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No food

No water

No shelter

No company

This is how I want to be

Desrve to be

I want none of what I have

It's all worthless to me

Items can not fix a broken heart

Not a heart broken by a person

A person I loved

A person I would caress, on a lovely spring eve

A person who would leave me

Just a week after

For someone else

Good at sports


But he didn't want her love

He wanted her body

And now she is as heartbroken as I

And I can not love her

As she desires

For who can love one who broke your own heart?


(The above is not true, I wanted to see how bad I am at writing sad poems :P)

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No food

No water

No shelter

No company

This is how I want to be

Desrve to be

I want none of what I have

It's all worthless to me

Items can not fix a broken heart

Not a heart broken by a person

A person I loved

A person I would caress, on a lovely spring eve

A person who would leave me

Just a week after

For someone else

Good at sports


But he didn't want her love

He wanted her body

And now she is as heartbroken as I

And I can not love her

As she desires

For who can love one who broke your own heart?


(The above is not true, I wanted to see how bad I am at writing sad poems :P)

You are fantastic at writing poems!!!!!!!

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No food

No water

No shelter

No company

This is how I want to be

Desrve to be

I want none of what I have

It's all worthless to me

Items can not fix a broken heart

Not a heart broken by a person

A person I loved

A person I would caress, on a lovely spring eve

A person who would leave me

Just a week after

For someone else

Good at sports


But he didn't want her love

He wanted her body

And now she is as heartbroken as I

And I can not love her

As she desires

For who can love one who broke your own heart?


(The above is not true, I wanted to see how bad I am at writing sad poems :P)



i like it.

my poems will be similar when me and rob break up

i always assumed he'd dump me, cuz im codependent and hes there for me

but he thinks were actually gonna be together forever

he's even "waiting" for me

no one thats expects a less then like 3 month relationship does that.

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me and my girlfriend where together for 2 and a half, and now we are apart -_- and it hurts

2 and 1/2 years???????? :blink:


I am sorry your heart hurts. It does not help, but I ask you to believe that someone better will come along and sweep you off your feet. I give you my word, it will happen. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week, but when you stop looking, it will then happen.

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aw im sorry you broke up.

i told rob that keef and lindsey's 5 month in the 7th

and he was like "were gonna be together longer then that"

i wonder just how long he thinks were gonna last..

um, Lauren, look at what he's saying.

He wants to be with you forever.

WHy else would a guy "wait" for his girlfriend?


I'm speakin gfrom experience, here.

I only date potential mates. Ich and I plan on getting married, but I can never tell my mom until after the fact. She'd have a cow if she learned that her 17yrold daughter is already planning her wedding.


Gosh, that makes me sound like a harlot...

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