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I sent some avatars to HampsterKing a long time ago. What kind of avatars doesn't he accept? I mean, I made a new avatar for you and I think others, too. It was a long time ago. I think I still have them.... Yeah, I do. And they look better, too! Do they have to be a specific filetype? Can you change your avatar without his having approved it or anything? Which one do you like best?





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I sent some avatars to HampsterKing a long time ago. What kind of avatars doesn't he accept? I mean, I made a new avatar for you and I think others, too. It was a long time ago. I think I still have them.... Yeah, I do. And they look better, too! Do they have to be a specific filetype? Can you change your avatar without his having approved it or anything? Which one do you like best?

I love them all!!!!!!!!!! I am going to find a way to use them all!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!

*hand Erendayu a very special Gold Star with a Red Rose Award*



As for HampsterKing not accepting any avatars, he still has not gotten them into the gallery. There are about one million in there now. I even have submitted some and they have not been approved yet.

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I sent some avatars to HampsterKing a long time ago. What kind of avatars doesn't he accept? I mean, I made a new avatar for you and I think others, too. It was a long time ago. I think I still have them.... Yeah, I do. And they look better, too! Do they have to be a specific filetype? Can you change your avatar without his having approved it or anything? Which one do you like best?

I love them all!!!!!!!!!! I am going to find a way to use them all!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!

*hand Erendayu a very special Gold Star with a Red Rose Award*



As for HampsterKing not accepting any avatars, he still has not gotten them into the gallery. There are about one million in there now. I even have submitted some and they have not been approved yet.

It would be wonderfulleresque if you could use one for your avatar. It better drawn than predecessor. Predecessor appears in one, in upper left hand corner. Do you see?

(Oh, and thank you for the award.)

They are all the same picture, just at different zooms. I think I have the real picture somewhere...Ah, yes. In case you wanted to see the real thing- I couldn't resist.


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