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you know ur addicted to HD when...

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ok heres wut u do, you know ur addicted to hamsterdance when... and u post wutever u want, examples


you know ur addicted to hamseterdance when u dream it in

you know ur addicted to hamsterdance when u cant wait to get home from school to get on

you know ur addicted to hamseterdance when u think ur a hamster that is loosing its sanity





now its ur turn!

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


...When you refer to swords as Claymores.

...When you slam people with your bass guitar and your're surprised that they get brain trauma.

...You yell at all the blonde hamsters, telling them to get up and moderate.

...when you accidentlay call your brother Arkcher. (I did that once)

...when you start jigging in jell-o.

...you go to england looking for sheena.

...When your freind says a website name and you say, "OMG!! How did that get past Horatio?!".



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Atronomy Domine*~*

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...When you think of a penguin when your neighbor says her name is Sheena

...when you skip over your online mail account trying to find out what Hratio let through

...when you almost call your best friend a hammie

...when you think of mushrooms when you hear Pink Floyd

...when you daydream of a phoenix while studying feudalism

...when you automatically want to type whatever song you're listening to in the implied topic

...when you think of an Aussie HDer when you hear the term Glow worm

...when you think of a young female fox when you think of Aussie girls

...when you go to the pet store and flip out at seeing all of horatio's blonde siblings in the hamster bin

...when you ask the hamsters if you can put www.DeletedbyHoratio.com into the Hampsterdance forums (I put it in first so there)

...when you think Bodom Beach terror when you watch Wizard of Oz

...and that's all I can think of

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...When you think of a penguin when your neighbor says her name is Sheena

...when you skip over your online mail account trying to find out what Hratio let through

...when you almost call your best friend a hammie

...when you think of mushrooms when you hear Pink Floyd

...when you daydream of a phoenix while studying feudalism

...when you automatically want to type whatever song you're listening to in the implied topic

...when you think of an Aussie HDer when you hear the term Glow worm

...when you think of a young female fox when you think of Aussie girls

...when you go to the pet store and flip out at seeing all of horatio's blonde siblings in the hamster bin

...when you ask the hamsters if you can put www.DeletedbyHoratio.com into the Hampsterdance forums (I put it in first so there)

...when you think Bodom Beach terror when you watch Wizard of Oz

...and that's all I can think of

:lol: LOL :lol:

And you get The Gold Star Award for a couple of your answers.

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...When you think of a penguin when your neighbor says her name is Sheena

...when you skip over your online mail account trying to find out what Hratio let through

...when you almost call your best friend a hammie

...when you think of mushrooms when you hear Pink Floyd

...when you daydream of a phoenix while studying feudalism

...when you automatically want to type whatever song you're listening to in the implied topic

...when you think of an Aussie HDer when you hear the term Glow worm

...when you think of a young female fox when you think of Aussie girls

...when you go to the pet store and flip out at seeing all of horatio's blonde siblings in the hamster bin

...when you ask the hamsters if you can put www.DeletedbyHoratio.com into the Hampsterdance forums (I put it in first so there)

...when you think Bodom Beach terror when you watch Wizard of Oz

...and that's all I can think of

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


:lol: I love the mushroom one! I think I'll put it in my siggy. :lol:

*Hands Paz a Smurf Award*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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...when you accidentlay call your brother Arkcher. (I did that once)

...When your freind says a website name and you say, "OMG!! How did that get past Horatio?!".




hmmmm u get an award for this mushroom u just have to let me think of one first....




ahhh i got it!


happy hamster luver award! hahahah thats about the cornyest thing ive said all day :lol:

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...when you accidentlay call your brother Arkcher. (I did that once)

...When your freind says a website name and you say, "OMG!! How did that get past Horatio?!".




hmmmm u get an award for this mushroom u just have to let me think of one first....




ahhh i got it!


happy hamster luver award! hahahah thats about the cornyest thing ive said all day :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




...LOL. I still remember exactly how I called my brother Arkcher by mistake.


Stepmom: *Feeds Little sister Dr.Pepper* Hmm...She doesn't like it...

Me: It's to bad Arkcher...I mean JOSH like it.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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...When you think of a penguin when your neighbor says her name is Sheena

...when you skip over your online mail account trying to find out what Hratio let through

...when you almost call your best friend a hammie

...when you think of mushrooms when you hear Pink Floyd

...when you daydream of a phoenix while studying feudalism

...when you automatically want to type whatever song you're listening to in the implied topic

...when you think of an Aussie HDer when you hear the term Glow worm

...when you think of a young female fox when you think of Aussie girls

...when you go to the pet store and flip out at seeing all of horatio's blonde siblings in the hamster bin

...when you ask the hamsters if you can put www.DeletedbyHoratio.com into the Hampsterdance forums (I put it in first so there)

...when you think Bodom Beach terror when you watch Wizard of Oz

...and that's all I can think of

I started roflmao-ing and I can't stop.

(I've fallen and I can't get up)

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


...when you hear Howling at night and think it's Arkcher.

...when you look at Mushrooms and get scared because you think it'll come control your mind.

...when you put people in the Meat Grinder and are surprised that they die.

...when you refer to money as H$.

...When you eat out and say you want to go to Planet Horatio.

...when you get scared that Mushroom_king is following you.

...when you go to a Meat Factory and believe MK owns it (Meat Grinders)

...when you go to a gun store and ask for shroom guns.

...when you try to communicate with Cheese and bananas.

...when you think of Scottish people, you think of Bananas.

...when you listen to Green Day and think of foxes.

...when you listen to Linkin park and think of Arkcher.

...when you see Hillary Duff on the cover of a Magizene and say, "Didn't Toto kill her already?".

...when you see preps and wonder why Toto hasn't killed them yet.

...when you see a person with a lot of Keychains on their Purse/backpack and complain about them having a long siggy.

...when you see a Squrril and think of Skwerlhugger Will.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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You know you're addicted to Hampsterdance when you log on multiple times in a day(just to see if Horatio's moderated them posts yet).

That is so true. o___o; I come here about five times a day, at least, and im always rather dissapointed to find either there are no new posts, or Horatio hasnt come to mod yet.


Lemme see if I can come up with some...


... when you come to this topic to find out how many of these are in accordance to your behavior

... when you wander around and look at name abbreviations (TGHL, MW, MK, etc.) and try to say them phoenetically (tuh-gle, moo, mm-kuh, etc.)

... when, despite you know its against board rules and you figure no-one will see, you put information in your board profile

... when you wonder why nobody seems to give a care about the boards original purpose in regard to the Hampsters

... when you try imagining a little blonde hamster with a Mac Lappy crammed in its cage full'a pooplets and such

... when you, more than just once, look online to see how could a spectral brownie be genetically engineered

... when you wonder why you havent been given an administrative position on the board yet (And then realize there are more than just a few reasons)

... when you take common parlance and inside jokes from this board and use it on other websites/boards (Only to have everyone look at'cha wierd.)

... you end up cackling ridiculously loud at your computer monitor, drawing everyone in the house' attention to you

... when you have started multiple stories/other topics, but stopped half-way for reasons even you dont fully understand

... when it just makes your day like nothing else to see that every forum has been updated and Horatio is still online


Yeh im done.

And for the record, every one of those is in accordance to my daily activity. I have no life, I know. xD

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You know you're addicted to Hampsterdance when you log on multiple times in a day(just to see if Horatio's moderated them posts yet).

That is so true. o___o; I come here about five times a day, at least, and im always rather dissapointed to find either there are no new posts, or Horatio hasnt come to mod yet.


Lemme see if I can come up with some...


... when you come to this topic to find out how many of these are in accordance to your behavior

... when you wander around and look at name abbreviations (TGHL, MW, MK, etc.) and try to say them phoenetically (tuh-gle, moo, mm-kuh, etc.)

... when, despite you know its against board rules and you figure no-one will see, you put information in your board profile

... when you wonder why nobody seems to give a care about the boards original purpose in regard to the Hampsters

... when you try imagining a little blonde hamster with a Mac Lappy crammed in its cage full'a pooplets and such

... when you, more than just once, look online to see how could a spectral brownie be genetically engineered

... when you wonder why you havent been given an administrative position on the board yet (And then realize there are more than just a few reasons)

... when you take common parlance and inside jokes from this board and use it on other websites/boards (Only to have everyone look at'cha wierd.)

... you end up cackling ridiculously loud at your computer monitor, drawing everyone in the house' attention to you

... when you have started multiple stories/other topics, but stopped half-way for reasons even you dont fully understand

... when it just makes your day like nothing else to see that every forum has been updated and Horatio is still online


Yeh im done.

And for the record, every one of those is in accordance to my daily activity. I have no life, I know. xD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Heh. I like the Spectral Brownie one. Topazia's Pink Floyd one is still my favourite though.


...when you give out awards to people in real life that are like the ones you give out here.

...when you hear about a king and think, "Hmm...I wonder if it's a guy or a girl?".


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


...when you hear Howling at night and think it's Arkcher.

...when you look at Mushrooms and get scared because you think it'll come control your mind.

...when you put people in the Meat Grinder and are surprised that they die.

...when you refer to money as H$.

...When you eat out and say you want to go to Planet Horatio.

...when you get scared that Mushroom_king is following you.

...when you go to a Meat Factory and believe MK owns it (Meat Grinders)

...when you go to a gun store and ask for shroom guns.

...when you try to communicate with Cheese and bananas.

...when you think of Scottish people, you think of Bananas.

...when you listen to Green Day and think of foxes.

...when you listen to Linkin park and think of Arkcher.

...when you see Hillary Duff on the cover of a Magizene and say, "Didn't Toto kill her already?".

...when you see preps and wonder why Toto hasn't killed them yet.

...when you see a person with a lot of Keychains on their Purse/backpack and complain about them having a long siggy.

...when you see a Squrril and think of Skwerlhugger Will.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

uh, MK... I think you're about the only one on this board who knows about that whole Linkin Park mess. xD Unless a few of you guys remember my brief obsession about that last year or whenever.

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You know you're addicted to Hampsterdance when you log on multiple times in a day(just to see if Horatio's moderated them posts yet).

That is so true. o___o; I come here about five times a day, at least, and im always rather dissapointed to find either there are no new posts, or Horatio hasnt come to mod yet.


Lemme see if I can come up with some...


... when you come to this topic to find out how many of these are in accordance to your behavior

... when you wander around and look at name abbreviations (TGHL, MW, MK, etc.) and try to say them phoenetically (tuh-gle, moo, mm-kuh, etc.)

... when, despite you know its against board rules and you figure no-one will see, you put information in your board profile

... when you wonder why nobody seems to give a care about the boards original purpose in regard to the Hampsters

... when you try imagining a little blonde hamster with a Mac Lappy crammed in its cage full'a pooplets and such

... when you, more than just once, look online to see how could a spectral brownie be genetically engineered

... when you wonder why you havent been given an administrative position on the board yet (And then realize there are more than just a few reasons)

... when you take common parlance and inside jokes from this board and use it on other websites/boards (Only to have everyone look at'cha wierd.)

... you end up cackling ridiculously loud at your computer monitor, drawing everyone in the house' attention to you

... when you have started multiple stories/other topics, but stopped half-way for reasons even you dont fully understand

... when it just makes your day like nothing else to see that every forum has been updated and Horatio is still online


Yeh im done.

And for the record, every one of those is in accordance to my daily activity. I have no life, I know. xD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Heh. I like the Spectral Brownie one. Topazia's Pink Floyd one is still my favourite though.


...when you give out awards to people in real life that are like the ones you give out here.

...when you hear about a king and think, "Hmm...I wonder if it's a guy or a girl?".


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Yeah, man. I've done that first one a few times. You feel pretty silly afterward.

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You know you're addicted to Hampsterdance when you log on multiple times in a day(just to see if Horatio's moderated them posts yet).

That is so true. o___o; I come here about five times a day, at least, and im always rather dissapointed to find either there are no new posts, or Horatio hasnt come to mod yet.


Lemme see if I can come up with some...


... when you come to this topic to find out how many of these are in accordance to your behavior

... when you wander around and look at name abbreviations (TGHL, MW, MK, etc.) and try to say them phoenetically (tuh-gle, moo, mm-kuh, etc.)

... when, despite you know its against board rules and you figure no-one will see, you put information in your board profile

... when you wonder why nobody seems to give a care about the boards original purpose in regard to the Hampsters

... when you try imagining a little blonde hamster with a Mac Lappy crammed in its cage full'a pooplets and such

... when you, more than just once, look online to see how could a spectral brownie be genetically engineered

... when you wonder why you havent been given an administrative position on the board yet (And then realize there are more than just a few reasons)

... when you take common parlance and inside jokes from this board and use it on other websites/boards (Only to have everyone look at'cha wierd.)

... you end up cackling ridiculously loud at your computer monitor, drawing everyone in the house' attention to you

... when you have started multiple stories/other topics, but stopped half-way for reasons even you dont fully understand

... when it just makes your day like nothing else to see that every forum has been updated and Horatio is still online


Yeh im done.

And for the record, every one of those is in accordance to my daily activity. I have no life, I know. xD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Heh. I like the Spectral Brownie one. Topazia's Pink Floyd one is still my favourite though.


...when you give out awards to people in real life that are like the ones you give out here.

...when you hear about a king and think, "Hmm...I wonder if it's a guy or a girl?".


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Yeah, man. I've done that first one a few times. You feel pretty silly afterward.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Me to.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You DEFINATLY know your addicted to HD when you dream you marry Arkcher.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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ok heres wut u do, you know ur addicted to hamsterdance when... and u post wutever u want, examples


you know ur addicted to hamseterdance when u dream it in I have had a couple of dreams about HampsterDance MD. Does that count?

you know ur addicted to hamsterdance when u cant wait to get home from school to get on

you know ur addicted to hamseterdance when u think ur a hamster that is loosing its sanity





now its ur turn!

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find the same phrase running through your mind, and although you know you found it on HDMB, you have long since forgotten who said it.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find the same phrase running through your mind, and know it is from HDMB, and know either who said it or even where it can be found.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find yourself thinking about it even when away...

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you can't be kept away.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your day is not complete without it.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you're absolutely certain that someone from HDMB is near you/following you, everywhere that you go.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your parents got you your own computer because you were on too much.


(These do not all fit me. I shall leave you to guess.)

(Whose phrase is "keeling you dead", anyway...? ;) )

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ok heres wut u do, you know ur addicted to hamsterdance when... and u post wutever u want, examples


you know ur addicted to hamseterdance when u dream it in I have had a couple of dreams about HampsterDance MD. Does that count?

you know ur addicted to hamsterdance when u cant wait to get home from school to get on

you know ur addicted to hamseterdance when u think ur a hamster that is loosing its sanity





now its ur turn!

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find the same phrase running through your mind, and although you know you found it on HDMB, you have long since forgotten who said it.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find the same phrase running through your mind, and know it is from HDMB, and know either who said it or even where it can be found.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find yourself thinking about it even when away...

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you can't be kept away.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your day is not complete without it.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you're absolutely certain that someone from HDMB is near you/following you, everywhere that you go.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your parents got you your own computer because you were on too much.


(These do not all fit me. I shall leave you to guess.)

(Whose phrase is "keeling you dead", anyway...? ;) )

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance when you are off to college and you return to find other returning posters also in college... Lexxscrapham, Erendayu, Jesusfreak, CheetaSpot. :lol:

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(Whose phrase is "keeling you dead", anyway...? ;) )

-raises hand- That was me. I forgot why or where it came from. Maybe it was Perducci's secret weapon/your doom, 'killingyouguy' as seen in Dangeresque3, Directors cut, Dangeresque twoo? (on H*R.)

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(Whose phrase is "keeling you dead", anyway...? ;) )

-raises hand- That was me. I forgot why or where it came from. Maybe it was Perducci's secret weapon/your doom, 'killingyouguy' as seen in Dangeresque3, Directors cut, Dangeresque twoo? (on H*R.)

I struck through it! :blink:

Ooh, thanks!

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your family/friends join/know as much about the 'Boards as you do.

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ok heres wut u do, you know ur addicted to hamsterdance when... and u post wutever u want, examples


you know ur addicted to hamseterdance when u dream it in I have had a couple of dreams about HampsterDance MD. Does that count?

you know ur addicted to hamsterdance when u cant wait to get home from school to get on

you know ur addicted to hamseterdance when u think ur a hamster that is loosing its sanity





now its ur turn!

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find the same phrase running through your mind, and although you know you found it on HDMB, you have long since forgotten who said it.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find the same phrase running through your mind, and know it is from HDMB, and know either who said it or even where it can be found.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find yourself thinking about it even when away...

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you can't be kept away.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your day is not complete without it.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you're absolutely certain that someone from HDMB is near you/following you, everywhere that you go.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your parents got you your own computer because you were on too much.


(These do not all fit me. I shall leave you to guess.)

(Whose phrase is "keeling you dead", anyway...? ;) )

Keelingyoudead was Arkcher's. *remembers his fondness for Linkin Park*

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(Whose phrase is "keeling you dead", anyway...? ;) )

-raises hand- That was me. I forgot why or where it came from. Maybe it was Perducci's secret weapon/your doom, 'killingyouguy' as seen in Dangeresque3, Directors cut, Dangeresque twoo? (on H*R.)

I struck through it! :blink:

Ooh, thanks!

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your family/friends join/know as much about the 'Boards as you do.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


XD That describes me. I tell my freinds about you guys all the time.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domne*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


<_< I sometimes use HD Words or phrases in real life, and people have no idea what I mean. Like when I say "Compy". :glare:


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomy Domine*~*

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...When you think of a penguin when your neighbor says her name is Sheena

...when you skip over your online mail account trying to find out what Hratio let through

...when you almost call your best friend a hammie

...when you think of mushrooms when you hear Pink Floyd

...when you daydream of a phoenix while studying feudalism

...when you automatically want to type whatever song you're listening to in the implied topic

...when you think of an Aussie HDer when you hear the term Glow worm

...when you think of a young female fox when you think of Aussie girls

...when you go to the pet store and flip out at seeing all of horatio's blonde siblings in the hamster bin

...when you ask the hamsters if you can put www.DeletedbyHoratio.com into the Hampsterdance forums (I put it in first so there)

...when you think Bodom Beach terror when you watch Wizard of Oz

...and that's all I can think of

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


LOL, my freinds in real life tell me that whenever they hear a Pink Floyd Song they think of me. It's pretty funny.


:mellow: I just now got the Wizard of Oz one. I was like, "Wha...? Oh wait, Toto."


....when you see an advertisment for Dr.Pepper and you think of MK.

...when you leave Root Beer out in the woods believing it will attract Skwerls.

...you spell Squrrills "Skwerls".

...You watch I love The 70's/80's/90's and think of MK.

...ypu go one a search to find a classic rock band MK hasn't heard of.

...when you play SSBM constently trying to get better thann Cheesemaster.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronoym Domine*~*

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...when the phone rings and you instantly think "oh, that's Horatio saying guess what your post was moderated and is in the proper forum"


...when you're watching CSI miami and can't shake the feeling that Horatio Kane's name is just a coverup bc he wants up to think he's a little harmless hamster


...when you wish you could get on HD through your dying, un-internet-access-ed laptop because you have two hours b/w classes at college and nowhere to go burn the minutes


...when you casually call your friends by the names of people on HD that best fit their personality


...when you giggle at your computer and your mother tells you "I didn't say anything funny"


...when you blend HD into RL and expect your skeptical friends to believe that you really do know people from Australia, England, Romania (anyone remember vlad tepes?), New Jersey, near the space coast, and they all know each other and somehow get along (Yes, I'm at fault here)


...when you create multiple ids like Taynio and me, and separate them into personalities


...when you're constantly predicting what some people will say to your posts before you see them, guessing if you can predict a cyber-personality


...when you find a story, and then you wonder what will the author write next and it drives you crazy when he/she doesn't posts for two weeks and banter w/ horatio about stalling for time and getting kicked by a horse (You know who you are)


...when you think how stupid hilary duff is when you watch Wizard of Oz


...Okay, I'm pulling strings now. Anyone else?

This reminds me of Jeff Foxworthy's Blue Collar series.

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ok heres wut u do, you know ur addicted to hamsterdance when... and u post wutever u want, examples


you know ur addicted to hamseterdance when u dream it in I have had a couple of dreams about HampsterDance MD. Does that count?

you know ur addicted to hamsterdance when u cant wait to get home from school to get on

you know ur addicted to hamseterdance when u think ur a hamster that is loosing its sanity





now its ur turn!

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find the same phrase running through your mind, and although you know you found it on HDMB, you have long since forgotten who said it.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find the same phrase running through your mind, and know it is from HDMB, and know either who said it or even where it can be found.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find yourself thinking about it even when away...

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you can't be kept away.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your day is not complete without it.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you're absolutely certain that someone from HDMB is near you/following you, everywhere that you go.

You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your parents got you your own computer because you were on too much.


(These do not all fit me. I shall leave you to guess.)

(Whose phrase is "keeling you dead", anyway...? ;) )

Keelingyoudead was Arkcher's. *remembers his fondness for Linkin Park*

>___>;.......... Well stop remembering it then!

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...when you think in emotes. *is guilty of this*

*is guilty of this as well*

when you say someting like *jumps out of airplane* or whatever. or you drop a spoon and in the middle of saying something say *drops spoon.* like, "Hey how have you been drops spoon?" I actually did that once. XD

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...when you think in emotes. *is guilty of this*

*is guilty of this as well*

when you say someting like *jumps out of airplane* or whatever. or you drop a spoon and in the middle of saying something say *drops spoon.* like, "Hey how have you been drops spoon?" I actually did that once. XD

I think about all the actions I do in *s all the time, but I've only said it out loud a few times.

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...if you've ever bought anything with penguins on it because it reminded you of sheena

...when you know what a sanity looks like, and what color yours is

...if you've ever sold a divice to protect your sanity

...if your sanity has been stolen

...if you've been here so long that you remember the old boards

...if you've been here so long your remember the boards before the old boards

...if making your 1000th post was a cause to celebrate

...if you ever daydreamed about how cool it would be to have an official HD party in real life.

...if wolfs remind you of Jesse

...if you've ever made micicles

...if you've ever visited a topic that had become a desert

...if said desert was covered in snow

...if you think it's funny that people that have known you for over a year still mess up your name and age (for the record, I'm a girl, and I'm 18)

...if you own any of the actual HD cds.

...if when you see the town of Hampton in the news you think of a hampster

...if you've ever wanted to be an admin just so you could approve all the avatars and get the old smileys back

...if people logged in as anonymous aren't really anonymous

...if you've ever wished someone a hammy birthday

...if hot topic reminds you of Lauren

...if you remember Lauren's original username

...if you make a list of "you know you're addicted to HD" phrases this rediculously long. o.O

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  • 2 weeks later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


...when you vote in old, dead polls knowing that no one will notice (i do that from time to time.)

...when MK is gone for a while and you wonder if her laptop is broken

...when you do a random qoute of the day with your posse

...when you write stories about the HD gang

...when you ask the Dumb Philosipher ALL your questions


*~*The Psychedeelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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... you end up getting in a situation with your friends that results in you having to explain the whole Sanity mess. (I've done that a number of times...)

... you cant help but wonder Why isnt the rest of the world moderated?

... you also wonder if Horatio applies madd Mod skillz to other things or message boards... Hmmmm...

... you dig up your really old Hampsterdance CD's, dust them off and remember 'back in the day'

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when you almost call your boyfriend Ich becasue that's his name on HD

when you're reading the paper and wondering what the other HDers would think, except only one other HDer lives is your state


when you use your HD name for everything

when you illustrate your HD character (ZombieCat) twenty thousand times in a notebook

when you wonder if Horatio has modded your story addition yet

when you're disappointed to find out he hasn't


when watching CSI Miami you think Horatio Kane has a funny name for a guy



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when you almost call your boyfriend Ich becasue that's his name on HD

when you're reading the paper and wondering what the other HDers would think, except only one other HDer lives is your state


when you use your HD name for everything

when you illustrate your HD character (ZombieCat) twenty thousand times in a notebook

when you wonder if Horatio has modded your story addition yet

when you're disappointed to find out he hasn't


when watching CSI Miami you think Horatio Kane has a funny name for a guy



There are a bunch of Florida people now. Mr. Moosey368, Funky Monkey, Hoops, Campsoup1988, you and me!!! I think I forgot someone. :huh:

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when you almost call your boyfriend Ich becasue that's his name on HD

when you're reading the paper and wondering what the other HDers would think, except only one other HDer lives is your state


when you use your HD name for everything

when you illustrate your HD character (ZombieCat) twenty thousand times in a notebook

when you wonder if Horatio has modded your story addition yet

when you're disappointed to find out he hasn't


when watching CSI Miami you think Horatio Kane has a funny name for a guy



There are a bunch of Florida people now. Mr. Moosey368, Funky Monkey, Hoops, Campsoup1988, you and me!!! I think I forgot someone. :huh:

:o:o:o how could you just give out their states like that???!!?!?!?!

*is shocked*

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when you almost call your boyfriend Ich becasue that's his name on HD

when you're reading the paper and wondering what the other HDers would think, except only one other HDer lives is your state


when you use your HD name for everything

when you illustrate your HD character (ZombieCat) twenty thousand times in a notebook

when you wonder if Horatio has modded your story addition yet

when you're disappointed to find out he hasn't


when watching CSI Miami you think Horatio Kane has a funny name for a guy



There are a bunch of Florida people now. Mr. Moosey368, Funky Monkey, Hoops, Campsoup1988, you and me!!! I think I forgot someone. :huh:

:o:o:o how could you just give out their states like that???!!?!?!?!

*is shocked*

States are okay, but no towns, cities or villages.

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If you go from store to store, get kicked out of Circuit City, then try to think of ways to stay in the library overnight... just to moderate.

im asuming you know someone*cough cough* who has done these things

:lol: *cough, cough* Whatever gave you that idea! *cough,cough* :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When you look at your real-life freinds and see which ones are most like the peopel here.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to classic rock when "When Did Motely Crue Become Classic Rock?" becomes your Catch phrase.


Or, when you have memrized every song on your Supernova CD.


*~*The Psychedclic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.

That's true for like...most of them. XD

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

how can a wurm stand?


you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. :lol:

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

how can a wurm stand?


you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. :lol:

Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! :lol: Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. :lol:


And wurms can stand on their tail.

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

how can a wurm stand?


you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. :lol:

Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! :lol: Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. :lol:


And wurms can stand on their tail.

My typing speed is so good, that on a website with a minimum thirty second time between posts, I'll get two or three permission errors from the same message, usually about this size.


I speak from experience. I was going to go to bed... And I was telling my friends so... And I got two permission errors XD I think it was trying to tell me something.


You know you're addicted to HD when you try to bodyslam someone twice your age, just because they were saying 'ooo' or 'grr' too much.

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

how can a wurm stand?


you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. :lol:

Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! :lol: Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. :lol:


And wurms can stand on their tail.

The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type.

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

how can a wurm stand?


you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. :lol:

Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! :lol: Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. :lol:


And wurms can stand on their tail.

The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type.

likewise. XD

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

how can a wurm stand?


you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. :lol:

Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! :lol: Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. :lol:


And wurms can stand on their tail.

The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type.

likewise. XD

Seriously. When I first joined HD I was typing with one finger and had to stare at the keyboard to find the letters. Now I can type at an about average speed. ^_^

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

how can a wurm stand?


you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. :lol:

Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! :lol: Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. :lol:


And wurms can stand on their tail.

The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type.

likewise. XD

Seriously. When I first joined HD I was typing with one finger and had to stare at the keyboard to find the letters. Now I can type at an about average speed. ^_^

I am the fastest hamster in our group! WOW! HampsterDance has sped up my typing skills immensely!!

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

how can a wurm stand?


you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. :lol:

Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! :lol: Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. :lol:


And wurms can stand on their tail.

The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type.

likewise. XD

Seriously. When I first joined HD I was typing with one finger and had to stare at the keyboard to find the letters. Now I can type at an about average speed. ^_^

I am the fastest hamster in our group! WOW! HampsterDance has sped up my typing skills immensely!!

I have to admit, it was puzzle pirates that gave me touch-typing abilities, but my speed vastly improved since Hampsterdance.

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

how can a wurm stand?


you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. :lol:

Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! :lol: Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. :lol:


And wurms can stand on their tail.

The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type.

likewise. XD

Seriously. When I first joined HD I was typing with one finger and had to stare at the keyboard to find the letters. Now I can type at an about average speed. ^_^

I am the fastest hamster in our group! WOW! HampsterDance has sped up my typing skills immensely!!



Im not too sure about that. according to "TypingTest" in google when searching for "typing speed" gave the following results:

Test name: Tigris in the Wild

Gross Speed: 52 WPM

Errors: 3 words

Net Speed: 49 WPM

Accuracy 94%


I'm a bit slow now beacuse I'm tired, but how would y'all do?

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

how can a wurm stand?


you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. :lol:

Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! :lol: Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. :lol:


And wurms can stand on their tail.

The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type.

likewise. XD

Seriously. When I first joined HD I was typing with one finger and had to stare at the keyboard to find the letters. Now I can type at an about average speed. ^_^

I am the fastest hamster in our group! WOW! HampsterDance has sped up my typing skills immensely!!



Im not too sure about that. according to "TypingTest" in google when searching for "typing speed" gave the following results:

Test name: Tigris in the Wild

Gross Speed: 52 WPM

Errors: 3 words

Net Speed: 49 WPM

Accuracy 94%


I'm a bit slow now beacuse I'm tired, but how would y'all do?

I scored so low, the test told me not to think of a career using a keyboard. It suggested a chainsaw or jackhammer. :lol:

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u know ur addicted to HD when its on ur favorites list on ur web browser

u know ur addicted to HD when u have successfully recruited someone else to the site (even if they dont stay long)




u know ur addicted to Monk (the tv show) when you feel depressed because season 2 has not come in at the local library....this is happening to me....

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u know ur addicted to HD when its on ur favorites list on ur web browser

u know ur addicted to HD when u have successfully recruited someone else to the site (even if they dont stay long)




u know ur addicted to Monk (the tv show) when you feel depressed because season 2 has not come in at the local library....this is happening to me....

I am overwhelmingly addicted! It is terrible when hamster's talk about all their cheesie, skwerl, wolf, phoenix, cat, dog and mushroom loving friends! :lol: Then we have the tumbleweed loving, meat grinding, micicle and Monk loving friends! Then there is the... :lol::lol::lol:


It is really the worst when your home page is HampsterDance! :wacko:

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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

how can a wurm stand?


you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. :lol:

Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! :lol: Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. :lol:


And wurms can stand on their tail.

The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type.

likewise. XD

Seriously. When I first joined HD I was typing with one finger and had to stare at the keyboard to find the letters. Now I can type at an about average speed. ^_^

I am the fastest hamster in our group! WOW! HampsterDance has sped up my typing skills immensely!!



Im not too sure about that. according to "TypingTest" in google when searching for "typing speed" gave the following results:

Test name: Tigris in the Wild

Gross Speed: 52 WPM

Errors: 3 words

Net Speed: 49 WPM

Accuracy 94%


I'm a bit slow now beacuse I'm tired, but how would y'all do?

I scored so low, the test told me not to think of a career using a keyboard. It suggested a chainsaw or jackhammer. :lol:

I got 60 WPM with 100% accuracy. ^.^

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u know ur addicted to HD when its on ur favorites list on ur web browser

u know ur addicted to HD when u have successfully recruited someone else to the site (even if they dont stay long)




u know ur addicted to Monk (the tv show) when you feel depressed because season 2 has not come in at the local library....this is happening to me....

I am overwhelmingly addicted! It is terrible when hamster's talk about all their cheesie, skwerl, wolf, phoenix, cat, dog and mushroom loving friends! :lol: Then we have the tumbleweed loving, meat grinding, micicle and Monk loving friends! Then there is the... :lol::lol::lol:


It is really the worst when your home page is HampsterDance! :wacko:



My homepage is HampsterDance!



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i think we should expand it to you know your are addicted to ____ when ____.

such as, "you know you are addicted to weird al when you think his songs are better than the origionals.



You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!"



*sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter*


I stand corrected!

how can a wurm stand?


you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. :lol:

Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! :lol: Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. :lol:


And wurms can stand on their tail.

The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type.

likewise. XD

Seriously. When I first joined HD I was typing with one finger and had to stare at the keyboard to find the letters. Now I can type at an about average speed. ^_^

I am the fastest hamster in our group! WOW! HampsterDance has sped up my typing skills immensely!!



Im not too sure about that. according to "TypingTest" in google when searching for "typing speed" gave the following results:

Test name: Tigris in the Wild

Gross Speed: 52 WPM

Errors: 3 words

Net Speed: 49 WPM

Accuracy 94%


I'm a bit slow now beacuse I'm tired, but how would y'all do?

I scored so low, the test told me not to think of a career using a keyboard. It suggested a chainsaw or jackhammer. :lol:

I got 60 WPM with 100% accuracy. ^.^

My guess for your score would have been 110 WPM with 10% accuracy! :lol:

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u know ur addicted to HD when its on ur favorites list on ur web browser

u know ur addicted to HD when u have successfully recruited someone else to the site (even if they dont stay long)




u know ur addicted to Monk (the tv show) when you feel depressed because season 2 has not come in at the local library....this is happening to me....

I am overwhelmingly addicted! It is terrible when hamster's talk about all their cheesie, skwerl, wolf, phoenix, cat, dog and mushroom loving friends! :lol: Then we have the tumbleweed loving, meat grinding, micicle and Monk loving friends! Then there is the... :lol: LOL :lol:


It is really the worst when your home page is HampsterDance! :wacko:


My homepage is HampsterDance!



I can understand why...

LOL :rolleyes: LOL

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u know ur addicted to HD when its on ur favorites list on ur web browser

u know ur addicted to HD when u have successfully recruited someone else to the site (even if they dont stay long)




u know ur addicted to Monk (the tv show) when you feel depressed because season 2 has not come in at the local library....this is happening to me....

I am overwhelmingly addicted! It is terrible when hamster's talk about all their cheesie, skwerl, wolf, phoenix, cat, dog and mushroom loving friends! :lol: Then we have the tumbleweed loving, meat grinding, micicle and Monk loving friends! Then there is the... :lol: LOL :lol:


It is really the worst when your home page is HampsterDance! :wacko:


My homepage is HampsterDance!



I can understand why...

LOL :rolleyes: LOL



Spell it out for us.


(Aww, classtime.)

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u know ur addicted to HD when its on ur favorites list on ur web browser

u know ur addicted to HD when u have successfully recruited someone else to the site (even if they dont stay long)




u know ur addicted to Monk (the tv show) when you feel depressed because season 2 has not come in at the local library....this is happening to me....

I am overwhelmingly addicted! It is terrible when hamster's talk about all their cheesie, skwerl, wolf, phoenix, cat, dog and mushroom loving friends! :lol: Then we have the tumbleweed loving, meat grinding, micicle and Monk loving friends! Then there is the... :lol: LOL :lol:


It is really the worst when your home page is HampsterDance! :wacko:


My homepage is HampsterDance!



I can understand why...

LOL :rolleyes: LOL



Spell it out for us.


(Aww, classtime.)

You are a wurm... exactly how much spelling out do you need? LOL

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u know ur addicted to HD when its on ur favorites list on ur web browser

u know ur addicted to HD when u have successfully recruited someone else to the site (even if they dont stay long)




u know ur addicted to Monk (the tv show) when you feel depressed because season 2 has not come in at the local library....this is happening to me....

I am overwhelmingly addicted! It is terrible when hamster's talk about all their cheesie, skwerl, wolf, phoenix, cat, dog and mushroom loving friends! :lol: Then we have the tumbleweed loving, meat grinding, micicle and Monk loving friends! Then there is the... :lol: LOL :lol:


It is really the worst when your home page is HampsterDance! :wacko:


My homepage is HampsterDance!



I can understand why...

LOL :rolleyes: LOL



Spell it out for us.


(Aww, classtime.)

You are a wurm... exactly how much spelling out do you need? LOL



Enough so I know how to spell my name correctly :P

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u know ur addicted to HD when its on ur favorites list on ur web browser

u know ur addicted to HD when u have successfully recruited someone else to the site (even if they dont stay long)




u know ur addicted to Monk (the tv show) when you feel depressed because season 2 has not come in at the local library....this is happening to me....

I am overwhelmingly addicted! It is terrible when hamster's talk about all their cheesie, skwerl, wolf, phoenix, cat, dog and mushroom loving friends! :lol: Then we have the tumbleweed loving, meat grinding, micicle and Monk loving friends! Then there is the... :lol: LOL :lol:


It is really the worst when your home page is HampsterDance! :wacko:


My homepage is HampsterDance!



I can understand why...

LOL :rolleyes: LOL



Spell it out for us.


(Aww, classtime.)

You are a wurm... exactly how much spelling out do you need? LOL



Enough so I know how to spell my name correctly :P

W - U - R - M...

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u know ur addicted to HD when its on ur favorites list on ur web browser

u know ur addicted to HD when u have successfully recruited someone else to the site (even if they dont stay long)




u know ur addicted to Monk (the tv show) when you feel depressed because season 2 has not come in at the local library....this is happening to me....

I am overwhelmingly addicted! It is terrible when hamster's talk about all their cheesie, skwerl, wolf, phoenix, cat, dog and mushroom loving friends! :lol: Then we have the tumbleweed loving, meat grinding, micicle and Monk loving friends! Then there is the... :lol: LOL :lol:


It is really the worst when your home page is HampsterDance! :wacko:


My homepage is HampsterDance!



I can understand why...

LOL :rolleyes: LOL



Spell it out for us.


(Aww, classtime.)

You are a wurm... exactly how much spelling out do you need? LOL



Enough so I know how to spell my name correctly :P

W - U - R - M...

Thank you.


Nice Ninja Award for you.

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u know ur addicted to HD when its on ur favorites list on ur web browser

u know ur addicted to HD when u have successfully recruited someone else to the site (even if they dont stay long)




u know ur addicted to Monk (the tv show) when you feel depressed because season 2 has not come in at the local library....this is happening to me....

I am overwhelmingly addicted! It is terrible when hamster's talk about all their cheesie, skwerl, wolf, phoenix, cat, dog and mushroom loving friends! :lol: Then we have the tumbleweed loving, meat grinding, micicle and Monk loving friends! Then there is the... :lol: LOL :lol:


It is really the worst when your home page is HampsterDance! :wacko:


My homepage is HampsterDance!



I can understand why...

LOL :rolleyes: LOL



Spell it out for us.


(Aww, classtime.)

You are a wurm... exactly how much spelling out do you need? LOL



Enough so I know how to spell my name correctly :P

W - U - R - M...

Thank you.


Nice Ninja Award for you.

Thank you!

*grabs award and scurries off to the Awards Cabinet and places it in the spotlight*


Now I must look for Monk to help Dog lover out!

*sets up surveillance*

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You know you are addicted to HD when you start spelling 'worm' as 'wurm' and believe that is the correct spelling.


You know you are addicted to your wacom art tablet when you start frothing at the mouth when you hear it hasn't arrived yet

You know you are addicted to your wacom art tablet when you go nuts if somebody else tries to use it.

You know you are addicted to cheese when people compare you to me.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


when you natrualy spell 'hamster' as 'hampster' (im guilty of this)

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


when you natrualy spell 'hamster' as 'hampster' (im guilty of this)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You know your addicted to Pink Fliyd when you spell Hamster as Hampster?




*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


when you natrualy spell 'hamster' as 'hampster' (im guilty of this)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You know your addicted to Pink Fliyd when you spell Hamster as Hampster?




*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


ive been woundering, who is Pink Fliyd?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


when you natrualy spell 'hamster' as 'hampster' (im guilty of this)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You know your addicted to Pink Fliyd when you spell Hamster as Hampster?




*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


ive been woundering, who is Pink Fliyd?

You may want to hide now to avoid poindexter.



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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


when you natrualy spell 'hamster' as 'hampster' (im guilty of this)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You know your addicted to Pink Fliyd when you spell Hamster as Hampster?




*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


ive been woundering, who is Pink Fliyd?

*waits for MK to explode*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


when you natrualy spell 'hamster' as 'hampster' (im guilty of this)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You know your addicted to Pink Fliyd when you spell Hamster as Hampster?


LOL :lol: LOL :lol: LOL :lol: LOL


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


ive been woundering, who is Pink Fliyd?

The girl band version of Pink Floyd. LOL

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


when you natrualy spell 'hamster' as 'hampster' (im guilty of this)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You know your addicted to Pink Fliyd when you spell Hamster as Hampster?




*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


ive been woundering, who is Pink Fliyd?



WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Throws Campsoup1988 in The Meat grinder*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


when you natrualy spell 'hamster' as 'hampster' (im guilty of this)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You know your addicted to Pink Fliyd when you spell Hamster as Hampster?


LOL :lol: LOL :lol: LOL :lol: LOL


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


ive been woundering, who is Pink Fliyd?

The girl band version of Pink Floyd. LOL



ok, I was woundering if it was a band


*points at previous posters* You guys are scraing me *shivers*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


when you natrualy spell 'hamster' as 'hampster' (im guilty of this)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You know your addicted to Pink Fliyd when you spell Hamster as Hampster?


LOL :lol: LOL :lol: LOL :lol: LOL


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


ive been woundering, who is Pink Fliyd?



WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Throws Campsoup1988 in The Meat grinder*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

I probably should have warned you. I definitely saw the Meat Grinder coming. :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


when you natrualy spell 'hamster' as 'hampster' (im guilty of this)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You know your addicted to Pink Fliyd when you spell Hamster as Hampster?


LOL :lol: LOL :lol: LOL :lol: LOL


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


ive been woundering, who is Pink Fliyd?



WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Throws Campsoup1988 in The Meat grinder*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

I probably should have warned you. I definitely saw the Meat Grinder coming. :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Goes Zelda on Campsoup*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


when you natrualy spell 'hamster' as 'hampster' (im guilty of this)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You know your addicted to Pink Fliyd when you spell Hamster as Hampster?


LOL :lol: LOL :lol: LOL :lol: LOL


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


ive been woundering, who is Pink Fliyd?



WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Throws Campsoup1988 in The Meat grinder*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

I probably should have warned you. I definitely saw the Meat Grinder coming. :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Goes Zelda on Campsoup*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

*Goes Link on Campsoup*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


You know you are addicted to Pink floyd...


...when you have memorized all their songs.

...when you foam at the mouth when you see someone else buy an album you don't have.

...when you know the 'Shine On' Boxed set is rubbish.

...when you know the names of all the Gerald Scarfe animations.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


when you natrualy spell 'hamster' as 'hampster' (im guilty of this)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You know your addicted to Pink Fliyd when you spell Hamster as Hampster?


LOL :lol: LOL :lol: LOL :lol: LOL


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


ive been woundering, who is Pink Fliyd?



WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Throws Campsoup1988 in The Meat grinder*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

I probably should have warned you. I definitely saw the Meat Grinder coming. :lol:


*get hits on the head by meat grinder* how did I miss that coming?


dont mention zelda, my anime club showed some halirious video clips of cheat treasure chest prizes (not sure what site they got them from) "-"


You know you are addicted to HD when:

You are a mod (especially the globalbmod) for www.hampsterdance.com.

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You know you're addicted to LOZ when you hold up everything you obtain.

You know you're addicted to LOZ when you try to pay in rupees for everything.

You know you're addicted to LOZ when your sister's room is a 'dungeon'.

You know you're addicted to LOZ when you believe your ocarina is magical.

You know you're addicted to LOZ when you think masks have special properties.

You know you're addicted to LOZ when you call bats keese (I haven't played LOZ in a while. I think keese is wrong >.<)

You know you're addicted to LOZ when you get all sad-like because you don't have a fairy.

You know you're addicted to LOZ when you refer to the biggest, oldest tree in your city as 'The Great Deku Tree'

You know you're addcted to LOZ when you have more LOZ games then an average person knew existed.

You know you're addiced to LOZ when you do 10 of these things... And you still have ideas for more.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Goes Pink Floyd on all'a j00*


(That means: Hammers, Swords, Axes, Meat Grinders, guitars, etc.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Goes Nintendo on everyone*


Oh, and Captain Obvious, You've proved that you are online right now.


*~*The Psychedeliv Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


....when you tell everyone your in the Kat Mafia

....when asked to say what groups you are in, you say DWLS or ILSAYTTOBTOSAWCDWWWWWT or similer

....when you play Paper Mario and think of MK

....when you play Metroid and Think of Arkcher (This one is true for me)


....When you play Guitar Hero and wonder if MK put the creators in The Meat Grinder for not puting Pink Floyd on it

....when you play DDR and think of Kat

....when you go to a Luau and wonder why it's not very Psychedelic (The Psychedelic Luau would make a cool school dance theme, wouldn't it? XD)

....when j00 start talkin like Arkky-boy does n_n

....when you die so much that if you were any deader you'd still be alive

....when you print out lists of ways to have fun at Wal-Mart and show it to your freinds (I am guilty of this)

....when you print out the 3 Word Story and read it to your freinds (I am also guilty of this)

....when you have been on HD so long that you don't like Hampsterdance anymore, you just come for th cool people


Gettin' back into the groove.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


....when you tell everyone your in the Kat Mafia

....when asked to say what groups you are in, you say DWLS or ILSAYTTOBTOSAWCDWWWWWT or similer

....when you play Paper Mario and think of MK

....when you play Metroid and Think of Arkcher (This one is true for me)


....When you play Guitar Hero and wonder if MK put the creators in The Meat Grinder for not puting Pink Floyd on it

....when you play DDR and think of Kat

....when you go to a Luau and wonder why it's not very Psychedelic (The Psychedelic Luau would make a cool school dance theme, wouldn't it? XD)

....when j00 start talkin like Arkky-boy does n_n

....when you die so much that if you were any deader you'd still be alive

....when you print out lists of ways to have fun at Wal-Mart and show it to your freinds (I am guilty of this)

....when you print out the 3 Word Story and read it to your freinds (I am also guilty of this)

....when you have been on HD so long that you don't like Hampsterdance anymore, you just come for th cool people


Gettin' back into the groove.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I agree. >__>


Wha'f you were like, playin' Metroid Fusion while talking in Arkcher-man style?

I need to come up with an official name for that... thing, way of speech, language, I dunno. i dont even know what it is. XD

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


....when you tell everyone your in the Kat Mafia

....when asked to say what groups you are in, you say DWLS or ILSAYTTOBTOSAWCDWWWWWT or similer

....when you play Paper Mario and think of MK

....when you play Metroid and Think of Arkcher (This one is true for me)


....When you play Guitar Hero and wonder if MK put the creators in The Meat Grinder for not puting Pink Floyd on it

....when you play DDR and think of Kat

....when you go to a Luau and wonder why it's not very Psychedelic (The Psychedelic Luau would make a cool school dance theme, wouldn't it? XD)

....when j00 start talkin like Arkky-boy does n_n

....when you die so much that if you were any deader you'd still be alive

....when you print out lists of ways to have fun at Wal-Mart and show it to your freinds (I am guilty of this)

....when you print out the 3 Word Story and read it to your freinds (I am also guilty of this)

....when you have been on HD so long that you don't like Hampsterdance anymore, you just come for th cool people


Gettin' back into the groove.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I agree. >__>


Wha'f you were like, playin' Metroid Fusion while talking in Arkcher-man style?

I need to come up with an official name for that... thing, way of speech, language, I dunno. i dont even know what it is. XD


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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


....when you tell everyone your in the Kat Mafia

....when asked to say what groups you are in, you say DWLS or ILSAYTTOBTOSAWCDWWWWWT or similer

....when you play Paper Mario and think of MK

....when you play Metroid and Think of Arkcher (This one is true for me)


....When you play Guitar Hero and wonder if MK put the creators in The Meat Grinder for not puting Pink Floyd on it

....when you play DDR and think of Kat

....when you go to a Luau and wonder why it's not very Psychedelic (The Psychedelic Luau would make a cool school dance theme, wouldn't it? XD)

....when j00 start talkin like Arkky-boy does n_n

....when you die so much that if you were any deader you'd still be alive

....when you print out lists of ways to have fun at Wal-Mart and show it to your freinds (I am guilty of this)

....when you print out the 3 Word Story and read it to your freinds (I am also guilty of this)

....when you have been on HD so long that you don't like Hampsterdance anymore, you just come for th cool people


Gettin' back into the groove.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I agree. >__>


Wha'f you were like, playin' Metroid Fusion while talking in Arkcher-man style?

I need to come up with an official name for that... thing, way of speech, language, I dunno. i dont even know what it is. XD

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Just Call it Arkcher-speak, man. Pff.


Stoopid peaple's.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


....when you tell everyone your in the Kat Mafia

....when asked to say what groups you are in, you say DWLS or ILSAYTTOBTOSAWCDWWWWWT or similer

....when you play Paper Mario and think of MK

....when you play Metroid and Think of Arkcher (This one is true for me)


....When you play Guitar Hero and wonder if MK put the creators in The Meat Grinder for not puting Pink Floyd on it

....when you play DDR and think of Kat

....when you go to a Luau and wonder why it's not very Psychedelic (The Psychedelic Luau would make a cool school dance theme, wouldn't it? XD)

....when j00 start talkin like Arkky-boy does n_n

....when you die so much that if you were any deader you'd still be alive

....when you print out lists of ways to have fun at Wal-Mart and show it to your freinds (I am guilty of this)

....when you print out the 3 Word Story and read it to your freinds (I am also guilty of this)

....when you have been on HD so long that you don't like Hampsterdance anymore, you just come for th cool people


Gettin' back into the groove.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I agree. >__>


Wha'f you were like, playin' Metroid Fusion while talking in Arkcher-man style?

I need to come up with an official name for that... thing, way of speech, language, I dunno. i dont even know what it is. XD


That sounds more like a new type of Economics program. Perhaps Arkcher has a new idea for currency.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


....when you tell everyone your in the Kat Mafia

....when asked to say what groups you are in, you say DWLS or ILSAYTTOBTOSAWCDWWWWWT or similer

....when you play Paper Mario and think of MK

....when you play Metroid and Think of Arkcher (This one is true for me)


....When you play Guitar Hero and wonder if MK put the creators in The Meat Grinder for not puting Pink Floyd on it

....when you play DDR and think of Kat

....when you go to a Luau and wonder why it's not very Psychedelic (The Psychedelic Luau would make a cool school dance theme, wouldn't it? XD)

....when j00 start talkin like Arkky-boy does n_n

....when you die so much that if you were any deader you'd still be alive

....when you print out lists of ways to have fun at Wal-Mart and show it to your freinds (I am guilty of this)

....when you print out the 3 Word Story and read it to your freinds (I am also guilty of this)

....when you have been on HD so long that you don't like Hampsterdance anymore, you just come for th cool people


Gettin' back into the groove.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I agree. >__>


Wha'f you were like, playin' Metroid Fusion while talking in Arkcher-man style?

I need to come up with an official name for that... thing, way of speech, language, I dunno. i dont even know what it is. XD


That sounds more like a new type of Economics program. Perhaps Arkcher has a new idea for currency.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I've been thinking about drawing pictures of what H$ would look like.


*~*The Psychedelic lLuau*~*The astronomy Domine*(~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


....when you tell everyone your in the Kat Mafia

....when asked to say what groups you are in, you say DWLS or ILSAYTTOBTOSAWCDWWWWWT or similer

....when you play Paper Mario and think of MK

....when you play Metroid and Think of Arkcher (This one is true for me)


....When you play Guitar Hero and wonder if MK put the creators in The Meat Grinder for not puting Pink Floyd on it

....when you play DDR and think of Kat

....when you go to a Luau and wonder why it's not very Psychedelic (The Psychedelic Luau would make a cool school dance theme, wouldn't it? XD)

....when j00 start talkin like Arkky-boy does n_n

....when you die so much that if you were any deader you'd still be alive

....when you print out lists of ways to have fun at Wal-Mart and show it to your freinds (I am guilty of this)

....when you print out the 3 Word Story and read it to your freinds (I am also guilty of this)

....when you have been on HD so long that you don't like Hampsterdance anymore, you just come for th cool people


Gettin' back into the groove.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I agree. >__>


Wha'f you were like, playin' Metroid Fusion while talking in Arkcher-man style?

I need to come up with an official name for that... thing, way of speech, language, I dunno. i dont even know what it is. XD

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Just Call it Arkcher-speak, man. Pff.


Stoopid peaple's.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

How about Arkish?


...if you ever wanted to put MK's siggy through a meat grinder. :rolleyes:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


....when you tell everyone your in the Kat Mafia

....when asked to say what groups you are in, you say DWLS or ILSAYTTOBTOSAWCDWWWWWT or similer

....when you play Paper Mario and think of MK

....when you play Metroid and Think of Arkcher (This one is true for me)


....When you play Guitar Hero and wonder if MK put the creators in The Meat Grinder for not puting Pink Floyd on it

....when you play DDR and think of Kat

....when you go to a Luau and wonder why it's not very Psychedelic (The Psychedelic Luau would make a cool school dance theme, wouldn't it? XD)

....when j00 start talkin like Arkky-boy does n_n

....when you die so much that if you were any deader you'd still be alive

....when you print out lists of ways to have fun at Wal-Mart and show it to your freinds (I am guilty of this)

....when you print out the 3 Word Story and read it to your freinds (I am also guilty of this)

....when you have been on HD so long that you don't like Hampsterdance anymore, you just come for th cool people


Gettin' back into the groove.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I agree. >__>


Wha'f you were like, playin' Metroid Fusion while talking in Arkcher-man style?

I need to come up with an official name for that... thing, way of speech, language, I dunno. i dont even know what it is. XD

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Just Call it Arkcher-speak, man. Pff.


Stoopid peaple's.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

How about Arkish?


...if you ever wanted to put MK's siggy through a meat grinder. :rolleyes:

*hands Jesusfreak The Triple Gold Star Award*

It may take more than one person to throw Mushroom_king's siggy in the Meat Grinder!!! LOL

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


....when you tell everyone your in the Kat Mafia

....when asked to say what groups you are in, you say DWLS or ILSAYTTOBTOSAWCDWWWWWT or similer

....when you play Paper Mario and think of MK

....when you play Metroid and Think of Arkcher (This one is true for me)


....When you play Guitar Hero and wonder if MK put the creators in The Meat Grinder for not puting Pink Floyd on it

....when you play DDR and think of Kat

....when you go to a Luau and wonder why it's not very Psychedelic (The Psychedelic Luau would make a cool school dance theme, wouldn't it? XD)

....when j00 start talkin like Arkky-boy does n_n

....when you die so much that if you were any deader you'd still be alive

....when you print out lists of ways to have fun at Wal-Mart and show it to your freinds (I am guilty of this)

....when you print out the 3 Word Story and read it to your freinds (I am also guilty of this)

....when you have been on HD so long that you don't like Hampsterdance anymore, you just come for th cool people


Gettin' back into the groove.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I agree. >__>


Wha'f you were like, playin' Metroid Fusion while talking in Arkcher-man style?

I need to come up with an official name for that... thing, way of speech, language, I dunno. i dont even know what it is. XD

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Just Call it Arkcher-speak, man. Pff.


Stoopid peaple's.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

How about Arkish?


...if you ever wanted to put MK's siggy through a meat grinder. :rolleyes:

Arkish? Eh, THat'd be too easily mistaken for some mockery of them Amish folks. They're cool.


No, it'll take more than just one or two people to take MK's massive siggy out. Or more than one meat grinder.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


....when you tell everyone your in the Kat Mafia

....when asked to say what groups you are in, you say DWLS or ILSAYTTOBTOSAWCDWWWWWT or similer

....when you play Paper Mario and think of MK

....when you play Metroid and Think of Arkcher (This one is true for me)


....When you play Guitar Hero and wonder if MK put the creators in The Meat Grinder for not puting Pink Floyd on it

....when you play DDR and think of Kat

....when you go to a Luau and wonder why it's not very Psychedelic (The Psychedelic Luau would make a cool school dance theme, wouldn't it? XD)

....when j00 start talkin like Arkky-boy does n_n

....when you die so much that if you were any deader you'd still be alive

....when you print out lists of ways to have fun at Wal-Mart and show it to your freinds (I am guilty of this)

....when you print out the 3 Word Story and read it to your freinds (I am also guilty of this)

....when you have been on HD so long that you don't like Hampsterdance anymore, you just come for th cool people


Gettin' back into the groove.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I agree. >__>


Wha'f you were like, playin' Metroid Fusion while talking in Arkcher-man style?

I need to come up with an official name for that... thing, way of speech, language, I dunno. i dont even know what it is. XD

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Just Call it Arkcher-speak, man. Pff.


Stoopid peaple's.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

How about Arkish?


...if you ever wanted to put MK's siggy through a meat grinder. :rolleyes:

Arkish? Eh, THat'd be too easily mistaken for some mockery of them Amish folks. They're cool.


No, it'll take more than just one or two people to take MK's massive siggy out. Or more than one meat grinder.

Maybe we should make a coalition for the meat grinding of MK's siggy.


...oh, how about Arkcherese?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


....when you tell everyone your in the Kat Mafia

....when asked to say what groups you are in, you say DWLS or ILSAYTTOBTOSAWCDWWWWWT or similer

....when you play Paper Mario and think of MK

....when you play Metroid and Think of Arkcher (This one is true for me)


....When you play Guitar Hero and wonder if MK put the creators in The Meat Grinder for not puting Pink Floyd on it

....when you play DDR and think of Kat

....when you go to a Luau and wonder why it's not very Psychedelic (The Psychedelic Luau would make a cool school dance theme, wouldn't it? XD)

....when j00 start talkin like Arkky-boy does n_n

....when you die so much that if you were any deader you'd still be alive

....when you print out lists of ways to have fun at Wal-Mart and show it to your freinds (I am guilty of this)

....when you print out the 3 Word Story and read it to your freinds (I am also guilty of this)

....when you have been on HD so long that you don't like Hampsterdance anymore, you just come for th cool people


Gettin' back into the groove.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I agree. >__>


Wha'f you were like, playin' Metroid Fusion while talking in Arkcher-man style?

I need to come up with an official name for that... thing, way of speech, language, I dunno. i dont even know what it is. XD

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Just Call it Arkcher-speak, man. Pff.


Stoopid peaple's.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

How about Arkish?


...if you ever wanted to put MK's siggy through a meat grinder. :rolleyes:

Arkish? Eh, THat'd be too easily mistaken for some mockery of them Amish folks. They're cool.


No, it'll take more than just one or two people to take MK's massive siggy out. Or more than one meat grinder.

Maybe we should make a coalition for the meat grinding of MK's siggy.


...oh, how about Arkcherese?

Count me in!!! :lol:

*wonders where the commercial sized meat grinder is*

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How about we stick with Arkcher-speak? It's simple. If you're so desperate to shoot the hyphen just put a space in instead XD


Nahh, people just want a cool name for it. I know.




...When you make typoes in handwritten work.

...When you can say you've done most of what the topic contains. Or has this been said before? Meh.

...When you print this off and start reading it to random people.

...When a hobby started here takes up your whole weekend.

...When work becomes play. 'Nuff said.

...When you have no home internet because you can't afford your HD habits.

...When you've submitted at least five things to this topic. Or has this been done (or something similar) too?

...If you can say you've learned something off HD.

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You know your addicted to HampsterDance when you are as sad about Max as I, Horatio, am.


well, i am, mostly to find out what "That" is "-"


but yeah, im sad

I keep checking the apple repair site about three times a day for some glimmer of hope.

*runs off to check now*

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You know your addicted to HampsterDance when you are as sad about Max as I, Horatio, am.


well, i am, mostly to find out what "That" is "-"


but yeah, im sad

I keep checking the apple repair site about three times a day for some glimmer of hope.

*runs off to check now*

It repairs apples that have had a bite taken out of them.

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You know your addicted to HampsterDance when you are as sad about Max as I, Horatio, am.


well, i am, mostly to find out what "That" is "-"


but yeah, im sad

I keep checking the apple repair site about three times a day for some glimmer of hope.

*runs off to check now*

It repairs apples that have had a bite taken out of them.

LOL... Max has had more than a bite, more like a giant worm that they are getting rid of!!!

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You know your addicted to HampsterDance when you are as sad about Max as I, Horatio, am.


well, i am, mostly to find out what "That" is "-"


but yeah, im sad

I keep checking the apple repair site about three times a day for some glimmer of hope.

*runs off to check now*

It repairs apples that have had a bite taken out of them.

LOL... Max has had more than a bite, more like a giant worm that they are getting rid of!!!

I'd've used wurm, but for one thing, I don't want to give away the fact that I'm in Max... Wait... Whoops ._.

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You know your addicted to HampsterDance when you are as sad about Max as I, Horatio, am.


well, i am, mostly to find out what "That" is "-"


but yeah, im sad

I keep checking the apple repair site about three times a day for some glimmer of hope.

*runs off to check now*

It repairs apples that have had a bite taken out of them.

LOL... Max has had more than a bite, more like a giant worm that they are getting rid of!!!

I'd've used wurm, but for one thing, I don't want to give away the fact that I'm in Max... Wait... Whoops ._.

So you are Max's problem!!!

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You know your addicted to HampsterDance when you are as sad about Max as I, Horatio, am.


well, i am, mostly to find out what "That" is "-"


but yeah, im sad

I keep checking the apple repair site about three times a day for some glimmer of hope.

*runs off to check now*

It repairs apples that have had a bite taken out of them.

LOL... Max has had more than a bite, more like a giant worm that they are getting rid of!!!

I'd've used wurm, but for one thing, I don't want to give away the fact that I'm in Max... Wait... Whoops ._.

So you are Max's problem!!!

mmmmmm... circuit boards.... * munch*

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