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tiny girl, on the inside.

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hopes gets lost

in gusts of winds

tiny girl

on the inside

find herself in tears again

dear sweet love,

why didnt you solve all my problems?

they told me you were everything

naive i was

foolishly i chased you down paths i never wanted to see

too young

too hurt

i did what he asked

looking back

i never lied bigger

then "i love you"

i just wanted to be saved

wanted to be held

never asked for love that way

now another

doesnt seem to understand

i love for every wrong reason

begging emtpy skies

bring me home

im so small inside

bring me home,please?

but never an answer

to a half willing heart

never a drop of hope

from the things i lived off

pain is gone

i cry for others

i guess

i dont seem to understand

why cant i find happiness

in everywhere it lies?

in nature, in arms of caring,

in friends and accompilishments,

i find little.

nothing ever filled it

little gap ive felt since birth

always searching for the bigger pictures

running in circles

never getting anywhere

"dont think so much baby"

never helped a second

but i cant expect anyone to fix me

but me

trapped in my mind

i cant see to find the missing pieces

what more could i ask for?

what more will make my smile remain

i cant find it

i getting weaker

3 year search

trying everything

maybe i can find it in the three letter word

should i give myself away

risk everything

cover my shame

find a new escape

tiny girl, staring out the window

what do i mean to them

with theyre words full of hurt

and heads so judgemental

sometimes i am better

because sometimes i love everybody


sometimes i am evil

beaucse i want to kill everybody

that isnt me

yet stuck between

i sit and smile

sit and cry

never understanding

much of anything..

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Your writing is getting better and better. Please keep writing, you are doing great!!!

i cant help but think i only complain about the same things in my poems and dont do enough to change them.

starting next tuesday im gonna work extra hard. im joining a challenge.


here are the rules:


10 pts - complete fast

8 pts - liquid fast

8 pts - fruit & veggie fast


6 pts - below 300 calories

4 pts - 301-600 calories

2 pt - 601-800 calories


2 pts - healthful foods




10 pts - over 120 minutes

8 pts - 90-120 minutes

6 pts - 60-89 minutes

4 pts - 30-59 minutes

2 pts - less than 30 minutes

0 pts - no exercise




3 pts - vitamins

3 pts - 24 fl oz water

3 pts - 8 hours sleep

3 pts - per pound lost


im excited.

my goal is to loose 15 pounds by halloween.


even rob is like.. when were together we can go for jogs. :]


i wonder wut ill complain about after i get skinny..

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i wonder wut ill complain about after i get skinny..

:lol: LOL :lol:

You can worry about that when Halloween arrives!

i have a suggestion...

be a spoon for Halloween. Your head can be the bowl and your body can be the handle.

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i wonder wut ill complain about after i get skinny..

:lol: LOL :lol:

You can worry about that when Halloween arrives!

eh i wont be skinny enough then

ok whutever you say


I disagree

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