooted ours, and deleted EVERYTHING, including my next chapter. Gosh, everything's gone ... pictures of my hamsters as babies, all of my pictures, all of my writings. :/

Uh, he 'rebooted it' and now you dont have the files?

Rebooting is to turn off your compy and turn it back on.

Reformatting is erasing nigh everything on the harddrive, putting an operating system (Windows) back on and getting it to go again.

In which case, everything is lost. which would kind of... be bad.


I'd do a search for the files, (That option should be in the Start menu, near the bottom right, assuming you're running XP) and make sure you have all file types and searching in all available areas.

Or you could just... ask him. If he tells you nonsense computer nerd words and all, either have him translate or you could try telling me to interpret.


That reminds me of one of my harddrives I had a while back. I got a different PC and physically lost the harddrive somewhere. I think I found it, it wasnt marked, but when I tried to get it running, there were no files anywhere on it. D=

whatever. Ask him if he reformatted the computer or what.


Ha. He told me he rebooted it, but he actually did reformat it, since everything it gone, and we had to buy new stuff for it. Thanks for explaining, though.


Gah. I'm really, really upset. My brother's a moron. <_<

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D: Since my brother thinks he's so awesome at re programing computers, he rebooted ours, and deleted EVERYTHING, including my next chapter. Gosh, everything's gone ... pictures of my hamsters as babies, all of my pictures, all of my writings. :/

Uh, he 'rebooted it' and now you dont have the files?

Rebooting is to turn off your compy and turn it back on.

Reformatting is erasing nigh everything on the harddrive, putting an operating system (Windows) back on and getting it to go again.

In which case, everything is lost. which would kind of... be bad.


I'd do a search for the files, (That option should be in the Start menu, near the bottom right, assuming you're running XP) and make sure you have all file types and searching in all available areas.

Or you could just... ask him. If he tells you nonsense computer nerd words and all, either have him translate or you could try telling me to interpret.


That reminds me of one of my harddrives I had a while back. I got a different PC and physically lost the harddrive somewhere. I think I found it, it wasnt marked, but when I tried to get it running, there were no files anywhere on it. D=

whatever. Ask him if he reformatted the computer or what.


Ha. He told me he rebooted it, but he actually did reformat it, since everything it gone, and we had to buy new stuff for it. Thanks for explaining, though.


Gah. I'm really, really upset. My brother's a moron. <_<

XD If he told you he rebooted it, I think he's... not as cool as he thinks he is.


I'm just arrogant, so I can get away with saying I'm awsome. n_n


Well, not much can be done about it. (Except for pwning your brother. You know where he sleeps, right? -devious grin- ) Just try re-writing the next post. S'too cool to let something like this get in your way.

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I love it when people who think they know what they're doing try to fix stuff but then break it. Oh wait, I'm lying. :D


I really hope you can get started on this again, though. I really like it.

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D: Since my brother thinks he's so awesome at re programing computers, he rebooted ours, and deleted EVERYTHING, including my next chapter. Gosh, everything's gone ... pictures of my hamsters as babies, all of my pictures, all of my writings. :/

Uh, he 'rebooted it' and now you dont have the files?

Rebooting is to turn off your compy and turn it back on.

Reformatting is erasing nigh everything on the harddrive, putting an operating system (Windows) back on and getting it to go again.

In which case, everything is lost. which would kind of... be bad.


I'd do a search for the files, (That option should be in the Start menu, near the bottom right, assuming you're running XP) and make sure you have all file types and searching in all available areas.

Or you could just... ask him. If he tells you nonsense computer nerd words and all, either have him translate or you could try telling me to interpret.


That reminds me of one of my harddrives I had a while back. I got a different PC and physically lost the harddrive somewhere. I think I found it, it wasnt marked, but when I tried to get it running, there were no files anywhere on it. D=

whatever. Ask him if he reformatted the computer or what.


Ha. He told me he rebooted it, but he actually did reformat it, since everything it gone, and we had to buy new stuff for it. Thanks for explaining, though.


Gah. I'm really, really upset. My brother's a moron. <_<

XD If he told you he rebooted it, I think he's... not as cool as he thinks he is.


I'm just arrogant, so I can get away with saying I'm awsome. n_n


Well, not much can be done about it. (Except for pwning your brother. You know where he sleeps, right? -devious grin- ) Just try re-writing the next post. S'too cool to let something like this get in your way.


I'm all depressed now, though, and every few minutes I talk about all the stuff I lost. Ah well. Maybe it was a sign that I need to start over. But, I had some awesome blackmail on this thing. -nod-


I promise that I'll make a new chapter tomorrow. No home football game to play at. Yay!!

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  • 1 month later...

[Chapter Three]


The girl quickly shot her hands to her stomach. The man was right, she had tire prints on her shirt. She traced her hands upward, until she reached the area to where her heart should be. There was a hole that went right through her body, and bloody had once gushed from the wound. But now, the red liquid had dried, and left the stench of death on her.


"There's a mirror over there ... Which, I really don't know why we have it in here." The bar tender pointed over at the corner of the bar. The girl forgot that he was even there.


She ran over to the mirror that he pointed out. Her reflection was not what she was expecting. The girl looked terrible. It looked at if she hadn't slept in days, or even weeks. Her piercing blue eyes were more of a muted grey color, and they had heavy, black bags underneath them. She pulled her hand to her messy hair. It was a dusty black shade, and little specks of gravel and blood were thrown into the mess. She was very pale, and there was dried blood running down the side of her mouth.


"My mouth tastes like blood," She stated bluntly.


"Yeah, you're really going to have to get used to that," The bar tender said, walking up beside her. The girl continued to look in the mirror. She felt his presence there, but the mirror didn't seem to note that he was there, right behind her. She turned around, and looked at the man. Yep, he's really there. She looked at the mirror again. Still, his reflection wasn't in the mirror. The girl looked around the room from staring at the mirror. Actually ... according to the mirror, she was the only one there!


"Is this a trick mirror or something?" She asked the bar tender.


"Nope ... I already told you. You're amongst the undead. Vampires. You're the only hybrid in here right now."


"Liar!" She screeched, and threw herself onto the ground in a fetal position.


"Fine, suit yourself. Just sit there." The man went back to his area behind the bar.


After a few minutes, the bar tender shouted over at the girl. "I'm going to have to be closing in a little bit. I can either kick you out in the alley, or you can feel free to join myself at my place. Don't worry ... I'm not some creepy rapist. I have a spare bedroom and bathroom, they're both yours. It's sort of my part-time job, I help out the hybrids who pop up here. I can help you find out who you are, and why you're here as well, if you'd like."


The girl thought about it for awhile, and got up from her fetal position. "Sorry I acted like such a ..."


"Baby?" The man suggested. "No problem. I'm going to close up now, so let's go. You too, Spencer!" He shouted at the man in the corner of the bar. The guy mumbled something to himself, got up, and left through the front door.


"By the way, my name is Steve," the bar tender said, sticking his hand out for the girl to shake.


She took his hand, and shook it gently. "My name is ... well, I'm not sure yet."


"We will definitely have to do something about that," Steve said, locking the bar's front door.

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  • 1 month later...
I think that's it. Thanks! Were they just hiding or something?

Select the forum you wish to find a topic in, scroll down to the bottom and look on the right side and you will see that you can only view topics for 30 days, but you do have an option to view a variety of options. I select all and there are 17 pages in the Stories forum for example. I then look for what you are seeking. Sometimes I am lucky, sometimes I am not.

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I think that's it. Thanks! Were they just hiding or something?

Select the forum you wish to find a topic in, scroll down to the bottom and look on the right side and you will see that you can only view topics for 30 days, but you do have an option to view a variety of options. I select all and there are 17 pages in the Stories forum for example. I then look for what you are seeking. Sometimes I am lucky, sometimes I am not.


Ah ... I see. And here I thought HK was deleting my stories because he didn't like them.

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I think that's it. Thanks! Were they just hiding or something?

Select the forum you wish to find a topic in, scroll down to the bottom and look on the right side and you will see that you can only view topics for 30 days, but you do have an option to view a variety of options. I select all and there are 17 pages in the Stories forum for example. I then look for what you are seeking. Sometimes I am lucky, sometimes I am not.


Ah ... I see. And here I thought HK was deleting my stories because he didn't like them.

Actually HampsterKing and I worked a deal. When he needs to prune topics, he does the pruning in all other topics and has agreed not to prune anything in the Creative Forums. What I am trying to do is combine topics, such as Lauren's and Topazia's, when he reaches a point where the boards need to be pruned again.

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I think that's it. Thanks! Were they just hiding or something?

Select the forum you wish to find a topic in, scroll down to the bottom and look on the right side and you will see that you can only view topics for 30 days, but you do have an option to view a variety of options. I select all and there are 17 pages in the Stories forum for example. I then look for what you are seeking. Sometimes I am lucky, sometimes I am not.


Ah ... I see. And here I thought HK was deleting my stories because he didn't like them.

Actually HampsterKing and I worked a deal. When he needs to prune topics, he does the pruning in all other topics and has agreed not to prune anything in the Creative Forums. What I am trying to do is combine topics, such as Lauren's and Topazia's, when he reaches a point where the boards need to be pruned again.


Ah, yes. That would be good, as both users post a lot of works in the creative forums. I only have four or five. :]

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I think that's it. Thanks! Were they just hiding or something?

Select the forum you wish to find a topic in, scroll down to the bottom and look on the right side and you will see that you can only view topics for 30 days, but you do have an option to view a variety of options. I select all and there are 17 pages in the Stories forum for example. I then look for what you are seeking. Sometimes I am lucky, sometimes I am not.

or you can do what i did and while your topics are still there, copy+paste into word. That way you'll save them when they disappear! :D I have about twenty saved that Horatio can't find anymore.

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I think that's it. Thanks! Were they just hiding or something?

Select the forum you wish to find a topic in, scroll down to the bottom and look on the right side and you will see that you can only view topics for 30 days, but you do have an option to view a variety of options. I select all and there are 17 pages in the Stories forum for example. I then look for what you are seeking. Sometimes I am lucky, sometimes I am not.

or you can do what i did and while your topics are still there, copy+paste into word. That way you'll save them when they disappear! :D I have about twenty saved that Horatio can't find anymore.

I have found quite a big number of them. I just have not had time to combine them.

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