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first wish of death

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i was going thru an old notebook i wrote in sometimes and i found this note stapled in there.

i couldnt believe the date. i was like 03?! no way... gotta be like 04 or 05 but i checked a calender and it was a friday november 7th in 2003. this could be one of my very first pleads for death. i just find it odd that i cant remember much before this time...

i was only 12 and i wanted to die more then anything ive ever felt before. for no reason wut so ever.

i wish i had memories of a time before this..

something happy to look back on...


(and note it says "i have no friends" and then later it kinda proves i do..

note2- i spaced it out so its easy to read)


friday, november 7th, 2003


its not worth it

nothings worth it

i want to be dead and noone would care

i dont want anything.

id give i all up.

i just wanna die.

my parents hate me, i have no friends, i hate myself

why cant i just die.

why couldnt ive been a miscarage?

i hate myself.

i just want to die a quick and painless death

people would say stuff like what about everything you like and music and your friends

but i dont really care anymore.

i cant take this anymore.

i dont wanna live like this.

i would do anything to be anyone else.

why does it have to be like?

no one loves me, no one cares at all.

i want everything to be gone and me to sleep forever on a cloud.

with nothing at all to care about.

heaven must be beauitful.

maybe i'll find out soon.

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i think thats a reason i cant leave this place.

i feel like ive been here FOREVER. cuz i cant remember when i wasnt..


We would be sad if you left. I am glad you can't leave. :)

ive tried.

i cant even imagine sarah's (animal kidd) face if she knew i like practically lived here? lol


(please say somthing about the note too..)

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i think thats a reason i cant leave this place.

i feel like ive been here FOREVER. cuz i cant remember when i wasnt..


We would be sad if you left. I am glad you can't leave. :)

ive tried.

i cant even imagine sarah's (animal kidd) face if she knew i like practically lived here? lol


(please say somthing about the note too..)

the note was interesting. Very thought provoking.


You really don't remember your childhood?

I know that feeling too well.


It's hard to comment on some of your writing because there's just nothing that can be said without sounding harsh or apathetic (uncaring).

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i think thats a reason i cant leave this place.

i feel like ive been here FOREVER. cuz i cant remember when i wasnt..


We would be sad if you left. I am glad you can't leave. :)

ive tried.

i cant even imagine sarah's (animal kidd) face if she knew i like practically lived here? lol


(please say somthing about the note too..)

the note was interesting. Very thought provoking.


You really don't remember your childhood?

I know that feeling too well.


It's hard to comment on some of your writing because there's just nothing that can be said without sounding harsh or apathetic (uncaring).




i know wut apathetic means.

i didnt know you felt like THAT about my work, thanks alot. maybe ill stop posting it.

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i think thats a reason i cant leave this place.

i feel like ive been here FOREVER. cuz i cant remember when i wasnt..


We would be sad if you left. I am glad you can't leave. :)

ive tried.

i cant even imagine sarah's (animal kidd) face if she knew i like practically lived here? lol


(please say somthing about the note too..)

the note was interesting. Very thought provoking.


You really don't remember your childhood?

I know that feeling too well.


It's hard to comment on some of your writing because there's just nothing that can be said without sounding harsh or apathetic (uncaring).




i know wut apathetic means.

i didnt know you felt like THAT about my work, thanks alot. maybe ill stop posting it.

Oh, lauren, not like that! I just meant that there aren't words to reply without understating the whole thing!

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i think thats a reason i cant leave this place.

i feel like ive been here FOREVER. cuz i cant remember when i wasnt..


We would be sad if you left. I am glad you can't leave. :)

ive tried.

i cant even imagine sarah's (animal kidd) face if she knew i like practically lived here? lol


(please say somthing about the note too..)

the note was interesting. Very thought provoking.


You really don't remember your childhood?

I know that feeling too well.


It's hard to comment on some of your writing because there's just nothing that can be said without sounding harsh or apathetic (uncaring).




i know wut apathetic means.

i didnt know you felt like THAT about my work, thanks alot. maybe ill stop posting it.

Oh, lauren, not like that! I just meant that there aren't words to reply without understating the whole thing!


oh. good. cuz i was like. fine.. maybe ill just leave hd..

idk. i dont need a big horay cuz of my work, im perfectly happy with wutever comes to mind.

ill get insulted if people hate them but you really cant blame people for saying how they feel. i wanna know..

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i think thats a reason i cant leave this place.

i feel like ive been here FOREVER. cuz i cant remember when i wasnt..


We would be sad if you left. I am glad you can't leave. :)

ive tried.

i cant even imagine sarah's (animal kidd) face if she knew i like practically lived here? lol


(please say somthing about the note too..)

the note was interesting. Very thought provoking.


You really don't remember your childhood?

I know that feeling too well.


It's hard to comment on some of your writing because there's just nothing that can be said without sounding harsh or apathetic (uncaring).




i know wut apathetic means.

i didnt know you felt like THAT about my work, thanks alot. maybe ill stop posting it.

Oh, lauren, not like that! I just meant that there aren't words to reply without understating the whole thing!


oh. good. cuz i was like. fine.. maybe ill just leave hd..

idk. i dont need a big horay cuz of my work, im perfectly happy with wutever comes to mind.

ill get insulted if people hate them but you really cant blame people for saying how they feel. i wanna know..

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I like your poetry. I really like the one about Rob.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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i think thats a reason i cant leave this place.

i feel like ive been here FOREVER. cuz i cant remember when i wasnt..


We would be sad if you left. I am glad you can't leave. :)

ive tried.

i cant even imagine sarah's (animal kidd) face if she knew i like practically lived here? lol


(please say somthing about the note too..)

the note was interesting. Very thought provoking.


You really don't remember your childhood?

I know that feeling too well.


It's hard to comment on some of your writing because there's just nothing that can be said without sounding harsh or apathetic (uncaring).




i know wut apathetic means.

i didnt know you felt like THAT about my work, thanks alot. maybe ill stop posting it.

Oh, lauren, not like that! I just meant that there aren't words to reply without understating the whole thing!


oh. good. cuz i was like. fine.. maybe ill just leave hd..

idk. i dont need a big horay cuz of my work, im perfectly happy with wutever comes to mind.

ill get insulted if people hate them but you really cant blame people for saying how they feel. i wanna know..

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I like your poetry. I really like the one about Rob.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


thanks. :]

i bet he'd lke it too, too bad he's not gonna read it.

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yeah it is, but still u cant help but feel things like that


horatio (do not allow this to go thro, this is a message for u) i know ur online cuz my posts are getting thro, so y dont u post and we can talk :D


horatio (do not allow this to go thro, this is a message for u) i know ur online cuz my posts are getting thro, so y dont u post and we can talk :D

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yeah it is, but still u cant help but feel things like that


horatio (do not allow this to go thro, this is a message for u) i know ur online cuz my posts are getting thro, so y dont u post and we can talk :D


horatio (do not allow this to go thro, this is a message for u) i know ur online cuz my posts are getting thro, so y dont u post and we can talk :D

yea, no matter how illgical it seems and how i know its not happening

sometimes dying is just a wish from the heart.

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