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A story. An HD story.

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[Lots of dialog, character development stuff. Yeah. Mmkay, now let's get into the story.]


I blinked as I opened my eyes. I looked across my room, straight into a mirror. My computer sat amongst the junk there. My desk was well known as a vortex to heck. In other words, if you need something lost put it there and you wouldn't be able to find it again. Ever. I turned over and was about to go back to sleep, when I screamed.

"Oi! How the heck'd you get there?" I shouted.

"I dunno. I guess I liked you and wandered in," replied the odd creature. It had horns on a foxlike head, with a body not unlike a horses, and four muscley, wolflike limbs. It was an interesting combination, but it seemed each part of the animal fitted in with the other two. Its fur was grey in most parts, and looked soft, shiney and sleek, but the head was orange and slightly ragged, with the neck being a gradient connecting these two colours and textures. It was humanlike, though, as it stood on its two hindlegs, with two of the limbs looking like hands. It poked me.

"It's rude to stare."

"Right. Sorry. What are you, though?"

"Um... Not quite sure, actually. I do know what I am, like, these arms and legs are wolfish, this head loks like it was from a fox, stuff like that, but otherwise I have no idea."

"Well. I guess we'll have to find out. Perhaps Horatio knows?"


"No, not Whoatio, Horatio. By the way, do ya have a name?"

"What's a name?"


I quickly pulled on some day clothes and walked outside. The animal shook it's magnificant coat and took to four legs, galloping about outside, frolicking in the morning sun. I wandered past, straight to the centre of the town, where stood what was known as 'The Dancing Hampsters'. They were two large buildings, both shaped as hamsters in the middle of a jig. Horatio lived in one with Hamsterking, whereas in the other Stewart and Hamsterweb resided. Hoping not to wake HK, I knocked on the left hamster's door. The animal arrived next to me.

Horatio finally answered, and before I could begin, he went off like a bomb.

After much Oh, My!-ing, Horatio finally continued..

"Oh, my. What is he? Is he a new member? Oh, my, here I am with no automated response!" Horatio said, while looking very shocked indeed, "Perhaps cheesie has one... No, he wouldn't, not at this time of day."

"I don't know exactly what he is. I've even asked him. He's not a new member though, I don't think," I interrupted.

"Oh. Well, then, I'll have to ask HK about this."

"I'll... Just... Wait here then."


Many hours had passed. I could here much muffled squeaking, but I couldn't understand it. I was a wurm, not a hamster, and I couldn't understand their language. My horse-fox-wolf-thing sat next to me, and spied MK.

"And I thought I was an odd combination... How can a cat be crossed with a mushroom?" It asked out of the blue.

"Ahh, that's MK. I think. Yeah, she's... A cat-mushroom. AKA a brownie," I said, not really paying attention.

"...Isn't a brownie a food? Tasty, chocolate..."

"True. But then again, MK stands for Mushroom_King and she's... well... a she. People don't care much for reality here."

"Oh. Okay then. Is that why you glow, even though it's daytime and we can all see perfectly fine?"

"You got it."

Horatio opened the door.

"Oh, my, you're still here. Well, HK is unsure too. He'll ask around with his fellow admins, apparantly," He said.

"Okay then. Knowing HK, I should just go and do something else for a while."

"Yeah. I think if you ask around you may find out."

After we left, my newlyfound friend began talking again.


"Hampsterking. But this time, a male king. As far as I know, that is."

"Hmm. Why's he so special?"

"He's one of the town leaders. He's like, the mayor. Or something. We call him an administrator, admin for short. Just HK, actually, but that's what we call his job."

"Ahh. And what about Horatio?"

"More like a police officer. We call him a moderator. Well, more often just Horatio, but still."

"I see. Now, shall you show me around my new home?"

"New home?"

"Where else do you expect me to stay? I don't even know what I am!"

"Good point. I still need to know a few things about you though."


"What gender are you, and how the heck do you know how to talk?"

"Gender, male. Or, at least, I was the last time I checked. How I know how to talk... Well, I picked up some stuff. From there I learned the more intricate details of english. If I hadn't I'd probably, instead of this, say, Male. Last time check. Know how talk... Pick up stuff. Learn more english. Hadn't, probable say... Etcetera."

"I see."

"So. What's first?"

"First, I'll show you the parts I know the most... I'm still new here myself. Or, compared to most."

"Okay. Where's that."

"Somewhere that serves the best food this side of the moon, Planet Horatio! Not only do people flock there daily to get their food and drink, but I work there."

"Oh? Is that why you have that word on your shirt?"

"What? Oh, my nametag. No, we just have these because we have to come up with a name to enter." And with that, we entered Planet Horatio.


[if I get positive feedback, I think I'll continue.


Actually, I think I'll continue anyways. But I want feedback nevertheless!]

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[Lots of dialog, character development stuff. Yeah. Mmkay, now let's get into the story.]


I blinked as I opened my eyes. I looked across my room, straight into a mirror. My computer sat amongst the junk there. My desk was well known as a vortex to heck. In other words, if you need something lost put it there and you wouldn't be able to find it again. Ever. I turned over and was about to go back to sleep, when I screamed.

"Oi! How the heck'd you get there?" I shouted.

"I dunno. I guess I liked you and wandered in," replied the odd creature. It had horns on a foxlike head, with a body not unlike a horses, and four muscley, wolflike limbs. It was an interesting combination, but it seemed each part of the animal fitted in with the other two. Its fur was grey in most parts, and looked soft, shiney and sleek, but the head was orange and slightly ragged, with the neck being a gradient connecting these two colours and textures. It was humanlike, though, as it stood on its two hindlegs, with two of the limbs looking like hands. It poked me.

"It's rude to stare."

"Right. Sorry. What are you, though?"

"Um... Not quite sure, actually. I do know what I am, like, these arms and legs are wolfish, this head loks like it was from a fox, stuff like that, but otherwise I have no idea."

"Well. I guess we'll have to find out. Perhaps Horatio knows?"


"No, not Whoatio, Horatio. By the way, do ya have a name?"

"What's a name?"


I quickly pulled on some day clothes and walked outside. The animal shook it's magnificant coat and took to four legs, galloping about outside, frolicking in the morning sun. I wandered past, straight to the centre of the town, where stood what was known as 'The Dancing Hampsters'. They were two large buildings, both shaped as hamsters in the middle of a jig. Horatio lived in one with Hamsterking, whereas in the other Stewart and Hamsterweb resided. Hoping not to wake HK, I knocked on the left hamster's door. The animal arrived next to me.

Horatio finally answered, and before I could begin, he went off like a bomb.

After much Oh, My!-ing, Horatio finally continued..

"Oh, my. What is he? Is he a new member? Oh, my, here I am with no automated response!" Horatio said, while looking very shocked indeed, "Perhaps cheesie has one... No, he wouldn't, not at this time of day."

"I don't know exactly what he is. I've even asked him. He's not a new member though, I don't think," I interrupted.

"Oh. Well, then, I'll have to ask HK about this."

"I'll... Just... Wait here then."


Many hours had passed. I could here much muffled squeaking, but I couldn't understand it. I was a wurm, not a hamster, and I couldn't understand their language. My horse-fox-wolf-thing sat next to me, and spied MK.

"And I thought I was an odd combination... How can a cat be crossed with a mushroom?" It asked out of the blue.

"Ahh, that's MK. I think. Yeah, she's... A cat-mushroom. AKA a brownie," I said, not really paying attention.

"...Isn't a brownie a food? Tasty, chocolate..."

"True. But then again, MK stands for Mushroom_King and she's... well... a she. People don't care much for reality here."

"Oh. Okay then. Is that why you glow, even though it's daytime and we can all see perfectly fine?"

"You got it."

Horatio opened the door.

"Oh, my, you're still here. Well, HK is unsure too. He'll ask around with his fellow admins, apparantly," He said.

"Okay then. Knowing HK, I should just go and do something else for a while."

"Yeah. I think if you ask around you may find out."

After we left, my newlyfound friend began talking again.


"Hampsterking. But this time, a male king. As far as I know, that is."

"Hmm. Why's he so special?"

"He's one of the town leaders. He's like, the mayor. Or something. We call him an administrator, admin for short. Just HK, actually, but that's what we call his job."

"Ahh. And what about Horatio?"

"More like a police officer. We call him a moderator. Well, more often just Horatio, but still."

"I see. Now, shall you show me around my new home?"

"New home?"

"Where else do you expect me to stay? I don't even know what I am!"

"Good point. I still need to know a few things about you though."


"What gender are you, and how the heck do you know how to talk?"

"Gender, male. Or, at least, I was the last time I checked. How I know how to talk... Well, I picked up some stuff. From there I learned the more intricate details of english. If I hadn't I'd probably, instead of this, say, Male. Last time check. Know how talk... Pick up stuff. Learn more english. Hadn't, probable say... Etcetera."

"I see."

"So. What's first?"

"First, I'll show you the parts I know the most... I'm still new here myself. Or, compared to most."

"Okay. Where's that."

"Somewhere that serves the best food this side of the moon, Planet Horatio! Not only do people flock there daily to get their food and drink, but I work there."

"Oh? Is that why you have that word on your shirt?"

"What? Oh, my nametag. No, we just have these because we have to come up with a name to enter." And with that, we entered Planet Horatio.


[if I get positive feedback, I think I'll continue.


Actually, I think I'll continue anyways. But I want feedback nevertheless!]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


WONDERFUL! You need a Cloudy Aisha ribbon for this! Please Continue.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*

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...And with that, we entered Planet Horatio.


"Howdy Glow!" Shouted Kat from her post at the bar, "Whazzup? And whozzat?"

"Glow?" My odd friend whispered.

"It's like a name, which is pretty much a title, which is what people call you and you alone, but it's been shortened. Kat's real name is - Kat - but most of us just call her kat," I responded.

"Wow, I never learned how to pronounse -'s until you demonstrated," He commented.

"Riight. That's nice... Now can you answer me, glow?" Kat interrupted.

I pointed to the ceiling, saying, "That's up. And this is... Uhmm..."

"I'm nameless." Said my friend.

"Nice to meet you nameless. We have many foods and drinks here, if you're interested..." Kat got a claymore out of her pocked and flashed a grin, then put it away and continued, "I'm a bartender, as is glow here. Enjoy your stay!"

Nervously, and unable to get the claymore out of his mind, Nameless (as he was now dubbed) wandered over to the bar and asked for a glowing milkshake. I ran over and began making it before kat could say, "Coming right up!" or something, and soon Nameless had his milkshake. He wandered off to look around.

"Oi! Get back here and pay up!" Kat cried at him.

"Pay? With what? I don't have any money," Nameless retorted, "if you wanted money, you shouldn't have given me a drink."

"But it was glow who gave you that."

"Good point. But in that case you should be shouting at him."

"It's on the house," I interrupted.

"Oh. Okay then," Kat said before turning to continue serving whoever wanted drinks.


"So... How are you going with all this?" I asked.

"Kat, MQ (I think it was), Horatio and HK," Nameless responded.

"All except the second one right. Mushroom_King, so it's actually MK."

"But she's a female."

"So? I'm a worm, even though I spell it wurm, Horatio loves everything more then most anyone (and feels the need to vocalise it), none of us are really... Real. The only people I know to be relatively real are TGHL, HK, Paz (mostly), and Lauren. Oh, and I can't forget Taynio. She recently moved back to our little town."

"Who're they?"

"TGHL... I'll introduce you to him later. He's hard to explain with words. So I won't try. HK, you know. Paz... Is topiaza. She is very religeous, and believes she has a screwed-up life, from what I've seen her say about her life. Lauren is... Similar in a way. In fact, sometimes I dunno whether its paz or lauren talking. The only things that differ between them, in terms of personality, is that lauren is not religeous, and is trying to get down to 100 pounds."

"Oh? 100? How tall is she?"

"She said at one point that she's 5 foot 5."

"Isn't 100 a bit too thin then?"

"Paz thinks so. I try to see both sides of the arguement, but it's pretty hard when you can't clearly see either side at all."

"Okay then. Continue. You haven't mentioned Taynio."

"I'm afraid I don't know her well at all. I just mentioned her because, from what I see, she's quite the serious one."

"I see. Shall we meet TGHL?"

"Not yet. Look at all the people here! There are many for you to meet. Oh, look, there's MK!" I motioned over at a quaint wooden table, with a shine that seemed to rival my glow. Around the table was a bunch of pillows, with MK sitting on one. Making even eating look like a stylish event, I thought to myself.

MK spotted them approaching and called out.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Glowurm! C'mon over! Hey, who's that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"What the heck? Why did you say that stuff? Oh, and I'm nameless," Nameless said.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


It sounds cool, I guess. You really need a name if your nameless though...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"No, no, my name is nameless."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Oh, okay then. Nice to meet you nameless! How do you like planet horatio?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"It's nice. Glowurm has some milkshake making skillz." He looked around, and spied kat winking at him and waving an extra-shiney claymore. "And kat is good too," he quickly added.

He risked a glance at kat, and found that she had put away the claymore and was now making herself a jig with a satisfied look on her face, as if to say 'Good creature-type thing.' He sighed in releif and joined MK and I at the table, sipping away at his almost empty Glowing Milkshake.

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[Lots of dialog, character development stuff. Yeah. Mmkay, now let's get into the story.]


I blinked as I opened my eyes. I looked across my room, straight into a mirror. My computer sat amongst the junk there. My desk was well known as a vortex to heck. In other words, if you need something lost put it there and you wouldn't be able to find it again. Ever. I turned over and was about to go back to sleep, when I screamed.

"Oi! How the heck'd you get there?" I shouted.

"I dunno. I guess I liked you and wandered in," replied the odd creature. It had horns on a foxlike head, with a body not unlike a horses, and four muscley, wolflike limbs. It was an interesting combination, but it seemed each part of the animal fitted in with the other two. Its fur was grey in most parts, and looked soft, shiney and sleek, but the head was orange and slightly ragged, with the neck being a gradient connecting these two colours and textures. It was humanlike, though, as it stood on its two hindlegs, with two of the limbs looking like hands. It poked me.

"It's rude to stare."

"Right. Sorry. What are you, though?"

"Um... Not quite sure, actually. I do know what I am, like, these arms and legs are wolfish, this head loks like it was from a fox, stuff like that, but otherwise I have no idea."

"Well. I guess we'll have to find out. Perhaps Horatio knows?"


"No, not Whoatio, Horatio. By the way, do ya have a name?"

"What's a name?"


I quickly pulled on some day clothes and walked outside. The animal shook it's magnificant coat and took to four legs, galloping about outside, frolicking in the morning sun. I wandered past, straight to the centre of the town, where stood what was known as 'The Dancing Hampsters'. They were two large buildings, both shaped as hamsters in the middle of a jig. Horatio lived in one with Hamsterking, whereas in the other Stewart and Hamsterweb resided. Hoping not to wake HK, I knocked on the left hamster's door. The animal arrived next to me.

Horatio finally answered, and before I could begin, he went off like a bomb.

After much Oh, My!-ing, Horatio finally continued..

"Oh, my. What is he? Is he a new member? Oh, my, here I am with no automated response!" Horatio said, while looking very shocked indeed, "Perhaps cheesie has one... No, he wouldn't, not at this time of day."

"I don't know exactly what he is. I've even asked him. He's not a new member though, I don't think," I interrupted.

"Oh. Well, then, I'll have to ask HK about this."

"I'll... Just... Wait here then."


Many hours had passed. I could here much muffled squeaking, but I couldn't understand it. I was a wurm, not a hamster, and I couldn't understand their language. My horse-fox-wolf-thing sat next to me, and spied MK.

"And I thought I was an odd combination... How can a cat be crossed with a mushroom?" It asked out of the blue.

"Ahh, that's MK. I think. Yeah, she's... A cat-mushroom. AKA a brownie," I said, not really paying attention.

"...Isn't a brownie a food? Tasty, chocolate..."

"True. But then again, MK stands for Mushroom_King and she's... well... a she. People don't care much for reality here."

"Oh. Okay then. Is that why you glow, even though it's daytime and we can all see perfectly fine?"

"You got it."

Horatio opened the door.

"Oh, my, you're still here. Well, HK is unsure too. He'll ask around with his fellow admins, apparantly," He said.

"Okay then. Knowing HK, I should just go and do something else for a while."

"Yeah. I think if you ask around you may find out."

After we left, my newlyfound friend began talking again.


"Hampsterking. But this time, a male king. As far as I know, that is."

"Hmm. Why's he so special?"

"He's one of the town leaders. He's like, the mayor. Or something. We call him an administrator, admin for short. Just HK, actually, but that's what we call his job."

"Ahh. And what about Horatio?"

"More like a police officer. We call him a moderator. Well, more often just Horatio, but still."

"I see. Now, shall you show me around my new home?"

"New home?"

"Where else do you expect me to stay? I don't even know what I am!"

"Good point. I still need to know a few things about you though."


"What gender are you, and how the heck do you know how to talk?"

"Gender, male. Or, at least, I was the last time I checked. How I know how to talk... Well, I picked up some stuff. From there I learned the more intricate details of english. If I hadn't I'd probably, instead of this, say, Male. Last time check. Know how talk... Pick up stuff. Learn more english. Hadn't, probable say... Etcetera."

"I see."

"So. What's first?"

"First, I'll show you the parts I know the most... I'm still new here myself. Or, compared to most."

"Okay. Where's that."

"Somewhere that serves the best food this side of the moon, Planet Horatio! Not only do people flock there daily to get their food and drink, but I work there."

"Oh? Is that why you have that word on your shirt?"

"What? Oh, my nametag. No, we just have these because we have to come up with a name to enter." And with that, we entered Planet Horatio.


[if I get positive feedback, I think I'll continue.


Actually, I think I'll continue anyways. But I want feedback nevertheless!]

[Continue Continue Please!!!!!!!!!! :D ]

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[Taynio is a Guy.


TGHL...he is a Blue Phoinex, who steals sanities, and is bent on taking over the world. :lol:

And please do mention Arkcher. He is far to awsome to not be in teh story. ]

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[Taynio is a Guy.


TGHL...he is a Blue Phoinex, who steals sanities, and is bent on taking over the world. :lol:

And please do mention Arkcher. He is far to awsome to not be in teh story. ]

[sorry to taynio for saying he's a she.


TGHL... Is very real (serious) in debate topics and that's all I really have seen of him. I know about the sanity stealing though.

Arkcher... Doesn't qualify to be mentioned with the 'real' (AKA serious) people. He's not serious enough. And he's a werewolf. I will mention him though! And honey, and TBFOF, and Stewart more (even though I don't know him)... And I'll look around for those I've forgotten.]


[Oh, and I'll reveal what Nameless is soon enough...]

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[Taynio is a Guy.


TGHL...he is a Blue Phoinex, who steals sanities, and is bent on taking over the world. :lol:

And please do mention Arkcher. He is far to awsome to not be in teh story. ]

[sorry to taynio for saying he's a she.


TGHL... Is very real (serious) in debate topics and that's all I really have seen of him. I know about the sanity stealing though.

Arkcher... Doesn't qualify to be mentioned with the 'real' (AKA serious) people. He's not serious enough. And he's a werewolf. I will mention him though! And honey, and TBFOF, and Stewart more (even though I don't know him)... And I'll look around for those I've forgotten.]


[Oh, and I'll reveal what Nameless is soon enough...]

[Arkcher is also an Elf. Who wears a suit. XD


Please try to mention Vixen (Lee), Vanilla Star Hamster, Jesse, and MW. Thanks! :lol: ]

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[Taynio is a Guy.


TGHL...he is a Blue Phoinex, who steals sanities, and is bent on taking over the world. :lol:

And please do mention Arkcher. He is far to awsome to not be in teh story. ]

[sorry to taynio for saying he's a she.


TGHL... Is very real (serious) in debate topics and that's all I really have seen of him. I know about the sanity stealing though.

Arkcher... Doesn't qualify to be mentioned with the 'real' (AKA serious) people. He's not serious enough. And he's a werewolf. I will mention him though! And honey, and TBFOF, and Stewart more (even though I don't know him)... And I'll look around for those I've forgotten.]


[Oh, and I'll reveal what Nameless is soon enough...]

[Arkcher is also an Elf. Who wears a suit. XD


Please try to mention Vixen (Lee), Vanilla Star Hamster, Jesse, and MW. Thanks! :lol: ]

[>.< My memory is something to shake a stick at. I can't believe I forgot them >.<]

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[Taynio is a Guy.


TGHL...he is a Blue Phoinex, who steals sanities, and is bent on taking over the world. :lol:

And please do mention Arkcher. He is far to awsome to not be in teh story. ]

[sorry to taynio for saying he's a she.


TGHL... Is very real (serious) in debate topics and that's all I really have seen of him. I know about the sanity stealing though.

Arkcher... Doesn't qualify to be mentioned with the 'real' (AKA serious) people. He's not serious enough. And he's a werewolf. I will mention him though! And honey, and TBFOF, and Stewart more (even though I don't know him)... And I'll look around for those I've forgotten.]


[Oh, and I'll reveal what Nameless is soon enough...]

[Arkcher is also an Elf. Who wears a suit. XD


Please try to mention Vixen (Lee), Vanilla Star Hamster, Jesse, and MW. Thanks! :lol: ]

[>.< My memory is something to shake a stick at. I can't believe I forgot them >.<]

[*vigorously shakes a stick at Glowurm's memory* >:o *looses control of said stick and fwaps self in the face* x______X Owwie...]

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[AARGHHH! I was halfway through the next chapter and safari crashed *sobs*]

I hate when that happens. Have you tried Firefox? My Mac loves Firefox.

I dunno about whether or not firefox is good for my computer.. But whatever the case, my internet connection hates it >.<

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As MK, Nameless and I were talking, a face appeared. It was wolfish, and bore a seemingly evil grin. It flashed its teeth at me, nameless, and then MK. Its eyes were a shade of yellow that was more yellow then yellow itself, and it smelled of pure evil. It approached us, snarling evilly and laughing maniacally every now and then. Finally it had backed us into the corner. It was then it opened its huge mouth. I stared down into the throat, like it was a gun barrel. The wolf pounced, and I realised who it was too late...

"MW! Stop licking my face!" I cried. Nameless was up and trying to pry her off me. Finally we succeeded. We exchanged quick hellos, and a few pointers on how to look more evil, and wandered back to our table. MW stretched out on two pillows, and began chatting with Nameless.

"So, who are you? A new member, by any chance?" MW asked.

"No, not a new member. I jus found my way here. I stay with Glow--" He motioned over to me "--And my name is nameless. Who are you?"

"I'm Mega Wolf, people call me MW. The odd thing is that it's actually less syllables to say Mega Wolf then it is to say MW."

"Interesting. So, you're a wolf?"

"I'm as much a wolf as you are a fox/horse/wolf."

"...I see."



While they chatted, the bell above the entrance rang. Instinctively, I ran to my post at the bar. I shot a look back to the others, then gradually turned back to see someone appraching...

"Lexxscrapham!" Horatio shouted. I was beginning to think he was omnipresent. He sure did seem to be everywhere.

"Heya lexxy!" Kat called, "What'll it be?"

"I'll have a Jig, please," Lex responded. Kat literally leapt onto the Jigmaker, and did a jig while making the jig. She finished the jig and began to jig the jig over to lex, who was in turn jigging. As she passed the jig, she jigged a bit, causing the jig to do a jig inside the cup. Finally, the jig was passed, and kat ended her jig, while lex jigged over to a seat at a table. The jig jigged in lex's hand. Lex drank the jig, causing a jig, starting at the feet, moving up to the head. Lex's whole body was jigging when Glowurm looked back at his friends. Nameless was chasing a blue butterfly. As the door rang again, Jesse entered. Soon he had a jig, and was jigging his way to the table lex was at, both the table and lex jigging happily. He joined in the jig, and they jigged for quite a while.

I heard something unusual, even for planet horatio, andlooked instinctively back at my friends. There was MW, MK, Horatio, Lex, Jesse, Kat was next to me, and Nameless was chasing the blue butterfly...


I looked closer.


It was no blue butter fly. It was a blue pheonix.


I saw a flash of metal, some kind of machine, and then nameless and TGHL were both gone. My mind raced as it attempted to put the pieces together. After a while, it did it. Everyone had turned to look at me. Even I had turned to look at me. I suddenly realised I had stopped breathing, and tried to breathe. Unable to, I instead attempted to talk. I couldn't. The world was spinning, and for a moment I thought I was going to die. I croaked, choked, and my eyes glazed over. I groaned, and managed to whisper something.

"I... Have... A... Sanity..."


I passed out.

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As MK, Nameless and I were talking, a face appeared. It was wolfish, and bore a seemingly evil grin. It flashed its teeth at me, nameless, and then MK. Its eyes were a shade of yellow that was more yellow then yellow itself, and it smelled of pure evil. It approached us, snarling evilly and laughing maniacally every now and then. Finally it had backed us into the corner. It was then it opened its huge mouth. I stared down into the throat, like it was a gun barrel. The wolf pounced, and I realised who it was too late...

"MW! Stop licking my face!" I cried. Nameless was up and trying to pry her off me. Finally we succeeded. We exchanged quick hellos, and a few pointers on how to look more evil, and wandered back to our table. MW stretched out on two pillows, and began chatting with Nameless.

"So, who are you? A new member, by any chance?" MW asked.

"No, not a new member. I jus found my way here. I stay with Glow--" He motioned over to me "--And my name is nameless. Who are you?"

"I'm Mega Wolf, people call me MW. The odd thing is that it's actually less syllables to say Mega Wolf then it is to say MW."

"Interesting. So, you're a wolf?"

"I'm as much a wolf as you are a fox/horse/wolf."

"...I see."



While they chatted, the bell above the entrance rang. Instinctively, I ran to my post at the bar. I shot a look back to the others, then gradually turned back to see someone appraching...

"Lexxscrapham!" Horatio shouted. I was beginning to think he was omnipresent. He sure did seem to be everywhere.

"Heya lexxy!" Kat called, "What'll it be?"

"I'll have a Jig, please," Lex responded. Kat literally leapt onto the Jigmaker, and did a jig while making the jig. She finished the jig and began to jig the jig over to lex, who was in turn jigging. As she passed the jig, she jigged a bit, causing the jig to do a jig inside the cup. Finally, the jig was passed, and kat ended her jig, while lex jigged over to a seat at a table. The jig jigged in lex's hand. Lex drank the jig, causing a jig, starting at the feet, moving up to the head. Lex's whole body was jigging when Glowurm looked back at his friends. Nameless was chasing a blue butterfly. As the door rang again, Jesse entered. Soon he had a jig, and was jigging his way to the table lex was at, both the table and lex jigging happily. He joined in the jig, and they jigged for quite a while.

I heard something unusual, even for planet horatio, andlooked instinctively back at my friends. There was MW, MK, Horatio, Lex, Jesse, Kat was next to me, and Nameless was chasing the blue butterfly...


I looked closer.


It was no blue butter fly. It was a blue pheonix.


I saw a flash of metal, some kind of machine, and then nameless and TGHL were both gone. My mind raced as it attempted to put the pieces together. After a while, it did it. Everyone had turned to look at me. Even I had turned to look at me. I suddenly realised I had stopped breathing, and tried to breathe. Unable to, I instead attempted to talk. I couldn't. The world was spinning, and for a moment I thought I was going to die. I croaked, choked, and my eyes glazed over. I groaned, and managed to whisper something.

"I... Have... A... Sanity..."


I passed out.

[:o! Suspence!]

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...I passed out.


In my dream while I was passed out I saw many things. In fact, it was more like a vision then a dream. I saw everyone. Every single HD member, even the ones that had only posted once or twice. Even the ones that had never posted. The amazing thing was, that, amongst the crowd, four people stood out. They shone, and outglowed even my own glow. Nobody was moving, time seemed to be paused. I could move though, and I wurmed my was closer to the group. The four shining members floated over two me. They landed one by one. I said their names in my mind as each landed. Two of them I didn't even recognise, but I knew their names anyways.






One by one they walked up to me. Horatio had a grim expression on his face. He looked nothing like the Horatio I knew. But then again, the Horatio I knew didn't shine either. This was the side of Horatio I didn't know. HK was happy and relaxed. He looked nothing like the stressed admin he was. HW and Stewart's faces were dark. I couldn't see them properly. Horatio finally spoke.

"Glowurm. You are the newest staying member and have much to learn. However, we plan to teach you. You will learn the ways of the hamsterdancer."

HK was next.

"We will not teach this to you through speech or excersise. You will learn this on your own, without us intervening beyond this."

HW continued.

"We will teach you only by guiding you... Your fate is set like the road, we just need to start the engine and drive to our destination."

Stewart was final to speak. Everthing stopped.

"Go. Find a team. A team of 10, to help you on your quest. We can not help you, but they--" he motioned over to the paused group behind him "--can. Choose out of them. After you choose them here, you will wake up. Ask those that you selected to help. They will, no matter what."

I walked over to the group. The four powerful hamsters turned to watch. They studied every person I chose.


The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy

Mega Wolf

- Kat -







There was one more to choose. I had to decide. There was still many people I liked, who I wanted to come with me. 10, they said. I considered my options. The people that caught my eye were Cheesemaster, Vanilla Star Hamster, Topiaza, xMyOwnMindx, and Hoops. The hamsters continued to stare, as if to rush me. I told the four to remove everybody unchosen evcept for those six. They did, and I closed my eyes and walked forwads. I ran into someone, and I opened my eyes to see people hovering over me.

"Glowurm! Are you okay?" Kat asked, "You passed out!"

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...I passed out.


In my dream while I was passed out I saw many things. In fact, it was more like a vision then a dream. I saw everyone. Every single HD member, even the ones that had only posted once or twice. Even the ones that had never posted. The amazing thing was, that, amongst the crowd, four people stood out. They shone, and outglowed even my own glow. Nobody was moving, time seemed to be paused. I could move though, and I wurmed my was closer to the group. The four shining members floated over two me. They landed one by one. I said their names in my mind as each landed. Two of them I didn't even recognise, but I knew their names anyways.






One by one they walked up to me. Horatio had a grim expression on his face. He looked nothing like the Horatio I knew. But then again, the Horatio I knew didn't shine either. This was the side of Horatio I didn't know. HK was happy and relaxed. He looked nothing like the stressed admin he was. HW and Stewart's faces were dark. I couldn't see them properly. Horatio finally spoke.

"Glowurm. You are the newest staying member and have much to learn. However, we plan to teach you. You will learn the ways of the hamsterdancer."

HK was next.

"We will not teach this to you through speech or excersise. You will learn this on your own, without us intervening beyond this."

HW continued.

"We will teach you only by guiding you... Your fate is set like the road, we just need to start the engine and drive to our destination."

Stewart was final to speak. Everthing stopped.

"Go. Find a team. A team of 10, to help you on your quest. We can not help you, but they--" he motioned over to the paused group behind him "--can. Choose out of them. After you choose them here, you will wake up. Ask those that you selected to help. They will, no matter what."

I walked over to the group. The four powerful hamsters turned to watch. They studied every person I chose.


The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy

Mega Wolf

- Kat -







There was one more to choose. I had to decide. There was still many people I liked, who I wanted to come with me. 10, they said. I considered my options. The people that caught my eye were Cheesemaster, Vanilla Star Hamster, Topiaza, xMyOwnMindx, and Hoops. The hamsters continued to stare, as if to rush me. I told the four to remove everybody unchosen evcept for those six. They did, and I closed my eyes and walked forwads. I ran into someone, and I opened my eyes to see people hovering over me.

"Glowurm! Are you okay?" Kat asked, "You passed out!"


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[this is really good! and i wanna go on some mystical quest thingy! ;.;]

[i like mythical quest thingies.]


[i just dunno who to give the tenth position to <_<]

[Do MK. She'd be an interesting character if nothing else.


oh wait. she's already there.


I dunno. >_<; In a situation like that, i'd either make up a character or use one from a different story (or one from real life) and put them in there. It'd save you a decision online.

I dunno. You do whatever.

Fitting awsome story.]

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[this is really good! and i wanna go on some mystical quest thingy! ;.;]

[i like mythical quest thingies.]


[i just dunno who to give the tenth position to <_<]

[Do MK. She'd be an interesting character if nothing else.


oh wait. she's already there.


I dunno. >_<; In a situation like that, i'd either make up a character or use one from a different story (or one from real life) and put them in there. It'd save you a decision online.

I dunno. You do whatever.

Fitting awsome story.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[[VOICE=Stewiegriffin] Oh yes, I do believe I'll be an Intresting charecter indeed.[/voice]]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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[this is really good! and i wanna go on some mystical quest thingy! ;.;]

[i like mythical quest thingies.]


[i just dunno who to give the tenth position to <_<]

[Do MK. She'd be an interesting character if nothing else.


oh wait. she's already there.


I dunno. >_<; In a situation like that, i'd either make up a character or use one from a different story (or one from real life) and put them in there. It'd save you a decision online.

I dunno. You do whatever.

Fitting awsome story.]

[Dun worry. Some inspiration got really annoyed and hit me flat in the face.]

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..."Glowurm! Are you okay?" Kat asked, "You passed out!"


"Yeah. I'm fine. I think," I thought for a few seconds.

"Where did nameless go?" MW asked.

"Yeah, and what was that flash?" MK continued.

"You need to find him!" Lex said. He continued to jig.

"By hisself? Against TGHL?" Jesse asked. He jigged with lex.

"No, no, he'd definately need help," Horatio said, "He should pick out about 10 or so people to help." He winked at me.

"Ten? Why ten? Why not, 15 or something?" MK asked.

"Choose MK. It'd make it interesting, that's for sure," Arkcher commented.

"I wanna go on some mythical quest thingie," Cheese said.

"Pick a fellow Aussie!" Vixen cried happily.

"Pick Lauren. It'd do her good," Paz said, after convincing Laured to try a gold star award.

"No, pick her!" Lauren shouted from the other side of the room, pointing at paz.

"I'll help you anyways, even if you don't pick me," VSH mumbled, as if she thought I wouldn't choose her.

"Hey, where's Hoops? You should go see her, she'd be good help," MK said. We hadn't seen hoops in a while, and she was missing her tremendously.

"I wanna go!" Honey called from the bar.

"Okay... I'll start choosing..." I said, picking myself up from the floor. I listed those I chose in my vision. When I said lex and jesse, they both jigged more. Unfortunately they both dropped their jigs while jigging and they stopped jigging, so I got them more jigs. I jigged while jigging their jigs over to their jigging hands. They jigged while sipping their newlyjigged jigs.

"Hey, that's only nine!" Horatio cried, "You need one more. Who do you want as a tenth?"

"I don't know," I said simply and honestly.

"Hmm. Why don't you just choose at random?"

"Because... Umm... I've got a better idea. Everyone I've listed so far, Lauren, Paz, Cheese and VSH, meet me here tomorrow, 5:00 am sharp. MK, go tell hoops the same."

"Why?" Horatio asked, seemingly suspicious.

"I'll tell you then, if you come."


In the morning, Horatio didn't come, and Hoops hadn't appeared. It seemed she had gone. I explained to everyone about my vision. Then I asked the people who I had already chosen to move aside. From the remainder there, I asked all those who wanted to go to put up their hands.

There was no hand down.

"Only ten you say?" Asked MK.

"Only ten, they said. However..." I paused to think.

"What? What?" Cheese asked, prompting me to explain.

"I'll see if all 15 can come. If not... Well... Hide them. We've got to have everyone."

"Sounds smart," Arkcher said, while playing his DS intently.

"How will we find TGHL?" Someone asked.

"Where does he live?" I responded.

"Oh, no, we can't go there! It's dangerous, with sanity-stealing traps!"

"He'll be there. He has to be."

"He has five lairs!"

"Lair is a harsh word. It's not going to be impossible. And besides, I trust in my vision."

"How do we know you're telling the truth about this?"

After this, I looked around. I couldn't recognise the voice. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I thought of my vision every time it spoke though. Then an idea hit me.

"Stewart," I said.

"Not bad," he responded. Everyone was looking at me as if I was crazy.

"Bumped your head a little too hard, did we?" Kat asked. I igored her.

"I'm the only one that can hear you," I said.

"True, true," Stewart said.

"No, everyone can hear me. I think," Kat claimed. I shushed her, whispering, "I'm talking with Stewart, no joke... Only I can hear him..."

"Now, explain all this about taking 15 people instead of 10."

I didn't explain. I shook my head, and he seemed to go.


We all packed together, making sure nobody forgot anything. Horatio didn't know a thing. Nor did HK, but HW and Stewart... I had no idea what to do.

We set off that evening, for TGHL's first of five lairs.


[Whoot... Slightly boring chapter...]

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[pick me! pick me!! *jumps around with hands in the air* XDDD]

[You're all picked... Whether or not the four Hamster allow it, you're all picked XD]


[i think I may, in fact, include Hoops... I was thinking that I don't know her well enough, but I could always find a excuse...]





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[i got bored so continuing story. I'm resisting the urge to skip a bunch and get to the good stuffz >.< sometimes those boring chapters are neccesary. This one is short, but that's because it needs to fit in with my plans. And I hate elaborating on something so boring as walking to a house.]


"My foot hurts!" Cheese complained.

"Do you even have feet?" MK inquired.

"No. But they'd hurt if I did!"

Everyone had managed to come. I didn't know if any of the Hamsters knew besides Stewart, but none had seen 15 of my friends leave, or at least none had stopped us if thay had seen. We were well on in our journey to TGHL's first house. How he managed enough H$ to buy five, none knew. Even horatio only had three homes besides his giant hamster in the centre of town (which he didn't have to pay for). There were trees either side of us, and all the animals were having fun frolicing in the grasses to either side before chasing us to catch up. Lex and Jesse were still jigging, even though they had finished their jigs a while ago. Arkcher was playing DS. TBFOF was looking very unamused. Suddenly, a booming voice was heard and everyone stopped. It continued, and every one of us besides a few of the braver members were shaking.


Then it was cut off, when MW showed the small bird her sharp teeth. How such a small bird made such a loud noise nobody knew. We continued towards the first lair, confidence boosted by the defeat of the small bird. After travelling for some time we arrive at a dark, scary house. It loomes over us, and was designed in a spooky-victorian manner. The owner obviously pays attention to detail. I thought to myself as we moved one house over, to TGHL's. It closely resembled the witches cottage in Hansel and Gretel in shape and colour scheme, so as to appear inconspicuous and harmless. It did it's job well. I almost walked past it before Honey pulled me back.

"That's it," She said. I blinked and rubbed my eyes. The fifteen people around me laughed, even TBFOF, who stopped almost as soon as he started. We walked up to the happy doors and considered what to do next. Arkcher told everyone to move back, and then told me to ring the doorbell. I did so.

"What was THAT?" I shouted from the floor. Some kind of rigged contraption had knocked me off my feet. The side of my head hurt, somewhere around my ear.

"It's a basic sanity-stealing device, rigged so that the door opens, triggering a sanity-catcher to come down and hit your ear, coaxing out your sanity and capturing it in one swift movement. Sanities like to lie in your ears--" Arkcher petted the inside of his ear a bit, and something growled friendly-like, probably a secret, unstolen sanity "--and anyone with a sanity who is dumb enough to ring a well-known sanity-stealer's doorbell probably deserves to have it taken."

"I see. So we go in now?"

"Yes. Now we go in."

Arkcher adjusted some nonexistant glasses to give him a know-it-all aura. We all walked in together.


And got stuck.


Since that didn't quite work, we all went in one at a time. Single file. This time, nobody got stuck.

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[i got bored so continuing story. I'm resisting the urge to skip a bunch and get to the good stuffz >.< sometimes those boring chapters are neccesary. This one is short, but that's because it needs to fit in with my plans. And I hate elaborating on something so boring as walking to a house.]


"My foot hurts!" Cheese complained.

"Do you even have feet?" MK inquired.

"No. But they'd hurt if I did!"

Everyone had managed to come. I didn't know if any of the Hamsters knew besides Stewart, but none had seen 15 of my friends leave, or at least none had stopped us if thay had seen. We were well on in our journey to TGHL's first house. How he managed enough H$ to buy five, none knew. Even horatio only had three homes besides his giant hamster in the centre of town (which he didn't have to pay for). There were trees either side of us, and all the animals were having fun frolicing in the grasses to either side before chasing us to catch up. Lex and Jesse were still jigging, even though they had finished their jigs a while ago. Arkcher was playing DS. TBFOF was looking very unamused. Suddenly, a booming voice was heard and everyone stopped. It continued, and every one of us besides a few of the braver members were shaking.


Then it was cut off, when MW showed the small bird her sharp teeth. How such a small bird made such a loud noise nobody knew. We continued towards the first lair, confidence boosted by the defeat of the small bird. After travelling for some time we arrive at a dark, scary house. It loomes over us, and was designed in a spooky-victorian manner. The owner obviously pays attention to detail. I thought to myself as we moved one house over, to TGHL's. It closely resembled the witches cottage in Hansel and Gretel in shape and colour scheme, so as to appear inconspicuous and harmless. It did it's job well. I almost walked past it before Honey pulled me back.

"That's it," She said. I blinked and rubbed my eyes. The fifteen people around me laughed, even TBFOF, who stopped almost as soon as he started. We walked up to the happy doors and considered what to do next. Arkcher told everyone to move back, and then told me to ring the doorbell. I did so.

"What was THAT?" I shouted from the floor. Some kind of rigged contraption had knocked me off my feet. The side of my head hurt, somewhere around my ear.

"It's a basic sanity-stealing device, rigged so that the door opens, triggering a sanity-catcher to come down and hit your ear, coaxing out your sanity and capturing it in one swift movement. Sanities like to lie in your ears--" Arkcher petted the inside of his ear a bit, and something growled friendly-like, probably a secret, unstolen sanity "--and anyone with a sanity who is dumb enough to ring a well-known sanity-stealer's doorbell probably deserves to have it taken."

"I see. So we go in now?"

"Yes. Now we go in."

Arkcher adjusted some nonexistant glasses to give him a know-it-all aura. We all walked in together.


And got stuck.


Since that didn't quite work, we all went in one at a time. Single file. This time, nobody got stuck.

[*eats popcorn and reads* :D]

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[but.... But my sanity went missing a long time ago! D=


Whatev. Your story. Still cool. =D]

[...This is a long time ago :D After all, stewart is still around :o]


[People keep on giving me more, and more, and more ideas! Dangit >.< I dun think I'll be able to fit all my ideas in, and I'll be all sad-like afterwards. Yeah.]

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[but.... But my sanity went missing a long time ago! D=


Whatev. Your story. Still cool. =D]

[...This is a long time ago :D After all, stewart is still around :o]


[People keep on giving me more, and more, and more ideas! Dangit >.

Actually I found out where Stewart has disappeared to. He has an Ostrich farm and tourist trap along I.40 in Arizona.

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[but.... But my sanity went missing a long time ago! D=


Whatev. Your story. Still cool. =D]

[...This is a long time ago :D After all, stewart is still around :o]


[People keep on giving me more, and more, and more ideas! Dangit >.< I dun think I'll be able to fit all my ideas in, and I'll be all sad-like afterwards. Yeah.]

Actually I found out where Stewart has disappeared to. He has an Ostrich farm and tourist trap along I.40 in Arizona.

Are you serious? o_o

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[but.... But my sanity went missing a long time ago! D=


Whatev. Your story. Still cool. =D]

[...This is a long time ago :D After all, stewart is still around :o]


[People keep on giving me more, and more, and more ideas! Dangit >.

Actually I found out where Stewart has disappeared to. He has an Ostrich farm and tourist trap along I.40 in Arizona.

Are you serious? o_o

I don't know... am I? :P

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[but.... But my sanity went missing a long time ago! D=


Whatev. Your story. Still cool. =D]

[...This is a long time ago :D After all, stewart is still around :o]


[People keep on giving me more, and more, and more ideas! Dangit >.< I dun think I'll be able to fit all my ideas in, and I'll be all sad-like afterwards. Yeah.]

Actually I found out where Stewart has disappeared to. He has an Ostrich farm and tourist trap along I.40 in Arizona.

Are you serious? o_o

I don't know... am I? :P

If you are, it would be quite hillarious.

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[but.... But my sanity went missing a long time ago! D=


Whatev. Your story. Still cool. =D]

[...This is a long time ago :D After all, stewart is still around :o]


[People keep on giving me more, and more, and more ideas! Dangit >.

Actually I found out where Stewart has disappeared to. He has an Ostrich farm and tourist trap along I.40 in Arizona.

Are you serious? o_o

I don't know... am I? :P

If you are, it would be quite hillarious.

I most definitely am serious! I wanted to take a picture for you, but missed the exit and it was too far to the next exit to turn around just for a picture.

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[but.... But my sanity went missing a long time ago! D=


Whatev. Your story. Still cool. =D]

[...This is a long time ago :D After all, stewart is still around :o]


[People keep on giving me more, and more, and more ideas! Dangit >.< I dun think I'll be able to fit all my ideas in, and I'll be all sad-like afterwards. Yeah.]

Actually I found out where Stewart has disappeared to. He has an Ostrich farm and tourist trap along I.40 in Arizona.

Are you serious? o_o

I don't know... am I? :P

If you are, it would be quite hillarious.

I most definitely am serious! I wanted to take a picture for you, but missed the exit and it was too far to the next exit to turn around just for a picture.



Go Stewart! *does the ostrich farm and tourist trap along I.40 in Arizona dance*

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[but.... But my sanity went missing a long time ago! D=


Whatev. Your story. Still cool. =D]

[...This is a long time ago :D After all, stewart is still around :o]


[People keep on giving me more, and more, and more ideas! Dangit >.< I dun think I'll be able to fit all my ideas in, and I'll be all sad-like afterwards. Yeah.]

Actually I found out where Stewart has disappeared to. He has an Ostrich farm and tourist trap along I.40 in Arizona.

Are you serious? o_o

I don't know... am I? :P

If you are, it would be quite hillarious.

I most definitely am serious! I wanted to take a picture for you, but missed the exit and it was too far to the next exit to turn around just for a picture.

...I probably should have remembered that you said you were on I.40 in here. XD Luckily, when I Googled for maps, I guessed right. XD

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Was I the only one to notice that lives can be anagrammed from elvis?

lives and what other words? :D

*runs off to see what other words I can come up with*


Levis (Not a word, but I know someone whose last name is Lavis! Is close! I also know someone whose first name is Lewis... Odd, innit?)

Veils (Ooh. veils = cool)

Lives (Elvis lives under veils. His new name? Levis :ninja:)

Isle V (Elvis lives under veils on Isle V. His new name? Levis :ninja:)

Slive (Close to slave >.<)

Viles (Vile... Just with an s on the end)

Evils (Gasp!)


I'm going to stop with Evils. I canna be stuffed to think of more.

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[More story! I wanted to make this chapter since I started... The next 15 chapters will be what happens for each person. In other words, I'll be going in second-person for a while.]


...Since that didn't quite work, we all went in one at a time. Single file. This time, nobody got stuck.


On the outside it was a cottage. On the inside it was a mansion. Huge chandeliers hung from the celing, looking ready to crash down at any moment. The walls were very dark, and mostly reddish, and looked not unlike blood. It was wallpaper.

"Cheap," someone muttered.

We all split up to search this massive place. There were 17 doors leading out of the entrance room... Everyone took one. There was one left over, and everyone wished we had a seventeenth person. But whether we had 5 people, or 50 people, we'd find nameless no matter what.

"3, 2, 1, enter!"


Part One


Behind Door 1 - Arkcher's Abysmal Event


I stood behind the door, considering everything. Everyone but me looked scared as they turned around and opened their door. I guess they were right to be. Why wasn't I scared? Perhaps it was because I knew every sanity-stealing trap. Whatever the case, I didn't feel at all scared. I was, in fact, quite confident. I looked at my surroundings. I had entered a hall. The colour scheme was the same as the entry, but this was not wallpaper. It was proper. Half of the wall, the upper half, was a blood red colour, but had a slightly lumpy texture to it. I couldn't help thinking that it was blood. But, nobody had entered before us, and sanities had no blood, so I doubted this. The lower half was redwood, but again I thought it was a black wood with blood splashed against it. It would certainly explain the wall, and the carpet. TGHL must've liked red when he decorated his lair. The carpet was blood red too. I looked closer, and noticed that I had bent into the wall, to get a better look. Realising that something could sneak up on me, I leaped back and turned to the hall.


Nothing was there. Good. I walked down the hall, less confident, but still not afraid. My eyes were constantly drew to the walls. Mirrors almost everywhere gave me the impression that TGHL had either read too many Evil Encyclopedias, or was just very vain. I took a left turn. It was the only turn I could take, and I couldn't go straight, so it made sense to turn left. My eyes were now plastered on the wall, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. Everything was red, so I couldn't see the mechnical beam scanning me. I had no idea a machine was following me until it was far too late.

"Target: Arkcher. Sanity: Affirmitave. Location: Ear, Left," Said a mechanical voice behind me.

"Oh... No, no... This can't be so..."

"Activating SSP-207734"

"Sanity Stealing Program 207734? On little old me? TGHL must think of me as a serious threat," I said, mostly to myself, as the now-enlarged robot crashed down upon me. It hd pinned me down, and now the back opened up. A complex device I knew, but simple-looking, came out of it. The endings of the eight mechanical arms resembles sticks and nets. My sanity was in my ear. I was vulnerable to this Program. If it were somewhere else I could've avoidied this... I mentally shrugged, knowing I could do nothing, and let my sanity be taken. It wasn't like I could move to prevent it. Four of the ams grabbed me and threw me in the back of the robot clumsily. The back closed. I grinned as I heard an alarm set off, and I could only shake my head as I was transported to somewhere else. I knew where I was going. I got one of the arms, and broke it off. I started scratching diagrams in the back of the robot. I was working out a plan.


TGHL, You're in for a suprise...

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Was I the only one to notice that lives can be anagrammed from elvis?

lives and what other words? :D

*runs off to see what other words I can come up with*(


Levis (Not a word, but I know someone whose last name is Lavis! Is close! I also know someone whose first name is Lewis... Odd, innit?)

Veils (Ooh. veils = cool)

Lives (Elvis lives under veils. His new name? Levis :ninja:)

Isle V (Elvis lives under veils on Isle V. His new name? Levis :ninja:)

Slive (Close to slave >.<)

Viles (Vile... Just with an s on the end)

Evils (Gasp!)


I'm going to stop with Evils. I canna be stuffed to think of more.

clean up in aisle V...

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[some of this part inspired by my sister]


...TGHL, you're in for a suprise...


Part One


Behind Door 2: Kat's Katasrophy! (Bad pun, I know)


An alarm... For an old victorian house/evil lair, it sure was high-tech. But, I guess that's how TGHL was. Functionality combined with effect... It sure was the best lair I'd ever seen. As I ran away (from nothing really, but I still ran), my mind kept on drifting back to Nameless. What was going on with him? He was a sanity. Right. He was a horse/wolf/fox... Whatever. Pokemon. He was a pokemon. Right. But one thing I couldn't figure out... What was he? Deep down. what was he? Was he a hampsterdancer, like most of us, or perhaps a divine being, similar to the four hampsters? Or perhaps he had something else to do with TGHL... Perhaps he wasn't Glow's sanity.


My thoughts drifted to Glow. Poor boy. At first, he thought he had no sanity. He even said he was sanityless when he had to give us an introduction at a town meeting. He fit right in, blended with the rest of us... Until now. Now he's out on a pedestal again. Unique. He has a sanity... And only found out when it was taken away. Funny that. You never know what you have until it's gone... This was no exception. Now, we were following him... Forcing him to lead us to take back his sanity. I started doubting this whole expedition... And then mentally debating Glow's leadership... He shouldn't be forced to take all 15 of us to five different places... Just to get back a newly accquainted sanity of his. It was insane. But, then again... It would be better for the person who has the most reason to lead it to do so...


I continued thinking, and stopped paying attention to the world around me. The alarms faded in my mind, occasionally I found my thoughts halted abruptly by a wall, and I slowed to a walk. The only thing I was paying attention to was my train of thought. I didn't notice as Hoops randomly ran past me. I didn't notice as the sanity-stealing bot chasing her turned on me. I didn't notice as my sanity was taken. Only as I was thrown into the back of the robot and was taken away did I take the time to look where I was.


"Hmm. I appear to be in a box," I said, and went back to thinking about life, the universe, and everything.


I found out that the answer was not 42, and was instead 43. And I only did that in about five minutes, not however million yeears.


[Okay folks. I really need to know everybody whom I have/said I will include's sanity status.]

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[some of this part inspired by my sister]


...TGHL, you're in for a suprise...


Part One


Behind Door 2: Kat's Katasrophy! (Bad pun, I know)


An alarm... For an old victorian house/evil lair, it sure was high-tech. But, I guess that's how TGHL was. Functionality combined with effect... It sure was the best lair I'd ever seen. As I ran away (from nothing really, but I still ran), my mind kept on drifting back to Nameless. What was going on with him? He was a sanity. Right. He was a horse/wolf/fox... Whatever. Pokemon. He was a pokemon. Right. But one thing I couldn't figure out... What was he? Deep down. what was he? Was he a hampsterdancer, like most of us, or perhaps a divine being, similar to the four hampsters? Or perhaps he had something else to do with TGHL... Perhaps he wasn't Glow's sanity.


My thoughts drifted to Glow. Poor boy. At first, he thought he had no sanity. He even said he was sanityless when he had to give us an introduction at a town meeting. He fit right in, blended with the rest of us... Until now. Now he's out on a pedestal again. Unique. He has a sanity... And only found out when it was taken away. Funny that. You never know what you have until it's gone... This was no exception. Now, we were following him... Forcing him to lead us to take back his sanity. I started doubting this whole expedition... And then mentally debating Glow's leadership... He shouldn't be forced to take all 15 of us to five different places... Just to get back a newly accquainted sanity of his. It was insane. But, then again... It would be better for the person who has the most reason to lead it to do so...


I continued thinking, and stopped paying attention to the world around me. The alarms faded in my mind, occasionally I found my thoughts halted abruptly by a wall, and I slowed to a walk. The only thing I was paying attention to was my train of thought. I didn't notice as Hoops randomly ran past me. I didn't notice as the sanity-stealing bot chasing her turned on me. I didn't notice as my sanity was taken. Only as I was thrown into the back of the robot and was taken away did I take the time to look where I was.


"Hmm. I appear to be in a box," I said, and went back to thinking about life, the universe, and everything.


I found out that the answer was not 42, and was instead 43. And I only did that in about five minutes, not however million yeears.


[Okay folks. I really need to know everybody whom I have/said I will include's sanity status.]

[Wow! I'm all introspective and comtemplative! And I appear to be in a box! :D Hurrah!

And to be perfectly honest, I have no idea if I still have my sanity or not. It's been taken about three times, so I guess it keeps coming back, or something.]

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...And with that, we entered Planet Horatio.


"Howdy Glow!" Shouted Kat from her post at the bar, "Whazzup? And whozzat?"

"Glow?" My odd friend whispered.

"It's like a name, which is pretty much a title, which is what people call you and you alone, but it's been shortened. Kat's real name is - Kat - but most of us just call her kat," I responded.

"Wow, I never learned how to pronounse -'s until you demonstrated," He commented.

"Riight. That's nice... Now can you answer me, glow?" Kat interrupted.

I pointed to the ceiling, saying, "That's up. And this is... Uhmm..."

"I'm nameless." Said my friend.

"Nice to meet you nameless. We have many foods and drinks here, if you're interested..." Kat got a claymore out of her pocked and flashed a grin, then put it away and continued, "I'm a bartender, as is glow here. Enjoy your stay!"

Nervously, and unable to get the claymore out of his mind, Nameless (as he was now dubbed) wandered over to the bar and asked for a glowing milkshake. I ran over and began making it before kat could say, "Coming right up!" or something, and soon Nameless had his milkshake. He wandered off to look around.

"Oi! Get back here and pay up!" Kat cried at him.

"Pay? With what? I don't have any money," Nameless retorted, "if you wanted money, you shouldn't have given me a drink."

"But it was glow who gave you that."

"Good point. But in that case you should be shouting at him."

"It's on the house," I interrupted.

"Oh. Okay then," Kat said before turning to continue serving whoever wanted drinks.


"So... How are you going with all this?" I asked.

"Kat, MQ (I think it was), Horatio and HK," Nameless responded.

"All except the second one right. Mushroom_King, so it's actually MK."

"But she's a female."

"So? I'm a worm, even though I spell it wurm, Horatio loves everything more then most anyone (and feels the need to vocalise it), none of us are really... Real. The only people I know to be relatively real are TGHL, HK, Paz (mostly), and Lauren. Oh, and I can't forget Taynio. She recently moved back to our little town."

"Who're they?"

"TGHL... I'll introduce you to him later. He's hard to explain with words. So I won't try. HK, you know. Paz... Is topiaza. She is very religeous, and believes she has a screwed-up life, from what I've seen her say about her life. Lauren is... Similar in a way. In fact, sometimes I dunno whether its paz or lauren talking. The only things that differ between them, in terms of personality, is that lauren is not religeous, and is trying to get down to 100 pounds."

"Oh? 100? How tall is she?"

"She said at one point that she's 5 foot 5."

"Isn't 100 a bit too thin then?"

"Paz thinks so. I try to see both sides of the arguement, but it's pretty hard when you can't clearly see either side at all."

"Okay then. Continue. You haven't mentioned Taynio."

"I'm afraid I don't know her well at all. I just mentioned her because, from what I see, she's quite the serious one."

"I see. Shall we meet TGHL?"

"Not yet. Look at all the people here! There are many for you to meet. Oh, look, there's MK!" I motioned over at a quaint wooden table, with a shine that seemed to rival my glow. Around the table was a bunch of pillows, with MK sitting on one. Making even eating look like a stylish event, I thought to myself.

MK spotted them approaching and called out.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Glowurm! C'mon over! Hey, who's that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"What the heck? Why did you say that stuff? Oh, and I'm nameless," Nameless said.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


It sounds cool, I guess. You really need a name if your nameless though...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"No, no, my name is nameless."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Oh, okay then. Nice to meet you nameless! How do you like planet horatio?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"It's nice. Glowurm has some milkshake making skillz." He looked around, and spied kat winking at him and waving an extra-shiney claymore. "And kat is good too," he quickly added.

He risked a glance at kat, and found that she had put away the claymore and was now making herself a jig with a satisfied look on her face, as if to say 'Good creature-type thing.' He sighed in releif and joined MK and I at the table, sipping away at his almost empty Glowing Milkshake.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Actually, all of those phrases have meanings.

The Grand Illusion is a Styx album and song

The Final Cut is a pink floyd Album

Tne Psychedelic Luau doens't really have a meaning

The Astronomy Domine is a Pink Floyd song and is also my Clique at school.



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine *~*

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...And with that, we entered Planet Horatio.


"Howdy Glow!" Shouted Kat from her post at the bar, "Whazzup? And whozzat?"

"Glow?" My odd friend whispered.

"It's like a name, which is pretty much a title, which is what people call you and you alone, but it's been shortened. Kat's real name is - Kat - but most of us just call her kat," I responded.

"Wow, I never learned how to pronounse -'s until you demonstrated," He commented.

"Riight. That's nice... Now can you answer me, glow?" Kat interrupted.

I pointed to the ceiling, saying, "That's up. And this is... Uhmm..."

"I'm nameless." Said my friend.

"Nice to meet you nameless. We have many foods and drinks here, if you're interested..." Kat got a claymore out of her pocked and flashed a grin, then put it away and continued, "I'm a bartender, as is glow here. Enjoy your stay!"

Nervously, and unable to get the claymore out of his mind, Nameless (as he was now dubbed) wandered over to the bar and asked for a glowing milkshake. I ran over and began making it before kat could say, "Coming right up!" or something, and soon Nameless had his milkshake. He wandered off to look around.

"Oi! Get back here and pay up!" Kat cried at him.

"Pay? With what? I don't have any money," Nameless retorted, "if you wanted money, you shouldn't have given me a drink."

"But it was glow who gave you that."

"Good point. But in that case you should be shouting at him."

"It's on the house," I interrupted.

"Oh. Okay then," Kat said before turning to continue serving whoever wanted drinks.


"So... How are you going with all this?" I asked.

"Kat, MQ (I think it was), Horatio and HK," Nameless responded.

"All except the second one right. Mushroom_King, so it's actually MK."

"But she's a female."

"So? I'm a worm, even though I spell it wurm, Horatio loves everything more then most anyone (and feels the need to vocalise it), none of us are really... Real. The only people I know to be relatively real are TGHL, HK, Paz (mostly), and Lauren. Oh, and I can't forget Taynio. She recently moved back to our little town."

"Who're they?"

"TGHL... I'll introduce you to him later. He's hard to explain with words. So I won't try. HK, you know. Paz... Is topiaza. She is very religeous, and believes she has a screwed-up life, from what I've seen her say about her life. Lauren is... Similar in a way. In fact, sometimes I dunno whether its paz or lauren talking. The only things that differ between them, in terms of personality, is that lauren is not religeous, and is trying to get down to 100 pounds."

"Oh? 100? How tall is she?"

"She said at one point that she's 5 foot 5."

"Isn't 100 a bit too thin then?"

"Paz thinks so. I try to see both sides of the arguement, but it's pretty hard when you can't clearly see either side at all."

"Okay then. Continue. You haven't mentioned Taynio."

"I'm afraid I don't know her well at all. I just mentioned her because, from what I see, she's quite the serious one."

"I see. Shall we meet TGHL?"

"Not yet. Look at all the people here! There are many for you to meet. Oh, look, there's MK!" I motioned over at a quaint wooden table, with a shine that seemed to rival my glow. Around the table was a bunch of pillows, with MK sitting on one. Making even eating look like a stylish event, I thought to myself.

MK spotted them approaching and called out.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Glowurm! C'mon over! Hey, who's that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"What the heck? Why did you say that stuff? Oh, and I'm nameless," Nameless said.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


It sounds cool, I guess. You really need a name if your nameless though...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"No, no, my name is nameless."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Oh, okay then. Nice to meet you nameless! How do you like planet horatio?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"It's nice. Glowurm has some milkshake making skillz." He looked around, and spied kat winking at him and waving an extra-shiney claymore. "And kat is good too," he quickly added.

He risked a glance at kat, and found that she had put away the claymore and was now making herself a jig with a satisfied look on her face, as if to say 'Good creature-type thing.' He sighed in releif and joined MK and I at the table, sipping away at his almost empty Glowing Milkshake.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Actually, all of those phrases have meanings.

The Grand Illusion is a Styx album and song

The Final Cut is a pink floyd Album

Tne Psychedelic Luau doens't really have a meaning

The Astronomy Domine is a Pink Floyd song and is also my Clique at school.



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine *~*

I always wondered about those. o.o I gathered about the clique thing, but I didn't know where it came from.

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...And with that, we entered Planet Horatio.


"Howdy Glow!" Shouted Kat from her post at the bar, "Whazzup? And whozzat?"

"Glow?" My odd friend whispered.

"It's like a name, which is pretty much a title, which is what people call you and you alone, but it's been shortened. Kat's real name is - Kat - but most of us just call her kat," I responded.

"Wow, I never learned how to pronounse -'s until you demonstrated," He commented.

"Riight. That's nice... Now can you answer me, glow?" Kat interrupted.

I pointed to the ceiling, saying, "That's up. And this is... Uhmm..."

"I'm nameless." Said my friend.

"Nice to meet you nameless. We have many foods and drinks here, if you're interested..." Kat got a claymore out of her pocked and flashed a grin, then put it away and continued, "I'm a bartender, as is glow here. Enjoy your stay!"

Nervously, and unable to get the claymore out of his mind, Nameless (as he was now dubbed) wandered over to the bar and asked for a glowing milkshake. I ran over and began making it before kat could say, "Coming right up!" or something, and soon Nameless had his milkshake. He wandered off to look around.

"Oi! Get back here and pay up!" Kat cried at him.

"Pay? With what? I don't have any money," Nameless retorted, "if you wanted money, you shouldn't have given me a drink."

"But it was glow who gave you that."

"Good point. But in that case you should be shouting at him."

"It's on the house," I interrupted.

"Oh. Okay then," Kat said before turning to continue serving whoever wanted drinks.


"So... How are you going with all this?" I asked.

"Kat, MQ (I think it was), Horatio and HK," Nameless responded.

"All except the second one right. Mushroom_King, so it's actually MK."

"But she's a female."

"So? I'm a worm, even though I spell it wurm, Horatio loves everything more then most anyone (and feels the need to vocalise it), none of us are really... Real. The only people I know to be relatively real are TGHL, HK, Paz (mostly), and Lauren. Oh, and I can't forget Taynio. She recently moved back to our little town."

"Who're they?"

"TGHL... I'll introduce you to him later. He's hard to explain with words. So I won't try. HK, you know. Paz... Is topiaza. She is very religeous, and believes she has a screwed-up life, from what I've seen her say about her life. Lauren is... Similar in a way. In fact, sometimes I dunno whether its paz or lauren talking. The only things that differ between them, in terms of personality, is that lauren is not religeous, and is trying to get down to 100 pounds."

"Oh? 100? How tall is she?"

"She said at one point that she's 5 foot 5."

"Isn't 100 a bit too thin then?"

"Paz thinks so. I try to see both sides of the arguement, but it's pretty hard when you can't clearly see either side at all."

"Okay then. Continue. You haven't mentioned Taynio."

"I'm afraid I don't know her well at all. I just mentioned her because, from what I see, she's quite the serious one."

"I see. Shall we meet TGHL?"

"Not yet. Look at all the people here! There are many for you to meet. Oh, look, there's MK!" I motioned over at a quaint wooden table, with a shine that seemed to rival my glow. Around the table was a bunch of pillows, with MK sitting on one. Making even eating look like a stylish event, I thought to myself.

MK spotted them approaching and called out.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Glowurm! C'mon over! Hey, who's that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"What the heck? Why did you say that stuff? Oh, and I'm nameless," Nameless said.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


It sounds cool, I guess. You really need a name if your nameless though...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"No, no, my name is nameless."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Oh, okay then. Nice to meet you nameless! How do you like planet horatio?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"It's nice. Glowurm has some milkshake making skillz." He looked around, and spied kat winking at him and waving an extra-shiney claymore. "And kat is good too," he quickly added.

He risked a glance at kat, and found that she had put away the claymore and was now making herself a jig with a satisfied look on her face, as if to say 'Good creature-type thing.' He sighed in releif and joined MK and I at the table, sipping away at his almost empty Glowing Milkshake.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Actually, all of those phrases have meanings.

The Grand Illusion is a Styx album and song

The Final Cut is a pink floyd Album

Tne Psychedelic Luau doens't really have a meaning

The Astronomy Domine is a Pink Floyd song and is also my Clique at school.



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine *~*

I always wondered about those. o.o I gathered about the clique thing, but I didn't know where it came from.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Yea. I named it The Astronomy Domien 'cause were all random, crazy idiots (Except Cookie) and so is the song.


-Throws PoinDexter at Glowurm-]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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...And with that, we entered Planet Horatio.


"Howdy Glow!" Shouted Kat from her post at the bar, "Whazzup? And whozzat?"

"Glow?" My odd friend whispered.

"It's like a name, which is pretty much a title, which is what people call you and you alone, but it's been shortened. Kat's real name is - Kat - but most of us just call her kat," I responded.

"Wow, I never learned how to pronounse -'s until you demonstrated," He commented.

"Riight. That's nice... Now can you answer me, glow?" Kat interrupted.

I pointed to the ceiling, saying, "That's up. And this is... Uhmm..."

"I'm nameless." Said my friend.

"Nice to meet you nameless. We have many foods and drinks here, if you're interested..." Kat got a claymore out of her pocked and flashed a grin, then put it away and continued, "I'm a bartender, as is glow here. Enjoy your stay!"

Nervously, and unable to get the claymore out of his mind, Nameless (as he was now dubbed) wandered over to the bar and asked for a glowing milkshake. I ran over and began making it before kat could say, "Coming right up!" or something, and soon Nameless had his milkshake. He wandered off to look around.

"Oi! Get back here and pay up!" Kat cried at him.

"Pay? With what? I don't have any money," Nameless retorted, "if you wanted money, you shouldn't have given me a drink."

"But it was glow who gave you that."

"Good point. But in that case you should be shouting at him."

"It's on the house," I interrupted.

"Oh. Okay then," Kat said before turning to continue serving whoever wanted drinks.


"So... How are you going with all this?" I asked.

"Kat, MQ (I think it was), Horatio and HK," Nameless responded.

"All except the second one right. Mushroom_King, so it's actually MK."

"But she's a female."

"So? I'm a worm, even though I spell it wurm, Horatio loves everything more then most anyone (and feels the need to vocalise it), none of us are really... Real. The only people I know to be relatively real are TGHL, HK, Paz (mostly), and Lauren. Oh, and I can't forget Taynio. She recently moved back to our little town."

"Who're they?"

"TGHL... I'll introduce you to him later. He's hard to explain with words. So I won't try. HK, you know. Paz... Is topiaza. She is very religeous, and believes she has a screwed-up life, from what I've seen her say about her life. Lauren is... Similar in a way. In fact, sometimes I dunno whether its paz or lauren talking. The only things that differ between them, in terms of personality, is that lauren is not religeous, and is trying to get down to 100 pounds."

"Oh? 100? How tall is she?"

"She said at one point that she's 5 foot 5."

"Isn't 100 a bit too thin then?"

"Paz thinks so. I try to see both sides of the arguement, but it's pretty hard when you can't clearly see either side at all."

"Okay then. Continue. You haven't mentioned Taynio."

"I'm afraid I don't know her well at all. I just mentioned her because, from what I see, she's quite the serious one."

"I see. Shall we meet TGHL?"

"Not yet. Look at all the people here! There are many for you to meet. Oh, look, there's MK!" I motioned over at a quaint wooden table, with a shine that seemed to rival my glow. Around the table was a bunch of pillows, with MK sitting on one. Making even eating look like a stylish event, I thought to myself.

MK spotted them approaching and called out.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Glowurm! C'mon over! Hey, who's that?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"What the heck? Why did you say that stuff? Oh, and I'm nameless," Nameless said.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


It sounds cool, I guess. You really need a name if your nameless though...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"No, no, my name is nameless."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Oh, okay then. Nice to meet you nameless! How do you like planet horatio?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~*"

"It's nice. Glowurm has some milkshake making skillz." He looked around, and spied kat winking at him and waving an extra-shiney claymore. "And kat is good too," he quickly added.

He risked a glance at kat, and found that she had put away the claymore and was now making herself a jig with a satisfied look on her face, as if to say 'Good creature-type thing.' He sighed in releif and joined MK and I at the table, sipping away at his almost empty Glowing Milkshake.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Actually, all of those phrases have meanings.

The Grand Illusion is a Styx album and song

The Final Cut is a pink floyd Album

Tne Psychedelic Luau doens't really have a meaning

The Astronomy Domine is a Pink Floyd song and is also my Clique at school.



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine *~*

I always wondered about those. o.o I gathered about the clique thing, but I didn't know where it came from.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Yea. I named it The Astronomy Domien 'cause were all random, crazy idiots (Except Cookie) and so is the song.


-Throws PoinDexter at Glowurm-]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

*catches and eats poindexter*



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[Okay. Cheesie has told me about his sanity status... So I can continue. Hopefully this is a good one. Chapter, that is... Oh, this WILL be a good one... All the things you can do with cheese... Bwahaha!!! Say, has anybody noticed how I'm including hoops in more then just a passing mention?]


...And I only did that in about five minutes, not however million years.


Part One


Behind Door 3 - Cheese's Calamity (Hey! It's different to katastrophy!)


I wandered about... Well, really I just bounced about. Cheese isn't the best at wandering. Anyway, I bounced about, despite the alarm going off. I knew I had a sanity... But heck, a little machine couldn't see me. I was too small. It always looked up, to detect stuff like werewolves, felines, wurms, hamsters, elves, foxes, other canines, humans, sanities... Everything that was bigger then me. I laughed a little laugh, to myself.

"Stop laughing at me," I said.

"I wasn't laughing at you... I was laughing with you!" I retorted.

"I was laughing at myself," I coolly replied. I left myself be. After all, I was able to reply to that, wasn't I? I couldn't argue with me, if I'm that good at arguing.

I snapped out of my outer inner debate. Or whatever it was. After all, you usually do when you run into something. I looked up.


A small machine stood there, big enough to be taller then me. I confidently bounced around it. It couldn't sense me. Hah! I laughed to myself a little again. Hoops bounded past me, but I had my eyes closed while I was laughing so I missed her. The machine, though, turned. I heard a noise.


I turned green. And it wasn't mould. I felt so sick... For good reason too. It seemed that TGHL had improved his machinery. And we all thought he was in Amsterdam. Bah humbug. He was here, and he was improving. He had me. His machine had smelled me. I was doomed.

"Species: Cheese. Sanity: Lower left hole, diameter = 1.7 cm."

"Not good."

"Instigating SSP 199585."

"Oh. Great. Well, how nice. They're worse then Horatio, at least Horatio is more indrect."

I felt very warm indeed. It was heating me. Already my bottom half was melted to the floor. As I tried to leave that half be, and hop away without it, my top started to slide down onto the floor as well. As I melted away, I couldn't help but thinking how good I'd taste on some ham... But then I was melted, and scooped of the floor into a bin. Eventually I would harden and I'd be able to move, but then I'd have to get back my sanity... And who knows what might happen in the bin? Until then, I'd have plenty of time to think. So think I did.


[Odd. I feel like I missed something. Anyways.]


[i really need to know about more people's sanities!]


[Honestly. I dun wanna make someone who doesn't have a sanity... Um... re-lose their sanity ^_^;]

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Here is the real story...


Horatio arrives in his helicopter, scoops up the melted cheese and whisks the gooey mess away to Sanity Springs Spa. The Spa is in an undisclosed location which no one, not even TGHL, has been able to find. After some rest, relaxation and recuperation, Cheesemaster's sanity is returned rejuvenated and ready to fight off any attempts by evil sanity stealing Phoenixes.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Me? Oh No. The NEW Sanity-Proof ® Meat Grinder has a setting that makes it instantly turn off when a certain object is thrown in it, and vice-versa!]


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

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Here is the real story...


Horatio arrives in his helicopter, scoops up the melted cheese and whisks the gooey mess away to Sanity Springs Spa. The Spa is in an undisclosed location which no one, not even TGHL, has been able to find. After some rest, relaxation and recuperation, Cheesemaster's sanity is returned rejuvenated and ready to fight off any attempts by evil sanity stealing Phoenixes.

His sanity is already taken o_o


Well, as long as you dun eat him, it's fine. But he has to take a while there. Until the next chapter I include him in. ^_^;

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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

[MK has a long... chapter post part dealie. Oh Em Gee.


still good. You should continue. This ones a lot cooler than mine.]

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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




:D Quintiple Faerie Grundo award for you!! FANTASTIC!!!!


*Goes off to make a link to this in my siggy* :D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Wait a sec, Glowurm...you know what the announcer in Waiting for the Worms was saying? :o


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Oh...And Mondrobi is the mushroom controlling my brain. He has an account here.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy domine*~*

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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

I can't find the word room at ALL! :(

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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




:D Quintiple Faerie Grundo award for you!! FANTASTIC!!!!


*Goes off to make a link to this in my siggy* :D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Whoa! Thank you so muuch! Wh00t! *Jigs until point of fainting*

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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




:D Quintiple Faerie Grundo award for you!! FANTASTIC!!!!


*Goes off to make a link to this in my siggy* :D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Whoa! Thank you so muuch! Wh00t! *Jigs until point of fainting*

Whoa man. Don't over-jig. It's a common jigging-newb mistake.

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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




:D Quintiple Faerie Grundo award for you!! FANTASTIC!!!!


*Goes off to make a link to this in my siggy* :D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Whoa! Thank you so muuch! Wh00t! *Jigs until point of fainting*

Whoa man. Don't over-jig. It's a common jigging-newb mistake.

I jigged to the point of fainting - not past it :P

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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

I can't find the word room at ALL! :(

Hehe. Here. Two big hints.


1. They're in pig latin.


2. They're all in the songs.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Wait a sec, Glowurm...you know what the announcer in Waiting for the Worms was saying? :o


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

I copied the lyrics directly from their website. I admit it. I'm a bad wurm. :lol:


So, no, I don't.


I just chose the song because I liked the lyrics.


I didn't replace all the 'worms' with 'wurms' though. I missed a couple. Not on purpose.

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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

I can't find the word room at ALL! :(

Hehe. Here. Two big hints.


1. They're in pig latin.


2. They're all in the songs.

:lol: Silly wurm... Tricks are for kids. :lol:

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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

I can't find the word room at ALL! :(

Hehe. Here. Two big hints.


1. They're in pig latin.


2. They're all in the songs.

:lol: Silly wurm... Tricks are for kids. :lol:

And that's why I still have some up my sleeve.

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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Did I get it right?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Did I get it right?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

[Yes. Glowing Greatness award to you.]



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[This is going to be... Umm... Interesting o_o Entire chapter inspired by what MK says and her siggy...]




[...Heck, there's enough siggy there to supply ten chapters, even without what she says! *ish shot by MK*]


[This'll be a long one... By the way, the word 'room' is mentioned exactly three times in this chapter... Let's see if you can pinpoint all three. If anyone can find them, you win a glowing greatness award ;)]


...So think I did.


Part One


Behind Door 4 - MK's Malfunction!!!




(...Wait, since when is MK a robot?)




"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted over the alarm at my sanity. It was staring at me with a scared expression on it's face... It was irritating. It made me want to throw him in the meat grinder. He continued to look at me in his tone of voice. I lost my temper and whipped out my meat grinder, and threw it in.

"Arghhghphpghphpgphg...." My sanity cried as it decended down the sides of my meat grinder. But then I remembered it shut down when my sanity entered it, and sighed. It came out unscathed, and went back to looking at me in that tone of voice. I threw Johnny Depp at it instead. Being paper, it turned so its side was facing me. I missed, so I shroomed it. Having finally succeeded, I did the kirby dance. I hungered, so I ate some SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW!


It was good.


The alarm began to annoy me. I told it to be quiet, but it just wouldn't listen to me. I knew there was just one thing to do... And it wouldn't be pretty.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I screamed at it. It stopped, and all was good. I became bored, though, and began to sing.


"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"


Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

Ooooh, no matter how you try

Goodbye, cruel world, it's over

Walk on by.


Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.

In perfect isolation here behind my wall

Waiting for the wurms to come.


We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton

Town Hall where we're going to be...


Waiting to cut out the deadwood.

Waiting to clean up the city.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to put on a black shirt.

Waiting to weed out the weaklings.

Waiting to smash in their windows

And kick in their doors.

Waiting for the final solution

To strengthen the strain.

Waiting to follow the worms.

Waiting to turn on the showers

And fire the ovens.

Waiting to follow the wurms.


Would you like to see Britannia

Rule again, my friend?

All you have to do is follow the wurms.

Would you like to send our multi-colored cousins

Home again, my friend?


All you need to do is follow the wurms.


The Wurms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}."


...As I finished up my song, I noticed Hoops rushing past me. Immediately I ran after her, narrowly avoiding a sanity stealing trap.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hoops! Get back here RIGHT NOW!


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I cried out to Hoops. As I ran after her, I could hear something drifting back to me.

"...I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the

most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." It was Hoops.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Are You Feelin' Okay? Why are you running away?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I asked. There was a considerably long silence until I heard hoops' voice again.

"There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Is there anybody out there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*" I shouted back. I figured that is anyody was out there... It couldn't be hoops. This was not hoops calling back to me. Or, it may be hoops body, but it wasn't Hoops.

"Do you think you can tell?" I thought that if she was speaking in Pink Floyd quotes, she'd respond to them as well.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"There's someone in my head but it's not me."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Crazy over The Rainbow I am Crazy!"


I had nothing to say. Instead of continuing running, I got out a shroom gun and shroomed Hoops. I finally caught up to her. As soon as I got there, I asked what this was all about.


"Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him"

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When did Mondrobi do that?


*~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*"

"Why'd'ya have to leave me there

Hanging in my infant air


You only have to read the lines

They're scribbly black and everything shines."

I couldn't understand hoops. She was evidently insane... Then it hit me. Her sanity.

"Where is your sanity?" I asked. This was so urgent I didn't think to add the other stuff.

"Wandering and dreaming."

"But where?"

"The doll's house, darkness, old perfume."

"Whose? Where?"

"Across the stream with wooden shoes

With bells to tell the king the news

A thousand misty riders climb up

Higher once upon a time."

"And how about this time? After all, we're not in the past anymore."

"I want to tell you a story

About a little man

If I can.

A gnome named Grimble Crumble.

And little gnomes stay in their homes.

Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine.


He wore a scarlet tunic,

A blue green hood,

It looked quite good.

He had a big adventure

Amidst the grass

Fresh air at last.

Wining, dining, biding his time.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Look at the sky, look at the river

Isn't it good?

Winding, finding places to go.

And then one day - hooray!

Another way for gnomes to say



"A gnome? A gnome? A gnome is doing all this? Oh mah stars!" I cried then ran off, sanity trailing behind, hoops left alone, insane, and frightened.


Unfortunately I was caught by a sanity stealing device - in this case just a giant Paper Shredder. And then, to my amazement and dismay, I was thrown in a remote controlled meat grinder.


As I was being taken away, a song sprang to mind. I couldn't sing it properly, considering I had been grinded, but I sung it mentally.


The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows

Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.

He didn't care.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


His head did no thinking

His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up

Rough and mice ran around on the ground

He stood in a field where barley grows.


The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me

But now he's resigned to his fate

'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind.

He stood in a field where barley grows.


[Every single song in this chapter is by Pink Floyd, thankya very much :3]


[Odd. Again I feel like something is wrong...]


[i need to know about ONE MORE PERSON'S SANITY before continuing!!!]

[in other words I have made chapters of everybody whose sanity I know about and so I need to know about more people's sanities in order for it to even be possible for me to continue with mah story :3]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Did I get it right?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

[Yes. Glowing Greatness award to you.]



*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Roc'n! *Does The Kirby Dance*]


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Sudden;y wonders why my chapter had no mention of The Jeff Trophies :o *


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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['bout time for an update. People seem to have finally tired of the last one... I'll wait for inspiration to come.]


[@MK - It had no mention of that part of your siggy because it was getting very long, using the part of your siggy I did, so I wrapped it up. I wasn't lying when I said your siggy could supply ten chapters. *ish shot again*]

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  • 2 weeks later...

He stood in a field where barley grows...


Part One


Behind Door 5 - Honey's Hurtings


"Talk!" Yelled the robot electronically. It had discovered I didn't have my sanity with me. Poop. It lowered something towards me. What was it? I couldn't see it properly.

"No! I'll not talk to YOU!" I shouted back. It's funny how we were in each other's faces, yet still shouting as if the other was deaf. Whatever.

"Fine. Perhaps you'll talk to... YOUR FATHER?" It took the thing away. Maybe it was just for effect?

"Eh? Well, he wouldn't exactly care where my sanity is, so I guess..."

"Because we have him here today! Come on out, Honey's father!"

Shockingly, my dad appeared from out of the shadows in a very shinee flash, with lots of smoke and sparkles. Many raccoons were found in that spot after it dispersed. Scientists believe it was the shinee's fault.

"So, honey, dear, sugar, whatever you want to be called, how about 'daughter'? Yes, that's good... Son, where is your sanity?" My 'dad' asked.

"Hah! I'll never talk while he's here! And I'm not a SON!" I nodded towards the robot, who was still standing there and grinning suspiciously. However it is a robot grins. The robot wheeled away and around a corner.

"So. Dear. Where in all the world is your sanity?"

"Yo. I told you... It's in... Our special place."

"Special place?"

"Yeah. That place. You always go when stuff happens."

"Where's that?"

"You don't know? Then you can't be my dad."


My 'dad' transformed into a big sanity-stealing robot.

"Have it your way, honey."

"My name. Is. Honey."

"Isn't that what I said?"

"Oh, right, yeah, sorry."

"So. You better talk. TGHL has control over your 'mother' as well."


"At so much of a push of a button... Your horses will be thrown out of their stables. No more horseys."

"NOOOOOOOO!!! How long have you both been sanity stealers?"

"Your real mum 'n dad? Never. TGHL just stole their sanities and put us in instead. You had us as parents since a week ago."


"So. As I said. TALK!"

"SANITY SPRINGS SPA!!! Please! Let me go! And don't let my horses go! My sanity is in sanity springs spa!"

"What? Ahh, sh--"

"That's enough!" Horatio shouted. Honey's sanity was next to him. Honey's 'dad' shrunk away temporarily, then noticed the sanity and grinned.

"Horatio!? What are you doing?" I cried, "That's a sanity stealer!"

"I know. But I can't steal your sanity. If you want it in there, you're going to get it back when it's stay is up. I can't do anything." And with that, Horatio (but not my sanity) disappeared.

"Well poop." My sanity was taken and I was released, only to be thrown in a cylindrical bot. I grinned.

"Halp!" Shouted the bot mechanically as I threw it off balance and onto it's side, and started rolling away. Nothing could stop this barrel rolling Honey! Hahahahahaaaaa!

"Stop her!" Shouted the bot that had my sanity, who started off to TGHL with it, not before turning back on the alarm. Soon enough, though, I heard a muffled "*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*" Coming from the general direction of TGHL's dungeons, and the alarms stopped. I continued to roll. I wasn't about to be captured! I rolled all the way back to where I started, and out of the house, and then I even bagan to roll back to town! It was all gravity now. However, I got stuck in a rut.

"Phew," I said. I tried to get out, and then remembered I was held captive. The roof stopped me, and the device stood up again. I was out of energy and so I had to succumb to TGHL. As it took me all the way back, I muttered, "Poopsicles."


[i didn't have any inspiration for this one. I just desperately needed to update.]

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[poopsicles? XD]

Fudge ones? :P


[poopsicles? XD]

[Fudge ones? :P ]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*





*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy domine*~*

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[poopsicles? XD]

[Fudge ones? :P ]

[double fudge :P ]


[Double Fudge with Hot Fudge Sauce on top? :P ]


[one can only IMAGINE what you are talking about.]

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[bumped topic.


I win.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[NO YOU DON'T! *Throws you in The Meat grinder*]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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[bumped topic.


I win.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[NO YOU DON'T! *Throws you in The Meat grinder*]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[because i do]

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[bumped topic.


I win.]

I need more sanity knowledge before I can continue.


HELP the story! It might be the first completed story, but I need people to tell me about their sanities ._.

You think I am going to release any details about my sanity when it could only lead to someone being able to get near it?!?!? :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

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[bumped topic.


I win.]

I need more sanity knowledge before I can continue.


HELP the story! It might be the first completed story, but I need people to tell me about their sanities ._.

You think I am going to release any details about my sanity when it could only lead to someone being able to get near it?!?!? :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Not you. You're one of the four, remember? You don't have you sanity stolen.

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Mine is safe in sanity springs, i believe.

Yours has been stolen. Cheesemaster's Calamity, remember?

As for mine, TGHL has been trying forever. As you just thought you stole Cheesemaster's sanity. What you actually caught is his decoy sanity. I didn't want to tell you, but now you know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Do one for Lexxy-Man or Toto]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Does lex have a sanity?]

Of course... :rolleyes:

[...Is it stealable or in sanity springs?]

[One will never tell. LOL]

[Okay. I guess this story will never finish then.]


[Thanks to j00! :o!]

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Do one for Lexxy-Man or Toto]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Does lex have a sanity?]

Of course... :rolleyes:

[...Is it stealable or in sanity springs?]

[One will never tell. LOL]

[Okay. I guess this story will never finish then.]


[Thanks to j00! :o!]

[Creative license, you can use it, but you just might find out it is a decoy or replacement sanity!]

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Do one for Lexxy-Man or Toto]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Does lex have a sanity?]

Of course... :rolleyes:

[...Is it stealable or in sanity springs?]

[One will never tell. LOL]

[Okay. I guess this story will never finish then.]


[Thanks to j00! :o!]

[Creative license, you can use it, but you just might find out it is a decoy or replacement sanity!]

[it's a fictional story. These are all pretend sanities :o]

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Do one for Lexxy-Man or Toto]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Does lex have a sanity?]

Of course... :rolleyes:

[...Is it stealable or in sanity springs?]

[One will never tell. LOL]

[Okay. I guess this story will never finish then.]


[Thanks to j00! :o!]

[Creative license, you can use it, but you just might find out it is a decoy or replacement sanity!]

[it's a fictional story. These are all pretend sanities :o]

[*takes Glowurm's first hand and helps him slap his forehead... LOL*]

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Do one for Lexxy-Man or Toto]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Does lex have a sanity?]

Of course... :rolleyes:

[...Is it stealable or in sanity springs?]

[One will never tell. LOL]

[Okay. I guess this story will never finish then.]


[Thanks to j00! :o!]

[Creative license, you can use it, but you just might find out it is a decoy or replacement sanity!]

[it's a fictional story. These are all pretend sanities :o]

[*takes Glowurm's first hand and helps him slap his forehead... LOL*]

[Just because life doesn't always imitate art doesn't mean art can't ATTEMPT to imitate life! I want to know all this stuff so it SEEMS real-ish.]

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Do one for Lexxy-Man or Toto]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Does lex have a sanity?]

Of course... :rolleyes:

[...Is it stealable or in sanity springs?]

[One will never tell. LOL]

[Okay. I guess this story will never finish then.]


[Thanks to j00! :o!]

[Creative license, you can use it, but you just might find out it is a decoy or replacement sanity!]

[it's a fictional story. These are all pretend sanities :o]

[*takes Glowurm's first hand and helps him slap his forehead... LOL*]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Wurms have hands...?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Do one for Lexxy-Man or Toto]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Does lex have a sanity?]

Of course... :rolleyes:

[...Is it stealable or in sanity springs?]

[One will never tell. LOL]

[Okay. I guess this story will never finish then.]


[Thanks to j00! :o!]

[Creative license, you can use it, but you just might find out it is a decoy or replacement sanity!]

[it's a fictional story. These are all pretend sanities :o]

[*takes Glowurm's first hand and helps him slap his forehead... LOL*]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Wurms have hands...?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[ :rolleyes: Front legs!]

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Do one for Lexxy-Man or Toto]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Does lex have a sanity?]

Of course... :rolleyes:

[...Is it stealable or in sanity springs?]

[One will never tell. LOL]

[Okay. I guess this story will never finish then.]


[Thanks to j00! :o!]

[Creative license, you can use it, but you just might find out it is a decoy or replacement sanity!]

[it's a fictional story. These are all pretend sanities :o]

[*takes Glowurm's first hand and helps him slap his forehead... LOL*]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Wurms have hands...?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[ :rolleyes: Front legs!]

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Yea, thats the one.


...I should go update Giza.]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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[HOLY UPDATE BATMAN! About time too.]


...As it took me all the way back, I muttered, "Poopsicles."


Part One


Behind door 6 - Lexxscrapham takes a licking :o


I jigged along the corridors, thinking to myself. How are we meant to know where to go? TGHL's mansion was more then just a maze. It was a... Okay, maybe it was just a maze. But it was a very very hard one. And we'd have to go through it again on the way out. This was no picnic. What are we doing this for? Couldn't glowurm do it hisself? He already lost his sanity, he can't lose it again. And if he got caught he could just wurm his way out of the dungeon bars. Or if he was taken directly to TGHL, he would just have to run. Or not. TGHL wouldn't hurt a fly, unless it was someone's sanity disguised as a fly. But even then, it wouldn't be a REAL fly, so the point still remained - he wouldn't hurt a fly.


My mind was jolted back into the real world when I almost slipped in my jig, but I grabbed a hold of someone ans steadied myself.

"Thank you," I said to the person I used for balance.

"What? Who? Lex?" Said the person.

"HOOPS!?" I shouted. It was hoops' voice, at least.

"Um. No. Hoops' sanity."

"Her sanity? What? Wouldn't I have gone right through you then?"

"Unless hoops has found a new sanity, then I become... A real person."


"You need to know a bit more about sanities. I can't explain, I need to find hoops now, considering you managed to use me for balance, but can you help me?"

"Um. Sure. But afterwards you seriously need to tell us what the heck's going on."

"Okay. Let's get going."


So me and hoops' sanity went on our own adventure. Great. At the time I was thinking, "I really need another adventure. Why not throw two more at me, eh?"

Luckily now I am careful of what I wish for, because not long after I thought that I lost hoops' sanity. Now I had to find hoops, find her SANITY and find GLOW'S sanity. It was INSANE! But soon enough I'd have another problem to solve, another adventure to go through, another thing to fume about.


But not yet.


I was walkingJIGGING around, looking for hoops, her sanity, and glows sanity, when I tripped. Again. And this time there was nothing to steady myself on, so I used my magical powers of lex to turn around and save the jig in my hands. But I failed. Sort of. I didn't land as soon as I'd like to - known as when I hit the ground - instead I hit a button which triggered a trap-door mechanism underneath where I landed (on the button) and I fell again. This time I was higher up. And when I landed in TGHL's lap, not only was I hurt, and on blue fire, but I had also spilled some of my jig on my shirt.


"GET HIM!!!" TGHL shouted at the top of his lungs, but then paused.

"No! Don't get me!"

"Ahh, don't worry, lex, this is the wrong mansion, I forgot. Sorry about that. Could you be so kind as to move over there--" He pointed at a square of the floor that was slightly darker then the rest, "--and wait? There's no escape. Even if I don't have guards here, I have to many bots to count. Heck, I've caught five of you so far. Honey even managed to barrel-roll out of the building, and MK managed to stop the alarms. Twice. It's something to do with her authoritai. And respect. And I think South Park has something to do with it. But I still got them. Oh, but I'm rambling." And with that, he pushed a button without even noticing I wasn't on the square. A bot descended upon the square and managed to dissect the air and extract that air's sanity. Then it put the air back together safely, and the square fell out from underneath the air, and the air went off to TGHL's dungeons. It suddenly got very cold indeed. But then the air remembered it was the same weight as the air, so it came back up and filled the world again.


"Darn," TGHL said as I ran out of the room. He pushed another button and sent all his bots to look for 'Lexxscrapham'. I couldn't hide, but I wasn't the worst runner in the world...


And that's where the fourth adventure comes in - avoid the bots. And if I get caught, find a way out... Boy, if I didn't know fate hated me before, I did right then.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Do one for Lexxy-Man or Toto]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Does lex have a sanity?]

Of course... :rolleyes:

[...Is it stealable or in sanity springs?]

[One will never tell. LOL]

[Okay. I guess this story will never finish then.]


[Thanks to j00! :o!]

[Creative license, you can use it, but you just might find out it is a decoy or replacement sanity!]

[it's a fictional story. These are all pretend sanities :o]

[*takes Glowurm's first hand and helps him slap his forehead... LOL*]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Wurms have hands...?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[ :rolleyes: Front legs!]

[...Wurms have legs?]

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Do one for Lexxy-Man or Toto]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Does lex have a sanity?]

Of course... :rolleyes:

[...Is it stealable or in sanity springs?]

[One will never tell. LOL]

[Okay. I guess this story will never finish then.]


[Thanks to j00! :o!]

[Creative license, you can use it, but you just might find out it is a decoy or replacement sanity!]

[it's a fictional story. These are all pretend sanities :o]

[*takes Glowurm's first hand and helps him slap his forehead... LOL*]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Wurms have hands...?]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[ :rolleyes: Front legs!]

[...Wurms have legs?]

[They do now! LOL]

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  • 2 weeks later...

[This needs teh bump.


I'll update soon enough >_>]

You had better! I still have plenty of duct tape from Arkcher's closet to attach you to Campsoup1988. :lol:

What? o_o; Wha'was you doing in my closet?! XD

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...Boy, if I didn't know fate hated me before, I did right then.


Part One


Behind door 7 - Vixen's Victory, part one.

Also Lexxscrapham takes a licking, part two.

Also MK's Malfunction, part two.


Hehe. I read everyone else's story before I wrote this, so I can say that the beginning to my story was quite generic. he normal wandering around looking for TGHL and/or Glow's sanity. And I was all introspective too. Whatever. But my story, like Lex's one, is really unique.


...I think. I haven't seen what people wrote about after their capture.


Anyway. After being captured and stuff, I ended up in the same cell as MK. Isn't that funny? Anyway, after she convinced me to respect her authoritai (which wasn't too hard), we sat down and thought about how to get out. MK was thinking about using her authoritai, but when she tried it it didn't work and only deafened a random sanity walking past. We couldn't recognise it so we shrugged and got back to thinking. After a while we heard a loud noise, and then TGHL roaring, "GET HIM!!!" but then all went silent. After a couple of minutes we experienced a cold chill at the same time, but that passed.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Man, if I get a cold chill like that again, I might have to shout 'respect mah authoritai' again...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*" MK said.

"Tell me about it," I replied.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Okay. Well, first, I'll remember that I said I would shout respect my authoritia, and then I will--"

"NOT LITERALLY!" I laughed.



Just let me finish.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*"

"...Right. So how are we going to get out?"


We thought for a while but to no avail. Then MK whipped out the wall and began playing it while we thought. As The Trial finished, I got struck with inspiration from the last line.

"TEAR DOWN THE WALL!!!" I shouted.

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*" MK echoed, then did a little jig as Outside The Wall began playing.

"No, I mean, WE tear down the wall keeping us from escaping."

"*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Oh. Darn. I thought you were getting in the Pink Floyd spirit.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*"

"But how?" I asked, and we slumped back into thought. Then MK decided to play Waiting For The Worms, and another idea hit me as soon as the announcer came on.

"MK! Turn that up full blast!" I shouted over the noise. She obliged, and I covered my sensitive ears. As it played, the ground rumbled, and the wall began to break, but then the player broke down and we had no music as well as no way of getting out.


...Then lex ran by.


And he saw us as he did. Soon enough we were free.

"I think I lost the bots, so I guess I can plan with you guys," Lex said.

"Sure," I replied.

We planned what to do, considering all the factors. The bots didn't go out of the house without being forced by a human/animal, so if Lex left she'd be safe. MK's music player was ruined and she was so sad she didn't even scream when I pulled out a Jeff Trophy to see if she was feelin' okay, so we decided it would be best that MK left too and I went back to looking for Glow's sanity. But MK wouldn't move.


"COME ON, MK!" Lex shouted, "The bots could come around any moment and we'd be trapped again!"

MK just cried and cradled her music player close to her heart.

"She's not going to move," I commented.

"Fine, be that way, MK, be recaptured and still not have a music player," Lex warned.

MK stopped crying and looked at Lex, shocked. I have to admit I was pretty amazed too. What would I do without green day?

"And besides. If you came out with me we could go back to town and rest, not to mention you could get a new music player from your and Arkcher's house, and who would want that?" Lex continued, subtley backing MK into a corner.

MK realised this, and decided not to push it. She nodded, and soon they were both gone, leaving me to continue my search. With no sanity, I reasoned, it would be easier, no?


So search I did.

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[This needs teh bump.


I'll update soon enough >_>]

You had better! I still have plenty of duct tape from Arkcher's closet to attach you to Campsoup1988. :lol:

What? o_o; Wha'was you doing in my closet?! XD

It was an emergency! I needed some duct tape and you have cases of the stuff!

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[This needs teh bump.


I'll update soon enough >_>]

You had better! I still have plenty of duct tape from Arkcher's closet to attach you to Campsoup1988. :lol:

A) I wouldn't be able to type.

B) You're in my stomach.

*gives Glowurm a voice activated computer that types correctly with no spelling or grammatical errors*

*does a web search for reguritation devices*

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What happened to the next part? D=


I posted it but it still hasn't shown up.

Because I misunderstood the cheesy part.

Ohnoes! D=


Please tell me you saved it.


Even if you didn't.

No, it is posted, I just thought you wanted me to add Part One to all the story posts where Cheesemaster had posted. I just figured it out and have fixed them all.

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What happened to the next part? D=


I posted it but it still hasn't shown up.

Because I misunderstood the cheesy part.

Ohnoes! D=


Please tell me you saved it.


Even if you didn't.

No, it is posted, I just thought you wanted me to add Part One to all the story posts where Cheesemaster had posted. I just figured it out and have fixed them all.

What'd I do? what's going on?

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What happened to the next part? D=


I posted it but it still hasn't shown up.

Because I misunderstood the cheesy part.

Ohnoes! D=


Please tell me you saved it.


Even if you didn't.

No, it is posted, I just thought you wanted me to add Part One to all the story posts where Cheesemaster had posted. I just figured it out and have fixed them all.

What'd I do? what's going on?

Glowurm wanted me to add Part One to several of his chapters.

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What happened to the next part? D=


I posted it but it still hasn't shown up.

Because I misunderstood the cheesy part.

Ohnoes! D=


Please tell me you saved it.


Even if you didn't.

No, it is posted, I just thought you wanted me to add Part One to all the story posts where Cheesemaster had posted. I just figured it out and have fixed them all.

What'd I do? what's going on?

Glowurm wanted me to add Part One to several of his chapters.

And this involves me how?

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What happened to the next part? D=


I posted it but it still hasn't shown up.

Because I misunderstood the cheesy part.

Ohnoes! D=


Please tell me you saved it.


Even if you didn't.

No, it is posted, I just thought you wanted me to add Part One to all the story posts where Cheesemaster had posted. I just figured it out and have fixed them all.

What'd I do? what's going on?

Glowurm wanted me to add Part One to several of his chapters.

And this involves me how?

It doesn't involve you at all. Glowurm asked if I could add Part One just before all of his cheesy titles. So I thought he was referring to your posts and was letting my blonde genes take over my thought process. It took me a couple of days before I figured out what he meant. Nothing to do with you, just that his titles were cheesy.

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What happened to the next part? D=


I posted it but it still hasn't shown up.

Because I misunderstood the cheesy part.

Ohnoes! D=


Please tell me you saved it.


Even if you didn't.

No, it is posted, I just thought you wanted me to add Part One to all the story posts where Cheesemaster had posted. I just figured it out and have fixed them all.

What'd I do? what's going on?

Glowurm wanted me to add Part One to several of his chapters.

And this involves me how?

It doesn't involve you at all. Glowurm asked if I could add Part One just before all of his cheesy titles. So I thought he was referring to your posts and was letting my blonde genes take over my thought process. It took me a couple of days before I figured out what he meant. Nothing to do with you, just that his titles were cheesy.

Oh, otay. Now it all makes sense. xD

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What happened to the next part? D=


I posted it but it still hasn't shown up.

Because I misunderstood the cheesy part.

Ohnoes! D=


Please tell me you saved it.


Even if you didn't.

No, it is posted, I just thought you wanted me to add Part One to all the story posts where Cheesemaster had posted. I just figured it out and have fixed them all.

What'd I do? what's going on?

Glowurm wanted me to add Part One to several of his chapters.

And this involves me how?

It doesn't involve you at all. Glowurm asked if I could add Part One just before all of his cheesy titles. So I thought he was referring to your posts and was letting my blonde genes take over my thought process. It took me a couple of days before I figured out what he meant. Nothing to do with you, just that his titles were cheesy.

Oh, otay. Now it all makes sense. xD

And of course, he asked me to delete the request, so had I left it in, you would have understood from the very beginning. LOL

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What happened to the next part? D=


I posted it but it still hasn't shown up.

Because I misunderstood the cheesy part.

Ohnoes! D=


Please tell me you saved it.


Even if you didn't.

No, it is posted, I just thought you wanted me to add Part One to all the story posts where Cheesemaster had posted. I just figured it out and have fixed them all.

What'd I do? what's going on?

Glowurm wanted me to add Part One to several of his chapters.

And this involves me how?

It doesn't involve you at all. Glowurm asked if I could add Part One just before all of his cheesy titles. So I thought he was referring to your posts and was letting my blonde genes take over my thought process. It took me a couple of days before I figured out what he meant. Nothing to do with you, just that his titles were cheesy.

Oh, otay. Now it all makes sense. xD

And of course, he asked me to delete the request, so had I left it in, you would have understood from the very beginning. LOL

well, that wasn't very nice of him.

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What happened to the next part? D=


I posted it but it still hasn't shown up.

Because I misunderstood the cheesy part.

Ohnoes! D=


Please tell me you saved it.


Even if you didn't.

No, it is posted, I just thought you wanted me to add Part One to all the story posts where Cheesemaster had posted. I just figured it out and have fixed them all.

What'd I do? what's going on?

Glowurm wanted me to add Part One to several of his chapters.

And this involves me how?

It doesn't involve you at all. Glowurm asked if I could add Part One just before all of his cheesy titles. So I thought he was referring to your posts and was letting my blonde genes take over my thought process. It took me a couple of days before I figured out what he meant. Nothing to do with you, just that his titles were cheesy.

Oh, otay. Now it all makes sense. xD

And of course, he asked me to delete the request, so had I left it in, you would have understood from the very beginning. LOL

well, that wasn't very nice of him.

Well, it made sense to do that as it was not part of the story.

Except that it totally confused you. LOL Of course, I didn't help as I was totally confused because I was not reading the sentence the way I should.

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